I mean 1100 K. F. A X O the dish the sentence the poet Litton cooperated. With her quote the sentence from you or I said it rude groove the. Schumann she thought of. The quote We did. OK I got some questions for you how much sin can one commit before God decides that salvation is no longer available can you ever reach a point in your life when it's just too late to turn from your evil ways can you really turn from your sin on your deathbed and be saved. Welcome to through the viable we're studying a passage that will shed light on those curious questions our teacher Dr J. Vernon McGee will share with us about the life of monastic who becomes for us an illustration for all of those questions so if you can open your copy of God's word to 2nd Chronicles chapter 33 before we begin though let me read a great letter to you it's encouraging It's from Ellen and Dan your fellow Bible bus passengers and they write since April 14th 2006 we have been faithful riders on the Bible bus All right we wanted to send you a photo of us for quite some time and we saw this bus cut out and said this might work and then by the way they included a great picture for the Bible bus photo album each day each broadcast each trip on the Bible bus brings us closer to our Lord Jesus our 3rd trip on this special bus has taken us down familiar roads but with new sights to be hold the new truths to understand we so love J. Vernon McGee and praise the Lord for choosing him to be our guide into the whole world daily we look forward to our trip and gladly take our seats and delight in the journey from the Old Testament to the New Testament and back again the truth never gets old for the Holy Spirit reveals new nuggets of truth and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it's a trip of a lifetime that we pray will last a lifetime we started listening on the radio and now listen on our computer when I travel I'm able to listen on my cellphone I marvel that technology is now enabling us to hear God's word wherever we go we're so thankful to the faithful staff of we daily pray for each of you and the foreign producers finally even 30 says you refresh my heart in Christ please continue to stop and pick us up will be waiting to hop aboard it's a trip that we don't want to miss. Well thanks so much for your encouragement Ellen and Dan that was really a wonderful letter and will be sure to have your seat on the Bible bus until Jesus comes for us now let's go to the Lord in prayer Heavenly Father your mercies they're new every morning and they're abundant towards us your children and we would pray that as we study your word today that we be filled in overflowing with your wisdom and grace in Jesus name Amen now years through the Bible with Dr J. Vernon McGee. Now today friends we come to 2nd Chronicles the 33rd shot. And we might think we live in an evil day but we are now going to look at a day that was comparable to the day we're living in not last time we saw a reign of Hezekiah and the revival it took place under Hezekiah and it was said of him that he was the best king after day that he was more like David than any other king and that he was the outstanding one now after him and we saw that as a cod died and then his son my mass came to the throne and I read now in chapter 33 Verse one Manasseh was 12 years so when he began to rain he rain this day and 5 years in Jerusalem but did that which was evil in the side of the law like that into the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord had cast out for the children of this rail now all of us at least many of us today when we read the last time that this man has a cause. Of death at some sort of a ball while on the back of his neck apparently it could have been cancer he prayed to God and Isaiah prayed with him and God extended his lie if they knew now that was a graciousness than sation on the part of God In answer to prayer but when you look at it in the full light they can stray that followed you wonder whether it was the best thing that. To take and play so we've called attention before to this for instance it was during that period that God spared his ally that he had the wealth of his kingdom to the ambassadors from Babylon which by the way opened the door later on for tonight you can as of the come and take the city because he knew where they go watch and a took it bought for that was the knocks of that day and thing as the day that no one is attacking Fort Knox they tell me their security that is on believable the different things they have but the goal is leaking now they night sions of the world that were not able to get it one why that is. They are getting it are not the way today well later on babbling came and took the go on this on the part of as a cause a bear who is staying and we'll go into this in detail when we get to eyes rise. In this the church whereas it's not well to pun here at all then we find that something else to play you'll notice that it says here that NASA was 12 years old when he began to rain god extended this man's life that they knew so that this bomb the NASA was born during that period now. Was the worse King that my feeling is that Manasseh in that brief period in which he was so caught delicious that God had a intervene 8 gone to such extremes that he's the worst KING So here you have a strange feature and that is here is the Myin that is. The bass King the lead in a great revival and that's Hezekiah his son comes to the throne and he's the worst in of all how do you