Soko can I feel this sense of adequacy in a way that I don't miss God's blessing in my life don't miss his purpose in my life yes you can so let's think in terms not only listen of the fact that it can be a barrier but it can also be a blessing in your life well how can it be a blessing and let's think about it for a moment how can you and I be blessed by feeling inadequate Well number one is this listen the blessing of inadequacy The 1st thing that happens is it drives us to God when you and I are believers those of us who believe us when we feel inadequate and normal natural response is to do what it drives us to Him We pray more we get into His Word we begin to understand him more we rely upon him more we call upon him more that is we get to know him on a level and in a way that probably we had not known before and remember this anything that drives you to God is good therefore and adequacy is good to me when it drives me to go to a deeper relationship a deeper understanding a great love for his word whatever drives us to God is good for us no matter what it is so where on the one hand in adequacy can be a barrier it can also be a blessing listen carefully if I respond in the right fashion therefore when I feel inadequate What do we do we go to God because that's the way he builds a sense of godly adequacy within us that whatever he calls us to do we'll be able to do it. Well there's a 2nd blessing I think here and that's simply this and that is that it relieves us from the burden of trying to do things in our own strength and I think about it . It relieves those of the burden of trying to do things in our own strength God doesn't intend for us to live out of our own energy and strength but out of his Therefore if I understand that and recognize that my in adequacy is legitimate because that's the way I feel about this situation and recognize I don't have to do this and downstream and there is there is a burden and facing situations and circumstances when you feel inadequate but remember. Listen if we recognize that he will be in. To meet every single possible need that we have then you know what my feelings of inadequacy can be turned into a sense of adequacy because he doesn't want us living this frustrated anxious kind of worried light he doesn't want us living under some cloud of burden but it relieves the burden of trying to do things in our own strength which also in times ends up in failure so ask yourself the question What is it that you've been dealing with that you've been thinking in terms of what I can do and what I have and how I can manage this what we do is we turned out feeling given adequacy to a sense of adequacy because now we look into him we're looking to him to be our supplier we're looking to him to work in our life we're looking to him to be what we can't be what he never intended for us to be God never called any person for example one example the preach the Gospel in his own strength he didn't call us to serve him in any way in our own strength so therefore we don't have to fret and worry about it whatever God called you do he assumes full responsibility to enable you to do it otherwise it would be in God's character to do otherwise so that is the 2nd blessing takes away the bird drives me to God takes away the bird then there's a 3rd thing. And that is it motivates us this and motivates us to live and work in the power of the Holy Spirit and think about this he wants us to live every single day of our life Listen dependent on trusting in written lying upon believing in and listen be able to draw from this source of divine in exhaustible energy wisdom and knowledge everything we need to do what he's called us to do so therefore our feelings have been adequate sick and be turned into adequacy when I realize he's not expecting me to do this in my own strength but he's expecting me and providing a way the need to depend upon the Holy Spirit do you realize that you cannot live the Christian life apart from the Holy Spirit. Therefore you will never feel you want to even feel godly adequacy until you will and the trusting the trust the Holy Spirit to do in you and through you what God never intended you to try to do yourself so one of the blessings is this it motivates us feeling in adequacy it motivates us knowledge drives us that God motivates us to rely upon the Holy Spirit and to depend upon now. Another blessing is this our in adequacy and able to God to listen it gives him the opportunity to demonstrate what great things he can do with so little you remember what Moses said when God spoke to him in the burning bush who. Shepherd. And then when he spoke to get Ian remember angel said valiant warrior that's how you got introduced and then what did he say. The least of the families and so when David for example was sitting before the Lord the Scriptures said he said so the same thing who am I that you brought me from the sheep field and now here I am all of us probably have some sense of that feeling but think about this. Here are the servants of God Who are they they want significant people and they also I'm thinking about a loving god is this he takes the most unexpected seemingly the most talented and the least talented in the least gifted people oftentimes and does a great as work for them God has a unique plan and a unique purpose for your life he has the Holy Spirit he's provided the Holy Spirit in you for you God's plan for your life is not like anybody else's plan perfectly like theirs and now he has given you the all some opportunity to become and to achieve this in to achieve and become the person he has planned you to be therefore what we think for example is sort of a mistake Oh god why would you choose this and why don't you choose that once you choose somebody who's more this let me ask you a question how many of you