Slash talk radio support Habitat for Humanity wings Sunday July 30th the Southside Park live music kids activities games for all ages and over 40000 ways to help build a new home for a local family tickets in info it sat down wins dot com sat down wings got presented by board and social league. News Radio t f b j Sacramento. To several meadows and b.k. F.m. Pollack finds your top stories in the 60 seconds but 1st traffic and weather together from the b.k. Traffic center expect delays due to pavement repair in West Sacramento Highway 50 east and westbound between Jeff simple dark and high 5 down to just one or 2 lanes in each direction on the Pioneer bridge until Monday morning at 5 am intermittent ramp restrictions as well along that stretch including 5th Street and 15th in the connector from I 5 to Highway 50 with traffic every 10 minutes starting this morning at 5 am Keep it tuned to the West Haven solar traffic center Newsradio cave b.k. 93 point one f.m. 1530 am. The skies will stay clear during the overnight hours or early morning temperatures will be down in the upper fifty's nice looking day on Tuesday with highs around 90 or so but the rest of the week will be warmer m k c 3 meteorologist Mark fine in a news radio b.k. . Time guys are all news radio k p k our top story if he makes hot weather dry air blowing winds and heavy brush you have a recipe for disasters like the wildfire that forced the evacuation of entire towns and the county when you get a perfect storm of those conditions coming together that's when you'll hear weather forecasters here on k f b k talk about a red flag warning the most extreme warning about the potential for wildfire Cal Fire Captain Scott McClain says how rough steep and inaccessible The terrain is in a given region like many in the Sierra and all the growth in forested areas that since gotten really dry despite the wet winter are also factors McLean says firefighters dread and then you bring in the weather and it goes the fire runs I mean 1st night of the day or the 1st $7100.00 acres just at night we usually don't see that amount of fire in the middle of the night McLean says whether you're taking your weed whacker or your off road vehicle out for a spin they need you to be extra careful so that you don't accidently start a fire that can grow very quickly Ryan Harris Newsradio cave because a. The massive debt while their fire Mertesacker county's 50 percent contained The blaze has ripped through more than 76000 acres and so far has destroyed 63 homes and damaged 13 others another 68 structures have been destroyed and roughly 1500 other structures are considered threatened some residents have been allowed to return to their homes but multiple evacuation orders are still in place these areas include portions of Mount bullion cut off road between highways 49 and 140 Sen John McCain is going back to work after a few days of recuperation from surgery to have a blood clot removed above one of his eyes his office says McCain will return to Washington tomorrow to continue working on legislation including health care reform the National Defense Authorization Act and new sanctions on Russia Iran and North Korea after last week's surgery McCain was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor and he's working with his family in a doctor on a treatment plan President son in law on top adviser Jared cushion is making a definitive statement after his closer meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee let me be very clear I did not collude with Russia nor do I know of anyone else in the campaign who did so speaking at the White House today Kushner's that his meeting was voluntary and fully transparent he said he's eager to share everything he knows with investigators for the House Intelligence Committee today and another voluntary closed door meeting. Mexican labor aide and Laura Vega says he was told the $5500.00 he was being charged to be smuggled into the United States would include an air conditioned truck ride instead he and his friends climbed into a pitch black metal tractor trailer compartment with no ventilation he told the Associated Press exclusively from a c.n.n. Tonio hospital bed on Monday that he heard crying and people asking for water he says he was sweating and lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital stay connected news lives immediately a cave b.k. Dot com I'm Casmir all news radio b.k. 93 point one f.m. 1530 am and on the i Heart Radio. Classic lucky the reversal. Of a great. Deal of the morning classic rock. Writes the award winning go if I show the car gross show your source for straight talk and honest answers about everything out about it it's the car pro show and you're going to email Jerry Carter for usa dot com catch the car brochure every Sunday afternoon for a get b.k. Go worldwide phenomenon is back 27 I'd like to see last amongst it by Ryan Seacrest . September 22nd and 23rd of the team over it and let's take over 20 of the greatest performers on the planet converge in Las Vegas. If you're having a long hard look at your exclusive pre-sale access to our hard working news a class that starts today and get your have a car ready to get your tickets for go to i Heart Radio got to come slash capital. This is a Bloomberg market minute this will be a big day for corporate earnings blue chips Caterpillar 3 m. And McDonald's are scheduled to release quarterly results General Motors a t. And t. Jet Blue Eli Lilly Kimberly Clark and Domino's will open their books the Federal Reserve