Legal rules the 1st public impeachment inquiry hearings are set to begin on Wednesday and they will be televised correspondent Manu Raju explains that the format will be different from hearings we've seen in the past it's going to begin with 45 minutes. Given to both the Chairman Tauzin Teligent Committee Adam Schiff fall by the ranking Republican Devon Nunez and staff attorneys will be doing a key portion of the questioning in that 45 minute period after that then there will be the 5 minutes for each member of the committee correspondent Bob Causton Teenie reports Trump's acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney whom Congress wants to question in the inquiry has decided he will not file a suit to determine if he must answer a subpoena for his appearance at one of the clouds impeachment hearings the chief of staff has decided to simply abide by president trumps to rectify that aides not cooperate with House impeachment investigations including ignoring subpoenas Mulvaney a former House member contemplated joining a lawsuit that is seeking quick court guidance on whether potential witnesses must honor a House subpoena though it comes from a different branch of government Jordan's foreign ministry is condemning in the Israeli strike in the Gaza Strip that killed a top militant commander on Wall Street the Dow is up 31 points 227700 24 have been hanging. Here's the latest from Newsmax President Trump is surging in the polls but Pelosi and shift still want to impeach him what's really their agenda find out tonight on Newsmax t.v. Special exposing the which either gets Trump see Pat Buchanan Michele mock and Bill O'Reilly Alan Dershowitz and more tonight at 9 pm Eastern on Newsmax t.v. Newsmax t.v. Is on Directv x. Finity dish spectrum fire optimum uber Suddenlink and more check your channel guide Newsmax t.v. Is real news for real people. 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Rush Limbaugh sponsored by the good speech or are your feet hurt don't just live with the good stores now open at 637 Joyce Boulevard in Fayetteville and they will help out with 30 years of good feed store has been helping people with pain all across the country so if you know what pain he'll claim or even plantar fasciitis stumble on the beach door no point in necessary you'll receive a free test walk and personalized bidding and learn how their complete market support system get help you get rid of your would mean go to hell to 9199 or stop by the good feed store 637 joys Boulevard across from Walmart and mall them until. Hero and love Ben. 1030. 7 new Masonic gun point 7 known as some Fox last night it was on with with a hand of a. Hand in the play they may sound byte of me from yesterday's program that the fact that number number was good number 6 and 7 getting ready to go Greetings my friends great to have you Rush Limbaugh the e.i.b. Network and the Limbaugh Institute we are ready for 3 straight hours of broadcast excellence this is what I said a few times on the program yesterday I really think that the model for what's going to happen this week is the Kavanaugh hearings it was a never ending parade for about a week and a half. As every person they've brought forth to try to destroy Kavanagh failed there was another one waiting in the wings and I will guarantee you that it is the same strain teenager either going to employ here this week getting started with public impeachment hearings so that was a sound bite I played yesterday or of that I Hannity play that last night that's from yesterday's program and by the way it's not impeachment hearings it is a show this is a total show but here's Devon nowness reaction and he's got a good point here as you know nobody likes to disagree with Rush Limbaugh but I think in this case Rush Limbaugh only has it about half right at least during the Kavanaugh hearings the Republicans have the ability to bring up people who are supporting Cavanagh we don't even have that right so let's talk about that that that is absolutely true Devon known as has a good point the Republicans are being frozen out here in a shift toward King about what his procedure is a grand jury there's a problem with that the grand juries are never public grand juries you're not allowed to know what went on and they're a Muslim any leaks which is against the law and Schiff is trying to give himself cover by saying that what he's doing with this starting tomorrow is the equivalent of a grand jury it isn't he's running the show and the Republicans are not going to have a chance to up jacked to call their own witnesses shift has exerted total control over they perceive things here so let's let's talk about this just a little bit the media did drive by his are now saying although I kind of Sam Donaldson is out there he's worried Sam Donaldson let me find the audio sound bite for you and it's here where it hits at. Number 50 No 13 if you're saying yes number 13 Sam Donaldson was on c.n.n. Last night with Don Lemon to the show that airs before Fragos. And and Don Lemon said so so much at stake in the televised