remember your house years or let's say your senior year when they were giving out all the stuff proletariat the one who was the most likely to succeed and the one who was the best looking and the one who was the best dressed in the one of the highest but it was all of those things you know what for the most part you don't know where any of those folks are. Most of the time teenagers choose who they think are going to be the heroes in life and nobody ever hears about them you know what God says He chooses the most unlikely things Jesus as with the 5000 who are angry and he said find is something to feed them with and it is so far away it is too late they finally came out of 5 loaves and 2 fishes meant what they said they said but what is this among so many What's 5 loaves and 2 fish among so many. I'll tell you what it is when follows into the good in the hand of Jesus he could feed the whole world if he chose to do it and so what we do we make judgments on the basis of our sight we must make judgments on the basis of listen of the plan of God the will of God The promise of God the power of God the availability of God Listen don't underestimate yourself. You say well if I were more educated if I were more this in a final more that you know do I tell Moody It was such a poor person when it came to be eloquent from the perspective of some instructor and some teacher somewhere everything about him people criticize this guy transformed millions of people's lives through that. God takes the most unlikely people so therefore he can do the same in your life you. Know what I mean you could give me all kinds of excuses why God can use you and give you want excuse why you can't because God can use anybody who's willing to be used by him no matter who you are. And I think about for example my grandfather. Nobody knew George Washington Stanley but you know what that God used and yes it is used him to set the course of my life. And so you're a grandfather grandmother you think well you know how can God use me don't tail God what to do just make yourself available to him and watch him work God is willing to work in your life. So God can take the most unlikely things and do the most fantastic work the biggest problem is we accept our in adequacy we sort of take possession of it and we claim it and we go through life making excuses for not doing what God calls the do making excuses so therefore we don't answer God's call because we've already convinced him persuaded he can't let me ask a question Is there a single one of us who would say some things God can't do no. And the form of life is he has created there is not a single thing he cannot do that somebody says well he can't make 2 mountains side by side with Bella Valley and people come up all kind of stuff like that that's we're talking about reality what is it that God cannot do there's not a single thing God cannot do don't underestimate your potential and so you see when you begin to realize that God can take you. A conversation from you. The way you're living in front of somebody else the job the chair whatever it might be he can take you in his hand he can create something or circumstances situation he can use you in ways that you will never know or he can use you in ways that are absolutely amazing. Because he takes great delight in doing what using those things that are oftentimes seemingly of little importance then of course for example. What happens is when you and I. Come to him with feelings of inadequacy that when he listen and able to sense our greatest potential You won't sit your greatest potential as long as you think I can handle it I've got it together Trust me it's when we feel very inadequate that what then we begin to sense a greatest potential Lord I don't think I don't feel capable but if you say do this this is what I'm going to do and I'm going to trust you God to do through me and in me what you promised and what you said in your word you would do I don't feel adequate and there's nothing wrong with telling God you don't feel adequate remember it's not a sin to say it and it's not a sin to acknowledge it the sin is using it as an excuse for not being obedient to God then of course think about this. We allow God to receive all the glow in the praise when we recognize it isn't what we do what you and I do is this when we acknowledge our inadequacy watch this now when we acknowledge error in adequacy in the process of being obedient to God. Remember when we acknowledge our own adequacy in the process of being obedient to God he gets all the glory. Because we're not going to take credit because we know that we could not apart from the work of the Holy Spirit we could not therefore he gets all the glory all the praise and all the honor and what happens is in our sense of an adequacy we don't use that as an excuse to escape our responsibility we choose to follow him obediently and in the process of being obedient he receives the glory and the Ana because we put that persuaded there within ourselves where inadequate he gets the glory. It's when people do something arbor make some performance or follow God in some area and they say well here's the reason I was able to do that well you know what you just lost a brother if that's your right. Because the attitude is humility none of us can do all can be what we ought to be and to do apart from the work of the Holy Spirit once you're persuaded of that then you position yourself to be fully maximally used by God And that's what he's looking for people who don't feel adequate and people who have a humble spirit to say God I can't but you can people of faith who willing to give not not it makes Q.'s but a commitment Lord whatever you want me to do Have you want me to do it that's what I'm going to do now. Why of the blessings of an attic whizzes it gives me the