Sometimes when we talk about this we talk about the a lapped the elect is a phrase that would be used to describe those who are chosen as compared to the non alack. One person put it this way quote try to explain the election and you may lose your mind trying to explain it away and you may lose your soul and quot So what was the basis for the choice of God Some would say it's irresistable grace this would be the Calvinistic view the Reformed view irresistable grace they would say God's Irresistible Grace has been extended You have no choice in the matter you actually can't resist it and they would even believe some in something called limit to the tone and meaning that Christ so only died for the Elector of the chosen ones so if you're not one of the elect actually Christ did not die for you at all let me just say at the outset I disagree with these views. I believe that Jesus Christ died for the center of all of the world Jesus put it best when he said For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life earlier in Romans 3 read Paul writing Romans 5 when we were without strength in due time Christ died for the end godly scarcely for a righteous man one will die perhaps for a good man some would dare to die but God demonstrated his love toward us that while we were yet sinners he died for us if you want to know how to determine if you're one of the chosen ones believe in Jesus Christ and you'll confirm you have been chosen by God. But that brings me to my 1st point if you're taking notes everybody needs to hear the gospel no matter who they are. Everybody needs to hear this every generation needs to hear it every baby boomer needs to hear the Gospel every millennial needs to hear the Gospel someone 45 verse 4 says Let each generation tell its children you're mighty x. Let them proclaim your power Baby Boomers Generation x. Millennial generation to see Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever the answer is Jesus for every generation. Number 2 the religious person needs the gospel as much as the pagan person by pagan I mean is the nonbeliever religious person Paul is addressing the Jewish mindset in verse 6 he says so wait then has God failed to fill filled his promise to Israel no not at all those who are born into the nation a betrayal are Chile members of God's people being descendants of Abraham doesn't make them truly Abraham's children so basically saying look just because you're born a Jew does that mean you really understand what it means to be Jewish and what it means they have a relationship with God you could apply that to Christians too I think sometimes people think well I was raised in a Christian home I must be a Christian no you were just raised in the Christian home. Sometimes some of the worst centers are people raised in Christian homes because they rebelled against it and sometimes some of the greatest saints come from Christian homes it just depends on the person we love to put all the blame on the parents but we have a say so and how we go in life regardless of how we were raised or maybe not raised but you need to have your own faith you can't live up the faith of your parents you can't live out the faith of your spouse or somebody else you need your own relationship with Jesus Christ and here's the funny thing one of the easiest places to get your heart hardened to the Gospel is actually in the church as you hear the truth of the Gospel you hear the truth of the Word of God huge aside if you're going to be responsive or resistant to it the same sun that softens the wax hardens the clay our hearts can get hard. In church even because the author of Hebrews writes in Hebrews 312 to believers be careful then dear brothers and sisters Big sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving turning you away from the living God you need to warn each other every day while it's still called a day so none of you will be deceived and hardened against. Mr Greg Laurie We'll have the 2nd half of his message in just a moment. We love to hear stories of how lives have been changed through the teaching of God's Word like this one I called today because 35 years ago my younger brother who had been to Greg's job just graduated from school moved away from that family with a loan for the 1st time and he gave his heart to Lord through Greg's new program and after he became a Christian it had lived out in one who me and on the older brother wanted it for myself and I repeat before I had changed my whole life and through be my twin brother and through our old badly it's all going to go and all we do with religion and now we all don't abort our birth baby and I just want to encourage Greg to keep your guard article. At the generation about we break our children going to happen it's a lot and it started way back when my brother received cry one a blessing to hear how the baton of faith has been passed throughout the family how have these daily studies touched you and your family tell us your story 866-871-1144 again that number 866-871-1144. And now Pastor gray continues his study called every generation needs Jesus Let's listen. So now we come to the final movement of this chapter that we're going to look at and Romans 9 burst 19 where Paul tells us we're like a lump of clay on a wheel well then you might say why does God blame people for not responding haven't they simply done when he makes them do no don't say that Who are you a mere human being to argue with God should the thing that was created say to the one who created it why have you made me like this so the point is here we are we're like a lump of clay on the potter's wheel some of you who do this know a lot more about it than I do but you put the clay in the wheel you begin to dig in your thumbs in your fingers and you are of a concept like I'm going to make this lump of nothingness into this beautiful object to same one artist sits down in front of a