Shirts I'll do whatever I can. And so we're at one of our favorite little restaurants one day in Branson called Sugar leaf and as I'm walking to the restroom I notice a senior couple sitting at the table in a frustrated they're mad I just went Oh I got a 2nd so I walk over to their table and I simply ask them How was everything. This is so much fun it's become a new hobby for me. So I said How was everything and he goes I got to be honest with you we're pretty ticked I said. I said I hate to hear that what seems to be the problem well your sign outside said brought worst and we stood in line for 20 minutes Ok waiting for Brouwer's we get to the front and you're out of brought worst now I'm only 43 but I can't wait for the day in my life when the biggest issue of my day. Is a store being out of Brouwer's I know Ken is gone he should take this a little more seriously he should take this I said Sure I hate to hear that what can we do to make this right I want to make this right I don't want you to leave him here mad. His whole attitude started to change I said What if I get a piece of pie listen I with senior adults especially changes everything. We have another little saying in our church that goes like this don't get a divorce get it done that. You cannot fight while eating a donut I promise you that it's impossible so I said so what if I get a piece of pie completely different mood attitude totally changes I go I stand in line. I buy him a piece of pie I bring it back over I set it down on the table and he's Thank you starts asking me questions about the restaurant of my hey whoa whoa whoa I don't work here. That's my family over there and my whole family waves from across the restaurant. And then I get back to the table I'm just I'm fired up I can't explain it but I'm charged up like to kids that you see. I just I just impersonated the store manager. And I served them and I said kids this is exactly what every day of our lives should be like because we should be serving people with 0 expectations of anything in return that's why that was so fantastic I challenge you do it next restaurant you go to just stop at the bus station and grab that pitcher of water. You just are walking around the restaurant filling up empty water glasses. At 1st the wait staff will be like what is going on but after about 2 minutes they're like smoke break and they're out the back door. Then it is it gives you a charge. So I imagine a church where every member every follower of Jesus is a backup singer and when someone needs help with their marriage and they approach someone in that church they don't get it go talk to that guy over there they get a how can I help you. I love in the song Solomon after Solomon the shoe might woman get back after the honeymoon they have conflict. Conflict takes place around the bedroom Solomon leaves the mite woman goes looking for him and on her journey looking for him she runs into their backup singers and this is what they say in Song of Solomon Chapter 6 verse one where has your beloved one gone most beautiful of women which way did your beloved turn that we may look for him with you not he's a bum. You knew this was going to happen this is all men. Know they're an ally for the marriage not just the spouse years ago I was at an event I did a session called from anger to intimacy and this lady came up to me afterwards she was shaking she was so mad at me and what I just shared and she walked right up to the book table and she said as I said Yeah sure I need to say something to you like . I said what's that she of my husband left me do you know why you left me. I'm getting a little picture of it but it's just a real small little picture. And this is what she said You hear this all the time among family and friends I don't know what the issue may be brought to you is but in this case this is what she said my husband left me because he couldn't handle being married to a successful one it and I said Ma'am can I pastor you for 5 minutes. I said your success did not cause your divorce she said What did you think it was. I said well had a little bit to do with your. And I step back call security this is as a protocol. Either one you want is in the lobby. She started to leave I said now wait a 2nd I need to share with you 2 of the greatest things I've ever learned that my mentor taught me Dr Gary Smalling about anger and I want to share with you right now number one on resolve anger is like drinking poison expecting the other person to get sick I said ma'am some people sip this each day but you're drinking it by the gallons I said the 2nd thing is you never bury anger dead you always bury it alive. I said and you've buried this anger and it's going to come out of relationships with your children relationships at work or relationships with your 2nd or 3rd husband. You can do something about this I noticed it from across the room she said what's that I said to John Norman's chip on your shoulder I go you've got to do something with it I don't know who said what to put it there I don't know how long it's been there but I've got great news for you the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that can raise your lifeless soul keeping in mind I had a table between us the whole time I was doing this is very important you got to have a little bit of a barrier for safety. And she started to calm down just a little bit and I said and that to me even when you're directing one spouse to speak of the entire marriage and those who are absent are protected here in this conversation I'm only going to be able to talk to you because your husband isn't here but I can't I can't stay focused on the issue because it isn't