Dumbs is growing the latest on those fires live from Jessica Rosenthal Chris 13 people have been killed most of them in Sonoma County but the scary thing is over 100 people might be missing however some of them may just not be able to get in touch cell phone signal has been badly impacted by these fires I was just about to speak to a Cal Fire Captain whose signal kept fading in and out the tubs fire seems to have done the most damage that is the fire that hit the city of Santa Rosa $571.00 structures destroyed just in that fire most of them homes while new fires have continued popping up the weather is slightly better with calmer winds crests and Jessica thanks President Trump right now is having lunch with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson after meeting former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the White House boxes John Decker is there President Trump had a response to Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker who said the president is leading the us on the path to World War 3 with threats the president makes toward other countries if you look over the last 25 years through numerous administrations we were on a path to a very big problem a problem like this world has never seen on the right path right now believe me the president also said he continues to have confidence in Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Twitter earlier the president wrote that if Tillerson did call him a moron as reported the 2 should compare i.q. Tests Chris John has an arrest warrant for an African-American man beaten during a White Nationalist rally in Charlottesville Virginia in August under a Harris Harris spoke with Fox News then I was now here in China cause no hey I was a son out here with Markie but one person now says Harris struck him with a flashlight and convinced the magistrate to issue a warrant to arrest terrorists for assault his attorney claims the accuser is a white supremacist himself and this is just a retaliatory claim Eben Brown of this is Fox News fair and balanced. 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The now former movie studio boss Harvey Weinstein's accused of rape in a magazine article today Fox's gone all Scots live in New York Chris The New Yorker magazine and it's published stories says 3 women were raped by the entertainment executive the allegations go beyond just sexual harassment claims reported earlier the actresses who detailed the story to The New Yorker say Weinstein forced himself on them add to that an n.y.p.d. Audial recording from 2 years ago where Weinstein seems to admit wanting to grope a model you sure you just want to make use of them are you sure that attorneys for Weinstein are not commenting on the allegations but a spokeswoman is quoted as saying any claims of rape are unequivocally denied Chris Growe of one accused of pulling a gun on a should Cleveland barber because he was taking too long to cut her kids hair is sends to 6 months in jail Andrea Smith apologized said she did pull a handgun at the barber school in April and had no license to carry that gun but she denied waving it or threatening anyone the barber finished a hair cut in the woman left with her kids or an island man as a Triple Crown winner when it comes to growing big food he's been working on it for a decade and now a Rhode Island grower is the 1st to nab a trifecta in the world of gargantuan foods the 3rd jewel in the crown growing a giant squash which weighs more than a ton to be specific $2118.00 that's about what a polar bear ways and a world record Judge interest has already broken 2 records in 2006 with the world's longest gourd at 10 and a half feet and a year after that the largest pumpkin $1689.00 pounds the keys to his success hard work determination Great see you the right time right you know everything lined up I guess for me this year 2 trees also crediting the fresh soil he put in Lily and woo Fox News through an Saints train running back Adrian Peterson to Arizona for unconditional traffic and Chris Foster Fox News Radio. Here's. Rocky by m. M. Sec Knology solutions to make your business technology easy and secure. Joint i Heart Radio for the 6th annual gray Valley Book Fest Saturday October 14th 10 am to 4 pm at the Bass Pro center in Mantega the great deli Book Fest is a phrase family event and celebrates the fun of reading and literacy right here in the Central Valley bring the family out to meet authors and enjoy the arts and crafts a costume parade cooking demos a Writer's Workshop seminars and more plus get a sneak peek at when tickets for the steam house entertainment classic Comic-Con coming October 27th to the 29th them a desk job for more information about the chop chop kids cookie challenge sippin spell and all things books s. Just visit great belly book says dot org. If you miss Kevin Fox this week. You and I don't buy into the conspiracy theories in this case but it doesn't mean we shouldn't explore them Kevin Fox show we face a tree on our top 30 to 60 in 12 lady. Bug knowledge the solution medium is the knowledge easy cure. The. Right way you know what I just saw something you. Did one of these things. That I know. That I should have thought out. And I could live a year right now and say that I did think of it but I can't do that. Everybody's asking me. Why years of Hillary why is it Obama why here is a Michelle my about why are they reacted