canvas and they get their paints out they have an idea in their mind this is what I'm going to paint or the musician who picks up the guitar or sits at the keyboard or or bowls out whatever instrument they're going to play and they maybe play a chord or think about it and they say a word or 2 and they're starting to form this they have an idea said God has us on the will he says here's my plan for you here's when I'm in a do for you now my going to be pliable and open or am I going to be resistant see I can sabotage God's plans from my life God's plans for you are better than your plans for yourself but you can still sabotage them by being resistant to them and saying I don't want this semi life you think I don't get this I thought it says that God 3 determine these things yes he chooses you but you must choose him as well here's a verse that pulls it all together in full appearance. It says Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling and then it goes on to say Ford as God That works in you both the will and do of His good pleasure see there is my part and there is God's part it's God that works in me both the will and do of His good pleasure but I need to work out my own salvation what does that mean work for my own salvation of course not because salvation is a gift it's not by works that were saved but by grace the Bible says so work it out means to carry it to the goal and complete as St John and St Paul said we can work it out. Only the baby boomers got that joke right. The bill in the us are like what. We can work I'm referring to John Lennon and Paul McCartney of the Beatles they had a song called We Can Work It Out That's the fun they said Ok forget about that Ok so to work it out me it's the idea of going into a mine in that mine I find gold so I get the gold out of the mine that's the phrase Paul is using work it out develop it explore and discover it enjoy it work it out in your life and it's god that's ultimately doing the work in your life hey you're on the potter's wheel and he's working and it's coming together I know things seem random at times how many of you believe God's plan for us better than your plan for yourself raise your hand about a very good how many a very for thought that nothing is making sense in your life and you don't get it raise your hand up oh I hope you'll raise your hand that's very good if you notice my hand is up to other times I've said Lord I don't get this at all this doesn't seem to fit any plan this makes no sense to me why are you doing this or allowing this to be done but remember when you don't understand what's happening fall back on what you do understand. I don't understand why this is happening but here's what I do wonder center or at least that I do believe it that God loves me that God shows me that God can work all things together for good to those who love Him that God is in control of my life he has a plan so I fall back and then say Lord I don't get it but I trust you I love the words of Cory 10 Boom she said don't wrestle just Nussle don't fight similar go ahead have their own way Lord have their own way the hour at the Potter I am the clay mold me and make me after that I will while I am waiting yielded and still oh yes he chose you and yes he loves you and don't let anybody ever tell you any differently and his plan for you it's all going to come together and it's all going to make sense one day maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but one day it will and until that day just be pliable clay on the wheel of the potter and watch what the Lord will do so let me close by asking have you been chosen by God So I don't know I'll tell you how you can know. How believe in Jesus Christ and you'll confirm you were chosen by God believe in him but don't harden your heart so you hear this message I'm sharing with you and it's a well I don't I reject that I don't want that in every time you hear the Gospel and don't respond to it your heart can get a little harder Listen to this the greatest inoculation against the gospel is the gospel heard but not heeded let me say that one more time the greatest a knock your lation against the gospel is the gospel heard but not heed it now if you go to a foreign country you're going to be exposed to some serious viruses they may require certain shots. Before you go and what they're doing when they give you that shot it's putting a little bit of that thing you're going to be exposed to in your body so you can build up your immunity so in the same way I hear the Gospel but I don't respond to it and I can actually develop an immunity to the Gospel don't let that happen because everything you're looking for in life is available for you in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ my wife Cathy likes puzzles I'm puzzled by that. Why would anyone like puzzles I don't we were in a hotel not long ago we walk by and there's a puzzle on a table she's that old puzzle like as kept walking like what I waste my time doing that where's the food you know. So not long ago she was putting a puzzle together in our house and she called Craig help me I said what's wrong she says I'm missing a piece of the puzzle she had literally put the entire puzzle together and one piece was missing so we got on our hands and knees and were looking around and we finally found it under the chair and the puzzle was complete life can be that way we say you know what when I get all these things right I know my life will be bright you know I got to graduate from high school and then I graduate from college and I meant agree and as I pursue my career and then I buy my 1st house and I get married and then we have kids then we get a little older and we set a Barbara tyrant plan now we have grandkids and now we have this and now we have that but then one day I get it all done and they say Wait something's missing the missing piece of the puzzle whereas it was not