I performed for high school choir director who taught me to preach from the diaphragm and sing from the heart. Speech. Performing. Life lessons typically aren't taught in the classroom they help high school students learn leadership skills that prepare them to enjoy a more satisfying productive life as I perform for Mrs My high school to. Help me become more confident that. This message presented by the Colorado high school activities Association and the high school in your community. Question for who would you prefer. When your favorite kids program are broadcast is over you probably feel sad scared and alone but with 1310 Kids dot com your favorites never go away podcasts are available shortly after they air so you can hear that in-depth interview once more on mornings with Dale County Sheriff Steve place to be. Go back and confirm that Brady really did say that on the whole show the nuggets I said this and I'm standing by it I believe they are a championship team at 13 to come not only can you find podcast from winning lineup you can subscribe. Place. I Tunes and more podcasts new stories and feature spotlights on 30. Take a look at the available game downloads from press radio and the University of Northern Colorado broadcasts. With Their brought together you know. That's. Your home for the best podcast in northern Colorado. In the Army National Guard family means everything they really appreciate what she's done as a sister as well as a soldier supporting their country. They're really supportive. Us When joint family members that are soldiers in the Army National Guard inspired influence setting a path for others it's validating knowing they and you know I did my part to make sure this is what they actually wanted and that they feel the same way idea and I'm really proud that we can help shape the future and I know that my sister is going to be amazing soldiers serving part time in the Army National Guard instills pride that you and your family will share a lot of pride in their just call to do something every day in the country as well my education because of the guard I got to travel a little bit and experience a whole different culture visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station. This weather day is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters as a sports fan we know you crave more than a one topic radio station j.f.k. Has assembled the best sports talk around and 90 m. Enjoy Dan Patrick in the Janet calling capping still wants to play is probably not going to play for the local and national makes it the whole story with the whole show as well it was one of those years no doubt about it and we'll see if this Rammstein can turn the page and finish the day with the herd out to having a really disturbing trend where stars are not hurt and just take. A real talk to the real sports fans. Zach's Ramsey can help. From the headwaters of him he still has to get the dog all the studios it's that Dave Ramsey Show work that is cash is king in it all but it has taken the place of the b.m.w. As the status symbol of. Thanks for joining us Merry Christmas to your man on the phone numbers for polite 825-5225 that's AAA 255225 Elias starts off this hour in the San Antonio Elias thank you Sara thanks for your time and well my question I am a full time grill and. You know consistent commissions are always the key but I've got about 51. 100 in credit card and that's pretty much. My but I'm trying to get that free you know. What do you think is the fastest track the best way to accomplish. Well if it's a ratio of income to debt we call it a shovel the whole ratio how big a hole we're in is your debt you told me that your income is the shovel you've got to get out of the manse right and so obviously if I go ahead. I'm sorry my past year and my best year to date. That 4000000 and I think weighted with after expenses and everything about 60000 and. $33.00 good for you Ok she made $60000.00 and you know did you say 50 young credit student loans student loans $51.00 and I have one credit card with about $4500.00 on it in time and so you've got $55000.00 in that you made 60. I mean so if you paid off $27000.00 a year you'd be done in 2 years if you pay off. $18000.00 a year you've done 3 years right Ok. Roughly I'm just taking 55 and dividing it by years all I'm doing here and show the best way to do that obviously is chop up the credit cards not be going into any more debt get on a written budget make every dollar that you have behaved so that you can throw it at the debt and pay off your smallest debt 1st and then your next smallest I'm sure the student loan is not $1.00 single loan is broken up right. To one of the other ones that's. 2 single letter to the groupings like. It was 2 and then I consolidated into one Ok well then you've got to you know you've got credit cards $4500.00 and then you're just going to be bidding on the student loans for that 2 or 3 year period of time while you knock this out and of course the more you make the faster you're going to get out right. So if you double your income this year you'd be out of that in a year. That is the go there you go I man thanks for calling in Chris is in Los Angeles Hi Chris welcome to Ramsey Show Hi Dave so excited. Ok so I just recently got married and my husband I have. Quite a lot of that one of the largest ones that is concerning me right now is a federal student loans that my husband cosign for when he was 18. And the original balance was a little bit over 100000 now and just. He got a letter from a debt collection agency wanting to settle it for like $25000.00. Now we have $58000.00 and that including this $25000.00 and it's going to take us probably 2 years to pay everything off on an income of $72000.00 take home that work and I'm just worried if it's safe for us to have a joint bank account because there's a possibility that they might garnish or levy our bank account and just swipe the screen in the process if you're if you have an agreed amount and you're paying them the agreed amount why would they garnish your wages Well we haven't been making or he hasn't been making payments but getting ready to cut a deal. Why don't we don't have $25000.00 saved up right now we're just barely on Baby Step number 2 off with the lowest i.q. Lowest and that $25000.00 is the last time how how clean is your credit. It's probably in the $700.00 that he has. To his credit is shot because that is Ok but what if you talk to a credit union about borrowing the $25000.00 and just put that on payments and be done with student loans and then you pay the $25000.00 off in the next 2 years by paying payments would that be Ok. But that fell hard because that he meant I think that the payments would really put us on a super tight budget specially if we're trying to say I'm sorry you got $58000.00 in debt of which $25000.00 is settling 800000 right you're planning to pay that off in 2 years now right $58000.00 total including the $25.00 Yeah and you're planning on paying both of those out you're planning on paying off $58000.00 in 2 years correct yes so why could you not put the $25.00 on a 2 year or 3 year or a 5 year payment plan and pay it off in 2 years Ok because you're going to pay it off anyway. Yeah Ok that doesn't change your budget situation it's just participating what we're doing here is getting them out of your life and getting rid of the threat of a lawsuit and locking in this wonderful 75 plus 1000 dollar discount Yeah that would be very cool so yeah yes you have joint accounts I don't think you're about to be sued I think about to work your way out of this really fast and we think we get notification Oh yeah we're handed Yeah there was a lot in yesterday you know you would Ok And you know and even if you didn't if they hit your account one time then split them but they're not going to hit you you're as long as you're messin with them and you're sending them money big chunks of money like we're talking about you're going to work your way through this and and if you can borrow that 25 unlock this in I surely would as fast as I possibly could so I could question thank you for joining us open phones at triple 88255225 if you've just joined the Dave Ramsey Show for the 1st time Merry Christmas this is a show about common sense how to build wealth and how real people have built wealth not what your broke brother in law's theory is real people real wealth by living on less than they make by being on a budget a written plan that's your map to the land of wealthy you do not visit a land that you're not in the town without a map no one randomly just shows up in Florida you get the map out pop it into your i Phone or whatever you're going to do g.p.s. Whatever it is we're going to wander your way down through there do you land where you want to go it's an act of intentionality. People who build wealth don't have payments and they use the most powerful wealth building tool which is their income . To get out of that. People bill well save for emergencies invest long term or build wealth and change their family tree or for one say the fire people who build wealth are generous. Super generous. This is the diagram she shows. No matter what time of year it is focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move I get questions all the time about where to start and what to do 1st one of the most crucial and affordable 1st steps to take is to protect your family and get Term life insurance i know it's not glamorous but all the other steps mean a lot less of something happens to you and your family has no financial protection getting term life insurance needs to be a top priority I recommend 10 to 12 times your income and lock in rates for 15 to 20 years this gives you plenty of time to get out of debt and build wealth and I've been recommending Sandor insurance for over 20 years they understand and live the strategy and they will take the time to help you find the most off forward O'Boyle term live or h. Go to Zander dot com or call 803564282 it's not that expensive it's not complicated and you need to do it right now that's 83564282 Christians have an affordable incredible way to meet their overwhelming health care costs it's Christian health care ministry original health cost sharing ministry a better business bureau accredited organization members share to pay each other's medical bills it's not insurance it's Christians financially and spiritually supporting each other it's what c.h.m. Has done for over 35 years learn more at c.h. Ministries. That's c h Ministries dot org And health care ministries it's a proud sponsor of Dave Ramsey live events it's the season of giving switch your cellular service to peer talk USA save money and get a free copy of my book The Total Money Makeover and a copy of the book every day millionaires plus $25.00 lucky winners will receive signed copies of both books folks all up your talk usas plans include unlimited talk text and data with no contracts trite risk free today just call a pound to 50 and say the key words Dave Ramsey. 3rd to. K f k is so sure oh say Gayle's look at the news in the morning one of the whole show insiders another scooter read the fine podcast for each of them at 13 to j.f.k. I Tunes or Google Play. One to catch the nerd show missed beers 30 year brutal heard something on seniors circle you want to review you can find them all in i Tunes Google boy or a 1310 k. Of dog. Poo talk on can't pay is for the sophisticated beer drinker I was getting ready to play around a golf actually unlike can begin to buzz when true professional as always Doc chef Chad and Tanner's went to drink beer there's a lot more to it but most English beers are a little bit more forward review beer but I still think it's a decent beer I'm going to go with an 8th and discuss new surrounding beer it's a beer show for everyone to talk Wednesday night at 7 all a part of the block party on 1310 k. F. K. America has kept safe because the Army National Guard responds protects and supports our nation when it needs the most from fighting wildfires with air support helping civilians in flooded neighborhoods to delivering food and supplies to those who have lost everything the Army National Guard. Always responds when disaster strikes the Army National Guard also trains to be ever vigilant against threats foreign and domestic They protect our skies with missile defense