why I haven't taken. Them going to Harvey Weinstein Then why did it take so long Daniel Greenberg a front page mag has the answer to look at his donations to Planned Parenthood he was probably one of the largest financial backers and powerful brokers of the pro abortion movement in this country. And that alone will buy you absolution of so many sins that you commit elsewhere it's impossible to list them but abortion is the sacrament if you look at the American left liberalism as a relation religion abortion is the sacrament and that's the big test and if you do right on that issue you are buying yourself all kinds of get out of jail free cards and Harvey Weinstein was all Hmong not just the biggest donors the biggest attendees at all of these different events and fund raising events all over the world and he would bring his actors and actresses and put them on the red carpet at these events he was probably in the top 5 all important donors supporters of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion causes and that's why Greenberg is exactly right that is it in a nutshell. It is why so many prominent powerful Democrats will not say a word about it. And it is why so many other it's why Clinton gets a pass Bill Clinton and others get a pass on everything they do is because when the rubber meets the road on the issue of abortion they are 100 percent liberal pure Greetings folks great to have you back Rush Limbaugh here at the one and only e.i.b. Network telephone number 802822882 Did you see what Trump said he says he'd win an i.q. Test contest with Tillerson. I did with an i.q. Test. Who. Now the West you should see Wolf Blitzer spaces so stirred and this is just this is only acceptable this is this is trauma this is dramatic this is we're dealing with something really we don't understand. Why not Jeff Sessions put him in here and manage him through. They don't have the ability to laugh at the. Number you know what I'm sure plans are in the works to televise such a thing and you imagine a televised pay per view event would trump and Tillerson i.q. . If. I like it just for the impact it has on these stuffed shirts phony or than holier than thou people it just. They don't understand why is ripping somebody's own cabinet they don't understand they don't understand period. Now let's move forward to the 2 things about Trump that I want to get to today one of is this is n.f.l. Stuff and it dovetails with another point that I want to make there there are increasingly story is showing up in so-called conservative media but not just conservative media but certainly a conservative media included basically say that Donald Trump is really not president he's got the title but he's so screwy and he's so off the wall and so dangerous that the adults in the White House are countermanding practically every order he gives and are saving the country from him and therefore saving the world they would want to believe it trumps given the order or gotten close to nuke North Korea for example but the adults are countermanding the order now that's an example that's not something people claim has happened. But the but the issue being raised here is a 2 pronged Ok if this is happening is Trump really this. This insane this is Trump really this so much so that that that Tillerson Madis and Kelly are having to run the country oh and another group of people supposedly taking over running the country is the intelligence community the intelligence community in the military in these stories are said to be actually running the country. And the other aspect of it is a constitutional crisis if this is happening and nobody stopping it and if Trump apparently is Ok with it then Hells bells here folks we've got the rise of the military industrial complex having taken over the country and nobody knows it yet so that is the 2nd prong of the 2 prongs I'm seeing written about here and in both prongs you have to ask well wait a minute now. If Trump is being regularly countermanded for those of you in Rio Linda that means not listen to. If Trump's orders are not being carried out Trump obviously knows this so why does he put up with it if Trump is sitting there saying whatever he is saying about immigration and tax reform and and this all springs from his Twitter back and forth with Bob Corker by the way that's the starting point for this. Then people are saying if Trump's aware of this then he must be Ok with it if he's giving orders here and there and they're not being listened to or not being implemented and he's not complaining about it then. When it doesn't compute why why why is he putting up with this this is what I shall attempt to answer as the program on full. Trump offers to air i.q. . With. My friends I don't know it's just I'm I'm sorry I cannot get upset about it all I can do is laugh and the laughter is so needed and don't forget I know the Trumps are and I know how he. He's constantly challenging and bragging and. I know how much he loves having people like c.n.n. And n.b.c. And the New York Times running around trying to chase their tails I know how much he loves just. Playing with toys and with them so all of this I'm able to put in some kind of context but before we go into the constitutional crisis or supposed constitutional crisis let's start because they're going to dovetail. With the latest Trump in the n.f.l. And of course we can't discuss this without