under the chair God has it because I'm missing piece you're looking for is not going to be found in anything you can find on this planet. Won't be found in drugs it won't be found in more followers on social media and won't be found in fame it won't be found in good things like a family or goals that are legitimate because it's all timidly God you're looking for Jesus Christ holds a missing piece you're not looking for a thing you're looking for him and he'll come into your life and forgive you of your send How do you want him to come in your life right now don't harden your heart the Bible says don't harden your heart so now it's on you so you can say I want this and I believe it Och you've been chosen by God I don't want this I reject it careful now. Because this is the offer of forgiveness it's resistible grace yes it's Grace Yes it's amazing Yes it's there for you but you can say no to it and some do far too many do I hope you'll say yes I want Jesus Christ and that you will then begin to discover God's plan for your life because Jesus who died on that cross for your sin and rose again from the dead now stands at the door of your life and he knocks and says if you hear his voice and open the door he will come in if you've never asked Jesus Christ to come in your life when it should do it right now as we close in prayer Let's all pray Father thank you for your word to us in your love for us thank you for your offer of forgive this that is offered to everybody that will believe in your name and I pray for any that have joined us who may not yet know you Lord would you help them to see their need for you to help them to come to you this day we were that they met. An important prayer from Pastor Greg Laurie for those who want to make a change in their relationship with God today and if that's where you're at if you'd like to make that kind of change and Pastor Greg will come back in a moment and help you do that before today's edition of a new beginning concludes If you'd like to hear today's presentation again just go online to harvest dot org or use our harvest mobile app. If you'd like to have a permanent copy sent your way on cd just call us at 180-821-3300 that's 180-821-3300 the title of today study is every generation needs Jesus and as you connect with us thanks for letting us know what radio station you listen to that helps us know where our broadcast is having a positive impact well past a great we have a brand new book a children's book to make available that helps kids learn about God through some eyeopening devotions on creation that's right and for many parents they realize that if a child is going to learn biblical truth about science and creation it really has to happen at home and it won't happen at school public school at least you know that's really true Dave in fact that the things that kids even at the very early age are being exposed to and that public school system is nothing short of frightening so we need to equip our kids we need to prepare our kids we need to love our children and teach them the Word of God you know everything so dominated by technology now kids would tablets and kids with phones I noticed that one of the things they're doing now in strollers is they have a little holder for an i Pad and i was in a restaurant the other day and there were families see that had 2 different tables a very small children in the entire time their faith was glued to a screen and I thought these children will not develop properly you know when I used to take my boys out we've got neat and so forth I would take along drawing paper and pens and I'd save drug kids that you know be creative and have fun with them and and so I think it's really an important thing even a lost art for a parent or a grandparent to sit down with the kids especially before they go to sleep and tell them a Bible story or read to them from a book that will help them get their thoughts on the Lord so listen everybody hope is on the way help of the on the way be. Because we have a brand new resource just coming out written by my friend Louis good Leo That is called How great is our God 100 indescribable devotes since about God Listen to this and science what's really cool about this devotional in contrast to others is Pastor Louis has compiled more than 100 of votes since to invite little kids to explore the wonders of the universe from the deadliest creatures on earth like the sea was jellyfish despite her reign in Australia to earth trip around the sun so it's a lot of cool stuff that will engage the kids but it will also tell them what the Bible says and help the little children see how great their god is yeah really it's a great resource to keep kids' attention and teach them about the Lord at the same time you know we hear a lot about quality time you know how parents need to spend quality time with their kids well what better quality time is there than spending time with them sitting on your lap reading them a book that points them directly to God and it's a perfect Christmas gift as well again it's called How great is our God and we'll send it to you to say thank you for your donation right now that's really an investment in touching lives for the Lord in this upcoming year your gift really does make a difference so right is today at a new beginning Box 4000 Riverside California 9 to 504 or call 188213301808213300 or go to harvest dot org Well Pastor Greg a few moments ago you spoke of the need to get our hearts right with God could you have someone who wants to do that very thing right now yes I'd be delighted to listen as you've listened to this program today. Maybe some has been happening inside of your heart where you're sensing I need to do this personally but how do I do it in what do I do let me help you it's very simple affected so simple you may be shocked God this relationship with him is just a prayer away the Bible says if you will call