Shambler the names on your depravation source for Northwest Arkansas he was talk 10 30 am p. One Farmington Fed building a cumulative Asian tip shooter devastating Harvey high Michael Toscano one person reported shot a gunman described as a disgruntled employee now in a restaurant with 2 hostages that's what we now know as police in Charleston South Carolina tell people to stay away from the heart of downtown heavily armed police are on scene businesses near the restaurant have been evacuated this resident saw the police arrive Beller car they had a vest on it looks like a sort of ducking down to get behind cars or something we will continue to monitor the situation in Charleston tropical storm Harvey in the Gulf of Mexico has been declared an official hurricane by the National Hurricane Center citing 80 mile per hour winds as it heads toward Texas evacuations are already being ordered on the Texas Gulf coast of San Patricio county people are being told to take I $37.00 and get out of town here only just Chad Myers tells us this is going to be worse than expected this could be a devastating event for all of Texas from Brownsville to Corpus to Victoria to San Antonio Austin with flooding and again flooding all the way to Houston and maybe even Lake Charles and Chad expects Harvey to make landfall around Corpus Christi after midnight tomorrow night all right some happier news now Massachusetts lottery officials are celebrating a state resident winning the $758700000.00 Powerball jackpot they have just introduced 53 year old Mavis wants sick who had to recheck your ticket with a coworker is never going to be me says the pipe he was hot and he's beating his honour's and I put mine on I go and I have I have them I have that he won't let me see that ticket because you just want to get choking Come on please he's assigned the ticket mom I couldn't drive anywhere I came to him so he followed me it's the only once it has 2 adult children and yes she has already called her boss and said she won't be going back to work in Corpus Christi Texas a federal judge has just tossed the 2011 Texas voter id law ruling it discriminates against minority voters by Michael to Scana. Attention all c.p. Have users this is an important message regarding your c. Pet machine and your health if my husband see that machine isn't cleaned well it could make him sick but with so clean sanitizer we don't have to worry I'm Dr Or visit dry so clean dot com. Joseph grams of paper just throw the story may make you cringe a little bit Joe Ramsey tells us about some high school cheerleaders in Colorado who say they were forced into doing splits I shouldn't have to be afraid of high school. School freshman alley Wakefield says she was one of at least 8 cheerleaders shown on video screaming in pain repeatedly being pushed down into the sweats position. Wakefield says please stop 9 times during the 24 2nd clip Ok USA t.v. In Denver says multiple videos were shot on the phones of 2 team members and sent him out of the fleet to station coaches and school administrators have been placed on leave in Denver Police are investigating Joe Ramsey and here's another Ouch this time for a high end fashion line on by Prada. Is pulling clothing that has yellow star patches some critics say resemble the stars of David Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust the pre fall collection features a star with the name John on it. I'm Michael Tristana. If you know the value of good machines that it's high time we got together we're Bally industrial builders of metal and wood working equipment hard working machines for hard working people we stand behind our equipment and make sure our equipment stands behind you offering you the after sale support you need to keep your shop running smoothly which means making sure you have what you need when you need typically shipping within 72 hours or less so whether you're a fabricator or manufacturer of metal or wood products go to Bailie dot com or call 9 to 0 machine and we'll send you a catalog that's right friend over 400 pages of what you love most machines so whatever you're looking to build or manufacture do it with Bally industrial the company you can trust to give you the equipment and service you can rely on that's be a i l p I g h Bailey that's if it's worth doing right it's only right to do it with Bailey so call 9 to 0 machine or go to Bally dot com now and pick up your free catalog. For friendly service and see if you can stand behind. The actions. And care if you. See. The most important issue of the day it's the economy Larry Kudlow sorts the politics from the money and talks to the money authorities about the future Saturday afternoon 30610 k. Half a one. Piece workers of Fortune 500 technology executive and was c.e.o. Of the 1st Internet radio network He's a digital political strategist hoping the right side use new technology more effectively he's a public speaker and he host a radio show biz own on Seattle's k u t t h sitting in for Rush Limbaugh today ladies and gentlemen please welcome. Thank you so much for putting up with the rank amateur on the radio show most listened to in history that of Rush Limbaugh money out here in Seattle where we tax soda pop but we subsidize heroin and the reason I mention that is because Rush is dedicated his program and his institutes to defeating leftism and leftism must be defeated or our little treats are coming your way little treats we have here and we'll get into the national political scene I promise to get some more inside stories