explain and I'm on a ledge and honestly I'm not going to explain it because I cannot explain because around me to day I see things happening I can't explain like that and this is what I mean it comes to our attention periodic late there it is a past does and now here on Radio Barry Bonds and Christian prayer back to the matter is there outstanding Christian prayer. And then they have a son or daughter and many times it's a daughter and they is to be the one it might be and sometimes it's both They've become hip is of the worst sort now hip is a going out of style understand they will come up of course with a new name but it's all the same crowd but they enter sting thing is that this group that have appeared of young people across the land it was easy to explain them that is they were neglected at home they saw godless and materialistic tyrant biting all the time getting divorcée was living for sale selfishness and today you rebelled against it and walked out on it I can understand that but they exceptions to the rule have really disturbed me why is it that in a lovely Christian home there is a blog or girl and all of a sudden they walk out and they become the worst type of it so well there are 2 things I think that we can say and recognize how people these things are our stay as they have been influenced by they youth that are around them because all young people go through a period when they feel that their parents are stupid and I don't care who's they are I never shall forget my own experience along that line when I want like a holiday I was almost ashamed to come home and to carry on a conversation with those at home because they just didn't know it's much she you see and that's a period that you goes through and a young fella told me this when I say young young preacher. He says you know when I went away because he said I was ashamed of my dad called it Mile man he said he just didn't seem to know any say and I say need to be pretty smart and he said you know that I graduated from college and started in the ministry and I began face problem and he said I had to work my way through college and I was a rather not against some pretty hard situation and he says you know my dad in spite of the fact that I was stupid he was he made a good living and he was a marvelous provider we had a wonderful home and he said you know I couldn't quite understand how he did it but he said I got out not to get him to face these problems but he said I went home for a visit he said You'd be surprised how much my dad had learned in those few years said I came to conclusion he was a pretty smart man and I think all young people go through that period and I can understand that in a Christian home that during that period young people are influenced by this crowd outside that it walked out of their home so I recognize that that is an explanation then another feature is that I believe that they come out of Christian homes and especially they made a profession of faith that you're going to find out that those young people are going to return back to the law and I think we're going to say this and the man we're looking at right here now this is also the period that I believe that the Chicago and the glow red allow the Temple Hills saw the vision of the ship kind of glow red because of the sands of the people and their rebellion left their. And it removed from the Holy of Holies and then moved out to the walls of Jerusalem and laid it again the people did not turn back to God and then the ship kind of glory withdrew to the Mount of Olives and lighted there and and there was no movement on the part of the people toward God kind of lower it was caught back up into heaven and a kebab was written over the rationale of the temple and the glow Ray had departed . And now their house was and they'd left and of them bestseller Now when did that take place most exposed to tears I know that my teachers all felt that it took place at the captivity later on I don't feel that if that should kind of glow or it did not leave during the reign of monastic I just can't see any other period that would cause they should kind of blow or in the presence of God to remain I believe this was the time now I want you to notice this man here he was 12 years old but he began to rain Irena day and 5 years in Jerusalem now God always gives the listener ample opportunity to turn to him always this man arraignment much longer than others why longer than David longer than Solomon longer than his own father why well because God always gives to the little man ample opportunity God is my are simple he's a long suffering he's not willing that any should pay and after all God has plenty of time on his hands he's got a turn at the back of him he's got a turn. And he's in no hurry in my frame you thank you we're going to push God are going to rush him going to move and I sometimes hear someone pray or someone say that now if you just will write to God he'll just begin to move. And again he may not he'll take his time he's in no hurry now you know so we're not adverse to again but he did that which was evil in the side of the law like on to the abominations of the he that only. A lot had cast out before the children of S. Are now we were told that back in 2nd Kings the 21st chapter and signing this man God is emphasizing and we're getting gods of the point Chronicle So this man from God's view Pont was an evil man I read on verse 3 for he dealt again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down