As a way to Las Vegas so I'm Dave Anthony Fox news well it's a very sad thing we're going to pay our respects the president before leaving standing with the 1st lady who was in a long black coat he'll meet with 1st responders and some of the hundreds injured $59.00 people were killed the President also said we're learning more about the Vegas gunman and something will be announced at a later date maybe Steven Patrick's girlfriend well upon cover his motive she's back in the u.s. Now Fox's Jeff Manasseh live in Las Vegas Dave Mary Lou Danley was picked up by the f.b.i. As she arrived back to the u.s. At l.a.x. Last night considered a person of interest we know she left for the Philippines prior to the attack and that the gunman may have wired her $100000.00 damn Lee sister's stilling Australia's 7 news person and then. A mother and grandmother this is. The man but what did the shooter's live in companion know about the attack that investigators say took a months to plan it's all part of the pieces of the puzzle that could lead to a motive state for even more guns and ammo were found an addict's other home in Reno Nevada the special agent in charge of the a.t.f. Tells c.b.s. Patrick's been stockpiling since 1902 and purchased $33.00 firearms between last October and September 28th he read 12 of those semiautomatic rifles from his hotel shooting perch with a bum stock along under a fire like an automatic update from Yahoo on a 2013 data breach turns out every one in one account then was affected 3000000000 accounts the information that was stolen included names e-mail addresses phone numbers birth date security questions and answers to those Yahoo had already required users to change their password and invalidate security questions on Fox is tonnage empowers open enrollment starts for Obamacare November 1st for officials in the last administration or starting a private campaign to encourage people to sign up Fox News fair and balanced. It isn't just a place it's a feeling whether you're at home your business or online a.d.t. Helps keep you safe with security system modern mation arms and surveillance so you can feel at home wherever you. Go to a.t.t. 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The House has passed a bill to crack down on late term abortions the bill would make it a crime to perform most abortions after 20 weeks of fetal development providers could face jail time find the courage and humanity to take a stand for these the most helpless a lot of human victims Arizona Republican Trent Franks is a sponsor of the legislation he and other supporters cite research showing a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks Democrats like Colorado's Diana De Gette reject that research and argued late term abortions are rare and advised for medical reasons doctors told the family if they wanted more children it would be a good idea to end the pregnancy measure is unlikely to win 60 votes needed in the Senate on Capitol Hill Jarrett how burn Fox News for the Republican co-sponsors in the house of the bill to Murphy who's pro-life is dealing with a report from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette that in an extramarital affair he's admitted to having Murphy asked his girlfriend who he thought might be pregnant to get an abortion turns out she wasn't pregnant after all a Murphy spokesman is not commenting and infamous movie director Roman Polanski who fled the u.s. Decades ago in a rape case is dealing with a new old rape allegation from 172 a 61 year old former actress in Germany has reported to Swiss police that Roman Polanski raped her when she was 15 years old or a Nazi Langer saying in an interview she had not previously reported anything to the police or confided in friends and family at the time mostly out of concern for her parents who are now dead the Oscar winning director of the pianist Rosemary's Baby and Chinatown considered a fugitive in the us he fled in 1978 before he was officially sentenced after pleading guilty to raping a 13 year old girl who has since requested the case be dismissed Lillian Wu Fox News baseball's playoffs started last night the Yankees beat the Twins to win the American League wild card game I'm Dave Anthony Fox News Radio. It's Thursday night. And grabbing drinks with some friends started off with a pitcher for the table which quickly becomes too there's pool. And there's a photo card of a squeeze in say cheese. Followed naturally by an order of wings. And another. We get some actual rare sauce then there's the ceremonial night cap So what are we doing this weekend. And lastly it's back to the car which if you're buzzed. Could be the most expensive night of your life getting pulled over for Buzz driving could cost you around $10000.00 in fines legal fees and increased insurance rates Nothing kills a buzz like getting pulled over for bus driving because bus driving is drunk driving by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council power talk 131612 i Heart Radio station. Carriage train Glenn back I owe you an apology it's not easy for most of us to admit when we're wrong it's not at me it's certainly not easy for me it's not easy on this stage a stage this big but but I was wrong yesterday either it's Dr Thompson in for Glenn back again today yesterday on this program I missed my mark a little bit I failed by not effectively expressing my compassion or all of those suffering because of the mass murder in Las Vegas and for that I'm sorry. I felt pretty good about yesterday's program some of the stuff we did and some of the ways we approached it we updated some facts we offered some speculation on the motives of the shooter and then mock some of the celebrities which That's always good that's good stuff. Mocking them specifically for there now concern in the middle of the tragedy over gun control again and that becoming an issue