awesome capacity to walk in contentment and joy and peace for the simple reason listen with a quiet spirit we can go about our life feeling inadequate Yes but every situation every circumstance we are confronted with and that moment. I can say thank you Father this is what you require of me you will provide everything I need in order to do it and all to accomplish it in order to to be able to walk right down the center of your will no matter what So all of us don't feel inadequate times the issue is when you use the excuse all when you turn it into a moment of competency and adequacy and assurance and confidence it is based on your personal relationship to Jesus Christ and your total dependence upon him that's when an adequately becomes a blessing because what you do give you 7 are reasons that it can be a blessing no matter what it can be a blessing if you are willing to allow him to work in you and you depend upon the Holy Spirit to do it through you as somebody says Art I was the 1st that what do I do Ok I got the message now I'm inadequate I want to be adequate What do I do so I come up with a situation maybe somebody let's say for example you walk into a situation and you know God wants you to share your testimony somebody it's yours and what happens is the Spirit of God says to you they're ready. Here's what you do you acknowledge Oh God I feel so inadequate to do this that's it you acknowledge your inadequacies not wrong Secondly you say father this is what you want me to do I'm trusting you to be true to your word used to. You would make me adequate in Christ Jesus you gave me the Holy Spirit he's living in the now it's his responsibility to enable me know what to say how to say in spirit would say so what you've said is I do feel inadequate and Lord I'm trusting you to make me adequate for this situation and then the 3rd steps real simple you take a step you step into the opportunity and you let God prove himself absolutely adequate and to prove you adequate and reliance upon him he said how do I know that will work try just try. Because you see God did lights and proving himself in your life and he did lights and that So you have feelings of inadequacy you have to decide am I going let him to terminate be a barrier to me cheat me deprive me out of God's plan his best my life or am I going to take advantage of my feelings of inadequacy. And my being inadequate and watch him work his awesome work and my life his what will happen you will begin to experience. Situations and circumstances in your life that over and over and over again you're going to seek God you're going to watch him work in your life you go see the results that's what Paul is that he was seeing results. Ok is this you look beyond your adequacy to the adequacy of Jesus Christ. Who promised to be all that you need in every circumstance of life. Thanks for listening to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley God can use even our emotions to accomplish His will and when we admit our feelings of inadequacy we also recognize our need of the Holy Spirit. To understand more about the work of the Spirit of God in a Christian's life take some time to visit our website in touch. And connect to our online bookstore to order a copy of Dr Stanley's complete message inadequacy barrier or a blessing again that's in touch. Or call 1800 in touch if you prefer to write our address is in touch post office box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357. Learn a lot and often save money when you fix something yourself. But none of us can make life's most crucial repair today's moment with Charles Stanley is coming up as your children and grandchildren grow up how will you help them learn about Jesus and Dr Charles Stanley's 1st devotional for children every day with Jesus is fun and colorful filled with devotion scriptures prayers and more based on Dr Stanley's bestselling devotional every day in his presence this children's version is written to help kids know Jesus better to order every day with Jesus call 1800 in touch or visit in touch dot o.-r. G. . At some point we find ourselves wondering what happens after we die as believers in Jesus Christ our Hope is happening but what will happen to be alive in his book The Gift of having Dr Charles Stanley shares what the Bible promises about God heaven and eternity this beautiful book is a thoughtful gift for any believer or nonbeliever who wants to know more about having to water the gift of heaven call 1800 in touch or visit in touch type o. Our journey. From the pastor's heart is Dr Charles Stanley's personal letter to you each month you'll enjoy biblical insight encouraging and inspiration to receive from the pastor's heart each month call $1800.00 in touch. No amount of training can develop enough skill in the most talented person to bridge the gap between God and man here's today's moment with Charles Stanley. Listen carefully there is one area in which you feel an adequate. If you're not a Christian. You feel inadequate to live a god in life you're right you can't even feel an adequate to be what you ought to be you're right you can't you feel inadequate to have the right attitude toward God you're right you can't here's something in which you are absolutely and totally inadequate You cannot save yourself you cannot forgive yourself you cannot become a child of God in anything that you do apart from confessing your sand to the large ease of Christ trusting in Him to forgive you on the basis of a crossed asking him to come in your heart and to say to you there is not another thing you can possibly do except trust in. Confessions stands trust him every single one of us is totally inadequate when it comes to salvation totally his work but once you are saved he will enable you to become the person got a much of it. If you have