show. It will be Boman this what a reporter's need to be I'm looking at it this here is not a lemon asking Sam Donaldson what your reporters need to be on the lookout for in this impeachment show and here's what Sam Donaldson said Watergate committee hearings on Capitol Hill the summer of $73.00 I covered that and millions of people who are watching now there are only 3 networks then there was the v.c.r. There was no Internet they got their news by watching television the newspapers helped of course and the daily Monday through Friday evening news broadcasts and it took over 2 years to get the public to the point where yes they thought maybe this guy was a crook Richard Nixon now the Democrats this time have what a couple of weeks my concern is there's not enough time is love mending the force of the media by not play so we had a monopoly it took us 2 years to screw Nixon and now the Democrats are going to try to do it in 2 weeks. Grab audio sound bite number one I heard this driving home yesterday Fox I was a ham on Fox knew it was on a satellite radio driving home and as soon as I got the car I heard somebody saying His know who was at 1st it was bread beer sitting in for the now gone Shepard Smith and it turned out he was talking to Harold Ford Harold Ford is it is got a history of going against the grain of the Democrat Party. He has been an elected official from Tennessee he has been a Wall Street banker and finance here and investor I have appeared on several stages with Harold Ford and I've always enjoyed being around him the last time I was with him was and an event Los Angeles the Milken Institute back during the Obama years and Red Bear said to Harold Ford Jr Democrat Tennessee we're getting ready for the public show on impeachment How much do you think this factors in on the campaign trail this is a great question by the way because this is being conducted entirely independent of the Democratic presidential primaries it's like Palosi in shift have determined that this is the 2020 campaign issue and yet don't tell folk a harness that don't go crazy very crazy burning out 4th place in New Hampshire by the way the bottoms falling out Alexandra Field got some Cortez is in freefall panic mode over this because she's thrown in entirely with crazy burning. Now she wants crazy Bernese audiences voters don't misunderstand me she needs crazy burning to succeed. First because if he doesn't who knows where those voters are going to go because they can't go to her she's not running for anything right now. So red bear's question is how much do you think this impeachment show factors in the campaign trail what 2020 candidates are talking about this ahead of the debate in Atlanta wins that evening I think we're going to have a very strong sense I think by wins the evening and perhaps Friday afternoon have to be ambassador comes forward we're going to have a much better sense of Nancy Pelosi who I think has been the most mature of all of the politicians in d.c. Around its issue because I don't think she really wanted to do this but if she does not feel that Democrats can have a sound vote bipartisan vote and maybe even move to the someone a chance for move the president I would be surprised if she didn't poll this in the next several days if this 1st week does not go well Wow Who have you heard say that you haven't heard anybody on the Democrat side allude to Palosi pulling it if it doesn't go well and the definition of it not going what this is all now on shifts and I have an important point to make about shift here in a moment but Harold Ford is basically saying if she can't if she doesn't perceive this thing moving toward a bipartisan vote with a legitimate chance of removing the president she going to pull it pull it in the next several days if the 1st week doesn't go well now when I heard that was a wow that I can't see her caving that quickly on this not after all this time he's right that she's never wanted to do it but at some point she made the decision to throw in and go all in and she made the decision to do it was shit if she made the decision an active decision a make shift for the face of this and I think it's rather risky gives Adam Schiff is a lying sack of excrement Faux. I mean what do you think I was going to say you thought I was going to say and that you thought I was going to say and and you thought I was going to say something other than excrement but no I am a highly trained broadcast professional and specialist I would never do that. But a year is we've documented the lies the guy still claim he'll Swalwell were inseparable in this they both claim they've got evidence of Trump colluding with Russia they both say it's clearly obvious it's clearly visible it's right there in front of them they've never produced it because they don't have it shift as the guy who lied about the contents of Trump's phone call so let's let's now put this together the Drive-By Media now saying that Trump is about to face his worst week ever and Devon nowness thinks it's going to be precisely because the Republicans are