but I didn't realize until I got off the air that some people felt I came across a little insensitive and I started thinking about that obviously it was not my intention but how I was able to miss the mark and how people misunderstood that and then I realized it's a bit of a symptom of where we live and where we're at now in our lives how it's changed from now to 50 years ago 20 years ago so if you don't know me and you never listen to this program then anything you hear if this is your 1st moment listening to this program this is all you know of me it's true of any program if you go into a restaurant and you eat there that's 100 percent of your experiences at that restaurant if it's a movie television series if you meet a new person that experience is 100 percent of your experience with whatever it is so if you tune into a radio program and you hear 5 minutes of material that's all you have to judge it by if it's out of context you don't realize that there may be a slightly different meaning for most people it's listen to me over the years if you listen to me on the morning Blaise if you listen to this program on Monday I think you recognize how seriously we value life. I'm I'm pro-life I'm anti abortion I fight rabidly for veterans and veterans causes and veterans issues we give time and money and service to all kinds of charities we give ourselves on on our programming even within this company regularly so when we laid out some of the facts yesterday we didn't necessarily do some of our due diligence to take a moment and recognize some of the people that are suffering and for that I was wrong I just assume mistakenly at times that people recognize hey you know I know that Doc I know what he's about I get it but that was a failure of of on my part and this became evident during the the election Glenn struggled with this as well for people that listen to this program for years they said I know what that Glenn Beck's about and then they're like well wait a minute I'm supporting Trump and here's this Glenn Beck guy not supporting Trump why did he change so much maybe he didn't maybe you didn't maybe it's just you have some differences and those differences became highlighted and became of control our opinions of them because of the world we live in that's unfortunately a failure of today's society. That we can no longer trust some people that we've trusted because of a difference or 2 even though we may we may have marched with them we have may have fought for certain issues but unfortunately politics has become our highest ideas our highest values I'm not talking. Issues I'm not talking about concerns or historical precedence historical facts or the Constitution I'm talking politics I'm talking the process of governing not the ideas or the solutions that affect us all but the process the system it's become a spectator sport sticking it to the other side is job one now it's what we look to do we're trying to win an argument we're trying to prove were right even when we're quite often wrong that's who we are now how did we get there from even just 10 years ago I'll bet you started your journey to right here to be informed about issues of the day where we're heading what we struggle with from a very good place you informed yourself said this is knowledge I need you learned about history you learn about other cultures you learn about the law you learn about all these things you learned about people and you study you and you look around and you go why am I so all so alone and how Come on social media I've got people that I thought I knew I can't trust anymore because unfortunate they were being divided and we divide ourselves by number one. Not leading 1st with our values and that doesn't mean blah blah blahing about them on the radio it doesn't mean talking about them on social media it's not a better than now holier than thou attitude it's not telling people how they're wrong it's living them being them. Treating people well but when you have those differs in the social media it's good to discuss them it's good discussion debate ideas values even those the differ from you are good it's knowledge it's information it's challenging you and in some cases it's making you realise exactly how right your values and ideas are but that's unfortunately not how most of us see it now if something is different it's got to be shut down we've got it we've got to come out against it rabidly and then much like judging a radio show or a restaurant or something with one little bit of information we automatically assume we know about them we assume we know everything about them and I mean example I have sadly over the past. 68 months had to whenever I talk about the president give a disclaimer about all my political views I have to if I say something critical of President try to go. But I support President Trump when it comes to this this this this and this because if you're a supporter of President Trump and you hear me say one thing critical anti-crime guy and you're on that Glenn Beck program of course even support from tired of those are what I support from why you don't forget him. No that's not accurate or if I say something positive about President Trump. I have to get on the disclaimer that I did not vote for President Rob of course I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton because she's off a rocker crazy and possibly evil and I don't support anything she's done however I vote on track record there by not having a track record I could not support him because some of the things I do know about him I didn't like and could not support him as president I'm looking for something else somebody who's consistent in their values much like and I have to go down this nutty ass disclaimer whenever I discuss it because otherwise I will be seen by the people that are not trump supporters the ones that are out there rabidly