And more at all that's where they discovered 1000 guns thousands of rounds of ammunition with explosives in there as well they're looking through computers trying to figure out the past of Stephen Paddick Fox a Chilean merely outside the Nevada House says his next door neighbors of no help us sign outside that reads We did not know him but just retired c.e.o. Of Equifax facing hard questions in Congress over a hack attack that put a lot of people at risk Fox's Rachel Sutherland live in Washington Dave Richard Smith who was at the helm of that fact when the breach happened is apologizing to the more than 145000000 people whose data was compromised to come will have happened on my watch and as c.e.o. I'm ultimately responsible and I take full responsibility Smith told a House committee that human and technological error is to blame he announced he was stepping down last week some are questioning whether Smith another Equifax executive should get golden parachutes in the aftermath of the breach Smith says he gave up his bonus day this is Fox News fair and balanced. M j foreigner from Quicken Loans the rate today on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 3.875 percent a.p.r. 4.05 percent but choosing the right mortgage lender means choosing much more than just a rate let me ask you does calling the company with the best client service in America with 11 j.d. 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President made his remarks about the Las Vegas gunman before leaving the White House to go to Puerto Rico he'll land there soon to get an update on the Hurricane Maria recovery at a local level that's to give us more help but I will tell you the 1st responders the military they have done in the credible job to Puerto Rico has been critical of those criticizing his administration's response singling out the San Juan mayor over the weekend the recovery is is on even the devastation so broad so extensive just 5 percent of the Puerto Rican people have electricity about half have border one 3rd have cell service and that's Fox's Geraldo Rivera in San Juan the president also get an update from the governor of the u.s. Virgin Islands also devastated by Maria and Irma now to a much different problem on another island in the Caribbean the u.s. Is telling some Cuban diplomats to leave after those mysterious sonic attacks on Americans in Havana the directive from the trumpet ministration to Cuba to withdraw 60 percent of its diplomats from Washington is a direct consequence of last week's u.s. Move to cut its own embassy staff and have Ana It comes as attacks on diplomats there continue with the Associated Press reporting that there are now 22 medically confirmed victims one more than u.s. Officials reported it's not clear when the most recently discovered person was attacked the mysterious health attacks affecting victims hearing vision and other things started within days of President Trump's election last year but it wasn't until Friday that the u.s. Embassy ordered more than half of its staff to return home Tania try powers Fox News the Americans did more car buying last month many automakers saw a rebound in sales g.m. Up nearly 12 percent Ford a nearly 9 percent increase and foreign automakers also saw gains for Toyota was almost 15 percent about 9 and a half percent for Nissan on Wall Street another record day for the Dow in the Nasdaq and the s. And p. The Dow's up $63.00 points Dave Anthony Foxx News Radio. This is not. Yes the more I play football for the Philadelphia Eagles for what I do off the field with United Way might be more important I'm a volunteer tutor and mentor why because over a 1000000 kids a year drop out of school and that's not Ok it takes 12 years to create a graduate but it takes about the same time to create a drop them and the difference between a child becoming one of the other could be me more could be you studies show that if we get to these kids earlier their chances are better and kids who read well by 3rd grade are more likely to graduate so join me in United Way Sudha take the pledge become a volunteer reader tutor or mentor because when a child succeeds we all succeed. Give advocate volunteer leave united take the pledge at United Way Down org brought to you by United Way the Ad Council and the National Football League. Power talk 131612 i Heart Radio station. Carriage train clanged back Dr Thompson in for Glenn I'll be with you tomorrow then Pat Gray will be pinch hitting on Thursday and Friday as well coming up immediately following this broadcast on The Blaze Radio Network Pat Gray is going to be covering the Alex Jones. From yesterday night that the dots I'm so glad Alex Jones is in our lives. I can not only do it justice I didn't talk about it I didn't discuss that this morning on our broadcast of the morning Blaise because I knew I couldn't do it justice like Pat Gray already so good at had Gray has covered the crazy that is Alex Jones for a while even on this program I mean you know if you're a regular listener this broadcast that Glenn and patterns do and Jeff you have covered this quite a bit. Alec offered up some insight to the shooting in Las Vegas brilliant and by brilliant we mean amazing and by amazing we mean crazy. Even for Alex Jones this is like crazy I'm telling you I'm telling you here's what's going on the how to do with a gay frogs No but he throws out I'm not going to spoil it I don't spoil it he connects a lot of dots top of the flick arrange. The dots and even brings in a dot that's even not a dot it's so far off the chart but you're like Ok all right there we go. That'll cover that today. The Blazer for more information I will get some