and he reared up stairs for bail him and may grow and worship Allah host of heaven and serve them now this man went into idolatry in a big way eases diet as a have been jazz of Bell he worshipped bailable which they did and we're told here and he built because for all of hosts of heaven in the to court so the house of the lone now he introduced into the temple in Jerusalem the worship of the hosts of the heading like the worship of Jupiter the worship of Margaret the worship of Venus the worship of all of the stars of heaven in other words he established a harness go but you could have got your heart risk though in the temple in that way and I'm very sorry that you say that some churches action to promote this type of thing and one of the big businesses today that you can go to into the 5 and 10 cent store and buy a harness though I personally do not know what all of it means somebody says it's just an innocent fun it's not for a lot of people they put more confidence in this then they put in God Today I heard an interview on television some time ago in which movie star they say they don't have any now but she's considered quiet outstanding and cheap. The statement that she been looking at her heart scope and she was a Virgo and the girls had been married 5 or 6 times and apparently said quite a few affairs and I would not think that she was a Virgo by any manner of calculation she could be something out so you could be a tower us or something else but not of Virgo Anyway that's why she say and she felt like that when the star crossed that star well that was something ran out it's amazing that in our day that intelligent at least day passes intelligent people get interested in that he want all away an idolater a friend and we are told here and he caused his children to pass through the bar in the Valley of the sun him this is one of the lowly know how far he went there were different degrees of that you could actually let him pass through in the sense they only got sandwiched good are the idle could be heated in a baby it was just put right down in the arms of that red hot adult you just can't thank of anything quite as bad as that but that was the idolatry in this man seems to have gone all away all so he observed time and he used didn't chant and used the witchcraft and he dealt with a familiar spirit and with wizard he brought much evil in the side of the large to provoke him to anger now we are seeing along with this spiritual movement that is a broad today we're seeing action it friends a turn back to site panic worship I do not have time to develop that but it's a round us today now we're told he said a card in it the idol which he had made in the House of go. To which God said to David and Solomon his son in this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen before all the tribes of this real well I put my name for ever neither will I and him or remove the foot of this from out of the land which I have appointed for your fathers so that they will take heed to do all that I have commanded them according to the whole law and the statutes and the arguments by the hand of Moses Now God had said that if these people would worship him and be faithful to him that he would bless them Now notice what Manassas doing and we are told my Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err and to do worse than the heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel and a large spike among NASA and to his people they would not hearken now they have reached the dam so you can be sure when man are on night shining reaches this place God will move So what happened wherefore the large brought upon them the captains of the hosts of The King of Assyria which took my NASA among the thought warns and bounded with betters carried him got Babylon and when he was in affliction he was solved a large Is God an omelet him self greatly before the God of his fathers and prayed and they him and he was and treated of him and heard is supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom then Manasseh knew that the large he was God Now this man had a remarkable experience I would have given him up I'm sure maybe many of you would have given him up God did not give him up but God sent trouble and plenty of it too and he's carried away captive now this should have been a warning. The other nation that God now was getting ready to descend the sun and kingdom into captivity because of their continual Satan and this man though comes back and apparently came back to God in a very real way and yet he was very much of a weakling generally these men are and we are told are 17 Nevertheless the people did sacrifies stay all in the high places yet under the law of their God only in other words the people never did truly come back to God Now this man rang dollars time and we are told that God had heard this prayer and it reveals how gracious God is now here is a Son of God late parents who comes back to God after going to the very limit that SMA NASA Now that ought to be and encourage him and there's some that are listening to me today you've got a son and a daughter's a man told me some time ago I have a daughter and I don't know where she. No the man tell me I have a son he knows where year and he says that he's gone the very limit Well I'm a mass of dead in my book I would have given him up all right now when I said God heard his prayer and we're told here that my NASA slapped with his father's name badge him in his own house Sam and his son