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This is the. the book of revelation today in our journey through this incredible prophetic book and I hope that you've been with us for the early lessons as we move now into the 2nd section of the book I say that because I hold in my hand study guide number 2 of the 4 study guides so we're in Lesson number 16 in the series and today we're going to talk about message we have called the souls under the altar what happened to those who are martyred in the tribulation and they lose their lives because of their faith in the Bible says their souls go to heaven and literally their souls are under the altar and they're crying out for something to happen in response to their martyrdom it's a very intriguing story listen carefully to every word and this is one of those places where you'll be helped so much if you just have the scripture open in front of you so I'll give you a heads up and tell you to look up Revelation 6 and we're in verses. 9 through 11 will be there today and tomorrow and then Wednesday and Thursday messages called when the whole world trembles and then on Friday the 1st of 2 my sieges on revival during the tribulation all of these are such intriguing subjects I don't want you to miss any of it and speaking of our study guides I want you to know that we have created 4 well appointed and well written study guides to help you through this book they take you through every verse every passage give you additional passages to look up application questions to ponder there's a section in each book for personal and group questions and a leader's profile and a leader's guide so you might want to get the study guides and if you want to hear the messages that go along with them you can also order the CD packages there are quite a few of them as I've mentioned before there are $43.00 lessons in the Book of Revelation and at the end of today's program I'll tell you about our monthly resource but right now it's Monday we're already behind so let's get started this is the soul son of the altar in the series the coming of. The history of redemption for anyone who has studied it has been written in the blood of her martyrs. Scarcely has the Old Testament been opened before Pharaoh of Egypt has devised a plan to destroy all of the Hebrew male children born to Hebrew women. Under the Persian empire later on in the Old Testament Satan inspired Haman. The wicked favorite of the King Ahaz you waris devised a scheme to destroy every Jew in the Empire and bring a vast sum of money into the Treasury. And time because the Pippen E.-S. Who is only alluded to in the Book of Daniel in the 2nd century before Christ became one of Israel's unrelenting enemies. When we come to the New Testament we learn immediately upon beginning to read the Gospels of Herod. Herod who tried to destroy Jesus by putting to death all of the infants in the territory. And we have scarcely read the 1st chapter of church history in the book of Acts before we meet Stephen who was stoned to death because of his insistence that the Jewish religious leaders had murdered Jesus and then in the 12 chapter of action we read of James. Who was killed by Herod and we have studied sense beginning our study in the Book of Revelation the story of public car the Bishop of Smyrna who was burned at the stake and in the letter to pergi mists we read of a man by the name of anthropos who was God's faithful martyr. And others whose names we won't mention died because of their Christian testimony under the cruel reign of Domitian the Roman emperor. Many Roman Christians suffered in the arenas and other B. Leavers endured the inquisition they Huguenots and other Protestants were massacred or exiled in the Reformation period hundreds of Chinese Christians lost their lives during the Boxer Rebellion Russian believe yours were remanded to slave labor camps or to Siberia. That is to say just a few things for the Christian martyrs. And John tells us that the end of persecution is not yet there is still more to come the Jews who have suffered so so tragically in the lifetime of that nation will yet suffer more there is still more. We have studied so far the 1st 4 seals and as each of these seals is opened we discover that the seal is connected with a living creature and it is connected with a horse therefore we call it the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse the last 3 seals you understand present and even more ominous picture than the 1st 4. For Wow the 1st 4 have to do with the human government that stands behind persecution the last 3 seals have to do with divine intervention and God is now directly affecting what is going to happen in the lives of the people on this earth there is one other difference in the 5th seal but I want to mention before we actually look at the text and that is that the 5th seal does not present any action itself there are no horses riding across the stage there is no action that we can witness the 5th seal you see is simply the response to an action when we read what happens as the 5th seal is unrolled we see the result of persecution not the persecution itself by the time we read about it in the 5th seal the martyrs are already dead their souls are under the altar the persecution as far as those people is over. John according to the text looks at the altar and under the altar he sees the souls of those who have already been slain and we are left to imagine the method by which they were martyred and the suffering they must have endured but we are not told how it happened. Now I think in order for us to understand the simple