Confession number one true or false you can reduce your risk of falling by getting your eyes examined once a year through that's right can test a number to True or false to help reduce the risk of falling in your home you should avoid using a step stool true or also right for more right answers to reduce your risk of falling into an one of us who tons bring Ivins in September during fall prevention month preview the documentary before the fall and get a free workbook with more ball prevention tips visit Eschaton dot org slash balance for dates and locations that's Katon dot org slash balance a Carmichael Sacramento 7 10 am the word. Welcome to finding God from the church on Cypress in Carmichael Pastor Dave Brown is in the series unleashing the power of prayer what if you discovered you couldn't really connect with God in prayer What if the things God has promised in his word became available to you in a tangible way would your life change and what might you be courageous enough to attempt or ask or enjoy hearing Pastor Dave Brown from the church on Cypress and Carmichael as he helps you discover how prayer can change your life today unleashing the power of prayer. All right well today we're going to like a broken record we're going to continue our series. Unleashing the power of prayer we're getting close to the end this week and then we have one with Mrs next week and then we're going to be done and today we're going to be talking about how to know your prayers will be answered and I think this is important because frequently I hear people asking me to pray for them and sometimes because they think I have a special connection with God that they don't have and that guy that answers my prayers he doesn't answer their prayers but you know what they don't believe God will answer their prayers but the truth is you have the same connection with God that I have there is nothing different between you and me we all have the same connection and no one is more special than anyone else no one is more special even Billy Graham or some great giant in the faith there is nothing more special about Ben than me or you than me we all have the same connection with God There are however some things that we need to do to ensure that God will hear our prayers and we're going to be looking at a passage to do that but let me give you some background on the verse that I'm going to share with you and what is what's going on is just that kind of give you a picture Solomon has been building the temple that his his dad David long to build and he's worked on it they finally completed this beautiful temple and he made this elaborate prayer about how the people of Israel would follow God and serve Him faithfully in that simple and it was this beautiful long drawn out prayer and then after Solomon's wonderful prayer God spoke to the people of Israel and I always wondered how God did that if he did it through a prophet that got up and spoke on behalf of God you know you never know you know how all that happened but God began to say some things about you know that is long as you stay with me our stay with you and that you know that you know some that you know if you continue to obey me in my my commands and do the things that I tell you . Then I will continue to be in this temple and I will I will bless you and I will you know do wonderful things for you and I will give you a victory over your enemies and I will do all these things but if you fall away from me and if you go the opposite way then I will depart from you but it's more that picture of not that I will depart from you but that you will depart from me and I won't be with you any more and then he goes on and he says this very famous verse we've all heard this verse time and time again and it goes like this in 2nd Chronicles Chapter 7 verse 14 it says If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven I will forgive their sins and heal their land and in this prayer we get the answer to knowing that our prayers will be answered so let's look at this together here are some essential is in prayer these are the essential oils that you and I need to have in our life in order to be assured in order to know with confidence that God's going to answer our prayers and the 1st one is very simple it goes like this we must be in relationship with God We must be in a connected continuous relationship with God in 2nd Chronicles 714 it says and I'm reading this from the New Jerusalem Bible it says If my people who bear my name . If my people who bear my name so a condition for us to know God will answer our prayers is that we belong to him that we bear his name and the truth is if you are a Christian then you bear that name you bear the name Christian listen to what it says in Acts chapter 11 verse 2526 this is not in your outline it's something that you want to kind of write on after the fact but in all Acts chapter 11 verse 25 and 26 it says then Barnabas went on to tar stud Tarsus to look for solid now you know give a little background here you know Saul has just been through his Damascus Road experience you remember that's where he's been tormenting Christians and killing Christians and and doing all these things and then Jesus ing encounters him on the road to Damascus and blinds him knocks him out the horse is scary ordeal for him and says go into. Go and to this place and there will be waiting for you somebody and he's going to tell you what to do next and long story short Paul ends up in Tarsus and I love how God works God takes Barnabas and says Barnabas I want you to go find saw because I want you to to raise him up and disciple him and to train him so this is what's going on Barnabas goes to Tarsus looks for Saul when he found him he brought him back to any oc and the both of them stayed there with the church for a full year