Game on the driveway playground out because we all share the same dream. Up like the bus of the. Imperial brain ache awfully high school basketball for a chance to put my hometown of Colorado on the map playing in the state championship. Only one half of one percent of all high school student athletes play basketball in college but all 100 percent of them become adults That's why playing basketball in their high school team is so important high school athletes learn life lessons that help them grow up lessons that can't be taught in the classroom and often aren't taught at home high school basketball because I love performing in front of a capacity crowd to my hometown send this message presented by the Colorado high school activities Association and the Colorado athletic directors Association. Just to school to make sure news starts to j.f.k. . The following programs. For the. Evening got them welcome back metropolis. Every city easy to do battle art of the I assassin the rest of you I don't believe it either but let's do headlines for 1119 . You know. For giggles and grants. We're in c.r.p. Forgotten for studios Oh headlines are over at the scooter Mickey show dot com. We did not show moments in the 11 o'clock hour. And you try. To get my plan and this is why blondes work 7 days week and let's remember I was a platinum blonde for 12 years. Ok. Well let's start Boca Chica Texas. Take up the trash news headlines let's go over the weekend and some of the headlines take out the trash. Space x. Has unveiled a now complete starship. Saturday see here on Saturday Space X.'s c.e.o. You are not. Presenting new details not become. Binny's gigantic starship bracket that course of the company test site at Boca Chica Texas moving behind in the $165.00 foot stainless steel wonder. The m.k. One credit time. Spent in construction for months you can follow even on in his Twitter feed that even Hamas. This one's going to take offline 65000 feet come back and land again approximately $1.00 to $2.00 much that will time out to the end of the year in the wake of the $8.00 to $10.00 or that 10 month Ok 68 month window 80 percent of the n.t.s.b. Report is now completed regarding how many have occurred back. Changed the face changed story show as I said over the summer he learns going to pull something well suppose here it comes tsunami announcement in the next month or 2. The m.k. One is going to fly. Should fly I don't know a few 65000 feet. And return. He says this is going to be a pretty epic thing to see this thing take off and yeah just the sheer size. She has 3 reusable. Raptor engines on her. She's got 4 fans. Powered by the Tesla battery packs. With her fuel the entire rig should come out at about $1400.00 tons. That along with the super heavy booster. It could end up becoming by far the most. Powerful rockets now in the world. Are going to just wrap your engine produces twice of thrust of the speed of the Falcon 9. And according to mask this is going to produce twice as much trash as the next most powerful rocket in history that would be the Saturn 5. When this thing rumbles and again the rumble off the pad is significantly different because of. The countdown has been sat on through his tweets and at his press conference on Saturday. In the next one to 2 months stand by October stand by no member changed face changed the story regardless now with the n.t.s.b. Is going to say about the crew dragon it's full steam ahead to Mars. Going to. And Battle of you people who don't have a sense of humor regarding tweets from Tad to wean people or just aren't huge. Ok he's a billionaire inventor engineer designer. Or do you people really think he's delusional and he believes he's on tattooing. There is a threat out there over the weekend that even line should be stripped of any responsibilities or rights to his own company because he thinks he's not in our own solar system. Tards have actual accounts on Twitter you want to talk about somebody you read in Flag and somebody write care how it should be at. His company to can we. Should. Clean the Cheetos out of my teeth and get up and go get a job. Oh my God. What's wrong with you people. It was a beautiful sunset the bays were open. It's a billionaire but it's a workshop there's junk land around. You don't know what I'm referring to. Even on took a shot from inside the Kwanza hut style hangar in Boca Chica beautiful sunset. Laid out there in the ships and I said ship Damon easy. To worry about that. We're just here at the Droid warehouse on tattoo we. Can you people to believe that your psychology is. No good even have one who's psychotic and well that again pay no attention to the newly the world is all spying on you but we now have to worry about objects from space because not among Brown was only talking about that before he died. The asteroid in question tomorrow night 1056 Universal Time Tuesday she should be exploding in our atmosphere it's not going to be a big In deal but boy to me is sure going to make it out to be. Just another one that slipped through the cracks that if we'd had gun control we could discover . An asteroid f. K. 5. Is close No not close. It's going to hit us that's not. Like that near miss with. This thing isn't going to hit anything are Ok so and so one system ours is supposedly. Not suppose. Jupiter. Our sun and its gravitational force that controls the spin in the axis of the orbiting bodies around it's celestial Now