opens 2 days of policy talks today rescuing a 1st Franklin financial talk to Bloomberg Radio. Oh about the Fed and the markets we're in a situation where the Fed able to do what they need to get accomplished going for when Congress failed to get something accomplished the market is simply not reacting to it we like this environment we think this can continue and we're in a cyclical bull market the Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index could have an impact on the markets today economists surveyed by Bloomberg think the index weakened this month a couple of reports on home prices will get some attention Citi Group c.e.o. Mike Corbett will speak at the bank's Investor Day in New York and commerce secretary Wilbur Ross addresses the Economic Club of Washington Jeff Bell and Bloomberg Radio. This is. With George Noory Well you know on this program we talk a lot about end times prophecy. Ancient Times Up next Dr Michael Heizer with us as we try to sort through some of the things that happened on this planet a long time ago. There is a reason a definite reason why emergency preparedness is becoming part of the lifestyle of so many hard working people in this country many of experience firsthand how devastating a crisis can be and they know that you know what they have to do something to prevent future situations from causing so much distress we know the government can't provide for all of us in a true emergency not going to happen that's where our friends and my Patriots supply deliver I trust them for planning you should to this week get their new 102 serving survival food supply for only 99 dollars but they just keep getting bigger one triple 84115103 or prepare with George dot com 102 Serbian survival food supply for just 99 dollars it's a ship free to your door join my Patriots supply in their mission to build a more prepared self-reliant America one triple 841151031 AAA 411-5103 or go to prepare with George dot com. If you are a c. 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Dr Michael Heizer is a biblical scholar author blogger Professor podcasters specializing in the Hebrew Bible and biblical theology in the history languages read religions of the ancient near East Michael earned an Emmy in ph d. In Hebrew Bible and sematic languages from the University of Wisconsin in Madison before attending if you Madison Mike earned an m.b.a. In ancient history from the University of Pennsylvania where his major feels for ancient Israel in Egypt ology Mike has more than a dozen years a classroom teaching experience in the college level 10 years of online teaching at the seminary level as well he's currently a scholar in residence with the logos biblical software and of course noted author including of course the latest called reverse seen her man and I'm Michael I'm going to have you describe that title to a lot of people Ok area Thanks for having me back good to have you what is the title mean rehearsing for mine yeah Herman is a reference to Mount Hermon which is north of the the holy land north of Israel and according to The Book of Enoch this was the place where the watchers that's you know terminology for the sons of God from Genesis sex part of the flood story the beginning of the flood story this is the mountain from which they descended to collude together in you know there they made a pact together to essentially you know help the man. Did to destroy itself and I was I was listening to the talk with Gerald Ford in the previous hour they you know just lamenting the condition of people life. You know just start our times and I just couldn't help you know be drawn again you know back to this the story you know I sure you know humans can do just fine to destroy themselves but again in the biblical account and books like a knock they had some help you know they were again nudged in the directions you know to exploit technology relationships and turn all that stuff and into violence and self-destruction and that's really what you know the knocking the story is about and Mount Hermon is the place that the ancients thought you know hey this is where it all all got started you have studied this for some time now and then as we get into this there's some really poignant parts about it in some scary things about this tomorrow. Are we going to be Ok as as as a as a people because. Yeah I know I know and I'm not sure. Yeah you know on one hand you know you look at. You know you look at what's happening in the world and when and you know I'm thinking of the way things are trending and you know you look at that you look at the Bible and the Bible not the only Texas sort of points distraction but the Bible has such a prominent role you know in our culture that that's the one that people look at so often and you could look at everything and say well this is kind of supposed to be happening you know just trending in the negative you know toward self-destruction again toward you know really chaotic upheaval you know on a global scale but on the other hand you know if ever you know at least the Bible never leaves us without a hope you know they. You know the activity of God to try to thwart all this and of course God uses people and you know people can you know withstand evil they can you know oppose evil on all sorts of levels and in all sorts of ways and so you know you have this this conflict among you know human populations and the Bible always sort of you know turns the page on that and says well behind all that you know there's there's really something going