Was in extreme danger and Barbara who set up. So there's this guy named Jordan and he's a healthy guy he's a dad of 6 and he works as a guide in Alaska but then he goes to the doctor and he's diagnosed with cancer stage 4 and here's the thing he had switched from medical insurance to met a share which is a Christian health care sharing ministry So the question for Jordan and his wife Jenny was is this really going to work our medical bills exceeded $160000.00 mega Share members shared all our bills and it was about more than just the money too this is a real community Medicare is is a family a group of people that stick with you through the insurance to mete share which is a Christian health care sharing ministry So the question for Jordan and his wife Jenny was is this really going to work our medical bills exceeded 160000 dollars mega Share members shared all our bills and it was about more than just the money to this is a real community medicine here is is a family a group of people that stick with you through the hardest times of your life I just don't know how I could have done it without medicine or it's so worth looking into there's a reason this is growing so fast if you want to find out more here's a number for you 8 for Ford $91.00 Bible that's 8 for for $91.00 Bible $84.00 for $91.00 Bible researchers found the rate of reported suicide attempts by African-American teens rose from 1991 to 2017 especially among black boys what they found is in line with earlier research that has shown African-American boys especially those between the ages of $5.11 have experienced an increase in the rate of death by suicide in black children ages $5.00 to $12.00 the suicide rate was 2 times higher compared with white children the study also found that black teens might be using more deadly means when they try to kill themselves a suicide prevention researcher blame. Discrimination and racism for the increase along with the lack of access to mental health services for black teens on Christopher Cruz American 15 year old cocoa God beat the 2017 French Open champion in the final of the Upper Austria ladies tournaments now the youngest winner of a singles trophy on the w t a tour since 2004 barbecue set. So there's this guy named Jordan and he's a healthy guy he's a dad of 6 and he works as a guide in Alaska but then he goes to the doctor and he's diagnosed with cancer stage 4 and here's the thing he had switched from medical insurance to Metta share which is a Christian health care sharing ministry So the question for Jordan and his wife Jenny was is this really going to work our medical bills exceeded one $160000.00 mega Share members shared all our bills and it was about more than just the money to this is a real community medicine here is is a family a group of people that stick with you through the hardest times of your life I just don't know how I could have done it with Omega share it's so worth looking into there's a reason this is growing so fast if you want to find out more here's a number for you 8 for Ford 91 Bible that's 84 for 91 Bible 84 for 91 Bible. Your chance to win another $1000.00 is your Porky day national key where it is. Taxed right now right to 95 a one night that's 95 will text you back to confirm your entry and messaging rates may apply for a day are you looking for a great selection of furniture How about crazy low clearance prices would you like same day delivery Well the Sam's furniture clearance center in Rogers has all 3 with over 50000 square feet packed full of factory overclocked and truckload buys something for everyone at all the every day clearance prices living rooms bedrooms dining rooms mattresses required accents and so much more for the largest selection of in stock value price for sure shopped at Sam's furniture clearance center in Rogers Home for Limbaugh's show payroll and love Ben is. Right I. Won't come to the Rush Limbaugh program on the network where we do leave play by play of the news. Another way to look at me a play by play man except there's no sporting event out there it isn't in New Orleans and America's real anchorman. A lot of people in some rush why don't you when you finish and 3 o'clock why don't you just turn on the camera near and let Fox hire you to replace ships near. I mean you could segue from your show to them 3 o'clock audience over at Fox And I said well because you know we know why this is being suggested because the Shepard Smith abruptly left the network. Last week in circumstances then are still a bit cloudy and mysterious and I think folks let me take something I have nothing left to prove. I've been doing this 30 years I have built radio stations I have built audiences I don't need to prove I can do that anymore in the truth of the matter is that the Fox News audience at 3 o'clock to tell the party can you move it a little closer to the funks news audience at 3 o'clock. That's not happening it's one of the most misunderstood it's not much it's just it's just much and of course that would never be mentioned is a factor in anything going on I appreciate I appreciate the suggestions and people were serious about it but I must decline using the same answers and theory I gave to a very great caller last week wondering why are you on You Tube video and why aren't you one Facebook and why aren't you on Twitter I am right where I belong I am right where I need to be and I'm very sated satisfied with it anyway Fox I wish