teaching large crowds of people and it was at Antioch Listen to this that the believers were 1st called Christians. And you know if you wonder want to know what Christians mean the word Christian means it means a follower of Christ or a little Christ is what it what the literal meaning is of that word and so Christians were 1st called Christians at that point when when Barnabas nab Saul and starts to disciple him and gives him a new name and all of that goes on so it's an incredible time but then we see another contrast these people who are called Christians had the presence of God The Spirit of God inside of them there was there was an incredible things going on in their life but then in Acts Chapter 19 we see another example of people who were claiming that name but they didn't have the name and that's an axe Chapter 19 verse 13 to 16 it says a group of Jews were travelling from town to town casting out evil spirits and they try to use the name of the Lord Jesus in there and can teach and saying I command you in the name of Jesus whom palm preaches to come out now obviously when they were very impressed with what Paul was doing here the 7 sons of a leading priest were doing this but one time when they tried it the evil spirit replied I know Jesus and I know Paul but who are you right and the man with the evil spirit leaped on them overpowered them attacked him with such violence that they fled from the house and battered Now I don't know if any of you have ever had an encounter with the evil spirits like tats. But that you know you can imagine that's pretty scary here's the deal we bear the name if the Holy Spirit is in us you can't bypass that you can't go with it the way Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the life nobody comes to the Father except through me and the Bible tells us that God if we have invited him into our hearts has given us His Holy Spirit as a seal and that holy spirit above resides in us oh my gosh if we would remember that it's when we walk through our lives every day when we are going through work you know in our workplace are going to school or whatever we're doing remember that that Holy Spirit is going with us at every moment willing to give us power at every moment willing that to lead us and guide us and provide for us and do all those things at every moment but so many of us what we do is Sunday is the only time we acknowledge him z. Only time that we call upon him and the truth is a lot of us are kind of afraid of the Holy Spirit because we've seen those people they kind of. Start freaking out with the Holy Spirit you know what if the Holy Spirit wants to do that in my life then I want to do what the Holy Spirit wants to do he hasn't done that yet that was just fake there just so you know. We're not going to go there. All right so the 1st thing we got to do is we have to have a relationship with Jesus we've got to be in relationship and listen to me this is important if we know that God we're going to hear guy's voice we've got to be in that connected relationship John Chapter 15 verse 5 says I am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and I own you you will bear much fruit for without me you can do nothing. Right and that verse is talking about relationship is talking about remaining in that relationship when you remain and relationship as the 1st thing if my people who are called by my name who bear my name to you bear his name in your life today do you have Jesus Christ in your heart then the 1st condition of knowing your prayers will be answered as is done right there secondly we must humble ourselves 2nd chronical 714 it says but it is my people will humble themselves now at every point in our communication with God from the beginning of our salvation to the very end we must approach him in humility is just is just all there is to it we cannot approach God in any other way humility though does not mean Oh I'm such a warm I'm such a disgusting person there's nothing good in me oh woe is me I'm. Just. Yankee person that's not what humility is let me describe to you a little bit of what humility is Humility is a realistic understanding of who you are. That's what it is it is knowing what you are capable of giving God capable of and giving the glad glory to God for giving you those abilities and it's also knowing who you are not and having a sane estimate of who you are that's what humility is so ultimately means. That you realize that you need God for everything and that without God in your life you can do nothing that's what it means to be humble and so when we are calling on God in prayer and we're depending on Him in prayer we need to 1st of all know that Jesus is in our life that we have this relationship with him that we're talking to him every day and that and that we come to him with this attitude that I need him that I'm dependent that I that I am humbled that I depended on him that humility is what gives us the right to come to him because here's the thing in our human nature everything within the screams that I can do this myself in fact this is what I define sin as I don't you know even though it is true that murder is sin dull 3 is sin stealing and all of that stuff is sent to me that is not the root of sin the root of sin is the attitude that says I don't need you God I can do this myself and the truth is we struggle with this this is a daily struggle with us we want to be in control and humility says God I relinquish control I allow you to be in control of my life humility says God I may think I can do some stuff but the truth is the reality is I cannot do all that there is to do only in your power can I live the life you called me to live only in your power can I come to you and experience what you can do which is far greater than anything I could ever hope for or imagine