verses that are before us there are 45 points we ought to discuss together 1st of all I think it's important for us to look for a moment at the context of their martyrdom why they were killed in what setting where they killed who are these martyrs who are slain and we read about them in the text that their souls are under the altar How did they lose their lives where did they come from. Well there are some interesting things we can learn if we read carefully 1st of all we must remember that the Church of Jesus Christ has already been raptured the Church of Jesus Christ is in heaven you remember what the Scripture says that when Christ comes back in the rapture not only will he take all of the saints who are alive but the dead in Christ shall rise 1st and we who are alive will be caught up together with him and after the rapture immediately the tribulation starts how did they get to be saints how did they get to be a bit leavers. Secondly as we look at this it will answer that question in a moment since the martyrs ask for judgment on those who dwell on the earth notice what it says in the text they say how long the Lord before you will take vengeance on these who have persecuted us who are dwelling on the earth since these martyrs are talking about people who dwell on the earth it is obvious that there are murderers are still living they are still living somewhere on the earth while they have been martyred and are in heaven their murderers are alive and well on this earth and this would strongly suggest that these martyrs have come from the tribulation period because what's going on in heaven now is coincidental with what's going on down here on this earth these are tribulations saints who have been martyred in the early part of the tribulation period they are no doubt casualties of the 1st 4 judgments that we have looked at already. I think it's important we understand that when the church is taken out of this world in the rapture God is going to deal with Israel once more many Jews will turn to God in that day and writing to the Romans Paul said it this way he said blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in and then all Israel shall be saved as it is written there she will come out of Zion the Deliverer and she'll turn away ungodliness from Jacob Paul told the Romans that for a period of time the Jews would have a blindness a partial blindness and that here and there someone from but you a faith would come to Christ but there would not be on a large scale returning to the Messiah but when the times of the Gentiles are finished and when is that when the rapture comes the times of the Gentiles now God will turn again his main attempt to the Jewish people. This is just another way of saying that Israel as a nation will be saved the partial blindness will be taken away many of the Jews during the Tribulation will turn to God and reject the anti-christ because of this the Anti-Christ will make their blood run like the river and many will be martyred these people whose souls are under the altar are basically Jewish Christians Jewish Christians who have been martyred for their faith but I ask a question a few moments ago and I didn't answer it and I need to answer it now how will people be saved in the tribulation period if nobody leavers are going to be left on the earth at the beginning of the tribulation How will people be saved some of them will be saved because of the 2 witnesses God sends forth and somehow also we learn in the 7th chapter that there will be 844000 Israel lives who will be sealed for God's service during this period it is possible that through the witness of these 2 agents many will come to Christ among the Jewish population. But I was enamored as I read another idea that has been put forth by one of our own Dr Henry Morris Dr Morse had suggested that we may not only have the sealed witnesses we may have some silent witnesses to leave it up to an author to think of this one and this is what he said millions upon millions of copies of the Bible and Bible portions have been published in all major languages and distributed throughout the world through the dedicated ministries of the Gideons the white cliff Bible translators and other Christian organizations removal of believers from the world at the Rapture will not remove the Scriptures and multitude will no doubt be constrained to read the Bible in those days thus multitude will turn to their Creator and Savior in those days and will be willing to give their testimony for the Word of God and even to give their lives as they seek to persuade the world that the calamities it is suffering are judgments from the Lord end of quote and I couldn't help fantasize this Him own mind as I was thinking about this can you imagine some reprobate who never had any time for the Word of God didn't want to even talk about it maybe his wife invited him to go to church with them all of their married life and he just made fun of it and all of a sudden one day he comes home and nobody's there is wife is gone his children are gone and the only thing left that even reminds him of them is the Bible that's laying on the coffee table do you think he might be motivated to read it. Especially when he goes to work the next day and finds out that his experience is not unique that hundreds of his friends also experienced the same thing and that people were jerked out of this world in a very on announced fashion and 100 J. Thousands of people are missing. And then some of the things he remembered his wife talking about begin to come back to him. And so he picks up the Bible and many of the Jewish