calls Triple 87 to 7 back triple 87 to 7 back we'll also get some tweets and some comments from the Facebook as well oh sorry yeah I'll sleep on that one you have this one this is interesting doc because we you've been very critical of the left and Ron says I was like when specifically you mean beginning in 1995 I mean the last 2 hours oh yeah that's true very critical you know you you're marking them marking them very mock up fully. Yes. Yes Ron brings a good question and I actually I support Ron right here Ok Ron what I say I'm with you let me have it he says I've heard a lot of mocking others yes offering solutions Yes and I'm glad you bring this up because we bring up solutions all the time but none from you. See you know all about blah blah blah blah blah. What about you Ok yes I am about the blah blah blah blah blah I don't appreciate the high pitch blah blah write on their blog thank you thank you thank you very much yeah yes I have solutions to this thing are you talking about the the shooting in Vegas was this let's mass murder you know we got you got it from happening yeah you got the cell you know that s former president to say Fox saying you know gun control right Jeannine saying hey we need to push more gun control right what is your solution knocked on somebody's I will offer those solutions now as I do let me 1st say as far as gun control goes the reason that is not a solution is because 1st of all when has gun control ever been inclusive of the government or the people in power Chuck Schumer talks about gun control and he owns a gun lots of these politicians talk about gun control they own guns lots of the political left the Hollywood the limousine liberals out there they talk about gun control they own guns many of them have security that own guns they hire security forces with guns so they're being hypocritical what they're saying is they don't want you to have a gun gun control has been used to keep you the masses from having guns the history of the world is one of oppression that's the truth the history of the world is about some people having power now they can set it up as a dictatorship and all of archaea theocracy any of these they can even set it up as a seeming democracy or even a republic that can happen as well because what happens even an oligarchy those people in power whether it's power through money influence or an outright dictatorship the ocracy or any of these. They still have access to guns and they want Access to keep you the masses from having them that's the history of the world part of the genius of America was that we would do the best to stave that off to keep that from happening and we have for the most part there are still those influential powers obviously there's corrupt members of the government and some people that are powerful because of the money and influence they have but that's the reason I fight so hard for the 2nd amendment and others is because as long as it's there the playing field is level gun control only controls the guns from some and it's not just the criminals course the criminals are still going to have them but also those people in power so my solutions Chris Cruz and I said No Here in other nations Ron Ron. Number one as far as this guy's concerned and what happened in Las Vegas better mental health screening better mental health services and you know where we would get to have better mental health services in a redesigned health care system where we would have more access to medicine where all people would have access to medicine because it would be cheap and it would be plentiful and how do we get that less government less rules less regulation and what we have never had when it comes to medicine in America and that is a free market the closest we've come is in the infancy of medicine in America when a person could go to their you know family doctor out in the country and pay him in you know a chicken or his you know a couple dozen eggs or something like that or a couple of quarts of honey for fixing their kid that's about the closest we've come a free market health care system would offer better mental health care services it would be plentiful it would be cheap What else would stop this from happening a better economy. One of the reasons people go crazy and do these things one of the trigger points is a bad economy how do they radicalize people in the stream. Extremist Muslim countries how do they radicalize people in America in the west to join their crazy exploits by telling them how come you don't have more you're just as good as everybody else joining us will make you strong look you don't even have anything I mean Cal your family's from Egypt the Middle East a lot of poor people a lot of poverty primarily poor and because of that a lack of education a lack of money people are easy to pray to be preyed upon to be radicalized because they say you don't have a better economy and better education through a better economy and less government rules and regulations on a free market provides for more money and opportunity for people a secure border How else have people attacked people in America by bringing guns or bad people to America when we don't know who they are or what they have secure the border what else would help more guns Yeah sounds counter and kind of counterintuitive more guns likely wouldn't have happened or excuse me wouldn't have helped with what happened on Sunday night in Las Vegas because the guy was in a room more guns on the street from the average person probably wouldn't be able to stop him but a lot of these other cases Adam Lanza How about Cho at Virginia Tech How about the movie theater in Aurora Colorado with