weaponry they secure our information communications and infrastructure with cybersecurity and they protect us against chemical biological and radiological hazards with the civilian support team the Army National Guard also stands ready to deploy and provide support for conflicts or humanitarian missions abroad join the Army National Guard and be there to respond protect and support your community and your country visit National Guard dot com to learn more about a part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard aired by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station getting you out of the business of paying bills says Dave Ramsey an thirteen's in j.f.k. a. Question that comes from the lines dot com Find out for yourself why blonds dot com is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings free samples free shipping for a company that put window blinds up for the holidays there's some kind of window covering these guys in the past here's the problem code Ramsey when you go because that's where the best deals are my cousin Ohio my 100 percent owned l.l.c. Has a cash flow negative of 250000 dollars this year can I ask my church for a refund of my time. Since there were no 1st fruits this year well you can if you want to call your pastor to laugh out loud that's absurd what in the world I mean that's can't be a serious question really so if you have a cash flow negative your business is losing money you shouldn't there wouldn't be a time. Your tie that if you give a time of a properly calculated tie to your local church that's just this is just people this got it right there nobody does this if you get a properly calculated tithe if you understand what the Deuteronomy says it says you tie the on your increase what is your increase your increases not your gross revenues your increases your net profit if you have no net profit and you have a net loss you would not have a tie the bowl nor a taxable income and so thereby you would not be doing a refund because you would not have paid anything in this is just nuts I open phones at AAA 8 to 552 to 5 Shane is with us in Raleigh I Shane how are you oh. Man Christmas Day Merry Christmas to you how can I help. I have a question tailored towards job direction or possibly had a how to ask my boss for a direction I feel like I've reached the edge of what I can do but I'm kind of trying to look for my next album can I learn in the Marine Corps you know he's always looking for that next thing and trying to emulate that and right now I do a lot of training and teaching for heavy equipment on one of the ticklers cranes is kind of a hot topic now and right now we teach it internally and it's a it's a federal license kind of like a c.d.o. License and a lot of people are looking to have it and I kind of want to take it instead of being an internal thing and take it public where instead of it costing us money to do it would create some type of income off of it. The company itself about 200 people and right now I'm the only one doing the training and out kind of want to advice on how I should approach my boss about it if it's even certain that he would be interested in a memory or not I don't know about that I mean you know the only reason we're doing this is just for people who have no desire to get the teaching business. But you have bandwidth you have extra time that you could teach people from the outsiders a room in the classroom you're already running that you could put them in for Let's Move me out of this training facility I mean it's big enough you could cost 800 people and they're really only thing we use it for is like safety dinners or he has a huge meeting he brings people over there to do it it's a great facility would be something that could you know when you're when you do a training on crane operation internally how many are in the class. About 10. 8 is there was room for another 90 Yeah I was going to do that out of your own in a class that you're already doing. I'm not doing it as frequently as I want to. How often do you do I mean we. Once every 3 months Ok but I mean if you saw what could you charge someone to attend this class. We could charge after 2 or $3000.00 a case. And so if you had 50 people. Extra in the class and you only charge them $1000.00 that be $50000.00 extra income for the company each time you did it if you did that 4 times a year b. 100 b. 200000 dollars extra income and it's almost all profit but yeah it would be he said what he would I guess pay me and yeah a little bit if you want a bonus for there's a great idea but basically you're Yakin in front of 10 or you're yakking in front of 60 or 80 or whatever. You think you can get that many people to come in there. I believe I can get 15 to 20 in there at a time. Now and then if the going rate is $3000.00 and you only charge 2 you will get more right. Than it got like that I guess you might as well let me know the price I ran was only a 1000 just a minute ago. Right and I put but I'm 50 in the room so you know I just sit down talk to him say I'm already doing this I think you can make some extra money and you know I'll run it and help you get the people in here and you can pay me some of the money but we're using your Belding I'm already spending up there teaching it doesn't take any more effort other than to let people know that they can come in here and give you money for this and a little extra paperwork and yeah you got to certify them or whatever for the feds and the whole bit but you're again already doing most of that and you don't create problems for the existing operation which all I'm hearing is is that you're not you're just you've got a big empty room and you're filling it up a little bit more and. And again you're not you're not I wouldn't recommend teaching more until you've filled that room 100 percent if you put 100 in that room every time 4 times a year then we talk about race and number of times you do it but we're not going around teach it more until then but while you're already doing it make some more money and he shares some of that with you in the form of a bonus sure definitely talk to him about that Steve is in Michigan hi Steve welcome to Dave Ramsey