discussing. The New Black Panther at Jamil Hill who is recently suspended from when he look at any. New New Black Panther and him is the mission is she not here we knew it and I mean the Black Panthers they're one and alone but the New Black Panther She's a New Black Panther red these are the people that that thwarted people's Evers' the vote in Philadelphia Oh Dawn is got a worried look. Oh it's not about me Ok I use barometers on the other side of the glass to tell myself whether the media is going to get exercised over something I say and. Think. Ok so Jamil Hill the New Black Panther ret and e.s.p.n. Was not suspended for claiming that Trump was a white supremacist but she has been suspended for violation of show Sure media policy e.s.p.n. Has suspended the New Black Panther at Jamelle Hill for what it said was a 2nd violation of the work social media guidelines on Monday Jamil Hill in as she is a radical by the way she is an angry where and you can just tell us of your if you just tell this that better not offend her that she should be happy at that observation that's that's the r.-o. That she projects on e.s.p.n. She said in a tweet that her followers should consider boycotting advertisers of Dennis Moore as owner Jerry Jones after Jarrett threatened to bench any player who Neo's during the national anthem. The New Black Panther and Jamil Hill has been suspended for 2 weeks for a 2nd violation of our social media guidelines said e.s.p.n. In a statement she previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet about Trump and. White supremacy in the aftermath all implored use were reminded of how individual tweets may reflect negatively on e.s.p.n. And that such actions would have consequences the statement said. As I point out she was not suspended for calling Trump a white supremacist I don't think e.s.p.n. And Disney thought that reflected negatively on them but this they think does. Mean and this is about money this is not about principle what she did was go out and basically tell people to boycott her company you can't separate the Dallas Cowboys an e.s.p.n. Sponsors of the Dallas Cowboys are by inference and extension sponsors of the National Football League and the sponsors of e.s.p.n. And she's acting asking people to boycott those sponsors in protest the drug Jones acting Oh have you heard the latest. And I don't have a name I just saw the link in a quick glance at the computer screen but somebody now. Look at the s.p. And I don't know somebody is comparing Jerry Jones to a modern day slave owner. Says that this is slave oppression behavior and of course it isn't African-American players in the National Football League have no greater fan and no graver supporter than Jerry Jones Jerry Jones idolizes his players it's one. Oh the rapper Common the actor and the rapper Common is an angry guy too and he's mad all the time all these people are mad all the time they'll see Trump threaten to beat Tillerson in an i.q. Test and it'll ruin their day they're so mad. Jerry Jones I don't lie says his players that's one of the reasons by the way people have often criticized Jerry for being the general manager of the team general manager runs the draft essentially picks the roster and people say too close to it he needs to hire a general manager with a little bit more objectively the reasons he idolizes these guys there is no owner in the n.f.l. Who has more respect. And appreciation for every player in the n.f.l. Especially his own and including the African-American players who make up 75 percent on average of every n.f.l. Roster these these allegations are just absurd. But I predicted this I hate to remind you when this concussion stuff started is when I predicted this I said wait till these people trying to damage this game figure out that they can make the slaveowner connection based on the racial component of. The stories we're developing that the game kills people that the game ruins the brains of players then they leave them to commit suicide and die much earlier than average people that don't play the game which by the way is true. And I said you wait until some of these leftist critics figure out that they can claim that it's nothing more than modern day slavery that who is it dates killing themselves for the entertainment of the white owners sitting safely away in the skyboxes above never subjecting themselves to any of these injuries but don't lighting in the injuries they witnessed their own employee ease experience and now it's starting to happen not in conjunction with concussions but in conjunction with all arrest of this the n.f.l. Ownership is now becoming the equivalent of modern day slave owners and of course if any activist. In any racial activist group makes the claim the sports Drive-By Media is going to he girly reported and amplify it and convene panel discussions on the premises. And there will be on the e.s.p.n. a Series of roundtable discussions are the n.f.l. Owners modern day equivalent of slave owners and you'll have a couple of 3 people damn right there and others and no I think we're going too far in the never ending formula once again is repeated. That viewers have. Openly said they're tired of it. And wish wasn't happening as part of the. Time they. Expend watching this game looking for it to provide them an escape from the very kind of thing now being rammed down their throats when they watch it. Now back to the