James Holmes These were all gun free zones they were all gun free zones there were no guns exact or the illegally gotten guns from those criminals who had new Farias intent. More guns in those places would have at least given the opportunity for people to stop the rampage of those Conoco heads by the way most casinos gun free zones not that he shot people in the casino but he was in a hotel did it stop him from taking the gun in the hotel know so more guns is something what also help a less oppressive government but I mean by that I mean with a less oppressive government I get to make more decisions for myself I get to have more money and keep more money to make my life and my family better more education more opportunity and a government that will stop pissing me off by telling me how I'm supposed to raise my children and run my life because that's like less of a Trevor trigger and finally when it comes to some of this stuff better police work I'm not criticizing the cops cops do a pretty good job but their hands are tied quite often because of police unions and the political left telling them that they're bad and they're just indiscriminately shooting people or even worse purposely dis Judean people and killing them because of their race better police work and more respect and finally more appreciation for life and we get that by recognizing our Higher Power and being more thankful of what we have human life is cheap in most parts of the world human life doesn't count for much they don't value it it just doesn't matter we've always valued it in America because we have that higher power and different covenants with God We help each other. The History of America's people getting together for barn buildings they help their neighbor in times of crisis look at what happened with Hurricane Harvey and hurricane Irma and even now with Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico Americans help people Americans help the world America has saved the world countless times from bad guys so more faith and more appreciation for what we have and a little more respect from our neighbors these things will all stop some of this violence from happening but you've got to remember one thing nothing will stop all of it there will always be some bad we can tamp most of it down we can get rid of most of it with the things I just mentioned but there will always be some and at those times we have to fight against the natural kneejerk reaction from a lot of the people we've discussed today on the air to say something must be done as they wring their hands and call for more oppression government oppression has led to more bad than guns so when those rare cases under the system I just discuss happen we have to make sure we don't join with those people who are obviously upset emotional because of the circumstances and say hold it more and be upset get the information get closure all of that's there a p that's fine but stop right now before you make a knee jerk reaction based on your emotions as long as the imminent threat is gone hold it wait stop we can discuss this we can move ahead because most of what you want to do is a slippery slope that's going to bring about a lot more bad. There's a story at The Blaze dot com I have had my differences with Bill O'Reilly over the years seems like a nice guy you met him one time I don't agree with a lot of what Bill says and I agree with some of what he says but I've had differences but one of the smartest things Bill has said is a story that's placed his post at The Blaze dot com Bill O'Reilly said of this tragedy and I'm paraphrasing but this is the price of freedom some bad will always happen in a free society but good people will keep a lot of it from happening and when it does we'll make sure that there are the best circumstances in that bad this is the price for freedom and if you're willing to give up some freedom because of some bad you will end up with neither safety and security nor freedom that paraphrase Ben Franklin back in a minute with more on the Glenn Beck program. John Kennedy been sliding down the mountain and it's now an avalanche enticing the valley coming up in our talks or 260 in 12 valleys talk leader we all hear the stories in the news the good guy uses a gun to protect his family from criminals and then he's the one who gets arrested imagine yourself coming to the aid of a neighbor who is getting attacked with a baseball bat you hold the criminal at gunpoint to stop the attack but when the police show up your the one who gets arrested because you had the gun Well that's exactly what happened to Richard from Grand Rapids Michigan and all because he was just trying to do the right thing. Thanks to our court system this happens a lot and that's exactly what can happen to you unless your fully prepared well the Us concealed carry association that us c.c.a. Is on a mission to provide every responsible American with free training to make sure the good guys people like you and me don't go to jail for protecting their family and loved ones and the best part it's easy effective and absolutely free no strings attached Here's how you can take a simple and rewarding journey to concealed carry in home defense confidence it's called the 2017 concealed carry and family defense guide and it's from the us concealed carry Association and it's 100 percent free in this guide you'll learn how to detect attackers before they see you How to Survive a Mass shooting the safest and the most dangerous place to sit in a restaurant how to responsibly own and store a gun even if you have little kids you learned shooting accuracy secrets that the pros use how to select your perfect handgun