on in the unseen world that is you know fueling all this you know what this loosely referred to as spiritual warfare that the Bible always cast as being connected to what's going on on Earth so it's a battle it's the story's not written yet but you know things are supposed to trend this way and you know there's an ebb and flow to all of it that of course factors into you know prophetic outlook when it comes to you know to works like like the Bible Michael let's describe Iraq of course he was the father or mother who's a lot who lived 900 some years only get into that in the 2nd he was the great grandfather of Noah as well but the Book of Enoch is what. You know the Book of Enoch is actually really a compilation an assemblage of several books. You know if you look at it as a whole it's going to 108 chapters and those chapters again scholars have I think for good reason you know determined that you know that the original composition wasn't all one $108.00 chapters there was a core of it and then it gets added to as time goes on but the material itself is is pretty ancient terms of manuscript evidence that we have it goes all the way back in the 2nd century b.c. Maybe even earlier than that there are fragments of it found among the dead sea scrolls and you know again it's it has a long history it informed biblical thinking New Testament writers had read this book and that's really what my book reversing Hermanas about I really want to try to get people to appreciate the role that the Book of Enoch played in the thinking of those who wrote the New Testament they were they were very familiar with this book and they assume their audience would be familiar with it too and so they just drop words and phrases and scenes and you know different things into their own material in the books of the New Testament that people probably know a little bit more readily but a lot of that stuff you know if you had the Book of Enoch in your head you would be just picking up a lot you know lots of things that are telegraphed that would help you be a more intelligent reader of The New Testament so it was a really important book Michael the Bible says that he not lived 365 years before he was taken by God. This taken sounds almost like an extraterrestrial abduction case doesn't. It people always always you know bring that up though you know the reference language like that you know we're actually not given any specifics you know it actually says you not walk walk with God and was not you know essentially like you know he was gone has gone off you know poof you know was was no more. More but there are no details actually given to and we actually see you know mostly in the Book of Enoch but there are other you know other places where you know you knock is still in the picture so you kind of get an idea of what he's doing and you know he's interacting with you know members of the spiritual world and so he's not like gone gone but he's he's out of the picture as far as you know . His human relationships human existence and that sort of thing so on one hand on one hand you know you know that the account sort of lends itself to a mystery but on the other hand. There's a lot actually said about you knocking the role he plays really as an intercessor between God and again to use his terminology the watchers who you know rebel against God and try to corrupt humanity are the watchers demons the devil who have fallen angels who are they. That that's really a good question because again I'm sort of famous or infamous for this but. You know a lot of what people especially Christians you know take the Bible seriously a lot of what they think they know about demonology and Angel ology is really the product of church tradition and it's not the product of the Bible itself and certainly the Bible read in its own original context which in the case of the New Testament is you know the 1st century of the few centuries preceding that and of course the older Testament. The watchers are not the demons of the gospels and that that surprises a lot of people they're connected to where demons come from but they're not technically the same you actually have different groups of bad guys if I can use sort of parlance you have different rebellions I like to illustrate it this way if you if you ask the average Christian he was the world's a messed up. The answer going to get is Well that's the fall you know it's not a man even say the serpent and all our kind of stuff and again that's because that's the way we're taught to process that question if you ask the average 1st century Jew someone living in the inner Testament a period you know who have been alive the time of Jesus we asked them the same question that is not the answer you would get. They would say Well there's actually 3 reasons why the world is the way it is and just so messed up there's the fall you know Adam and Eve story but then there's the Genesis 6 story the watcher stories sons of God and the human women and then there's also what happened at Babel and in the in the Jewish mind of antiquity those things were all connected wasn't just one it was 3 and church tradition has more or less squelched the numbers to a number 3 might I run into you know believers people who would call themselves believers Bible believers all the time whether they're you know just lay folks or scholars and they really you know demythologize parts of the Bible like Genesis 6 and of course the Babel event and you know that that's too weird you know to give you know any time you know any