questions about confessing sin and trusting Christ find answers at In Touch. Would you like to review today's message you can replay it at our website you can also stream previous programs or download Podcasts find us online at In Touch dot org And if today's program has prompted you to consider how you could share of the grace of God with others please let us know. Responding well to difficulty isn't easy I hope you'll join us next time to learn how to pray effectively in a crisis that's Monday on in touch with Dr Charles. Presentation in touch ministry Atlanta Georgia. Station through the grace of God and your Facebook. Sponsored by in touch ministries for more from Dr Charles Stanley tune into the In Touch telecast Sundays at 7 am on k r o n 4 bed where he is Black History Month and in honor of that we're taking a break from our proverbs pledge and reading just one of the hundreds of Martin Luther King Jr's wonderful quotes Dr King a champion of justice a follower of Jesus Christ used by God in so many ways in today's quote Faith is taking the 1st step even when you don't see the whole staircase isn't that a great thing Faith is taking the 1st step even when you don't see the whole staircase you know all we need to do is step out just take that one step at a time it's walking in faith that pleases God. Can Fix traffic center standing by with our Friday at. 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The Bible says what it means it means what it says Hi I'm Steve Greg host of the narrow path radio broadcast with an invitation to join me every weekday as we open the Bible to your questions comments and concerns about the question you have will be turned away please join us today and weeknights at midnight right here on am 1100 k. Of am the narrow paths listener supported radio if you like what you hear and want to help keep us on this station think about making a donation at the narrow path over get a visit each weeknight at midnight we appreciate your support and I thought about calling before Make today the day experienced 0 difference for the 1st time ever you'll love it 3 rooms a car going for only $99.00 that's the special going on right now 3 rooms of carbon it's a magic with 3 rooms you want cleaner than they've ever been before Madge in those 3 rooms and yet that's $99.00 there are these safe carpet surface upholstery cleaner they don't use any harmful toxic chemicals. 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The following program is sponsored by a Christian fellowship. Pastor Brian literates funded Life Christian Fellowship. Christians in Peter's They were a group of people who actually claimed to follow a man who had been accused convicted and executed as a criminal Oh and this man actually claimed to be God in the flesh Oh and they also said that on the 3rd day he got up from the grave and resurrected with all the power in his hands and oh he ascended back to heaven and oh well he's coming back again to kill you. Hello and welcome to the inspired to live radio broadcast with Brian the Ritz lead pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship in Mountain View California. We're so happy that you've joined us for the broadcast today. And as always we would encourage you to follow along with us in your Bibles if you can. On today's broadcast Pastor Brian continues with our exiles teaching series from the book of 1st Peter so if you have your Bibles please turn with us to the book of 1st Peter chapter 3. Now here's Pastor Brian with today's study. Please meet me in 1st Peter chapter 3 so if you have your devices take them out and click on your bible apps and meet me and 1st Peter chapter 3 beginning in verse 13. Now who is there to harm you if you aren't zealous for what is good them but even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake you will be blessed have no fear of them nor be troubled but in your hearts make note of these words honor Christ the Lord and His holy. Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you I love these words yet do it with gentleness and respect. Having verse 16 a good conscience so that when you are slandered those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame for it is better to suffer for doing good if that should be God's will then for doing evil for Christ also suffered for sins the righteous for the unrighteous that he might bring this to God it being put to death in the flesh when made alive in the spirit in which he went into a claim to the spirits in prison because they formerly did not obey when God's patience waited and the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared in which a few that is 8 persons were brought. Safely through water baptism verse 21 which corresponds to this now saves you not as the removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience there's that phrase again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God with angels authority is and powers having been subjected to him. Recently on a Saturday Night Live skit. The comedian Amy Schumer. Is playing a 6 year old girl. Who abruptly interrupts her local city council meeting. She gives to the podium and she says I want to make a motion. Then every day at my school we have extended recess. And I know you can't eat pizza for lunch the crowd chuckles like some of you this cute little girl. And that Amy Schumer takes it up another notch playing a 6 year old girl still behind the podium she says that I am pro-life praise Jesus. People are now starting to think this little girl is being weird. She then says I want to make 2 more motions one that Bible is taught at my school every week and that the Bible teacher is Jesus and the 2nd motion she says I want to make is that in this Bible class taught by Jesus. That we would ban gay people it's not natural she screams. It's