going to have a chance to push back to fight back as they did during the Kavanaugh fiasco Well how many times though have we been told in the last we're getting close to 3 years now how many times a we've been told this is Trump's worst week how many times have we been told the walls are closing in on Donald Trump they are too numerous to count I think the 1st time they said that Donald Trump had no prayer was on his way down the escalator in June of 2015 and then after his opening remarks announcing his candidacy and everybody was laughing and if you don't have a prayer you can't say that kind of stuff about Mexicans that'll Trump has no prayer so we've been hearing this for 3 years and every poll that they have every published has predicted Trump would be wiped out in the next test be it a special election be at a primary be it a piece of legislation whatever was next on tap Trump was going to lose Trump was going to be wiped out but let's go back to Harold Ford. What does Harold Ford know he knows something he is connected He's a Democrat he's praising Palosi is the most mature politician in Washington acknowledging that she didn't really want to do this she's now put Schiff not nobbler this is key she had nabbed her or shift she could have directed all of this to happen with NAVL his committee but she chose Schiff she chose a Bugeye. Lying sack of excrement to be the face of this and I'm telling you Fox that carries with it a lot of risk this could be end up being one of Trump's best weeks because the curtain is now being pushed back and people who have not been following this so-called impeachment inquiry are now not going to be able to avoid it because the Drive-By is are going to televise all of it they're going to have and if they have to invent networks to put this thing on they will do it your not going to be able to miss it oh yes you can't miss it tune in here tomorrow we're not going wall near wall with it I might do some play by play of it but we're not going to go won't we does your we did no or Jay none of the time to we didn't go into war with o.j. Kind of ticked off my l.a. Affiliate at the time but I said look everybody else is doing this why you want to jump on that cart I want to be the one place not doing it so I was the one place not doing audience level skyrocketed during the o.j. Trial we were one of the few major outlets not going wall to wall with it we're not going to go Wall to wall with shift but everybody else will be how many of you think Adam Schiff presents a good face. For the Democrat Party the Republicans are going to try to object the Republicans are going to try to do some things but they've been frozen out of this and that is going to be obvious as well but I think there are going to be millions of Americans who are going to have the chance in a way who haven't been following this wall to wall like you and I have been to see what a partisan sham this whole thing is and then they're not going to hear from the whistleblower everybody's heard about the whistle or but you know I'm going to show up all by the way by the way no complaint filed with inspector general alleges possible improper fund raising by Trump Ukraine whistleblower this is an exclusive to fax news a newly file complaint to the intelligence community inspector general alleges that the whistleblower Eric Keller Mela is Emmy for announce his name certainly honey pronounce his name Sterling Sheryl mama Charlotte like like Russell Wilson's wife Shara Ok Shara Mela the Pajama Boy Anyway the intelligence community inspector general ledges that Eric Sharon the whistleblower who's allegations touched off House Democrats and pitchman in court stop and think about that because that's right we're only here because of this guy and this guy never heard the phone call and now he's not even going to testify now he's not get even show up the guy that got this whole ball rolling is invisible he's not going to be there I'll guarantee it people have heard about the whistleblower I'm sure ship uncovered by saying he's he's been secret away in a private location because of Donald Trump death threats or something. Caramel like the charcoal sound that wanted Chara melon not Shar it's Charo hard c h like Cher except you pronounce it char as in charcoal. Eric charcoal charmer. Is a whistleblower and the inspector general of ledges that this guy violated may have violated federal law by indirectly soliciting more than a quarter $1000000.00 for mostly anonymous sources via a Go Fund Me page so the whistleblower has set up a fund raising page at Go Fund Me The complaint filed last week obtained by Fox News allege the donations from roughly 6000 people clearly constitute gifts to a current intelligence official that may be restricted because of the employee's official position pursuant to 5 c.f.r. 2635.203 that's a statute for those of in real and and other statutes to date the whistleblowers Go Fund Me account has raised over $227000.60 donors who are. I wonder how many other foreign wonder how many of these donors are foreign and what the