one of the things I had an opportunity to do in my very very lucky my life is I got to go be Chief Digital Strategist at the r n c And like I told some bad stories I'm a tell some more bad stories I also want you to know there's some people I met there who are just like you and me and they're fighting the battle and I probably should some time outside of permission to Rush's show. Name the names of some of the good people you notice I'm not naming the names of some of the bad people in the committee in these private conversations I'll get into more of that but one of the things I want you to know is where your wrath you're probably dealing with the madness of choo choo trades can I tell you what leftism in one party rule bring So we'll get back into this national stuff in our area in western Washington state there's a an organization here called Sound Transit which I contend is a criminal organization I contend that because they break the law I contend that because they're using an illegal I mean I'm not saying sort of illegal I'm saying actually illegal methods to value our cars and car thefts they're pretending our cars are worth 2 to 3 times as much as they are all of this for choo choo train this is going to move less than one percent of us this is coming your way we can't do anything about the illegality we can't do they're using illegal method voted down by the legislature because we work in a one party state we can't do anything well I have. You know don't mind breaking the law like that so I read should buy cars outside of the zone or by the way my local shows have over 400 of my listeners I guess the authorities here could come and get me through the zooming then we could have discovery and I could learn a whole lot but that's what they don't do it learning that was the thing I took away most from d.c. When I was back there almost tell you the entitlement this is the someone in the early hour Marty asked about what we can do about Mitch McConnell So I want to get to that in what we can do one of the things we can do is to understand your instincts about d.c. And how nasty things are back there never let anybody tell you you're wrong. There's good people there but there's some bizarre things I did a friend of mine invite me to come and speak about digital to an event that had communications experts and and press secretaries and lobbyists in strategists and people make a huge change because that political money never get to d.c. Has 8 of the 10 richest counties in America 8 of the 10 and they don't make anything going to produce anything they don't sell anything they don't market anything they've got a great business model when they want more money than. What they do speak this thing and my buddy said you got to be nice because he knew he knew that I didn't like politics and like d.c. And I didn't like I didn't like that scene got to be nice so I went to speak and standing there who's speaking Barney Frank Barney Frank is giving a speech any history of the speech and he's taking questions and a guy in a view to full suit raised his hand and he said Yeah Congressman Oh what's your perception on the Greek bonds situation Barney Frank in a room full of probably 200 people at Aleck turn into a mike said you know I'm not a rich man I don't have a lot of money but if I did have a lot of money I would buy Greek bonds because they're officially too big to fail and I should know because I've got a vote coming up later today he just told the whole room the Greek bonds that it basemen it out go buy him. Based upon his insight into which And here I am a normal human being I think relatively And there are those of the disagree but I'm flabbergasted so it's now my turn to speak he gets a huge standing ovation because he just made everybody a bunch of money so I go up to the lectern and introduce my friend this very kind introduction of me and I'm there to talk about digital I pulled out my Blackberry when we still have those and I said Hi I'm so sorry this is so rude hold on I'm typing away the Blackberry hold on a note of so this is just as said to my buddy Trayvon so sorry I so done I just bought some Greek bonds let's hear it for Barney Frank and in cider try. And the room half the rooms laughing hilariously the other half of the room is saying he knows I cheat on my taxes they didn't know whether to laugh or flee the room and see here's the thing that I've told people about the see there is a different set of ethics there there's ethics in the real world than there's ethics in d.c. The are on a different caliber for it didn't see anything wrong with what he did because of the special class like the Kennedys that this behavior is rampant you hear about this now there were 2 that. The police officers in Barnes stable in Barnstaple I don't care that is got a 2 for the Daily Mail reports that they got to arrest 2 Kennedys for the price of $1.00 they got to arrest the son Max Kennedy the son of the late Senator Robert Kennedy and his daughter and they pulled the apparently the thing that you hear all the time in d.c. When she was being arrested the granddaughter of Robert Kennedy said to the cop I want to Brown and I'm a teacher sweetheart. She You can't shoot her in the place that the cop shot the empty full member because that would be wrong with the you know the powder in the butt there's things he could do then she went on to try to dig her dad out of the car tried to break him out and this behavior is end Demick I was flying out of an airport in d.c. And our local congressman in