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System you can tell your clippings where to go now to shoot back Indeed along with just the push of a button nothing runs like family and nothing. Easier local John to test drive one today it's 3 pm and you just ran out of ink you have a report due and a van which is 2 hours from now you can't push the deadline because end of day means and today not and of tomorrow day what now go to your local Staples store Staples has a huge selection of. Prices every day so you can get your ink fast for less End of story. 13 to. First Alert whether power but. It's got a thunderstorm than clearing low in the low fifty's tomorrow some scattered afternoon storms the high in the low eighty's back to hot driver Thursday Friday Saturday with. Near 90 Sunday afternoon storms I'm Denver 7 chief meteorologist Mike Nelson. This weather update is brought to you by c r p 4 by 4 located at the corner of 9th Street and 21st Avenue and call them at 970-351-8603. It's. The 14th Annual. Afternoon. Show on the night featuring the. Musical be flowing from 22 downtown venues and it will be like Beale Street West on Saturday June 9th and the music will be. Featuring the best in big time blues artists including Victor Wainwright in the train the kings and legendary blues guitarist in his band the broadcasters. And enjoy all the great during this great day. Bring the entire family for a fun filled day at Island Grove. Pick up your tickets at the box office. The music. Or spotlight music or online. State to decay of k. To win tickets the Greeley blues jam party I'm a cool guy I listen to hard rock and pay attention to sports and watch science fiction I go to the gym to get ripped tendered store in downtown Greeley at 8 o 78 street for a good game a decent deal with my friends drink beer and eat steak and through the selection of comic books and other nerdy. I have no time for nerd slut you spend plenty of time at the nerd store in downtown Greeley not true you were there until 10 almost every night last week. The nerd store where everyone is welcome even. Northern Colorado. Is just a phone call away. Is your answer for all your agricultural water with locations in South quality well and pump is the region's largest irrigation dealer serving Northern Colorado since 2005. With quality expert staff for more information call 353318. A proud sponsor. It's your old buddy Harry Johnston general manager. Recently I had the privilege of selling a car to a young man I had bad as a child. Car car I sold a static car for generations of satisfied customers that's what we do best here in Fort satisfy our customers. And you'll be satisfied. Now the warm weather is here you need to be thinking about keeping your family cool and comfortable this summer you need to be thinking. Northern Colorado experts and really for. Your coverage on AC units we install and maintain and we provide. Company around. The. Back needs. 37350. From Comics and Games to movies and t.v. This is the merge from 1310 j.f.k. And. Paid for by fours studio Here's Travis Adrianne and. Her. Cd that is and thanks. Alan Well if you if you're listening in and you're hearing that beautiful voice is Celine Dion it is because the mike has seen the 2nd Deadpool over the weekend which means for the next month we're going to hear nothing but Deadpool Formica next month what are you talking about yeah you me I mean that became obsessed for about 50 to 4 weeks. You'd be dead on the Broncos Oh my lord so. Obviously that is the view that we're going to be talking about today we do have a very good show thank you for tuning in this is the nerd show presented by the nerd store in downtown Greeley We're live from the c.r.p. 4 by 4 studios super excited we do have a great show for you today we're going to talk adventures Infinity Ward because finally we have all seen it unfortunately Travis is not here anymore and to give a review. We may or may not give spoilers I don't know how you feel about that Mike I feel like you can't review a movie and it's plot without at least giving some of what's going on we have to give We do have to get some where maybe not so this is your alerts that there will be some spoilers ahead but we're also going to talk earlier. And we're also going to be talking Deadpool too as far as the numbers I don't think we're ready quite yet to give a review maybe maybe in 2 weeks I think sure and then we have no news in the next segment and then the comic of the week which I am SUV for super super excited for it warms my heart actually the wedding special number one from X.-Men which will be covered the wedding of Colossus and Kitty Pryde is that correct Claire is correct which I totally enjoyed but we'll talk about that more once we get to it you know one thing about Colossus he was in Deadpool to do you see what I mean like we're not getting away from this and then the last segment will cover what is happening at the nerd store in downtown Greeley But 1st Deadpool to launch is with over 300000000 worldwide this article is from Box Office Mojo the byline Brad bever it or Brad that I'm sorry. Early indications were that Deadpool 2 would deliver a record opening for an r. Rated film after bringing in a pair of r. Rated records with 18600000 from Thursday previews and a 53300000 opening day however it was unable to maintain that momentum finishing with the still impressive $125000000.00 estimate for the 3 day. Which is enough to become the 2nd largest r. Rated opening ever behind obviously the original Deadpool at 132400000 debut which was just 2 years ago. Michael what do you think that says that the 2nd one didn't quite do as well as the 1st one I think it says a couple things one it's still one up against a Ventures which is still going strong strong $28000000.00 this weekend in the u.s. Alone usually when you say when you see a big powerhouse movie like this it blows away the competition you still have a lot of comic book fans going out. Eventually And you're correct it says The Disney and Marvel behemoth brought in 28700000 over its 4th week and release pushing the film's domestic. Total to over 595000000 after just 24 days this film currently ranks as the 8th largest domestic release of all time infinity war also added another 