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Still there are those who are complaining saying the league should do even more predict getting injured it's already a pill you tackle him high or low or him clearly a millisecond after he released the ball what's next we all love the quarterback sneak injuries are going to happen Ben Roethlisberger Here's elbow throwing a pass your Brees banged his thumb on the helmet it's part of the game pass on the bubble wrap for now a Mark Newton that's going to corner RINGBACK. Ok honey I'm just at the grocery store for 6 packs excuse me do you have any stone i.p.a. What Stone i.p.a. 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For sports. $13000.00 and. 2 Football Night in northern Colorado driven by Dr. Here's your host Mr Football Night Sam errors. Another week in the books thanks for joining us on this Friday night the weekend is upon us and you know at this point of the concert to look forward to the to the weeks more because it's football has been that bad in northern Colorado think of starting to look forward to it to the weeks a little bit more and again thanks for joining us in the c.r.p. For buying for Studios this is football night in northern Colorado driven by a drive why isn't your host a teen or she went and. Q I mean things just on and off the field for c.s.u. Has been ugly even earlier by week they somehow to suffer a loss I know that's not their bye week this week but of course Marvin Kinsey suspended removed from the team indefinitely. It's just it's ugly in Fort Collins How about Boulder what is going on with the bus this is another nasty nasty last for see you last week you see there in about a week they're not going to lose not only that you lose lose out of my week it's been tough going if you're a Bears fan and I mean they kept it close does that count moral victories morals victories Portland State b. I ate last week I. High school football I mean that's been the highlight right then over trancing last week. It's just I mean we had a couple really good games last week here on. The radio between Point Valley and Sterling last Friday night and then how about Eaton and rares last Saturday that was an incredible game one that rez barely scrapes away and out of but but yeah we're having only heavy on. High school athletics for this it's going to be a fun show here tonight Brady hole not able to join us in the next segment so we're going to play back an interview he caught up with Kelly Lyle yesterday so we'll play that will play that back get Kelly thoughts on the state of the see if he sees you team tomorrow we can see we'll get some insight there as well and then Lane was singer who's getting ready to coach our Friday game of the week presented by f. In construction services is not able to get on the phone either but Clark Johnson caught up with him Wednesday night so will be able to get his thoughts on this upcoming match against Erie tonight it is a big one for the Roosevelt Rough Riders who are trying to trying to get into the playoffs I mean do you say that we're maybe they've got to have a win here in conference play to even make that a realistic opportunity then I'll get my thoughts on the the trade with. With Emmanuel Sanders and so on and so forth we'll get to my picks as well but without further ado let's get in to our opening drive. In the season. We were putting our hopes and dreams into and we're putting it I mean. It's the same it's a new New year new coach same story they come out during the beat a couple of top $25.00 teams in blue. After Blanco out of. Goodness Oregon beat them 45 to 32 weeks ago Washington State could close 41 to 10 it's ugly in Boulder this is not something people were expecting but again not something you know you unless you're a fan of another Pac 12 teams and maybe fun. I mean see you now $3.00 and $4.00 on the year they've got u.s.c. Kemah later on tonight just a couple hours away from that kick up it's at Folsom u.s.c. Is 13 and a half point they were if you have any hope. You know it can be that you may you might be taking a pot shot right now but if you're wanting to see see you get into. A bowl game they've got to win this game just plain and simply have to win this game I'll get my predictions on that later on but the company had a wholesome The weather could be if the I don't know maybe that this southern California team got it you could see you know the play very well in the way that the cold weather either you know or remember exactly what Brian Howells tweet was right now of course he's an insider in the whole show told to but I don't remember exactly what the tweet was but the moral story is a senior doesn't play very well in cold games so we'll find out let's move now to 2nd down 2nd well. See didn't lose last week but in some ways they did see as you as it is he would think. Maybe see if you didn't lose last week because they were on there by week so that's 2 weeks in a row without a loss and then let's see was it yeah it was late Tuesday night the report came out that Marvin Kinsey Jr is not going to be with the team. Like where did that come from and there has not been really much information that said. Marty Kinsey suspended indefinitely from c.s.u. . High there's that he had nothing that might bubble in his little games that might well like to play evil you'll get a whole day I know this is different it's not a football decision that he's making but look if something happened you got to come out and say boom boom boom this is these are the events that led to Marvin Kinsey you know not being on the team and who knows maybe you will. Maybe you will maybe. I don't know I just don't like Bobo you know as soon as this happened sooner this broke Tuesday night you got to say why because now you've got everybody looking at