That's. R.C.S. . Think. This is the. Service of. Jim Daly is sponsored by Focus on the family. Are you struggling in your marriage given each other the family treatment do you feel her. Marriage. A marriage intensive experience by Focus on the family provides. Counseling care it will make a difference in your life and your marriage call 186-687-5291 extension 54 go to hope her story. Let's hope. God Himself is going to take your face in between his hands and wipe the tears from your cheeks listen are you suffering to day one day God is going to wipe away all there is and there's going to be no more suffering no more pain no more death and nothing that causes that. Are you. Want to turn the perspective about heaven from our featured speaker today on focus on the family and Graham Lotz and she shares about heaven as it's described in the Bible thanks for joining us today I'm John Fuller and your host is focus president and author Jim Davis and John I think we have so much to look forward to in heaven and is and said On our last program have been is real and it's a perfect place when she talks about no more tears no more pain I have heard people who have had that experience that death experience and they have said that feeling that sense that they were near pure love I mean think of that I don't know what it's going to be like to go over that threshold but I kind of want to do. With this attitude of. You know magic coming into heaven with the biggest smile on your face and ready to meet Jesus as your Lord and Savior that is going to be an incredible time that's of course where and father is now Dr Billy Graham who went to be with the Lord on February 21st at age 99 and I'm sure there was a great celebration in heaven on that day what an amazing impact that man had for Christ around the world and if you missed part one of dance presentation get in touch with us we can send it to you on CD your audio download so that you can listen to it again or even share it with a friend and you can do so on our app as well all of that available at Focus on the Family dot com slash radio or call 800 the letter A and the word family and will tell you more and Graham Lotz is an award winning author speaker and Bible teacher of course and in fact her dad used to say she was the best preacher in the family and she is good you know she's been on the broadcast here I've met her several times she is so genuine and she's written a book on this topic called Heaven my father's house and you can get a copy through us here focus on the Family All right here's And now as she reads out of the New Testament the Book of Revelation chapter 21 the Apostle John's account of a vision he had of heaven and I'll note this was recorded at a women's conference that was sponsored by Focus on the family a few years ago. And if you are not careful we're going to be sucked into this materialistic society of ours that is just living as though this life is all there is and I believe some of us are going to be very disappointed when we get to heaven and found that the treasures we laid up with in comparison with what we could of light up had we given at the town attention that we give a lot of these material things. And John said The streets are paved with gold transparent like glass. You know I thought transparent like glass that probably would act like a mirror so that when you were walk every step you would take would be reflected when I get to heaven 1st John Chapter 2 or 3 says that I don't know what I'm going to be like but I know this on the point of be like Jews this and that means when I get to heaven this old nature and all of this sin is going to drop all friend I'm going to be like crying just so every step father taken every move on making every word Our speak and every thought I have is going to be a reflection of years ago Maureen and there's a part 7 of me that alarms the street Jews Askari some glorified get soul to discuss this with people who want to cash in on his glory I once talked to a speaker and they said they they want to use this to get the glorious long as they can have a 14 percent commission. And it can be humorous except that person minutes cashing their own Ezekial ory and then I hear is name prefer a name and joked about and use them cursing and even Christians who say well we want to be tolerant you know so on this particular program we want to have a Jew in a Buddhist and Hindu and we can have a Christian speaker as though Jesus is one of the boys you know and he's not he is there a little you thank God we get to heaven every single person heaven in drug problem Holy Spirit reflecting the glory of Jesus Christ and every time we make a move those streets of transparent gold reflect the glory of Christ throughout the universe and for once and for all for ever and ever Jesus Christ will be absolutely glorified in the universe through your life and from our eyes what a day that's going to bed. Thank you both. But I think perhaps one of the most meaningful aspects of the physical characteristics of heaven are the gates because we're told that the gates are made out of pearls and then verse 12 it says that there are 12 gates and then down in verse $21.00 the 12 gates were 12 pearls each gate was made of a single pearl. Now you think about a fun minutes those pearly gates are hanging and walls that are 200 feet thick Now can you imagine how big one of those pearls is. And you know how a pearl is formed. Our parlance formed when our grain of sand gets inside of an oyster irritates us and the oyster begins to cover that grain of sand with a layer of mother of pearl and the oyster keeps covering that grain of sand with a layer of mother of pearl until it can no longer feel the earth ation and these girls are as as big as Gates that hang on walls to interfere that their Carver not just an irritation to the orchestra but John heretics suffering and I think what those gates of pearl are representing is the suffering there the blog the process of Jesus Christ that every time we enter into Heaven every time we passed through those pearly gates we're going to be reminded that it cost Jesus Christ is very live door opens Heaven's gates to us thank you thank. You you know somebody who says that there are other ways to God