84400000 internationally this weekend for an overseas cume is that Gary Stern is the cumulative that now totals 1218000000 in a global cumulative that now stands at 1800000000 pieces you know I had a lot of money I'm going to say I'm not surprised that vendors are still going strong I expected them to still have. Still be raking in a lot of money the question is what's it going to do next week you know consider although I watched it today it is very fresh in my brain I watched it at the release in a Mark just hours ago that someone told you to I know they were like We need to do the review tonight and as many of our listeners know I'm just not a movie theater person but I dragged myself there to watch it today is there anyone else you know there were a few people it wasn't you know sold out I mean it was a simple matinee. Love the many but let's go ahead and dive right into the review of the movie now I was skeptical and what were you skeptical about I just feel like there was a lot of over hype and I kind of still feel that way like a lot of people told me a good friends that this movie was just amazing and rated thing since sliced bread literally like that is what they've kind of given me like you need to see this movie I just I wasn't quite there like once the movie was over I was like well . Is there even a need for a 2nd one which I know Travis Perry if you're listening but you told me that a week ago you said let her have it I know you he's going to be like I told you like I don't see the need for a 2nd one like I really don't I kind of I kind of liked the ending I love the ending I sure there are a lot of people were like but good thing or this is I love cliffhangers like No need this is not a cliffhanger it ended perfectly it's that they the Russo brothers wanted this to the end kind of like this where it would basically be 2 separate movies where it's not a 2 part and maybe when you describe it to me that way I get it like I can see how this could be the ending of something and then this is the new beginning for something else on the way that it ended it ended how it should have Yeah this is this is not like ending an episode of a show and then you're picking up right afterwards this ended it did this ended with a lot of people dying and the bad guy winning and we're going to say that we're going to say that right now and I. Don't know I think that's why I enjoyed it because isn't that reality like I know a lot of people turn a tune into movies to kind of be get lost into that equation of the good guy always wins this in and that way and then we will really enjoy that part of the plane is really the good Exactly and I will say I will preface that Michael told me he said if you're not invested into the characters you probably won't feel much at the end and Michael was right I was there you know how if the cast was somewhat wiped out I didn't feel a thing I was like well. That's it goes you know right I felt they didn't kill off well give a couple characters that they didn't kill off sure Captain America is still around Tony Stark is still around your original vendor Avengers are still around but they killed off a lot of other people and I honestly couldn't believe some of the some of the ones that they killed off like I literally my mouth dropped at some of them like yeah like you know like you know that character can leave that character can leave Yeah there are some characters that I was like Did did Marvel really just do that well yeah you're not expecting that because some of those characters are under contract we expected to capture America they're going to contract I'm sure you know Tony Stark you know maybe him maybe Obviously they're probably going to sign him for the next one killed in the next one I didn't see this coming I knew that that The Avengers fought him in the graphic novel I didn't I didn't expect this to this this really caught me off guard at the end Sure but what's sad is even through that I still went Ok it's over well you haven't sense some of those that's true and that attachment just simply wasn't there now there were some 3 some incredible things I did like about the movie it was really was action packed from the beginning all the way to the end and it wasn't like action it action it positive a little bit for you to catch your breath action Yeah it did have funny light hearted moments because if it didn't have that you're going to be you're going to leave the theater like. There's no doubt of her but they did do a good job also of intertwining multiple stories because obviously we're dealing with a lots of Marvel characters that each have their own background story they did a very good job of at least weaving them together I felt like the pace of the movie was great yeah and you have people who've never met each other now fighting alongside each other the captain. Captain America you've got Tony Stark Iron Man who's fighting along Dr Strange. They've never met each other and they have Dr Strange never met Spider-Man and then they had never met the guardians of the Alex they meet they are into the gals never even been to Earth Yes No I did like the story line of Gomorrah from the guardians of the galaxy and that she was then I was says somewhat daughter like he took her on as a daughter yeah we should we should explain that he destroys her world and as he's destroying her world she's kind of feisty Meyer's that that's a bit of an overstatement because he doesn't destroy her world yet you know that he destroys half of their population so and that has to do a deal with a lot of the members of the movie so if then else is a character who in his own homeland which is Titan it became extremely overpopulated and because of that resources become limited and we kind of see that that imbalance of who has and who doesn't have and he said he warned his people I have a solution and I can take half the people out and the rest of us can survive Yes and there was a method to his to his madness he was not an evil character that disliked this race and think that they should be destroyed or like didn't like this minority and think this should be destroyed he believed in a very strange way to quibble genocide that this solution in terms of our universe is limited resources is just simply