out to get him because they're crazy and on a witch hunt and as one of those trump supporters you obviously wanted people to be murdered in Las Vegas you obviously want people to die in Puerto Rico and so on and so forth at some point haven't you gotten tired of this game the futility in this action I heard of that I admitted yesterday I did not pause enough and give that what I would expect most people to recognize sympathy and compassion for people in Las Vegas and other people around the globe who had loved ones who. Suffered or hurt or injured because of what happened. I would expect that you would just know that most of your fellow human beings of course have compassion for some you know as shot somebody who had a loved one shot possibly killed in Las Vegas do you think most human beings I mean 8090 percent outside isn't really crazy people are evil people wouldn't you expect that of course they have compassion that they're sensitive but they're not wishing death upon people I did not do my due diligence yesterday to express that that was a failure. But why aren't we giving people the benefit of the doubt with that I don't think the c.b.s. Executive who said she wouldn't be sympathetic because they were likely Republican supporters or gun toters that were shot I don't think she's really hateful I don't think she really wants to see people shot I just think she crossed the line in expressing that because the more we share craziness like that the worse it gets there's no compassion there's no humanity left that's the real crisis the lack of humanity and the fact that we do not give the benefit of the doubt to each other over the years I have been critical as I should be of people that are progressive and liberals because your ideas are quite often mainly wrong they're wrong for humanity they're wrong for for my fellow humans they're wrong systems of government they hold press they hurt but I don't think most of those liberals want to bad I don't think they're evil they're not wanting to bring the system down or to hurt people on the contrary I think they actually want to help I think they're actually probably very caring people I just think they haven't been able to process the information they're not being logical how things need to roll out to help the most number of people they don't get the slippery slope when you start infringing rights but I give him the benefit of the doubt about actually mainly being caring people I don't get that same respect from people on the left they believe if you're conservative you're evil you're a racist all of these things but see conservatives are that way as well if you're a trump supporter and I say something negative about President Trump even if it's accurate even if it's based in fact quite often you leap to trump 8 or die you know who you are. And if I say something positive of President Trump and you do not support him then you automatically are you're just in the tank for Trump No I look at each issue based on my values and my support of my fellow man and decide what's right I'm consistent that way even though I have suffered the slings and arrows to my program and my career because people challenge me on that thinking they wrongly know something about me and why because they can't admit their own failures that some of the things and ideas they have supported are wrong secretary of Human Health and Human Services Tom Price resigned last Friday over scandal that he spent 400000 dollars on chartered flights outrageous that he would do so it's a waste of money it's something that I have screamed about for decades the waste of money we're $20.00 trillion dollars in debt and I called Tom Price out that was wrong he also got the secretary of the v.a. Spending wasting money on trips for him and his wife to go to Europe you've got the guy from the e.p.a. Wasting money on these trips they're chartering flights it is a waste of money and we don't have it yes I called out Republicans and the trumpet ministration just as I called out Obama's as well but for you people on the left that now are suddenly offended that the Trump administration is waking wasting money where were you for the last 8 years and for you conservatives who are so concerned about President Obama wasting money how come you're not calling out Trump on these things this is the consistency I'm talking about give your fellow man the benefit of the doubt go back to your core values of your faith and humanity and treating people well and call out people. Who are not being consistent even if that means the people that you have it because they matter so much to you this includes your children your clergy your spouse and the people that you have sent to d.c. To represent you that's the way forward you want solution just frustrated every day that's it right there you start there we all get 5 percent better at that today and our world will dramatically change for the better. Dr Thompson and for going back. Our talks 1st traffic real time traffic updates morning soon after. 131612. 