people who have the copy of the Scriptures in their own language will do the same thing and I believe they will read the Bible with more motivation than you and I will ever imagine and so people will be saved now in the tribulation period after they are saved they are going to have to pay a price because in the tribulation period martyrdom will be as common as it is uncommon today those who trust in God In that time will be called upon to demonstrate their faith oftentimes they will have to demonstrate their faith with their lives Revelation 1211 says this and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony now listen to this and they loved not their lives unto the death of Zechariah the prophet speaks of the day of tribulation as a time when he says 2 thirds of the entire Jewish population will be killed and it shall come to pass says the prophet that in all the land say if the Lord 2 parts there and shall be cut off and die but the 3rd shall be left there and I will bring the 3rd part through the fire and will refine them as silver is refined and will try them is gold is tried. And of course this follows again what our Lord said in the 24th chapter of Matthew that's exactly the Lord's prophecy on the Mount of Olives listen to what he said All these are the Beginning of Sorrows then show they deliver you up to be afflicted and she'll kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake and then show many be offended and shall be tray one another and show hate one another. So the reason that there are people martyred during this period of time is simply this they have been saved they have come to Christ and now they are under pressure from the anti-Christ and when by the word of their testimony they acknowledge their faith in Christ they will be killed and will see why and how in just a moment that is the context of their martyrdom Who are these martyrs the souls under the altar they are the people who were saved during the tribulation period All right what is the cause of their martyrdom number 2 notice the 9th verse and when he had opened the fist seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain now here it is for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held. If you have your Bibles opened I want you to notice back in the 1st chapter of the Book of Revelation and the 9th verse that these martyrs of the tribulation period are slain for exactly the same reason that John was exiled on the Isle of Patmos in the 9th verse we read I John who also in your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was in the aisle that is called Patmos for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ the tribulation Saints are martyred for the same reason that John was exiled for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. These Saints have been sacrificed in the tribulation period on the altar of their own devotion to God and the cause of their death says the scripture is their testimony and their inherent to the Word of God We need to remember folks that after the rapture of the church the restraints of the Holy Spirit will have been removed and the world rulers of that day will no longer be held in check by the godly people who are here and filled. The spirit of the Lord and when they are gone the Spirit of God having been removed the Spirit of God will operate in the tribulation period as he did in the Old Testament he will selectively come upon people as he did in the Old Testament Scriptures the Spirit of God having been taken out of the world in the sense that the church is removed now the Christians who remain will be the objects of torture and they will be able in these unrestrained ways to vent their anger and rebellion against God by taking the lives of the Christians Revelation 19 warns that all who receive the mark of the beast which we know is the number $666.00 all who receive it will suffer eternal judgment from God let me say that again if says that every person who takes the mark of the beast will suffer eternal judgment from gone but the converse of that is also true. The passage reminds us that those who refuse to receive this Mark will suffer the wrath of the anti-christ Instead you've got 2 choices in that period of time either Christ wrath or anti-Christ wrath if you take the mark the Bible says you will suffer the wrath of Christ but if you don't take it the Anti-Christ will take your life now the word of their testimony is very likely a reference to the word of judgment which they will preach let me give you the scenario after these Jewish converts are saved and they recognize what has happened and they realized that they had missed all of their lives knowing the Messiah and they began to read the scripture they will read Matthew $24.00 and Revelations 6 and then they will begin to rush around in their culture saying Repent for the judgment of the Lord draw us 9 we are just about to be annihilated on this earth repent and receive Christ as your only hope God is going to judge this world in an even worse judgment than we have known and it will be their message of judgment that will infuriate the anti-Christ and his followers and when they go about preaching judgment they will become the objects of the wrath of the anti-Christ and his followers and they will kill them. It is interesting to think about the fact. That in any day when a prophet of God speaks as a true prophet he usually in genders someone of the same response were living in a prophet last day and that is not a pun we are living in a time when there are no prophets you remember back in the Old Testament when prophets began to