real serious thought to it but there somehow that you know the Adam and Eve story the surface story that's not weird and my my response to that is hey look you know it's all strange you can't really pick and choose here you know do you. Are you going to brace are going to believe what the biblical writers believe and gave you in this thing we call the Bible or you know what they eyewitnesses in your opinion. I think they were eyewitnesses to some things and not other things that you know and sometimes you can tell that pretty clearly. You know from the you know from the events themselves I'll give an example I was actually working on an article today about the baptism of Jesus Well you know you take the 4 gospel writers Matthew Mark Luke and John none of them are ever described as being at the scene but you know they wrote about it and so you know there you have an instance where they're not eyewitnesses but they certainly knew lots of people who were right and you know they they get the information they put it into their gospel their history of the life of Jesus later on so sometimes they are sometimes they're not. You have discussed the anti christ how does that fit into this. Yeah reversing Hermana I actually devote 2 chapters to this again people need to realize again what I'm trying to do in the book. I'm trying to again get people to read their bible in this case the New Testament. The way the writers would have thought about it when I want them to sort of be informed and have the have the 1st century person living in their head. And the book of the knock again is very important for New Testament thinking and believe it or not the whole notion of an anti christ actually factors into this there are going to sound maybe a little bit bizarre to people who might be new to your show I mean if you have a situation where people are used to the content of the show this might not sound so unusual but some people it might but something as presumably familiar to us as the anti-Christ actually has roots in the Book of Enoch and really the way a 1st century person would have thought about that figure actually involved Genesis 6 you know the sons of God of the watchers and in this case also the Nephilim the Giants and what I'm trying to do in this book is give people not my speculation on these things but to take peer reviewed scholarship in the field of New Testament in the field of ancient Judaism that I've collected over the years and really have benefitted from in terms of research and make all of that decipherable and show people how scholars have connected these things and it might sound again really strange that's a figure like the end of Christ would actually have something to do with events before the flood and events associated with Babylon. But they really do and it's kind of fascinating actually Who do you think the anti-Christ might be. You know there's an appendix in my book about this I personally gravitate toward the view that the anti-Christ will not be a Jew I mean that there's a difference of opinion there and scholarship Jew or Gentile here Jew or non Jew I think he will be a non Jewish person and that's basically because. The Old Testament material that factors into this and yes I said Old Testament that when we hear anti christ we think of New Testament stuff because of the word Christ but all the anti christ is the great and times enemy of the Messiah and even before the time of Jesus there were Jews expecting a messiah naturally and so they also had a profile in their heads of of what the enemy who would confront the Messiah would be like even before their. Jesus was here even before there was a church before the risk Christianity and the way they thought about these these things it had to be a Gentile because in the Book of Daniel especially chapters 9 through 11 sort of the prototype for the add to Christ was a person named Antiochus the 4th also known as Antiochus Epiphanes these and he and his wife sort of fulfills or aligns with a wide range of things that are said about the end of Christ and we know the anti-Christ wasn't Antichrist the 4th because Jesus lived after antichrist and Jesus is still talking about a future Anti Christ but he was a was a Gentile he becomes sort of the prototypical reference point for a lot of anti christ talk and again believe it or not it connects back to Babylon back to the sons of God back to the watchers and there's lots of data there that you know the casual Bible reader even the Bible student doesn't really realize is there and so on reversing her moaning I'm trying to get this material to people so if they're interested there's a lot of ancient material that should factor into the way we think about these things with the with the Anti-Christ Are we close to end times right now. Yeah you know I don't I don't know I don't think there's any way to predict that and I actually would agree with what Gerald Celente said last night that we really can't predict the future. I would say this though that there are things I mean you can look at certain things and on a geo political level on a spiritual level and you can make statements like boy you know there I don't really know what would be missing from the profile in other words there are a number of things that we could sort of mentally align with a certain difficult statements that you know hey you know this would fit this thing this would fit the other thing this sure looks like this that sure looks like that we're just not giving it a timeline or any way to know for