New Black Panther it Jamelle Hill when she starts I think a lot of these people literally do not understand. The financial arrangements that result in the National Football League existing and a team existing and how it's owned operated makes a profit I don't think because education partly economic education so woefully and helped. That to them all this is funding and donors and funders are everywhere but now we need to boycott them because things are going socially wrong in our league and she doesn't understand or maybe she does I don't know that calling for a boycott of sponsors is actually asking for damage to occur to the place she works. And I don't think she has a grievance with e.s.p.n. If she didn't before she was suspended her grievance was with the slave owners of the n.f.l. . And the president the White Supremacist in the White House but I don't think she had a particular grievance maybe she does people like this have a grievance about practically everything including their Kellogg's cornflakes in the morning so just with Rush 247 you never have to miss one word of the Rush Limbaugh's show and no new yearly members get Rush's exclusive tumbler sip from Rush's wisdom all day long with Rush 247 and Rush's exclusive tumbler is our best tumbler yet check it out at Rush Limbaugh dot com You're listening to the e.i.b. Network in anymore words coming up in our. 1280. It's time America honored its police again here with the n.r.a. Help us back our blue by donating your vehicles to n.r.a. Cars for freedom and will come pick them up donations are tax deductible and we'll support the n.r.a. Foundation's law enforcement training and active and retired police officers help us back our blue visit n.r.a. Carcer freedom dot com or call 1866 n.r.a. Gift today 'd. 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So we just got an audio sound bite there's actual audio of the sting operation in New York s v u special victims unit ran on Harvey Weinstein with the babe. Amber Yes That's coming up I got to get to the phones I have to even though it may change the momentum in the direction because I've invited these people to call and they're here so we start in Knoxville Tennessee This is Deb it's great to have you are you Hi Russ how are you doing dandy thank you well I'm trying I had to point the 1st is that I'm very angry with Senator Corker's childish and disrespectful comments regarding the president and I have been spent my whole morning and that is the office opened trying to reach someone in his office. Apparently the rest of Tennessee is angry with them too because I can't get through and my other comment is right a minute just like that just why specifically are you upset or angry with Senator Corker because he's not doing the job that I sent him to Washington to do and I think you disrespecting and working against the president. Along with some of the other senators that we currently have sitting in the Senate so needless to say I am absolutely you know it's a it's not that he's not doing his job he's all he openly said that he and his buddies in the Senate are in open defiance of Donald Trump and that they will not allow Trump to succeed because Trump poses a danger a threat. The World War 3 it's an adult whatever we call it in there this is out right now what's it's exactly by the way what we knew what I knew was going on in there this is an insider's banding together to stop an outsider for the sake of protection of the establishment it's pure clean and clear that's what's going on it's more that he's not doing his job he sabotaging Well yes he agenda of the American people you know and and so I was trying to get through to express my displeasure but obviously the rest of Tennessee is trying to do the same thing because I can't get through to the office at all but maintains he doesn't care Deb he doesn't care they don't care they don't care what you the voters think you are not who they are afraid of they are afraid of others. Lobbyists donors you name it even though he's not running anymore he still needs a future to do something and the people he's being loyal to here are going to have something to say about what is future. They don't care about the voters I am convinced of this. It happens their businesses every day of them torn files the latest ransomware water damage that's just to name a few Your system has to be protected and technology solutions as your local i t solution customer say m m technology solutions allow them to sleep better knowing their systems are safe and secure call now for a free system valuation 20995200 that's 209-289-5204 m m Technology Solutions dot com small mistakes happen every day and I asked Charlie Rangle he went on vacation and had no idea who is paying for it Nancy Pelosi thought it was Ok to fly friends and family and associates to Washington to Copenhagen so that they could be near her honest mistakes happen all the time I asked Governor Paterson who said a couple of state troopers 2 to a woman's house to deliver a Hallmark card of sympathy and it was mistakenly caught up in the press as some sort of threat Well I say all that to say this that honest mistakes are made every day by Democrats everywhere what's a few degrees in temperature either way cut me some slack but join us next time as we once again save. With Oh Lord Sure. Them back your guiding light Rush Limbaugh America's real anchorman. On