Show a day great to talk to you too man what's up well my wife and I went to a financial advisor to buy will get a will and to it's called the state plan navigator Have you ever heard of it nope. It consist of a Last Will and Testament financial power of attorney health care power of attorney attorney assigned to file cloud story and sharing and letters of direction off for the low low price of 650 dollars my question to you is this something that is worth it is something I need. Where you think you need a will. You need to go to mama bear legal forms dot com Get your will going and it doesn't take but about 20 minutes to knock one out of basic will 100 bucks or so and knock it out all the way up to you can spend tens of thousands of dollars on a detail estate plan if you have a lot of. A lot of a big a state that you need to is very complicated that you need to work through so anywhere in there so what is your net worth. I would say probably half a 1000000 and what your household income. I'm retired which is I get that pension and so for about 50000 now my wife works full time she 3839 now to you guys I'm 63 she's looked at the 3. I mean you can probably get a local attorney to do a will slightly cheaper than that. You know you might save a couple 100 bucks or something. But that's not an outrageous price that I just freak out and go oh they're ripping you off if you tell me it was $2000.00 I might say what you know but that's really not completely out of line. And you know a lot of attorneys will do wills from the $400.00 to $600.00 range and basically an estate plan the things like you're talking about here you know what bothers me about the conversation though you don't trust your guy. Actually my wife doesn't trust him though that's even worse yeah I've been very virtuous life and I'm wondering if Yeah she's saying no because. I think it's because of the amount of money that's not the amount of money is not wrong but she feels like you slimy she don't trust him. And then just enters your very nice guy I don't know I mean. You're 63 years old you need this set of documents Don everybody wants us of documents Don it's not an unreasonable price and. You guys need to decide if you trust your guy or not because I don't think. I think that's a reasonable thing and if you want to try to save a couple of bucks you can if you want to get out on the cheap you can. Which is what people do you know if you don't have any assets but you've got a pretty substantial assets so I'm also wrong what you're proposing. Christmas is my favorite time of the year just ask my family and my team here at Ramsey solutions being able to give and bless people while it brings me joy one of the greatest gifts you can give your family this year is the gift of peace and security you can do that by making sure your affairs are in order and known if you haven't gotten your will yet go to mama bear legal forms dot com Use the promo code Ramsey to save 20 percent off that's promo code Ramsey mama bear legal forms dot com I've been telling you guys about the meals for almost 11 years now e-mails saves my listeners time and money I'm talking around 2 hours a week and an average of over $2000.00 a year that's amazing not to mention that they make meal planning incredibly easy with their shopping list generator and the option to have your groceries gathered up for pick up or delivery right from the emails I sign up for a free 2 week trial today at emails dot com. Who do I perform for I perform for all the awesome composers whose music deserves. I perform for all the. Make sure I never miss a cue. I perform for high school choir director who taught me to prevent the diaphragm and sing from. Speech. Performing. Life lessons typically aren't taught in the classroom. School students learn leadership skills that prepare them to enjoy a more satisfying productive life I could form for missing my high school to. Help me become more confident. This message presented by the school activities Association and the high school in your community. Question for you who would you prefer. When your favorite kids keep program or broadcast is over you probably feel sad scared and alone but with 13 to come your favorites never go away podcasts are available shortly after they air so you can hear that in-depth interview once more on mornings. Go back and confirm that Brady really did say that. I said this and I'm standing by it I believe they are a championship team. Not only can you find podcast. You can subscribe. New stories and feature spotlights on 13. Take a look at the available game downloads from press radio and University of Northern Colorado broadcast. That's. Your home for the best podcast in northern Colorado. In the Army National Guard family means everything they really appreciate what she's. As a soldier and supporting their country our parents really supportive that all 5 of us were enjoying family members that are soldiers in the Army National Guard inspired influence setting a path for others it's validating knowing they and you know I kind of did my part to make sure this is what they actually wanted and that they feel the same way I did if I'm really proud that we can help shape the future and I know that my sister is going to be amazing soldiers serving part time in the Army National Guard instills pride that you and your family will share a lot of pride in their just culture doing something every day in the in the country as well my education because of the guard I got to travel a little bit and experience a whole different culture visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station. T.j. McBride nuggets be writer for Mile High sports get no get off the old me to generate more 3 point look however if they can figure out how to deal with that Macaulay joke at all that. I've understood that he is a part of the problem but they're not generated not believe in being willing to take them that you know important this is for the whole show rehabilitate them or too many days New Madrid 2 and 13. The thought of my son's growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes as trays and lighters I sort of exercising and sort of smoking stand away