be known Think of Samuel way back in the beginning who prophesied to Eli that because of his evil sons Hoff me and Phineas judgment would fall upon his house. And think of Isaiah the prophet who prophesied that the people of Judah would be carried away into captivity and that the 10. What would be destroyed in Jerusalem would be destroyed and think of Jeremiah whose prophecy was so hated by his contemporaries that they put him in stocks and in chains and throw him in prison. And think of Jonah who finally was willing to listen to God's instruction and when he went to name it well what did he preached the prophet of God Here was his message he shouted throughout the streets of the city read pant repent for 40 days and then it will be destroyed. When Paul wrote to Timothy he warned that perilous times would come and even Jesus prophesied judgment in his message in Matthew $24.00 What is the message of the Prophet It is the message that these martyrs are going to preach before their lives are taken they are going to walk up and down the land preaching the coming judgment of the Lord and as they preach they will infuriate all of those who hate the Lord and hate his children I am reminded is I study and read that we're living in a day when somebody needs to be the voice of a prophet. Dr Chris role in his commentary on The Book of Revelation reminds us that this is indeed the true character of a prophet of God He writes whenever there is a true prophet of God He will preach judgment. These modern so called ministers of God speak all things nice modern pedagogical methods of money never to mention anything negative ignore them and they will not exist they tell you. There is not any hell and there is not any devil and there is not any judgement of God All that is now intellectually passe we have evolved beyond that we are told centuries ago they may have had a heroine years ago they may have spoken of a devil and way back yonder they may have spoken of the wrath of the judgment of God but in our new enlightened and sophisticated day we do not talk about things like that. So we stand up when we speak of the love of Jesus and we speak of peace and we speak of all things pretty and beautiful but remember these other things are just as real. The same book that tells us about the good tells us about the bad the same revelation that speaks to us about heaven speaks to us about him oh the Bible that presents the Lord Jesus as the savior is the same bible that presents to us the devil as our enemy an adversary of damnation and destruction the 2 go together if there is not anything to be saved from we don't need a savior. And if we can evolve into angels just give us a little more time and maybe it will be archangels by and by end of quote. What is he saying. Saying somebody needs to not be afraid to say Judgment is coming God is going to judge this world is a not very popular message these days and even among even Jellicoe as we are told that if we want to hold a crowd we better tell nice and encouraging and comforting stories and never warn of the judgment to come because people will not listen to that today. And of course the answer to that is it isn't our job to be sure people listen it is our job to preach the truth. Came in a minute I'm reminded of that often in this. Marketing consumer mentality that fills our world today the Bible is what it is it says what it says and we are responsible to communicate not only what it says but what it means and what it means to us today more of this tomorrow as we take this 2nd step in our understanding of these intriguing versus I mentioned earlier that we have a special resource for the month of March and I have it in my hands right now it's the book when Christ appears it's a 240 page hardback book that contains 60 chapters and the 60 chapters are 60 devotional readings all of them every single one of them Homelessness we hear a lot about it but regardless of the cause trying to survive on the street is rough and even worse for mothers with children sadly tonight in the Bay Area an estimated 20000 people who are hungry and homeless will sleep in doorways and makeshift shelters hungry cold homeless yes even very nice weather if you're living on the streets it's always cold at 2 am especially for children and the elderly since 1965 the Bay Area rescue mission has been helping to restore hope and break the cycle of homelessness more than just a soup kitchen the Bay Area rescue mission shares the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone they help last year more than $2500.00 individuals accepted Jesus as their savior at the mission That's why are a gift of $50.00 Today's so important make your tax deductible gift go to Bay Area Rescue dot O.-R. 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Or call AAA 343 food the Bay Area rescue mission changing lives for a brighter tomorrow want to change how you feel significantly relief factor dot com will do that for you support for temporary relief of minor aches and pains if you're out there exercising or go a bit too far as I did on Saturday you definitely need relief factor on Sunday Monday Tuesday when they actually I think every day as you tens of thousands of people they know that they should have a mega which is fish oil rich very trial which you can get from drinking red wine but you don't know how much I care in Kirkman all together carefully calibrated perfectly formulated the combination of 4 natural supplements that everyone agrees that to be taken every single day this makes it easy to do in the amount that is appropriate for your body the starter