Ryan is sad now no to the evil of this man and done as a young man back it is son and I can understand now why son went all as he did burst 21 and one was 2 and 20 years old when he began to rain and rain 2 years in Jerusalem a very good friend of mine it is why they were bulk of means and I lived it up and then they were converted but their children were grown them math that batch of children got away from home and they certainly were away from God Yet other children after he was say the ones that he's had since he was say they are godly wonderful children they either go on the limit and now this boy am and he did that which was evil in the side of the law does did Nasa's father or Alan sacrificed some to all the carved images which men NASA is fathered made and serve them you see he went in they put steps others father and their early days Elmo not in the South before the largest Manassas father had on one himself but Ammon trespass more and more now as servants conspired against him and slew him in his own hands but the people of the land slew all damned I did conspired against Ammon and the people of the land made Josiah his son King in his stead now we come to the last great revival under Josiah next time. And may I say that this was like our it was 5 minutes to 12 in the history of this nation yet God sent a revival we'll finish 2nd Chronicles next time where do we go from here we go back to the New Testament 1st Corinthians. What an amazing testimony to the patience and sovereignty of God Monastir was a thoroughly evil man who spent his years running from God And yet in the end my Nasa's heart turned to God If you've been praying for someone like monastic and I think a lot of us have masses in our lives don't wait and you're not seeing maybe the hand of God moving in his or her life then be encouraged by today study and remember keep praying and if you're listening today and maybe you thought that you've sinned just too much or maybe you've strayed too long for God to ever welcome you home because if you were God you would certainly never welcome yourself foam then find hope in the NASA story and turn to God today as Dr McGee said we've got one more study in the book of 2nd Chronicles and then we head back to the New Testament to a study from the book of 1st Corinthians so if you haven't yet go to TB dot org forward slash notes and download your copy of Dr McGee's notes and outlines on 1st Corinthians or you're welcome to request your free copy of briefing the Bible as I've mentioned before it's our new resource that has combined all of Dr McGee's notes an outline in a one handy little paperback book it's really cool go online to request yours or give us a call at 1865 bible that's 180-652-4253 join us next week as we continue our 5 year journey through the Bible while I'm Steve was for all of us through the Bible we're grateful for your partnership with us in taking God's Holy Word to the whole world today the movie you know Molo suited the reasons to. The we're so grateful for the baby only generous support of through the Bible's partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole world. Triscuit the extra effort brought to you by unbound dot org The Bay Bridge approach pretty slow right now particularly once you get to the metering lights it is jam packed in there traffic is backed up beyond the 80 overpass and get a bit of a back up and Walnut Creek due to an accident 24 he's back out at 6 am your beer truck struck the guardrail there is little spill in the 2 right lanes C.H.P. Is running traffic breaks through that area and apparently a tow truck is on the way to help clear things up in places around the world there are elders who long for Community connection and the opportunity to live a greater dignity sponsor an elder through unbounded help bring a brighter tomorrow to one person who's helped us all build a better world meet one at unbound dot org I'm Marcus that's traffic on AM 1100 K. Afaics. You know what the word from Bible Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Oakland Pastor Timothy Hawkins accepted 3 is a great familiar story of the Lange man that laid at the Beautiful Gate or the gate called beautiful you know way he looked at Peter and John expecting to receive alms and it was Peter and John that said look on us let's update the language they are on their way to church they run across a man who's at the gate let me put Paul's there there's a lot of people that is that the church but not in the church there's a lot of people that work at the temple but not in the temple and there's a difference when you're on the outside as opposed to being on the inside this man was brought to the gate daily he was brought the temple daily and let me just point out that the hour of prayer was 3 times it was 9 in the morning 12 the noon day and 3 in the afternoon and it's at the 9th hour so this was the you have to noon that 3 o'clock time so I'm sure during the day and during the times of Peter and John it went to the. Temple they possibly saw this fella However today was a different day because they wasn't going to hand out a Band-Aid they was going to give out a blessing how was a going to do it they was going to use the resources that God gave them on the inside to help this man move from being a beggar to a believer too often we're said it would just dropping folks a few coins and moving on as business as usual but it's only a bad day they need a blessing this is been a presentation of