Ass and wood and every household has an elevated stage like structure in the front side of the House and this elevated stage is used as storage space of farm produce such as cattle feed and I'm assuming that where they don't get I don't know rodents or whatever eat yes Steve I've actually had the privilege of traveling to places like this and be in mud huts or straw huts with mud floors and it's wonderful to see the impact of God's Word in people that live in in a really very rural way 97 percent of the core crews are are farmers and living in rural areas and Laxman Kazakh are who is our translator in this language gave us this testimony he said as I studied the scripts I felt as though Jesus was speaking to me there is a great need in my people many are on reached with the Gospel Please pray for them that they will receive God's Word with open hearts great so if you'd like to pray for the Korku people as we begin this language translation and these home groups we would encourage you to do that you go to our world per team and sign up for that daily e-mail t t v dot org forward slash pray it will transform the way you go through your inbox if you start your day praying for the ministry of through the Bible around the world Greg wants you pray for us as we begin our study father we're so grateful that you are allowing us to bring your word to these far flung regions of the earth and people living in rural areas and far away from the big cities we pray that your word would penetrate hearts and minds and lives for your glory in Jesus' name amen Now here's through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee. Now friends as we come to the 11th chapter here of the block of Daniel we need to remind you that it's a continuation of chapter tan actually we've already said the chapters $1011.12 all deal with the same vision and this protect you are a chapter I think is very important because they are as and some of the details of the 70 weeks of chapter 9 which concerned Daniel's people and it also fails in some of the details that had to do with that model metallic image in chapter 2 and the wild beasts of Chapter 7 so this chapter is quite important chapter and we saw last time that apparently seitan entered the angel in coming to give Daniel an insert because the dead concerned 2 of these nations that were all important as concerned Daniel's people now the 2 nations who are Persia and Grecia they'll be identified for us in this chapter and we're going to see here a marvelous arrangement and the program of prophecy that you will find nowhere else another contribution I think that this chapter makes is that it bridges that a part of the gap between the old the New Testament is actually we speak today of this being a sort of a high dose between the Old and New Testaments it's a period of silence actually that's not exactly accurate the inner Testament period was a time of s. Wheels greatest travel up to date they suffered at both the hands of Syria and Egypt and then. Course later on of Rome but that of course is suggested in the New Testament but we find in this period the rise of a Mayan by the name of and caucus a perfectly is and he will be tied and Madame Bray sion of the Ana cries Lucia come here as a member of the Salusa family and we'll then a fine when we come to him in this chapter and here was anti-Semitic in a persecutor of the Jews the far exceeded any They are all are Haman are even to Hitler are Russia Today he's been calling Nero of Jewish history and he's been a libel the great pro plainer now we're going to find therefore that there is in this chapter a tremendous bright between what is actually a star of thought and ask out a logical but I'm trying to say is this that when this chapter was given everything was in the future was prophetic but part of it has been full fail and we'll indicate that when we get to it that makes this very important chapter now my 1st thought was as I got into the Book of Daniel that when I got to this section that I would give it shall I say elect and a promise and go over it rather hurriedly and not deal with it in the tile at all and there was a reason for that the reason there's that. This is rather complicated and it is very remarkable but it goes into prophecy a little deeper than the average person likes to go into prophecy most people today they like the for all the buzz and the foam about prophecy the exciting part they sensational part and all of that type of thing but really need to dig down and get in to what the Word of God really say as it is not something that the average person will do but I've been encouraged in this by the response that we've had to Isaiah Jeremiah and his e.q. Where I did go into a certain amount of detail and the response has been good and that's encouraged me now to continue on here now if you find that's particularly boring maybe you could turn over a lesson to some Christian music somewhere are maybe do something else but if you really want to say one of the most remarkable prophesies in the Word of God You follow along with us at this particular time now we have here in the 1st 20 Barry says the vision of Chapter 10 continues and this is historic go that is it covers that period from