Besides choose us over ways to heaven besides the cross of Jesus Christ that their good works outweigh very bad works and God knows it to them to let them in their own religion a sufficient thank you that they'll go according to their own. Legend that if they're sincere or good enough good enough moral enough but every time we walk through those gates the gates themselves remind you and me that the only way we can enter heaven is through the death and the blood and the cross of Jesus Christ. I don't know about you but whenever I pass those pearly gates I'm going to be humbled and those sort of grateful and he was willing to pay the price for me. Heaven is a perfect closer for a pair of clothes it's a physical plays and it's a populated place. People live in heaven it's not just a jewel it's not just a showcase it's not just like a designer home you know that you display but heaven is a place where people live heaven is the home of the Lord and the lamb verse 22 I didn't see a temple in the city because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple and the word for Temple is that word in the Old Testament that is used for the Holy of Holies remember in the Old Testament the tabernacle was divided into 2 places there was the holy place and the most holy place was where God was said to live and do well and the only way you can get into that most holy place was once a year about how a priest would come and grasp a little lamb with both hands and confess the sin of the nation and the sin of the guilt was conveyed to the little lamb and then the lamb was slain in the blood was sprinkled on the altar to make a comment for sin and then the Harper is can go into that most holy points he would take the law to rely on him to that most holy place to make atonement for my own sin but you and Donna and everybody else can even go into the most holy place we had no access into the presence of God at all and then when Jews us cries down on the cross the Gospels tell us that the very little that separated the most holy place from the holy place in the temple was rent from top to bottom and the Divine Hand of God tore apart that right all because through the blood of Jesus we can enter right into God's presence have access to her. And we can come to. Our faith in prayer any time we choose and walk right into that most holy place of his firm's rooms and when we get to have when it says that there's no need for a temple because the Lord God Almighty in the Lamb are of the temple but almost to tell you something. There are 2 places being prepared in the universe. One is haven't prepared. For the Lord and the Lamb and his loved ones and one is hell. Verse 8 but the cowardly The unbelieving the raw the murderers the sexually immoral those who practice magic arts they are doctors all liars their place will be in the Far East lake of burning sulphur this is the 2nd death the 1st death is when your doc physically the 2nd death is when you die spiritually and you go to hell. And the Bible talks as much about Harold as it does about heaven. And I'm going to describe held to you in contrast to heaven not because I want to be negative at the end of a wonderful day and not because I want to discourage a depressed and a body I just want you to understand the truth of what the Bible says and I'm not going to take the time to give you the verses but every description I give you of hill comes right straight from the Bible as does the description of Heaven. Heaven as we've already seen is a place where there's no suffering there's no death there's no mourning there's no pain there's no crime hell on the other hand has been described as a place of gnashing of teeth and the only time I mashed not to it was in childbirth and I'm sorry Eva but it hurt and about the end of all that labor and everything and they couldn't give me the medication on they did because of our blood pressure and and when that baby came I was gnashing their teeth in pain when it says that Hell was a place of gnashing of teeth it means that Hell was a place of physical suffering and torment. This is focused on the family we're listening to and Graham Lotz sharing a biblical perspective on heaven and hell. But you can get a CD of this program to share with a friend or get a copy of Ian's book on the subject it's called Heaven my father's house those are available when you call 800 a family or stop by. I focused on the Family dot com slash review. Heaven is described as a place that has how walls and gates it's absolutely safe and secure. Hell is the scrub there is a place of great insecurity it's a bottomless pit the Bible says and I can imagine if you and I fell into a bottomless pit we would have the sensation of falling falling trying to grab on to something to break our fall and not being able to and just this tremendous insecurity. And heaven is the scrubbers a place that has 12 foundations absolutely stable hell is described as a light unstable always changing fluctuating moving never the same heaven is described as a place where the glory of God gives that light and there is no night there hell is described as a place of great darkness. Ever had somebody say they don't want to go to heaven because all their friends are going to be in hell and they want to go to hell and have a big part of them there with their friends and actually had a writer tell this to my brother and she said that she knew her grandmother and her family members had gone to hell and so she didn't want to go to heaven because she wanted to go to hell and be with her grandmother and her family and you know something your family may be inhaled and I pray to God they're not and I don't mean to be rude but point to God they're not but if they're there and you go to Hell you're not going to see them because hell is dark. And you may hear the screams and the gnashing of teeth but you're not going to save them don't go to hell because somebody else is there or because you want to be with somebody. And heaven is described as a place where the nations of verified war or Kings bring their splendor It's a place of wonderful fellowship like this and Hell was described as a place of absolute isolation you may hear the screams of other people but you're all by yourself in your darkness