Bible Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 1528th Avenue in Oakland for information on worship services and upcoming events call 514442323 at 514442323 or visit Bible Fellowship M B C dot org. Tracey this is a wonderful book report but Lincoln and Washington were not twins then why is it worth a combined on President's Day I have no idea convenience time for bed well that is a gross injustice right into the system it's a combined celebration plus their sales events Well I think it's inappropriate I mean and last we were actually trying to keep you safe sales wake up California it's Nor Cal Honda dealers president staysail right now take advantage of special offers on every Honda like money to $9.00 a month on the sporty $20900.00 at this event ends Presidents Day So see your Nor Cal hunt dealer now Lisa 2860 density taillights for 189 come on 36 months with 1900 signing qualified lessees approved Ron financial services excludes taxes license no security deposit intenser mile over 12000 liters apply for lower credit steeper prices these terms may vary C.D.O. For offer details on percent to 28 for the deal in years to ask ANY 100 drivers or visit more County dealers dot com. Demonstrate me is sponsored by family life ministry on AM 1100 K. F.A. X. Most of us try to avoid discipline and certainly our children. Try to avoid being disciplined and yet demonstrating point out that the Scriptures command discipline and encourages us to embrace my son do not regard lightly the discipline of the And welcome to family life today thanks for joining us on the Friday edition so you've said before you think this era for parents is the most challenging in the last couple 100 years I actually wrote my adult children a note of apology I read a quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer who said the greatest gift one generation can give another is that of a moral society and I wrote to apologize to our kids a bit I said your mom and I tried we did our best but it was not good enough the society we're passing on to you and our grandkids is unfortunately not more moral more spiritual but unfortunately is on a downward spiral and I think it's all the more reason Bob for why messages like our listeners are about to hear today why parents need to be vigilant to teach their kids the right stuff about who God is and to pass on to them why. They're learning and what God's teaching them in their own lives you and Barbara are working right now on a book called The Art of parenting that will be released in late summer and this is a book that well it's been on your heart for years it's just never gotten on paper so now you're transferring up from your heart to the printed page 25 years this book has been thank you but yeah I guess that is a good word but it's been percolating for a quarter century and feel like we've got something to say now that we've raised 6 of ours to adulthood and we've got 23 grandkids and I'm I'm telling you this is a generation who needs to know what the very basics of parenting are all about in fact in our book The Art of parenting we talk about how just as there are 3 primary colors that we learned about when we were in the 1st and 2nd grade you know red blue and yellow that forms all the other colors Well there are 4 primary colors that the Bible teaches that we as parents need to be building into our children's lives and that's what the book is going to be all about the art of parenting using the 4 primary colors of the scripture so if you're not going to tell us what the 4 are of course not. Going to I'm not going to give our listeners a sneak peek on that but here's the thing if they've been listening over the years some of our listeners should know yeah we have some people who really do listen to our broad question and you hinted at it a little bit in a message that you gave a while back at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission conference on parenting you were asked to speak on gospel lessons you've learned over a lifetime of raising your kids and one of the things that you shared with parents as we listen to part 2 of your message today you talked about the importance of teaching your children to have a healthy respect for a healthy fear of God. One of the things that Barbara and I would do was we would practice the presence of God our respect of God by admitting our sin especially when we committed it in front of our kids like I did one Christmas with my son. We'd gotten a Christmas tree and we begin to pull out this Christmas tree stand that I don't know where they are made what country is trying to take over America with this stand but I've done some psychological testing and I scored the lower 2 percentile of all the people in the world have been able to work with my hands and so I'm out there with my son and 1st of all the the trees got branches that won't go all the way to the bottom of this thing and then I cut the branches out and then it's too big so on I'm song and often I'm I'm workin on that tree and I just couldn't get it to work I thought about having God wires in the living room just you know to keep it up Barbara didn't think that was a good idea will find me I lost my cool and all I was doing all this on our front porch that had an arm rail around it and with my 5 year old son watching his father. Who leads a family ministry I threw a hammer across that porch it's skipped on the tile and hit the rock arm around the ports and made a gong noise to signal to whatever neighbors there