Beulah I don't even want you to we could pay a page to say that. And then mean constant design in the creative cosmic chaos and your intelligence of either each of these various objects Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn. Your anus Neptune and Pluto have their own gravity now gravitational forces gravitational waves 3 different in fact Yes actually it's 2 but. The gravitational force of the gravitational waves are 2 different things and that discussion brings up 3 other subjects and so you get cancer. Because we're going to get to the what what planet x. Might be now they're saying could be a black hole Yeah it's just gets more left up by the day so the planets also have their own gravitational forces and those gravitational forces like a magnet attract and repel is the wrong word attract and reject is the wrong word I'm just so used to it by women. Magnan either of tracks or it repels. As do celestial bodies in this solar system as argumentatively all celestial bodies in the universe just keep this discussion the solar system. Classic example how man would argumentatively repeat travel to the moon and or would initiate travel to Mars the problem with Mars and her orbits around our sun and Earth's orbit around our sun when it comes to apogee and para g. Of those 2 planets when their 1st instant closest together in orbit apogee parity. Gravitational forces are used we don't have to get to the moon we have to get halfway there because breaking free of the gravity of this planet through propulsion is only required halfway to the distance because the gravitational force of the moon will then begin to grab that body and bring it closer and then the rockets again used to manipulate against gravitational forces for a landing exact same would be argued for Mars different to land the trees based upon different. Orbits but the telemetry still has to line up so that a free for projected body moving through space clearly to get from point a to point b. You don't want to slam into point c. By accident. And it is not line of sight. You may be starting off your journey an entire different direction because at the end that's the direction that's going to meet the orbit of the planet. So. To say that this next asteroid Well it's going to fly by real class it's going to fly by so close it's going to kiss the atmosphere. We'll let you know what the atmosphere does when we return. Business or oh say Gayle's look at the news in the morning one of the whole show insiders another scooter read the fine podcast for each of them at 1310 k. Of k. Dot com i Tunes or Google Play. One to catch back up of the Nerds show missed beer 30 or brutes up heard something on seniors servo you want to review you can find them all and i Tunes Google boy or at 13 ten-K. Ok Doug. Got to get a better angle John what are you doing now I was in an accident yesterday my insurance adjuster want to me to use my smart phone to snap a couple of pictures of the damage then I got to send it over to them he said they'd write me an estimate and have the money in my account today wait a minute wait a minute how could they possibly write an honest inaccurate estimate for pictures they can't and why would a clam like from article is a specialist the insurance companies are at it again this time they're using your smartphone to rip you off I've been in the business of repairing cars most of my life even with my 30 years of estimating experience I can't write an accurate estimate from pictures when I tell you taking pictures of the damage as sending it to your insurance company is a bad idea. You better believe that if you've had an accident insist that someone from the insurance company and the body shop of your choice physically examine your car don't let the insurance companies use your smartphone to outsmart you using special. K. F. K. Hit a hole in one with northern Colorado's only local golf show with the Gulf show airing Saturdays at 9 am just before the press rewind add a golfer in die hard fan Brian can field a k f k's 10 or 20 tries hard on the course brings you the latest in the golf world local events and area player updates the guys will sample golf courses around northern Colorado so be sure to listen to the golf show for their reviews the Gulf show on 1310 k. F.k. Saturdays at 9 am scientists and discover life on Mars and we've discovered life from the wind and then it's. Back to the scooter McGee's show on 1310 k. F. K. The following program is intended for mature audiences. Peak ideas by people. You are going to have to. See. To. Start Welcome back. To our a dance star everybody is talking points include now extinct bees just pointing out the obvious no agenda no. Yes the big announcement the earth the most significant important creature on the planet is not the human. And in fact the honeybee. But the Death Star Communications talking points pointing out to all of the broadcasters those humble you know. Suckers but I'm not saying that. Yeah. But the bees on the extinction last. On the extinction list. You know these are the same jerk poles that want to make Pope John Paul 2 a saint and. The bees right there next to the dinosaur at the zoo. Bees extinct. Your tour guide David hog. The bees declared the most important living being on the planet and is somehow also on the extinction less. Than impressive ps have already entered into extinction risk. From tonight after the zeroes in Heroes we