Broadcasting from Foot who a college this is K F J C Los Altos Hills. Congratulations to our winner Brian from Mountain View he will be he and a friend will go to the Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco on Thursday February 8th to see a performance of Beethoven's Emperor Concerto as well as the Scandinavian Stein hammer symphony and that's again Thursday February 8th starting at 8 pm at Davies Symphony Hall So congratulations to Brian from Mountain View. We just heard . Triple concerto of Beethoven with Rudolf Serkin on piano Jaime Laredo on violin and Leslie Parness on violin cello conducted. Xander Schneider that was the Marlborough Festival Orchestra. That we're going to hear from We. Keep. Assaulters hills we just heard from Lilly may. Who is this this came out on 3rd Man Records just recently it's a beautiful song they're called loner. L O A N E R On Friday March 9th at 4 pm Grauer is hosting these bastards these bastards illegitimate the pit the live mike here at K.F. J.C. New born hardcore from right here in S F. Before Lily may we heard from Kid Thomas 5 long years have from a compilation of kid Thomas recordings called Whale baby whale came out on El Diablo records and David rolling started this short set from a new album of his called poor David's Almanac we heard Guitar Man And next we're going to hear from Chris Blevins here on K F G C. a new album out from Scott Byron called the bad Testament. We heard the track still around and before before Scott Byron there are some more kind nice rootsy music from Chris Blevins an album called Better Than alone and we heard a track from him called Abilene and said to Lumbard here with Betsy on too cool for school Thanks Cynthia the state of California is disabled veteran business enterprise. Program is designed to increase business opportunities for disabled veterans state agencies are required to award at least 3 percent of their annual contracting dollars to certified. Who then can participate on a more level playing field when competing for state contracts for complete information on the Dv B. Certification process C D as in dog G.S. Dot ca dot gov slash P.D. Slash get certified. And coming up we're going to hear some material from Kenneth Patchen with the chamber jazz sextet comes this comes off the rebel poets of America released its K F J.C. . I went. There I did. Can. Does not. Need to be. 7 morning. And rain just this. And that he will be enough people. For the. Cause if he is. And he does. He'll be more apt to rub their bloody snouts innit. Her. Doing it rather now. I don't care the way down here or in me. I don't try not to say that will do some stuff has been laying around in my. Name. Some time I think the man or a community I House or the army around us 6 . And I used to play them out hoping to brush up on everybody except those. 6 who when I I started the big dome skating they. Sure are doing. Now. And I admit there are a set up. But if you don't mind I think lies in this one out in my own way. Donna Jack. i went to this city and there i didn't we manage like add care and old that ando maya love can't bold her little white and Thank. C Dr Lonnie Smith from the all in my mind to release we heard the title track him before that Kenneth Patchen with the chamber jazz sextet brought us I went to the city. Material from back in 1957 and off the cherry red label reissuing this material I'm Cynthia Lombard too cool for school is the show and I am taking my leave it 10 pm. Stick around is furiously planning out the next 4 hours of programming He'll be here from 10 until 2 lowing you into the late night hour preparing you for the super duper Callen fragilis tic moon happening. Lately late this evening early tomorrow morning coming up we're going to hear something from Tim Burns. And Marina Rosenfeld's K.F. J.C. . I am. I am. I am. The songs. Or. And J C We just heard from Tim Barnes Toshio and Marina Rosenfeld performing from the release a waters weight kick and. Track that we heard children flipping out at the angle of incidence. Of the lumbar You're listening to too cool for school Betsy has a final message for the evening the fan has a Institute of Contemporary Art or I.C.A. Is an art space located in downtown San Jose dedicated to promoting greater awareness understanding and appreciation of contemporary art with site specific installations and immersive eg the Bishan admission at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art is always free C J I see a dot org that J.I.C. a Dot org for current exit Bishan and visitor hours. And right now we're going to hear something from the Jack Diamond Collection comic book heroes an original musical idea of super duper adventures of yesterday's comic book heroes set to music by the capes and masks from any vintage LP that's right now is capes and masks on K F J.C. . The. Illegal