God I'm going to put my faith in my trust in you I believe in you Lord and that's what humility says and so if we're going to come and we're going to experience God answered prayer and the confidence when I think of David and you know look at King David in the way he prayed and he says I know you're going to do that in fact he would go and put his life on the line trusting that God was going to answer his prayer sometimes we get this idea that David was different than us. The Somehow he had a more physical connection with God Mary actually saw his face and heard his voice audibly and that's not necessarily true David had the same circumstances around him that you would have you and I have his culture was a little different his big battles were actually real battles out on the field with swords and spears and shields and stuff like that we that's not our battle that we live with every day but the conditions of how we heard God speak and how he depended on God All of those things are exactly the same as you and I and yet he had such faith and trust in God and humility to realize God Yeah I know that people have been singing those songs you know Saul Slade his thousands but David is tens of thousands God I'm not going to let that get to my head because the truth is I know you're the one who fought those battles that you military and the truth is pride is always at the door of your heart ready to sneak in and sometimes it sneaks in so suddenly you're not even aware that it happens you know I remember times when God was using us and really powerful ways and I would try to stay humble and I would just say you know God thank you you did this and next thing you know I'm starting to say. You know I'm doing pretty good here and that is so dangerous it is so subtle is sneaks in and it never stops and here's the reason it does that it's not that that pride is this little thing in itself there's this voice that's behind you constantly nagging you say who look at you you did pretty good yeah take credit for that and it's Satan because he knows that if he can still you in the place of humility he's got you once pride comes in it's like God says Ok Go on do your thing show yourself see what you can really do and I don't want that. And I know that the moment pride creeps in my ability to trust God to take care of me begins to disappear not immediately but it begins to slowly fade away Thirdly we must not only must we humble ourselves not only must we have this relationship with Jesus but we must be willing to pray and this is hard to chronicle 7714 is my people who are called by not my name will pray is what it says and here Sadly very few people do pray I mean really really pray you know and we've talked about this over the course of this series you know that a lot of people they get up in the morning and they say the same Oh right like prayer that they say over and over again they wake up and say Oh God bless me today and oh God you know and I remember someone said we need to pray for this person so God we're going to play for that person and we read the Bible don't even remember what we read in the Bible we kind of say oh but I've got to hurry I got to get out of here so we rush in and out of the presence of God we're gone and we haven't really committed to pray but here's the thing. When what God is looking for is people who will pray to Him who will really say God The you are number one in my life you're the most important thing so I'm going to pray to you and I know prayer works I know prayer has power I know prayer is successful so I'm going to pray and Lord I'm going to I'm not just going to pray real quick prayer but I'm going to have a real relationship with you you know imagine if I came home every day and I said to my wife. Is good to see today and I just left with that and I spent 2 or 3 minutes every day saying saying the same thing that I said every day you know she began to wonder do you really know me you know this is really weird you know come in the house Terri would you bless me today. David how do you want me to bless you. You know we we're so we're so general in our prayer and we don't we don't talk to God like we're talking to a real person and the people who really can be confident that God is going to answer the prayers are the people who talk with God they've had a real talk with them they have they have this real relationship with the end that is not. A rut or a a formula you know God doesn't use formulas it just doesn't my son is cracking up at me you know and I'm not talking about the baby formula I'm talking about you know if you do this in this in this than in this this will happen under no when we pray God is a person he is a real person Granted he is Spirit but he also came in the form of Jesus in person but the if the truth is the essence of who we are is not a physical body it's the soul within us and God is a person and he wants to relate with us in very real ways as our Father and that means requiring having a real relationship a vital relationship with him where you get up with him and it's like you leave off or you you know you pick up where you left off that you remember what happened yesterday got what it was really cool you know and I just think you know how to how many times we talk to God like that that's what I'm talking about when I say really pray in here's that here's the scary thing the average pastor prays 5 minutes a day and that's the pastor the average pastor this was a poll done while back there have been a new polls to kind of go over this but the average pastor prays 5 minutes a day the average Christian even less and why is that. Because they don't understand what Prarie is they don't understand the value of prayer they are they don't understand what it is to have a real dynamic give and take relationship with God