the Seattle area a guy who was in Congress way too long Jim Baghdad McDermott a nickname given him I think by Russia because he wouldn't spoke on behalf of Saddam Hussein during the during the Gulf War And I believe the tip was paid for by Saddam Hussein saw him in an airport he didn't get upgraded to 1st class and I kid you not he used the cliche of all cliches do you know who I am yelling at the lady at their life. I watch him abuse this lady this is a Democrat stands for the working people so what do we do with this sort of entitlement because that's where Mitch McConnell's out there he's got a job for life he's got money for life he's got a pension for life you don't we do we start a movement of street theater. Republicans are bad at this Democrats are great at it I want to follow Mitch McConnell around I want to go everywhere Mitch McConnell goes and ask him Hey what's your personal debt ceiling are you going to raise that you know you to pour more money that's good for the economy it stimulates the economy you need to create some jobs cause these people to explain why they don't live the way they force us to live ask him everywhere he goes I'd like to follow him to the doctor not in a rude stocking way but I guess in a rootstock way say well that's Is that a private thing. So you go to a place where you give money and you get treated it is the entitle meant they feel that causes them to act this way. Let's talk to Robbie out in the Cedar Park Texas Robbie you're on with Todd Hermann on the Rush Limbaugh program welcome Yes sir. Thank you I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm my mind is blown here I'm looking at all this nonsense from the media questioning Trump's mental health our president they're calling him a lunatic who are these people what rot do they crawl out from under when they make these questions and these are questioning his sanity let me ask you this what is the what are the insane things they contend he's done I have no ideas or I'm just mind boggling I just opened up Internet this morning and I saw all these people you know questioning and am I mistaken or did Woody Allen marry his adopted daughter. I mean. My mistake or did he then go get an award because I might love you didn't they also argue to have a child rapist let off the charges he raped like a 15 year old girl gave her quail ludes and he's a major director did they argue that I'm wondering where along the line they're drawing the line of of mental health rights and how do you getting there on this is Paul is the pace or he's And here's the other thing was he mentally balanced when he worked at n.b.c. Because they've known it his whole life right so why are they doing this you tell me you know why they're doing this eternity tear him down and what you think is it him or is it us because I'm going to share with you theory Ok I'm going to share with you a theory and appreciate the phone call very very much I'm going to share with you theory the method is to exhaust you. There are all sorts of ways to deal with a president who might be mentally unbalanced I'm looking at an entertainment coach up look at an entertainment culture that is known Donald Trump half of his adult life listen to him on Howard Stern. And the funny thing is you're not going to get a 70 year old man to change and he doesn't need to I mean he said things that make me uncomfortable and he just said things that make you uncomfortable yes it's about exhausting youth it's about getting the feeling that you can't get to the finish line and for me it's about the feeling left this earth for me I focus on the policy when the president right sizes taxes if the president can get Mitch McConnell out of his way and right size his taxes right size is the bureaucracy right size regulation do you know what that can do for people do you know that they're like in our state do you know how long you have to study to braid hair which is by the way you know part and parcel of the African-American culture people grow up doing that 1600 hours to get a license from the state to braid hair probably from like 150 year old white man you might want to try comb over. What. If he could do that that's what I'm up for and when we come back I want to talk about something the president could do I wanted to change his job title for just a 2nd not being commander in chief I want to see Donald Trump a chief financial officer revealed The big a shell game played at the national political level it's called subsidies all explain that next stop Herman in for Rush Limbaugh on the i b that we're this summer when you're away a big cation take Rush with you monthly membership to rush 247 brings America's anchorman a bit e.i.b. Network to your laptop tablet or smartphone podcast archives and budget Ok we're less than $7.00 a month that's rushed $24.00 seventh's at Rush Limbaugh dot com You're listening to the. Can a silver forecast of $100.00 really happened a few people a forecast $100.00 silver so I called Kevin De Merit to find out Larry in 2002 was silver at $4.00 an ounce or predicted right here on rush it would hit $30.00 in 10 years people thought we were nuts by 2004 silver was up 60 percent Fast forward to 2007 stock prices were nuts real estate was not the markets crashed in by 2011 silver was $48.00 an ounce 11 times higher in $18.00 more than our $30.00 projection but Silver has corrected right that's the opportunity with the Dow back to nosebleed levels with demand for silver outpacing supply with the debt ceiling fight coming in a Congress in chaos is under a dollar silver projection nuts or are the markets nuts again so when many indicators tell us Silver is that a bottom last time silver moved off a low like this it ran up 400 percent another similar move would put us close to $100.00 so how long did that take 3 years what are some of the other indicators pointing to $100.00. 