were already watching. Their lunatic neighbor try to wrestle this Christmas tree to the ground so I didn't care I grabbed the tree I went through in the back of our our station wagon I went over to K. Martin I said fix it. So he took a piece of wood about that wide he nailed it to the bottom of it set it in the stand and said thank you. In between the. The store and our past God got my attention it rained you're acting like a fool. You need to repent. And you need to ask your son to forgive you. So when I got back I got a windy look my son in the AH This is. Not so good being a dead. So I told him I was sorry ask Him to forgive me and he reached out this hand start patting my shoulders it's OK Dad everybody bakes mistakes. Hell you practice the presence of God in dealing with your sin. And dealing with the victories that got Dreamz to the god moments all very important I mentioned earlier that the fear of God sets us up in a place of authority with our children and I think gives us great strength and discipline pavers Chapter 12 verse 5. My son do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord nor be weary when reproved by him for the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son whom he receives it is for disciplines that you have to endure God is treating you as sons for what son is there whom his father does not discipline. Barb and I would read this passage to our kids and they would say we kind of wish you didn't love us so much longer dad but it enabled us to hold fast and realize that discipline is training them for righteousness. I think God feel sorry for parents and I think it's why he delights in answering our prayer is called the prayer of a helpless parent when you know something's wrong and you can't figure out what it is we would pray a prayer Lord God Would you help us if one of our kids and we might name them if that kid is stealing from us why to us to see us. One time we did that and so I come back from the bank that day and I had stopped at the the teller and had gotten 12 crisps $5.00 bills in in my billfold message my billfold all my discs and what about the rest of my evening must earn was fitting at that distance of homework it wasn't a trap I just said it there in then something told me as my son was preparing to go to bed check your bill full. So I went down there and I opened it now went through there was $115.00 bills and so that night and when it got down on my son's bed right next to him where I could look right across the aisle with him and I said Hey I just was wondering when you were doing your homework down there. Did you happen to maybe take one of those $5.00 bills Oh no Dad no. I did I didn't do that no not at all. OK Your mama not been just asking God. To help us get you ever in the family's pilfer in some money. So I said only pray for you since up at my hand on him and I said Lord God thank you for this young man I thank you for his life. And father if he's lying to me and if he's. I pray that you will trouble him. And I open one eye and I thought I saw him wince at that. 2 nights later my son came in next our bed stood by the bed cussing the Dead didn't sleep well the night. And still in the $5.00 bills. We got a porch painted out of that. Used the fear of God in your own life as you practice it to pass it on to your kids because he will be there his prisoners will turn them away from evil just as that has you on more than one occasion the 3rd lesson looking backward. The Gospel embodies God's love John $316.00 For God so loved the world. First John 47 1st John 419 we love because He 1st loved us the gospel is all about love God not only coming into the darkness but also wooing us. With forgiveness of sin. Model and teach your children to love God. And to love others. The Great Commandment Jesus was asked what is the greatest of all the commandments love God with all your heart soul and mind. And love others. How do you do this well you do this by teaching and modeling God's love as you relate to your children and I just have to brag on a great wife and a great mom Barbara for a moment. Our son was. I'm not sure how old but he had a kind of a rambunctious spirit and liked to play ball inside the house and Barbara finally kana drew a line in the same said we're not going to play ball in the house it go outside to play ball well he stepped over the line and broke one of her favorite homo switches from Germany passed down to her by her grandmother. Told little apple girl . And I will never forget this moment my son was up on the top bunk and Barbara was standing at looking up into his face and in and one hand she had a little apple girl split personality is he had broken it and in the other hand she was cradling our son's face and she said it son. You are more valuable than this humble I want you know I love you I care for you this is not what life's all about you are. But you're still going to pay the price for this. If you did. Pursue a relationship with your child is another way to communicate the love of God just go after him and datum and sometimes as you do this there are some opportunities in the midst of this to really impact them not only with the love of God but also what you believe about God I took my daughter Laura on a date when she was about 14. And we decided to go by Abercrombie and Fitch. We went in and she found a beautiful baby blue sweater I still remember this if you want to try it on and I'm standing there a look back over my shoulder and there behind me