and your sin and your guilt and there is no goodness No miss no righteousness no holiness no beauty no love. And you're all by yourself and that kind of atmosphere and soon going to heaven is this crab is a place where there's a river of water of life flowing from the throne and hell is this crabbed is a place of far intense dissatisfaction knowing you were created for something and yet never being fulfilled in that always being dissatisfied warning something never getting it like having a craving and never having that craving satisfied it's. Going to heaven is this crab is a place where we're going to serve God and we're going to see him face to face and his face will never be turned from us and help us to. We're going to be separated from God for all eternity Mary one for whom you were created in the very one who loves you and gave Himself for you you will never see never be with separated from God for ever and ever and ever. Listen to me Don't ever tell somebody to go to hell. Number one it's not your decision. And when you begin to understand what Hell is like you don't even want your enemies to go to hell that's why it says that God is soul patient because he's not willing for any to perish he wants all to come to repentance if you ever heard somebody say one loving God would never send anyone to hail listen to me a loving God doesn't send anyone to hell that's not his choice. God has offered salvation to you and me. And it's our choice whether we receive the salvation that is offered and go to heaven or our choice whether we ignore a message like this on a day like this and shrug and walk off and say well that doesn't mean me and you know I'll wait another day and. And it's your choice to refuse God's gracious offer of salvation but I want you to understand what the choice is I want you to make an informed choice you can choose to place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and go to heaven when you die or you can choose to ignore this and reject this and just say you're wait for another day until it's too late and you can choose to spend eternity in hell that's your choice. And I believe it's a choice that was given to the whole world is just that I wonder how many people around you your family and your friends do even know better it's their choice when of you told them about the choice to go to heaven or hell. You and I have them are all spiritual obligation and the privilege and the responsibility before Almighty God to tell the world that there are 2 phases being prepared and it's their choice 7 as to where they spend eternity look at verse 27. Nothing impure will ever enter heaven nor will anyone who does what a shame for deceitful but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. You know how your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life I didn't quite understand this until I made a study of Revelation but as Monder standing is that when you're born into the human race your name is written in the Lamb's book of your. But if you go through you're alive and you never c receive God's gracious offer of salvation if you never believe ever we placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your savior when you go out into eternity your name is blotted out of the book. And when we get to heaven the books are open and he looks down the page and it comes to my name I am Graham Watson he's a and welcome and your heavenly home you placed your faith in must furnish your savior when you were a young girl in your grade committed yourself to me and welcome welcome this is your home and then I wonder if he looks on the next one. And the next one name has been blotted out it's. Because I'm never told somebody about their choice to go to heaven or to go to hell and they didn't know they could receive Christ as Savior and they went out into all eternity lost because I didn't tell them that they could be saved. And those of you like myself who know Jesus Christ as Savior all received and they don't leave it up to the Billy Graham's of the world you don't leave it up to the professional Aventuras of a pastor that's your 2 glorious privilege to tell somebody else about you. But I want to speak to those of you in the serener right now who know that you have never deliberately with your adult consciousness and placed your faith in Jesus as your Savior and I don't know why you haven't maybe you thought it was. Necessary Maybe you're one that thought you could get in by your good works maybe you thought just being religious or attending church was enough then I want to tell you a little story in London England years ago there was a little boy who just lived on the streets a little homeless child and he heard one day that they all moved he was coming to town to preach and he wanted to hear him preach and the meeting was going to be across London and so the David they all knew he was to preach a little boy set out and he ran through the gutters he stole an apple here and he dodged the carriages there and what is soon an evening he came to the church it was up on a hill and he could hear the music you saw the lights coming from the same guys when does it look like heaven to him and he ran up the steps and he was so excited to go in the church and hear Dr Moody preachin just about this time he got to the door and opened the door a big way and grabbed him and spun him around and said Where do you think you're going and the little voice Oh he said I've come to hear Dr Moody preach I walked only across the city and I've worked hard to get here and I don't want to hear him preach and the man with a big hand said not true you're too dirty to get him beyond the little boy just stuck his nose up in the air and far off on another way and he went around the church but the windows were to have to crawl through and there was no other door and so he came back to the steps and they set down the steps he began to cry he was so disappointed about that time a carriage pulled up to the foot of the steps and this man in a top hat and tails came out of the carriage and began to walk up the steps and a little boy was intrigued in spite of herself and the moon stopped and saw the grown old boy the tears coming down his cheeks and he says son what's wrong and the little boy said oh