the cutting edge of societal evolution. Donald Trump his prey is Jerry Jones of the Dennis kept boys threatening to bench anthem protesters. There were many calls for the league to come down hard on euro and it looks like the opposite is going to happen I was looking at a sports drive by us today and they were livid and they were eagerly you can tell by the way they were writing they were eager awaiting what they thought was forthcoming the league coming down hard on jurors Jones jumping in he can say things like that that way it's turning out. In f.l. Owners consider rules change requiring players to stand things are moving in Jerry's direction. Well known activist Al Sharpton is demanding that what is that we're going to put on the bottom of the stack and only Sharpton furious over Jamelle Hill suspension says we won't stand for this. Grabbed the mama told me not to Al Sharpton parody too and one of our all time favorites here from the Grooveyard of forgotten favorites we will we'll have it coming up Mike Ditka the former coach of the Chicago Bears he was on with Jim Gray on Westwood One's Monday Night Football crew pre-game show and Mike Ditka said there has been no oppression in the last 100 years that I know of now maybe I'm not watching it as carefully as other people I think the opportunity is there for everybody race religion creed color nationality you want to work you want to try you want to put effort in you can accomplish something and we've watched that throughout our history of our country Jim Gray was interviewing him. Said I don't care who you are or how much money you make if you don't respect our country you shouldn't be in this country playing football go to one another country and play and he was asked about sporting legends Mohammad Ali in Jesse Jones Oh and using their platforms for social justice and defend I don't know what social injustice is there been Mahbub Ali rose to the top Jesse Owens has won a class c. S. Individuals ever lived is everything based on color I don't see it that way you have to be colorblind in this country you have to look at a person for what he is and what he stands for how he produces I mean the color of his skin that's never having it do with anything Ditka clearly doesn't get identity politics. Hasn't seen any oppression in a last 100 years Mahmud Ali what are you talking about he rose to the top it was a greatest ever was the oppression that's because think again this year. Just and another even s.p.n. Host. Has decided that Trump is winning and they can't stand it. This host said that Trump is making football Ballo. And this is in reaction to of a story that the owners of cultures are pressuring players to stop nailing during the anthem of the. Yes pm host damage from swimming damage the league is about and that takes me to one of the points that I want to make your day about Trump and people that still to this day do not understand him and what he's doing. And here it is in one sentence with Donald Trump as president the Drive-By Media can not drive by stories as they please I mean longer remember what the definition of the Drive-By Media is they arrive on the scene of some of it and they blow it up filled with lies misrepresentations distortions leaks whatever and they create and cause general havoc and then they leave and everybody else has to pick up the mess people whose lives have been damaged or in some cases destroyed institutions that were under assault whatever the drive bys come in they blow things up and on down the road waiting for the next event. Well with Donald Trump as president the media is not allowed to be a haven as they normally behave. In other words they're not getting away with driving by Donald Trump is forcing every issue of the drive by's want to blow up Donald Trump stays on that issue and counter that counters them and fights against them and does not let them automatically create and drive the narrative I think it is undeniable. That Donald Trump serves as a roadblock if you will to the drive by media by this I mean that stories that might have come and gone with issues in reputations all shot to hell and left to rot for the next narrative these stories are kept alive Trump can take to Twitter to make a comment the media's next narrative comes to a screeching halt and they're forced to return to the scene of their previous crime the media had their way time to target the n.f.l. Over concussions do it players start protesting police brutality media blows that up supports the players Yes America sucks the cops are racist Trump arrives on the scene media doesn't get the last word media doesn't get to own the story Trump fights back Trump keeps fighting back every response to trump he gives it right back again the drive bys do not get to own the narrative and in so doing Trump is him bolding others to fight back it took a while in the n.f.l. But now here is Jerry Jones of get it Cowboys fighting back not all the owners were on board with the media narrative in the 1st place but they worst silent there were many orders that donated to trump voted for Trump haven't said a word about this other people in their organizations have but these particular owners or head honchos haven't. Trump forcing the issue back down the media's throat back down the players' throat keeping the media for reporting on the story in a way they wish they didn't have to all of it's kept alive in