because that's what it is if my people who are called by not by my in name will pray will talk to me prayer is not also is not just talking to God it's 2 way communication I think so many people have a hard time with prayer because regardless of what people say in their mind prayer is what they say to God Period that's it and that's not what prayer is prayer is 2 way communications I'm talking to God if I was the only one ever talking in my relationship with Terri I would get really tired really fast and the thing is you know God created marriage as as an example a picture of the relationship he wants to have with his church that is a picture of what it is and so the relationship where I have with my wife is the relationship God wants with me that kind of close intimate binding relationship where I would rather be with him than anybody else question would you rather be with God than anybody else right now you know do you long for those moments I know you're busy and you'd say Man I wish I could escape for a minute just hang out with my Father in heaven you know. What happens what happens is that we get sidetracked and we get our focus in the wrong place we'll talk about that a minute Fourthly we must admit our need in other words we must be God seekers we need to be seekers 2nd Chronicles 714 says however however of my people who are called by my name will search for me. Now this is you know this is something that God has really grabbed my heart with is this idea that we're supposed to seek after him we're supposed to look for look for him and hunt for him and find him. Jeremiah 2912 or 14 in those days when you pray I will listen in that what we want in those days when you pray I will listen if you look for me wholeheartedly you will find me I will be found by you says the Lord that that's an incredible verse just another example 2nd Chronicles Chapter 15 verse $1.00 and $2.00 this is where the Israelites had gone way off track and King a says this guy his dad was it was was so far away from the Lord allowing people to worship the bales and the asteroids and all that stuff and was just leading the the people of Israel so far away from God and. Don't know where his influence come maybe it came from his mom or somebody but he says he says this whole different thing it says in 2nd Chronicles 151 and 2 then the Spirit of God came a Zariah scent of Odin and he went out to meet King ace and as he was returning from the battle he said listen to me he shouted Listen all you people of Judah and Benjamin the Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him whenever you seek Him you will find him but if you abandon him he will abandon you he makes that very clear you miss you must seek after him now what whoa wait a minute you mean God it's not right here immediately or he's written there but he's not going to answer and till he knows that you are fully and completely whole heartedly devoted to him you see the Bible tells us again and again that God is a jealous God that he won't. Play favorites with other other people or other things or other circumstances in your life God is a jealous God and so what God does is he qualifies our prayers he says if the person really wants to hear from me than I am then I'm here but if they're going to play this little game of Christianity that they're playing and and they're going to love other things more than they're going to love may or they're going to love other people more than they're going to love me then I'm just going to sit back there and let them play their little games but they're not going to hear me I'm not going to hear what they're saying they're not going to get their answers prayer because I'm not going to honor something that's unhealthy listen to me those of you who are married it's in the same kind of situation if you see something happening in your marriage relationship that is not healthy you confront it because if you don't then it's going to continue to spiral out of control and still it cannot be fixed and God is a loving and just God he's not going to allow you to continue and he's not going to bless bad behavior he's just not going to do it and so when we become seekers then God says I'm going to start taking you more seriously I mean he says this over and over again in fact the most important thing that he ever said is tied up in this idea and this thought what does it say Matthew chapter 22 verse 36 to 38 Teacher What is the most important command that in the Law of Moses and Jesus replied You must love the Lord your God. Thank you for joining the church on Cyprus and Carmichael on the program finding God Pastor Dave Brown is shared today from the series unleashing the power of prayer Yes we can truly connect with God in a deeper way and to have a richer prayer life through the practice of prayer our lives in those we love can be changed come back next week to unleash more of the power of prayer in your life be courageous seek God in prayer and ask him if you're looking for a church in which to grow in Jesus Christ and find fellowship visit the church on Cypress in Carmichael for their Sunday worship service at 9 am and Bible study at 10455709 Cypress Avenue near winding way and manzanita Avenue in Carmichael call 916-972-8200 or go online to listen to sermons learn about the church find a life group and submit a prayer request all at church on Cypress dot org That's church on Cypress dot org or call 916-972-8200. 