enter into the risk category of Wizard of Oz monkeys flying out of my butt. On the web cam. In order to watch this you'll Well we're going to tax you. Save the Children and see Isn't it funny that it's always your fault. It spends the use it's your use of the uncontrolled pesticides not the companies that make up. It's your fault. The broadcasters on the and fams side of the don't even do. Anymore. All morning. As if they were choosing they were choosing songs they were dragging and dropping from a card that was pre-approved. By the programming director station matter you probably never even listen to anything. And then you're to tie in that with the headline and that the b.b. Is not moved on to the risk of extinction last but on the extinction last. Words as possible. Put the pitch meter is now to at least $2.00 So every song is. Well this way we can play the long version in your eyes. And still get that extra 32nd commercial in every. You've got to be kidding me you gotta be kidding me. I don't feel well. Kids grandkids shoes glasses permission slips shoes. Oh yes even if you have Nixon hit list or something like that top 10 things your teachers do want to drive you nuts when back at school. Bring those loyal to see those. By the way stand by this week Secret Santa asked to stop back in Denver to pick up copies of setlist it's October. Your. Kids let's go here is it here. St Peter God forbid please please please please back you know how minutes just to be able. To you can count to. 3 from hopefully around the world. All right. Some you don't see every day thank God this doesn't happen in Greeley Auburn Hills Michigan off the rock child on a controlled Associated Press motorists traveling through a Detroit suburb or start. I think 1st to see that Detroit even has a suburb left. Back on the new electronic billboards that are gracing interstates everywhere porn was playing course it was. Offered Hills Police say the video played on the billboard along Interstate 75 for about 30 minutes on. Saturday night many people calling 911 to complain some even called wondering if it was going to scooters crazy ideas Jack or times a strip bar no. Investigator is telling w d i d television 2 people broke into a small building at the site and uploaded porn on the laptop. And then connected to the Billboard 2 men wearing a hooded sweatshirt spotted and security video police asking to identify these culprits. Not to me it's just more nuanced go. To. Kids All right our next story takes us to sunny California. Bakersfield. Authorities say a woman stole $6000.00 with a quarters. And to aid her getaway the use of a baby stroller. This morning police noticed something odd. Swimming struggling to push the sugar the stroller quickly the police realize there's no baby inside one. Big bank supporters. Arrested on suspicion of mercury Yes yes. We can. Go All right yes we can. Holiday Beach Florida a better at a Gulfstream Park turned a $26.00 race wager into $2200000.00 last Friday. Someone hitting the Gulf Stream is Rainbow 6 on Friday the 1st time the total jackpot in claim for that wager since July 6th 10 entire jackpot you got to pick 6 winners 6 consecutive Rainbow $600.00 only 6 tickets have ever done so well. 2000000 211780 3 dollars and 62 cents. Congratulations Ponto Lopez. Resident. Oh he. Packing it has rained Western and liberal. Dallas I. Guess. Want to track fictional Harris race to follow. From the she or be fair guy for studio it is 30 after 30 the chat when we were churning headlines of the. Big marriage I 34 years ago. 13 sang j.f.k. Being in the Army National Guard is about more than serving your country it's about being there for your community when your neighbors need you most the Army National Guard makes college affordable and serving part time can help you graduate debt free do you want to stay close to friends and family the guard allows you to serve close to home serving part time in the Army National Guard lets you have the life you want learn more by visiting National Guard dot com sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station. I have brought in a great Monday this is Channel to speculate whether meteorologists just. Big changes are moving in overnight tonight to cold but news and bringing mostly cloudy skies with dozens of rizzle and rain showers starting up today with patchy fog with morning lows in the forty's and up a nice tomorrow will only make it to the fifty's thanks to cloudy skies in the ranges and this weather day is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters RINGBACK mega ranch insurance by Brad it's Becky Becky how are you not so good I got into a car accident yesterday I was thinking of using auto collision specialists I've heard good things about them our backyard. Currently I can't stop there's a reason not a question specialist isn't on the preferred list the preferred list is made up of body shops that use aftermarket and junkyard parts mandated by your insurance company this could compromise the safety quality and resale value of your vehicle owner bought a collision specialist and we refuse to cut corners and substitute safety for profits our standards are simply too high to participate in these programs preferred list or not don't allow your insurance company to dupe you in to using their preferred shop your insurance policy as well as the law allows you to choose choose wisely choose auto collision specialists in Greeley