sure my my view of prophecy incidentally and this might be new to a lot of people as well with a lot of people trying to figure out you know what's going to happen I personally believe that prophecy is deliberately cryptic It's not accidental and where I get that from is the apostle Paul and his 1st letter to the Corinthians he's talking to them and he says Look fellows you know had the rulers of this world known you know that's a famous you know Paul and phrase for the powers of darkness you know spiritual spiritual evil had they known what the fallout would have been they never would have crucified Jesus in other words if if the powers of darkness had known what was going to happen as a result of the crucifixion and that in biblical thinking that was the key event and they never want to come through with it right then they then they're not idiots they never would have done it had they known this is the key event to sort of undermine them and lead to their own defeat and so my view of a lot of this stuff is actually Hey look that the 1st time around it was deliberately cryptic again to hide certain things you know God doesn't need to you know put all its cards on the table so to speak and the cryptic part of it was really important so that again intelligent evil one know what was going on and so my view is look why should we expect anything. The 2nd time around you know we can get a little glimpse but even with the 1st coming even the 1st set of circumstances was the even the New Testament writers didn't know what was going on until they had hindsight tell everything you know played out and they could look back and say oh no I remember this our member Jesus saying that well that makes sense now. One of my favorite examples of this is after the resurrection they're there in the room the upper room and the resurrected Christ you know appears before them there he stand right in front of them and they still don't get it into their head and commas for doubting Thomas Yeah doesn't get hostage he had says Jesus had to open their minds so that they would understand and he standing right there they still don't get it well that it's not because they're dumb they weren't supposed to know beforehand it was only after the fact that they could put all the pieces together I think that's how prophecy is going to work in the future to. The Nephilim I want to talk with that with you about that when we come back after the break Michael but in your opinion what were they. You know I think the now fully what we're again well use the term Giants unusually tall I actually don't think that they were you know monstrously. And that's because of the dimensions that are actually given to us in the Old Testament we get the dimensions of 2 of them to the to it and so there are roughly you know 7 feet tall which which was tall for for those time periods Let's come back in a moment like that on coast to coast am Sign up now for Coast zone our free e-mail newsletter get it today it coast to coast am done. seconds but traffic and weather together from the traffic center the pioneer bridge paving project continues on the east and west bound $51.00 lane closed in each direction difference tonight is on the eastbound side lane closures starting at Harbor Boulevard ramp closure 15th Street and 5th Street on ramps to westbound 50 are going to be closed until 5 am over the river. And Jefferson Boulevard ramps and with traffic every 10 minutes every weekday morning and afternoon for the West Haven summer traffic center Newsradio b.k. . Skies will stay. Early morning temperatures in the upper fifty's. With. Our top story 5 people are recovering from injuries after. The accident happened Sunday afternoon. On a family boat fire investigators say the boat was getting fueled up and the vapor flash ignited when the boat's ignition was turned on the victims reportedly suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns. President Donald Trump a spoke with advisors about firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions continues to rage against Sessions' decision to accuse him self from all matters related to the Russian best a Geisha and the president's anger again bubbled into public view Monday as he referred to sessions in a tweet as beleaguered Sen John McCain of Arizona will be in d.c. Tomorrow for a key health care vote he revealed that he was diagnosed with brain cancer after he had surgery to remove a blood clot center Republicans will have a procedural vote tomorrow to start a debate on the health care bill stay connected newsletters immediately a cave b.k. Dot com Sign cars are all news radio case 93 point one f.m. 1530 am and on the i Heart Radio app. Profile journal or when I would like show lineup today at I heard Radio dot com slash capital why next. C.b.s. News update President Trump had a message for Republican senators ahead of today's vote on perceiving him to debate the g.o.p. Health care plan and the senator who votes against starting debate is telling America that you are fine with the Obamacare nightmare which is what it is c.b.s. Is Steve Harris is going after his own party because frankly this is something that his party has been calling for for 7 years ever since Obamacare became a thing in 2010 Republicans have been out there calling for repeal Maine Susan Collins the only Republican to go on record saying she will not vote to debate the plan meaning every other Republican vote is critical days after his brain cancer diagnosis Arizona's John McCain says he'll be there for the vote political analysts Larry Sabato Senator cornered offer to have driven across country if that was the way he were to go c.b.s. News update I'm Jim ashamed of it. This is coast to coast am with George Noory take your phone calls with my Kaiser next hour we're talking about his latest work called Reversing the Herman it's about you know the watchers and giants and so much more so we'll get back into that in a moment here a normal day dot com By the way were over 65000 members heading 466000 simply go to the Web site paranormal Date dot com The sign up for 1st read if you would use George code if you stick around but it's free to sign ups or go to paranormal Date dot com Well talking about what's happening around this planet science is catching up. 