7 10 am The word where finding God is sponsored by the church on Cypress and Carmichael with us today from fields of glory our Olga and Sara when God called me to my Mrs I had no idea what to do travel to Africa. It was very scary but so exciting so true my mission made me so nervous because I didn't know anyone Plus I really had no idea how to decide what was the best medicine for me fields of glory helped us both reflect on our missing and decide what God was calling us to do Pastor Dhamma help us not only understand God's calling her. Mrs course taught us the planet then connected us with the church in Africa had to help us when we got there fields of glory also handles the travel arrangements we made answering God's call so much easier fields of glory is unrolling students now for the January missions course visit missions training centers dot com find your calling and start your walk today missions training centers dot com. Here's Dr Robert Jeffs with today's pathway minute it is interesting that even in the Old Testament the focus is on Heaven is actually a focus on a new city called the New Jerusalem Abraham was looking not just for some non-descript land he was looking for a city for he was looking for the city whose architect and builder is God We see that again in Revelation 21 verse is doing Dan and I saw the holy city the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God made ready as a bride adorned for her husband and he the angel carried me away in the spirit to our great and I now and then showed me the holy city Bruce was coming down out of heaven from God This is the construction project Jesus is working on right now the New Jerusalem. You're listening to Dr Robert Jeffers author of the brand new book a place called heaven you can learn more by going to the t.v. Guide or. 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Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Boom boom boom boom Welcome to Heaven help a ministry of the Christ centered non-denominational multicultural church spirit and truth and Rancho Cordova will hear from Pastor a k thrower as he uses the Bible to show God's divine influence in perspective in addressing and helping to solve religious social and political issues confronting our world today join us now with. Mr a k thrower of spirit and truth church in Rancho Cordova on the program Heaven help will blessings we think for you today this is pessary k. Through in this is Heaven help we thank God for you today pray that God's goodness and grace is on your life prospering you in all that you do and we pray that you are giving God not man all the glory all the honor all the praise that you are committing yourself to Him and to his agenda in your life Heaven help is a radio ministry broadcast a spirit and truth the whale were located in Rancho Cordova we are Christ centered multi-ethnic non-denominational come as you are loving church for the unchurched are welcome in Jesus name got a lot coming up at the church. Please log on to our website w w w doubt my spring Truth dot com and you can see what our upcoming events are we're also praying that as Heaven help is a ministry supported broadcast that you will pray about supporting us with your prayers and your financial offerings you can go on line today. For injury dot com You can leave any amount donation as you would we would appreciate it if you request a copy of one of my 2 books The devil wants to set you up docking about the releasing the power of your testimony in the God of new beginnings how to start your life over after a catastrophe a divorce loss of a job health issues anything or all things there are some awesome biblical principles about how to start your life over but heaven help is dedicated to dealing with cultural social political religious issues from a biblical standpoint and we pray for the healing of the land and that the church would stand up and be the church that it has been called to do and last week I started the broadcast talking about unity I never really got to it but I started on the subject of the kingdom mandate versus a religious mandate I say this all the time and I don't say it. Sufficiently that the devil is a religious person the devil is a religious person Revelation says in the Book of Revelations as John the Revelator was writing to the church believe this the church lists the dia he says I know we're Satan cd is he says I know we're Satan seats in your church. That's why religion cannot be our foundation religion doesn't work the Old Covenant was a religious covenant it had washings and rituals and ceremonies and laws and precepts all those things are out. I can give you a law you want but if you don't have the inward ability to keep it which none of us did then that law is not going to save you or make you right says the Bible says the law may nothing perfect religion makes nothing perfect put Does the bringing in something in words of a better hope win the hearts of man or change the new covenant is a heart covenant I will take my law and write it on your heart and graven in your mind Amen and as believers we have to have a heart for God We cannot allow race or culture or politics to sway a sin determine our plight origin or what we will support and will support that has to come from the heart of a person a Christian who has a personal relationship with God and loves God above anything hallelujah and Jesus' name so I talk about the kingdom mandate in the kingdom of God which would Jesus preach it is a spiritual Kingdom but it is just as real as the United States of America and it is based upon certain laws and principles it has one ruler are keen Jesus and we are to represent him amen I don't represent the nomination I don't believe in denomination. And we're talking about church unity that's that's where the devil started bringing division in the church years ago the Bible does not even in any way promote denomination as a matter of fact the only time it talks about it is called schisms and they are reprimanded and not promoted but now this issue of division in the body of Christ has become cultural racial political was reading an article the other day about pastors opinions concerning