wipe out randomly half of the population or half the population of basically every everywhere man and any planet everywhere and the way that he was going to do that was by receiving the 6 infinity stones he would get all the Infinity. And on his gauntlet and then snap that's how he would do it and basically we just told the audience yes. He got every well and I guess what I found so surprising in it because I didn't think that they would be able to fit all of that into one movie like he begins with 2 or one stones and he ends up getting all of them in this movie which I was kind of like don't you want to like wait you know maybe give them a couple zones in the next movie you know they did it now yeah they started off you already had one but I guess I enjoyed like I said I enjoyed the pace of the movie so the fact that they moved so quickly through it and did such a good job of it I did enjoy that but it honestly wasn't my favorite movie of all time like it was a great superhero movie I think that it to some extent I maybe I was kind of overhyped as to what it would be maybe I'm missing context because all you're missing a lot of I probably am I didn't quite I didn't see all of the movies if you listen to last week during the 1310 I thought on the live United which was a success by the way thank you for everyone that participated $7300.00 yes Americal was $5000.00 so thank you so much but Travis had gave his 6 movies that you need to see before this and I had only seen a couple of them so there was context that I was missing but even then you're kind I still don't think that it was just you're right there was an emotional detachment because I hadn't watched the movies before so when that when it ended I was like Ok I was there is a character and I'm not going to see it because if you watch the movie I want you to get the experience there's a character that dies that I wasn't to. I like I like the person portraying the care Sure sure but I wasn't too attached to the character and that character dies and like that that hit me hard and I didn't really care about this character but that hit me hard and I'm like. Well it was like they're off a cliff it'll be fine like that that that really like and I wasn't attached but I really I think that may have been my favorite part of the movie because of what it did because of how it showed. The depth of the character and again he's yes he's a bad guy in our mind but he's. A bad guy like he's trying to save the universe and well but don't think I say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions is a lot of is not a saying so I think he is a bad guy Ok he is he's truly if kill monger is not the best bad guy in Marvel Cinematic Universe then it's then Oh and I don't think anyone can argue that they're both very good antagonists I love them both Josh Brolin does do a good bad guy yeah he really is a fantastic and he says yeah but with that let's go ahead and give a rating to you 1st Micah. This one is going to be tough for me because I'm still trying to decide whether I like Black Panther or civil war more Black Panther Winter Soldier this is tough to compare with Black Panther because the 2 are very different as far as feel sure this one it ends like it ends if civil war ends you know the world's torn apart world we have watched has been torn apart and you don't feel good about it you've got that bad feeling so I have to compare it to civil war I liked so much more than civil sure and I love civil war out of $100.00. I have to give it a 95 Wow And this is this is coming from someone who was afraid that it was going to be really bad that they were going to throw a bunch of people in there and try to get each person the line and it would be bloated and everyone would survive and. It was shockingly good it better than Black Panther I don't know I'd have to compare the 2 side by side share but now I'm going to give my rating I enjoyed it and wasn't it wasn't bad by any means there was for me just an emotional disconnect so I'm going to give it an 82 out of 100 so you know not bad not bad not bad at all definitely but I will say this is this is my my favorite line from the movie did you get what you wished for yes what did it cost from the end everything yeah that was incredible That's another really emotional part well that was I rating for adventures infinity War You're listening to the nerd show presented by the nerd store in downtown Greeley dumpling where we'll be right back. To. The nerd show will be right. Walter Jr Hoppen associates is a law practice limited to a state in business planning Walter is a Colorado native with extensive experience with clients local and nationwide and he's a former partner in a large multi-state estate planning law firm affiliated with several professional groups to provide the most current and unique solutions for his clients Walter is the author of articles in a book on a state planning and a frequent speaker over the years to lawyers and groups alike again on estate planning Walter offers a unique approach for how to protect yourself and your loved ones from a look to just an expensive legal system and listen to this your 1st meeting with Walter is free That's right free to see if you can improve on planning that you may already have in place call Walter Hoppen associates p.c. Of Longmont Colorado today at 303-776-4045 that's 303776. 