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Commercials or price could vary depending on your health insurance company another fact not available in all states. Welcome back my colleagues are with us Mike you're talking about the definitely I'm being a bob shuffling feet tall not unusually tall is a. No it's not there are again a couple of giants who we actually get dimensions in the Bible people everything will go live or you know he was like 9 feel most 10 feet tall Actually according to the Dead Sea Scrolls those manuscripts of the episode between good David and Goliath they have the last at 6 and a half feet tall there's another giant again mention that's around 7 feet tall so when you actually get dimensions they're really not you know extraordinary by our standards but you know back in the day when the average male again according to skeletons archaea archeologists found the average male is about you know 5455 that's pretty big part of it would be pretty intimidating. Specially if you had you know clans or people groups or clusters you know of these sorts of people again it's going to be quite intimidating too bad they didn't have basketball leagues in those days you could have probably scooped up with their system definitely. You know there you go there's a French Where did they where did they come Biblically speaking where did they come from. Yeah that the story is again foundational if this is Genesis 61 through 4 the sons of God. Take human women and they have offspring that are called Enough Aleem there's actually 2 ways I think to read this and still sort of on are the supernatural world view that's involved in this that the 1st way is sort of the more obvious one that you have a sexual relationship there then you get Nephilim now the Nephilim are called people they're called men you know very normal term are they human bein's Well according that terminology they are but what's different about them would be the you know would be the immaterial part of them the spirit part of them if you well in Biblical thinking a human being was material and immaterial you had to have both of those to have a full person and so that's what would be different about the Nephilim you know that there according to all of the Jewish texts both in terms of that he replied I will the inner Testament all Jewish tradition all of it when you kill one of these in battle or something like that the December heat spirit of enough Aleem or one of the related giant clans was what we know and what the Gospels know as demons so they were again fallen spirits you know internally if we can use that kind of language the other way to look at this is to say well the language of Genesis 61 through 4 really isn't meant to be sexual but it sort of telegraphed the idea that you had rival gods again and over Testament parlance rival gods also known as the sons of God or in the Knox terms the watchers do something to enable people you know different you know groups of humans and if human couples. To have you know unusual children that they would again they were deliberately trying to raise up to annihilate the Israelites and you say well you know where is the precedent for that well if you think of the Abraham and Sarah story again this is foundational to Judaism the Abraham and Sarah story were never told you know Yahweh the God of Israel has a sexual relationship with Sarah and she has a kid but we are told that God opened her womb somehow and enabled her when she was elderly to have a child the child was Isaac and that's where the Israelites come from so the idea is well maybe you had again rival God's rival you know divine being this with other couples. Deliberately in an attempt to create essentially their own populations their own army a different different after offspring Eyebright right different offspring with the intent of going after the Israelites So there's actually 2 ways to read this and again still honor you know what the biblical writers are actually thinking and then the way that writing the story what's really interesting is this has deep Mesopotamian roots I mean if you look at Genesis 61 through 4. You know it's obviously set in you know the Babylonian area geographically and it's really only been since 2010 so that's pretty recent that can be a form scholars you know scholars of can inform tablets have really made a systematic effort to go back into that material and collect information that specifically pertains to these 1st 4 verses of Genesis 6 and again what I've done in reversing Hermanas collect that material so it's very recent give us a quick highlight Genesis hooks Yeah the quick overview not let's just get into the into the Mesopotamian material because that's what what is less familiar the Mesopotamians again