he sort of works so hard in our walk all over across London and I've come to hear Dion what he preached but now they say I'm too dirty to go inside . And the big man looked at him for a moment then he stretched out his hand and he said Put your hand and. Looked up at the big man and he thought well and he put his little hand in salve the big May and sand and they walked together up the steps where they came to a Dorgan. I've been close of a little boy and now the door was flung back and the big man holding the little boy's hand walked down the center aisle they came to the front row in the big man and put the little boy on that front row and then climbed up on the platform in the big main and began to preach the big man was Veil moving. It's a story about it. And it illustrates in a beautiful way that the only way you get into heaven is because we're holding the hand of God so I cannot get into heaven because I'm Billy Graham's daughter I can't get into heaven because I'm a member of a church I can't get into heaven because of done so many good things and they outweigh my bad things that only right and everyone gets in the air room anyone gets into heaven is because they've put their head in the hand of Jesus and he extends is handy with the cross and he says listen I love you love you long view and I love you so much I want you to spend eternity with me in fact for 2000 Marys are preparing a home just for you and I want you to come live with me forever. But you have to make the deliberate choice to receive Jesus Christ back say as your Savior and I'm going to invite you right now to do that for those of you who do not know for sure that if you were to die out today you would go to heaven when you die but you want to make sure I'm going to invite you right now to get up out of your seat and you can come stand around this platform and I'm not going to embarrass anybody I'm just going to have a word of prayer with you we're going to give you a little cards of that you can receive about a study says a male to help you begin to get to know Jesus and then you can go back and join your friends but I'm going to invite you right now I'm going to ask Miss and Christian sitting there in their arena do not leave I want you to sit there and just papering and if you see somebody coming forward to accept Christ and you want to encourage them you're just part is the Angels of him going to far and those of you want to receive Christ half a vision savior you come and I'm going to rest don't Holy Spirit to work in your heart and bring you forward to make this decision right now you come to Jesus to see. The picture an audience of almost 20000 women who were just listening to every word by and Graham Lotz and at this point cross the arena women are standing up and walking forward to follow that to accept your invitation to say yes I'll give my life to Jesus Christ I want to spend eternity in heaven with him Jim what a powerful moment that must have been must have and there are many people that step forward that data accept the Lord and maybe you've been touched by Ann's message as well and you've stopped whatever you're doing to simply talk to God let me courage you to pray this prayer with me right now Lord Jesus Christ I need you I know that I'm a sinner thank you for dying on the cross for my sins I repent and turn away from them I open the door of my. Life and receive you as my Savior and Lord thank you for forgiving me of my sins and giving me turn a life make me the kind of person you want me to be a men and I'm telling you that is going to start a journey that you will never regret Yeah and if you prayed that prayer along with Jim please let us know so we can congratulate you on the best decision you'll ever make and give you some follow up materials and resources to help encourage that life of faith that we have a free book it's an e-book called Coming Home and invitation to join God's family and it'll help you take the next steps you need to take you know John when I was in college Donda me that although I had accepted Christ as a 15 year old I hadn't really studied the Bible the Word of God and it occurred to me that my turn will soul depends on what's written in that book I'd better know what it says and I hope you'll have that appetite as well that motivated me to blaze through the New Testament I remember skipping classes in college so I could simply read the New Testament like the 4 gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John and also to read the letters of the Apostle Paul and boy that really was a faith builder so let me and courage you as well no matter where you're at in your faith read your Bible and I know it can be intimidating there's lots of content there start with the Gospels where Jesus is speaking directly and that way you can begin to evaluate it for yourself is it speaking to your heart find a Bible believing church in your neighborhood get in there meet some of the leadership and if you have questions ask you know it's like being a child just keep asking questions until you're satisfied that's how you build a walk of faith and here's one other key keep listening to focus on the family will help you. Build your faith and give you helpful advice for your marriage and your parenting journey which is a big part of God's plan for you and we'll do it together with you if you'd like a copy of today's message from an Graham Lotz so you can listen to it again or share with a family member or a friend just get in touch with us we'll send you the CD and if you could make a donation of any amount to focus it will be our way of saying thank you by sending that along but don't let that stop you if you can afford it let us know and we'll get it into your hands if you prayed that prayer with us let me say welcome to the family of God and well done and we'd love to hear from you our number is 800 the letter A in the word family 802326459 or on line word focus on the Family dot com slash radio Be sure to join us next time is we hear from Bart and Shannon Mullard from the popular Christian band Mercy Me I got 5 kids if we can get our order straight and drive through and snap I'm like come on what is wrong with this kid the smallest thing to set me off and say. Yes it's like it's like I'm some going to come back around to. See around the horn around the horn. That's next time and focus on the family thanks for listening and when you get in touch please let us know that you listen I am 1100 K. F.A.'s I'm John Fuller and on behalf of Jim Daly in the entire to join us next to me is we once more help you and your family driving crimes. 