Before you walk into a. Gallery quickly. Casting from Foothill College this is k f j c 89.7 f.m. . Oh you. Lieut. To. A lovely. Lovely. Home. And him up. Early. Love me. I love you. In. This you come to. A. Bond do. Love you. Was. Odd. You know listening to k.f. J c That was Little Richard not a great singer on the track was called wondering and the album is called The Original on Specialty Records before that was a little led and the Blues Imperials the track was called 20 percent alcohol all the album is called chicken gravy and biscuits. Before that man's lips and manses St Louis Blues was the name of the track the album is called You'll never find another man like male it's. So Robert Ward and what a Friend We Have in Jesus was the track his album is called Rhythm of the people. Yeah I'm Sally good in this is the blues collective have a different person. Each week I'm in here for a couple months I'm glad to be back I gotta say. I can see the cult presents we got a couple of those coming up. Where is it you go on Sunday the community at the Community Music Center is the out sound new music summit it's the 16th Annual it goes for almost a week July 23rd to July 29th Sunday to Saturday Del happens at the Community Music Center on Cap Street in San Francisco and it features experimental and improvised chairs electronic music noise art and more this is an all ages show they're all all ages shows and k s j c will be there called presents this summit. Yeah it's called The Summit which So check that out they'll be someone from k f j c they're. Quite possibly doing recording I'm not really sure that one and then on Sunday the 30th we have yet another call presents the international surf classic featuring slack tome. And other bands are the tomorrow man the fascinating creatures of the deep Aloha screwdriver. Good stuff all right and that's happening at the Ritz in San Jose on. Sunday that's a $21.00 plus event so you can go to our website catch j c dot org and read about all these co-present and there are links to the different happenings and see the different bands that are playing such check that out k f j c dot org. Here's Muddy You know listening to k s j c. Good I like that little Charlie and the night cat's. Eyes like a cat and their album is called all the way crazy. Before that Little Walter and the track one of these morning. Southern feeling. And started off with Muddy Waters in the track my dog can't bark This is a 2 disc disc set of his called one more mile from Chess Records Muddy Waters. Himself again and this is the blues collective until 2 o'clock. And. Skews in Wa Here's another summer camp at Foothill College it's called stem. Stem summer camp at Foothill College is being offered in one week sessions through July 20th middle school and high school students can strengthen and expand their scientific knowledge while learning animation virtual reality 3 d. Printing forensic technology video game design nanotechnology and more there's scholarships available and for information visit Foothill Stam camp dot com Really it's a com. Thing could be an Org I don't know anyway it's going on for a couple more weeks so that's that. He and I got a concert although coming up in a bit so here in the mean time is a Big Joe Turner on k f j.c. . Yes. You got to go. Com. Holy. Moley. All the Polish. Called. Me Call the police her bring her. Down again. When the guard played. A card. On the phone leave her to call the police with. Her call to go back out from. 6 this. Thing. Done. There John bowling with. Her. Being called a vote for her own Napoleon went with all the Polish her bring her. Love Lucy made. In. Today. In the North Bay. And. Car Crash midnight snacks whatever glades. Tell You and sherry at the him like tavern in the East Bay motor dude Zydeco at Ashkenaz and South Bay local real live relive the past at the self a bar. Or a ts the concert outlook and entertainment calendars presented 4 times a day. And the music before that so that last one was a fellow named lonesome sun down the track was called If You Ain't been to Houston . And his album is called been gone too long. Before that Eddie Locke and the track call the police. His album is called jivin with the refugees from Hastings Street it started off with a Big Joe Turner and the track somebodies got to go from the album called Volume one I've been to Kansas City Oh right now 1236 I'm here till 2 this is the blues collective good different person pretty much every week filling in am playing the blues we have a great blues library here at the station I'm. Very happy with it in fact you could find out about it too there's a class that you can take here at Foothill College it meets on Wednesday evenings goes for one quarter and it's we call the radio class you find out about the history of radio and what. It cetera. And what you can do and what you can't say and stuff on the air basically you learn about how to be on the air and then you come and train in the studio with one of the regular D.J.'s and you actually be on the air. Etc So if this is something that you would be interested in doing I highly recommend that you check it out the it's not like there's any obligation but you can open up whole new parameters to your life go to our website cafe see dot org And you can read all about it about the class you can even register for the class from they are which reminds me I need to get my parking permit. Ok you need one of those 2 Yes All right so. A pop pop pop pop music. Let's see Robert Wilkens let's do Robert Wilkens on gave j.c. . My wife got the money. To walk. Down to the police to. Get back you know to get out and say Is it safe. I'm good let's see. How long recently. Aloof out back and. Not. Knowing. What. I'm going to that's the thing. I won't resume our. Lives back doing. This is a bright. Enough time. For insight. You know where. We make this leap. You know. I'm not. Alone. I live back in doing. One day. See. Someone I really. Did leak. Out to sing. Along. With you to fight back. With you both really does he need a rose here. Rose. Those are that's the meat in the world. For the girls in fact. You know listening to k.f. Jay say that was cute Doug McCloud and the track was called grease in my gravy he probably doesn't like tofu either the elements called no road back home before that Johnny Littlejohn the track 7 day blues His album is called so called friends before that Magic Sam Now the way into the song. Magic Sam and the track keep loving me baby the album is called The Magic Sam a legacy and started off with the Reverend Robert Wilkens the track of Don't let nobody turn you round and his album is called Remember me. Oh right this is fun this is a great time here tell to one more hour little bit. I think I'm to read yes the a.c.t young conservatory the American Conservatory theatre offers a year round a training program for children ages 821000 the young conservatory features interactive performance classes from beginning acting to Shakespeare and musical theater participation in public performance productions meant mentorship by theatre professionals for more details on the young conservatory visit online. At AC t. Hyphen s. F. Dot org slash y c I'm sure you can Google it sounds like a great program. All right. All right here more music here's the j.j. Mona j.j. Malone on Cave j.c. .