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And now a look back at this week in history this weekend 8663 no gang carried off the 1st robbery of a moving train in the us they made off with about 10000 dollars before Reno brothers Frank Simeon William and John would pull off a train robberies for another 2 years before being caught was the great Chicago fire began this weekend 871 over 250 people died and more than 17000 buildings were destroyed this week in 1905 Palestinian terrorists hijacked the kill you Laurel and Italian cruise ship carrying 440 passengers off the coast of Egypt the government demanded the release of 50 Palestinian militants imprisoned in Israel and if their demands weren't met they threatened to blow up the ship and kill 11 Americans that were on board 22 thugs attack c.b.s. Evening News anchor Dan Rather this week in 1986 yelling Kenneth What's the frequency r.e.m. Would later write a song called What's the frequency Kenneth for their 994 album monster and this week in 2003 actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of California replacing Gray Davis who had earlier become the 1st u.s. Governor to be recalled since 1921 that's. Here look back at This Week in History the single ember from a wild fire can travel over a mile. Your home is better protected when your whole community is preparing visit fire dept at dot org to get started a public service message brought to you by the u.s. Forest Service and the Ad Council. The Rush Limbaugh program pure 100 percent of America this morning in our talk your teen 601280 families talk leader. Back. I don't know if that. Actually made sense or not to. Some of my frustrations just kind of losing out I don't like to leave with serious and heavy that's that's not who I am I'm not a catastrophist like Glenn Beck is I I prefer humor I get frustrated like the average I am is so average or below average I give myself credit by saying Now Ray I know it's a credit I am wait average Just guy who just wants to go home and be left alone that's the reason I am a primary libertarian valued person I just want to get through my little life enjoy it see my kids that type of thing and I have a couple of forms of escape but some it's anger frustration or Laughter That's it those are my forms of these phrases that you connected to the audience I don't know I hope I did I'm just so tired of the lies from people because they're automatically in a camp we read that book mistakes were made but not by me about cognitive dissidence where we we come up with the excuse let me give you a good example I've used this before let's say you. You're a smoker and you know you're a smoker you love smoking but you know smoking is bad for you there's studies right and you know these 2 contradictory things cannot exist in our in our brains so we've got to find a way to compartmentalize them and deal with one of them well you're not going to give up smoking so. Do you do you gotta deal with the studies and what do you say if it's not accurate it doesn't happen to everybody I have a relative who smoked for a 1000 years and have the natural causes what lung cancer and or I'm not going to stop now whatever it is whatever excuse you come up with because you've got to deal with it that's where we're at with parties please stop call out bad when it's bad use all the facts stop trying to craft a message stop making it a competition to be who's right about politics and start making it a competition about who can be the better person and treat people well Ok I'm going off again you got tweets I do because of the reviews are in and it looks like some people arguing with you for example got adorable deplorable tweeting out saying welcome to my world disclaimer on Facebook I qualify any time. In that horrible dance for and against Donald Trump or you got you know her divergent also tweeting out what I learned today Doc Thompson on the Glenn Beck program this morning right on great monologue I'm a follower now well thank you so much I really appreciate that sincerely Yeah the disclaimers are hilarious I find myself going into disclaimer mode I'm there and I'm like. His of one of the I'm like going through all of the little checklist just so you know I mean I've given fairly high marks in his administration so have it would be there and then one thing that we do different is we look both sides for example the Republicans are wasting money so you have to call it out amount that Democrats wasted money while President Obama roll them out you have to call him out but his claim are those hilarious in my mind as I go to some assembly required I didn't vote for Trump but he's far better than Hillary does not include title tax and licensing fees I certainly am not a progressive I am a conservative libertarian may cause chafing batteries not included right and just what. Did I miss anything that I miss it oh no you got it all you got it. I'm a white Christian male got to go and lead with that leave it there white privilege till right I did you want to watch week the program it's at Doc Thompson Show at Doc Thompson Show at real Chris Cruz who's here with me as well as Cal who's at Cal 79 who is part of the morning blaze as well and if you want to find out more about the crew in the blaze Radio dot com We're on every Monday through Friday 6 to 9 am Eastern Time. For now for now will see until they wise up to Glenn here is that monologue see how that works out of you want to join the program we'll take some calls as well Triple 87 to 7 back 887 to 7 back I do have to give you an update on the latest out of Las Vegas we've got some new information it's only getting weirder folks it is only getting more bizarre and instead of getting more answers what he answers we are getting just leads to more questions it is odd your calls coming up on this one back program. Get real time road conditions and traffic updates 1st our 1st tranche our 36 to 12. How can we stop our personal high tech devices Syrian Alexa or smartphones even Facebook eased dropping on us and recording everything we say compared with your Monday consumer tech update while Americans claim to be super concerned with business and government snooping at the same time we're bracing voice and listening technology in literally every device we own and in many cases they're always listening if you're going to have this technology in your home you're voluntarily giving up layers of privacy if that creeps you out here a few things I've done with your smartphone go to your Facebook settings and turn the microphone off Alexa and Siri are more difficult I've actually disconnected my Amazon echo until Amazon comes up with a better guarantee that it's not recording private home conversations with the Syria device your only option is to disable the hey Siri command and even then you never know read more along with all the tech news updated all the time at News dot commando dot com That's k o m a n d o. 