64045 set up a free meeting with Walter hope and associates today seasons come and seasons go and with them come different styles and different needs there's one season that never goes away and that's pizza season right coast pizza whether it's $95.00 and sunny or $23.00 in freezing the pizza will always be hot out of the oven and right coast check out the daily lunch specials that include 2 slices and a drink a slice and a salad or a slice and a sky for only 775 the best pizza in town never goes out of season right coast pizza located in downtown Greeley. Moffitt glassworks quickly and efficiently to get you back up and running when you need glass replacement at your business or residence serving Northern Colorado for over 90 years means they're experienced staff at Moffitt glass has been doing business the right way great products superior customer service and a quick turnaround to get you back up and running for all your glass needs replacement remodel or new construction mop a glass as you covered give our experience consultants a call today or just stop by that's mop a glass 71012 St in Greeley What's the secret to getting any vehicle to last over 200000 miles pretty simple it's all about reasonable maintenance and auto tailoring Greely the maintenance packages are a great way to stay on top of your vehicles condition not to mention giving you peace of mind at auto Taylor you will be given an unrealistic list of the 1000 fixes needed to make your car new again you'll be told what the problems are and the fastest way to fix them so you'll be back on the road safely give it an a plus rating from the Better Business Bureau auto Taylor is the smart reliable choice for your vehicle for more than 30 years to really Chamber of Commerce's identified emerging community leaders and provided them with the background and leadership skill to be affected in the future now it's your chance apply today to be a part of the 201821000 leadership well County class you'll strengthen your own leadership skills interactive business and government leaders and develop relationships that will last a lifetime download your application today I clearly chamber dot com. The problem with most gyms is well their gym double diamond cross fit knows what it takes to get the results you're looking for profit is high intensity short workouts designed to improve your core and cardiovascular strength double time across but has classes throughout the day with certified coaches show up warm up and build your better body all with the support of the Cross Fit family double diamond cross fit on the corner of 59000 new intent street in Greeley call 970-302-2024 don't forget to ask how you can get a free week on us do you know this isn't just not a lot it's a way of life for them urged her always rock on 1310 k. I've carried a. Right welcome back to the show we're going to start talking about our favorite pizza place in all of Northern Colorado right next to the nerd store yes the sponsor of this wonderful show right coast pizza. And now I'm going to I love life read because that to some extent you could make it very personal you know some people just give you a phone number and say Good pizza here I actually love to tell funny stories during a live read like the one last week yes and you knew where I was going up as the last week because Mike and myself we enjoy right coast we went last week and he ordered a new pizza and Formica watching him order something new is always interesting because he's not that kind of person now what was the pizza that you ordered Well I got the east coast which I think a lot of people get the east coast as. I mean remember one of their special that is called Right yeah Ok. And then something else and then the other one I got Elmer Yes which has great sauce it also has. Bacon and tomato Yes So one of the pizza he ordered it had I think it was a baseball into me dos and it was that was Ok Elmer so my kid gets the pizza and he proceeds to pick off all of the tomatoes from this pizza because I'm weird yes he picked them all off and ate them so with a fork by the way I'm not picking off my hands like a caveman Yes he did it with a fork while he puts the fork down and the waitress comes over to check on us and she goes I think he forgot a thing greedy a on your pizza. By the way was very attentive and yes she was she noticed right away she thought they had done something wrong and she goes I think they forgot ingredient on your pizza and I had to look at her and go No he just picked them all off and ate them so you guys did it correctly he just didn't eat it like a pizza he ate it like a salad I didn't eat it like a normal human being I had it like a mike. So she goes Oh so it wasn't our fault and I go Yes but think you for being a wonderful waitress and helping us because you know that was very attentive she thought that they did it wrong yeah I do usually at least in my experience it's not their fault usually it's my kid's fault you know usually usually when I screw up I'm. Yeah you did order to things like yes oh i'm so I don't like the pizza that much but with that said it is great pizza and we always want to think them every show because without them you know life in local programming doesn't happen so right because pizza. And without them I would star yes you would Michael would be eating k. City as every day you know butter and cheese but with that let's go ahead and get to some nerd news. Where it's time for the sweet moves Marvel announces Infinity Ward digital release date adventures infinity war and now the 4th highest grossing movie of all time will come home to fans a summer for those looking to purchase Infinity Ward digitally the movie can be preordered via Amazon i Tunes Microsoft and voodoo ahead of the July 31st release date physical copies will not be made available until August 14th Best Buy and target own the exclusive rights to the 4 k. Releases Blu ray and d.v.d. Will likely be available at that time as well you know I just grew up in a different time like where it took them months and months and months to do this like do you even think that the hype for infinity war will die will be dead by the time they release it because like it's like Black Panther Black Panther d.v.d. Came out what a week ago yeah it's still in theaters and not all that it's incredible what Black Panther is doing and I think that Infinity Ward is going to be doing the same thing maybe to a lesser extent because going over the summer but I agree with you I don't remember them doing this a couple months afterward it was always like a year or 9 months but what is even more interesting about that is the idea that Best Buy and target own exclusive rights to the 4 k. Release Yeah because they've paid a lot of money for it although not many people have for sure sure I the only thing that I have on or K.'s Firefly sure that's because it came with the Blu ray I mean I get the marketing strategy there I just don't think that it's profitable like not a lot of people have 4 k. T.V.'s like yet I don't even know if 4 k. Is what I mean I guess it is profitable in the sense that they get all of that but we'll see maybe you