pack in 1905 try for 3 weeks put everything else away that your doctor says you can put away don't not take what he tells you to take and then see if you don't feel terrific you'll feel much better really FACA dot com works tens of thousands of people say so their testimonials are abundant and Rio and sincere go and watch them. Get Really fact that sponsored by know the truth incorporated today know the truth a study about how not to pray this is a tough prayer because this is a perv relinquishment this is a per the tells us the bow or knee this is a perfect tells us not to do our own flanking but to renew our mind on a deal E V S S This is a prayer that tells us this body of ours is not ours to expand on our own pleasures This is a tough prayer because it puts us in our place. Most everyone has a magic in the ideal life maybe you too have pictured where you'd like to live the job you'd like to have and where your kid should go to college but when we go to prayer we need to put aside our hopes and dreams to seek God's will for our lives today I know the truth Philip to Corsi looks at one of the most challenging lines of the Lord's Prayer I will be done with this study but God's good plan here now is to course. Her It is all about us surrendering to God's will not God surrendering to our. When we think her we think that when we pray the most important thing is that God hears what we pray for but from a biblical perspective taught here by the Lord Jesus Christ the true and real essence of Prayer is just the reverse. The most important thing in prayer is not when you and I pray and God hears what we pray but that the praying person continues to pray until he hears what God wants to say today I'm cheap or was not given the US that we may make a servant died of Bought it was given the wants that we might hear from God or be a better serpent for him that's what democracy 6 in verse 10 it's all a bike has a large Jesus Christ tells us to submit ourselves to the purposes of God in our lives to pray Your kingdom come your will be done on earth does it is in heaven and we started to look at this prayer as an aspect of this petition that is prophetic goal and is an aspect of this petition it's practical and pure with us last time we looked at this we looked at the prophetical and to sit patient of this prayer this per hour actually primarily and properly understood is a cry for the coming kingdom it is actually the prayer of Revelation $22.00 even so come Lord Jesus so this is I'm looking forward to praying that God will come and. And establish His Kingdom on earth. This is not a creeping Kingdom this is not a headon Kingdom this is a kingdom that some day will the say end from heaven on earth and we looked at that then I'm not going to go back over that as we consider the millennial kingdom in the future Ian of Jesus Christ that's the and to Sapir Sion that's the prophetic The last fact of this petition but I want to move on to its application. I want to consider again to some of the practical ramifications of the present spiritual rule of Christ in our lives while we are that visible Escada logical a story will rule at the end of fest straight because while we piss of pit a moment in time when Jesus will become THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS at the end of the we must not forget that presently he is the lord over the church and so while we pray more properly that the kingdom will come in the future by implication we are also praying that while we we have further out a vent we are acknowledging his lordship in the present over the church as it will be fully manifested over the nations at an appointed time. This prayer is a per for God to take charge of our lives right no I there is a present Kingdom it spiritual it's internal in the book of collage and we're told that when Jesus SEE of dust we were transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God as the are son we come under the rule of the love of God's a dear son and we want to live the full implication of God because the call of the gospel is a call to relinquish the godless rule of our lives by ourselves we are no longer our own we have been bought with a price 1st print in the in 6 verse 18 to 20 according to coalitions to verse 20 it is no longer you and I that live but Christ that lives and us in the life we know I live we live by fear in the Son of God who loved us and give himself us once we come to Christ we live differently we come under his rule in his kingdom we allow him to use his word as a scepter to direct us. I see Jesus Christ not only intends to see of us from the eternal damnation of sin Jesus Christ intends to see of us from the daily domination of sin. Over and go lesions SHOPPER one you'll see this in terms of the purpose of his redemption in terms of the end of our salvation Grace to you and peace from God the Father in the large Jesus Christ Gleason's Chapter one Verse 3 who give himself for our sins to what end that he might see of us from not eternal damnation Yes but something more is here to give themself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil show Jesus died not only to lift the condemnation of God from us but Jesus died so that the real enough sin with us might be broken that he might take charge of our lives we come under new management from the front window to the back room of our lives God is no I in charge after suffering a crushing defeat at the hounds of Lord Nelson a French naval officer went aboard the great anguish admirals ship and he proudly extended his hand to him. Nelson stood to attention and said Sir give me