about your success it isn't about money it isn't about job or career there's something else going on let's get to the root of that. You never know the whole story you have to avoid rewriting history or being a part of changing the narrative when one spouse wants to change that narrative every backup singer needs to be an ally for the marriage not just the spouse every spouse Now this is on me this is on you needs to turn down bad backup singers and turn up good backup singers you can work with a couple in counseling you can give them all the skills you have in your arsenal you can throw it out and they can begin to see some good positive change but if you send them back to the same environment or the same voices. The same people speaking into their marriage and here's some examples of bad backup singing I just want you to be happy. You deserve better there's someone out there better for you no one should have to put up with that you've tried everything to make it work he or she has changed and I was Love the flipside of that is he or she won't change. Be very intentional with who you invite on to your team and who the backup singers are so in the few moments we have left as want to share with you some ways you can identify a great backup singer for your marriage and how all of us who claim the name of Jesus can be a great backup singer to all of the duets around us our mayor our marriages of our family members and friends and coworkers. Number one promote and celebrate dating and engagement getting back to that we do this at our church I love it I have had a couple of times in my favorite time was a lady sent me a letter and she said you know I love how you're encouraging the young guys to date and get married I love that but don't forget about us old women. I was like Wow Ok I love She is why don't you start finding some dates for the widows in your church so I stood up one Sunday morning in our congregation and before congregation I read this letter from a lady named Deb and at the end of reading the letter she listed all of our assets I live on the lake I got a good pension and I got to. 2 Jet Skis she had it all out there. And at the end I simply in a pastoral tone asked Where are the men for Dad and 5 guys in our 1st service stood up. The 1st 2 guys came forward out to sort of take the show us a picture of point about to go be happy to the 3rd guy walks up true story looks over his shoulders looks at me and says Hey Pastor do you have a picture of the sea doos I. And I did not introduce him today. But getting back to saying it's a good thing we rejoice and delight in this I have friends that tell me all the time when they tell me they get engaged I go crazy celebrating with them and I have I can't tell you how many couples have told me you're the only one we know who's excited for us and really yeah friends and family are scared to death that we're not ready every marriage is a do it need of great backup singers it's not just a program we're talking about this morning it's about a d.n.a. Change in the church about changing the way we think about everybody being equipped number to leverage weddings and funerals leverage weddings and funerals more people are attending with more unchurched are attending weddings and funerals at our church than are actually attending our church. To be able to not just celebrate with couples Hey you made it but to tell their story and to share their story I want the young couples in our church to talk to grandma and grandpa to go out on a double date with them I want them the people that have the anti-bacterial products on all of their purse I want to talk to a grandma who let her kids pick up cigarette butts and chew on and I want that to happen. I always I had a guy come up to be the day and said hey can you talk to me about discipline I said I Let me tell you about discipline my dad's greatest form of discipline was sending me up stairs to wait for my spanking that was worse than a spanking and I have to how many of you remember going down to remind your dad that he sent you up to your room to wait for your spank and I said I'm probably not the one to talk to about this. But we need we need grandpa let his kids ride in the back window of the car to talk to the one who straps this kid in like he's going to outer space right we need we need those conversations happening leveraging that we need to number 3 Focus on feelings not issues just like that lady who is angry Let's get to what's really going on let's talk about your heart let's talk about unresolved anger let's talk about how to above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life and how to move on from no longer blaming your ex-husband or blaming the situation of that marriage and moving into the issues of the heart. Number 4 to be a great backup singer know the resources have them ready to go what small groups to plug into your church send him a video of a sermon let him know a book send him to marriage 911 which is what our church used let him know about the intensive program the folks on the family offers I mean all of these resources to have them ready and ready to go. Number 5 Don't hit the like button on Facebook when one spouse goes on a rant about the other shows pictures of a new boyfriend or new girlfriend. And the culture that we live in this dating while divorcing have any file the paperwork yet but I'm dating someone new it crushes me as a pastor to go on Facebook and to see members of the church members who sat in their marriage teaching for 1015 years to begin putting lines of bad back up singing on that post just want you to be happy so glad you're finally happy and I always say don't ask me