holster how to know when you can or can't shoot your gun in self-defense you learn what to say and what not to say when the police arrive and a whole lot more it's 164 pages and comes with a bonus audio version so you can listen in your car this life changing guide is 100 percent free and for a limited time you'll also get a bonus home defense checklist visit defend a Family dot com right now for your 100 percent free instant access once again that's defend a Family dot com defend Family dot com. How can we stop our personal high tech devices Syrian Alexa or smartphones even Facebook ease dropping on us and recording everything we say compared with your Monday consumer tech update while Americans claim to be super concerned with business and government snooping at the same time we're bracing voice and listening technology in literally every device we own and in many cases they're always listening if you're going to have this technology in your home you're voluntarily giving up layers of privacy if that creeps you out here a few things I've done with your smartphone go to your Facebook settings and turn the microphone off Alexa and Siri are more difficult I've actually disconnected my Amazon echo until Amazon comes up with a better guarantee that it's not recording private home conversations with Assyria device your only option is to disable the hey Siri command and even then you never know read more along with all the tech news updated all the time at News dot com metadata com That's k o m a n d o. 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Either it's Dr Thompson in Portland today along with preschoolers or Cal regularly heard on the morning blaring just go to the radio dot com You can find out more about us. On our program we usually use the hash tag what I learned today on Twitter and we submit different comments about the broadcast and we'll share those communiques got some coming in right now yet at Dr Joe please follow me. To turn that might go on but you know on there you've got American shrug saying well said Doc Well said thank you oh yeah I tune you out I completely to India and you asked me who I was I was I was a did it make sense because you could well I go to the breakers to challenge me you didn't offer any solution I did I stand there with Iran give me the business you know how is that increase like I wasn't I wasn't listening I was to some other things. Ok Julie says Dr Johnson maybe the problem is we're too medicated. Devil or part of it we're crazy ass medicated now I'm serious just nutty amounts of medication yes of an English saying what I learned Dr Johnson is not mocking. Marky Mark Maki face Mark e. Mc Mark face I like that. That's because any time they ask anybody to name anything online it because something to something big name this boat Bodhi mc boat bass and name the schools school you make school face. So a couple months ago I just I know everyone does that I know but failed to bed Lee I was like Oh Ok My wife is pregnant again and she's doing what she's pregnant again oh wow how did you hear that because you had many friends in today's no. I didn't ask you to name her goof So she's due after the 1st year in January so I was like a couple months ago were looking for some different names because you have to have a weird name well because my last name is Tom So that's one of the most common names in America it's your oldest son's name. I'm not sure if I want to disclose that what is your 2nd child's name not sure I want to disclose that and what I see there but you're showing a name of undocumented dog. So I got my son's name is Tiger Ok Tiger Ok interesting unique very unique and. Jet. Again very unique Ok they came in all on a.k.a. Ok that's his nickname don't cats a whole other thing anyway so I'm like he's need a name and I'm trying to come up with something and something different or whatever and really thought stupidly for a moment our audience in the morning would be like here's a story oh yeah what name do they get good make kid face baby make baby bass Tommy time Tom Time is made that was it I was like Ok good I guess it also put out there that you wanted to be something with as like connection to the founding fathers he said if I could find something like that again big like George after George what By the way cubby b. Other night we're a dinner my wife goes something about the baby and he go the name and he goes George Washington who and I was like Wow The problem is you know George I mean George Thompson's are probably our whole line so cubby came out he's 3 right yes he says George Washington. Look for a cow when you talk to your daughters ina saying no saying how sorry she's not the warrior princess No she said I wish that you know the kind of cool that's got the energy of a warrior princess and you say hey this name because you're also are you just had a baby right another baby yeah when you asked her Hey what's your name your sister that you come up with a founding father she say I don't know what George wants this is why Martha Martha you know she said I'm on a. She's a big fan of course my son's going to know a little you know founding father whatever and I have a feeling that he's going to get beat down and so I can't go I can't go Tom Jefferson and I use all too common I get Patrick Henry and all common names are going to do pretty much all the founding fathers were George John Adam you know not only how so but that's the reason I was asking for help and we have him up with any so we got a call for all of those names are strong silent the stronger the rain came name that's not the point but why are you going because there are a 1000000000 of them