Darius at the time they vision was given to Daniel to the division of the empire of Alexander the Great and it bridges the gap from media Persia over to Greece from Asia to Europe the transition of world power from one continent to another from the east to the west and that makes less specially important and then because the nation is surreal was caught like it was an. Lice between these different powers at this time and as we then decay did it was a period of great suffering for these people I doubt whether there's been up to the present any period that's been greater than the Us Now I'm begin reading at verse one of chapter 11 of Daniel all so I in the 1st year of Darius the me even ah I stood and firm and close ranks on him not a speaker here is Gabriel and the time is the same as in chapter 6 it was during this period that Daniel was cast into the dandelion and you remember Darius tried in vain to deliver Daniel yet he could say live God whom thou service continually He will deliver that in other words Gabriel confirmed Darius in his faith and he also comforted Anna says Daniel at this time and we hear Daniel say My God has sent his angel and he have shut the lion's mouth so his star a clear That is where this vision bent san and it read just now this inner Testament between the Testament this get out verse 2 I'm reading and now well I show the truth the whole shall stand up yet 3 kings in Persia and the 4th shall be far richer than they are and by his strength through his riches he shows her up all against the realm of Greece now from here through verse 34 I think is one of the most remarkable examples of pre written history this section is because of the destructive critic the demise. And a light date for the composition of the Book of Daniel here are clear cut statements a proper say which have been let's roll a full fail to day and I know I'm speaking to 2 groups of people those who are liberal in theology many of them a lesson to us with the lie that they have there and then those that are conservative I am not seeking to try to turn an electoral But I personally do not lie the liberal to be called a liberal for me they are the most narrow minded people whether they be theologians or politicians I've been rather amused and also almost angered to tell the truth they hear some of the so-called liberals in our government today most of them a millionaires and I have such marvelous programs but are helping the poor but who's paying for it are they paying far no we are paying or we average people they have the finest programs to increase our taxes and that taxes are not increase I don't like the idea of them being called liberals some one has called them the limousine liberals that's a good name now we have a same kind of group today among theologians they like to speak of the fact that they have broad minded they don't have a narrow conception of scripture Now let me ask you if that's as narrow as one of them right here in Southern California he said to McGee I listen to you on the radio some time he said that in a very condescending manner I should have been on or by glad he made this statement he says you know you accept prophecy as being reliable and be used this book of Daniel. And I said to him I want to moderate day do you have war rejecting the early date of Daniel and accepting a light date or Daniel Well he says it's very simple he says we know that miracles are impossible. And they do not have that 4th Test was written by or hand it would be miraculous so it must have been written afterward not like ashers that being narrow minded prejudice and bias and therefore I don't expect to influence anyone that celebrity I merely say this my friend here is one of the most remarkable passages of Scripture and conservative scholarship can sustain early date of Daniel and that means you've got a miracle on your hand that means here is something that is quite remarkable not listen to this he says here but Daniel because Daniel won't be living much longer you say he died some time during this period and he says to Daniel he says they're going to be 3 king then there will be a 4th one for kings and all and he said they're going to be notable King Well after Cyrus which we saw mention in the 10 chapter verse one that would be followed then for notable kings in Persia now we can identify them today can by I say use 529 b.c. Pseudo smartness 522 b.c. The Ross his task spece in 521 b.c. And finally Xerxes the 4th one is the one who invaded Greece and 480 b.c. It was defeated and never again did media Persia make a bad world a minion Tsar to say is is the has here as we believe in the book of ass and he was very rich as the prophecy here said he would be now verse 3 and I'm reading now Chapter 11 of Dang animosity King shows stand up. That shall rule with great dominion and do according to His will now the mighty king here is Alexander the Great who came to power in 335 Bay City over the grackle Macedonia an empire and he put down Persia and soon world a minyan I'm reading now verse 4 and whan he shall stand up His kingdom shall be broken and shall be divided toward the 4 winds of heaven and not to his posterity not according to his dominion which he rules for His kingdom