to celebrate a new relationship while I'm still mourning the death of your marriage. Don't hit that like button number 6 Don't let attacks on your past attempts keep you from reaching out now and in the future. Number 7 and finally don't let anger from a hurting family member or friend or church member keep you from loving and caring for them now press in Lean In ask the question How may I help you how can I help you rather than yet go talk to that person yeah go do that you have been they have come to you they have a relationship with you led bridge that to be a backup singer to that duet. And I want to close our time share with you about one of the greatest backup singers. My wife and I ever had was in her grandparents Lloyd and Lorraine free tag. I got a call one day going into a meeting in Branson that Lloyd had gotten up from the chair and broke his hip and broke his leg and he was at St Mary's Hospital in Rochester Minnesota and we're in Branson Amy's parents Lloyd's son lives in Branson and I I told my wife hey get the kids ready call your parents have them be ready in an hour I'll come home and get you all. They said Lloyd doesn't have much time left and so will drive through the night to say good bye to Grandpa Lloyd and and we did we drove through the night I'll never forget walking in that day to Lloyd's bedside and is on oxygen and you could tell he was declining quickly and I'll never forget my father in law falling on his dad blessing is dad. Kid couldn't ask for a better dad I love you dad just speaking words of high value honor over his dad and then my wife Lloyd's granddaughter falls on him and then my children his great grandchildren fall on a mom in like the last to walk up and Lloyd had a great sense of humor I walked up to Lloyd's table to bed and the very 1st thing Lloyd says to me is Teddy is there anything you can do to speed this up. And I said well I guess I could step on some of these hoses and pull some of those plugs but. They frown on that. And we had such a great day and I didn't get this with 3 out of 4 of my grandparents I know many of us in this room did not have that opportunity to be at the bedside to say goodbye and to have a prolonged departure from this earth but it was such a great day Lloyd enjoyed it so much he decided he was going to stick around. For another day and decided that the next day would be the day and I remember the doctor coming in while I was standing there saying Lloyd we want to put you on Dallas us and he just kind of shook his head and said no we're done we're done I'm ready to go be with the Lord that's where Lloyd was at I remember we went out to dinner that night and I dropped my father in law back off because he wanted to watch one more Minnesota Twins game with his dad. And Lloyd said Come back tomorrow I'm going to go home it's time and I'll never forget going into his hospital room and we prayed together we took the Lord's Supper together we sang together it sounded Harbel I can't even begin to tell you how bad it sounded but when we were done with those 3 things I'll never forget Lloyd saying goodbye everyone I got to go and they start shutting off his pacemaker taking his oxygen out and he leaned back and I've been in these situations before to no as the family members looked on thinking this could be any moment I'm going this could be hours days could be weeks . And I'll never forget it my daughter. Would sit there most of that afternoon and just rub Lloyd's arm twice during that time Lloyd came to and I'll never forget his expression he popped up and I remember his expression turn from this to. I. And he went right back to this position. And 4 hours later he went to be with the Lord. We all were a mess we just lost the patriarch of our family a loving honorable man and we all walked outside of the room into the hallway I'll never forget my daughter was crying my son Carson 7 at the time was not and Corinne says Carson Matthew Cunningham Why are you the only one in this family not crying and no kid my 7 year old has sissy I have learned to control my emotions I. And I'll never forget Lorraine coming out of the room walking up to me and hugging me and said. Ted would you do our family the honor of preaching his funeral next week and I said it would be my great honor and so a week later in Austin Minnesota I stood up before about 300 family and friends and I start every funeral the same ecclesiastics 7 vs one into a good name is better than fine perky m. And the day of death is better than the day of birth for it is better to go to a house of mourning than to house the feasting for death is the destiny of every man and the living should take this to heart and I said today we're here to take to heart the death of Lloyd free tag. And the scripture says it's better to go to a funeral than to go to a party and the reason for that is because a funeral is a recalibrating event a funeral should change the way you think and it should change the way you live I don't get that at a party I don't walk away from a party ever going but change my life is good fellowship is good medicine as we laugh together but at a funeral and I've sat there I had 20 years of pastoral ministry I've sat at a funeral of a child. Who died from SIDs and I said this is the real this is why going to a funeral is better than going to a party because I sit there and I think about this family who has lost their child and I think you know the day before how ridiculous was it that I got on my kids for making a mess and splashing around too much in the bathtub so that's what if a funeral begins to bring up those questions a funeral begins to say I'm not living the right way I need to change