out there I'm trying to because there was a solid names right exactly you know many Bob and Dawn Thompson's there are and everything else is going to be a 1000000000 of a I'm thinking here isn't there a family member that is named that there are plans or e.c.c. Nori ingredient. My father's. He's dead now but it's name was basal I mean. That's the reason we all got really common names because he needed his name. So I guess he gave us common ones we all I don't know what your comments are what is of their kids are you. Ok my now dead says how to make a Thompson How good is that so with a little bit crazy and wanted that to be her like oficial chef neighbors she was going to shit through got. Those like no sign of the. Back. Get real time road conditions and traffic updates 1st our talk 1st traffic our talk 1360 and 12. And now a look back at this week in history this weekend $866.00 the Reno gang carried off the 1st robbery of a moving train in the us they made off with about $10000.00 before Reno brothers Frank Simeon William and John would pull off train robberies for another 2 years before being caught in the great Chicago fire began this weekend 871 over 250 people died and more than 17000 buildings were destroyed this week in 1905 Palestinian terrorists hijacked the Achille Lauro an Italian cruise ship carrying 440 passengers off the coast of Egypt the government demanded the release of 50 Palestinian militants imprisoned in Israel and if their demands weren't met they threaten to blow up the ship and kill 11 Americans that were on board 22 thugs attack c.b.s. Evening News anchor Dan Rather this week in 1986 yelling Kenneth What's the frequency r.e.m. Would later write a song called What's the frequency Kenneth for their 994 album monster and this week in 2003 after Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of California replacing Gray Davis who had earlier become the 1st u.s. Governor to be recalls since 1921 that's your look back if this week in history tocome back to the don't. Up next we have Satchmo Satchmo who is a member of the shelter pet group that's right a known especially for their couch snuggling ball chasing face looking tail wagging backyard and of course companionship and what breed would you say Satchmo is I'd have to go with maybe a lavish terrier hound looking kind of mix tremendous also like to point out coloring white or brown black simply marvelous you know it's such a treat to watching talk like this but see you actually look how he makes eye contact with his passing that's actually known as the treat stare how intuitive. And now he appears exciting returning in circles a happy dance so common with this group and finally the loving face trick it's great how he just gets in there and well looks fantastic but really the best way to know an amazing shot a pad like Satchmo is to meet one of the shelter pet project dot org Today adopted by Matt is from the Humane Society of United States and the Ad Council. Could pick . Granny marshmallows. Left to their own devices children wouldn't always get right. Back to Iowa pizza pizza pizza. That's why they have you for us thank you Affleck which provides nutrition information health care referrals even food to women infants children it's confidential and free to find out more about our news location or if you can decipher our benefits call 1866 with info that's 1866 w. I see Inform. Your child has you send the money keep track and you have way. Back to by the National with Association and the Ad Council. When is the best time to talk to your. Ramle about staying in touch during a disaster when floodwaters reach or. When wildfires are engulfing the edge of your neighborhood. Or an earthquake is destroying buildings. When a tornado is tearing through town. Or a hurricane strikes. Or is the best time perhaps today during disaster you may not be able to stay in touch with your family or friends as easily as you think and they stop always as simple as using your cell phone that's why now is the time to take action go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today don't wait communicate brought to you by Fema and the act Council. When I was little I didn't talk for a long time. I like things to be the same anything new or different scarab setting By Autism Speaks and the Ad Council power talk 213161280 available everywhere you want to listen are free i Heart Radio I haven't downloaded. You're listening to the Glenn Beck program. Ok now we get a bunch of people suggesting things for my son I love them all doing the 1st of the year just after the 1st of the year. Our buddy g.m. India and the proprietor of American pride roasters coffee at American pride roasters dot com just sent about Carver. Carving Carver carving things like cover. Like George Washington Carver. A historical figure it'd. Certainly admire genius so yeah and we currently live in northwest Arkansas Bentonville area and he grew up close to there. I did my carver so unique What do you think when I think of Carvey. Ok. Ok what about middle name if you pick Carver what would you go for because you know up yet up. Chris is like slowly getting around. Ok maybe Carver's not great now. Not the Bob I love the Bob Loblaw. How about button. Yeah to honor button going at a less popular signer of the Declaration of Independence Ok or a lesser known what about Coolidge and here's the problem I don't know much about but I'm going that I mean meeting my failure on that one now I know some of the other lesser known founding fathers like one of the ones a guy represented on the back of the Delaware quarter. Caesar Rodney Oh my God this guy was awesome What about Caesar thought about