from alcohol when I was 1st quitting whisky I kept on trying to learn something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes we did it sound can you for free help call 1800 quit now a message from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services at c.d.c. . It's getting harder to take care of Mom I don't know where to turn my son has high needs and we need more help where do I start. Every day I'm there for him but sometimes I need time for me. Caregiving can be tough at Colorado caregiving dot org you'll find resources to make your caregiving more manageable call 184-426-5237 extension 2 or visit Colorado caregiving dot org to find support discover local resources events and trainings respite care providers and more for caregivers of individuals of all ages needs This is Colorado caregiving dot org or call 184-426-5237 extension 22 find the support you need your care may be super but you're only human sponsored by the Colorado Coalition the Colorado Broadcasters Association and the station. Financial problems keeping you down but Dave Ramsey have you back oh it's the Dave Ramsey Show in 1310 j.f.k. I. Thank you so much for the last year here but it was a couple like 8 to 552 to 5 and Scott is a hero from Seattle Hi Scott welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show Yeah hey Dave thanks a looking and $61.00. We have read your book My wife and I both read it discussed that. We have no debt on anything a credit card debt we live very simply we saved invested everything we've got and I have our broker continually pushes us to move to really low return low risk investment well enough that hey you know now that you're 60 or whatever I plan to work for a few more years and I'm just not I just don't understand why I would want to shift that on t. Bills and other things when actually if I know if I plan on living for a while I just assume Anthony with an aggressive investment strategy so I just wanted to see what your thoughts were on that you know I agree with you the. Basically the asset allocation model is a model that when you're young you invest aggressively and progressively as you get older you get more and more and more conservative to where by the time you reach age 65 you're pretty much in bonds money markets and some maybe blue chip type stocks accounting that's the standard model that most of the financial planning community buys into the problem the financial planning community has it's often a bunch of limits they just. Follow each other and sometimes right off the cliff so I'm a contrarian I'd question everything on the little boy this is why and so my theory is simply this by the way I'm 58 and I will be investing what you call aggressively the rest of my life it's not really aggressively by the way aggressively was the roulette wheel or the poker table in Vegas an aggressively is playing single stocks we're not doing anything with super high risk year we're buying mutual funds that are good growth stock mutual funds with long track records and were riding the market because and here's why I think the asset allocation model is who we like you said you're going to keep working while you're going to be living a while you've got enough room in your overall net worth to absorb some volatility up and down not a bunch as we don't lose half of your net worth but I mean if you have a swing of 10 percent or something in one year which would be a huge weird year in the stock market but you know you could have that but here's the problem if you're 65 statistically the average death age of a male in the us is 76 a female 78 Ok. That includes infant mortality and teenage death by the time you get to $65.00 the actuarial tables say you're living in the year 90 s. So you haven't worn a 5 or 35 years to outpace inflation this is like a 30 year old investing to $65.00 my point exactly and so I am not putting money in something that's not even pacing with inflation plus taxes inflation plus taxes equal 6 percent you've got to make 6 percent on your money to tread water long term and break even with a 4 percent inflation rate in that bout 2 percent your money going to taxes on your returns and so you've got to do something aggressive enough in the long term to outpace that so I have I think you're exactly right and I think you need a new financial advisor because you're not aligned with him and. You know he's going to constantly think you're weird and you're going to constantly be questioning everything else he brings up because you don't agree with him you actually triggered one other side if I could. Happen happened the money after the cash no there were 9 real estate investments is in u.s. Equities and that split between attacks where I actually just buy stock in that company and mutual funds with very high ratings. So you said most to put mostly in what sounded like mutual fine you know maybe some index funds and I think that essentially are with the fund diversify I mean just by bisect I didn't hear you say exactly that that's not I don't buy buy sector I don't do sector funds I like real broad diversification because I like the safety of that I'm not that aggressive if you do sectors in a single stocks which is what you've done you're more aggressive than I am because you're taking more risk if you like for instance if you buy health care fund and overall Macare continues to hammer the health care industry and it can. 10 years to take their profits and those funds to the whole sector takes a dive where you're going with it versus if I'm in a general growth stock mutual fund just a regular old growth stock mutual fund Well it's an index fund or otherwise I don't buy index funds much I do a little bit but numbers of I'm just in a gross stock mutual fund it might have some health care in it but it's not all in health care and if health care goes down auto industry might go up you know some of the other industries might catch the slack on it so I like being diversified across the industries and I don't buy single stocks because of the risk and so I'm I'm I'm more conservative than you are in terms of my portfolio mix how we evaluate them for sure I like that idea. And I think I'm fine with just