your sword and then I will take your hand that's what happens when you when I come to Jesus Christ we the needy and His Kingdom we give up our sword. He takes his by the high and from the moment when he begins to direct our lives and so I want to consider this petition with you for a few moments what I challenge you to service and submission to Christ that is constant and complete and rapid and willing because this petition encourages us to pray Your kingdom come your will be done On earth as it is in heaven high as God's well being done right Nolen haven't Well let me give you one little window into the turn back to some 103. Some 103 and we look out the verses speaking of the in Jolly Coast speaking of the armies of heaven and why they serve God and submit to Him 1st one to bless the Lord you his in jewels to excel in strength to do his word heeding the voice of his word blessed the Lord all you his hosts ministers of his who do his pleasure bless the Lord all his works in all places of his dominions highest God's well being done in heaven right now why it's being done by in joules being done by these spiritual servants and they do His word and they do his bidding and they do His pleasure tomboy joyfully immediately completely willingly and that's all bunged up in this petition for you and I to pray we're praying Lord come take charge of our life may you rule our thoughts may you Domini at our hearts may our will. And may we walk in lockstep with your word there are 2 things generally I want to say about this petition on the practical an awful occasional side 1st of all this prayer is timeless and secondly this prayer is tough this is a time with prayer this is a perv that never goes out of fashion and I'll tell you why because a needless bottle has Ridge the role in this issue from the fall of see it and forward to Wells of CLOS than this universe on the one side of the bottle and you have the world's philosophy which says fight for self even if it entails wounding others make yourself 1st and last on the opposite end of the trenches you have the Christian. Philosophy which says throw down your sword at the feet of God become a servant extractive be injured by others and even for others Lucifer followed the 1st creed and became see it in the enemy of God Jesus followed the Sakon creed and became the suffering servant of God in the day his exulted KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS and I would remind you this fight continues in this choice room eons sat before us it's a there are well are God's will to say the words way or it's heavens dictates and that's the question that bind up in this petition will we like see it in use or the rule of God in our lives or will we like Jesus Christ's and then our lives to God's rule this is a timeless question see it in according to Isaiah 14 versus 12 through 15 all on equal with God saw to us say end to set his throne above God he was brought on board in the Philippians 2 verses 5311 Jesus Christ although equal with God. He descended was made a little lower than the angels came in the form of Amman submitted himself to the death of the cross in time he will be exalted that's the choice where we exult ourself above God and be brought done or will we be before God and him to lift us up. Jesus by this petition is calling us to make a deal each choice LORD YOUR Well let me live like be in jewels in heaven do your bidding and fulfill your pleasure let me be like your son to make him obedient on to death even the death of the Cross this is a timeless prayer and you and I have got to pray it on a daily basis that's why Paul will say I. I piss myself under the rulership and Lordship of Jesus Christ on a daily basis I let him write the agenda I lied to him write the checks I let him determine the course this is a timeless prayer Secondly this is a tough prayer this is not an easy petition to pray and I'll give you 3 reasons why in a moment but just settle for a moment on this idea this is a tough prayer because this is a perv relinquishment this isn't her that tells us to give up our sword this is a per that tells us the ball our knee this is a perfect tells us not to do our own finking but to renew our mind on the deal E V S S This is a perfect tells us this body of ours is not ours to expand on our own pleasures the money we have in our pockets and in our wallets in our buying balance books that money doesn't belong to us the silver is the Lord's the earth is the Lord's in the fullness thereof. This is a tough prayer. Because it puts us in our place in fact Martin Luther the Protestant a farmer said of this part of the Lord's Prayer in his exposition of the Lord's Prayer this is a fearful prayer is that not true. Let's be honest we're somewhat frightened to pray this prayer aren't really your be done we're not sure of its implications maybe it'll cost is too much maybe going to have us do some we don't want to do. We don't like to pray this prayer but we must pray it because it's timeless although it's tough it is the secret to living night the whole implication of Christ redemptive work on our behalf and this prayer has a tendency to stick in our throat because Rowling is not easy it wasn't easy for Abraham to surrender his son Isaac It wasn't easy for Moses to let go of his understanding of God ought to deliver Israel from the clutch of the Egyptians and it wasn't easy for Mary to give up her future plans for her family and the bird the gossip and whispers of the community about her fanciful tale of burying a son as a very. Wasn't easy for Paul to settle done to the thought that his thorn in the