buy the 4 a k. Not you know and it comes. With the Blue Ray People like what's this for k n. O Well this or against it really lovely on sale d.v.d. For all they know I did are you know. Is that how much a you know I couldn't tell you but I'm in the market in time need to shop for a t.v. Because I moved into my new apartment last week and I broke my t.v. Moving it there's a t.v. On the wall over there that that's Oh that's a little bit too tiny for me. I need a big screen Ok. Villain in Spiderman homecoming 2 to be played by Ellen hall Jake Gyllenhaal is in talks with Marvel to play Mysterio and Spider-Man to homecoming to sorry Spider-Man home coming to according to The Hollywood Reporter Jake Gyllenhaal is known for his roles and Brokeback Mountain Donnie Darko Nightcrawler and the bubble boy he was excellent in the Bubble Boy I don't know how he was nominated before and I think he's great in all of these movies but I'm trying to figure out the last movie that I saw him in I crawler was excellent I never saw Brokeback Mountain which is one that I I think have but. More Bubble Boy I'm going to skip I like Bubble Boy but Nightcrawler was really really surprisingly good I didn't realize how great it was going to be I don't think I've ever seen him in like a villainous kind of role before Nightcrawler really yeah he was even I had I not seen it so I guess I just don't know he was a villain his type of he was a dark character and I have Donnie Darko on Netflix that I sure we don't need to Argo I don't need to write here see Clemens to play a love interest in Flash movie The d.c.e. Use of coming movie to flash shows shows promise with as remailer playing the title character actors Gal Gadot Billy Crudup Ray Fischer and now Kitty Clemons are confirmed for the movie Clemons will play Iris West the flashes love interest but you know I've always loved the flash I haven't seen the t.v. Show for it because there is a t.v. Show correct there's a t.v. Show but as a Millers from the movie I see I say they're doing the movie version. Well and when it's not coming out do you know I don't and Ashton 2900 I think it's going to be later than later than that wow and if it's maybe like 20 or. So I love a good shade you know it just don't ruin Wonder Woman It's the 2nd one right yeah don't ruin Wonder Woman 2 will see all right Saif ice Krypton will see a 2nd season the Superman spinoff t.v. Show Krypton has been given a 2nd season after its successful 1st season the series revolves around super Superman's grandfather long before the birth of Superman. I've never seen neither of my problems or I know. I'm not really Superman but how many Superman t.v. Shows are there I mean come on well Supergirl doesn't count See this is why you're so Brady whole host of the whole show will probably disagree with me here because he loves those main characters that show up over and over and over and there's a lever that yeah and I'm just like come on let's there's so many interesting characters that have been created by you know the mastermind behind these comic books and get with it enough like I love Superman I get it but there's just more out there and they're making more and more brand new comics are being made Netflix and it's you know we're we're living in a time hopefully where these are going to be good hopefully comic. Those won't go away and I mean I want them to continue but I want them to be inventive and like showcase something else that's that's not what I want all right sequel to Willow in discussion phase in an interview with comic book dot com Willow director Ron Howard confirmed that there is a little talk of Willow though he did not give much else on the subject he wanted want to spoil it Ron Howard most recently directed solo a Star Wars story which includes Willow star Warwick Davis now I will say I saw the preview or the trailer for this movie when I watched Avengers today and I got excited. I was super excited Actually I'm more excited about. Follow up now I know that as a kid I loved it I didn't see a lightsaber in the trailer which kind of miffed me because I feel like Star Wars without the you know someone with a lightsaber is kind of like. That then it's a Star Trek. And then it's Star Trek the moon Oh my gosh and it's so funny because I'm glad I have this debate all the time I am not a Star Trek fan I think there's something about what's with the actor's name you know I don't want to go on the current one here yes the one who were people that know. I'm just not a will your sorry person or others there are tricks you know all I think about in all of those series is William Shatner you know there's there's the original series that has William Shatner and then there are 4 other Star Trek series and then there's another one that they call Star Trek but it isn't in the spirit of Star Trek so I don't call that Star Trek and then there's Orville which isn't Star Trek but I call it Star Trek because it is in the spirit of Star Trek yes I am a nerd Yeah you are yes you are I just nerd out I don't apologize you really did but this isn't good timing because the last story for the day is one that I found on News dot com 1500000 people came out for Free Comic Book Day nerds sister Henri's by Chris parent an estimated one point $5000000.00 people visited comic book stores as a part of Free Comic Book Day this year Diamond Comic Distributors which organizes the annual event has released some statistics about the May 5th event gleaned for real for from a retailer survey about 2400 different comic book retailers participated in this year's Free Comic Book Day ordering 5300000 copies of the s f c b d books diamond estimates at this. Event generated an estimated 5000000 in free publicity for comic books and comic book shops over 20 percent of the retailers that took part. In this event I mean said that they had over a 1000 people which by the way we can say that the nerd store was one of those stores that saw that type of success and I think it all has to do with the nerd show. The and right it was it was all us it was all the show right here from k f k we made that happen so you're welcome and you know it let's give a lot of that to downtown to the nerd store sponsored with downtown and so many businesses right coast pizza Rick bricks Taphouse Lincoln Park and pouring water batter up cakes and they made it a block party to remember and this was a good year and if this was a good year next year is going to be incredible and you know I sure hope so well the next segment we are going to be doing the comic book of the week and I am so so so excited for this one here we're going to be talking about the wedding special number one from X.