hell is the whistleblower doing raising money on a Go Fund Me page in violation of the law anyway I think these hearings are going to be a replay of Jerry nad learner's earlier public hearings back before this so-called impeachment show was declared to be official by Palosi those hearings were universally declared to be an unmitigated disaster for Navigon the Democrats and I keep reminding you that every time they have gone public. With things that have been private and behind closed doors it's been a disaster for them you know what I know it Muller was a disaster when he went public balled z 4 and the rest of it was a disaster when they went public this stands the chance of being as well and one of the reasons that Palosi gave this to Sheriff is because NAVL are and the Judiciary Committee the official inquiry blew up and as they were you remember it you remember here I am talking your internationally NAVL televised they were a disaster nobody remembers them how could you not remember an impeachment inquiry that nobody does because some bad they were. Now the thing about this is never was able to hide he's a rabid partisan he's as rabidly partisan as any Democrat in that town but he was able to hide it he does a better job of hiding it than shift does so it's possible here folks the American people are going to finally she shift goggle eyed rabid hatred of Trump on full display they're going to see the rabid partisanship of other Democrats on that committee they're not going to be able to help themselves and people are going to quickly realize what a total farce this whole exercise is that it is as big a possibility as this being a disaster for Trump Trump didn't do anything that doesn't mean it can't be a disaster depends on how clever they are and so forth but and I'm not I'm not as pessimistic as a lot of people are about this. And I got to take a break right here in the middle of it but hang on folks because we continue when we get back to Don't go away for Rush Limbaugh making radio great again you are listening to the b.b.c. 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You just need feed to feed dot org Don't get left behind get tips and tools and feed the pig dork brought to you by the American Institute of C.P.A.'s and the Ad Council conservative talk for Northwest Arkansas this is news talk 1030. No I want to acknowledge that I may have been a bit too optimistic. We'll just have to wait and see if one thing the Democrats count on is the low information crowd which is a major major part of their base not being able to follow the legal arguments. In fact they have now dropped a quid pro quo and they have they're replacing it with the word bribery there are going to try to turn this and I'm around only play soap opera is really what this is going to be but they believe quid pro quo is too hard to understand and so they're dropping that in favor of bribery now bribery also happens to be mentioned a specific word mentioned in the impeachment clause in the in the Constitution quid pro quo I mean you get lost that's a lot of civil bills a lot of words for the low information base the follow start talking to Latin the average Democrats not going to understand what it is most of them speak Spanish so it's but it's still a fascinating thing dropping quid pro quo they're dropping the whistle blower they're dropping quid pro quo they're not moving on the things like bribery. And they're they've got a challenge they've got to try to dumb this down but at the same time they've got to employ a lot of discipline to keep their rabid hatred for Trump under wraps. Now a report a rep for p.b.s. Has let the cat out of the bag of p.b.s. White House Correspondent Yeah Jay Al sindoor told em to reimage show last night the Democrats want to get viewers emotionally attached by bringing blockbuster witnesses in one of those witnesses are going to be Marie yada and Maria bought of it is going to testify early because it's are said to be that she cried during her deposition it was so. Good. And they want somebody you don't here's under oath scribing what Trump has done back in a moment. Imagine island with. Sand water so clear you can see now imagine you're diving into a giant aquarium of tropical fish and spectacular. Indoor heated pool or certification dives on your Caribbean trip this fall or winter it's convenient easy and more fun than you can imagine. 