flesh was permanent he would have to deal with that physical ailment it wasn't easy for Jesus to intice a pit the cross and the look beyond the physical scourging and see that. He would be crushed between the lower and higher millstones of God's wrath that God's Holy would be exhausted upon him and end him for the alexy. For the purchase of his church and as he took that cup metaphorically speaking in the garden of get salmon he has begun to tremble and beads of sweat broke upon his broad He failed the red clay earth pretty very tough for my will be done but yours Father this is not I easy perts timeless but it's tough and I want to just take you practically in a number of the reactions here about why I believe it's tough and uncertain some of the questions I think that are part and parcel of why we are hesitant sometimes to pray this prayer why is this a tough prayer to pray why is it a fearful purred to borrow Luther's was number one it puts us against our self that makes it difficult doesn't it was the verse doesn't say not my will it's there if God's Kingdom is going to come out of God's world is going to be done our agenda has got to be set aside and our will subjugated and submitted to his we're going to have to surrender control of our lives and that goes against the grain of our nature all we like sheep of gone astray Isiah $53.00 Verse 6 turned everyone to his own way that's us we like it our way correct to have a witness yes we like it that way but this prayer gets in the way . You see life is build their own self according to Paul apart from the grace of God man by nature are selfish and in competition with God 2nd term of the 3 Verse 2 tells us that they are lovers of them sales and 2nd term of the 3 Verse 4 tells us they are lovers of pleasure rather than God they him and hard house of proclivity to to clear itself gawd the greatest manifestation of that will come at the end before the Millennial Kingdom one Amman will arise and the Temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God's call the world to worship Him Well lots this principle on the ground still but how does it show up in your life and my life well we make ourselves God when we demand that the circumstances that are plums we make ourselves God when we covet what others possess we make ourselves God when we would rather be someone else and we don't like ourselves we make ourselves God when we take credit for being the source of our success we make ourselves go out every time we take the wheel of our life pushing God into the back seat in an attempt to guide life toward our own ends but this prayer is a tough prayer because this prayer confronts the chewed and pits us against ourselves and per God's Will enough already know I become paramount and. Remember prayer is not about getting our well done and have been saved by God's will getting done on earth was given to us to be used in God's service not to make a servant out of Gawd and we cannot waste it on ourselves that's why James 43 tells us why is it you pray but you don't see as many answers as to your prayers as you wish because too often we're praying about ourself and not of but God's glory you do not receive because you miss that you may spend it on your own pleasures Here's what God is saying about prayer I'm giving you the privilege of prayer invest it to Kingdom and us don't spend it. On personal acquisitions what we like to use further away is about me and mine but prayer according to Jesus here it's about him his and what belongs to eternity and that's why this is difficult prayer because this prayer tells us to say no to self and yes to go. To Self is the price of truth in a fact of prayer but let me tell you why that's tough and it is and it has us cutting across the grin of our own nature apart from Christ work I want you to remember that there is a greater cost and indulging self compared to the price you'll pay in doing God's will I though it's a tough prayer remind yourself often that can control of your life you'll end up losing control of your life. Proverbs 1412 there's a way that seems right to Amman but they end their office the way of death. That's beyond us one half of our problems come from one thing our own way and the other half is getting it many of us find that when we get what we want we don't want what we get. So this is tough and there is a cost to surrender to Jesus Christ in the end it's a price worth paying because of the light yourself and the Lord. Putting him 1st the interest of his church and his glory 1st he'll give you the desires of your heart some 37 verse for market verse 35 reminds us of a principle that you and I need to lay hold of we're living in a world that says pumper self. Or live in a world that feeds the ego love yourself you don't love yourself enough no folks the problem is we love ourselves too much that's the problem. And Jesus says here in March after it verse $34.00 whoever desires to come off their meat and had him the 9 himself pick up as cross and follow me there's a price to be Pead in following Jesus Christ if you walk the aisle and surrender your life to Jesus Christ you're not just getting a fire insurance policy in terms of eternal damnation you're signing up for a lifetime of service to Jesus Christ you're submitting yourself to his large ship you're coming under his rule you're declaring you know what he died for me I'm going to die for him. I'm going to live my life for His glory Jesus said You need to do that deny yourself take up your cross follow me for whoever desires to see if his life will lose it now we've got to remember this verse when