some things and I'm going to go home today and I want to teach my kids how to use the toilet as a diving board into the bathtub. I said today we're here to take to heart the death. Of Lloyd free tag Let's talk about Lloyd I said Here is a man that went when he was just a boy halfway around the world to literally save the world for us in World War 2. In the Navy he came back he meets this fiery red head named Lorraine and they go on a date invites on a date on a Saturday night they went so well at the end of that they'd invited her on a 2nd date on the 2nd date the next Saturday night he asked Are we going to get serious or what. And she said What do you mean do you want to get married 2nd date came a proposal and she said yes and before Lloyd went to be with the Lord they celebrated 65 years of marriage he worked at a Hormel meat packing plant for 42 years so he knew something about commitment loyalty duty sacrifice and honor and I'm looking around the room at many marriages of family and friends gathered around the room I said today taking to heart the death of Lloyd means we do something with what we're learning today about his life this man loved his Lord served his church faithfully served his wife faithfully served his family faithfully and today we get to take to heart that message for us we're all a mess we go graveside and I'll never forget my wife's uncle uncle wing comes up to me gravesite and he said Teddy would you promise me one thing I said what's that he goes will you preach a funeral that good for me one day and I looked right at him and said you got some work to do. I. Don't we all. Don't we all. We have great models all around us to to lead us and to guide us and do encourage us and to challenge us in our marriages. The 2nd challenge today though is that we would be that person to inspire and encourage the couples all around us every marriage is a duet in need of great backup singers and my prayer for you is that you would be that great backup singer thank you very much focus for a lot of. Ted coming here as our special guest during a recent focus on the family staff what a wonderful message from Ted and a beautiful story there at the end about the legacy of a great marriage I hope we all aspire to have that kind of an impact upon the generations of our own families I also appreciated Ted's insight about how we can become stronger advocates for the marriages of our family members our friends and those in our community you know the fact is folks the world is watching us as Christians Christian marriages to see if we can do it are we any different in how we treat each other how we resolve our conflict do we uphold the commitments we made in our own wedding vows are we a good witness of God's forgiveness and grace in our families I hope you enjoyed Ted's message today in fact we'd like to provide that to you as a free download so please pass it on to others who may need to hear this kind of encouragement please be generous with your giving so we together can continue to strengthen and support marriages throughout 2018 we'd love to hear from you today find that download and how to donate at Focus on the Family dot com slash radio or call 802-326-4592 learn more 800 the letter a in the word family. Now whenever we address the topic of marriage we're very aware that some listeners are in difficult relations. Chips and it may be that your struggling Perhaps you fear that your marriage is doomed to fail if so please know that we can help we have a counseling network of course and hope restored where we provide intensive counseling for couples who are in trouble many on the brink of divorce the success rate there and hope restored is amazing more than 4 out of 5 couples who go through hope restored are still together 2 years later so please contact us if you need that kind of assistance Our number again 800 the letter a in the word family or details about hope restored at Focus on the Family dot com slash radio. We hope you have a great weekend with your family and then join us on Monday you'll hear advice on how to create a clutter free home when we just organize one thing one season we have to do it a month later months later like there's no end to that and so that the solution is to remove things permanently from our life that's next time and focus on the family thanks for listening and when you get in touch please let us know that you listen on am 1100 k. F.a. X. I'm John Fuller and on behalf of Jim Daly in the entire team join us next time as we once more help you and your family thriving press. Focus on the family has helped for troubled marriages we came here with broken hearts and crushed spirits but we're leaving with great hope and tools to mend our marriage it's with hope restored a marriage intensive experience our premier Christian counseling program provides in-depth quality care that will make a difference in your life and your marriage even if your marriage is on the brink of divorce we can help scholarship surveillance find out more and hope restored dot com. Attention Cancun area parents are. Are you considering a change in your child's education are you trying out of having to debrief your child after each day in the public school system if you're just a little bit curious about your options then you should attend the Ignatius Valley Christian school prospective family preview night the date is February the 5th and the time is 630 to 8 pm that's Monday February the 5th the address for 977 Concord Boulevard in Concord you can learn more by visit me y b c school dot au r g that's why v.c. Schooled on o r g. M a Christian school a school dedicated the providing a biblically centered