you saying one of your most explosive pieces is gone. Wife Well we don't know he's been suspended indefinitely and I'm sure but I'm sure there's a very valid reason Look I'm not trying to say that Bobo suspended him for no reason or that the school suspended him for no reason I'm not going there I'm just saying look. Come up be up front with it Euro $2.00 and $5.00 team your bad team. Playing Fresno State this week. That games at 530 tomorrow Fresno's a day to touchdown favorite I don't know I just don't like it come out before since you've got enough on the field issues now we're starting to see some on the field issues Bobo just just come out with it let's move to 3rd down. Here starting 12th the Roosevelt Rough Riders as a team that this is with a team that has a softer spark sonce but my heart plain last year is one of the best young coaches there is coming up in the Northern Colorado and they have been on the other side of some very very close ally asses this season and they can they can do a couple things their teammate can completely demoralize you the 1st one really sets the tone again completely demoralize you. And you get in teams start to fall apart or it can bring it to. Together and it will battle the team will continue to battle no matter what happens it's been the latter so far for the Rosenthal refractors time and time again they battled they battled a battle there and won score games into the 4th just have not quite been able to cope but with their r.p.i. With how tough of an opponent schedule they've had this year they're still not out of this thing they get a win tonight against Erie a team that I know they're familiar with I know it in fact until people post game show couple weeks feeling lost here flat out told me without scouting they play on Thursday night theory was played on Friday so he went and watched him just last week. I think we got a good one in store I think we've got a good one in store tonight Clark Johnson Kyle Johnson on the call live from Johnstown that's going to be a good one but But what I'm saying here is don't ever count out the team that's come close but continues to come close because that means one of these nights they're due could tonight be the night I get into that more in my predictions in the 2nd hour but 1st let's move 4th down so it's a 4th down who's next. Last week on the show I thought Elway should have stepped down after the Broncos Oscars on the Imus Thursday night and trust me I'm one of the I'm one of the biggest Elway fans there are out there. But I mean look. Last Thursday night game is the time to last that people get fired for. And it showed every weakness that Denver has so I think Elway you know he's too competitive to step down I understand that I do I understand it is the wrong for not yes it's time for him to step down and admit defeat you won your Super Bowl now step away because even as good decisions aren't panning out. The. No Sanders trade like it's a even older receiver you send him in a 5th round pick for a 3rd and a 4th I like that Move On paper it makes a lot of sense now Cortlandt said he comes out and says Courtland So about the whiter same room it's Cortland Sutton's room that. I'm a fan of but. I'm just waiting for that other shoe to drop I'm just waiting for something to work out. And we'll see what happens with those trees those pics there's a conspiracy theory that I have it's not really conspiracy theory it's a rumor going around about a left tackle that could possibly the Denver could be stockpiling for will find out I don't know. Don't know but the Denver Broncos it's a it's a look at they lose Sunday then the next who's next who's next is Chris Harris and then isn't on really if this fire sale continues that's what's going to be next we'll find out that as a far our opening drive here on Football Night in northern Colorado driven by Dr Wise a lot of action this weekend of course see you again playing tonight at 7 o'clock our ear e and our match Mash-Up tonight rather is eerie and Roosevelt that one is coming up pre-game show starting at 630 c s you tomorrow Denver on Sunday against the Colts we've got it we've got a lot of fun stuff going on but let's take a break right now when we come back on the other side we'll have the inside scoop from Kelly Lyle he caught up the Brady hole earlier this week we'll have that much much more on football night nor the Carlow Colorado driven by Dr Wise right here at 1310 k. F. K. . Football Night in northern Colorado on $1310.00 j.f.k. We'll be back after the break get started with Kurt Meghan salmon Brooks on Fox $31.00 Morning News reporting breaking news as it happens from the biggest team in Denver television watchbox 31 morning news tomorrow starting at 430 we're on it. On Fox $31.00 pinpoint weather chief meteorologist Dave Frazier it's fall and colder temps and snow are just around the corner and we're on it plan your days confidently with pinpoint weather Colorado's most accurate forecasts on Fox No one . 