we are tempted not the pride of tough and frightful prayer of Matthew 610 I'm scared to pray Lord Your will be done. With Jesus said I understand that that goes against your nature you don't like the feet of Hon The Gospel is challenging your autonomy the Spirit of God is overhauling your whole perspective on life but remember here's the way it works in my kingdom if you'll keep your life you'll lose it if you lose your life you'll keep So although this purpose is against herself deny yourself pray it and in the end. As Jim Elliot find it although martyred in Ecuador he is no fool he gives up what he cannot keep for what he cannot lose. That's the part of Doc's of the Christian life don't keep back from God what already belongs to him that one see a view that will dominate you. Richard Foster in his book I'm person is part of the answer lies in the fact that frequently we hold on so tightly to the good that we don't know that we counted to see the greater good that we do not know God has to help us let go of our tiny vision in order to release the greater good he has in store for us. So Jesus is saying here. That's Philip to Corsi encouraging us to trust God as he prepares a greater good you're listening to know the truth and a message titled down with heaven Today's message is part of our larger series titled For those who haven't got a prayer here previous broadcast online or to the entire series on CD when you visit K T T dot org And while you're on our website learn more about know the truce recent radio expansion to reach more people in more cities across America we're calling this the Great Cities initiative and while the price tag is great so is the need to reach millions more for Christ in cities like Detroit Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburgh and Seattle but we can't do this alone we need you to invest with us so more people can hear the clear and convicting truth of God's word delivered by Philip to Corsi here on No the truth when you do lives will be changed for eternity because we know God's word does not return void so give today to send the Gospel out across America call in your generous donation 288-864-4881 extension 1 or give online at Katie dot org And if you prefer to send a check address below to know the truth Post Office Box 30250 Anaheim Hills California 92. 809 and when you give today we'll send you an inspiring book to help you take your per life to a deeper level titled You can pray this book offers fresh inspiration for talking to God anytime anywhere and all through your day request this book on prayer when you give today at K T T dot org. And if you're new to know the truth we have a free gift for you just reach out to us by phone at 888-644-8811 request the free CD message the day I will never forget. I'm your host when Shepard tomorrow will be learning more about surrendering our will to God's will be listening Tuesday to know the truth. Today's program was produced in sponsored by I know the truth incorporated Jesus said You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Confused by all the talk about a good night's sleep there's a lot of new mattress companies but they're all missing something they're missing expertise introducing Tomorrow the new mattress and sleep system from sort of cements betting tomorrow with great sleep delivered right to your door use promo code happy for up to 250 dollars in savings when purchasing a mattress foundation and sleep protector That's tomorrow sleep dot com promo code happy. 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Of Am Ex Who is this person who gathers up sin and all its manifestations and all its effects and pays in full the punishment that satisfies the judgment and the wrath of God and then takes all of it and carries it away never to see it again is this person who dies. Maybe you have friends or family who respect Jesus they say he was a great teacher or a brilliant leader or a humble servant but they don't believe he was both God and Man Why is that why do so many people today reject Jesus true identity of course that sort of unbelief is nothing new for a sobering look at why most of the Jewish nation rejected Jesus 2000 years ago and why that same unbelief persists today stay here on Grace to you as John MacArthur continues his current study from Isaiah 53 titled The Gospel According to God for the lesson now here's John. The question that arises and let's take this question as our entry point into the text of Isaiah 53 why did they reject Jesus Christ why they will they will tell us why they will tell God why and the confession that they will make in the future and that anyone who comes to Christ now must make is in verses 2 and 3. 3 reasons are given here 3 reasons they are confessed reasons number one and they all have to do with the contempt they had for him number one he had a contemptible origin he had a contemptible origin he grew up before him like a tender shoot and like a route out of parched ground we looked at Jesus what do we see and in significant family Joseph married and in significant town Nazareth way off the beaten track born in in significant place in an inn in a stable placed in a feed trough and attending his birth where shepherds who are the lowest people on the social ladder no royal birth no social status no family nobility no formal education 30 years a carpenter in Nazareth no connections with anybody who mattered with the elite with the important he's a soccer branch he's irrelevant Ariza is like a route out of parched ground as the sun comes down.

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