upon the name of the Lord you'll be saved so I'd like to lead you in a prayer we do just that you call on the name of the Lord this can be the moment where you change your eternal address literally from hell they haven't just prayed these words Lord Jesus I know that I'm a sinner. But I know that your the Savior who died on the cross for me and rose again from the dead Jesus I'd choose to follow you from this moment forward in your name I pray he meant I know it's such a simple short prayer but you just called in the name of the Lord and you know what he heard that prayer and if you meant that prayer and your heart he entered that prayer Now let me help you to get started on the right foot in your new life in Jesus Christ the greatest adventure awaits you the life of walking with God I want to send you what we call a new believers growth path that includes the New Believers Bible in a whole lot more and let me be the 1st to say to you congratulations and welcome to the family of God and to get that free new believers growth pack just ask for it if you prayed along with Pastor Greg to receive Christ today will be glad to send one your way right to set a new beginning Box 4000 Riverside California 9 to 514 or call 188213301808213300 or just go online to harvest dot org Next time we'll discuss the importance of sharing the love of Christ with those around us and Pastor Doug points out the joy that comes from being used by the Lord in this way important encouragement coming next time on a new beginning. In new beginning with Pastor Greg Laurie is sponsored by Harvest Christian Fellowship mostly you just want to make it through the day find a missing song make it to work on time figure out what's for dinner but what if you grow closer to God in the middle of it all began by listening to the word the word . Brings Biblical teaching that takes listeners to the next level so whether you're fishing for socks behind the dryer or stewing over dinner tuning to the word do more than just make it through the day 7 10 am on the ward. You're going to love this house that are no thief mom we call that cozy look not down this wall rewire it in price and there's a McDonald's in the neighborhood with all the refreshing drinks you love honey you will own the drink run who will take it now at McDonald's get a small Macapp a bad breaks or anything as I think coffee for just $2.00. Limited time only price and participation a very cannot be combined with any other offer come on the. 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When Christians are filled with the Spirit of God we're equipped to receive guidance and direction as never before but how do we hear that still small voice within us how can we be sure it's the Spirit of God who is speaking to us rather than our own imaginations but today on inside for a living Chuck Swindoll continues our study about God in 3 persons It's a series we're calling How great is our God during the next half hour we're searching the scriptures for biblical discernment on what Chuck calls those and identified inner prompting. The. 2 sections of scripture will be our reading this morning 1st from Genesis chapter one you could place the outline of the message there in that section Genesis one I'll read a couple of verses from that 1st chapter and then locate Psalm number 139 . Psalm 139 following the reading in Genesis one I want to read a few verses out of that 139 song 1st Genesis one beginning at verse 26 and been someone 39 then God said Let Us make man in Our image according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth God created man in his own image in the image of God He created him male and female he created them and then some $139.00 beginning at the 1st verse notice it is a prayer only lord you have searched me and known me you know when I sit down and when I rise up you understand my thought from afar you scrutinize my path and my lying down and our anthem it Lee acquainted with all my ways even before there is a word on my tongue behold Oh Lord you know it all 1st 13 for you formed my inward parts. You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made wonderful are your works and my soul knows it. Very well. Listening to insight for a living to search the Scriptures with Chuck Swindoll be sure to download his searching to scripture study by going to Insight dot org slash studies and other message called those and identified inner promptings there are times we just don't know how to describe what's going on inside we have both struggles that occur and because we are not able to get our minds around them we are at a loss to know the solution and so we wrestle and we wonder through this uneasiness. How we're going to get through this how we're going to make this decision on the one hand it looks good this way but on the other hand it seems wrong and then. Something happens something occurs in the in the unseen realm down deep in our severe it that changes us and we feel this is right and we go there or we are assured this is wrong and we don't. Amazingly we look back on those times and feel so grateful that at the time of decision that right decision was made there were other occasions when we. I can't quite see what the scripture is teaching we're working on a verse or a section of the scriptures and we we can't again get to an understanding of what that's about and so we we pray and we wait and we eat check other verses and we we fall back on what we have been taught to and we go to books that we have or we talk to people we respected and nothing seems to break through but then over a relatively brief period of time the light dawns and you see as you've never seen before it comes to light it's one of those moments we call that insight why is it we don't realize that was the Spirit's working in an inner prompting in a realization of revelation or illumination as we seek truth like we've not seen it