on 6th Avenue call 356-864-5000 specialists. Would like to welcome you to the party every Wednesday night now all your favorite entertainment programs are in one place during K.F.C.'s block party at 5 o'clock Clark Johnson of preps midweek takes you through the latest and perhaps I don't know if anybody can stop then it's time to shout out with more bacon please restaurant radio with Tiffany help and you can take serve safe classes at the cooking studio I do that because I feel like it's the responsible thing to do as the owner of a restaurant at 7 o'clock to talk beer local entertainment and fun with this one is an angry bitter in the back of the tongue the driver of the mail or and I write a would you get the nice without having that bitterness Finally at 8 it's the nerd show with the nerdiest of them all Travis Mike me Brady hole they tried to start their universe to early keep up with Marvel and they've bought. Transforming into one giant party cave kids block party mid week more bacon please and the nerd show . If you listen closely you can hear scooter truth scooter or gave. 1310 k. . Following program. Thinking impaired. This disc sports in my disk and me were in my p. Code having to head down to the dorm to go have breakfast. Like it was night air. Power. To prove it. And. Come. Up. With. Going back up to. 6 I still have that peacoat in my office. Paid $5.00 for it from rag stock up at the top at Lake and Hanna. Which is a law abiding town a warehouse district and. Had to take the Selby Lake Buswell is that the 3 or the 5 from St Paul downtown St Paul practically half a day's spent on a bus down downtown Minneapolis but she didn't he got up the lake and had a friend and he had to take a downtown bus that I want to say was over long like Washington Avenue. Used your army navy ship last all that old crap. And in the early eighties I got a mid sixty's Navy peacoat far the wool one the old heavy big heavy thing. 5 bucks. Now I'm not going to get in the whole global climate change arguments now. Because ever wore that coat mean sometimes it's pockets and just close up I don't ever remember buttoning it. But layers back then I don't wear it in Colorado but I play more golf in January than I do in July in Colorado that's one of the reasons I moved here. As a kid remember I was the oldest who's going to be just our dick tundra. Ice perch covering Florida. Race was the only one who's going to be happy. Is Morris All right Pat Lang stand one I don't believe. It is 1800 Spain now known cvs through Louisiana territory back to France so that that property can later be sold. Upon acquisition that will double essentially double the size of mentions a cine Oh good you can speed it up a cheap Wizard of Menlo Park Thomas Alva Edison Now begins the commercial production of electric lamps at the end isn't lamp works also another. Special delivery for United States mail begins tomorrow 111885 the 1st routes are in West Virginia. You can buy 2025 don't have those routes established. 896 r.f.d. Is now established by the u.s. Post office that's real free delivery. Thank you no. 3 the 1st Monday evening series takes place between the Boston pilgrims and the Pittsburgh Pirates tomorrow night she'd await the model t. Is now introduced by Henry Ford purchase price $850.00. $1801.00 history Damascus is now captured from the charge. That force was made up by British American forces tomorrow 98933 Babe Ruth now makes his final pitching appearance pitching all 9 innings. In a hold right in the 5th aiding. 600 dogs and 3 helpers later. 1936 General Francisco Franco is now proclaimed the head of the Spanish they. Are Right World War 2 There we go 138 German forces now entering Czechoslovakia seizing control of state land the Munich pact now being signed just 48 hours before . 1943 Naples is now captured by allied forces. 146 the International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg now sentencing the 12 Nazi officer shows to down 7 other sins to prison terms 3 acquitted as couple suicides in the jail why. Were they on suicide watch $2949.00 now say tongue raise the 1st flag of the People's Republic of China. Tomorrow. 961 Roger Maris hits the 61st of the season. 62 tomorrow. Tomorrow starts 29 years for Johnny Carson. Mornings 962. 970 the United States handing over control of the canal zone now to Panama in 1979 it is. 85 the p.l.o. In Tunisia now it has been raided by the Israelis. Who would sound the ground. Jet fighters that was never made. It is tomorrow 11 we go in the fall Yes we do 1990 George h.w. Bush now addressing the u.n. General assembly once again condemning Iraq's takeover of Kuwait troops are ready to go. 92 we've been bringing this up because of the Russians regarding their nuclear accident the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is tomorrow night you have to go. And that's it I don't really want to tell me I had took acid story. I took acid suggests that you know I knew what I was doing. A senior hands a upperclassman hands an underclassman a beverage and says Drink this you drink. We had to get up in the morning. It make your bed he could get the merits of. Your weekends and he shot no chance at. Chance of being able to go into town. Asking him to do it all boys military. Any chance you got. But once on the college side you wouldn't get the merits if you didn't for example shave in the morning. If he'd quit showers transpose on and if you