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Because the loss of crops isn't it about time you gave my kids and Freeman and Jane one crop insurance a call call 970-834-1160 or stop by their office at 271st Street on line a g 9 crop dot com And remember Jean on crop insurance specializing in all your crop insurance needs Dan Patrick here to remind you listen to the Dan Patrick Show weekdays 90 noon on 1310 k. F. K. Now back to football night in northern Colorado with Tanner Schwinn. Welcome back into football night in northern Colorado thinks again for joining us we are getting closer to our Friday night game of the week presented by f.m. Construction services I mentioned a little bit in the 1st segment talking about c.s.u. And and the mess on and off the field but they are they play Fresno State tomorrow Brady hole not able to join us on this Friday night so we he had a great conversation with Kelly Lisle yesterday on the whole show from 12 to 2 here on 13th and k. Of k. And this is what it sounded like Kelly a week off for Colorado State or seeing if that allowed this team to get to I suppose not just physically healthy but mentally healthy as well as they prepare for this this back half of the season. Yeah I think for this team given the way the 1st half of the season went certainly below their expectations I think the mental rest is probably more critical than even the physical rest certainly there are some injured players that needed time to heal up and it's always good for everybody to get a little bit of a little bit of a physical rest but I think this team really needed a bit of a mental reset and I'm really going to be curious you know all the things players have said after practice and then again yesterday after practice Mike Bobus said is that they've used it really well and that there is kind of a renewed energy and excitement they've really emphasized and it started with the new mexico game about reminding them they're playing the game for fun and maybe not playing under quite so much stress to just go out and play the game the way they've been taught to play in the way they've practiced I'm really curious to see what kind of impact that's going to have when they go to Fresno State and that's not going to be an easy game for the Rams to win but I'll be curious even if they don't win it just kind of how they approach it what the energy levels like the execution level and I have a hunch that we're going to see an improved Colorado State team even if they haven't improved enough to beat Fresno Well Kelly and they're going to be without one of their big producers often severely and again Marvin Kinsey had some fumble issues but I know you guys really sad story earlier this week but Marvin Kinsey no longer no longer on this football team at this point right. He's been suspended indefinitely I asked Mike Bobo yesterday specifically as kind of a follow up if there was any chance that Marvin could return before the season was over and his response was he's suspended indefinitely that's all I'm going to say I don't know if there's a way to get it back before the Seagram's over or not I don't know for sure what it was he was suspended for. It wasn't for fumbling for those wondering. So we'll see how that goes. What they decide but you know it's gets a big loss. All right the state certainly the fumbles everybody knows that in time or even kids he was a leading rusher in the Mountain West Conference it was averaging 100 yards a game and that's going to be tough for them to make up because really none of their other running backs have shown that they have that kind of potential game changing ability that we get from Marvin in that's what made it so difficult Kelly I mean on one hand you know if you give Marvin Kinsey the ball he there's a good chance he's going to turn it into gold for you but there's also a pretty decent shot that ball is going to fall out of his hands too and he's had some obviously big time fumble issues and as you said yes it's not because of the the act of fumbling but you have to wonder at least I have to wonder anyway if the discussions because of the you know the way maybe the lack of carries in certain games I might my brain immediately went to I wonder how those discussions have gone over the last couple of weeks. Yeah again I don't know that my suspicions as to why you suspended have nothing to do with out but it could you know I don't know. And and Michael was certainly not going to expand on it why that would be but you know those fumbles are brutal and and there's a lot of people that would say you know give up all $700.00 of those yards if you don't fumble 7 times there's others that would say hey you got to take the good with the bad you know Kevin Lidle I think was game to game 3 this season wrote a column about you know here's what you get with Marvin Kinsey the guy's got some talent he's got the ability to change a game he's got the ability to make a big play every time you touch on the ball but you know what he also some fumble issues and he's going to cost you at times that way too from talking to Kelly Lyle from the Fort Collins Colorado an all things Colorado state as the Rams get set to take on the Fresno State Bulldogs and the Bulldogs we've talked about it throughout the week there they're an interesting football team they had a weird schedule to start they played u.s.c. And u.s.c. Is gone you know blow for blow of some of the big time teams in the country but they lose that game they lose to Minnesota but then they come back you know they beat you in l.v. Pretty easily for the most part 56 to 27 that was a weird game what do we make a Fresno state of this point 3 and 3 on the season. That's a really good question I don't know what to make of this team I've asked myself that repeatedly I watched a little bit of that u.s.c. Game I watched a little bit of that Minnesota game and I watched a little bit of their Air Force game so I've seen kind of both sides of it honestly in losing to Southern Cal Minnesota they looked pretty darn good they didn't win the games but they looked like a pretty solid football team that could do some damage in the mountain with 2. And then at other times like losing their For they look horrible so I'm not sure it's going to be really interesting to see where they fit in I honestly going into the year figures they would be right there with San Diego State battling for the West Division title kind of what it's always been since Fresno's been in the Mountain West that's been the case with those 2 they're still in the hunt certainly for that hole was maybe kind of moved itself into