-Men you're invited to the wedding of the century on the other side of this break you're listening to the nerds show. K.k. . The nerd show will be right back 13 to enter your peers 1st to learn whether power but Denver's ever. Scattered thunderstorms early to lot of them clearing low in the low fifty's tomorrow some scattered afternoon storms and a high in the low eighty's back to hot driver Thursday Friday Saturday with eighty's to near 90 Sunday afternoon storms I'm Denver 7 chief meteorologist Mike Nelson with this weather update is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 located at the corner of 9th Street and 21st Avenue in Greeley call them at 970-351-8603 mental health and addiction issues affect one in 4 people most of us have faced a behavioral health challenge or love someone who has Northridge behavioral health treatment programs work people really can recover and become stronger we offer programs to help you and your family no matter your age in many Weld County locations including crisis support. Services a counseling center in West Greeley and additional offices Greeley Frederick and Fort Lupton for information call 970-347-2124 in Southern Wild County 300-385-7272 extension 318 cool guy listen to hard rock and pay attention to sports and watch science fiction I go to the gym to get ripped 10100 store in downtown Greeley at 8 o 78 street for a good game a decent deal with my friends I drink beer and eat steak and peruse the selection of comic books and other nerdy items at the nerd store I have no time for nerd slut you spent plenty of time at the nerd store in downtown Greeley not true you were there until 10 almost every night last week showed up at the nerd store where everyone is welcome even closet nerds last time I'll show I was amazed at that but that's one of those baseball players will see more of his a little more hustle and some of that running through him 1st and paying attention could probably pay off in a big way and Tony will for shows that gotta love it the Rockies get the win Colfax and yet. Still felt kind of interesting this is about the whole show wavelet for more to me and we days from 11 to one of 13. Seasons come and seasons go and with them come different styles and different needs there's one season that never goes away and that's pizza season at right coast pizza whether it's 95 and sunny or 23 in freezing the pizza will always be hot out of the oven and right coast check out the daily lunch specials that include 2 slices and a drink a slice and a salad or a slice and a Scobee or for only 775 the best pizza in town never goes out of season right coast pizza located in downtown Greeley. Says the comment about this expressing your brother Murdstone. To the birds 13. A. Just. The stuff. Well my game got it again he shares a beautiful beautiful. Bumper music you Dylan fan I am and I love that this one fits so well with the comic of the week we have the wedding special number one from x. Men where we get 3 stories a leading up to the wedding of Colossus and Kitty Pryde now I've got to think Travis for giving us this one because I think that he gave it to me because last week I had mentioned when we were doing the Wolverine Comic Book of the week that there was an ad in the comic book for the key pride in Colossus invites you to the wedding of the century and I just thought it was just beautiful so he gave us this comic book this week because I mentioned it last week so thank you Travis but with that said let's go ahead and dive a little bit into the synopsis of what's in the comic book it's like you said it's 3 stories kind of leading up to the wedding of Colossus and Kitty Pryde we have the dream before the boy's night out in something old the dream before it's kind of a retrospective from Kitty Pryde she's kind of thinking about her life as a mutant and how she got where she is she kind of tells a little bit about the tragedies in her life and her. Her kind of problems with the love the her fear of love. And then the 2nd story is the boys' night out which is kind of like the bachelor party for Colossus as we all know likes to have lots of fun but Millie does it that was stark as I know like you know my gay he would like i'm so him in that moment because obviously we have some of the x. Men wanting to take him out. For everything that you would imagine a bachelor party to be which is you know boo games strip for years you know yeah you thinking he's probably thinking bed maybe a little bit of television and he's such a truer mantic because he even he tells the other X.-Men like this is leading up to one of the most important days of my life and I wish I could spend it with Katie you know what I would say that is my favorite part right there because I'm so that guy and it was just funny because the obviously the other x. Men are trying to get him into this he goes out with Iceman pyro and Gambit as well as Nightcrawler and they try to get him to live it up because that's their personalities and he's like. This is this is isn't me and they end up going to I think it's like a bar and they get in a bar fight as you would imagine the x. Men would. And that's kind of where he. Started Yes They didn't start it but then as we get to the final story which is the one we get back to Kitty Pryde and she is having a bachelorette party now the girls actually live it up like they enjoyed their night out and they went to a place to do stripper oaky which is karaoke in strippers which is definitely not what I read in the comic but I thought they did a funny job because you kind of see the girls of the X.