shall be plucked up even for others beside those Now Alexander the Great was a whirl ruler probably the greatest military strategist the world has ever seen but he died an alcoholic in $323.00 b.c. Now his own posterity did did not inherit his vast kingdom 4 of his generals divided the Empire into 4 geographical areas over which each through now the division was roughly less because sounder took Macedonia and less some of the us took Asia Minor what is today lot in Turkey and solution is not catered he took Syria and a great deal of the Middle East and Ptolemy took Egypt now that's a poor families they have then surely lost their kingdoms they war among themselves as we should say but they lost their kingdoms when the Romans marched East now I'm reading verse 5 and the king of the South shall be strong and one of his princes and he shall be strong above him and have dominion Yes dimension shall be a great Dominion now we are talk. About the king of the south south of what Los Angeles or Chicago or New York know when the Bible speaks of the south it's always South the Palestine and south of what we call Bible lion it's south of the nation Estoril north is north of the nation history now south then would be of course Egypt and Colum it would be the king of the South and he refers to him as the king of the South and the one specific lay mention here is evidently Ptolemy Legace and after this there was a gap in the historical record now beginning with Verse 6 and I'm reading again and in the end of the years they should join themselves together where the king's daughter of the South shall come to the king of the noise to make an agreement but she shall not retain the power of the arm need to Shall you span nor his arm but she shall be given up and they that brought her and he that begat her and he that strengthened her in these times now the king of the nor refers to the line of the Salusa Di and this verse rang Ceasar to about 200 there it b. C Now let me tell you some of the manipulation some of the workings that went on in the court of that day and this is according to history both fails this prophecy which is quite literal That was an alliance formed between these 2 warring families column a Philadelphia s son of Ptolemy Legace gave his daughter Berenice in marriage 2 and caucus the OS of Syria and Tartus was already married Calero this who may divorce then Ptolemy Philadelphia's died then intact as the OS the poison baronies. And her son took back as 1st wives Laodice she in turn poison Antiochus the OS and put her son solution Calla knock us on the throne my friend that is some juggling around that took place and that they it's interesting how all this is covered here in prophecy verse 7 and I'm reading but out of a grinds of her route show one stand up in his estate which shall come with an army he shall enter into the fortress of the King of the north and shield deal against them and shall provide Now this was Ptolemy you are a good tease brother of baronies he came with an army and captured Syria and he seized the port which was the port of any are in that day now vs 89 am and I'm reading again and shall also carry Capt this and Egypt their gods their princes and with their precious vessels of selves and of gold and he shall continue more years then the king of the north so the king of the South should come into His kingdom and shall return to his own land now collimate you are good days he took the end Egypt as booty 4000 talents of gold 40000 talents of self are and 2500 I don't see how all of this been literally will fail verses 10 through 13 now I'm reading but his son shall be stirred up and show us Sammul a multitude of great forces and one shall certainly come and overflow and pass through then shall you return and be stirred up even to his fortress the King of those south Shelby new with color anger and he shall come forth and fight with him even with the king of the north and he shall set forth the great multitude but the multitude shall be given into his hand and when he had taken away the mot. It cute his heart should be left it up he should be cast down many 10 thousands but he shall not be strengthened by it but the king of the north shall return and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches not that was continual war I had between Egypt and Syria and it was and I'm not going and all the details here but it's during this period that Israel saying no make the wrong choice and founder Sal they may be kept there 1st by one and then by the other now verse 14 and in those times that I shall many stand up against the king of the South also the robbers of live people shall exult himself to establish the vision but they shall fall now many of the nation of s. Are real were slain at this particular time and they incurred on cold sufferings that came upon him from both the king of the north and the king of the south and finally a king of the North will rise and he will be that one that we're going to have to wait and look at next time but he is the one that is the picture the type of anti-Christ who is coming this is a remarkable section will continue on with that next. Isn't it amazing isn't it incredible that we can learn that these historical