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Newstalk 1030 k. F. a Y. . Put back to the Rush Limbaugh program taught Herman the filling in all the way out from the madness of Seattle where the solution to everything related to business is to put a boot on someone's neck and a solution to everything related to drugs or homelessness is to say. Who would feels gud but usually while playing a lute Thora ukulele themes to be the thing we do on the left and it's headed your way unless we stop this I've been reading about the so-called debt ceiling we talked about this early in the program that I've noticed ceilings are things you can't move through and I've also noticed that thoughts going on with Mitch McConnell in the judiciary throughout the if you listen to the program today is no secret that I consider McConnell to be one of our major problems a because he can't communicate with a young group of voters or frankly any voters be because the Republican base is smart not to trust him see because the duplicity nature in which he operates it is killing the a core agenda that we need to have from our president one of those is the judiciary Ok the the president is apparently having his judiciary nominees slow walk by the Democrats but it's also McConnell McConnell could do a lot of things thought you know how he could threaten people and move people from committee seats and he's not doing that through I want to see the president play a different game. I want to see the president go to the scam of all scams it is and it's you know what I've explained this on the local show in Seattle and sometimes it's an eye opener for people let me ask the question is it mathematically possible for the federal government to subsidize a state can that be done if the federal government takes money from the States pays their employees some of the highest wages in the United States 3 $45.00 times what the average American earns gives him a retirement plan that you just can't find in the real world then they build immense buildings to themselves and monuments which will no doubt be torn down then they borrow money from us debt holders in China then they send some of that money back to the states with some debt added onto it with a whole bunch of rules they say here's your subsidy and the states you know I'll thanks very much I sent you a dollar and you sent me back and forth Wow a Goth of gold worth and a bunch of rules. And the president is so keyed up to do this do this in ways others couldn't I would love to see him give a speech I'd love to see him and I'd love to see him do it in the Senate I'd love to see him go pull together the house in the Senate say you know I'm a very successful man I built a $10000000000.00 company I mean I know business and I know construction I would just ask a question of my friend the Senate majority leader why do we need a State Department of Transportation a federal department transportation why do we have 2 employees doing the same job why are we doing that why are we paying twice as much for everything you want to do as as president of states I propose that we return to the states 40 percent of their money because we're soaking that up I'm looking at the paychecks here and I'm saying wow wow I'm highly educated and the kids are highly educated maybe want to learn right or wrong wrong let's work maybe we should come become become bureaucrats and tell that story of the dollar bill or say you know the states have their general contractor for the highways we've got our general contractors states are building an airport they've got their contractors We've got ours they've got their supervisors We've got us twice as expensive and as president look I've been successful business is this this has to end and start putting pressure on McConnell to explain what is a subsidy if your kid took money from your wallet God forbid your kid wouldn't did that took money from your wallet and then gave you some back with a bunch of rules like took 20 bucks and gave you 18 back said That is your money back but by the way you can only spend this on ice cream for me if you save your thief it's all I know it's a subsidy I'm subsidizing you that. The president should go this route be the c.f.o. For a little while all the way from Oklahoma City Oklahoma Joe has a question about the madhouse of Seattle Joe thanks for calling the Rush Limbaugh program taught Herman filling in. Great man. One of the most interesting things it is that America was able to employ even the nation for. Hundreds of thousands of people one problem took 30 years to kill tens of millions of people and you know we have a monument. On the mall in Seattle to. Act on their own discussion not that it will well there was actually discussion appears and people want to protest to have it taken down and then some leftist came along and said oh we made it ironically and that's the local legend is that they mean it ironically but you know what you know who doesn't feel that ironically is the leftist kids who drive by and salute it they don't feel that ironically because you make a strong point and I'll say something else about this I don't know the sounds weird in Oklahoma I appreciate the phone