I'd have been here Friday. What do we know I didn't I didn't like didn't decline the run for the president but that they were talking 2024 I mean I've come on the Fox News gig is open now I'm not going to do that what I want to do with no down time just move straight from here on Norway not even if they televise the radio show as the newscast at 3 in the after which would make it more fair and balanced than anything else where because we do we do both sides of every issue out there in order to help persuade people to come to the right conclusion when the greatest Miss under things about this program misunderstood things about this program is that both sides are like well we're going to discuss impeachment and you're going to know everything about what Adam Schiff is doing and why you're not just going to hear him criticize you're going to hear reasons why he's criticized and by the way speaking of little pencil neck Have you noticed now little but you know what maybe we don't need the whistleblower relieved you don't need the whistleblower why not. Oh I'm not sure I can guarantee his safety and he isn't an come on pencil neck that's not the reason you don't need the whistleblower because he doesn't know anything the whistleblower and hadn't have 1st hand knowledge when the transcript of the phone call was released the whistleblowers became irrelevant so now you know what the media's doing the media's got stories that there may be 10 more whistleblowers could be 15 more that many many people are thinking of blowing the whistle this is all about the continuation of the illusion that Trump has done something so outrageous Lee wrong that an increasing number of people could no longer stay quiet and it's all made up like everything designed to get rid of Donald Trump It is all made up. And so pencil neck is now trying to walk black won't back his whistleblower business because the whistleblower can't add anything and I'll guarantee you're what the whistleblower probably doesn't want to have a thing to do with this now because the whistleblower has to know he doesn't know anything nobody's going to tell you that by the way nobody is going to lay this off on the whistleblower because the media's invested too much in the whistle the whistle blower is the biggest invisible he row on the left at the moment they can't blow up the whistleblower they've got to make it look like Trump is the reason the whistleblower will come forward the whistleblower fears for his wife the whistleblower fears for the safety of his family or to know who whistleblowers afraid of this or that mean while all of these allegations and all of these fears not a single fact of any substance undergirds any of the allegations that have been made about Trump or against Trump since all of this began even prior to election night in 2016 when I was going to say I was going to say I really wish I had been here Friday after that trump rally Thursday night in Minneapolis let me ask you this here Richard Nixon ever go to a state that he lost and do a rally during impeachment or during the run up to no it did Bill did Bill Clinton did Bill Clinton ever go to a state that he lost while he was being impeached for the cigar and the other stuff the suborning perjury Did he ever go to a state and do or rally that he lost while he was under the pressure process you know and yet there's Trump in Minnesota now what a great contrast you had in Minnesota the Democrat farm labor state you've got deliriously happy people inside that arena do you know there's even a story. You got to tell me if this maid knows on Friday because I was totally out of commission on Friday is one of the reason I wish it had been here there is a story about how young teenage girls were inside the rally reacting as though it was a Justin Bieber concert young teenagers were going bonkers over Trump and then of course what was going on outside all the bunch of filthy skanky leftist Democrat protesters showing up and trying to beat people up and dump on the cops So what does Trump do you know with the mayor of Minneapolis What a brave and courageous guy this this clown is he told the cops they cannot attend the rally in the uniform of the Minneapolis police so they showed up in red key shirts and Trump calls him up on stage and Fettes them and gives them great credit thanks them for their work and their sacrifice and their devotion to Law and Order who wins that one Trump I mean any scalded the Ilan Omar him he was on fire did this look like a guy who's bothered by any of this that's going on this is the thing that struck me he's perfectly fine he's perfectly happy he's not distracted he's not I mean bothered by it in the sense that any human being would be bothered but it's not it's not got him you know walking the hallways that night like Nixon supposedly was doing asking portraits of presidents how to get through it Trump isn't doing that and he was asked about it now I'm energized by this weird dream and this one bro were great in a slump I'm into this it was we got audio sound bites of this that I made sure we had because I would have used them on Friday have. Had I had I've been here there's also that you know this this I'm almost tempted you know what I'm not going to mention I'm I am not going to give this thing the 1st segment of my progress I'll save this for later on in the program and then I'm just not you know don't even Gold me into trying to say