details were revealed to Daniel long before they ever happened you know Daniel is just one place in the Bible that you'll find fulfilled prophecy you want to expand your study well then you need to check out the many great booklets and Bible study materials we offer in the Resources section of t t v dot org or for suggestions you can call us at 1865 bible and while you are contacting us don't forget to get your free copy of Dr McKee's notes and outlines for the book of Hebrews our study of Daniel finishes up on Thursday and will begin Hebrews on Friday and now is the time to go download them for yourself you can also download all of Dr McKee's notes and outlines in one volume called briefing the Bible when you visit the resources section of t. TB dot org Or if you'd rather have an abridged paperback version call us at 1865 bible and we'll put one in the mail to you and if you're not quite ready to end your study of Daniel Don't forget all of Dr McGee's messages in this study are available to listen to again at t t v dot org forward slash Daniel and just so you know the best way to support through the Bible is to pray with us that God's word would be unhindered and clearly understood as it travels virtually everywhere on earth tomorrow our journey continues with an interesting foreshadow of the anti-Christ you won't want to miss it until then I'm Steve's watch for all of us here through the Bible we're praying that God will bless you as you seek him today in his word to the grave it was very able to you oh here it was a little oh we're so grateful for the faithful and generous support of through the Bible's partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole world 7 10 am the word to the Bible with Pastor j. 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Payback treating people in the poor way they have treated us how then is the Christian to respond in a different way Well 1st of all as a result of God's power that fills us and then as a result of God's perspective in His Word which instructs us to bless is to ask God to deal with the persecutors and to be merciful to them how will the Christian manage to get themselves into this position here is the process we begin 1st of all by reminding ourselves of God's reaction to us how has God responded to us we who were his enemies we who were alienated from him we who had minds that were hostile to God we who suppress the truth of God we who rebelled against Him How has God responded to us we who like the koans in Luke Chapter 15 were lost helplessly like a sheep in the same passage last naturally. And like the sun's last willfully just flat out lost start there how has Gawd reacted to our persecution of him when I was lost you came and rescued me reached down into the pit and lifted me all Lord such grace to qualify me as you're wrong actually what happened is that Christ bore the curse so that we might enjoy the blessing the 2nd part in the process is to consider why it is that the persecutors persecuted to ask ourselves why is it that people are saw a poor As to God to the Gospel to the story of Christ redeeming lives why is it that if people are so opposed to this wonderful figure of history this controversial figure of history this one who takes to himself Those who are so lost and so miserable and so in need why such opposition to this Christ or you know the answer because the mind of the natural man is that enmity with God and cannot please God Romans 8 the people who are the persecutors are blinds somebody was a blind person that came into your house and knocked over your best china and 2 of your favorite lamps and a couple of porcelain ornaments now you think you would say well wait a minute I can just just treat them dismissively After all they're blind. They can see it's not his fault if your 1000000 smash things out willfully this is condition that's a condition of the persecuted 2nd Corinthians is an eye what we know from 2 Corinthians 4 if our Gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God. They can see there we see here it's not their fault they're blinded they're doing what comes naturally that's what makes it so hard when the person is a member of your family and you love them and you've told them about Jesus and you share the gospel and yet on every occasion that we get a chance to put in the elbow to put in the dig to say the snide remarks to confront you when various members of the family have come in from out of town and you realize that in the most subtle still emotional bane for way 'd you are actually be in persecuted and you've said yourself time and again why is it that I that I just have been unable to let them see what it is I'm on about and the answer is right here their minds are blinded to the truth of the gospel so here comes a 3rd part of the process part one I remind myself of God's response to my persecuting heart part 2 I remind myself of the nature of the predicament of those who are outside of Christ Part 3 that calls for compassion that calls for kindness that calls for prayer. That calls for tenderness that calls for a blessing that calls for us to call out not God damn them but God save them may they gracious God Be blessed May they know the blessing of seeing