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A quick nother disclaimer for you a little bit later on in the program we're going to be critical of President. And a little bit later on after that we're going to be critical of the merits have won just so you know a lot of lot of criticism to go around this morning before we get to other news going on in the world we do have to give you an update on Los Vegas this morning and the murderer that is Stephen Paddick Now the. First of all we've been fortunate got to run down some of the statistics about those injured 59 dead 19 of those now reported died at the hospital that's what that means 40 people that were shot died on the scene. 19 of them were transported to the hospital and succumb to those injuries the number of injured 527138 were still hospitalized as of yesterday 50 of them in critical condition now with technology modern medicine and the care they're getting many of those most of those likely will still what will survive they likely will not die but most of those people are going to continue to suffer the effects of those injuries for many many years if you're ever in critical condition already thing you likely are going to suffer the effects of that moving forward and think about the p.t.s.d. You know the shots because his or civilian or you're right we're talking all injuries and wounded are losing all but what about them to civilians there's never heard a gunshot they thought it was fireworks so once you were clicked on the no no no what I mean this is a gun shots when I'm going to do something about the traumatic stress that is because I have p.t.s.d. As a bomb went off right behind me so I was used to because of my training and I knew what I was getting to but these people were just enjoy on a normal day in Vegas enjoying a concert or you know it's like oh yeah I'm going to enjoy my night but think about the emotional and distress now that they have that when they survive so if i was killed yeah you're right innocence lost in so many different ways survivor's guilt and then they're seeing the graphic nature of mean there's carnage and there's blood all over the place they they witness this stuff as of yesterday 239 were treated and released from the hospitals and about those numbers that's how many were released and there's still 138 in the hospital horrible horrible situation and of course all of their friends and family coworkers acquaintances there all are suffering those affects as well we've got more information now on this murder Stephen Paddick. We reported yesterday that he had a camera mounted outside or inside the room to record himself we now find out that he had multiple cameras staged around likely so he could determine if law enforcement was going to come to his room he had one reportedly in the people he had 2 outside one of them was on a food cart yeah next to the door which likely meant that he set that one up right before the shooting or that day because those food carts they're not staying around outside your door you know that you order room service when you're done you push out there most of the time those are gone within a few hours they come up and get a. So that was still sitting there likely he had just put it out there and Ok this is it's going to go $23.00 guns found in his room 18 it is a house in misc eat and 8 or so found in his home in Reno Nevada the ones at least a couple of them in their room and some of those pictures were leaked yesterday we'll get to that in a minute had bum stocks on I'm the bum stocks are devices that turn semiautomatic weapons seemingly or pretty close to automatic weapons what happens is it's the stock the part of the gun that goes against your shoulder if it's a long gun and it. Attaches so that stock also comes down to the trigger and when you fire the recoil causes the gun to fire the next round now for those of you that know this I apologize I'm not a gun expert and this is going to be common sense you're going to know this I publish for those that don't you pull the trigger once and one round comes out you have to pull it again to get a 2nd round to come out semi-automatic pull the trigger and hold it down and bullets will spray automatic Well when the gun recoils with these bomb stocks it automatically fires again and essentially turns it into an automatic weapon he had several of them in the room and my question yesterday was why 23 not that you can own that many guns of course you can as many as you want I don't care. But why would he think he needed that many Well if he's turning these semiautomatics into automatics these things are going to heat up and what happens the barrow they stop firing this often gets too hot and you can't do it right and he had magazines Yeah like look like banana clip magazines one of the pictures if you look at it is one of those weapons on the. Not tripod monopod and I'm on a part by the i Pod and right into corner of the pillar you can see status in the mag act up and there ones that hold over 30 rounds and there are 30 to 50 again not say disclaimer time disclaimer do have a bellers number disclaimer. Not saying that you can't have magazines just showing what he was prepared to do I don't want people to get on you think we should have the limit of know in all these human limitations have at it done I'm just telling you what's there now to the pictures that were released yesterday and I tweeted out some of them it's at Doc Thompson Show please follow me we put them on Facebook as well we did we did put them on Facebook facebook dot com slash Doc Thompson Show also up there is the video about the 2nd Amendment which I hopefully you'll