the present administration and things that are going on and man it was like reading 2 separate sides of of of a coin 2 separate opinions you had pastors who who supported in Peru and then you have other pastors who are grieved by it and burned by it and some absolutely out right condemn it but we are all the church so we have to deal with this issue because the healing of the land is in the hands of the church I say this all the time you guys and I mean it that Jesus is returning because of the church he's not returning because of the world the world's been sick but we're now when the church becomes sick when we dress ourselves up for religion but we act just like the world divorce rate love of money celebrity idol worship all that's in the church you know people worship famous religious leaders I was at a conference one time and so our brother had been attending our church and he was all excited who passed through a pastor is vital he sandwich you look at this and that is going to give me a scripture here Creflo Dollars autograph I said Brother that's not what this is about do that at the ballgame do that Iraq concert and the sad thing is you have pastors who allow it and want it. Instead of following what the kingdom principle is if you want to be the Corey this make yourself the least if you want to be the lured make yourself the servant So now we have a church who dresses himself up or herself up in the Guards of godliness but really as Jesus said about the fair seas are full of dead man's money they look good on the outside you know it's bad when a Christian is just as races as. Klansmen it is bad when a black Christian hates white folks like they don't know Jesus sad but see that's what the devil has done in the church he has created this dynamic through religion because religion is the only way that can be accomplished because basically what religion is it focuses simply on the ritual ceremony the outward appearance what you're saying with your mouth but it doesn't really have a connection to seeing what's in your heart that's why God was sick of Israel in the book of Isaiah he said Come let us reason together he said I'm tired of your burnt offering your sacrifices you draw nigh to me with your mouth but your heart is far from me I mean I'm reading Isaiah Chapter 4 this what I'm talking about the church is depicted as a woman it says here in Isaiah Chapter 4 verse one and in that day 7 women. So take all of one man you've got all the church has taken all of Jesus saying we will eat our own bread who are own apparel only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach That's how a lot of Christians live out their Christianity Today they take hold of Jesus and they say Jesus we go eat our own bread where all close we'll do our own thing but just let us be called by your name because it makes us look good it takes away our reproach and I am more you know Jesus it the publicans in the centers and the harlots would enter into the kingdom before the fair sees who are the religious people of that day I have more respect for a person who just says I'm a sinner. In believing I. Believe in Love and folks I don't believe in fearing I don't believe in following the Word of God Only in less it applies to my agenda I would have more respect for that person than the Christian who tries to use God to promote their own agenda that's what these women were doing in that day 7 women should take all of one man we don't need our own bread and where own clothes we don't do our own thing just let us be called by your name Jesus because it makes us look good and please so you know we tell it so the 1st thing we talk about unity we have to be uniting it on a kingdom and you need is important let me repeat real quick couple things John Chapter 17 is probably the most famous passage on unity in the Bible but there are other ones that could make an argument or just as famous but John 17 is an awesome prayer says. In John 17 it's in verse. 11 and no more in the world but these are in the world the church and I come to the Holy Father keep them through your own name those whom you have given me that they may be one while I was in the will I was with them in the world I kept him in that name those that thou gave us me Captain none of them is lost but the Son of Perdition is scripture might be feel and come on to the in these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy my joy if a film themselves have given them their word in the world hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world the church is not of the world charts is not of the world the church is not of the world operate not that they should you should take them out of the world but you should keep them from the evil they are not of the world even as I am not of the world by them through the truth set them apart make them different how through truth who shrewd God's truth not my race is truth not my culture's truth not my country's true yes not my political parties true no through your true sanctify me set me apart as thou sin me into the world even so I have sent them in the world and for their sakes I think of myself that they might be saved by through me neither are proven them alone but for then they also may believe in their word that they should be one as thou Father in me and I and the that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that sent us so the world can believe the unsay world can believe that Jesus is really who he is unless the church is one there is other churches let's look at the Day of Pentecost when the church was founded this is a awesome picture of unity accepted to the definite causes fully come Iran want to corner in one place suddenly there came a sound they were all in one accord in one place they are all in one accord in one place are all in want to