is a buck naked young man. With one he's spending they are living on a boat dock with water up to about his knee and he's leaning on the boat dock and I'm going this is a cooling store. So I asked to talk to the manager and the manager came over and I said I just want to know I've got 6 kids I bought stuff here but I got a that's indecent. And he said up big to differ with you Sir that's not indecent. And I said Really. He said why would you say this I said any standard of society he said I differ with you on that sir and I said Well if if that's not indecent then I'd like you to get in something pose right now that he was. He was like a deer in headlights that I said I said no drop on drop your pants right. And he said at that point he said Well do you think that's bad you should see our catalog. The one over the catalog and the catalog had a teenage boy in the middle of a bed with 4 nude girls. And this like. Some young people in some big corporation somewhere in here quarters think this is cute. And his parents. Were going to draw lines of time so I bought all of Laura's clothing back from her for Abercrombie and Fitch I don't want her advertising. Pursue a relationship with your child go where they are going and courageously protect them as you go with them. And then as you train them to love others train them in how to ask for forgiveness and also how to forgive that's what the Gospel is efficiency Chapter 4 verse 32 for giving one another just as got in Christ forgave you. If you're lack of us you wonder sometimes are we raising juvenile delinquents they're tearing at each other all the sibling rivalry it's a place to teach them about forgiveness over and over and over again not only from the Bible but also in relationship their relationship with God Well the final one the last gospel lesson that we learned. Is transmitting a vision for their mission if you 210 says we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which he prepared before hand that we should walk in them. Matthew 2819 and 20 is the great commission it is the great vision casting of the Savior wanting to get every person a piece of the action but the passage that I want to challenge you with this this morning is in 2nd Corinthians 520 Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ God making his appeal through us we implore you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God. Hear what God thing to you as parents. You are a noble dignitary of the King of Kings he you are an ambassador what does that make your home. And indecision. Here home is an embassy of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords do you know anything about the embassies. And the embassy is a place that doesn't have to honor the laws of the land where it's located it is a piece of property that only enforces the law of the kingdom that it represents the world we're operating in is not our home the embassy you're from represents the place that is home and you're raising children who are to be ambassadors to their generation. What an incredible privilege you and I have of being in the city of the King of Kings and ambassador to proclaim the greatest message that has ever been declared. And so we raised our children to have a mission. To be ambassadors to reach out to their friends we had hot dogs and evangelistic events our home we had meetings at schools in junior high and high school we raise our kids and in home school for a few years public school for most of the years we wanted to be a light in the midst of darkness and so when it came time to launch our daughter Ashley to college it was a big deal because it was game time. And I begin to get emotional about it there's only been a couple of times when I cried like a baby and just booed this was one of them as we took actually to go to Ole Miss Of all places to become a rebel. And as we were standing outside her dorm I read this passage to her and this ended up getting rid to all of our kids as we launch them to college Philippians Chapter 2 Listen to this if this doesn't capture what you and I feel as a parent. Therefore my beloved as you have always obeyed so now not only in my presence but much more in my absence work out your celebration with fear and trembling for it is a God who works in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Do all things without grumbling or questioning that you may be blameless and innocent listening to this business isn't described watching the arrow into the marketplace children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation among whom you shine as whites in the world holding fast to the Word of Life. So that in the day of Christ I may be proud of your mom and I may be proud that I did not run in vain nor labor in vain you are raising ambassadors in this case to the next generation don't lose sight of the nobility of the privilege you have been given. What we've been listening to the 2nd part of a message from Dennis Rainey about lessons learned as a parent you learned a lot from looking at what the Scriptures have to say about raising the next generation but there's nothing like having some real life come along and help you know how to apply what the Scriptures teach I tell you we had plenty of real life at our house unfortunately a lot of it was imperfection by the parents but you know if there's anything that children teach you it's about your own depravity selfishness and brokenness and the process of helping them grow up you have to face a lot of your