call you know what they the monument they're not doing anything with us here they've got the when a monument they say oh we mean that ironically Well like I said the leftist kids don't know that the kids that go get their picture taken with it don't know the ironic nature of it it is an actual student test that you from the Soviet Union by the way rescued by artists and put up there here is the tragedy of cities like this and this is headed your way we have a monument here in Seattle you know it's 2 threats to the high school students who died fighting World War 2 where is it it's hidden behind bushes with rats cars parked next to it and the city may have it destroyed not moved. See I'm telling you build an electoral wall so much that we build a wall around Seattle to make sure you all freaks don't get out it's called intellectual wall it's jeep or right plus you don't have electric fences thing indicate the gun or electro electrical wall daughter been filling in for Rush Limbaugh the network will come back with much much more. News Talk 1030 k f a y. This is Senior Corps 360000 Unity surface. Behind every thriving place is a great long term plan well this is it what I've worked for a cafe in Baker incident busy all the time behind a success story like this is an equally good community plan a we got an early Well this neighborhood was just coming back. A good play means a community is attractive to the people growing businesses want to hire mornings Oh they're walking to work coming from the train and the brainiacs from a tech company had They're here at all hours planning creates. Vibrant neighborhoods where people live and work and shop on weekends it's a mix of the new apartments and folks fixing up the old houses according to the American Planning Association good planning creates value for everyone in the community and it works even better when you get involved learn all about it planning dot org that's planning dot org You got a lot of public service of this nation and the American Planning Association I'm venue tech I played high school college and pro football helping my team win the 2006 championships it was an amazing day but it can't compare to the joy I feel every day with my loving wife and 3 beautiful daughters my football career ended after I suffered my 5th concussion did you know that over a 1000000 athletes suffer a concussion each year that includes boys and girls every age every type and level of sport it isn't always clear that a player has had a concussion so parents athletes and coaches need to learn about concussion signs and symptoms the American Academy of Neurology recommends athletes thought to have a concussion and be immediately removed from play and not return until assessed by a health care professional trained in concussion this isn't just about sports it's about your brain when in doubt sit it out learn more of a n. Dot com slash concussion that's a n. Dot com slash concussion a message from the American Academy of Neurology. Are you looking for a great selection of furniture How about crazy low clearance prices would you like same day delivery Well the Sam's furniture clearance center in Rogers has all 3 with over 50000 square feet packed full of factory overstock and truckload buys something for everyone at all the every day clearance prices living rooms bedrooms dining rooms mattresses recliners accent and so much more for the largest selection of in stock value price for sure shopped at Sam's furniture clearance center in Rogers candidate Sam's. Liberals are losing it's a new day but you have to stay vigilant get everything you need to go with a conservative Specialist Chris Plante 8 to 11 Rush Limbaugh 11 till 2 Michael 72 till 5 and Mark love them 5 till 8 only on news top $1030.00 k.s. They will. Talk 1030 k. F. a Y news talk 1030 k f a y. Live from the West Coast it's toxic herb and here on the Rush Limbaugh program. And still thankful for that I'm thankful for you I know Rush says it's he says it to me because I'm a better listener since half my life is always thankful for you and I can hear it as Voice mean so much to me that you put up with a rank amateur The Amish are sitting in the seat of of the legend Rush Limbaugh So thanks for listening and you can check them out on Twitter at Toddy Herman I put up a friendly guide there on how to refute this silly argument that and punks are anything like our soldiers from w.w. 2 lots of calls to get the will do that I want to get to something Nicholas Kristoff wrote. Addressing the president he said we're not we're journalists Mr Trump not the enemy and on our show we spent some time delineating between enemies and opponents and are they an opponent of America so I want to just maybe just let's let's look at the presses point of view of America but let's start with one thing what is America well to us it's rule of law it's constitution it's a bill of rights it's it's a unique idea and what it's crazy notion I mean it's almost stupid I have an idea let's set up a country and not let the government do anything it will it's just that's what we set up let's put limits on the government that to be fun that way the government could come in just steal from you they couldn't come and say Have night of 1st right with your wife I was hated that rule when the king of show up all right you're married now she comes with faith so I was thought that was unfair or one of my charge with that I would tell you later. Well I'd like to defend myself in court all lunatic put out and that's what we set up so what is