what they do everybody probably knows anyway will love will get to it and do one of the whole scandals folks one of them will scandalous moments of the Democratic presidential primaries occurred it is this crazy Bernie you know one of the most scandalous and vial accusations that could ever be made has accused folk Ottis of being a capitalist Do you realize how do you really you know low that allegation is crazy Bernie fresh off the stints fresh off the Heart Attack fresh off the I think I know even more what I want to do about health care after my my old car deal infarction the now he's out there insulting folk on Hondas. And. A capitalist and let's see 4 Kahana says 0100 byte is going to be a good morning American of our supposedly no holds barred questioning from George Stephanopoulos right Hunter tell us what you think of Donald Trump that neither am I remember why do you think that about none of memory remember what did your dad think of Donald river I remember but what do you think about the Chinese love about 5 of them and nothing to do with them about what do you think of the Ukrainian never been there don't know what's going on thank you for coming Hunter great to have you on Good Morning America I think that's how it's going to go. With 100 Biden steps down from Chinese board as Trump attacks says it looks bad. This is look visit it had look good. After months of keeping a relatively low promote profiling guy's been invisible you can't find him as Trump level a barrage of unsubstantiated accusations of the not I'm substantiated Trump didn't watch any unsubstantiated accusations of Hunter Biden or his dad plugs. The fact that Biden's been hiding Hunter has been hiding is what it is is the evidence of how substandard for a substantive they are anyway of a younger Biden is publicly vowing to avoid any conflict event too late for that Hunter but if it looks to somebody this looks really bad for Hunter to be stepping down why step down well if it looks bad to do this now why did it not look bad when his father was v.p. See this is the thing if it looks bad now why didn't it look bad when his dad was v.p. Because that's when it was really bad because that's when the corruption was at its peak Hunter Biden resigned from try to calm firm following Trump attacks he Trump did it Trump isn't mean bully you making all these Democrats give up everything they've ever stolen her and everything they're having to give up membership in this want they're having Oh it's horrible Trump is such a mean guy why would Hunter step down from any firm Chinese is Ukrainian pay for play nk you would be a great company pay for play and just be honest about what the hell it is Make 100 Biden the c.e.o. Joe Biden the coast c.f.o. Pay for play and put Hillary Clinton on the board why is he stepping down from any firm if he didn't do anything wrong. The buy those are all about ethics man as plug Come on man come on man the Chinese another way don't be afraid of the Chinese come on man they're not a real threat to us so why is his son resigning from the board it's a huge story Democrat media will not go anywhere near it now where is the old look at this and I'm looking for the focus on a story here that who knows what stack I put it in but look I just saw this environment a story over the weekend and I I had to do a double take Lets see if snored really has the right reaction this story of c.b.s. News headline environmentalists have a new target Charmin toilet paper there's nothing new about environmentalists tagging toilet paper I have been reminding people and informing people that toilet paper was a target all the way back in the early 1990 s. Who was the actor recently activist was sure Sheryl Crow wanted to ban toilet or use one square at a time remember this there's nothing new about attacking Sharman. But now there are $150.00 groups going after toilet paper consumer groups giant Procter and Gamble faces pressure from environmentalist whackos to clean up its act more than $150.00 groups are pushing shut the maker of Sharman and Bounty paper towels to use recycled materials in its products and as I say there's nothing new about it no let me finish folk honest thing I thought I have put it at the top of the stack and it is the top of the stack I just got to find the stack that's not going to be a man stack No it's not about crazy Bernie calling or a capitalist it's it's you making some comment on how and here it is. Here it is it was a tweet that she sent out of 925 this morning the store see this is Columbus Day so you know what that means they're going to dump on Columbus he's responsible for everything users monsoonal for horses and horse manure is responsible for white Europeans coming or corrupting polluting is responsible for syphilis is responsible for climate change s t D's you name it do you know why you know Columbus has become a hero to the Italian American community does anybody know why it's not just because he's from Italy and it was the it was the queen of Spain that paid for his trips folks in the 1400s to get on a boat and sail to whatever he's telling us the edge of the earth that took a little guts they thought the earth was flat they most people thought that Columbus going to fall off nobody knew where you went when you fell off the edge of the earth but they thought that was flat you're going to follow had no idea how Columbus thought he had reached India when he actually