a little bit of that contention as well but I'm not sure this presents they came as playing certainly they're not playing at as high a level right now as I suspect that they would be by now and Colorado State's team is honestly they're playing about kind of where a lot of us thought they would at this time of year but they have a chance still to really salvage a lot and really maybe you know you get a win at Fresno State you've got you want to be coming in next week a game you'll probably be favored to win you've got a chance to really kind of turn your season around still and get a little bit of momentum and you know probably not win enough games to get to a whole game and maybe at least just build some excitement and some energy get get 5 wins whatever and take a little of the pressure off you know whether you're coaching coaching his staff are going to be around next year I think 5 wins I don't think Michael was going to lose his job and 5 wins because one of those wins would have to be over Wyoming Air Force or Boise or multiple wins over those 3 and you can change really the whole paradigm of this season by getting a couple win here in Fresno certainly seems like a team the Colorado state is capable of beating the boy would be a would be a turnaround I mean find a way to win this game and then as you said do what you're supposed to do against you know the team you get that you get that 4th when you see an improvement and then you let the rest of the season play out but that could be that could be huge no question about it how about Patrick O'Brian strange season for him obviously but you've got to think that that by week really did him some good. You know I I think so and certainly I talked to Patrick about it I talked to Mike of all about what they work a lot on his fundamentals and it's seen a lot of the little things that they didn't like that he was doing and Patrick him self acknowledge that he worked a little bit more on working through his progressions is minute to me last week that he's kind of air his little bit arrogant when it comes to his arm strength and he's pretty confident that he can get a ball to any receiver and any coverage in any situation you want your quarterback to have that confidence but you don't want to be stupid about it you want him to work through the progression and when he sees that this just isn't the pass he should make a check down to that next guy or that next guy I think we saw some of that in the New Mexico game the Titans got target with a little bit more in the Titans are rarely the primary receiver so more often than not when they're thrown into a tight end that is a check down it's a progression that they've made he needs to do a better job of that he told me that he's really focused a lot on that microbus focus a lot on drilling that into him and I'm really curious to see how that's going to go because from just 3 pure arm strength arm talent Patrick O'Brian is as good or better a quarterback than call and Hill when it comes to that I'm not sure he has the full understanding of the often and knowledge of the call and head but for just straight passing ability he is very talented we're talking to Kelly Lyle from the Fort Collins Colorado and all things Colorado State getting set for and for another will an opportunity at least for the Colorado say Rams How about Warren Jackson too we had a chance to catch up with him on the show last week and after battling some injuries the couple weeks before their last game against New Mexico he just comes out and has a monster monster game what is in the water in Fort Collins Cali because we even when we hype it up and talk about and say oh wide receiver you and Lauren Jackson is next in line it's the last several years it just comes to fruition it's just like that or somebody is going to step up and be a stud receiver. You know I certainly have builds upon itself it started with Richard against Michael gallop admits a lot of why he came to color out of status because of what he saw a restart against rust and Williams a lot of why he came to Colorado state is what he saw that he saw the previous Higgins and Gallup do that it builds upon itself and now you know warrants full latest in that and it helps you know they've had coaches that have had pretty high powered often to McElwain Mike well though both have been guys that came from the off inside of the football when they became head coaches they were talented often supporters they have brought kind of a high high production often but is not afraid to throw the ball and yet not a spread often so it's one that you look at as a caller as a recruiting you go there play in an n.f.l. Style of offense where I can really showcase my skills why wouldn't I want to go there certainly all of us would it was a big part of it but you know Elvis is gone now and we're still seeing great things that are worn Jackson so I think Joe Cox may have been able to kind of lean what he needed from Elvis that to be the next great receiving coach coaching guru out of Colorado State and certainly a blast to watch these receivers work and we'll see if they can put up some big numbers they're going to need to specially as as we talked about how Marvin kids are going to rely a lot on those wide receivers to put up a video game type numbers Kelly last one for you can the Rams do it do you see the Rams pulling off that upset against Fresno State I think they're capable of and I guess I have it just say one way or the other though I don't think it's going to happen I think they're going to play a good competitive game and probably still lose by a touchdown now I think it would be interesting if they could do that for sure if they could stay close and we'll see what happens Kelly appreciate you man as always and we'll look forward to catching