America to the leftist media it's malleable piece of clay Now if you look at the way across the tuition is set up it's not a valuable piece of clay can be changed but it's a puzzle right you have to painstakingly think about how to change that so they're opposed to a delineated opposed to it described America opposed to a predictable set of rules sets they almost uniformly think that the Constitution should be something we'll ily change and I try to explain this to young people because they'll say oh yeah the constitution that was written by a dead white men I don't think that applies because they couldn't foresee the future then they'll say things like that to me I say well let me ask you this question Do you like Laws Well I guess would you prefer to live in a world where a police officer pulls you over and you say hi officer what have I done and the offices odds are terrible mood what a bad day fight with the wife. That's going to be 3 in a box because that's what you end up without rules and without limits on government so are they are the enemies of America How about opponents and about the electoral process a lot of people had challenges with the president and how about the electoral process electoral process is over and they've been for forward trying to deal with the electoral process is that being an enemy of America or an opponent I think is being an opponent of Americans Americans who actually voted for the president because trying to overturn an election in that way goes back to the malleability of clay their view but it is also now something much different it's clay they control so you have the media saying wait a minute you took my Plato because I was Evan fun playing with the nation and build up that Barack Obama shaped version of the nation and no it's going to mean man took it so they're coming back in that way is that being an enemy or is that being an opponent and this gets very deep there was a Wall Street Journal editor Gerald Baker his team leaked his e-mails because you know what he said to him he wrote to him and said You're all fired a No he wrote them and said I claim right of 1st wife right with your wife no no he said stick to the reporting on trump the opinion and so they leaked his e-mails so is that being an enemy of America or an opponent I'll tell you when I had the opportunity once to show journalists their own spin of start up a long time ago called Spin Spotter and I got the show in New York Times writer spin at the times remember the Sarah Pailin freak out when they were talking about they were talking about what they call it a taser gate and they invented that phrase and they didn't know they invented it I showed this to reporter with our little tool spins far women that was never used before we did it nope you name that gate and by the way what was the story what did the officer supposedly do pays does kid. Don't they think Troopergate I apologize the name to Troopergate because Sarah Palin fired the stripper I said Do you know what it was called in Alaska Troopergate let me Taser it was called to get Lester Troopergate in the York Times because the man apparently teased his kid and the New York Times writer was ashamed and actually said a really harsh word of note to the writer saying you need to change this complete spin and I promise I'll never give up the reporters name even there they're going in their cone of silence he told me please don't share my name I'll be over is that being in a part of America I would say it is. David in a vol Doe's No probably involved those not Georgio Welcome to the Rush Limbaugh show it's taught Herman behind the e.i.b. Gold microphone yet POTUS Valdosta Georgia Valley Hi Paul the scoop football cap rule the world listen real quick and want to get to the point where you were talking about their McConnell and Ryan and McCain's low approval ratings and I hope you're sitting them for this but they don't care about their approval ratings they're going to do what they want to do not want the voters wanted them to do so you know I hate to spoil your day but you know that's how it is no end but let me ask you this why do they have the capacity to not care why do they have that freedom because they've been there so long they have built a wall between them and us and they don't want to do what's best schools for the Democratic Party or for the Republican Party and they don't care about what we think because if they care about what we we thought McCain would have voted for us to help your view Bill but his voters wanted him to vote for us and he didn't vote for what he voted against so that failure right then there McConnell Lott as much is about stopping Obamacare as Obama a lot about being unable to keep our doctors you're right in the Me I'm going to expand on that because you make a great point and I'm a I'm a student of the e.i.b. Institute and an excellent exits in broadcasting you give me an opportunity to look really really good here and I appreciate the phone call all the way that what I'm here for I know it is and that's all the way from the high school football cap of the world I thank you very very much for the phone call so here's here's to jump off of this. What he said is exactly right and I want to add something to it we use axioms I use axioms Ok to explain to myself what's going on let me give you an axiom the axiom is this that the axiom is that the more you care about a political party the less it cares about you the less important you are to them No I am not saying do not care about conservatism. My