court in one place then. There came the sound of the mighty rushing when and if you know the house where they were sitting and their fear calling tons of fire and set on them on they were all filled with the Holy Ghost began to speak good other times that it happened to there was unity but then look at this picture and there were 2 in Jerusalem devoutly and out of every race or nation under the sun and now there are no edges abroad to moan to came together and they were certain confused because every man heard them speak in their own language black man was speaking Chinese Chinese man speak in Africa by man speak in India and they were all amazed in marble look at that picture of unity church was founded in a way to where the Holy Ghost came you had all these different races of people speaking the language of the other race isn't that the real problem of racism in our country none of us wants to speak the language of the other race See I don't I don't blame white people for slavery I have white friends only them say Oh you're great great you're great you're you're going great granddaddy was a slave owner I hate you and I imagine my people feel that way so I got an insulated mini body but neither do I minimize the pain of black people I don't minimize if I'm a white person I can't minimize the fact people asked me before if you ever experience racial discrimination by the police you've got about an hour I can tell you I've been called a nigger by the police yes by the police so don't minimize mopping see that speaking each other's language that's what happened in the day of Pentecost every man was speaking other people's languages that's not happening now and it's not happening she the world's going to do that but when the church does it. We're in big trouble you guys because the light in us has become darkness there's no difference in us than there is in the world no difference no difference church is greedy the world was greedy world loves idols church loves idols. The world is races the churches are racists see that's where we get in trouble and that's why the church has to be sanctified through the truth so the 1st thing when we talk about unity because there is an anointing to unity meant the church could make transforming difference in America if it would be the church but when it chooses sides I tell a story all the time. Will pass over the Jordan and he was facing Jericho their 1st huge opponent in the promise land and the Bible says Joshua walked out from the camp in a man approached him and he had a great sward and Joshua looked at him he says are you for us are you for our enemies now most Christians will say oh he's going to say he's for Joshua just like and I must say this Don't misunderstand me I have my star David on but Israel isn't right in everything repeat the Old Testament Israel is not right in everything Zionism is not of God Zionism is racism. I love the Jews I am a Jew and I will tell a Jew that I've been grafted into their family but not to hate Arabs and Palestinians into remote laws. That subjugate them to oppression and unfairness I'm not that kind of you know so you know what the man told Joshua he says I'm not for you or your enemy he sound for God. Take off your shoes and bow down in other words you know what the man was selling was really a picture of Christ it's not important whether I'm on your side or your enemy side the important thing is that you're on my side guiding on your side you're born in sin and shaped in a nick Woody the Bible says let every man let God be true in every man alive you know what that means about you you're a lie God isn't on your side God wants to know are you on his side and that's what the church needs to be talking about so we're going to talk about unity real quick in Jesus' name what unity requires conditions do not say that we are you 19 it in Jesus name as a church or pastors when we are not meeting conditions I attended City pastors fellowship parents sacrament awesome fellowship in the goal is to create unity among pastors so you'll go in there with 3 foreign passes in a room what have lunch you know we'll have a speaker you know black pastors white passes Mexican pastors Chinese passes all in one place but just because we're gathering in one place doesn't mean we're united that can be very pretentious So let's look at it let it unity but how were were we as Christians brought into unity let's look at 2nd Corinthians Chapter 5 in the bottle is going to tell us not only how we were brought in unity the bible is going to tell us what our ministry is because this is a key principle about being a Christian whatever God has done for you expects you to do for others. So God has given you grace he expects you to give others grace and he's given you mercy he expects you to give other people marching in Jesus' name Ok so sacredness 514 for the love of Christ constrains me in other words God gave me love and that love constrains me constrains me to do with how I deal with people because we judge this if one died for all then all are dead and that he died for all that they which lives should not live anymore to themselves but then to him was die for them and rose again now that living to yourself talks of is talking about you know desire for money your desire for your culture or your race or your political party your not to live to yourself where for henceforth we don't know any man out of the flesh so when I look at someone I should not look at him based upon their skin color Yes though we have known Christ out of the flesh yet now he has 4 No we him no more therefore the name him in Christ he is a new creation old things have passed away beyond all things a new all things are of God who have reconciled us so how how do we come in the unity with guy we had to be reconciled we were separated from