snuck out the side door and ran down the hill you could. Not be a constant 9 upperclassman and get the merits he could. Have fixed. And put your hat back on and keep your head down walking back up the hill after breakfast they probably won't back yet. And I take in the money that I would have should have not spent on the just man put that towards the car maybe I did get out of there a little sooner and if disaster would have happened. If you don't know what I'm talking about would Sweeney tomorrow night. Actually have headlines we have to cover. Now I can taste the food I know what clothes I mean I still clothes. They were out of style bad and they're out of style now and I'll keep them till they're in style and then I'll throw them out. That's just how I are all. Right but. You know. Planet 9 on my planet. For those who follow astronomy you know of the scientific debate that's been going on for well over another decade. The existence of the so-called Planet 9 a just an massive planet but it could be planet x. Could leave. A little problem nobody seems to observe observed Planet 9 unless you go look at the You Tube videos. The new scientific paper now just published is exploring a very different theory. What a planet not is not a planet in all the arguments it was a. Loser a black 2 are. 2 different types of George stars. Brown dwarfs. One. I don't want to go racial in this. Solar system now that's really. But the new scientific paper that's been published explores this very different theory Planet 9 not a planet at all. But a primordial black hole. It's hypothetically a small black hole. What if very soon after the Big Bang. It would have in the mixture of the Soup of the early universe. Would have been the result because again City fluctuations. And the various gravitational forces and or waves and or lack thereof. After the Big Bang. This might explain why telescopes have never detected so much as even a flicker. From a theoretical. Distant massive. Or. If it's not a planet then I don't know what us called the for this point planet. Brown dwarf. We've we're talking about stars and suns not to be conserved which can stir confused with fathers or midgets. Going to. Let me see tomorrow night I can get permission to do window pane. I need to make we do painted. You know you got to talk to about acid his dad thank god dad. The guy you sit around and trip with Tim Leary. Probably mean I gather you see I think you will. So one of the arguments we may not need all kinds of more money for the powerful powerful telescopes because the black holes would not be a knitting visible line at all by definition the black hole absorbs everything. But the paper discusses the hypothesis that Planet 9 never call it what you will. In fact. Be a black hole. That is beyond bizarre even on my planet. Headlines on my Twitter feed office going to show dot com and we'll be right back. America is kept safe because the Army National Guard responds protects and supports our nation when it needs the most from fighting wildfires with air support helping civilians in flooded neighborhoods to delivering food and supplies to those who have lost everything the Army National Guard always responds when disaster strikes the Army National Guard also trains to be ever vigilant against threats foreign and domestic They protect our skies with missile defense weaponry they secure our information communications and infrastructure with cybersecurity and they protect us against chemical biological and radiological hazards with the civilian support team the Army National Guard also stands ready to deploy and provide support for conflicts or humanitarian missions abroad joined the Army National Guard and be there to respond protect and support your community and your country visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard aired by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station did you know that one in 4 people are affected by anxiety depression or other mental illness many others and their families also suffer from addiction that means that you or someone you love may be searching for help North range Behavioral Health Service children adults and families their crisis services at 90. A 12th Street in Greeley is available 247 in northern Weld County called 970-347-2120 if you're in southern weld call 303-851-2723 contact us we're all in this together let's buy some but. You're home for the Ewings see bears going to cut it it's up to the 40 to 45 for the 254055 more the Colorado preps for that the 30 if not that's what he. Wrote about in the best of me and I have. To take it that's because. The northern Colorado's football station 13. Scientists have discovered life on Mars and we've discovered life from 19 minutes. Back to the scooter McGee's 011310 K.M.'s. The following program is intended for mature audience. Things. Simpler trying. I should point out it's probably not simpler times when the car you're driving has a problem he can't in the trunk and you run a beer line up through the transfer thing into the ashtray. Are. Going to be driving like maybe out on Interstate 94 is a puddle jumper because you have become a season down by the time they're 17 years old. Drinking was or 181921 depending upon your state's because federal highway funding has not been approved yet. Even when I did the library noted did I was I was under age. All right Gotham now don't switch me or snitch me out we should do