see and share we did not put all of them that we found some of them are pretty graphic there a graph one of them shows that half of his body the lower half of the other half the then other picture shows the upper half of his body complete with head wound and blue blood all over the place those were leaked. Not a lot of people are going to have access to know not just that the sheriff is just a tiny little angry I mean he's here is that those pictures were leaked now here's why I have an issue with this somebody's going to lose their job Yes Ok I don't think we should be kind of huddled like oh you can see this I say release it all this is no matter what's going to end up on the Internet one of these people are just going to really fast but it was really fast it was yesterday evening when I got home I came on 3 o'clock local time and all sending somebody said it's been a well I hate Christmas just come posted and say Are you sure can we confirm that this is it and I just saw you know all the normal news gathering people just putting it out there but I'm saying that it is really interesting I just for example there's there's cameras so that has to be footage I think it should be released just so we know what happened because as an American I feel like we just need to know everything that happened and let me decide what is good for me exactly hold on disclaimer time. We're not being insensitive here I'm just giving you facts about what happened we're speculating about some of the other stuff of course I feel horrible for anybody that was involved or any family member or even his siblings that loved him meeting Stephen Paddick Yes Wanted body to suffer that's now we're saying was given facts here. The pictures that were released as soon as you said them to me yesterday afternoon I asked some of my coworkers and said Hey you guys want to see the pictures and some of them all of them said yeah only half of them said I want to see the picture of him yeah and I looked up to them and I'm like Ok I'm scrolling down look away if you don't want to see this one Ok here we go and they they saw and they wanted it by the way there is a short video of some of the pictures the door that we're talking about yeah the door just go to The Blaze dot com and you can see it I think the story still up there you see the Friday it's a double door because it was a suite and one of the doors they just smashed half of it down and you can see the police tape and everything if you're curious about it it's up there as well. Other in for oh by the way a couple of other observations about the pictures before I move on number one the amount of rounds on the floor to sleep in shells it's it's like if you've ever been to a range Yes And you forgot to clean up the workweek there we have a place there brass it's all over especially the graphic pictures for shows the body you can see all those rounds around him and you can see the weapons actually when I kept Suman him because. I was a cop so I love looking at certain things you shouldn't and if you look one of the picture on the top left you can see the pillow slain on the floor next to that window yet where he was knelt down young that is that you don't want to hurt your knee when you're murdering 59 people and injuring 500 more you don't want to you know it's hard on the knees to do that and you told us disclaimer it did did did did did did my mocking him and making a joke about that is not to mock what happened to the people it's satire to point out what a jackass this guy is how despicable he was and you could also see the hammer hammer that attacked the hammer that you talked about oh no bum stock Yeah I don't know that I am I am really taking a Leo to break that window you can see it on the pictures where the that weapon is on his side and it's right in the corner behind one thing that I notice and I should just I just I miss him b.c. Highlight it was the piece of paper under the tape next to a pen on a little night all the way is a possibility of a no no I mean it could it could have been a you know a jackass effect list Yeah here's the stupid things I'm going to do today yeah or it could be you know got a big the laundry list could be a receipt but there's a penalty maybe it's a no nonsense is right under the table and again if you look at a picture I you know if you want to know just click on the pictures don't click on the graphic ones but just click on the ones that we showed and so many just I know I said Just think of yourself like what Israel itself about one other observation. Damn at Mandalay Bay who decorated your hotel I mean I hate to make I got to pause a moment disclaimer he did did did did did did to my attempted levity here and mocking just another observation is not to make light of the people who are killed or injured or anybody else who is suffering I truly feel bad for it but we also mock some of the other things because levity can be good and satire also points out what a jackass this guy was having said that damn Mandalay Bay I thought this is like I like I like a nice sort. What was their theme cave What were some colors of course. I when you 1st met me the pictures I was like is this is home that's what I thought it was his house went on till I saw the body and I was like there's a body oh it's wait that's the room that's when I was a little confused and worried that I sent it to you and then for you to pose I'm like well I don't want to give Dr wrong information because he's ugly ass hole telling him 121010 being the best how good were the decorations are one Ok Cal Spin of the dials radio style for a one to 1010 being the best one to tend their decorations negative 6. I thought it was like a straw floor with the carpeting which is stronger you know yeah what's going on there yeah Ok so if you bring that up all right also we have more information on some of the activities of the shooter with regard to money and his girlfriend who now is reportedly back in the country the reason this stuff is so important because we still don't have a motive without a motive we don't know how to stop people like this from doing horrible things in the future we still don't have a motive and I'm beginning to speculate they may have a motive they just haven't told us. We'll get some of those facts coming up and also your calls Triple 87 to 7 back it's 887 to 7 b e c k Doc Thompson for the morning blaze in for Glenn Beck. Rush Limbaugh I can go down a list of what it is about this morning at 930 and foremost none of our top 1360. 