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Download the tune in app so you can take Newstalk 1030 k f a y with you where ever you go. And welcome back Rush Limbaugh are having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have doing what I was born to do and I've become a household name in all 4 corners of the world doing it. On the audio sound bites I've got a couple here and I don't I can't follow this I can't I can't follow the 2nd sound bite here doesn't make sense to me it was last night Shannon Bream show on the Fox News Channel she's got the former deputy assistant attorney general Harry Littman on talking about impeachment I don't know who this guy is I mean I've heard the name Harry Lippman but I can't place it anyway she plays I think yes she plays a sound bite of me for this guy to react to so she introduces and plays a clip of me talking about Trump and the deep state. And here is the 1st of 2 sound bites and let me play something from probably one of Harry's most favorite radio shows Rush Limbaugh. You think that now Ok what Rush has to say about how this whole thing is playing out and what the end result has been recent c.n.n. Poll shows enthusiasm for the incumbent Donald Trump is almost on precedented and in his own party his approval numbers are well now past 90 percent every thing they have tried has blown up in their faces and in the midst of all of it guess what's happened the existence of this so-called Deep State has now been shown to be true the existence of this little cabal of elitists that think they run things is no longer now just somebody's suspicion Oh yeah I remembered as a good point yesterday when things Trump is not everybody's always speculated that there's some power behind the throne that is that has some some secret group that actually runs things in Washington and they're very despite who the president is and these generally have always been things touted by conspiracy theorists people who have been labeled cooks in the past Donald Trump's exposed whatever you want to call it the deep state the elites the Washington establishment there's no question that that it exists and there's no question that they are tear off and there's no question that maybe the center of it is the national security apparatus the National Security Council because within that group is every other group we're talking about Director of National Intelligence c.i. a Military has people in their state department diplomacy it's all in the National Security Council or apparatus the the whistleblower was on the National Security Council McMaster who what we now know had ties to the whistleblower he was a national security advisor for Trump. And that seems to be the next is one of the things that we have learned that has upset these people and folks I'm not making this up it is simple as this oh by the way something else that we have learned it may well be Eric charcoal Chara Mela who released the transcript of 2 phone calls Trump made president of Mexico and was in Australia remember what early on in the Trump administration makes these 2 phone calls and the transcript of these calls leaks and it is now thought that the whistleblower of the spine is the weaker of those 2 calls and nothing would surprise me but what upsets these people is that Trump makes phone call like the president of Ukraine he makes phone calls without the National Security Council big wigs listening in and they feel left out this is not the way it works in Washington presidents do not exclude the national security apparatus presidents let those people listen in because they're the ones that really do foreign policy all presidents understand this well Trump has begun do excluder began to exclude these people shortly after he was inaugurated because everything he was doing was leaking you know another rip on trump the transcript of the call he made to the Ukrainian president was put on a super secret server and the media and the deep state people trying to see secrets trying to hide it trumps try and he's trying to get away with stuff he's trying to he's trying to break the law and that's why he's put in some way it was not the reason at all the transcript of these calls that Trump was making were being kept away from people in his own administration who were leaking. It makes perfect sense especially after those 1st 2 phone calls late in the reason that I know this we have a story here and this story is is a guy he's a finance here he is a Wall Street guy he is name is Jay Latimer international business man writer investor has worked in investment banking for several multinational banks New York Hong Kong and Beijing and he describes a brief encounter he had. With a member of this couple says I recently spoke with an old acquaintance just out of government who had worked in the intelligence community in Washington the venue was a neighborhood party in a deep blue area of the country in one of the highest high income zip codes so elite wealthy liberal Democrats were the people at this party as the lone conservative writes Mr Latimer I tend to tread carefully in these discussions however I thought this woman might have a conservative bent this woman he was talking to because she seemed to share my mistrust of government when she 1st started working for the intelligence community she told me she was waiting to meet the adult in the room as everyone she interacted with seem clueless in the intelligence community after a few years she eventually realized there was no adult in the room in the intelligence community so I was interested in her take on the Trump impeachment process that was just then getting underway when I brought that up she got real excited she said it's worse than you think it's worse