principles are these God country family friends work in that are worth I can explain that one day but that is backed up by small government because only small government provides big people there is no math done in Republican and Democratic politics and you need to understand this is so fundamental they have limited resources to who they're going to outreach to they think they own youth you if you vote in all of lections for Republicans you're called a 4 out of Forth and that means they don't care about your opinion as much or at all that means they're not going to knock on your door or at all they're going to ask you for money because you're a 4 out of 4 they care about the moderate they care about the mind change they care about the independent because in my judgment Mitch McConnell is simply representing a group of clients they want their shot at Obamacare and I'll tell you where they got it Obama you know where Obamacare came from they looked at the banks health insurance companies looked at the banks and said wow the banks keep all their profits but when they lose money the government covers them if McConnell's got businesses in the wings waiting for that dissolution $1.00 of them is to be involved in the primaries. To say to the Republican Party you know what I might walk away from here it's like a car salesman Mitch McConnell's a car salesman and what I have to do to get you to back this terrible piece of legislation today look I could throw away and throwing a lot of air conditioning on that get you get to what to do to close this deal today hey I can walk away I'm going to go with Roy Moore I'm not going to go with looser sleuth a strange I'm going to go with Roy Moore in Alabama we change our behavior towards the party we change their math for willing to go with the longer shots in the primaries the true conservatives we change the parties math the math will control Macof. Where we can turn our votes can at least that's how I view it taught her been in for Rush Limbaugh on the e.i.b. Network and will come back I'll get maybe a few more phone calls but one thing I want to get across is what Rush's meant to me not just as a radio host but the man I actually firmly changed my life and I just have always always wanted him to know this so we'll try to get to that top Herman in for Rush Limbaugh on the i b network you were listening to the e.i.b. Network. 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Dot com. Hi I'm Mary a student at college here is president at Hillsdale College Dr Larry on on the separation of church and state America's founders believed in the separation of church and state in that the country was not to have an official religion or an official saying. But that did not mean that government was to be hostile to religion or even indifferent tour of the church as many today argue in fact America's founding dock. With the Declaration of Independence includes both a reference to God as the author of the laws of nature and a confident assertion that human beings are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights far from being hostile or indifferent to religion America's founders understood the theology of the declaration to be an essential part of the education of citizens this constitution minute was brought to you by Hillsdale College to receive a free pocket Constitution and Declaration and go to Constitution Minute dot com. 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There are things that McConnell is quite comfortable with that you would I can never be comfortable with such as a $200.00 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities the fact of the matter is any business that operated that way would already be in bankruptcy Jeanne from North Augusta South Carolina welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program Todd Herman filling it . Out of place of the Thank You The reason I'm calling you I would like to have your opinion on why Donald Trump is backing ruther stranger when he found out stablished my candidate you know I've been thinking about that a lot and I'd asked earlier that that and hope the president wouldn't do that but now I'm looking at the polls and it looks like Roy Moore is ahead in the polls so the. So I think I think Jeanne that the president seeing him ahead in the polls he gets to say to McConnell I was a good guy. I endorsed your guy he just didn't win I endorsed your guy and pushed your guy you're down from the area what's the general concept of strange down there I know you're not in Alabama but South Carolina what's a con what the people think of this Luther Strange. Well I haven't heard much about it now we're dealing with Lindsey Graham. Is an unpredictable sorts and I appreciate your patience with him I you know I'm sort of puzzled on that but I truly think that Trump is going to say hey I played I played good with you and it didn't work but the other thing he could do is that right at the debt ceiling he could pull this off a the wall I could pull that endorsement and maybe even setting it up that way I mean one thing about the president is I know I wish he would play more and this is his unpredictability could be his absolute strength you see him saying Yeah yeah I bless you you never know what he's going to do that's true and I would play that I truly would Jeanne appreciate the phone call love your state beautiful beautiful state of South Carolina look your unpredictability this is a thing that I How can explain this to you in in d.c. Some things are very predictable