-Men having a good time like and. Kitty Pryde gets kidnapped at one point by someone and it ends up being an ex lover of Colossus who says it's not is it's not what you would think it is yeah like you think that there's going to be some law you know she's been kidnapped Inskeep be some long drawn out battle it's going to be a To Be Continued in part 4 but it's not it's she pulls her to the side and says I love this man take care of him be good to him like you're entering very important agreement for this person for life if you hurt him I will hurt you and I think a lot of people can like relate to that like me know when you love someone that much and they're getting married you want to see them being taken care of and Kitty Pryde kind of gets that but then you know she returns to the bachelorette party and they're storm on the stage rocking it out with a bunch of male strippers. You Gore or I can't get a name right and so I will say that this comic book actually doesn't have the wedding in it we're still waiting for the beautiful matrimony to occur and I think that that's x. Men goal. 30 so I mean there's obviously a lot leading up to this but I actually I really enjoyed this one now what do you think Michael because I know we spoke about this before and you weren't quite on the same page. Yeah you know it's it's the x. Men lofty happy and you have to have those occasionally you know where. They're having fun and they're being friends and they're being. Human So you have to have that from time to time I didn't really care for it I understand it its character building it's them being normal people but I. Just wasn't for me so I'm I'm going to give it a 7. Mike. Just don't tell me you're touchy No not touchy feely about it it's just that the whole point of this is that while there are means there are parts of them that are still human and those parts include love like this comic book was truly meant to humanize them and I totally got that from and I was super excited when I saw it last week I was super excited when I read it and I thought they did a good job of that and they talked about love you can't melt my stone cold heart. What are you giving. You know what I'm going to give it a 9. You're going to give it a 9 I thought it was beautifully written I love the stories and I love that the x. Men had some sense of humor you know they mean the fact that that he said the female X.-Men were out living it up at the stripper oaky bar like I was all about it now this is definitely want to going to put in my whole box only because I want to see the wedding like I love that I think you have to do X.-Men gold 30 Yeah so that has to be a part of it in a sense that it's out next month it says out in June so I will be putting that in my pull box it was that good that it's one that I definitely I just want to see a marriage making one see love and want to see a marriage and not a divorce. Can you imagine that exceed the divorce special there you're invited to the lawsuit of the of the century yeah they get there and boy yeah. With the judge take oh the judge is against. All which one has one you know our Michael gave it a 7 because he has a cold heart but I know what you're working on that every every week every day if you're the love of his life and he just hasn't found you yet you come to the station 1310 k. a K. We're on the corner of 11001 street. Right here waiting for you oh my God Ok when we get back from the other side we're going to talk about what is happening at the nerd store in downtown Greeley You're listening to the nerd show on 1310 can't get. Up with us on Facebook. The pod cast of 13. Nerd show will be one on the cool guy hard rock and pay attention to sports and watch science fiction I go to the gym to get one. Tendered store in downtown Greeley at 8 o 78 street for a good game a decent deal with my friends and drink beer and eat steak and peruse the selection of comic books and other nerdy items at the nerd store but I have no time for nerd so he's been plenty of time at the nerd store in downtown Greeley not true you were there until 10 almost every night last week shut up brain the nerd store where everyone is welcome even closet nerds seasons come and seasons go and with them come different styles and different needs there's one season that never goes away and that's pizza season right coast pizza whether it's 95 and sunny or $23.00 in freezing the pizza will always be hot out of the oven and right coast check out the daily lunch specials that include 2 slices and a drink a slice and a salad or a slice and a Scobee or for only 775 the best pizza in town never goes out of season right coast pizza located in downtown Greeley. Concerts for the 20 teens really stampede superstars concert series here. At the roof in your 3 getting calendar is very good. With the order to be announced Jack it is on sale February 21st starting at $80.00 but it really can be done for pretty. Bad spots What do you need me to do and filter for a 20 pound Ford pickup Alliant Now I don't gotta Pad suppliant say I'm looking for we don't got that sound familiar stop wasting your time and get the parts you need in one call Ed cool the parts in downtown Eaton gold parts has exactly what you need truck parts car parts machine parts they've got it all with just one call write down this number and stick it up on the fridge for 5 for 3355 cool parts anything last time on the show I was amazed at that but that's one of those baseball players. More because a little more hustle and some of that running through one 1st and paying attention could probably pay off in a big way and Tony will tour shows that got a love of the Rockies get the win Colfax and yet again they still felt kind of interesting this is the show regular So more to me and we days from 11 to one to 1310 k. Have a. Mental health and addiction issues affect one in 4 people most of us have faced a behavioral health challenge or love someone who has Northridge behavioral health treatment programs work people really can recover and become stronger they offer programs to help you and your family no matter your age in many Weld County locations including crisis support services a counseling center in West Greeley and additional offices in Greeley Frederick and Fort Lupton for information call 970-347-2120 or in Southern Wild County 303-857-2723 excuse me everyone I'd like to talk to you about c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters excuse me everyone squirrel thank you now that I have your attention syrup a 4 by 4 truck Outfitters is the premier provider for any offroad truck stuff live kids to get your pick up looking good in r.v. Excess or is as well because Hallo a camping season is right around the corner so take that tax return check and treat yourself at sere before my 4 located at 2102 9th Street or minus your p 4 by 4 dot com All right get back to work don't get angry because there are going to get very . 