up with you next week all right sounds good thanks. As always Kelly Lyle of the Fort Collins Colorado and got a lot of really good information there and I don't know we'll see we'll see it see as you wins tomorrow than then it probably bubbly helps move the needle and continues to help out you know case for not getting 5000000 dollars on the buyout All right let's take a break we'll come back on the other side and Lincoln was here at the Rose Bowl Roughriders head coach talked with Claude Johnson Wednesday night you had some really interesting things to say so we'll get to that on the other side and much much more it's Football Night in northern Colorado driven by Graham boys and 1310 k. Of Cain. There says Football Night in northern Colorado on $1310.00 k. Of Kerry will be back after the break. I'm Marina Brett with the latest on the 24 hour news watch and really police were busy with 2 separate accidents one fatal on u.s. 85 over the past 2 days police say one person was killed and 2 people were seriously injured including a 12 year old girl in a multi vehicle crash Wednesday morning on us 85 south of Fort Lupton near Weld County Road 6 police said yesterday speeding may have been a factor in the crash and a man a woman and an infant were hospitalized yesterday morning after colliding with a semi on us 85 at 16th Street in Greeley fire personnel rescue the man who was pinned inside the black Chrysler after the crash the infant appeared to be fine according to police both crashes remain under investigation as reported really Tribune dot com I'm Marina Breck for 13 to end a and 13 tin k f k a dot com that they can to really pinpoint weather forecast clear tonight lose your freezing seventy's Saturday but that's in the midday throughout the afternoon a cold front arrives you'll feel a temperature grab can by the evening or the chance of rain and snow snow on Sunday with highs near breezy same for Monday and Tuesday chances no one twenty's I was they will clear off with highs in the thirty's and how Wayne We're going to try and remember to keep back in the forty's. This weather update is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters don't miss eventually feel Friday night showdown out of the lights as the buffaloes rattle you way see get up on 12 play are going to be at Shiloh That's Dale Colorado and I am sure it hurts to wear black to get part of their football tickets are cheap shots dot com make plans to come support the buffaloes and see who could to use Pac 12 culprits play the Poconos versus Detroit your job you worship Friday October 25th 87 pm. It's just. This weekend. 2534 Saturday 9 to 5 Sunday 10 great deals on thousands of new. Products and much more car dealers by selling trade. On Saturday and Sunday will be given to provided by Bracken's firearms corner announced on Sunday at 230 must be. Purchased necessary for more info. 26. $25.00 and Highway $34.00 will be featuring black rifle coffee 6 hour. Off road vehicles. A 5 part football field. Packed full of the latest from 6 hour easy. 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Welcome back into the c.r.p. 4 by 4 studios this is in northern Colorado by Dr Wise and the Roosevelt Roughriders as I've mentioned time and time again this is a team with no quit and they get that attitude from their head man lane or washing or lane washing or getting ready to coach his team against area always a formidable opponent coming up in just a couple of well about an hour actually from now so we will find out if they can close a game get a win and move up in those r.p.i. Rankings Lane actually caught up with Clark Johnson on Wednesday night on preps midweek and this is this is what it sounded like Coach how are you tonight doing good are you fantastic man thank you for taking time I know you guys are in the middle of practice so we'll get you in and out a let's talk about this team so far you guys come off a very good win against Thompson Valley 4820 want to game that you guys were nip and tuck 1st quarter but then you've run a 347 the final 3 quarters you like the way your team ended the game last weekend Oh absolutely you know we kind of knew kind of coming into that game we had to. Have a long week short week of practice you know Thursday night but also coming off a really emotional loss to Fort Morgan So you know I knew that we were going a little bit worse than we thought we were and it took us a minute's got to get back out there but once we did man we you know we gathered we would on a $48.00 to $70.00 run after the 1st 2 touchdown the kids really responded well every game typically lane for you right now as a playoff game I mean you're looking at the r.p.i. Right now you sit in just outside looking in and this weekend against here is a huge game because they're just inside so one of you 2 May slip out 1 May slip in it's the way the r.p.i. Goes but talk about what you said to the kids after the 4th morning game looked like you. That 11 for more going to have a kickoff return for a touchdown of the end of the week you want overtime by one point what did you say to the kids to get them to get that they're going to get going for the Fountain Valley. Just that our plan is going to go away. That doesn't change our vision it doesn't change our goal is not over and we need to circle the wagons and fire out you know the main thing I wanted to make sure did not happen was any internal finger pointing going on on our football team because that could be detrimental to our season and I've been on that have done that before so I thought that little message to them as we got on that bus and tell him you know this could hurt this didn't hurt sounds wrong with you but Scott of the fuel to our fire and. You know one more reason to come out Monday and get back to work and finish the season