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It is coming Monday June the 11th is their 2nd annual pastor's Masters golf tournament held once again at the Spring Valley Golf Course in Milpitas it's open to pastures elders church staffers or Christian ministry leaders to fight all the details on a website at K F E X dot com The following sponsored by pathway to victory a ministry of 1st Baptist Church Dallas today on pathway to victory Dr Robert Jeffress presents a message called the signs of the times and while it's true Matthew $2436.00 says no man knows the day or the hour of Christ return as we're going to see in Jesus' words today we are still to be observant of the signs around this that are pointing to his soon and certain return and we are to live our lives and the lives of his coming Welcome to the pathway to victory with author and pastor Dr Robert Jeffers violence in the Middle East political unrest threats of nuclear war you know just a few minutes of watching the news each day is enough to convince anyone that the end is near today on pathway to victory Dr Robert Jeffress looks at the specific events outlined in scripture that will preceded Christ's soon return now here's our Bible teacher to introduce today's message Dr Jeffers Thanks David and welcome to pathway to victory I've been reading the Bible all my life reared in a Christian home and active in the local church from my earliest days my bible is rarely more than an arm's reach away but I have to admit even though I'm well acquainted with the scriptures there are times when I'm surprised by what I read in the Bible I'm especially unsettled when I read passages like the one at hand the day when Chapter 17 Jesus said some shocking things to his followers and he set standards for his children that. See impossibly high and this is just one of the reasons I was inspired to write a brand new book called 77 surprising sayings of Jesus and reading this book I want you to wrestle with the tough wards our Savior spoke as you do it will inspire you to reach higher and it will cause you to grow stronger in Christ today I'm providing a copy of this book 77 surprising sayings of Jesus when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory I'll explain more about my book and other resources after today study but right now let's turn in our Bibles to Luke Chapter 17 Our series is called reigniting your passion for Christ and I have titled Today's message songs of the time. I have a friend who has a saying he says to a hammer everything looks like a nail. And I know what he's saying all of us tend to look at circumstances in our life or in the world through a unique set of lenses a lens that has been crafted by own personal experience and perhaps by our own theology to hammer everything looks like a nail to those of us who believe what the Bible says about the return of Jesus Christ and the events that were 3 C. That return well that determines how we look at the World events to a Prima lineal as every world of IT LOOKS LIKE A sign of the 2nd coming of Jesus and while it's true Matthew $2436.00 says no man knows the day or the hour of Christ's return as we're going to see in Jesus' words today we are still to be observant of the signs around us that are pointing to his soon and certain return and. We are going to live our lives and the light of his coming that's the theme of the passage we're going to look at today if you have your Bibles turned to Luke Chapter 17 as we talk about the signs of the times when my girls were growing up they had a word that they often used to describe people who kind of seemed out there are comments people would make that sing coming out of left field it was the word of random they would say oh dad that's so random but more often dad you're so random. And I knew what they were talking about well when you look at these 1st 19 verses of the sayings of Jesus in life 17 quite honestly they seem random they seem totally disconnected from one another from anything else Jesus has been talking about but remember he's giving these instructions for how to live in wide of what he's going to talk about in verse 20 and that is his 2nd coming these verses tell us how we are to live in the light of the 2nd coming of Jesus and verses one through 19 you find 5 simple exhortations of how we should be living our lives in these last days 1st of all he says we are to be careful and how we live look at verses $1.00 and $2.00 And Jesus said to His disciples it is inevitable that stumbling blocks should come to him through whom they come they would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea then he should cause one of these little ones to stumble. Now the word translated stumbling block is the Greek word scandal on we get our words can go from it it literally refers to a piece of bait that is used in a trap. In order to ensnare an animal he's saying whatever 2 you do be careful that you don't become a trap for other people that in some headway would make them stumble and their relationship with God that would lead them then to disbelieve for and to sin for them and the word translated little ones sometimes people think of that as shill grand that's not what he has in mind here I think sometimes we read this we think about you know causing a little child to stumble is this referring to some pervert who hangs out at the playground of the Nella mentor school and tries to learn kids in the car with a piece of candy is that what he's talking about no that's not what he's talking about the word translated little ones refers literally to those who are naive to those who are taught for example he could be referring to non christians don't do and anything in your life that would cause a non-Christian does stumble over the Gospel of Jesus Christ that would lead them away from God. And a couple of weeks ago I had just made a commitment to do something that became