sticking with u.s. Equities as opposed to you and I do you keep some international in mind the mix I use is I use a 4th in growth a 4th in growth in income little more conservative a 4th in aggressive growth put some spice in the gumbo and a 4th in international and so an international category has underperformed the other 3 categories for the last probably decade or so. But but it's over due to catch up and if you look back over 3040 year track record you'll see it performing so that's what I do personally and that's what I've recommended to folks and you can you know you can substitute out that international Sometimes people put a rate in there are a real estate investment trust some of the some of those have beat the s. And p. 500 and so you can pick out one of those it's beat the s. And p. And mix that in if you don't like international give you a real estate spice in there or something like that but you know that the point is that the all of that because it's equities by the Financial Planning world's terminology in our late fifty's early sixty's like you and I are would be considered very aggressive. I don't consider that very aggressive I consider playing single stocks and playing the play in the roulette wheel very aggressive and I don't do that kind of stuff I don't like losing money and buy well lose much money I generally just make money every year on my real estate and all my investments sometimes go down a little bit one year but I don't cash it out so I don't lose money or run rollercoaster back up and I don't lose money. I have it's been a long long time since I bought something I've lost money on like decades because I'm just careful and conservative and I'd again spread out well diversified Thanks for the call really good discussion Thomas is with us in Reston Louisiana hi Thomas welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show Thomas 321 you know me yeah now I can you just barely made it about that that's Ok I'm going to help. So to give you my situational quick I'm 23 years old. Out of college for a year now I have no debt good for young working not to get through college without any get cool I like to say that I'm a Dave Ramsey baby fix my parents well I just call you a financial peace baby that's play for. What I want is myself. With books and everything else good very good and you know. To get I get to get to my question I'm currently doing 15 percent and my last 4 want to take between my contributions and my employer match. And I also have some additional disposable and drama at the end of the month and I was wondering what I should start doing with it so I start saving up for a house yes a Ok absolutely you have your emergency fund in place I'm sure right yes yeah and start saving for a house should a well I think a problem I don't know if I'm to be here where I'm at now for the long term so that is I think wait wait on buying a house and just keep saving that trip. The bigger the moment the closer you get to paying 100 percent of the house would be pretty cool I mean if you say for the early years or something and things change so what your degree and. Finally become money you make and. Why to go to it of 23 years old and proud of your man Kelan That's awesome that's amazing this is the Dave Ramsey Show. In a season of giving What better gift can you give someone in the coming year than a new job business leaders if you're looking to add to your team in 2020 get started now with Linked In jobs at Ramsey solutions we post on Linked In jobs because we know the right person will have an impact on our company for years to come and Linked In jobs matches the right person with the right job it's no wonder a higher is made every 8 seconds on Linked In and over 600000000 members visit Linked In to make connections learn and grow as professionals and discover new job opportunities so find the right person for your team and give the gift of a rewarding new career get started today and get $50.00 off your 1st job post visit Linked In dot com slash Ramsey that's Linked In dot com slash Ramsey terms and conditions apply. It's getting harder to take care of. I don't know where to turn my son has high needs and we need more help where do I start. Every day I'm there for him sometimes I need time from. Caregiving can be tough at Colorado caregiving dot org you'll find resources to make your caregiving more manageable call 184-426-5237 extension 2 or visit Colorado caregiving dot org to find support discover local resources events and trainings respite care providers and more for caregivers of individuals of all ages needs This is Colorado caregiving dot org or call 184-426-2372 extension 2 find the support you need your care may be super but you're only human sponsored by the Colorado respite coalition the Colorado Broadcasters Association and the station Don't miss a moment of mornings with so if you read through that it's going to sail through the legislature there's no question about that it's right with problems that vocational training obviously it just expands the resource space in the community cloud County of course pass that resolution the Board of County Commissioners did I feel like I've gone through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole mornings with their weekdays from 6 to 9 and 1310 k. Have carried a part of your complete breakfast America is kept safe because the Army National Guard response protection supports our nation when it needs the most from fighting wildfires with air support helping civilians in flooded neighborhoods to delivering food and supplies to those who have lost everything the Army National Guard always responds when disaster strikes the Army National Guard also trains to be ever vigilant against threats foreign and domestic They protect our skies with missile defense weaponry they secure our information communications and infrastructure with cyber security and they protect us against chemical biological and radiological hazards with the civilian support team the Army National Guard also stands ready to deploy. And provide support for conflicts or humanitarian missions abroad join the Army National Guard and be there to respond protect and support