because I think we have to give a team to back it up right now poised to do a team when you look at the schedule you played a number for discovering can be number 2 meet we know how devastatingly good those teams are published a great program Holy Family great program for Morgan how good they are I mean this is a killer schedule and after the hearing game Chad Cooper's team is really good of course to you still have Northridge there they've been they're playing great you got and I was surprised at the end so every game from here on out for you guys it's a playoff game Absolutely and that's why we build the schedule you know that's a Friday night before those to be you know we we know that the goal 'd is to win a championship that we've got to play the game has got to play early to get ready for games like we're about to play on Friday night you know we're. Prepared You know we play tough games we play from behind was games we won games we know what we're capable of doing when our kids are coughing they're playing with great energy right now and I don't think you can ask for a team no doubt about it you guys run for 330 on the ground against Thompson Valley 7.2 yards a carry 5 touchdowns on the ground that tells me you're off in some lines doing what they need to do right now they are and when they're not we're going to continue to run behind them. Because they need to they need to know that we have problems and we have to kind of players behind them to not abandon the run game so a lot of that is just kind of being stubborn on my part and just saying I don't care for the blocks or playing soft or not we're going to run the ball so a lot of that just I'm feeling confident those guys because I believe in them and I think. They have what it takes to be a running football team and stablished run games in every game that we're in with Brett inside going for about 15 on the ground NJT bomb and it will Bucky team for j.p. As well talk about the leadership with those guys especially brain as your quarterback is he doing everything you want to lead this team right now that he is you know he's kind of a quiet leader and you know if anything I can tell him you know you probably need to be a little bit more of a vocal guy but you know right now our team looks up to him they know they know what he's capable of and he has the respect of everybody so he's our guy in the team had exactly like you and that goes wrong doing a great job they're great kids to be around every single day you know they come out here they're all business we're in the middle of our homecoming week right now and with that comes a lot of distractions but you know they do a good job at 3 o'clock punching that time card in all business every day and today is no different songwriting for this week can't wait to meet us new student athlete tonight at 545 going to call you back to your sophomore standouts we're going to get to your sophomore season on the line the Super Bowl the one a season he's had sophomore he's the leading tackler in the state at the 3 level talk about his dominance on defense. He's a special kid you know he was an all conference linebacker last year the freshman as well. And so you know he had a great summer of preparation and we talked about leadership qualities and I don't think there's a better leader out here than him and you don't work so that kind of is testament to him as a person that you know his family and and how he's been raised so yeah we're excited about him and he he's definitely one of the centerpieces of that defense because also. Yeah you'll be excited to talk to him he's a great kid and you've got a bright future here boy no doubt about it and there's no better thing than a Friday night in Jonestown with that great crowd in Johnstown sure and you guys on so we'll have it for the fans at home on one camping trip for you here 7 o'clock we're going to kick off on Friday night is eerie the eerie $714.00 right now r.p.i. And you guys sitting He teams so this is a miss is a knock him out drag him out of the playoff game on Friday night what do you expect from cad Cooper's your entire. They're going to be good they're well coached he's a good good coach he got those kids playing pretty hard so you know they've got a pretty special because of line it's why backers and they often sleep they run the ball better than anybody so you know we'll have to bring our a game on our Friday night and you know everyone should be in for a really good football game so we're excited and we're ready for All right I've got to ask you this before you go you've played discovery Canyon in mead 2 teams and I think absolutely can find themselves in the Final 4 this year in the 3 level would be one of those teams to present more problems for you do you say one is a better team at this point than the other than another not necessarily I think you know when you start talking about teams like the Governor can you need to you know bubble south and all those teams up there in that top 4 top 5 you know I think anybody can beat anybody on any given night specially those teams like in discovery that run the ball very well they execute very well you know they present their own realm of problems for teams so you know I I think need got a lot of athleticism they got a lot of the women you got to cover Can you just execute their offering like like they should if they're going to run the triple option so you know if I would welcome or another game of the day I hope we get that chance in the playoffs Don't you love the chance to go against teams that you that maybe got you the 1st time around and you get to see in the playoffs I mean that's always a great match of 100 percent yeah we'll play anybody any time and. You know I know what it's like to East Timor and how are the. Markets You know