bolding people don't all timidly Do the right thing or to bend to Trump's view on this as it is now happening and the drive bys are fit to be tied over it the drive bys and sports media are wishing the league would punish Jerry Jones for saying that his players that don't stand are not going to play they want the league they want the commissioner who any other day of the week they despise they want the commissioner to come out and they want him to find Jerry Jones They want him to suspended they want Jerry Jones made an example of the stories now circulating that Jerry Jones is the epitome of modern day slave owners and Trump is not having it like I said many times this is what pushing back looks like this is what fighting back looks like it's not going to be pretty it's going to be messy the drive bys and their agents on the left are used to getting their way they get to write the narrative of the story they get to decide who gets punished they get decide who gets harmed and then they're done on the road down to the next event because the same type of thing Trump is keeping them at the scene of a crime. Trump is not letting them define things for example Donald Trump is not going to let the Collin caper Nick inspired anthem and flag protest go until he's good and ready to let them go and because Trump is not done with. There is a better chance of a long term resolution to this rather than a continued deterioration because Trump stays on it because Trump doesn't let go and doesn't let others up for air the league is going to be forced to do the right thing and deal with this and shut it down so people can return free and able to watch a football game without being preached to by bunch or radicals the solution is going to be for the players to find some other way to express their grievance but not on the stage they don't own they're not going to be silenced they're not going to be shut down they're just going to be told You can't do it on my stage buddy you don't own it and I am not going to support this that's a dire consequence changed from the original owner reaction the original owner reaction was based in fear and fright. They all felt they had to join the players in this or otherwise lose their locker rooms and maybe. In a worst case scenario deal with players who would not show up and play and so they took the path of least resistance which was letting me and mates from the asylum and not trump though. There's going to be conflict but direct confrontation is better than leaving an infected wound untreated a better direct confrontation that emerges or that there were Victory emerges the right thing ends up happening is worth it. Trumps tweet about e.s.p.n. This morning is added a new dimension e.s.p.n. Detached to the n.f.l. As hip multiple $1000000000.00 industries are at risk of alienating lots of zeroes off of their checks this call for a sponsor boycott Guess who's not putting up with it's not just the e.s.p.n. It's Trump joining the fray. It would be easy give me another example it would be easy to let Republicans drop the ball on Obamacare and then blame in 2020 it be easy to let the Republicans drop the ball on tax reform or immigration you remember the Drive-By said Obamacare is dead Obamacare is the law of the land nobody told Trump he still fighting for. The Drive-By say tax reform not enough time to do it in going to get done by Thanksgiving Congress are going to do anything there cowpoke proclaiming victory over Trump trumps us wait a minute I'm not through here we're going to get tax reform we're going to get immigration and introduces a 70 point immigration plan tells Chuck and Nancy if you want your dream or deal you're going to get along with all arrestees points are going to build the wall check and Nancy expectedly say No way Jose everybody else would have dropped when the media said it's over Obamacare remains a law the land other Republicans and they did Ok Well we tried we tried our voters know we tried and we'll kick the can down the road or we'll stop them on the debt ceiling in situ attempts where we'll really confront them which we've been hearing for 7 years but they never confront and they never stop Trump is keeping these issues alive is keeping the issue alive in the process he's making it possible to kill Obamacare by continuing to return to Obamacare as an issue he keeps pressure on Republicans to act the media can't just move on the media can't proclaim victory for the Democrats or for Obama on Obamacare as they did because Trump doesn't let go of it they have to cover what President Trump says and does and if he says we're still going to build a wall or we're going to have a massive immigration reform plan with these 70 things in it they've got to cover it they can't say Trump lost just like they can't say Trump lost the players of the n.f.l. . The media is 100 percent invested in protecting the legacy of Barack Hussein Oh if Trump even hints at diminishing Obama's regulations or policies the media has to speed back to the issue hoping to shoot down Trump's plans before he adds but it is Trump that is driving the train in his Trump driving the issue it's Trump refusing to let ultimate victory be claimed by the Democrats or by the media he will not let border safety go the media would love nothing more to leave that issue for dead and to claim that trump lost not going to happen. The Drive-By Media is as worried today as Hillary Clinton they're all asking what the hell is happening we've got the dumbest guy we've ever had in the White House we've got a guy doesn't know what he's doing is an opening it is and he's such a clown that he's not even running the country his subordinates have to run the country because he's so dangerous and yet he keeps beating them. This is what pushing back looks like this is what Trump is a roadblock to the drive by media I don't take a break. You know. E.i.b. Network in any detail with. 