than anyone knows I wondered what might be worse than what I've read I also wondered which side she felt was acting worse Trumper the swamp I soon learned that she was upset with Trump. For supposedly talking to Ukraine about Joe Biden so I asked her innocently what would you expect Trump to look into what after all trumps the head of the law enforcement community and Biden's son was getting 50 grand a month from a Ukrainian energy company for a job that he was clearly unqualified for don't you think that was suspicious and she waved off my concerns Oh everybody in Washington does that kind of thing she said and by the way she's right have you seen 100 Biden's interviews about this he doesn't think he did anything wrong at all this is the way Washington works the children of high Washington officials are set up in the way Joe Biden set up Hunter Biden the way the Clintons have set up Chelsea it's just the way of the world like all parents try to set their kids up or do as much for them as they can in Washington the problem is that they don't use their own money to do it they use defense contractor money they use foreign donations they do all kinds of things like like in Ukraine Barisan and try com It was other countries money that Biden used to step his kid up but this woman that j. Lattimer saw her and that doesn't bother me a bit everybody does that in Washington No what really made her mad was that trumpet changed their procedures placing his calls to other heads of state under high classification status so they could not be seen by others in government she thinks that that was an outrageous breach of protocol how could trump do such a thing so it's exactly what I suspected Trump after his phone calls were leaked and after that they were nothing only things that really Trump started making these phone calls and doing other operations essentially behind closed doors without letting these people in and they are normally part of the process they are. The foreign policy establishment they have to be of when a president calls a foreign leader of they have to be on a call they have to know what's going on they have to provide input they are involved and Trump has been a thing them out because he doesn't trust them and they are livid and this is what literally is behind the whistleblower and all these other things getting this impeachment process going these are just people who think they run that town and Trump has run an end run around them and is leaving them out and they are livid they are ticked off they have been rendered irrelevant by Donald Trump and that's the biggest insult you could do to these people because in their minds they are Washington they are government they are foreign policy and Trump is x. Cooed ing them it's like Trump has taken away their reason to live he's taken away their access to power and bragging rights and whatever else they get their jollies doing by being involved in these things so I pointed out this Mr Latimer continuing I point out to this woman that compared a good reason he was the victim of 2 major leaks in his 1st month the full text of his calls were given to the press wasn't that also outrageous and unprecedented and given the strong possibility of further leaks wouldn't classifying his calls be the prudent thing to do her eyes flashed in anger and she said he just can't change things like that he's not a king meaning he can't just arbitrarily decide exclusivity are now who are vs people well the 1st thing to know about him is that none of them are elected there's not a single one of them in this cabal that ever answers to or is that countable to the American people and in a representative republic. That is a nonstarter but it's been this way probably for decades I will bet you it's been this way since the post World War 2 era this this this order this Washington this world order that John McCain talked about this is what he was talking about and letting Trump have access to this these people think it's the biggest insult that ever could happen someone some nimrod like Trump given access to this this order that the United States now is excluding these people and he doesn't have the right who does he think he is a king when of course he has the total right to exclude anybody he wants on these phone calls he has the total right to send Rudy Giuliani as an ambassador or as an agent of some kind to Ukraine if he wants to because he is in charge of American foreign policy these people do not think that's the case they would literally believe and I'm not exaggerating that they are so there are many reasons these people hate Trump but I'm telling you that while some of it may be policy a lot of it isn't a lot of it is just the fact that he's taken away their reason to live he's taken away their identity he's taken away their bragging rights he's taken away that which gives them self-esteem they're not factors they are not relevant when it comes to American foreign policy and they think they run it and so Trump got to go Trump's got to go and he's got to be replaced by somebody who