they're not going to back down from anybody there they like to play and then we were not and so you know we like to think those games of the Keep that we are today. You know we're we're just doing what we can if you want to know and all we care about right now is yeah that's right folks packed that stadium on Friday night and make it loud during Tiger's coming in Johnstown to take on the Roosevelt Roughriders wait for you at 7 o'clock on a coach yelling watching your 30 year at Roosevelt High School Coach thank you so much for jumping in with us yeah you got Thank you this is a guy in line on a singer that that loves football that loves the team that he's coaching right now and now he's got he's got a chance he's got a chance to go get themselves back into that playoff contention remember the r.p.i. Rankings is what matters it doesn't matter what the chasseur rankings have been at r.p.i. Going into this week had a number 23 more around there now if they beat Erie tonight they're going to jump up in a big way looking forward to seeing what brains and the rest of the guys they've got the leading tackler in the state on their team I mean you've got he's a sophomore Cooper he's ridiculous so they've got a lot of talent on that team looking forward to looking forward to that they're there matchups and I kind of like Roosevelt in this we will find out before we take a break here want to say thanks to one of our great sponsors Jay Knight insurance Janeane crop insurance Terry Janine Freeman you hey I mean we all hate dealing with insurance it's the last thing that we want to do so why not at least work with people that you like that's what Terry and Janine Freeman up a janitor ins and chain and crop insurance offer a local feel you don't have to deal with anybody nationwide You can drive up there meet them in person so that you get exactly what you're looking for Jane and insurance and chain I'd crop insurance one of the one of the sponsors here on Football Night in northern Colorado we think Terry engineered for their continued support high. So you break when we come back on the other side and to have a little bit more into my broncos big one big one on Sunday we'll be back with more football night nor the current overturn by Dr Wise on 1310 k. Of cake. Says Football Night in northern Colorado on 3rd teams and j.f.k. Will be back after the break at Broken plow brewery they love fall cool weather crisp beer and of course our football teams back in action enjoy the Broncos games in a fun relaxing environment while fulfilling your need for the best craft beer How can you tell a broken power brew from others their beers are the ones with the finest tops wheat and barley that make every swallow perfect find them on Facebook or better yet stop by grabbing chairs and cheer on the Broncos they're open as long as the Broncos are still playing broken plow brewery in Greeley the best beer today and tomorrow don't still bullshit feel Friday night showdown out of the lights Expo Buffalo's battle you watch c get up past 12 quiet or better yet so out of touch to Colorado and I am sure it hurts to wear black to get by there football tickets to the bus stop come make claims to come support the buffaloes and see who could deduce Pac 12 culprits play up buffaloes vs the Trojans till you worship Friday October 25th at 7 pm et bulls or maybe. It's time to bring out your athlete with simple speed coach over the last 12 years owner Paul incentives train more than 2500 local junior high high school and collegiate athletes simple speed go to offer Sports Performance Training for Northern Colorado athletes who are serious about increasing speed but it could deliver a training as individual as to every athlete skill level agents board to learn more visit the website simple speed Coach dot com simple speak coach building better athletes not just weight room all stars. Or listen to us during staff meetings that old blow largely due out of the governor say sure and stay connected follow us on Facebook Twitter and 1310 j.f.k. . These days everyone is so focused on specializing in one thing whatever. Being well rounded and able to do a little bit of everything that's exactly what. An insurance he specializes in well just about everything Terry can help cover anything from livestock and farm to commercial enterprises give Jane and insurance a call at 834-1160 or stop on in and say hello to Terry at 217 1st Street in downtown alt. Goold morning good morning to you Ron thank you oh and Gould morning to you thought you were such a good boy it may be a good day in your neck of the woods but in Eden It's always a good day and even has been serving Northern Colorado for better than 50 years with the best product line of car parts truck parts and big machine parts highlighted by the quality name just call for 5 for 33 $55.00 parts do the rest. Is a time to make your dreams a reality and it's time to start thinking about a home or office remodel and it all starts at West Point carpet one in Greeley family owned and operated for over 20 years West Point carpet one has big box store selection and prices with the all important small town customer service this is our showroom at 6001 west 10 street and check out all your foreign options from carpeting to luxury vinyl hardwood floors or tile at West Point carpet one we believe purposeful design is to make ordinary extraordinary Now back to football. If you didn't notice where that song we've been we've got a special producer this week Michael Patrick our resident Broncos fanatic doing the production work back behind bulletproof glass and sometimes he should be thankful that it is that thanks for what it's back here football might in northern Colorado I know what I'm about to say is going to dry my command but but here's the fact of the matter there's