Christ as a savior maybe they know the blessing of hearing the Gospel as the good news that it is May they in some measure like Saul of Tarsus be transformed from persecution to proclamation it really ties in doesn't it with what Paul says earlier in Romans he says they don't don't you realize those of you who are resisting God Don't you realize that it is very it it would you show contempt for his kindness show contempt for his kindness where is the kindness of God to be found in the people of God so that when the people of God respond to the persecution of those who are opposed to God not in retaliation but in prayers for their salvation then men and women will be cause to say I don't understand that. And that very question mark over the issue may become the occasion of their salvation that's why I read incidentally from Titus 3 because the principle works his way all the way out in Paul's writings in turn back to the let me just remind you again he says I want you to tell your people Titus to be committed to doing good. They're not supposed to be undermining the government they're not supposed to be shower in the yards all the time they're not supposed to be to be overturning the rulers and the authorities they're supposed to be committed to doing whatever is good they're not supposed to be slandering people the really supposed to be peaceable considerate and they're supposed to show true humility towards all men men who are with them and men who are opposed to them then what does he do he says Now think about it usually mine now think there's a logical progression here this is no waiting for something to hit our tummies he said or I'm going to be just blessing everybody is some sort of emotional surge no think about it at one time what were we like foolish disobedient deceived and slaved lived in malice and we hated hating but when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared he saved us now by righteous things we have done but according to grace and goodness. We were given kindness that we didn't deserve we are the children of God Hence the significance now let me finish in this way so there is a power without which we're not even Christian that is the indwelling power of the Spirit of God There is a perspective it comes as we faithfully study the Bible and as we understand what Paul is saying here in Romans 12 to about our minds being transformed there is a process that is involved in this it may be this it may be something different from this but it certainly includes this. Reminding myself of how God has responded to me reminding myself of the predicament that my non-Christian friends are in and then recognizing that the only rightful response to that is the response not of judgment but of compassion and then finally to remind ourselves of the pattern that we have primarily in Jesus but also both throughout Biblical history and church history. In the lives of others who have been patterns of this very thing so for example from the cross What is it that Jesus says Father forgive them because they don't know Father forgive them because they don't know what they're doing you say but that was Jesus I mean that's that's that's a pretty high standard Yes exactly he has given as an example that we should follow in his steps if there were maybe maybe a different one another one well Ok let's do Stephen when he is on the receiving end of the stoning at 7 they dragged him out of the city and began to stone Him and the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul What an amazing story and while they were stoning him Stephen prayed Lord Jesus receive my spirit and then he fell on his knees and he cried out what you remember Lord do not hold this against them do not hold this sin against him he's not saying it doesn't matter he's not saying it isn't said he's not saying it isn't opposed to the purposes of God but with his dying breath he dies in the pattern of Christ one of the books of many books that's been doing its rounds is a book that some of you will have read or ought to read called unbroken and it is a World War 2 story of survival resilience and redemption. And. I want to give you just a couple of indications from this of the 20th century illustration of the very principle I won't go into detail on it I would hate to spoil the book for you it's a story of a fellow called Louise emperor really and his eventual imprisonment in a Japanese prisoner of war camp and the peculiar trial under which he found himself as a result of the animosity and brutality of one particular prison guard who was referred to by the prisoners as the bird now because he looked like a bird or acted like a bird but because it was a non-pejorative way to the fair to him so that if they had a bad name for them for him and he heard it then it would it would make it even worse for them but the book chronicles the way in which this guy Louis Zamperini was on the receiving end of the animosity of this particular fellow and. The writer says though there were hundreds of prisoners of war in the camp this deranged corporal was fixated on Louis hunting the former Olympian whom he would call number one prisoner if you can of course how Louis tried to hide all the time from him but this