reached what's now called the West in the Caribbean and that's why. The Navy of Americans end up being called Indians in part but no it was when when Italian American immigration began in the United States and Ernest in the late 18th hundreds they wore manifestly undesired. By American people at large the American population at large my grandfather by the way who was born me an 18 No no come on brain 18956 told me all about how he would been in his twenty's and in 1915 it's over he constantly was telling me about how raucous and polarizing and vicious immigration debates were when he was a kid and he was trying to tell me you know this is back in the 19. Eighties early ninety's midnight he's trying to tell me this immigration is the freshest the same as it has been for 100 years there's nothing new about it it's just different groups are coming and we're having different reaction there's nothing new about it. But at the time there may not have been there is now and of course that is all the immigrants in that era were attempting to. Become Americans they were trying to meld into the American culture and this is not happening with illegal immigration today and of course that the immigration My grandfather was talking about was legal immigration and there was still massive controversy about it and in New Orleans some Italian Americans were were killed in a mass murder and Italian Americans decided to adopt Columbus is their hero to give themselves strength. And a he wrote a stand by and I created Columbus Circle in New York City. And it's it's because of the reaction the target Americans got I'm really shortening this is a short version of the story that's why Columbus is an Italian American hero trying to destroy the guy now throwing red paint on his statues out in San Francisco. I got to take a break I just saw the clock but hang on folks were just getting warmed up brand new week broadcast excellence e.i.b. Network back after you were listening to Rush Limbaugh the soundtrack of your conservative life the network. The nation's oldest colleges were founded teach students to seek truth to recognize what's beautiful to hold up what's good but the vast majority of them have abandoned all that instead they got caught up in the grip of political correctness they no longer allow free and open discourse on many campuses thankfully none of that applies to Hillsdale College they have remained true to their original mission Hillsdale celebrating its 175th year this year they remain committed to offering their students the very best liberal arts education they go beyond their campus boundaries to fulfill their mission of educating as Nemi Americans as possible on the value of our liberties and that includes free online courses the publication of a free speech digest in Primus they maintain the Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies in Washington and they foster a charter school initiative helping to establish classical k. 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Eye it's Jamie progress is employee of the month 2 months in a row leaving messages that hi Jamie hit me to me I just had a new idea for our song what the name a price tool so when it's like tell us what you want Ok Hey hey hey trombone goes by watching you say well be fun garbage option to pick your budget then we did all the finger snaps while choir goes people come in actually famous coming back out yes no maybe Anyways here practice a night I got new lyrics for the rhetoric progressive casualty insurance company in affiliates pricing coverage limited by state law. If you're looking for the best in sports talk there is only one place to go northwest Arkansas sports radio leader is 921 they take it conservative talk or northwest Arkansas this is news talk 10 30 am they why. Just remember some. Everything happening with Donald Trump every scandalous allegation is just part of an ongoing massive illusion that is being created for you now let me before I explain the latest instance of this let me go back and finish what I started and then interrupted myself with after pointing out that one of the most scandalous one of the most insulting allegations of the entire Democratic primary was leveled at folk a harness by crazy Bernie when he called her capitalist world off filthy want to rub it in an allegation that should not be permitted in our politics to call somebody on the left capitalised. And then focus on his tweet at the Story of America's mistreatment of indigenous peoples is long and painful and yet native communities have proven resilient We all these indigenous peoples our respect and we must honor our government's commitments and promises to them she so right folks Foca Hondas here is so right in fact let me tell you how bad it is it is so bad that some really really very white people even print tend to be native Americans so they can get well paid gigs at Harvard Law School did you know then. So yeah she's got a point here we'll be back in a moment. Geico presents monster counseling Dracula tell me how you're feeling no one understands how these no one will even let me into their house I know but they ignored me what else are you going to meet or. Don't. 