that in the white boot Weiss addressing something fascinating present that's why and then you could also make it most people would think your name Caesar after Julius Caesar who was a dictator so you see the confusion there then I'm saying he can see that right yes many times as to Christian. You don't know and you know that's what Brutus said that's what he said were just a super telling Ok never mind anyway so people think she's so it's a bit of a fail they're going to and then governor Morrissey show are another celebrate he's an addict the New York Governor Morris the founding father that cat awesome as well know quite a bit about him governor Morrissey his 1st name was governor spelled a little differently than going or Ok Ok that's pretty cool yes and I think you all are that's really cool I try to talk my wife into governor so call that what way I can remember but it's not like I'm the norm not calling her like you know better of it like I do she. Want to name your kid governor Governor Tom. Ridge name still call him gov That's. What that like you know he you want to get beat up at school as I was trying to do it's like a boy named Sue you either you know learn to fight or you know you get beat up how long ago did you bring this up your wife was the middle name the senator was governor or senator Thompson and there would be a problem if you ever became a governor you're going to or senator governor. I like it I like that one how long of a do you bring this up over the summer Ok Should I revisit it all on this tact and is Ok let me just bring it out there you bring it up to my wife because you know we tax like I think like every other day it was with you talking to my wife and she. Is very rude for me not to text back to people that text me Ok I don't know you Cal he communicates with our wives more than than we do Jeffrey's wife with Jeff Yes that's very nervy so but in this case Ok so you throw it out there yeah I'll throw out there you still the deal how about Morrissey who sat Governor Morrissey The problem is there's that that do she singer who's nuts Morsi Oh he's crazy so yeah I could do that but you could go Governor bores the Thompson. That's horrible Yes way too much but Ok fine then the initials do some work out. G.m.t. Is going to mean time that's abbreviation for going to mean time g.m.t. Oh my God you had that like right there dude I'm just. Owed Yeah right then j.j. Tweeting how about Charles Sumner Thompson not bad the problem is Chuck Charles Thompson going to be a lot of Charles Thompson's out there again to try to you know sort of Grover you know here like Grover Grover But you know the problem with that The Muppet Oh right you got that going on when the band you live in Bentonville. You know how about Benjamin Franklin face. Somebody don't think they're taking now t.j. Tweeted How about Quincy here's the problem Quincy unique name Quincy Thompson Ok got a he was an initial That's not bad the problem is if you're going after like a founding father or that he was on about a father but an early historical American figure are you going for John Quincy Adams is that you're going for I think so if you aren't you had it was a little do she well isn't there singer Quincy Quincy Jones Yeah so I think it was the seventy's t.v. Show Quincy Jack Klugman star. Would you like Quincy Cal No No You see that's what I'm saying so it's got to be a Founding Father you like or historical figure like that's a must in must be a Founding Father I'm just saying if I'm going through if you're going to have somebody storable you don't want to jack the ripper time so you don't have somebody that you know well t.m.b. Sound time saying I like this one earth water Mack f. Water based Thompson Earth Water is our sponsor in the morning to go to Earth Water dot com slash the blaze and try it wonderful product I'm not sure I want to branded when they pay me for it. Oh no they are kind of to be millions on the table I think I'd be willing to do that I think every horrible though Earth Water times and give you a whole life Listen I made 4000000 bucks off a kid sorry can I call him cash from far cash that's right one of the guys who markets and works for the law his name is cash time I love that cash really the name the guy. You know that see in j.c. Penney is cash so what's happening I think it's James Pashka cash Penny I'm assuming. You like to mess with Paul it's pretty serious about that what about Siena McClory face Ok now you're just being goofy Ok Coolidge How about that I like that you have a mug this is Coolidge that you would have Calvin Coolidge Yeah yeah it says something someone left a mug here that says don't blame me I voted for Romney and I. Don't have voted for Coolidge No I'm not that old that's the joke I thought it out there Calvin Coolidge Thompson and the wife shot that down house that cow Calvin's Ok because I don't know Calvin Coolidge Thompson because that's the nick because that's your name because you got and I think now I think that just happened by accident I think so the other thing that you should really consider we're trying to consider something could be a good nickname you know of saying Ok but no don't give me that well you know because your youngest son is yet jet right because my cubby I did not pick that. Came to pick that but it wasn't meant to be his nickname moving forward it was just when he was in utero and shortly thereafter and it just stuck because I want to talk and I love talking you son of a cubby do this I'm like What do you mean you could probably do this for a 3rd person you know I'm like wow this kid is so brainwashed. But about something like Indiana. Like Indiana