knows the way things are done an average Republican or Democrat is going to let these people run the show because presidents come and go and these people are constant folks this is exactly what we elected Donald Trump to do so the bottom line is they're trying to kick noddle Trump out of office for doing exactly what you elected him to do that's what you know it's no more complicated than that all the rest of this is just. Blabber all the rest of it is just a bunch of garbage drawn up against the wall hoping a lot of expects so you'll be confused it's no more complicated than Donald Trump is actually doing what you will let get him to do and official Washington is intolerant of it he's America's Gold Rush Limbaugh. Were. Ordered and this is the full investor insights were Stiefel Chief Investment Officer Michael O'Keeffe Michael the Fed cut interest rates at their last meeting but I've heard interest rates are rising and I got that right yes Pat the Fed cut its Fed funds rate an overnight rate that influences very short term rates think savings accounts for example but there are a longer term rates a key market index rate is the 10 year Treasury used to set things like mortgage rates and the 10 year has risen to about 1.95 percent a full half a percent from a low of about 1.43 percent in early September well are the short and long term rates connected in any way in some ways yes investor believes behaviors and preferences set the longer term rates and one important driver of the 10 year is the investor's views of the future Fed funds rate in $20000.00 the Fed was raising rates in the market expected more the 10 year was up to 3.2 percent in September the forecast was for more Fed cuts and the 10 year hit its low of 1.43 percent and Steve for having a sense of rates is important as we work with our clients our listeners can speak with their Stiefel financial advisor to learn more Thank you Michael your path to investment advice starts with your Stiefel financial advisor find your site Stiefel dot com That's s t i f e l dot com sequel Nicholas and Company Incorporated member s.i.p.c. 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F. a Y. . 6 you know what I forgot to air this is the bitter Terry Littman response to my point one So grab somebody number 5 so I said it in the sound bite that one of the great things that's happened here is that Trump has now exposed the existence of this private secret cabal that thinks they run Washington and the government. Raz Before people thought mad only conspiracy theory kooks believe that So here is this former deputy assistant attorney general Harry Lippman responding Shannon Bream says so here Russia's The Democrats are helping the president going after him and they ended up exposing the deep state in the process what is your response to that I don't know where to start especially weatherized on the deep state it's 100 percent clear and there are no due process protections at this point the all I might call Ras which chef and what he said and given the track record I think it's very testified if they're trying to use this to relive again steal dossier arborist my family that doesn't mean and do with Trump's actual behavior then they will say we won't do it . I've read the transcript I don't know what he's talking about I literally if he makes a joke about my observation trumps expose a deep state and goes off talking about the CIA and shift due process rights and so forth so no clue what he's saying at any rate let me get started on the phones we got Lewis here an Olive Branch Mississippi great to have you Lewis I'm glad you called Hello sir Oh Thank you Russ I've been listening to you since 1900 so I want to get right to the point I wanted to always give you a different perspective on Twitter from what your take usually is an Ok couple and a couple of great examples. So you know you have it right as far as it is a cesspool there is a cesspool side to Twitter but there's a really I believe a good part and I liken what's happening on the conservative side of Twitter to the pamphleteers during the Revolutionary War who were so crucial. During that work with the communication keeping us you know the rebels kind of together during some pretty dark times and then with you know a couple of great examples is what happened to the what they try to do the coverage of Catholic boys. And we saw over that we can tell that story to get blown out. And then another one you actually mentioned to was a list patriot thought something questionable in a video that a.b.c. Did last month and it turned out that they were doing a story on the you suppose it attacks and on the Kurds in Syria but it was actually Kentucky gun range but it's. Why don't you know what Twitter I'm sorry there's a lot of us who get encouraged from each other there's a lot of us that we're connected I understand and I understand totally believe me everybody wants a microphone everybody wants to be able to read more no no no no no Everybody wants to be able to reach more than the family and so on Twitter you think that you've got the ability to influence people and so forth and within a specific universe of Twitter you do I don't I don't I don't deny that but let me ask you one quick and I've got 5 seconds why is Antonio Brown not playing in the National Football League the answer is Twitter if Antonio Brown didn't have access to Twitter he would still be playing in the National Football League Twitter has destroyed or enabled more self-destruction Twitter is one of the greatest. Damaging influence it's ever happened to modern day journalism which may be a good thing in the long run but for now it's it's it's a pain in the butt that we have to go to Limbo we need a miracle. I'm lucky I like the network. 