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But you're chicken surely open to everyone but you must be 21 dove to 6 then you'll be 2635 pm see present Catholic Church spring to you changing minds one person at a time this is news talk 1030 if they why conservative talk for Northwest Arkansas News Talk 1030 k. If a why download the toonie an app so you can take Newstalk 1030 k. Of a y. With you where ever you go. Ok a minor correction to me Emmy Robock interviewing Hunter Biden on Good Morning America Stephanopoulos I read that it was going to be Stephanopoulos supposing me Amy Robach and taped but it's supposedly no holds barred we know there's no such thing when Democrats are asking other Democrats questions with Democrats and if you're Democrats no holds barred unless unless the decisions made somewhere to destroy the Democrats by other Democrats that has happened Bob Torricelli. Andrew Cuomo and a moment in time from which he has recovered but other than that is not going to be you. Anything embarrassing for 100 by and then they're all going to allow it to be turned back on Trump now about the illusion this is really important understand I know it's hard to accept because the media is so to present and it just it smothers you can't escape it you simply can't escape no matter where you go you're going to find you're going to be touched by some element of drive by media and they are all unified they're all in unison there isn't any journalism anymore they were all they're all on the same page. With their agenda to overturn the election results 2016 this is really what this is about they simply cannot accept the election results and folks this is a serious problem that that's one of the pieces of glue that held the country together throughout our history and we're dangerous time now because that's all that's driving this Donald Trump is not corrupt he is not a criminal is not a traitor he's none of the things he's been alleged to be by these people and yet they persist and the unwillingness to accept the outcome simply because you don't like the person or any other nefarious reasons a dangerous dangerous place so all they have is to try to drum up public support to try to impeach him they're trying to defeat him in 20 twentieth's requires public opinion to turn against him that's the entirety of their effort there isn't any substance Is anybody asking a very salient question how many years that are already told that trump colluded with Russia and then the Moller investigation happens a mother was it mother was going to release all the details and Trump was going to being on the jig was going to be up guess what Muller laid an egg there wasn't any evidence of any collusion or any obstruction that should have been the end of it but no just we move on now so now we're going to impeach for a phone call. A phone call that had not been made in 2016 a phone call that had not been made in 2017 a phone call that had not been made in 2018 we're going to get Trump in all those years we're going to get him on collusion with Russia or we're going to getting a higher in prostitution to pee on a bed in Moscow we're going to get in front of monuments Clarus we're going to get whatever we're going to get him on none of it none of it was true and none of it had any fact as a foundation so now we're going to impeach Trump over a phone call the the American people are going to be pulling their hair out over there people are paying attention to this this is going to be driving people crazy there is nothing there other than this effort to create this ongoing illusion that they keep piling on the reason there are more whistleblowers is to create the depth of the illusion though care how many Wasn't blowers there are they do not know more than what Trump said on the call they don't even know as much they weren't there they're 2nd hand so now shifts talking about dumping movie was about well because the concern for safety is concern for his anonymity may not even need the words of Laura that why not the was a war was the whole case so we were going to get Trump for colluding with the Russians and stealing the election tampering with voting machines and all that and then nothing now we're going to impeach Trump over phone call really a phone call between him the president crane and the transcript the phone call has been seen by anybody who wants to read it I have even read to you the salient parts of that call relating to Biden and the request from the u.k. Me cranium president to dig up dirt but not dig up dirt the Ukrainian president was not asked to dig up dirt or make up dirt like the Democrats are saying. The fact they want to pull the whistle blower I think it indicates they failed. Even though they're telling us that their internal polls show that the public is moving toward being in favor of impeachment not sure I believe it because their actions don't don't portray that so. It's mind boggling when you stop and think about a phone call that was not made in 201617 or 18 is now the reason we got to get rid of Donald Trump but no we had to get rid of him and to have a 16 because he's cheating he stole the election he worked with the Russians Vladimir Putin all that anybody would half a brain paying any attention it has got to be asking themselves the very questions I'm raising so the illusion we have 2 recent examples of how they are paving the illusion. A.b.c. News has been running new video of what they are calling a slaughter in Syria by the way I think this policy decision Trump made I think before it's all over the Democrats might figure out this is the way to go but that would be trying to criminalize policy but they