tomorrow night show on actually doing it summer is working. I am drinking w.a. Frost's I drank at Sweeney's. Around one side of one corner depending upon the right hand that. I cannot believe I am saying this Congratulations to Greg thunder getting in Gage. Again if he's got to keep the t.v. . Congratulations Harmon. Wouldn't. Be having another bachelor party. Can I come to this one. Hour I could even go. Out now she said yes. Actually some time in. The game we can't talk about taking acid because one of my bosses just popped in. And no. I don't think he knows what windowpane actually do. You might get a pass you never know all right we're in the c.r.p. 4 by 4 studios headlines 1119 including the hypothesis that Planet 9 is actually a black hole that is up on the Twitter feed over off of the scrutiny Show dot com Also your last chance now you want to get your name on the Mars 2020 Rover thing. Which. You still have time over 10000000 now have supplied their name for the next rover you've got to do we have a universal time on this right now we're at 9400000 so far your name is going to be affixed on a chip that will be affixed to the Mars 2024 or so young 1900 Greenwich Mean Time to a 10400000 have signed up you have until tomorrow October 1st 8 59 pm Eastern Daylight Time 959 local time tomorrow Colorado she can sign up to get the. Go dot nasa all have all. And then in passing in the next few hours is going to give us the telemetry of the oncoming asteroid again this isn't going to be a near miss Scott from this thing is going to hit us. But all of you can relax it's only 82 feet across this thing is going to meet the atmosphere like a freshman and a senior in advance is not going to be well that's not. Going to starts maybe a little debriefing. Just as I was learning to interact with girls they yanked me out and threw me in an aquarium off thinking you. Know there's Ok there are going to be media rights following from this one. It's going to hit the atmosphere it's going to turn up depending upon if this takes place over a continent where you are on that continent you might see it right off. So we'll have an update on that Selema tree here in the 11 o'clock hour the space x. Starship prototype is now done and on says there is going to be a launch out of Boca she could Texas in one or 2 months that'll time out the of the crew dragon anomaly the capsule anomaly was April argumentatively I said that it's going to be in 6 months the n.t.s.b. Is going to 80 percent of their reports going to be done the next 10 percent of that report is the verbiage of what's how politically in. Play We are going to be transparent accountable. So they. You know once they fudge they they financed some of the language that's been going on with the n.t.s.b. Since Reagan was. Going to sit here and argue that point but n.t.s.b. Investigations are what they are within 6 months if they have what they're. Investigating if they have the aircraft if they have the capsule Well those investigations take typically 4 to 6 months yet. Again n.t.s.b. Stuff they all try and pump it out within a year. You cannot if this is going to critically change aerospace you can't drag your feet for 3 and 4 years you just can't they they don't allow it that way you can in politics but not of the n.t.s.b. . And I'm not going to get into the f.b.i. Nonsense and flights getting hit by missiles and all that. And just in a routine n.t.s.b. 6 months and then there's it's months there are $45.00 days or so with the juxtaposition of the language and then that preliminary rip of sorry that's secondary report gets floated in the honors anybody got problems no you should say about putting Oh yeah Ok And then at the end boom here's your report. My initial speculation was he was on his case is standing by who know what soon as we know the crew dragon guys stand by let's let's unveil half a dozen of these things. NASA and Boeing taking some of the wind out of that sail by announcing the Iranian capsule and you the taxpayer and Boeing is going to do at least 6 if not potentially 12 of these. Not to be outdone removing the tattoo weened tweet. Yeah for the Red Flag hearings is where after We're going to read where we're at the chatter Wien experts to come on explain to the line that earth and tattoo mean aren't even in the same timeline. You know we want to popsicle stick what is wrong. So we want over the weekend there's the press conference there's the release there's the pictures. There's the starship m.k. One subsequent timeline of one ship one to 2 months changing the face and changing the story of one ultimately is going to be preliminary on the crew dragon from the n.t.s.b. . Now I know you're totally full of our i've done this once or twice will see Stand by Gotham. If your radio dial suffering from not this again syndrome can be seen here. You know you switch from station to station in search of the best way to start your day now Morris smug piped in British crap you've heard it over and over. With mornings with you'll hear the biggest most relevant news on county d.a. Michael filed 9 felony charges against Chris Watts Tuesday after county initiative would rule out to 85 percent of non federal land to the ballot measure accurate weather forecast smoky air today across northern Colorado with a 40 percent chance of rain showers even a thunderstorm in traffic conditions some pockets of slow and gallant 34 East of 25 give your