tremendously inconvenient for me to do and so I was going to break the commitment but then I realized the people I was dealing with they were non Christians and I knew they knew I was a Christian and if I broke that commitment something I had given my word to do I knew what they would say oh that's what those Christians do that's how those Christians live I thought of Gandhi's observation I might be persuaded to become a Christian if I ever met one the term little one's not only refers to non christians that can refer to new or Christian or taught Christians don't do anything as an older more mature Christian that would cause a new Christian does some ball in his relationship with God that would really that . New Christian in the sand all actually use that term stumbling block in 1st Corinthians Chapter 8 remember the situation in the church at Corinth there was a debate over whether or not Christian should be meat and that had been offered to I don't the older more mature Christian says what's the big deal of course we can eat it there's no such thing as an I don't why should you eat that mate but the newer converts and the church at Corinth had come out of idol worship and to them it was San eat meat that had been offered to an idol and yet as they saw these older Christians ruin it it was the temptation for them to violate their own conscience and that's a terrible thing to violate your conscience it will lead them back into their old way you girls lifestyle before they were Christians so that was that they should Christians eat meat that have been offered to idols you know today we don't debate that. And we debate subjects like that should Christians drink alcoholic beverages for example you know we know there's nothing in that of a self sinful about alcohol but what does this say to new Christians or what does it say to people who are tempted with alcoholism and how does my freedom of Christ how is it impacted by other people look at what Paul says in 1st Corinthians 8 verses 11 to 13 for through your knowledge he who is what he is ruined for your knowledge that there is no such thing as an idol but there is nothing wrong with this me for your knowledge he who is weak has ruined the brother for whose sake Christ died and thus by sinning against the brethren and winding their consciences when you when it is wake use sin against Christ therefore if. A policy is in Romans of food or drink causes my brother to there's the word stumble I will never eat meat again that I might not. Caused my brother to stumble. My freedom in Christ in sweat it impacts another believer negatively. And notice what Jesus says to cause another Christian or a non-Christian to stumble in his relationship with God Why it would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck and cast into the sea it's 18 inches in diameter 3 to 4 inches thick thick it was used this huge cylinder in the milling process of the bench what he's talking about when he's talking about having a mill stone tied around your neck it be better for you if that happened than to cause a person to stumble in his relationship with God and Light of Christ returned Secondly Jesus says Be forgiving and look at verses $3.00 and $4.00 and be on your guard if your brother sans review can't come and if you re parents forgive him and if he sins against you 7 times that day saying I repent forgive him. And it's important to note Jesus has 2 kinds of sand in mind here in verse 3 he's talking about the occasion where a fellow Christian is involved in sin that is hurting his own life or hurting the Church or hurting the reputation of God What are we to do with a fellow a Christian who gets caught up in San you know today's culture says judge not lest ye be judged as if the most loving thing you could do would be to just ignore that person and say and to accept it if you see if you saw something body aligned on the side of the road bloodied and beaten and left for dead with a merciful thing to do be to just walk by and leave that person alone no you ought to stop and help him it's the same with a fellow Christian who has been caught up in entangled in San go lation 61 says Brother and if a man is caught literally is overtaken in any trespass you who are spiritual Re Store such a why. I know in a spirit of gentleness we have an obligation toward those who are involved in sin to try to help them to free them from SAD that's our responsibility that's what he's talking about in verse 3 but the universe for Jesus talks about a different kind of sin how are we to respond if somebody sins against us personally they offend us notice what Jesus says and if he sands against you against using 7 times a day say I repent forgive him. There's somebody who keeps wrong in you and wrong in you and wrong in you and every time they say oh please forgive me what do you do your to forgive you know some people have twisted these words to say something Jesus never said they said were there it is preacher are Forgiveness is a condition upon somebody asking for forgiveness that's what he says if he asks for forgiveness forgive him he says that but he doesn't say if he doesn't ask for forgiveness don't forgive him. Jesus said whether a person asked for forgiveness or doesn't ask for forgiveness for it always forgive he said well how can I forgive somebody if they don't ask for forgiveness or just think about this if you condition your forgiveness of somebody who has one view on what they do you make yourself their prisoner if they don't ask for your forgiveness does that mean you're doomed to stay in the prison house of bigger nets for the rest of your life what if that person who has wronged you has moved away and you've lost contact with them and they can't ask for forgiveness does that mean you're sentenced to bitterness what if they're in the cemetery. They can ask for forgiveness does that mean you're doomed to bitterness no the Bible says we are to her for giving regardless of what that other person does in my. Kalev in verse 25 Jesus said and whenever you stand prayed for give if you have anything against anyone so that your father also who is in heaven may forgive you of your transgressions Jesus was picturing somebody in a worship service like this and as you pray you