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Not conservative talk or northwest Arkansas this is news talk 1030 k. Why. Of course there's more to say about Twitter I realize a lot of you got a lot of use out of it so forth. On balance it is a cesspool but not everybody using it is in this us but I get my understand it totally. Imagine an island with miles of white sand water so clear you can see forever Now imagine yourself diving into a giant aquarium of tropical fish and spectacular scenery turn your imagination into reality with scuba lessons from sports Co learn to scuba dive in sports goes indoor heated pool and move your certification dives on your Caribbean trip this fall or winter it's convenient easy and more fun than you can imagine check out sports Co scuba dot com or call us in Springdale today broadcasting from the David Adams spine Jory studio Mrs Newstalk $1030.00 k. Of a y. Timeless custom jury by David Adams on the square and be. Easily the liberals fear most because once he was one of them it's Chris Plante live from our nation's capital with a morning starting at 8 o 5 News talked him Dirty of a wind conservative talk for Northwest Arkansas. News Talk 10 30 am a while after the news sponsored information source for Northwest Arkansas he was talk 10 30 am Pay was a Farmington Fayetteville Cumulus station the High Court and Dhaka Mulvaney won't appear on Evan Haining when President Trump rescinded the docket program that shields immigrants brought to the u.s. As children from deportation his decision was immediately stopped by some of the lower courts correspondent Jessica Schneider reports they said Trump's executive order could not yet wind down Dhaka But what's interesting is that the children ministration petition the Supreme Court saying we need emergency relief here take up this case of the court decided to take up the case deciding on this so it's possible that the child the decision could go back redraft this executive order and still wind down Dhaka but this case it won't be the same a Avenue here in a speech to the Economic Club of New York the president is claiming credit for the nation's strong economic performance and said if he's reelected there will. Be more of it even this room and you've experienced a lot of great times over the last 2 and a half years but even you will be surprised to see we have tremendous economic potential the public phase of the House impeachment inquiry begins tomorrow correspondent Caitlin Collins reports Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney says he will not sue to keep from testifying what he's doing today saying he's not going to file a lawsuit asking a court by the or not he has to listen to House Democrats or the White House when it comes to answering the subpoena that's different than what his attorney said just last night when they said he was going to file his own lawsuit asking the courts to make this decision instead Mulvaney says he will simply not appear as directed by President Trump in Baltimore Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles an immigrant from Mexico overwhelmingly won election as the 1st Hispanic to head the u.s. Conference of Catholic Bishops Gomez is considered a conservative in regard to church doctrine but strongly advocates a welcoming immigration policy and path to citizenship for many people living in the u.s. Illegally The Dow is up 40 points the s. And p. Up 7 m have been hanging. Hey hey bench What are you doing I'm rubbing my blue emu on are you ready to go fishing fishing you said we were going fishing this morning I have 10 gold glove or here we go again Johnny Bench doesn't go fishing yeah yeah now I know Johnny Bench goes catching blue emu supports healthy muscles and joints blue emu it works fast and you won't stink available at Nationwide retailers and Amazon Here's the latest from Newsmax President Trump is surging in the polls but Pelosi and shift still want to impeach him what's really their agenda find out tonight on Newsmax t.v. Special exposing the which other gets Trump see Pat Buchanan Michele mock and Bill O'Reilly Alan Dershowitz and more tonight at 9 pm Eastern on Newsmax t.v. Newsmax t.v. Is on Directv x. Finity dish spectrum file's optimum uber Suddenlink and more check your channel guide Newsmax t.v. Is real news for real people.

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