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Dodgy detested dot org or 1806 to. The 1860 you might change. Today my new dad through a barbecue today my new son and I threw a barbecue there were burgers and chicken I burnt everything the burgers the chicken the salad they were delicious they were awful and then and then we had watermelon. I'm allergic to watermelon and then we played catch up I broke Mr Lewis is window this is way comes window. Mrs way comes when shields. And somehow my hand my son. And then my dad even let me drive the car of the ride it was a rough day it was a great day. You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent thousands of kids in foster care will take you just as you are for more information on how you can adopt visit adopt us kids down toward a public service announcement from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services adopt us kids and the Ad Council 1st traffic real time traffic updates after our talk. Back. To more about Steven. Because although shooters accurate doesn't really give him. Evil due. To some other information came out about that he allegedly. Wired or sent a $100000.00 to the Philippines the week before this happened now his significant other is from the Philippines she has family there or at least a Filipino descent and she was there during the shooting is that illegal so why are money no our money no no it's just I would send a $100000.00 right and that doesn't necessarily mean she was involved but it is not an indicator of her involvement or it could be an indicator could be anything he could have said I want to help your family out regardless of the shooting you could say hey I'm going out with a bang and want to give some money to some people I like before I go he could have said I am sending you there and given you money to help you out and she knew it's not an indicator of her involvement but she is allegedly back in the country and they are talking to her now and she was met by f.b.i. And I imagine you would be now some other things about him and the money if he did have $100000.00 to spend to send to them and he was allegedly a millionaire the questions of him having financial troubles me is probably not as significant knowing that at least you had that amount that he could just send not millions but still also he was spending $30000.00 a day gambling in the days leading up to the shooting that's a court is likely no fascinating right now he was a big gambler Anyway yeah now we don't know if he was losing $30000.00 a day or just gambling it. But 30000 a day he found out that in the past 3 years he triggered more than 200 transaction reports at casinos now what this means is because Senos are required to file with the Treasury Department of Financial Crimes in Forstmann network form and what that means is when a person withdraws or deposits more than $10000.00 in cash they have to fill this out it's much like when you deposit that much in a bank they have to you know make a note of it and it keeps crime down allegedly And is that illegal you know Ok they just they did their due diligence but he had a transaction that was over 10 $1000.20 times in the last 3 years is what that means so it was a big gamble or just a little insight to his background and seemingly had a lot of money also we found out he worked as a letter carrier for the post office from 76 to 78 and he was and worked in the audience department of the i.r.s. From 78 to 84 Ok put him in jail motives this is the guys that you know if you write that yes that is working for the government. Those are the facts as we know now we're still looking for a motive. I don't know what it is but I I I'm increasingly believing that he was radicalized somehow either by groups outside the country or just by his political views is love or hatred of a certain political party or certain political figures that's what I'm leading with Hopefully those details are coming out soon Ok just a touch more to get to on this and then we're going to go to Puerto Rico Open up the phone lines get some your calls coming up on the Glenn Beck program. Get real time road conditions and traffic updates 1st hour traffic hour to 1360 and . 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Our to. Fox News on k f I d minister K.W.'s extra bucks an hour. He says he's going to pay his. Respects so I'm Dave Anthony Fox News President Trump on his way to Las Vegas where hundreds are still recovering from a Sunday night's concert shooting spree the a 59 others dead felt like a huge tenant that huge space will just the force of it going through my stomach and then I look down there's blood everywhere and I knew I was shot the President will meet with victims and 1st responders who he's praised and he said this about the gunman this morning we're learning a lot more. That will be announced at the appropriate time we're finding out more about Steven batiks Arsenal foxes Chapman also live in Las Vegas Dave investigators say inside the gunman's home in Reno numerous electronic items are usually 5 handguns and 2 shotguns and a plethora of ammunition Clark County Sheriff Joe Bordeaux was one of 4 crime scenes including another house and risky to the hotel room that netted.