Jones dog Indiana Indiana. So you've got a good thing but jet would be a good nickname and so that's how they think you're going to find out but how do you get my oldest son Tiger tie by the time right if you know why or I just bought it with an eye Ok that's a whole thing you get into a whole spelling with a y. Your whole life you're like Nono the law it's whatever so trying to come up with that's going to be maybe a decent nickname to Prescott Thompson Oh my gosh did you just touch my wife maybe you did didn't you maybe you son of a guy did you because that's one of our names. I was like. Oh you're like somebody actually can see what Prescott I was like seriously Cal come on that's one that's going to get you be you know and your wife Prescott did I don't like this don't go in that one on me if you want to I'm going or you're not and you better go over there is good that historical you're going to be serious you want to get to have issues grown up man Ok Ok Did you see that was from her wasn't it had to you know as a listener No because she really that was one of my wife's I was one of her like 2 were going to be like you and me that was they from Twitter he said Prescott Thompson. So maybe she's hiding you know with a Twitter you know I think somebody just threw it out there to somebody else crazy the things that's a good name is what about Grace and oh somebody said about Rodney Caesar r.c. For short they do Caesar Rodney back that's my initials r.c. . You know Ok. But yeah Rodney's run is kind of a while right sorry Rodney's people named Rodney What about the forest run forest run Reno you got back here saying forest and middle name Franklin right there is a historical forest too but I think in today's world ever going to think Forest Gump right yeah oh yeah. You know. Now the sad part is some of the really good names like if Madison hadn't become an over common girl's name that would be a cool day. James Madison as far as founding fathers go I mean he's way up there James Madison from Orange Virginia. There in the Constitution Yeah I mean wow now I could go a couple of routes I'm from Ohio so you can go some Ohio like 8 presidents for Ok 7 they claim an 8th. 8 presidents from Ohio and 8 from Virginia my adopted state you love the Virginia I love the Virginia but a lot of the presidents from Ohio kind of long form you go James Garfield I was born in the same county in our field Garfield got that orange cat oh my God you're right otherwise that could be a cool name that is a good name orange cat sorry our field Thompson What really made a name if you if you pick guard for what's middle name remember when we come up with one. 0 I like that cow field the dogs would have in there. Yes that McKinley it's a girl's name now that's McKinley a girl's name McCann is a McKinley a girl's name. Is a girl's name now becoming William McKinley from Niles Niles I admit that how about Taft. Lot of them I think he was vetoed more piece of legislation that any so that's a good one fine well why didn't I didn't like Taft Why did you not tell her I think she was out of the test half you know how you got the initial Yeah got stuck in a tub Yeah there might be cell of that's very. Basic guy that. Harrison's Benjamin and William Henry both from Ohio Grant I said I grant I like strong name Ulysses s. Grant Yes You know he was in our home. So I don't know we kind of ran out of in there gathered thread I have a nephew named Gavin probably wouldn't fly. See all these waters you've got to navigate how did you come up with your son's name Milo. He said he's smiling like you has other kids or like I you know or some other name you know I might look up and up on his I'm sorry Milo was a master malleable up unless. I don't know what that you know that crazy not a joke and so my lawyer noticed you talking Milo the political figure you make your joke and what is less made up and Ok We're going to get a break this is the Glenn Beck program. The Rush Limbaugh program I was born to host this morning at night you were born and to listen to our top 1360 into the valleys. 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Emergency water not a drop and what about food Nope perfect we all know where we're meeting if we're separated Yeah the library on Joan's ouse the bus stop great and I'll be waiting here wondering where you all are sounds like we don't have a plan was a for many golf swing it is not an emergency plan make sure your kids know what to do during an emergency call where to me what to pack visit ready dot gov slash kids for tips and information a public service announcement brought to you by Fema and me at. RINGBACK Hello hello yes oh yes oh yes yes I'm going about the vacancy Yes small room for no no no no no no I don't want to room I want to Colin. 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The shampoo the fried fish he lets his 10 year old nephew feed him it for tennis even though he can straight up slay just 10 feet. When the toilet paper is running true places the role of the actual Holder just on the back of the toilet reaching texting trying to reach. Doing which I was just telling everyone how great you are texting and driving. Good people. Visit text org a public service announcement brought you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council Hannity show this is freedom this is Liberty this is what we've always wanted ties in the family coming up in our talks 131612 tallies. Up again on my Facebook page The Blaze dot com Don't scuse me Facebook dot com slash Doc Thompson show we have posted a couple of minute video one of our fast back segments on the 2nd Amendment so as you continue to try to sadly