Mitch McConnell can come out and say look there's just. A percent chance that we're going to. Not going to jeer percent chance because he believes that. He believes that and the come to expect these things are the norm and that happens you know one of the I wonder why that happens because you go to a pizza joint how high Senator Oh we have a table in back we're going to probably worth you go to the airport Senator sorry there's a long line could you just work for good you're probably worth it you go to expect these behaviors if you go to expect that it's always going to be there and how could it not be you think of the business of all I want to go to a venture capital space to raise venture capital money for startups because Thank you for coming in our shot of this cold federal money dot com The business model is this when we want more money we take it then we pay ourselves enormous salaries and create rules that everyone else has to follow. But you went on What do you say 100000000 bucks for one percent of the company seem like a fair valuation so they grow to expect these behaviors in some ways and the president can read the people because he says things sometimes even strong supporters go oh wow I don't know I wish he would use this more in the bargaining session such as the debt ceiling I want to see skin in the game I want to see substantive cuts not to the rate of growth but actual cuts and I tell you if Trump walked in the McConnell's office that night a Mitch Listen I just said the Secret Service bring me over a quietly This doesn't need to be publicized but he can even be real casual do it I'm not raising the debt ceiling without cuts. Hold on kind of my people it's not about your people Mitch I'm go walk down the hallway you can see Mitch look around the corner like a puppy just been left at the pound. As a president walks away I think he's good at it. And then he goes after him Seth. And such oh finish things off we come back on the Rush Limbaugh program it's top Herman filling in for Rush you're listening to the e.i.b. Network. 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Hello this is Steve Gray from the city men of our show and I'd like to invite you to our sing America concert September 8th at 8 pm at the fall to Performing Arts Center University of Arkansas sing America features Jeff Garlin long Mr Brown as we bring your legendary songs going back 150 years to make sure a large 40 boy sound was all barbershop quartet to bring you the feel of the Civil War by the slaves the dust of the trails West factories the beat of New Orleans the stages of Broadway the surf The Beach Boys take us more information about our Facebook page or our website so you men of Arkansas. If you've lost hope and believe it is time for a change and tune in for the conservative all stars planets. Family and a whole day weekdays on News Talk 10 30 pm but you want to. Hear some America in the morning and 6 with a morning on these top 10 30 pm a while News Talk 1030 Tina Fey what is. What an absolute pleasure today to fill in for Rush Limbaugh it's taught Herman from Seattle if you like anything you've heard and I don't know why you would but if you are kind and considerate and charitable to the new guy you can go to at Toddy Herman on Twitter in Santa for the Twitter feed there this meant more to me than I think it's possible for me to explain I thought I was I was I had a 2nd father who was a radio genius in his own right guy. Who did radio on time named Gary Taylor professionally and he taught me what good radio sounded like so all the mistakes are mine anything that's good is something that probably Gary taught me in one way or another and I ran into Rush when a friend of mine came to me and said You've got to hear this guy. Because he's like you but a 1000 times better so I started listening to Rush as a radio host but what I learned about him is that he was a man who left the comfort of his dream job at k.f. B.k. In Sacramento and he took a roll of the dice I didn't call or tell me that you can't get the home base with your 1st foot on a with your foot on 1st base Rush wouldn't leave his foot on 1st base he made me the risk taker which has brought me unspeakable in undeserved levels of a reward for that inspiration taught her been it's been my honor to fill in for the great Rush Limbaugh on the network and I get to see it tomorrow as well. A college security officer called to tell me there was a drinking party on campus the officer said there had been excessive drinking and our son was in the hospital for alcohol poisoning He said My husband and I should come as soon as we could I knew my son would face distractions and temptations when he went away to school he already had unfortunate experiences with alcohol he was a little too good at fitting in with the crowd I had no idea things could get so much worse so fast a nurse suggested we attend Al Anon family groups even though our son claimed his drinking was no big deal said he was not an alcoholic and that he could quit whenever you wanted I didn't want to go in early on me again but I'm sure glad I went if someone's drinking trouble new you might be surprised at what you can manage in an on family good people just like you called on the date for Al Anon or go to Al Anon dot org. All of the conservative All Stars this is news talk 10 30 am a long morning to be a bill Cumulus station. Is evacuating the coast hi Michael to scan a very nerve wracking you just want to make a.

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