before and the mystery leaves and clarity replaces it the 1st thing I described we could call intuition we just felt like we should do that will we should not do that this which I've just described we call insight we get an insight into some truth that we have been wrestling with over a period of time can't tell you the times both of those experiences have happened to me why is it we don't realise that that whole thing fell in the category of the work of the Holy Spirit I want to talk about this today and in doing so I have to tell you I've never heard it addressed publicly I've never heard anyone talk about you I P's I've heard a lot about u.f.o. Chose. And in fact of let me just say this as a side bar I once checked into a hotel didn't know it at the time but a convention of u.f.o. People were there if you ever find out that that has happened don't check into that hotel truss every elevator ride air everybody in the restaurant everybody waiting for a taxi every long line to whatever was filled with people who saw things in the night that for the life of me I could not see right next to my room was a couple that was I guess the ringleaders of the group so they had people in all the evening and sometime into the wee hours of the morning looking out their window that some time open the door to step on the ledge and oh a look at that look at that I mean one night it was about 215 I had to get up I mean if it was that obvious I had to see it and I stood there and I looked and I looked and I thought that's it but it was the reflection from the hall light under my door on my window so I didn't see it if it's there I've never seen but talk about U.F.O.'s we're talking about you I peeves those unidentified inner promptings those hunches those. An easy moments that say don't go there or there's danger lurking or there's harm or the other side it is so great when this occurs. This is where you want to go now having said all of that why is it we never give the Spirit of God credit for such things I know I'm talking about outside our 5 senses so this is extra sensory stuff and so it's subjective that makes it difficult to address which may explain what I've never heard a message on it. But it seems to me thinking about the work of the Holy Spirit we have an incomplete. Series without addressing those unidentified inner promptings and unless I miss my guess some of you have the right now. You were on the verge of a decision and you don't know what you ought to do you prayed to check the scriptures you've sought the counsel and remarkably God's time there will be a breakthrough and you know what you want to do. How do how does that happen why does that happen my Bible is open to chapter one of Genesis and in this chapter we have of course the story of creation and the climax of the creative week is of course the creation of humanity he creates Adam he creates Eve and up until now the the planets are in place the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night in the seas or there and land is there and plants are there it shrubberies there when trees are there and full life in full bloom but now there is brought on this on the scene humanity and there is something altogether distinct about the creation of the man in the woman and your read of it in these 2 verses 26 and 27 Then God said Let Us make man in Our image according to our likeness of God both of those phrases underscored in my Bible the plants were not made in His image the Adam ones are not made in His image the stellar spaces did not bear his likeness but the man and the woman. Did and do see the next verse. God created man in his own image in the image of God He created him a human female you know he created them free times he mentions image once he mentions likeness there's something to this anyone who does a study of the Creation has to pause here and let some of the wonder in what is this image Well it is interesting when you go to Chapter 5 that the image changes Genesis Chapter 5 by the way when we move from chapter one to Chapter 5. We have to understand that between the 2 Sin has occurred Sam has invaded and polluted the human race. Adam and Eve no longer in innocence they are now. Sinners and they are now distant from God didn't hiding from him and all that followed that but now their family comes along and notice the difference in the likeness in the image verse one this is the book of generations of Adam in the day when God created man he made him in the likeness of God We just saw that read on he created them male and female he blessed them and named them man in the day when they were created watch closely when Adam had lived 130 years he became the father of a son in his own likeness according to his Adam's image named him said Something has changed regarding this image Adam made in the likeness of God and Adam and Eve in the likeness and image of God Now they have a son named Seth who comes in the likeness of themselves. Before I tell you the change let me explain what the image may include though I realize in doing so it's a little presumptuous the logins write volumes on this so there's all kind of controversy over what it would include or exclude I want to suggest there was a capacity in humans not found in animals there was an ability for God to communicate with his own people in a way that he does not communicate with animals animals have instinct we have image think about it there are interest secret chambers within our being we called it our heart where the word speaks to us if you will he prompts us in our promptings he urges he moves he convicts he directs he stops he guards he guides That's why I think Solomon writes guard your heart for out of it are all the issues of life watch over that spirit of you when God made us He gave us body but along with that the immaterial soul and spirit animals do not have a spirit there is no connection between God communicating