suddenly remember somebody who has wronged he what are you to do wait for that person to ask for forgiveness no Jesus said you have the ability right where you are in that period you to forgive to let go of that offense to give up your right to hurt that person for hurting you. Why are we to forgive certainly because of what it does for us you know I'm forgiveness Bitterness is like an acid The only thing it damages is the container and what you found. But in even greater reason the privilege of is God conditions his forgiveness of us our willingness to forgive others remember what Jesus said in Matthew 614 and 15 for if you forgive man for their transgressions your heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive me again then your father will not forgive your transgressions then get much plainer than that does it I hear people trying to explain these verses away know Jesus is it you do not forgive you cannot be forgiven Jesus says Be forgiving thirdly he says be believing look at verses $5.00 and $6.00 and the Apostles said to the Lord increase our faith and the Lord said if you have had a faith like a mustard seed you would say that this mulberry tree be uprooted and be planted in the sea and it would obey you a lot of people think the key to effective Faith is having a lot of it but you know. What the key is to effective praying it's not the quantity of faith it's the object of your faith your Jesus said It don't matter how much they can head you can have faith so small it's like one of the tiniest seeds in nature the mustard seed but if you had just a tiny sliver of faith and it's placed in the right thing in the will of God You can move mountains you can uproot trees you know a lot of people have this idea today that faith is kind of like positive thinking that if you think about something long enough and hard enough it'll happen kind of like blend in The Wizard of Oz remember Glenda what she said to Dorothy you want to go back to Kansas she said Dorothy if you will simply close your eyes techer heels 3 times and say there is no place like home there's no place like home you'll get there a lot of Christians believe that they think if I can just conjure up this fate Oh Lord I believe I believe I believe I believe then suddenly the miraculous will happen that's not what faith is faith is something small it can be very small but if it's placed in something that is within the will of God He can transform into a miracle is that what John said and 1st John $514.00 and this is the confidence that we have before him that if we ask anything according to is will we know that he hears this and I can tell you from personal experience you don't want anything that's how side the will of God You may think you do you don't . The will of God is not some chance to keep good things from coming into our life it's a protection they keep evil things from entering into our life they believe in these last days Jesus says 4th be obedient Now these verses. Are very unusual like your verses 7 to 10 but which of you having a slave plowing or tending sheep will say to him when he is come in from the field come immediately and sit down the. Eat but will he not say to him instead slave prepare something for me to eat and properly clothed yourself and serve may be until I've eaten and drunk and afterwards you all eat and drink the master doesn't thank a slave because he did the things which are commanded does he so YOU to you when you do all the things which are commanded you say we are unworthy slaves we have only done that which we ought to have done. I read a number of commentators this week who said oh these verses are so hard to understand they're not hard to understand at all they're just hard to accept. What Jesus is saying is just is a master doesn't reward a slave for doing what he's supposed to do don't expect some big reward from God simply for doing what he's commanded you to do that's what slaves do they obey their masters. We've talked in the past about rewards in heaven and that's a very real concept there are rewards in heaven based on our faithfulness to God in this life rewards for those who go above and beyond the call of duty but never forget there is a duty we have to obey God and we shouldn't expect any big pat on the back for that you know I hear some Christians when they give their testimonies and they sound like martyrs and talking about oh oh how they just struggled with sand but finally they said no to sin and yes figure and they're expecting some big applause for that and God said well good for you that's what slaves are supposed to do. You know to me that doesn't discourage obedience to God and in a strange way it makes it easier to realize if if there were no rewards in heaven you and I ought to do what God has called us to do because what he's done for us he's reading this he saved us from the pit of hell where our blood gated to serve him as Paul said Do you not know you are not your own you have been bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body be obedient and finally he says Be grateful be grateful now. There's a story in verses 11 and 19 this is not a parable it's a natural occurrence as Jesus and His disciples were making their way to Jerusalem they were approached by 10 lepers who cried out to Jesus Lord to heal us and so Jesus said You go to the priest and tell him in Jerusalem you've been healed and so obediently they went to the priest and as they walked to the priest. They were immediately healed but only one of those 10 who was healed returned and came back to Jesus to thank him what you verses 17 to 19 and Jesus answered in sad or they're not 10 you were cleansed but the 9 who are they was no one thing. Around who would give glory to God except this foreigner the Samaritan and Jesus said to him over rising go your way for faith has made you well. Did you know God appreciates are appreciated can and Philippians 4 Verse 6 I love this in The Living Bible Paul says don't worry about anything instead pray about everything tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him. For his answers. God revels in our gratitude I mean those of you who are parents understand that imagine you have 2 children. And one of your children it doesn't matter you can do