not natural. To skate ins in silence when one of the adults says. You're freaking me out. You know you sit there and you watch this. As not just a follower of Jesus Christ but a follower of Jesus Christ in and what is I believe the most secular region of the country the Bay Area. And you watch this and you cannot help but think is this really what the world thinks of Christians. Their caricature of what it means to follow Jesus seems to have Christians as this weird a brace of bombastic group of people who are completely out of touch and out to lunch. Have something in your heart sinks in which you say if this is what the world believes about Christians and what Christians think can how Christians behave we've already been behind the 8 ball is there in the old for us winning the baby to Jesus Christ's. Will deploy the depressed hearing about this kid. And then I had to remind myself that when we come to the book of 1st Peter. Peter is writing to a group of Christians who are living in a secular society. Who is running a start the great Baylor sociologist to wrote in his simple book the rise of Christianity in which you write in a stark points out that by the end of the 1st century a day by the end of the century in which Peter is writing Christians only comprise less less than half of one percent of the total Roman Empire population but by the end of the 4th century Christians would make up to 7500000 people it would be sanctioned by the Emperor Constantine as the state religion now I'm not here to argue whether or not it's good for Christians to be the state religion there's a lot of things we could say about that but here's the question I want is to discuss for the rest of our time together what do we learn from Christians in a secular society like Rome who goes over the course of a couple 100 years from being this fringe group less than half of one percent to being the state religion in which the Emperor Constantine actually legislated passed a law that emblazoned on the every Roman soldier shield would be the insignia of the cross how did that happen I think that's good for us to wrestle with here in the back way Christians in the bay are a fringe group we only make up of 2000000 people 2 to 3 percent of the bay this is not the Bible Belt this is not at all a I don't it's not Birmingham it's not Memphis where the people are just so nasty This is Tesla ville. So what are we are 7 on. How can Christians flourish in such a way that Christ is exulted. And lifted up and we actually make Christianity appealing to people in India to rid of the caricaturist in such a way that we are able to win the bay for Jesus. Now look at me as if this is a hopeless task nothing is impossible for God So I believe if I didn't believe the bay could be one for Jesus trust me out of out of state in New York City I believe in this book and I believe in God that God can pour out revival in this place but if God is going to do that the question on the table is how is that going to happen how can we see the big one for Jesus Christ our text actually gives us the blueprint. Friends if you and I would just commit to doing what this text says. And I believe we in our lifetime will be the 1st generations of believers in the Bay who will see in the outpouring of the Spirit of God in this place and we can actually see Roe Vi of all happened if we would only do with this passage says. What I need to do. Peter gives us both the method and the message for how to win people to Jesus Christ he begins look at verse 15 after some introductory remarks he begins in verse 15 after having talked again about suffering and mistreatment Peter in verse 15 begins by laying out the blueprint for how we can see people in the bay come to faith in Jesus Christ he says in verse 15 in your hearts under Christ the Lord as holy. Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you now this phrase make a defense is the Greek word apology from which we get the English word apologetics from the idea of defending the faith but here he's not talking about it individual or group of individuals who are these incredibly intelligent learned people who have a Ph d. In theology or philosophy and can't debate the atheists of the world he's not talking about apologetics in that sense know what he is actually implying and presupposing is that I am living my life in such a way that my life is so peculiar that people now are provoked to ask questions. He is implying that people look at your life and they say that is so different we've got some questions for you we want to ask some things about faith this important Peters. Because in Peter's day as it should be now Christianity was not just a fringe faith it was a it was a group of very peculiar very peculiar people Christians and Peter's They were a group of people who actually claimed to follow a man who had been accused condemned convicted and executed as a criminal Oh and this man actually claimed to be God in the flesh Oh and they also said that on the 3rd day he got up from the grave and resurrected with all power in his hands and oh he ascended back to heaven and oh he's coming back again to kill your. Peculiar Not only that but Christianity like our culture today was birthed in a culture of pluralism Now you may not know that word pluralism but you know what it's about the idea of pluralism is this idea that there are many faiths there are many routes to God So you'll be a good Mormon and you know you'll be a good Muslim you'll be a good Buddhist you'll be a good Christian that Christianity is just kind of one Buffy item amongst the whole book fair a Christian said no Christians are not just an option to God Christianity Christian said it in the 1st century is the option they would quote John Chapter 14 verse 6 when Jesus Christ says I am the Way the Truth these are life