might be they might they might try to go after top of the bases guys in Kompany don't know what he's doing our allies either our allies the Kurds overboard any had the guts to say the Kurds didn't help us in Normandy who the hell is this guy think he is that would make more sense than these magical made up events that didn't happen so we'll see layby no a.b.c. News is running video now of what has happened in Syria since Trump decided to pull our troops out and Warden you know there is a genocide going on yes my friends there is a slaughter occurring here in Syria and a.b.c. Knows as the video that. The video is in from Syria a.b.c. Aired supposedly shocking for me this morning purporting to be from the frontline battle between the Syrian Kurds and the invading bad guys the Turks the only problem is the footage is from a nighttime demonstration at the Knob Creek gun range in West Point Kentucky it is not from Syria you know I'm watching all these media people talk about how. Damaging it is when the press makes things up or when they doctored photos or whatever but even when they doctor photos or make things up that's the rule of the game today remember the 911 call made by white Hispanic George whatever his name the guy supposedly shot and murdered Trayvon Martin n.b.c. Edited the call they edited the call to make it look like the white Hispanic was a racist pig they totally eliminated the questions being asked by the 911 operator this is legion there's nothing new fake new is this stuff been going on even before Trump So now they've got 40 inch of a front line battle from a nighttime demonstration at the Knob Creek gun range in West Point Kentucky Beckett Adams has the story here in Washington Examiner After seeing a comment from a wall jack hall check I began making some calls as of this writing it appears that this video is a hoax and a.b.c. Has finally pulled it down. Ryssdal investigating a representative for the gun range told The Washington Examiner On Monday adding the images aired by n.b.c. Looks to be from the Kentucky property as of right now it seems to be our foot said the Knob Creek gun range spokesman a spokesman for a.b.c. Conceded they made a mistake yeah they got caught we've taken down the video that aired on the World News Tonight Sunday and Good Morning America today. That appeared to be it from the Syrian border we took it down immediately after questions raised about its accuracy how did it get past your editing process in the for. You trying to tell me that Knob Creek gun range looks enough like Syria that you people weren't even suspicious then I'll guarantee you they weren't they don't need any sources any more they don't need any identifiable sources they won't even need any proof they just need somebody to be the fall guy that they can lay it all off on as the anonymous source. The video obtained by a.b.c. News appears to show the fury of a Turkish attack on the border town of Tom Abi odd senior foreign foreign correspondent Ian Panetta in serious so we got a reporter in Syria playing a video from Kentucky telling us that the video looks very much like what's going on to him in Syria. Probably shouldn't mention this but the late Cokie Roberts a.b.c. News once put on a raincoat stood in front of a green Kyron screen where a.b.c. Made it look like she was standing out in the rain and snow to do some kind of report in the rain and snow but she was safely ensconced in the studio. I mean kind of tricks the media plays all the time some of them are harmless like the Cokie Roberts It was a local Washington story but this. This is this is full fledged illusion creation Mrs Laura yang to news customers and a correspondent on the ground in Syria playing video. From a protest attack at the Knob Creek went away that's great bourbon you never had any Brian your enemy not all you haven't had any knob Knob Creek on the rocks maybe it's what led to the shooting I don't know but. I'd have watered and this is Steve the investor and science was Chief Investment Officer Michael O'Keefe Well Michael Happy Monday markets did and on a positive note last week didn't they yes Pat stocks were up last week ending strong the s. And p. $500.00 return point 6 percent tech oriented stocks as measured by the Nasdaq index Europe point 9 percent as were bigger Industrials as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average the week was kept up by what appeared to be successful u.s. China trade meetings Thursday and Friday we heard from President Trump that we've agreed in principle with China to a Phase one deal this includes a truce on higher tariffs an agreement that China will buy more agricultural goods from the u.s. This deal will be the 1st of 3 phases that it sounds like Bracks it is back in the news yes we learned that the u.k. And the e.u. Have been in negotiations over the weekend which is a positive step at issue trying to negotiate a deal that would be acceptable to the prime minister parliament and the e.u. So more to come at Steve we monitor geopolitics like u.s. China trade in Bragg's that which have been driving market volatility to learn more our listeners can speak with their Stiefel financial advisor Thanks Michael your path to investment advice starts with your Stiefel financial advisor find your shot Stiefel dot com That's s.