own your own shortcomings I think Bob what we can do is look back on the past and say God really has taken some of our errors and he built convictions and to our lives so that we would pass on those convictions to our kids and they wouldn't have to go through some of the same sorrow and trauma because of the mistakes that we may when we were growing up I just want them arm around the parent out there the single parent the blended families who are hammering out life stay after it don't quit the gospel is the gospel of God not giving up on us we can't give up on our kids and got to keep on loving them and pursuing them well we are looking forward to having the book that you and Barbara are working on right now available it'll be out late summer we're also excited about the video series The Art of parenting that will be launching in May and it's something that couples can go through together online or you can do it with a small group in your neighborhood. From your church get a group of 5 or 6 couples together maybe some single parents and go through this material in addition we are kicking off the launch of this video series with a movie that we've created called like arrows it's a movie that will be in movie theaters for 2 nights only May 1st and May 3rd you can go to our website family life today dot com You can see a trailer for the movie and you can also find a list of theaters where the movie is going to be playing those dates Tuesday night May 1st Thursday night May 3rd and we're really excited about what this movie communicates regarding parenting and about the importance of having Jesus at the center of your family not just as a side car but he's the centerpiece for your family it makes a huge difference as you raise your children again see the trailer at family life today dot com and you may want to share the trailer with some friends and plan now you can actually buy tickets now for the movie all the information is online at family life today dot com. Now we have got a lot of couples who are going to be spending the weekend with us this weekend in Colorado Springs Hilton Head South Carolina and Hershey Pennsylvania 3 of our weekend to remember marriage getaways kick off tonight at 7 o'clock and then next weekends a big weekend be praying for couples who are going to be joining us in Albuquerque New Mexico Asheville North Carolina Charlotte North Carolina Cincinnati Ohio Grand Rapids Michigan Kansas City Missouri and Minneapolis got thousands of couples who are spending a weekend with us this weekend and next weekend at one of our weekend remember marriage getaways so please be praying for these couples and thanks to those of you who make these events possible one of the reasons we're able to keep the registration cost as low as we are for a weekend or a member is because folks like you help cover the cost of these events this broadcast our website. Sources when you donate to family life you make this ministry possible you are a part of effectively developing godly marriages and families every time you make a donation if you're a longtime listener to family life today and you've never donated wanted to join us today go online at family life today dot com to donate or call 1800 F L Today or mail your donation to us at family life today at Box 7111 Little Rock Arkansas our zip code is 7 to 2 to 3 and we hope you have a great weekend this weekend hope you and your family are able to worship together in your local church this weekend and I hope you can join us on Monday our friend Nancy Demasi Wildermuth is going to be here and we're going to talk about what it looks like when women pour their lives into younger women and no matter how old you are there are younger women who could benefit from what you've learned your life experience and how God has led you we'll talk more about that Monday hope you can tune in for that I want to thank our engineer today Keith Lynch along with our entire broadcast production team on behalf of our host Dennis Rainey I'm Bob. We will see it back Monday for another edition of family life today. Family life today is a production of family life of Little Rock Arkansas a crew ministry help for today hope for tomorrow. 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Are being international Christian media convention Feb 27th through March 2nd in Nashville Tennessee Here's speakers including Kay Arthur Rick Warren Eric Metaxas Luis Joel Rosenberg Jim Caviezel my pillow founder Mike Lindau and dozens more gained valuable insights by attending one or more of the convention 6 industry session tracks where industry leaders will speak on digital media radio T.V. Church media film and entertainment and international. Ministry experience at Arby's massive exposition featuring tools and services to expand and enhanced your organization church or ministry from media and fundraising experts to publishers and tech companies the exposition has what you are looking for also on the Expo floor will be an exhibit from Museum of the Bible proclaim 18 February 27th through March 2nd for all the details visit an RB convention Dato R.G.B. Your Christian teaching and talk connection am 1100 K. Of A.S.C. Listen to podcasts of your favorite K F E X programs and more any time from our website it's the new on demand feature at K.F.C. X. Dot com Take Fabian 1100 with you wherever you go on our smartphone. Play in San Francisco Oakland San Jose service of Salem Media Group.

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