education that equipped students to become followers of Jesus Christ serving God in their homes church and community you do have options and you all were to yourself and your family to attend the prospective family preview night on Monday February the 5th starting at 6 30 pm need tails at y b C's school dot au our g. Does your dog it scratch tanker shed like crazy Come Dine invite for help order 90 day supply of dynamite pick up 2 bottles of liquor chops get the 3rd bottle free new improved liquid chops with a mega 6 omega 3 vitamin e and now 6 extra direct Fed microbial even better for that I just attract an immune system and dogs love it try to look at shops buy to get one free this is Henry Look at 7 for died of like it while you know the guy. Rapping at the family with. Coming up after the break pathway to victory. Here an 11 and. The following sponsored by pathway to victory a ministry of 1st Baptist Church Dallas today from Dr Robert Jeffress pathway to victory no one is safe apart from the name of Jesus Christ and that's why ladies and gentlemen we ought to be sharing that message with people we share that message not because we. People of other religions maybe because we love them we don't want them to miss heaven welcome to pathway to victory with author and pastor Dr Robert Jeffers The Bible claims that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven but what about those who have never heard about Jesus wouldn't it be unfair for God to leave them out today on pathway to victory Dr Robert Jeffress addresses this common argument against the exclusivity of Christ now here's our Bible teacher to introduce today's message Dr Jeffress Thanks David and welcome to the Friday edition of pathway to victory just before we get started let me suggest that while you have a little extra time over the weekend be sure to stop by our website and check out our upcoming pathway to victory journeys of Paul Mediterranean cruise this is an exclusive tour with unforgettable sightseeing opportunities in Greece and Italy and to ensure that this is truly a Christian experience we're bringing our own talent with us on our luxury cruise ship Reggie and lady love map and pianist Gordon moat will lead us in worship and my friend comedian Dennis one bird will keep us laughing as well of course I'll be spending time teaching God's word as we walk along some of the most important steps Paul ever took in his ministry steps that lead him to the top of Mars Hill in Athens down the streets of Corinth and Rome and so many more sites that the dates are June 8 through 18th 28 and there's also a pre-treat extension to Rome 5 through 8 now as I'm recording this broadcast there's only a handful of spots left on this tour so I encourage you to go today to p t v dot org All this month we've been so encouraged to receive positive feedback from listeners who are responding to our current. Series not all roads lead to heaven and I'm inviting you to request a copy of my bestselling book by the same title why there are still time and a day when the majority of the evangelical Christians believe that many religions lead to eternal life we need to bring clarity to the chaos I'll send you a copy of my book to your home when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory I'll say more about this and other opportunities later on but right now it's time to turn our attention to our study today were wrestling with a very relevant question what about those who have never heard about Jesus every parent who has ever disciplined a child is familiar with these 3 words it's not there. Now is sometimes in that comes from a child when he wants to protest his guilt at all but when the evidence is too overwhelming to deny his guilt the child will use that argument to say well the punishment being meted out is far too severe for the crime committed whether that punishment is a grounding or a spanking or later on the confiscation of cell phones or car keys it's not fair. They should be no objection that it's not fair protest is also the primary objection people have to one of the most basic ingredients of the Gospel and that is the only way to escape hell is through faith in Jesus Christ you know some people like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar want to deny that they're guilty at all but other people will admit well I may be slightly flawed but hell is far too so they're a punishment for just a few mistakes here and there are for not believing the right things about Jesus and when you start addressing those who have never heard about Jesus Well it's not fair protest for sounded even much more loudly passed for. Are you saying that the only way a person can go to heaven is by trusting in Jesus and therefore if they have not heard about Jesus they're going to be confined to an eternity in Hell it's not fair I bet you've run across that objection as well what about those who have never heard about Jesus 30 years ago the question used to be framed this way what about the heathen in Africa you remember that question what about the heathen in Africa for some reason we used to think all the heathen of the world congregated in Africa and that that's where they were but today you don't have to travel halfway around the world to find people who have never heard about Jesus as our culture becomes increasingly secular this question about what about those who have never heard about Jesus becomes increasingly relevant as specially when you add the word innocent to the question what about that innocent young woman in Syria who has never heard about Jesus Christ is she condemned to hell for rejecting a gospel she never even heard it's not fair. I