a lot of things going on when it comes of the Denver Broncos you're you're at it you're again you're at a juncture in the season and which way you go is dependent on Sunday and unfortunately for Broncos fans it's kind of poor and it's going to pull the Broncos fan base back and forth they don't know which way to go there's part of the fan base is says it's lost you know they've lost complete hope after what what everyone saw Thursday night it's over their want to move on to sell the farm sell everything let's get new people and let's get this set up and start looking for a draft pick There's that saying there's the other side where it's like no this team still I mean 2 field goals were 22 last 2nd field goals from still being in the hunt from still being in this case you can't let everything go yet they Mander Emmanuel Sanders trade would have been fine either way and. There's still that site the internal optimist. Where I land is in the middle because it's not time to have a fire sale yet the same trade makes sense well we got a heck of a deal now to John Lynch and company down there in San Francisco well done well done but it's not time for the fire sale yet because if you go and you beat Indianapolis on Sunday and all of a sudden you're looking at a completely different story if you go in to beat a 4 in 2 team and you move back to 3 and 5 you're within striking distance the chiefs and then all of beatable on Thursday night but now they don't have their star quarterback in the homes for 3 or 4 weeks then things start to open up things start to get interesting if Denver does not win on Sunday then you're going to see the Broncos country unite right here in the middle it's time it's time to rebuild it's time to bring Andrew Luck it's time to cut holes it's time to move on from Chris Harris Chris Harris is not going to sign with the Denver Broncos this offseason so you've got 9 he's still got use move on from him if if you lose Sunday if you don't lose Sunday then you wait another week and this is how it needs to be played for the rest of the season until they get back into a good spot if they can get back into a good spot then he said then obviously you don't have the fire sale. But if you don't if you don't have a good spot then then it is and I'm talking everyone I'm talkin Von Miller I'm talking Chris Harris I'm talkin probably they're cool but you hold on to Portland sun you hold on to Philip Lindsey of course. And you're rebuild and you start to acquire those draft picks and then where do you go Well you hope you got to have faith and faith in John Elway that he's going to be able to to get to get the right picks here's my thought if Denver does lose Sunday you start to see this fire sale go and I think you start to see Elway negotiate deals for picks and picks and picks and picks and then at the end of the year I think you see John Elway step down because now he is leaving the Denver Broncos in a tough spot there's no doubt about it but he's also left then the potential to get back in a hurry and that's what I think needs to happen I think that's what will happen we will find out though what the case is Trent Williams is a name that I've heard thrown around I don't think he's going to sign with Washington so do you go make a move for Trent Williams a left tackle. Could Miss Wouldn't that be an upgrade We'll find out though Broncos country take a deep breath Sunday is going to be the deciding factor I really truly believe that if we if the Broncos lose Sunday it's the season done you start making moves you start moving on from people heads are going to start to roll and then Elway steps down at the end of the year that's my thought on it all right let's take a break that's the end of our number one when we come back on the other side of this break we'll continue to preview our matchup eerie and Roosevelt tonight we'll get to my predictions for the weekend and much much more it was going to football night in northern Colorado driven by driveways 1310 k. F. K. . You are more for whom you'll get it right here on Northern Colorado as for Ball State 1310 k. F. K. . 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A.b.c. News I'm Byron Pitts California's governor has declared a state of emergency for 2 counties where wildfires that erupted over the past couple of days have burned tens of thousands of acres A.B.C.'s Alex Stone is in Santa Clarita even though the wind is beginning to come down here conditions in California remain extreme very strong winds are expected this weekend in northern California and here in Southern California Santa Ana winds are expected to return on Monday So California is by no means out of the threat zone the fire threat just keeps ramping up 2 of the biggest active fires in different parts of the state are each 5 percent contained a federal judge has ordered the Justice Department to give a House committee secret grand jury testimony from Special Counsel Robert Muller's Russia investigation in the same ruling the judge affirmed the legality of the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry into President Trump General Motors workers have ratified a new contract with the company ending a 40 day strike this is a.b.c. News that may conspiracy pinpoint weather forecast clear tonight lose your freezing 70 Saturday but that's in the midday throughout the afternoon a cold front arrives you'll feel a temperature drop in by the evening or the chance of rain and snow snow on Sunday with highs near breezy same for Monday and Tuesday chances to one twenty's I was day will clear off with highs in the thirty's and how we are going to try every effort to keep back in the forty's. This weather at day is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters. 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