guy would always find him and when he found him he gave him a horrible beating I don't want to spoil your evening but let me just give you an indication of this so that the end of it makes. Perfect Sense it describes how this fella would come into the room and find him and having found him he light to take off his belt which had a large brass buckle on it and used the belt to beat this this pretty this American prisoner the buckle was several inches square made of heavy brass standing before Louis the bird to the bell from his waist grasp one end with both hands and accused him of coming to attention last you came to attention last he said so I'm going to have to beat you for that Louie felt as if he'd been shot in the head though he had resolved never to let him knock him down the power of a blow and the explosive pain that followed overawed everything in him his legs seems to liquefy and he went down in the room spawn the guy leaves him for a moment or 2 speaks tenderly to him since suggests is him into thinking that he's changed his mind and he wants to be nice to him and then as soon as he's caught him off guard then once again when the sense of relief was just entering his mind the buckle whirling around from the bird swinging on struck his head again exactly where it hit before and Louie felt pain bursting through his skull his body going liquid again and he smacked into the floor. He eventually comes by. Out of all of our own is part of the book for you but as he tries to make his reentry into life he is battling the demons of all these different memories that he's that he's gone through and he the journalist says that one day he opened a newspaper and saw a story that riveted his attention a former Pacific p.o.w. Had walked into a store and seen one of his wartime captors the p.o.w. Had called the police had arrested the alleged war criminal and as Louie read the story listen to this all the fury within him converged he saw himself finding the bird overpowering him his fists bloodying the face and then his hands locking about the birds neck in his fantasy he killed the bird slowly savoring the suffering he caused making his tormentor feel all of the pain all of the terror all of the helplessness that he had fell out of his veins beat with an electric urgency so he fantasized about being able to do to his persecutor exactly what the fellow had done to him then one day he wrote a letter to this man and this is how the letter goes Dear Matt So here to White and hobby as a result of my prisoner of war experience under your unwarranted and unreasonable punishment my post-war life became a nightmare it was not so much due to the pain and suffering as it was the tension of stress and humiliation that caused me to hate with a vengeance. Under your discipline my rights not only as a prisoner of war but also as a human being were stripped from me it was a struggle to maintain enough dignity and whole to live until the wars and the post-war nightmares caused my life to crumble but thanks to a confrontation with God through the evangelist Billy Graham I committed my life to Christ love replace the hate I have for you Christ said Forgive your enemies and pray for them as you probably know I return to Japan in 1952 and was graciously allowed to address all the Japanese war criminals at super more prison I asked then about you and was told that you probably had committed Harry Carey which I was sad to hear at that moment like the others I also for gave you and now would hope that you would also become a Christian I fantasized about his destruction I prayed for his salvation. If any man be in Christ is a new creation. The oldest gone. The new has come. Bless those who persecute you. Bless them. Don't curse them. Don't go to bed at night saying God destroyed. That is go to bed at night saying Oh God save them. In Jesus we can be freed even from the desire for vengeance little wonderful promise. Listening to truth for life in just a minute Allister will return to close our time with prayer so keep listening now as we're headed into the 3rd week of November I want to remind you that these next 6 weeks are a particularly important time for us as an organization with the end of the year in view we're in the final stretch to meet our funding needs minutes before midnight on December 31st so if you've been thinking about year and giving Would you keep true for life in mind your gift goes directly toward making these daily programs possible and to making all about Lister's teaching free on line we rely entirely on God to provide your vital partnership to distribute the teaching each day to show our gratitude for your support and along with the thanks of your fellow listeners who will benefit from your generosity when you give today we'd like to send you an Advent devotional from Allister's good friend Sinclair Ferguson It's titled Love came down at Christmas if someone asked you to describe what Christmas is all about what would you say. Many popular Christmas songs and movies suggest that Christmas is all about love and that's true but it's not just sentimental affection or even the love we have for our families Christmas is about love incarnate love came down at Christmas is an Advent