your community and your country visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard aired by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station or yourself saves financial advice to Dave Ramsey Show on 13th and j.f.k. Or. On the field in a problem 163 commit to the Lord whatever you do and he will establish your plans much locate 0 from the says don't put limits on yourself not every dream will come true and not every during this from God But when your dreams connect with God's plans you'll find open doors that you never thought you'd see Max is one of the nicest guys on the planet. Well Portia is with us an Atlanta but I pronounce that correctly yes she did how can I help today Hi Dave I was a super fan of yours so I kind of just sat on to it I'm in the middle of my Total Money Makeover was a step too so far I've paid about $3.00 to $4000.00 off a good full time job Wow. I recently got engaged so I'm trying to say grout how to get my fiance more on board I can already told you know what we're doing and I said we're not trying to do a Christmas this year make you want to give us if you're lucky. If you can he's kind of like oh Ok wow this kind of lets you handle finances but I know that that could be a big thing if there's one person is just paying rent and I mean that's not I don't say it doesn't you don't end up being his mom I'm not his wife doing that you don't want to do that you guys want to work together you will be telling him you want to be a man you don't want to be telling him how to do things she really working together on stuff you might be the one that does the the numbers crunching or whatever but he needs to be involved in the decisions with you to be doing them together Husband and wife always so when you get married. We haven't decided yet because I have so many I have the most exciting this problem was that all of this is kind of your program not mine but actually recently graduated law school and passed the Bar This has also worked well for you to go so I want you to view God. With my student loan Sadly it's about $250000.00 and my but tween my credit card debt and my car there is a lot of extra $25.00 you know so I have you landed a new job. Well right now what 2 full time jobs I'm still working at. Best Buy that's like my 40 hour job there and then I work there is like a contract part and one document review 40 hours a week is well both of those right now what are you making as a contract attorney. Making 26 and hour about with the little bit extra hours I'm storing you interviewing for a good lawyer position well right now I've only been giving interviews for a public defender Oh and imo you can be a public defender you have $250000.00 in debt yeah but I'm also interviewing for a private firm Well yeah you need me making $7080000.00 and get started in a regular law firm. On your way to 150 is you've got to make some money kiddo you've got a mess you can can take a government position public defender pay what 50 grand. And the bigger cd is a little bit more if that means $64.00 I own and you know you're worth but see then but that's it you're not going anywhere from there that if you get that with a private firm that's just on your way to 152 years later so you need to get in bore some refreshment you can make some money could you go to clean his mess up yeah yeah as much as you can where you work in a regular law position. Of some kind and yes quickly as you can by the way we need to get that started because you need the money Ok cool Well I don't think you have to wait to get out of debt to get married I do think the 2 of you need to get on the same page and that you're working together I'll help you with that I'm going to I'm going to pay for part of your pre-marriage counseling part of your pre-marriage counseling is I want you to go through Financial Peace University if I give you that one year membership that includes the 9 lessons the 9 lessons can you get him to go with you to the 9 lessons. I think. I thought you said I'm going to pay for that your wedding gift from us Ok All right thank you you hold on and I'll have Kelly pick up we'll get you signed up for that merry Christmas and that'll get you started on the right foot kiddo you've got to go make some money you don't have the you don't have the luxury of doing taking an underpaid lawyer job even if it sounds like it's romantic or something Ronnie is in Atlanta ironic Welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show. Fridays are you better than I deserve what's up in your world. Well 1st of all thank you between your show and every dollar after I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel cool good for you. And I would do something drastic if the light a little brighter and I wanted to get your opinion on it all right. Right now IOW I have a lot about $11000.00 in debt left my goal for next years to get rid of that you know. My biggest. Monthly right now is my living so it's about $22000.00 a month but time utilities and apartment I actually $33.00 foot boat and I was actually thinking of ditching the apartment and going to living on the boat which only cost me about $300.00 a month. And that's for docking it you on the depôt frankly. It's free and clear is just $300.00 slipper and normally it's $1015.00 for electricity a month. And how old are you. And your single single right and what do you make here. I make roughly 38000. Well there's certainly nothing wrong with it I just might be colder than crap right now. Oh yeah you might be more fun in the summer. But you can you know you live there for 6 months or something it would certainly save you some serious money and help you get some progress without a doubt I don't think you have to do that. But if it kind of sounds fun to you you're single guy it's a little bit of venture just live on the lake a little while I would personally want to be warmer. I love the water I got boats I love being on the water but I know it living on the water was cold. So you know you do whatever you want the good news is you don't have little kids or wife or something that you know that you'd be dragging on this adventure with you so you go do whatever you want you can