believed that. There were certain divine beings certain the eighty's that were responsible for making their civilization Babylon specifically great making it all it was and these are known as the op collar the up collar to begin are these great civilizers that were divine beings they give you no divine knowledge of this is why Babylon the so great well the higher up gods in Mesopotamia don't really like people and if you had lots of shows about the Flood story from you know Babylonian records this is going to be familiar audience but the higher up gods don't like humans and they want to get rid of them in a flood while the up Kahlo are appalled by this like we invested a lot of time in these people this is terrible if we can't we've got to do something about this so they can inform tablets actually tell us things like before the flood the op Kahlo were divine beings 600 percent divine after the flood they were for lack of a better term hybrids they are described as being only 2 thirds divine and what happened apparently was that they you know cohabited with women they have children and it's their children who are these quasi divine beings who become the great men after the Flood who preserve the divine knowledge of Babylon Gilgamesh is one of them elusive Lord of the college this is just a great story Michael or do you think there's some truth in basis behind it yeah I think I think you know with with all literature like this you know that you're going to have how can I say this. Some people don't I think it offended by the idea of of mythic history when we really shouldn't because what we're dealing with here you know when we at least when we talk about mythic history what we're dealing with is that there are certain historical events that play out and those events are filtered theologically we do this as as religious people you know even today let's say that I went out I needed a job and you know I got a job I was applying for them I got the inner ear went to the interview got the job and I say boy you know this is great you know God gave me that job Well we we've put a theological meaning sort of a theological spend on to something that really happened we give God credit you know for working in our lives and blessing us it's sort of the same kind of thing when you get epic literature like this where something happens and it's interpreted as being in part or maybe in substantial part the result of divine activity intersecting with what happens here you know among humans on Earth so this is a lot of this is really what's going on you know in literature like this the. They believe in a supernatural world view and you know again the most a lot of a lot of people today you know including myself are going to believe in a supernatural world view that the material world is not all that there is in that there is this this unseen reality that intersects with us and we have to you know give credit to it we have to you know deal with it in some way try to understand it parse it and that's what's going on in ancient texts so the situation is really not that much different you have events play out on Earth and again you have a divine meaning applied to it and if we believe in the reality of a spiritual world I think we need to believe that hey there's something to that there's something to the idea that the unseen world can intersect with our world in a real time historical way. Michael back to the Nephilim once again what happened to them when they go. In the biblical record has the Nephilim lines lineages if you well eliminated you know terminated by the time of David at least according to traditional Hebrew texts call them as Eric text of the Old Testament if you look at some other manuscripts that are behind something called the Septuagint which is the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament the Nephilim lines perhaps lived a few 100 years after David. But all of the all of the text of material has them being eliminated in the Old Testament period so I'm not one you know who I know lots of people you know with think otherwise but I'm not one who thinks others Nephilim here they're going to come back or anything like this if you're going with just the biblical story again the Biblical framework where these lines are eliminated but what's really more serious people might be wondering why why would you call the book reversing Hermano Hermanas about the Smout the watchers come down and all this kind of stuff. What needs to be reversed what's actually more serious than the Nephilim to again ancient Israelites an ancient Jews is that the Watchers not only responsible for these guys we've been talking about for the full name but in Mesopotamia and stuff again giants like Gilgamesh. More serious is the forbidden knowledge that's taught to humans not because humans aren't supposed to know certain things but the way the Mesopotamian story goes the way the story goes the way the Old Testament story goes is that what was taught to humans was taught in such a way that humans would essentially destroy themselves with it and turn to idolatry and just you know do all sorts of of awful things that would create chaos. On earth and that is what is actually more serious and so if you believe this as an ancient you know Jew will say in ancient Israel either Jew you expected the Messiah whoever that might be to come and reverse all these things and save his to be right to be to be the one who rolls it all back and again what I'm trying to do in the book is not only give people the