with animals except by way of instate and the natural order of things but humans are different now we see when Adam and Eve have a child it's in their likeness he is in their image one theologian writes this sim damage the created ideal but that damage must not have been complete for this reason 1 May say that the image of God has been defaced but not erase it has been tarnished but not destroyed. What do we say. Only this when Adam was originally created he was created to have that sense of community and connection and communication with the one who made him that broke down wasn't he raced it was if Ace wasn't destroyed to preserve them age and the same is true with us today we live with a defaced and damaged image nevertheless unlike animals we are able to connect with our God in the inner person. Like our pets never can and never will I know you think your pets different but just accepted by faith just take over the stories I hear about pits in the city some 139 turn to some 139 David has all caught up in the magnificent hand of God and his life and love the way he writes the psalm it's fast becoming my favorite. You have searched me and known me you know when I sit down you know when I rise up you understand my thought from a fart meaning long before I ever thought you already know it's there you understand it you scrutinize my path that's a wonderful translation of the Hebrew verb you scrutinize my path and my lying down you or your commonly acquainted with all my ways when our kids were little we bought them an ant farm ever seen an ant farm little plastic sheets on each side and inside is sand and then you dump all the ants inside and you get to watch them as they move because they're doing that normally in the ground all you see is a mound and little creatures that bite you on the feet but in this ant farm you're able to watch them as they're making their paths in their move that's the thought that comes to my mind the Lord sees us just that clearly in fact more clearly he not only sees our paths he knows our motives he knows our words before we say that Minos I thoughts before we think that and he's intimately acquainted with all of our ways this is our creator not go to verse 13 and you will move from that general fact into the womb of the expectant mother watch how the probe of God Spirit drives us to the very life of the embryo the fetus David writes You formed my emerald parts you move me in my mother's womb very colorful Hebrew wording for putting together as if putting a piece of tapestry together all the intricacies of personality all of the things that make each individual unique God watches over and cares about and carries out and then we read I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well one of the old Hebrew scholars writes this about that statement fearfully and wonderfully made reflecting upon the marvels of the human body even with his elementary and atomic goal Molly age the inspired subtle mist is in awe and wonder. As I am allies My become as I realize how you put me together there is a wonder there is a fearful realisation that I am different a better word is distinct I want to suggest the statement include secret inner chamber Zz within the capacity of humanity hidden capacities within the spirit of human beings such as the intricate interest systems providing for the reception and the understanding of divine information all of this is foreign to the natural world but to people like us there is an ability to perceive spiritual thing so that we can detect the hand of God. I realize as I had addressed this I I'm in a realm that's 1st of all outside my expertise for some of you you would think it's in the realm of the paranormal it would it could be called that it certainly is in the extrasensory realm but you cannot deny it OK's nearly We have a premonition some time the premonition is wrong other occasions we were right we have an uneasy feeling about going into partnership with an individual in business let's say. The person may be a Christian but there's something that isn't right in that linkage and we're held back from it and look back on it later and say so grateful I did not go there we fall in love in the individual meet so many of the things we're looking for in our marriage and we anticipate possible marriage and then and then the for those inner promptings begin to change and were moved in another direction and even though the other person isn't we feel the need to break off the relationship it's an inner prompting. A comes from this fearful and wonderful system of guidance I love the way Eugene Peterson writes about it listen carefully our lives that is our experience what we need and want and feel or important in forming the Christian life Innes our lives are after all the stuff that is being formed but they are not the text for directing the formation itself spirituality means among other things going against the cultural stream in which we are incessantly trivialized to the menial status of producers and performers constantly depersonalised behind the labels of our degrees or our salaries but there is far more to us than our usefulness and our reputation where we've been know who we know there is the unique air reproducible eternal image of God may be he's right he's right Romans 816 says that God's Spirit testifies to my spirit. Our spirit that we are the children of God somehow there is a connection in that inner prompting that assures me I belong to the Lord now. Some of you still have a little bewildered look I understand this this is not an easy thing to talk about but I think it's an important thing to address. I believe that. Truth be told we as a result of not linking these promptings to the work of the spirit we devalue his presence at work with us. We have God the Father who has planned our salvation we have God the Son who was implemented our salvation by dying in our place on