-t. I f e l dot com sheeple Nicholas and Company Incorporated member s.i.p.c. n n Y s e. When my cardiologist told me I needed to take a step drug to lower my cholesterol He also told. Me that it can lower my natural levels of Kochi 10 he told me to take. It has the number one cardiologist recommended form of Kochi 10 a very important nutrient for a healthy heart and healthy blood pressure levels. With 3 times better absorption has the number one cardiologist recommended form of Kochi to take you know the better Kochi 10. Our sense of smell can tell us a lot of. Good cigarette smoke bad but what happens when bad things smell good when secondhand strawberries are mangos . And dangerous chemicals have a disguise that's when people let their guard down around 2nd hand smoke even though it's all full of harmful chemicals find out more as secondhand that or. It's America in the morning the award winning news magazine programs catch up with the world of news sports and entertainment weekday mornings starting at 6 o 5 on News Talk 1030 k.f. a Y conservative talk or northwest Arkansas. News Talk 1030 k f a y news talk 1030 k f a y conservative talk for Northwest Arkansas this is news talk 1030 k. Why. Ok so a.b.c. New is uses video from 2016. And then tries to pass it off as Turkey bombing the Kurds in Syria now why would they do this. They do it for one reason they're trying to nail Donald Trump they're trying to say that mass murder is occurring and it's Trump's fault and this is not anything new faking video editing video editing 911 calls there is another video out there a video that Trump and his campaign had nothing to do with a video that has been virtually seen by no one is a major headline all across drive by media today you know what ought to be the big headline across drive by media today James O'Keefe at Project Veritas has found a c.n.n. Whistleblower a c.n.n. Whistleblower recorded hours of secret video of Jeff Zucker the c.e.o. And chairman of c.e.o. Of c.n.n. And other people in their document thing and making clear their hatred for Trump and how it flavors their coverage they make it clear they are not engaging in journal Now you might rush this is no big surprise we know that this is them admitting it this is somebody at c.n.n. Who is fed up working there who took the job of journalism seriously and hated what he was seeing the c.n.n. People routinely mock Fox rip into Fox rip into Trump supporters rip into trump this should be a lead headline in a number of places but so far nothing now instead it's a video that Trump and his campaign had nothing to do with seen by virtually no one. There was a conservative conference of the Durai resort the trombones down in Miami and there was a video played in a private room by somebody very few people in the room and it was it was it was typical fake video now fake news it was using the latest techniques to doctor video and there were scenes of trump a fake Trump shooting and stabbing and brutally assaulting members of the news media and his political opponents it was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort in an off out of the way room very few people in the room it's another allusion made to look like the Trump campaign made the video for entertainment purposes to show their their supporters this is what drunks do are used to literally murdering the opposition it was supposed to be applauded and so the whole thing is made up it's fake video hardly anybody has seen it the Trump campaign's got nothing to do it's a plant and it is headlined across drive by media today I'm telling you the smart thing to do is just your your your gut need jerk reaction to anything that you see and drive by media that doesn't make sense chalk it up to the ongoing allusion they are creating that there is massive criminality massive wrongdoing massive incompetence massive misconduct leading everybody to believe come past the go let me sneak a phone call in before the hour ends Laguna Niguel California beautiful place Greg great to have you with us you're up 1st. Well I just have a quick comment Russ I think you need to reconsider your reasoning for a shift not wanting the whistleblower to testify the real reason is that there whistle blower under oath would have to expose ships' own involvement and the involvement of other Democratic operatives c I thought of that and in normal times that would be true but these people are suborning perjury Clinton did it during his impeachment they're not going to let this whistleblower get exposed now I think look in a just world and in in a in a in a political world where things are working as they should be that would be the number one reason not to bring the guy in because you'd be making him commit perjury but that's not that's they're not I don't think they're worried about that that's why the stuff is going to be in secret nobody's going to see it it's the 1st impeachment that nobody is going to see anything of it's a great point that the whistleblower if under oath telling the truth would have to explain how Schiff walked him through the whole process how shifts was the 1st person he called but these 2 guys shift from the whistleblower are in on it they're not going to throw each other under the bus. I think your point is a factor and I think they they believe now that in addition to the whistleblower being Iraq they may think they've done so much good work here that the whistleblower is necessary that they've convinced enough people with the media reports on the whistleblower that they don't actually need the whistleblower So I think your point and that one dovetail quick time I'm glad you call Greg thanks very much be right back in times like these we need him more than ever rush on the beat We're only. It happens every month the moment you have to open your cell phone bill how high will that number be this time. Don't want. 