no man comes into the Father but by me. Cure. Peter's day christianity was peculiar because now it was a pluralistic in the person they claim to follow Christianity was was birthed amongst a rigid society that had established a caste system where there was rich and poor and rich never fraternized with the poor but here you had the church and you walked into the church and you would see rich and poor together. In sitting down at love Thiessen enjoying and sharing life with one another in monsters hugging slaves and slave masters all under the cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if you would walk in there into that place and you would go kill your. But not only that Christianity was birthed in a Greek or Roman society steeped in their own version of Jim Crow which is called segregation or which was a rigid kind of racism were Jew and Gentile never came together but you walked into the 1st century church and you couldn't believe it because there were Jews in small groups with Gentiles and Gentiles living on Jews and the great tragedy of the Church of the 21st century is that we can go that's the black church that's the white church that's the Japanese church that's the Mexican church in heaven the only it's those zip codes there are no segregation of there are no red lines but there are people from every nation tribe in loving on the word and other and worshipping God with one another and. The home of the homogenous church is not peculiar. Peculiar but finally it was peculiar because. Today we live in a society that has legislated it's Ok to kill babies and in Roman society they practice something called infanticide. They kill babies there are letters written by min in Roman society away on business trips their wives they know are about to have a baby These men say in a very cold callous way if it is a boy keep it but if it is a girl you discard it. Christians not only refused to practice infanticide You could also find Christians right outside the walls of the city looking for babies who had just been thrown over the walls wallowing in their blood that Christians were the only group of people who would take care of these babies peculiar. Christianity and the 1st century world was always on trial. People were asking them questions Why do you have a gentile a Jewish friend or why are you what Rich or master hanging out with your slang he isn't treating them with such dignity and respect and Peter says all ways be prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within. So what he's saying is. Peculiar living. Should provoke peculiar questions. Give it to you again. Peculiar living should provoke peculiar questions in other words this is the outer part of the sermon you might want to tell you babe or get rid of the say ouch. If Brian inquiry literates are not being regularly asked questions by unsaved nippers coworkers parents ed kids basketball games as to the peculiar practices. Of Our Lives there is no way we are representing Jesus adequately. My life 79 believed really doesn't mean I act like I'm better than people it doesn't mean that I am Eric in our judgment but people should look at Jesus in me and the way that I work the way I treat my spouse the way I conduct my business they ought to just look at me and go that's different Can you talk to me about it. Single people should both people's minds but you're having sex with your boyfriend . To kill you or. Cure you or well how do I live a peculiar life he tells us right here 1st 15 in your hearts under Christ is Christ the Lord is holy the idea of holy it will remain set apart and the remains to be different remember just think about this grown up watch and I think was in the electric company or Sesame Street one of those and he said I have this song where one of these things don't belong Come on help me somebody you don't remember you don't remember and you have maybe 12 things and 11 of them were marbles and one of them was a rock and you had to pick out which one was different. When with a dense the idea of holy in the sea of marbles the rock would be holy it is different it is set apart he says in your hearts I want you not to make Christ Holy Christ is holy whether or not you make a Met way he is holy he says honor him lift him up which means this if I have a peculiar set apart Jesus living in my life and I'm just following him if I'm following this peculiar different Jesus that gets what's going to be said to be I'm peculiar I'm different. Had a great On want. Mary I'm sure you know. She bought a set of sofas one time and she thought they were so valuable. That she never took the plastic off. Come on go in some money buy ever have a great on to a grandma mower and what I think never took the plastic off I'm talking for decades you never took the plastic off you were watching you all the Amir's house and there would be her living room and you'd look at these sofas in the plastic in the 1st thing you would say is that's different. That's different you see on them they make a different noise they don't in fact don't even see it ought to be if you have a little bit sway you slide right off the bat boy she just different. You know Peter saying don't take the plastic off of Jesus so that when people walk into the living room of your life. You know this different. What does this look like. When you're a couple examples I know. You know. When I lived in Memphis I just get I just get so frustrated you know I love the Saints but I need to be around I need to be around as a Christian I know you know work with Pagans all week long but as a Christian my my job in the sense of Tates I be around Saints all day long and I love saints but sometimes Saints can just get on your nerves so I beat it in the outlet so I just I got in with this golf group of some old salt of the earth many of them not