live out there in the cold you live out there in the summer or winter in the matter I don't think you have to I think you do have to get on the every dollar budget you do have to look at what you can do to get your income up long term and short term to be able to address some of these things I think you're making progress you're going to be Ok you'll be out of debt by this time next year even if you don't do this probably. Looks to me like it would be your only $11000.00 in debt left so I think you can make it but you know it's kind of cool if you want to do that there's nothing wrong with that and you do have the boat already doing the slipper in a long ready and all that so but again and even in Atlanta that's going to be a bit chilly this time of year and because America is colder on the water you know this I'm not giving you any information you can already have but. Well man something else Jennifer follows us as part of our problem Facebook group you ought to join us on this it's called the Ramsey baby steps community there's one official Facebook group for us one official one there's a bunch of them but we're we have one official in the Ramsey baby steps community how do I determine the insurance that I have a car and Baby Step 2 I just paid off my car on a road term if you keep full coverage or drop it down to liability only cars are only worth $8500.00 you're broke and you can't afford to buy 810000 or car if that car gets totalled so you need to carry full coverage if you've got a couple $100000.00 laying in your checking account because you've got a lot of money and you could just go buy a car if you wrecked your car then you can choose to not carry full coverage I drive really really nice cars these days and so I still carry full coverage. Even though I could afford write a check to replace any one of them and it wouldn't really would miss the money but I still carry full coverage in those situations but you don't really have a choice in your situation you've got to have full coverage right now now you can record a doctor $500.00 deductible maybe a $1000.00 the doctor will see how much that saves you versus how much premium drop do you get versus the risk you're taking the extra deductible amount and measure that out and decide if you want to do that that's not about that but I think you need full coverage thank you for following us on the Ramsey baby steps community We'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's also money only one way to financial peace and that's to Walt tell you later with the Prince of Peace Prize Jesus. Hates with caution senior executive producer for the show you can listen or watch game where were the days when she showed up on your smartphone catch the fish show or watch the highlights and check out page puppies Yes. Or download a kid. Guys Rachel crazy. In the Army National Guard family means everything they really appreciate what she's doing as a sister as well as a soldier and you know supporting your country our parents they're really supportive that all 5 of us were enjoying family members that are soldiers in the Army National Guard inspiring influence setting a path for others it's validating knowing they you know I counted on my part to make sure this is what they actually wanted and that they feel the same way I do you I'm really proud that we can to help shape the future and I know that my sister is going to be amazing soldiers serving part time in the Army National Guard instills pride that you and your family will share a lot of pride in their just culture doing something every day and serving their country as well my education because of the guard I got to travel a little man experience a whole different culture visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station. Northern Colorado is football station. J.f.k. Greeley Fort Collins along Mount. A.b.c. News I'm Dave Schreiber if the House votes to impeach the president his Senate will then take up a trial A.B.C.'s Jordan Phelps reports if that Democratic controlled House of Representatives votes as expected to impeach President Trump the next step will be a trial in the Republican controlled Senate the trial isn't expected to get under way until the new year but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he's already working in lockstep with the White House McConnell told Fox News he's working in quote total cord nation with the White House in setting strategy and believes there is quote 0 chance the Senate would actually convict the President Jordan Phelps a.b.c. News Capitol Hill a federal appeals court says Mississippi's ban on abortion at 15 weeks is unconstitutional California's governor has rejected a $13500000000.00 settlement the Pacific Gas and Electric struck last week with thousands of people who lost homes this is a.b.c. News so what would you do with an extra $500.00 a month in your budget $500.00 this is it hypothetical by the way this is something you may need to think about very soon if he decided become a member of medicine where Mehta shares a way to pay for your health care and typically cost $500.00 less per month for a family versus other health care plan so seriously think about this you could pay off loans paid on a mortgage save the money for retirement donate to charity that would be a big deal but you know why here's the best thing Mehta share works it's a Christian health care sharing ministry with 400000 members they've shared over 2000000000 and medical bills so they can help share your needs to and with medicine not only do you save not to pay for things you don't believe in and that's a beautiful thing too so here's how you can find out more and you might actually wind up saving even more than $500.00 a month so check into it $87726.00 Bible that's 87726 Bible 87726 Bible. 13 to j.f.k. . Weather news in sports throughout the day 1310 j.f.k. . Blas Well if you listen to us during staff meetings don't let that old blow r.g.b. You out of the conversation stay connected as follow us on Facebook Twitter and 1310 k. Of k. Type of business or oh say Gayle's look at the news in the morning one of the whole show insiders.

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