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There you are good at that mirror what you're thinking about it was calling about which is good to call her get her real estate developer and spent his whole career being told no for years and years until finally someone could yeah and made it happen. And. It covered what he does. Like a failed jailbreak attempt every week but you know and look at this we've got Trump again right but meanwhile breaking out of jail more like that guy and Shank Redemption like 3 pocketful of the dirt every day and then one day he's gone right but the patient and the determination that is where everybody there and I think people forget that they can see the healing in korean that are years or even a decade long and then all of the engines and the last like a minute Well the what the thing about these timeline that he's working on a cure right about but the important point you made is actually an echo of a point I just made but I'm not accusing you of anything because you called before I said it. Trump is the one folks ask yourself I remember the drug headline it was a lead headline above the fold of the Drudge Report Obamacare law of the land after the supposedly last vote and failed one of many so-called bills in the Republican Senate and of course Susan Collins and whoever the hell else Murkowski voted no and McCain And everybody said that's it Obama Care survives Trump and yet who is still trying. To get rid of it just today while sitting next to Henry Kissinger Trump said the reason I call the Democrats is because it's imploding it's hurting people we've got to do something about it Trump doesn't take no for an answer how many times have they claimed in the Drive-By Media that Obamacare is failed for good since March. Why is Trump still even messing with it the media has told us at least 3 times since March that every effort to get rid of it has failed and it is now with us for ever. And yet Trump still on the case this is exactly what I'm talking about roadblock for the Drive-By Media he's not letting them move on. After they have in their own minds successfully repelled yet another Republican attempt and the same thing's happening on tax reform and a number of other things immigration you name it he's not letting go defeat is not permit. Listen to the real universe like the. 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Did you know one gas lawnmower emits about the equivalent of 40 late model cars from the valley air district this is your healthy air Living report electric mowers are easier to use lighter and quieter than gas mowers with no spills and no emissions and they work just as well on an average sized lawn now it's easier than ever to replace your old gas mower with an electric model and get as much as 250 dollars off with clean green yard machines the lawn mower trade in program from the valley or district just visit the grant section of valley air dot org for a program details an application and a list of all the participating scrap metal dealers in the San Joaquin Valley where you can turn in your old polluting gas mower once you've purchased one of the many eligible electric mowers send in your receipt application and verification that you're retired your old gas burner sit back and wait for your money that's valley air dot org clean green yard machines this is been your healthy air Living report from the valley or district. What is the most influential time in a child's life. 86812. Actually it's between 3 and a every afternoon that's the time a kid is most likely to get into trouble or worse which is exactly why that's the time the boys and girls clubs open their doors and their moms to kids all over the country every day when kids walk into these clubs this surrounded by people who care what happens to the adults who make sure these children continue to learn and grow long after the school bell when in fact with so many educational programs most of the Boys and Girls Club members going to college but there are still thousands more kids who need our help I'm Denzel Washington and I'm asking you to make sure every child has a safe place to go after to. Call 1885 for. Support the Boys and Girls Clubs the positive place for. Pure Rush Limbaugh the radio station you're listening to is power talk 13601280. We have actual audio of an s.b.u. Police Department Special Victims Unit as they. Are Being Weinstein makes from 2015 secretly recorded by one of his victims. That's coming right up and. It's a girlfriend because nothing says I'm a catch more than a guy who lives in his parents' basement and calls it my place busted and broke because bus driving drunk driving a message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. The most powerful name in news Fox news junkie and by the minister K.W.'s extraction our charge. More laws.

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