even you say people and you know we start playing golf together and that you know on the golf course they get their custom but I wouldn't kind of sway them but I'd never be judgment to love them or whatever and I would tell them you know how little run until you can cost as long as it's you know in the King James Version I want to unpack there for you but so I'd hang out with him and sure enough they start you know calling me Rev they hear about what I'm doing and I'm you know make good relationships with them after a couple years in one day every couple years what I'm saying you know Ralph you don't come with us on our annual golf trip I said yes saloon I want to come with you and what you're going to Florida but he said Not really I've read we want you to come but rarely on this golf trip we want you to come on rare if we don't have strippers. And I said no let's. Let's parse that last sentence. Rare of you don't come on the golf trip. With strippers It's just that they're done in those terms words don't even go together. And we start having a conversation says no I can't go in why can't you go and I start talking about you my relationship my wife in it comes out that they just assume that everybody cheated on their wife and I had to actually have a conversation no I don't I don't cheat on my wife in this wonderful beautiful conversation why don't I cheat on my wife and they're asking me these questions and Peter talks about Always be prepared. It live in the Bury I mean we see stuff in the brain that we never saw in Memphis. I just didn't see. You know cinema boys basketball game you know when one of the players has to be. Married to one of the women. The his biological father was at the game the other day. And I'm sitting there talking to one of them arms and so far she don't know what I do for a living. But you talk in and I'm as well how Jimmy Choo I. Talk to me about the relationship and what's happening here and sure enough after a couple conversations she feels comfortable enough to have her son Kojo house and hang out with my son and we just invited her and her wife to come over to our house for dinner where they can plan for that I can't wait to they walk up if. They see the Bibles and asked me what I do for living that might be a real quick dinner. But here's what I love about them what's going to blow her mind is the way I'm treating her does not fit that Kira could sure that she has of Christianity. And I just want to encourage you so much your whole lives or your personal time is spent by sane folk God bless a foe but you need to have margin in your life to do life with people who are just different don't believe what you believe don't see it the way you see it but guess what that's what it means to follow Jesus because he went to dinner parties not just with states but with prostitutes and tax collectors and love to own people who look so radically different than him. Now I'm not Ok and you to hang out with prostitutes. That my could not go away or what your wife but anyways you get the point. She says Live a peculiar life so how or when the bang for Jesus it just begins with I'm just I'm just who live differently. And not arrogantly not belligerently I follow a different Savior and to follow Him means if he's different than I'm just. I'm just going to live different. But secondly I love it he says in verse 15. Always be prepared to make a difference to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that. As in you hear it hear it hear it hear it yet do it with gentleness and respect. Pastor Brian merits with today's inspired to live radio broadcasts. We truly want to thank you for spending time with us today studying God's word if you'd like more information on Pastor Bryant for on Abundant Life Christian Fellowship Here's how you can contact us. Our mailing address is 2440 Leghorn street in Mountain View California 94043. Our information center phone number is area code 650-210-1340 of course you can look us up on the Worldwide Web at a l c f dot net where you'll find multiple links with information about our church and our staff a calendar of upcoming l.c.f. Events and if you're in the Mountain View area on Sunday morning our worship service begins at 10 am and we would love for you to join us again for more information on this and everything else happening here at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship just visit our website at a l c f dot net. Well we hope you'll join us again next time as Pastor Brian continues to lead us through a study of God's word but until then it is our hope and prayer from everyone here at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship that the Lord will richly bless you and thanks for listening. It is Friday frenzy the last day of the work week and we've got our Friday edition of lifeline coming up next with Roberts I'm too or didn't have a good restful weekend and join me on Sunday for our Lord state program and God willing you back here on Sunday thanks for having brought to you this time by mountain Mike's pizza and off we go to Concord where we have a crash involving a car and a tanker truck eastbound for right before 242 it's blocking the left hand lane that says traffic at a stop for Morello Avenue Hayward another 2 car crash southbound 80 it's just as you pass Jackson Street Highway 92 already over on the shoulder traffic is already slow for Marina Boulevard and in San Ramon a 4 car pileup northbound 680 just before Ballinger Canyon Road they've moved that over to the shoulder having got to stop in Oakland right now he's been $24.00 from the $58980.00 interchange out to right around $680.00 get a large McKinley at Mt Mike's pizza for dinner tonight the McKinlay is their take on a traditional combo pizza load it was s.-t. 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