have to defend your 2nd Amendment rights this will help you do it will give you some ammunition because it is the fast facts it's not gender driven because the facts are laid out there now my course agenda is to support the 2nd Amendment but it's all out there but just go to facebook dot com slash Dr John also leave some comments there if you'd like to comment on any of the things we've been talking about specifically with the murderer in Las Vegas Stephen Paddick shout out to boy she wrote them produced that's right thank you for bringing that up Booie is one of the writers here whatever she wrote part of that yes. She wrote most most of that in a because she's watching you right now I contributed a little bit to it or whatever but yeah we did a good job so make sure to check that out again Facebook dot com slash dot com So Joe a couple more tweets and Facebook posts coming in for just talking about names for for my son a lot of people how about freedom Thompson Richard Richard writes Yes you can get beat up freedom is the going to sound like like you were born on a commune or something or not just now it's going to sound like Freedom Tower freedom Thompson Yeah Ok Abby Normal give me the business Eric Cantor Thompson. Eric Cantor is he your favorite. As he knows of my powerful dislike for Eric Cantor and all the the dirtbag inside the Beltway politics that Eric Cantor is and represented over the years Amy tweeting out. Whenever I'm sad I remember that Chuck e. Cheese's full name is Charles entertainment cheese I said I know that we looked it up Charles entertainment Jeezy in Chuck e. Cheese is entertainment Wow. This is such a colossal failure you know what happened what happened they named Chuck e. Cheese and somebody would say yes' they would seed certify that it come up with some of the corporate off there like yeah entertainment I get the entertainment I got it you're ready for this said I'm ready for this you're not ready for this in El Roy No no no no no no no no said entertainment by God if you guys entertain a bomb very good very good I hate them so much more now. So sorry about that it is that's a bit of a fail change that Chuck e. Cheese I like you much more if you change it if you got any throughout the days let us know I think we've narrowed it down to a couple possibilities then one of them not going to share with what it is yet Ok but it is a founding father or it is a part of the name of a signer of the Declaration of Independence and there were 56 signers so I've narrowed it down just a little bit and we're working on it so I I may have come up with one. I'll love it I'm there I like the history I like the guy I like old thing the name itself is about a 6 out of 10 we'll see how it works out thanks so much for joining us I'll see you tomorrow morning on The Blaze radio network have a great day Doc Thompson in for Glenn back on the Glenn Beck program. Get real time road conditions traffic updates 1st our 1st trip our 136012. 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During the warm summer months wildfires take a toll on California and often impact Valley residents with long damaging smoke while the valley or district monitoring sites use the most advanced equipment available to detect find particularly matter and ozone pollution ash and other debris generated from wildfires are often too big to be detected by this equipment so if you smell smoke or see smoke in the immediate vicinity treat air quality is unhealthy and try to remain indoors to reduce your exposure to harmful particle pollution use the ram program at Valley Air dot org for real time air quality information but also use your eyes and nose as your own personal air quality monitor if you can smell smoke you're breathing in smoke which can damage your long for more information on wildfires and other forms of air pollution visit valley air dot org This is been your healthy air Living report from the valley or district. Just hour to. Hour. It's not business as usual and the. Vegas hotel used by a gunman for his deadly concert attack Sunday night is operating despite the vast crime scene inside and out boxes Jessica Rosenthal is live at Mandalay Bay And Lisa the Mandalay Bay this morning is quiet according to people who have been staying here it is more quiet than usual even at this early hour I went outside a can actually see one of the broken out windows from the 32nd floor one place to be in the country I walk by the elevators and each wing has a security guard standing outside of it Lisa thanks Jessica President Trump meantime just arriving in Puerto Rico to get a firsthand briefing on the response to hurricanes are and Maria he'll meet with the governors of Puerto Rico and the u.s. Virgin Islands the former c.e.o. Of Equifax who are tired right after a man. Data Breach is now on the Capitol Hill grill Fox's Rachel Sutherland live in Washington we said Richard Smith is facing a injury lawmakers Oregon Democrat Greg Walden demanded to know how could a major u.s. Company like Equifax which holds the most sensitive and personal data on Americans so let them down it said he is ultimately responsible for the breach which allowed hackers to access a personal information of more than 145000000 people a truly deeply sorry for what happened he gave up his bonus and severance but Smith is walking away from Equifax with a hefty retirement which some say is a golden parachute also getting grilled the new c.e.o. Of Wells Fargo I completely appreciate your frustration I am angry about what happened at this company Timothy Sloan denies knowing years earlier fair and balanced.

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