the smallest thing for him or her and they are just overflowing with gratitude Oh I appreciate this Oh thank you so much thank you so much. You have another child it doesn't matter what you do for him or her they will never utter the words thank you now which child are you more likely to favor and want to do things for a grateful child. Or the ungrateful child. Why should we think God is any different. It's not that. God is made in our image it's because we are made in God's image the reason we as parents tend to favor the children who show appreciation more as we are made in the image of a God who puts a premium on gratitude and rewards those who are grateful and that's why Jesus says in your living Don't forget to be grateful for what God has already done for you. God loves to hear his children say thank you that's one of the many lessons were learned. From the 17th chapter of Luke you know pathway to victory receives grateful comments every single day and I never get tired of hearing from friends who tell us how God is using this program to influence their lives not long ago I heard from Crystal who listens to pathway to victory from Virginia she wrote Pastor Jeffress for all of my life I relied on my godly grandfather to fit me spiritually when my grandfather died it left me feeling adrift as though God and suddenly stopped listening to me through pathway to victory on becoming grounded in my direct relationship with the Lord and the reading of the Bible myself thank you for this incredible ministry and for helping me find a way to reconnect with God. Never underestimate a grandparent's influence right thank you so much Crystal your story is an encouragement to all of us especially those who are investing financially in the ministry of pathway to victory it's so good to know that our gifts are truly making a difference today when you give a generous gift were saying thank you by providing the book I mentioned earlier called 77 surprising sayings of Jesus in my book I've identified the somewhat shocking statements from Jesus like the ones we saw in Luke 17 that greatly challenge our thinking and is an added bonus you can also request my illustrated children's book The Gift you can sit down and read this book with your young children or grandchildren and lead them to our saving faith in Jesus Christ David I know I've given a lot of information today so please take a moment to repeat the details thanks Dr Jefferson when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory you're invited to request a copy of Dr Jefferson. Popular book The Gift of The Gospel for children it also comes with his brand new book called 77 surprising sayings of Jesus to make your request call 866-999-2965 extension 4 visit our website that's at P T V dot org And when your donation is $75.00 or more will also send you in addition to the 2 books The complete CD and D.V.D. Sets for this month's teaching series reigniting your passion for Christ Volume 3 listen to these full length messages while you're driving in your car or watch them with your small group Bible study to request your very own copy of these exclusive resources call 866-999-2965 or go to P.T.V. Dot org If you'd prefer to write than jot down this mailing address write to P. O. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 again that's P.O. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 I'm David J. Mullins join us again Wednesday when Dr Jeffress concludes this message called signs of the times right here on pathway to victory. Able 100 K. F. 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Truth for today Pastor Phil Howard in Valley Bible Church of Hercules invite you to tune in weekdays at 530 to hear a challenging and life changing message Pastor Phil teaches the timeless truths of God's word in a way that connects with your Christian journey today join Valley Bible for Sunday morning worship at 9 or 11 find out about their other great ministries at Valley Bible dot org and listen to truth for today gay mornings at 530 right here on AM 1100 U.K.P. AFAIK. San Francisco Christian School is the perfect location for families living in the city or commuting there from elsewhere S. F.C.S. Is committed to leading students to a saving knowledge of Christ they will provide your child with a Christ centered program of education with high academic standards San Francisco Christian School starts with a solid Biblical foundation encouraging students to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ sentences go Christian school doesn't stop there in order to compete in our modern society they focus attention on the whole child body mind and spirit with an emphasis on the 4 components stem approach to educating their students STEM stands for science technology engineering and math the school is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges W A S C more about San Francisco Christian school as well as Shadow Days and school tours by visiting their website S.F. Christian School dot org that S.F. Christian School dot org. Have. A San Francisco sure Bishop. Alister gig is sponsored by true for life on AM 1100 K.F.C.'s. Tragically it's not uncommon to find churches where the resurrection is taught as a symbolic myth rather than an historical fact but today untruth for life Alister beg reveals that our entire faith hinges on the reality of this one event Allister is teaching today from 1st Corinthians 15 verses 12 through 19. The resurrection is absolutely fundamentally crucially Michel remove it and there are disastrous consequences now it is to this that Paul gives himself began and are still if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead as it is preach he just said that for the 11 viruses How then can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dad let me show you he says the logical consequences of such a perspective let me he says for the sake of argument I love for a moment that your position is factual that what you are actually claiming some of you is correct and that there is no resurrection then let me show you what the implications are there are 7 of them will go through them no resurrection then Jesus isn't a lie no resurrection preachings few.

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