the cross give it gives blood to cleanse us from sin and then we're left with the Holy Spirit for what to link up with the Godhead. To live our lives before our God in our image intimate manner if the image of God in me in you that makes that happen. You're listening to insight for living Chuck's $1.00 teaching us about the work of the Holy Spirit and the and identified inner promptings that he gives. Hearing the still small voice of God spirit requires sensitivity wisdom and discernment and it always begins with immersing ourselves in a personal study of the Bible it's in those quiet moments that we can hear God's voice and for that reason we're always looking for creative ways to come alongside you with resources that enhance your personal study of the Bible for instance Chuck has written a full length biography called Jesus the greatest life of all nothing is more important during the holiday season than focusing our attention on the giver of life Jesus request a copy for yourself or to give as a thoughtful Christmas gift by going to incite dot org slash store. This daily Bible teaching program and all of its companion resources are prepared just for you and we love getting your emails letters and phone calls for instance we recently heard from a friend who said 38 years is how long inside for living has ministered to me saved at 17 called a full time ministry at 36 now a pastor preaching the gospel full time for 20 years thank you insight and Thank you Chuck Swindoll though we've never met you've been my spiritual father. Well on behalf of this listener and countless others like him we want to thank all those who give generously your contributions are channeled directly into making a life changing impact on those who hear Chuck's teaching to give a much needed end of the year donation call 18077 to 8888 or give on line at Insite dot org send a contribution by mail write to insight for living Post Office Box 5000 Prisco Texas 75034 and remember you're invited to join as for the Sunday morning worship service at Stone briar Community Church by attending online you'll find all the instructions for streaming the live worship service at Inside dot org slash Sundays . Join us again next week when Chuck Swindoll continues his series called How great is our God here on inside for a living Pastor Chuck Swindoll is sponsored by in sight for a living. Thanks for listening to plugged in. To weird she seems like. In disease new frozen to Queen Elsa of Erin Dale is hearing a strange voice calling her to a magically sealed away for. ORUs it all seems to relate to her mysterious icy abilities this much anticipated sequel shares messages about family friendship and love and deals with issues of loss grief and betrayal but the movie also dabbled in pagan spiritual elements that in some darker narrative moments could give parents pas so will get frozen to a caution us 2 and a half out of 5 for family friendliness read the detailed review at plugged in dot com slash radio plugging into the movies I'm Bob all just keep our focus on the families plugged in movie reviews. I know what car I want but I know I'm going to get taken right Dr John Tranter on focus on the family minute while Cindy is a is a beaver retriever my wife you know she's real sensitive but she's a great negotiator so she calls me as I'm driving there and she goes now you're going to walk out at least once aren't you and I go oh yes forget that part you know. So I walk in and I get the car it's such a good price I mean and sure I was don't take and but the point is is that. You know it used to bug me like crazy that Cindy would ask me all these questions you know because beavers asked tons of questions and you know she wanted me to do things while I eat and buy the book and oh man you know it just was just switch banks we don't have to go into the checkbook you know but the more I've looked at her when you bend you change your position you know on how you look at people more from Dr Trant family minute door. 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To reflect on how our lives have been where they're going and maybe they're not in the places you would like them to be we we think about things that we do and don't want to do and all those kind of things in and we see the people around us and it just can be a real time of reflection glaciations says so I say walk by the Spirit and you won't gratify the desires of the flesh for the flesh craves what is is contrary to the spirit and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh there are opposed to one another so that you do not do what you want listen the bottom line to this whole thing is that if you're a believer out there today and you're a you're in one of those times of your life where you just seem overwhelmed and you just don't know what to do the bible is pretty clear but it starts by walking after the Spirit of God glacier Ansel's says that you need to be guided by the Spirit you need to be following the spirit in the part of this Holy Spirit is to direct your path in the way that you should go. But your part is to walk after the Spirit who's leading you I told him at the Mission I will a few weeks ago that it's like being out in the forest with a compass and the compass points you do Nora and yet you choose just to sit there on the stump you are never going to be rescued so when the Holy Spirit gives you the direction you need to go you need to follow and I can tell you right now that many of the times that make us feel separated from God is because we're not on our knees and in our word now I really have to tell you the old saying is when i'm point my finger at you there's 3 fingers pointing back at me and that is is really true in my heart there are so many times when you feel overwhelmed when I feel overwhelmed but trust me Jesus said I will never leave you I will never forsake you and when he said that he meant it.