background material Yes especially the more recent material that you know won't really really are aware of since 2010 but also to show how that filters into the New Testament the way the New Testament writers talked about Jesus believe it or not there are things in Jesus' genealogy that are traceable back to Genesis 6 and this problem of you know that Vance t.r. At that led Vance knowledge esoteric knowledge forbid knowledge that humans used to destroy themselves there are things in Jesus' genealogy The Telegraph that this is the guy who's going to reverse all that there are things about the birth narrative you know the Christmas story if you will that telegraph the idea connect Jesus back to the days of now and again signify that this is the one who's going to reverse all this horrible stuff you get in the Epistles the writings of John the writings of Paul the book of Revelation the book you know Peter New Testament writers again thought about Messiah as the person not who would just deal with what happens in the Garden of Eden you know the fall but also the person who would deal with all this horrendous evil this cataclysmic chaos that goes on in human society and human relationships to the must not messiah would have to reverse that as well. Michael since you've been doing the research and the history in all of this how does Gilgamesh fit in this Gilgamesh is is actually kind of important because he is he's called Lord of the Calo the clear form tablets again have him as a giant I mean just the picture should sound you know kind of familiar Mesopotamian material has you know divine beings before the flood the same guys are only quasi divine after the flood Gilgamesh is one of them he's also a giant They probably get punished by the by the great god Marduk and Babylonian religion they get sent to the abyss and all the sort of stuff Gilgamesh is actually named he actually shows up by name in the Dead Sea Scrolls there's something that scholars in the entire name of the giants the of the whole name the book of the giants from Qumran names Gilgamesh specifically there are some other giant names as well but that's the one everybody knows now what that tells us is it tells us that whoever wrote in a book of John adds had access to this much older Mesopotamian material and sort of did the math for us and again this is material that the New Testament writers are reading they had access to it leaks into the New Testament thinking so Gilgamesh actually becomes kind of a a real touch point because he shows up by name among with that Sea Scrolls. What revelations do you think. You were able to stumble across when you put together the reversing hormone well over everything and reversing Herman again this is if I could be so bold to say this this is what makes what what I do a little bit different than what a lot of people do again I am a scholar by training I you know have my head in peer reviewed scholarship you know basically every day and every chapter in reversing Hermana is based on somebodies dissertation you know peer reviewed journal articles you know I'm not I'm not you know doing research on the Internet I'm not making stuff up I don't have to there's just there's enough information to wade through but I'll give you one example you know when it comes to the birth of Jesus. I personally think that the the star you know that's associated with excess are about lamb right yep Starbucks I think that is connected to Revelation 12 it's part of a. Of a number of signs that we get the rest of the picture in Revelation 12 I don't this is the woman you know with 12 stars that are had some that are enormous the moon at her feet all that sort of stuff I don't think that we can use that as predictive prophecy nowadays because if you read Revelation 12 it's connected to the 1st coming the birth of Jesus birth of the Messiah but anyway if you plot that out well in an astronomy program you put all the signs and you come out with a birth date for the Messiah which is September 11th 3 b.c. Now I know some some listeners are going to get creeped out by September 11th as kind of it's interesting for other reasons other than the ones we're thinking of but others will say well that's impossible because didn't Herod you know die and you know 4 b.c. And what not there again there's peer reviewed scholarship that straightens all this out people can get reversing her mom to get access to that but here's the here's the kicker if you take that date September 11th 3 b.c. That is also to history wanted the Jewish calendar Jewish tradition had no as birthday is to Sri on that means that to a 1st century Jew who is tracking on this Jesus was the 2nd no Jesus and no it shared a birthday if you actually look at the flood narrative when the you know when the flood comes in the waters recede and all that sort of stuff the waters recede at the same time as the rising of the plea eighty's. In the seasonal calendar the Pleiades of course are associated with the Ryan the giant There you go with Genesis 6 the Giants a no there's just a that's a really quick overview of they're actually things that connect the birth the timing of the birth of Jesus with Noah and the flood story and the Nephilim and all that sort of stuff Michael Moore to talk about in our final hour along with phone calls next find out more about tonight's guest log on to coast to coast am dot com . office on i Heart Radio this is you over 30 years ago. And this is your mom now. Roles changed.

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