God because of sin we were reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ in have given unto us the ministry of reconciliation once again the vital spiritual principle whatever God has done for you expects you to do for others he reckons out us he expects you to reconcile be reconciled and have the ministry of reconciliation towards others to know that God was in Christ reconciling the world into him sell not counting their mistakes against them and that's how we reconcile people we can't hold on to everything the liberals do know the conservatives do you don't know what I mean do you know the black men. No wonder the world's going to 0 in and bask you still come out some net new young people 40 years ago. Yeah let's move on Hallelujah Now I'm not saying ignore the racism that exists today because this deal here live in a way but I truly know slavery would no slay. And I praise God for my for my for parents they were that God gave them the strength to come out of it to know the guy was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself not counting their mistakes against them and have committed to us the word of reconciliation we have the same word of reconciliation now then we are ambassadors for Christ not for a political party or an agenda for Christ as though Christ did beseech you by us we pray you and God to be reconciled under God So how were we brought into unity with God through reconciliation through God's love him not counting our trespasses as a now this is what the word reconciliation means in this is the 1st principle of unity the word reconciliation in the Greek means to mutually change to mutually change now that you know God Don't change so what he did do he changed the way we could be in relationship with him and he did ask us to change so there is no unity without mutual change that's the 1st principle here's here's the next example. You know it will be like telling a woman to stay in a really nice of relationship but her husband hasn't change in Jesus' name so God uses things now. To unity what the church must consider in Jesus' name is in our agenda and what we practice and promote. We have to line up with God Now listen remember the story of Babel The Bible says the people were coming together in unity and God confounded him you know that there may be so much disunion in the church because the church agenda is wrong the church has a denominational agenda and has an agenda where we want to promote our ways over God and Goddess and I'm not going to promote that So if we're going to have unity we have to be united in the right things now how do you here's one there are issues that are current that are impacting unity in the church it's like the elephant in the room is like when I go to these pastors luncheon and you know you have issues that have been in the news about white supremacy and conflicts and you have issues about police and black males and all this stuff and you sit in a room with all these pastors but you don't want to talk about it because it's too uncomfortable and as a husband I've learned using when you don't want to talk to your wife is because you know you've done something wrong so you say oh why can't we just all get along but you don't want to deal with the elephant in the room you can't have unity unless you deal with the issues you know counsellors teach that it is better if a couple argues about things than them to just be silent and not saying anything see we want unity but we've got to deal with the elephants in the room if we're going to have real unity this is vitally important in Jesus' name so what are some of the other issues that affect unity in Jesus' name we have to practice principles of unity for example I can't be united it would a person that's not accountable I can't be united it would a person who lords himself over me I believe the Golden Rule is called the Golden Rule cultures value but you know what it is just treat people like you want to be treated. But see if you won't practice that and we can have unity there still be principles of unity I wish I had more time but I don't a man these the I can expand on these principles a unity that are very very important if we want to come together we've got to deal with issues we can't just close our ears up to the cries of people in communities in and all the stuff that we're dealing with we have to deal with it this in this is Pastor a k. Through this is Heaven Hell we love you in Jesus name logon to our website come out and be our guest is virtue church will we love you guys. Thank you for listening to heaven help with Pastor a k thrower of spirit and truth church in Rancho Cordova we hope that you saw God's perspective to help you deal with the religious social and political issues that we face in our world today interested in leaving a comment please contact pastor a.k.a. At my Spirit and Truth dot com and join us for worship Sunday mornings at 1015 or 114548 midweek celebration living water Wednesdays at 7 pm with Pastor aka spirit in truth church is located off old Placerville road near the mater Boulevard exit at a 10220 systems Parkway in Rancho Cordova there are a 1000 member non-denominational multicultural spirit filled church enjoy pastor make a thrower He's an author recording artist educator influencer and recognized by the world literacy crusade is the most influential pastor in crusader of the year next week at the same time will cover more biblical views on how to respond to cultural issues and heaven help. 7 10 am the word heaven help is sponsored by spirit and truth church Hey folks there in Larson for big mountain heating and air windows and solar you think you can afford solar because you just found out that you need a new air conditioning system good news focus. 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