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Partners sleep in the car now happy to go week switch today for 247 access to licensed agents better life with Dr Sanjay Gupta It's not just girls boys are hitting puberty earlier as well I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent for years we've been talking about girls hitting puberty earlier than they used to but a new study out of Sweden says boys are hitting puberty one and a half months earlier than they did at the century ago that might sound like a lot but it's a big difference says one expert we spoke to from the American Academy of Pediatrics that's middle school 1st. It's high school so what's going on well according to the study authors part of the earlier puberty trend could be attributed to increases in childhood b.m.i. Over time other factors that could be a play exposure to chemicals that disrupt hormones in the body the big takeaway here is that parents and doctors need to start having important and yes sometimes uncomfortable talks with their kids sooner than they thought I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life. Gold mine manager Del Potro. Airport we've got a $699.00 daily on special and happy hour cocktail prices all day are albatross burgers already famous featuring a blend of lean ground and short would be Jack Daniels place bacon don't forget ladies night all day every Friday you get 25 percent off everything you order all the airport signs they go to airport Avenue just north of 412 street broken Monday through Saturday 7 to 7 in the bar will stay open as late as 130 on the weekends and see you at the Ultra. Conservative talk or northwest Arkansas this is news talk 1030 k. Of a y. . O. I O's swaying voter is outraged over impeachment it is an act ceo's I even millennial left wing publication focus group. We have more straight ahead here on the e.i.b. Network hang on for. Tension. If you hear something that makes you feel uncomfortable upsets you causes you consternation. Then maybe you need to rethink everything the other side may not have the answers you thought they did. This is news talk tempered by conservative talk for Northwest Arkansas. What does medical research mean to you it means hope hope for millions waiting for new treatments and cures research is an investment in our health and our future. As scientists work diligently to develop new knowledge and better treatments for cancer A.L.'s osteoporosis and other illnesses and someday cures this message sponsored by the station the Arkansas Broadcasters Association and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences where medicine lives news talk 1030 k f a y news talk 1030 k f a y. Everybody who sponsored information source for Northwest Arkansas he was talk to him 30. A cumulus station resurgence the barbecue stack outrage is growing after a white Fort Worth Texas police officer fatally shot a 28 year old black woman inside her home over the weekend family attorney lien merit says the relatives of Tatyana Jefferson want the officer fired and charged with murder the investigation should be handled by someone other than the Fort Worth Police Department specifically the apartment of justice. Or space narrow the local sheriff's department anyone other than the city of Fort Worth was clearly incompetent to investigators so the u.s. Appears to be heading toward a full military withdrawal from Syria and the growing chaos in signs that Turkey's invasion could fuel a broader war correspondent Arwa Damon reports with the Kurdish militias turning to the Syrian government for help we may get to see the rise of the Islamic state the Kurdish forces. Those who were not only still at the front lines of the still ongoing battle against ISIS they had to pull back their forces from some of those areas to take on the Turks and they effectively said that they were suspending their operations against ISIS hence these great concerns that ISIS an entity that had not yet been entirely defeated was going to begin to regroup once again the person of interest is in custody in connection with the kidnapping of a 3 year old girl from her birthday party in Birmingham Alabama but Birmingham police chief Patrick Smith says they have no further details on the child's whereabouts unfortunately investigators have not received any information on the whereabouts of Camille at this time. Our officers and detectives will continue to canvass the area where the vehicle was located where the suspects were found and also the location of where she was missing Camille McKinney was last seen Saturday and an Amber Alert was issued Well stocks have been struggling with the Dow up about 30 points the s. And p. And the Nasdaq took a dip. Are you or a loved one struggling to hear despite using hearing aids it may be time to ask a doctor about Coakley or implants or implant gave me access to the sounds that I've been missing back to being me and I'm unstoppable Coakley or implants are routinely covered by Medicare and most private insurance plans for those who meet the health plan quite.

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