devotional that centers on a passage that most people don't typically associate with Christmas 1st Corinthians 13 the passage that begins Love is patient love is kind and continues from there there's one reading for each day of the Advent season if you've never read one of Sinclairs books they're tremendously nourishing and always offer fresh insight love came down at Christmas is no exception get in touch with us soon so you can get your copy right away that we can receive it well in advance of December request love came down at Christmas when you give today I'm line at truth for Life dot org slash donate or call 888-588-7884 Again that's 888-588-7884 if you'd prefer to mail your donation along with your request for the book right to truth for life at p.o. Box 398000 Cleveland Ohio 44139 now to wrap up today's message here's Alister praises God our Father we thank you for the clarity of your words the peculiar challenge of this farce the impossibility of it apart from your grace and the wonder of it when we see it in evidence and the lives of others make us more like Christ we pray help us to think Biblically. And to live properly so that we might have the joy and daunting circumstances to see unbelieving people coming to follow Jesus Christ. Not because we need to doubt the justice they deserve but because we were able to tell them and show them about America say that none of us desire that we were able to tell them about a Jesus who said come to me all you are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest and take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my board in this life . Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for extending such a gracious and amazing invitation to us. Forgive us when by life or by lives. We appear to deny that invitation to those who stand in need of it. And who are within me or of our influence. All gracious God renew our lives according to your truth fashion our lifestyle according to your grace. And make us more like your son. In whose name we pray. I'm hoping you can join us Tuesday as we continue our study of Romans learning how we are shaped by grace the Bible teaching of Allister back is furnished by truth for life. With the learning is for living. Sacramento's 7 10 am the word Alister day is bonded by truth for life support the ministry by becoming truth partner find out how and true for Life dot org these 2 musicians play the same instrument one is a rock the other is more romantic They may sound nothing alike but they're in total harmony when it comes to breakfast at McDonald's whether you play hot licks or can't play a lick together we breakfast get into the groove with a $1.00 any seismic cafe premium coffee only at McDonald's your morning starts. Limited time only a participating McDonald's cannot be combined with any other offer or couple meal Hello I'm Alister bag and I'll be joining the team at Salem media group in the summer of 2020 on a scenic cruise to Alaska and I to stand a warm invitation to you to join us I've been before and Alaska is a dot com. 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News this hour from townhall dot com Patrick Ross President Trump might be willing to testify in writing of the Democrats led House impeachment inquiry over the weekend House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested in a t.v. Interview that if the president is innocent he should speak to the House Intelligence Committee Mr Trump responded on Twitter saying he will strongly consider the idea even though he says he did nothing wrong and he continued to attack the impeachment investigation calling it a great fraud that is rigged by the Democrats White House correspondent clocks in public and Congressman Christopher tells a.b.c. He thinks the Democrats could be heard at the impeachment hearings drag on I think the longer these hearing goes on I think the less American people are going to support impeachment because I think the evidence just doesn't support it the Democrat led impeachment inquiry is scheduled to continue this week check by has issued a change of policy for its foundations charitable donations in a statement on its website chick fil a says it will discontinue multi-year charitable commitments and is named next year's recipients as Junior Achievement Covenant House International and more than 120 Community Food Bank partnerships nationwide not included for next year or past recipients including the Salvation Army the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Paul Anderson youth homes the shift has sparked a sharp reaction from many corners both friend and foe whether Chick fil A's position on traditional biblical marriage may have influenced the change George once on a reporting 3 ranking Taliban prisoners released by the Kabul government have been flown to Qatar for an expected swap for an American and a strike in a hostage held by the insurgents since their abduction in 2016 Taliban officials made that announcement on Tuesday 2 man and a woman were fatally shot Monday morning outside a Wal-Mart store in southwestern Oklahoma and the shooter is among the dead more of these stories at townhall dot com. 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