radio dial a break and keep it on northern Colorado's home for news sports and talk what would a generation l. Stand for Mike I'm likely to fail even on mornings with Gail weekdays 62911310 k. F. K. Weather and news and sports all the information you want and need is right here on the 13th and after your really leveling 4th column d.c. News I'm Dave Packer listening into that July 25th phone call between President Trump and the Ukrainian president secretary of state Mike Pompei Oh from sources familiar with the matter to a.t.c. News no comment from Pompei 01 question of the Monday photo op Thursday the secretary of state said this about the whistleblower complaints of the best of my knowledge from what I've seen so far each of the actions that were undertaken by State Department officials was entirely appropriate Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani Saturday night said he was authorized by the State Department and Pompei o to meet with Ukrainian government officials I assume the secretary knew and when I spoke to the secretary after what he told me he had some knowledge of Ok that on Fox News Chuck sieverts an a.b.c. News event Trump saying as administration is working on learning who the whistleblower is and that he has a right to know his accuser in Beijing military parades Tuesdays. Anniversary of communist rule protests in Hong Kong bad for the holiday but that's not expected to stop them this is a.b.c. News. Oh money managers might seem the same but while some give their claims cookie cutter portfolios Fisher Investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs some only call when they have something to sell. Fish or goals regularly so you stay informed and while some advisors are happy to wear in commissions whether you do well or not. This your investment seas are structured so we do better when you do better in other words we are on your side. Maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers so if you are in or nearing retirement talk with us and find out why investors are switching to and staying with Fisher Investments Fisher Investments clearly better money management. Investments in securities involve the risk of loss visit us at Fisher Investments dot com to find out what we can do for you. Trap sports can only be from Roy here at 1310 j.f.k. The thought of my son's growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes and asked trays and lighters I sort of exercising and sort of smoking staying away from alcohol when I was 1st quitting whisky I kept on trying to learn something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes we did it so can you for free help call 1800 quit now a message from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and c.d.c. . Being in the Army National Guard is about more than just serving your country it's about being there for your community when your neighbors need you most the Army National Guard makes college affordable serving part time like to attend school full time while you take advantage of education benefits that can help you graduate debt free it but the 1000000000 career is your goal serving part time allows you to work out a full time job the skills qualities and contacts you will develop in the Guard can open doors to a great civilian career want to serve but worried about being away from friends and family part time service in the Army National Guard allows you to serve close to home serving in the Army National Guard lets you have the like you want while you enjoy the many benefits of serving your community and nation you owe it to yourself to learn more about how the Army National Guard can fit into your life visit National Guard dot com sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station. I have brought in a great Monday this is Channel to speculate whether meteorologists doesn't. Make changes are moving in overnight tonight to cold but news and bringing mostly cloudy skies with us and with Will and rain showers starting up today with patchy fog with morning lows in the forty's and afternoon nice tomorrow only make it to the fifty's likes to call the skies in the region but this weather day is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters. It's been called the greatest thing since cheesy. Player to watch for a long time and obviously Jordan Davis continues to be Jordan Davis the best sports show in. Harden can score a lot of points I just think that makes everybody on the floor better yet still whole show week is named g.q. So you can sit here all day until you're blue in the face and talk about how bad things are but the bottom line is there's been a lot of victories for John Brady's sharp commentary the champions and they're the worst team playing this week experts inside. A wonderful contributor to the whole show. Professionalism the. College player. And its pure. Will with Brady Hoke weekdays. To. Play for. The Heisman for every. Playground at because we. Make awfully high school basketball. On the map plan the state championship. Only one half of one percent of. College but all 100 percent of them. Get well on their high school team is so important high school athletes life lessons that help them grow up lessons that can't be taught in the classroom and. Basketball because. In front of a capacity crowd. By the Colorado high school activities Association. Director says teach. To.

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