think it's very vital that those of us who have been charged as Christians would share in the gospel be able to answer this question you know 1st Peter 315 says we ought to be ready to give an answer to every one who asked us for the hope that is within us if somebody were to ask you you believe Jesus is the only way to salvation what about those who have never heard about Jesus would you know how to answer that question in a way somebody could understand we're going to answer the question about what about those who have never heard the Gospel by stating for biblical propositions for Biblical truths that when you add those truths together answer the question clearly about what happens to those who have never heard about Jesus Christ today we're going to look at the 1st 2 of those propositions next time we'll look at the final to the 1st basic understanding you have to have to answer this question about those who have never heard the Gospel is this write it down everyone is guilty before God Now to the secularists who believes that name and is basically good the idea of anybody going to hell is just preposterous people are basically good aren't they and even if they're not perfect maybe slightly flawed basically they're Ok but that is not the starting place of the Gospel the Gospel begins by saying everyone is guilty before God You see there is no good news of salvation unless you understand the bad news and that is our guilt before God nobody is in a right standing before God you say why is that true how could that be true when the answer to that question how we all became a strange from God is found in Romans 5 verse 12 Paul says Therefore just as through one man that is Adam San entered the world and dad through San and so Deb spread all me and because all sand. When Adam sand. His sand virus was passed on to every man woman and boy and girl who's ever lived we inherited from Adam not only Adam's corruption that is his inclination pope in City to San We've also inherited Adam's guilt you know a lot of people have trouble with that they said wait a minute you're are you saying we are held responsible for what Adam did absolutely there you hear the protests it's not fair it's not fair that I would be held guilty for what another person did that's just not fair even though you and I every hour of every day only confirm Adam's choice don't wait when we sinned against God But they say it's just not fair that I would be held guilty for what Adam did Paul anticipated that argument he said way if you think that's unfair let me show you something else he says in Romans 517 for if by the transgression of the one that is Adam death Rangely the one much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in light through the one another one that is Jesus Christ was a dish we're all held guilty because of Adam's sin but here's something even more unfair that you and I could be declared righteous before God by what one person Jesus Christ did for us that is unfair to aren't you glad God's unfair and have a way that he credits us with the righteousness of Jesus Christ that's the essence of the gospel message or since we've already focused and pass messages on the origin of sand and the reality of our guilt before God let's talk about the results of our guilt before God because every one of us is guilty before God every one of us is deserving of the wrath of God Every one of us deserves the wrath of God You see the starting place for answering this question what about people who've never heard the Gospel read about this person this person the starting point is to realize they're guilty. They are guilty before God they are guilty before God and therefore they are deserving of the wrath of the punishment of God You know today it's very unpopular to talk about the wrath of God people will applaud you if you talk about the love of God or even the justice of God but nobody wants to hear about the wrong the anger of God is just politically incorrect to be frank with you to talk about the wrath the punishment of God that sounds like something from the Victorian era or the Puritan area it just doesn't seem relevant today the wrath of God is a reality Arthur pain points out that if you do a study in the could cordons you will find that the wrath of God or the anger of God is mentioned far more than the love of God Now what do we mean when we need the wrath or the anger of God It's important to know that in the Greek language there are 2 different words both of which are translated anger or wrath in the Bible the 1st word is the Greek word through monks it's a word that refers to an explosive kind of anger that wells up quickly and also subsides quickly. It's that emotion you feel when. Somebody cut you off on the highway. Or somebody says something to you that just rubs you the wrong way or your mates says something to you that just presses the wrong emotional button inside of you man you get furious but hopefully you get over it that is through ma citizen anger that arises quickly and dissipates quickly but the 2nd Greek word for anger wrath is the word or gay oh are g. And this is a term that is used to refer to the wrath or anger of God What does that mean or gay Leon Morris says it is a strong and settled opposition to all that is evil arising out of God's own nature it is the holy revulsion of God being against that which is the contradiction of His Holiness you know when we sin against God God doesn't flare up and lose his temper and pour out is anger on us and then gets over it in the next hour or 2 that's not the wrath or anger of God and Stead the wrath of God refers to God's settled and building opposition to everything that is