5 far back to the nerds 1310 k. After a. Welcome back to the nerd show this is our last segment and as always we're going to preview about a little of what is happening at the nerd store in downtown Greeley now I kind of wanted to spend the time to focus on something new that Travis is doing. Weekly and that is his nerd store comic book auction now you can obviously go down to the nerd story believe they start at 7 pm and then we get back to you on that but he's also incorporating Facebook life now if you're not a fan of the nerds or on Facebook you need to go go like the nerd store because that is probably where you'll have the most fun because it is very interactive but yes every Thursday at 7 they will be doing a live auction of comic books and this includes new ones old ones vintage all the goods so if you haven't checked that out you probably should but other things on the schedule are this Thursday the Pokemon league. Ching I wonder who's going to be going to that you know I might be able to actually fit it in this Thursday like we don't have any special programming it's so funny we're here. He'd read you might have to answer programming that different yes that's what I mean but we have the beginning at 5 on Thursday followed by the Pokemon tournaments at 7 pm Friday we have a Magic the Gathering beginning at 6 sorry Night Magic and then at 7 Magic the Gathering commander at $930.00 at Met a Magic the Gathering standard play Saturday we once again have the beginning at 5 pm Now will you be going. Probably not vis Saturday because you'll be going to Deadpool too right. I've had my fair fair share of the movie theater this week. But Ok To be fair I am in the middle of moving like I was supposed to move into my apartment last week and I will help I mean when I go to vent to. I'm just not a movie theater person thank you you don't want to help me to help you move. I would love your help Mike but not if it impedes the fact that I have to go to the movie theater which I will say I was surprised to know Mark has redone their theaters and the comfy chairs like that it's totally new to me I don't know when they did that but it's nice. They moved here and there he did I could not believe it I've known the center mark since it 1st opened up a decade ago it was nice and there I mean not knowing I would go you know every week they are doing and which is something that you might look into was that $899.00 special don't know if you saw the commercial for that where yeah a movie a month I always sent in concert. Well I always go and get something at the concession stand because I'm a nice like that I don't like I mean I get that's where they make their money but you know I got to live too I'm in the middle of moving I used to work in a movie. It went out of business and now it's a church 23 you used to work there yeah that's crazy yeah the Cooper twin it's so weird to think that we used to have all these theaters in Northern Colorado and especially Greeley and now we have one you know because they started they were all small they were they really started going out of business what was the one that used to advertise with us we would get the free movie ticket out of this the Carmike and then it closed about 34 years ago I feel you are the warden and now I had to be 3 or 4 because I was I was working for the I was the intern for the wonderful Amy Oliver cook who when I believe it shut down and I had to interact 5 years ago when we miss it. All right well next week I would imagine that Travis will be back thank you so much for listening we always enjoy it when we listen and get to talk about nerd stuff because we're proud nerds but you've been listening to the nerd show on 1310 you care k. We'll see you next week. Broncos. Previously. The 1 point one percent you're paying is just. Picking individual mutual funds in e.t.f. Said rebalancing and maybe some tax loss selling I think 1 point one percent is too much if you getting individual stocks and bonds and really detailed analysis and put specifically for you 1 point one is more than reasonable for that listen to the retirement. Or go to. Mark your calendars to attend the 33rd annual Chugwater chili cook off on Saturday June 16th Wyoming state championship cook off is a great place to enjoy food fun music and a car show tickets are just 12 bucks and kids 12 and under are free children to play kicks things off at 10 am on the highway $34.00 man take the stage at noon Cheyenne Southern Fried keeps the party going to 2 pm and then tie hack rounds out the day for more info visit Chugwater chili cookoff dot org made possible by the plant County lodging and tourism board. This. Information makes the medicine go down 13 times really listen for colon seizure. So I'm Chuck c. Brits and Americans are believed among survivors of a crash of a private jet from Austin Texas which broke in half while landing in Honduras is capital today A.B.C.'s Victor a kendo the u.s. Embassy in Honduras now providing any assistance necessary I don't know what their thoughts are with all those affected not only did all 6 people survive only one had to be taken away on a stretcher President Trump continuing to cite a New York Times story that a legal f.b.i. Informant investigating suspected contacts with Russians contacted 2 trump campaign aides in 2016 if they had spies in my campaign during my campaign for political purposes that would be unprecedented in the history of our country but there's nothing in the Times story about spying Hawaii's Kilauea volcano spewing dangerous sulfur dioxide gas and lava A.B.C.'s Matt Gutman on the Big Island is kicking up all of this steam and sulfur dioxide Now that's hazardous to breathe and there are multiple times more sulfur dioxide in the air now than there were just a couple of days ago says a.b.c. News.

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