unholy within a couple of hours of the shootings in San Bernadino the New York Daily News published the headline God isn't fixing this and I had several interviewers ask me on Fox The question one of them in particular said What is your response to that why isn't God fixing this why does God allow evil to go unchecked and my answer is very simple God doesn't work according to our timetable . A God will fix this one day make no mistake about it but his anger is building and it's building in the end one day it is going to be unleashed upon God's likeness but sometimes that water that building behind the dam occasionally it lapse over onto the people below before the dam ever bursts and it's the same thing with the wrath of God Yes there is a future day of God's wrath coming that we're going to look at in a moment but right now we experience God's wrath we experience the result of his holy revulsion for breaking those laws in our everyday lives we experience that individually whenever we ignore what God's commands say about our lives we experience the consequences of it whether it is broken relationships divorce illness there are natural and media consequences that come whenever we break God's rules and Romans $118.00 Paul says for the wrath of God is revealed not one day will be revealed it is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and on righteousness of man who suppress the truth and unrighteousness You see folks there is a law of sowing and reaping whatever a man so this will he also reap when you break God's laws there are natural consequences we feel his wrath that's not only true for us individually. It's true for us as a nation as well. You know there is a lot of discussion going on right now in light of what happened in San Bernadino about what we should be doing as a nation there are some who would say Well what we need are stricter laws we need stricter laws may I remind you Guns don't kill anyone. It is the human heart the darkened human heart they uses those guns that is the ultimate problem so whenever we want to talk about violence and terrorism in our country Ok let's have a discussion about guns but let's also have a discussion about enhancing law enforcement and respecting our police instead of castrating them and showing our disrespect for them and not only that. If we're going to. Really address the problem of violence in our country let's address the spiritual component that is present. You know for the 1st 160 years of our nation's history every school child who went to school heard about God they heard about the reality of God they memorized his laws the New England primmer was a textbook used and many if not most schools in this country and that New England primmer had verses from scripture about God that every student had to memorize in order to pass but about 60 years ago we allowed the liberals the secularists in this country to engage in a social experiment and the experiment was this led it's expunge any mention of God from the public square from the schools from government let's expunge any acknowledgement of God in His laws from the public schools let's stop prayer Let's stop Bible reading Let's stop any 10 Commandment displays let's remove all of those things and see if we can still have a good society a moral society without God Well guess what that experiment has been a dismal failure it is an absolute failure and no nation can reject God and be blessed by God What is the cure for what is. The name in our country right now it's the same cure the same solution that God gave 3000 years ago good people when he said in 2nd Chronicles 714 if my people who are called by my name well humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then. I will hear from heaven then I will forgive their iniquities and then I will heal their land returning to God as a nation that in prayer perhaps is not the only thing we need to do but it's certainly the 1st thing we need to do. We are experiencing right now as a country that consequences the wrath of God for turning away from him and his word but make no mistake about it even though there is an immediate experiencing of the wrath of God There is a future time when that wrath is going to be experienced as well the only people who will be exempted from that final judgment will be those who have trusted in Christ as Savior and had their name written in the Lamb's book of life the only way to have forgiveness of your sins is by believing in that Jesus who satisfied the wrath of God on the cross for us and that leads to the 2nd truth the 1st truth is everyone is guilty before God you know that settles a lot of questions when you think about it nobody who goes to hell goes there unfairly everyone deserves to go to hell but the 2nd part of this question is answered by this no one is saved apart from faith in Jesus Christ everyone is guilty no one is saved apart from pay and Jesus Christ God has provided one way of escape through faith in Jesus but it's the only way of escape 63 percent of Americans believe that Christians Jews Muslims and Buddhists all worship the same God And yet the Bible says that is not true on what basis do otherwise Orthodox people say oh they're going to be people in heaven who don't know Jesus by name they just worship him by another name how do they say that it's because they don't understand the significance of a person's name names maybe something and the same is true with Jesus he has verse some similarities between Jesus and a law and Buddha and the Krishna and other human prophets and pagan deities there. Are similarities but the differences far outweigh the similarities when we talk about Jesus Christ we're talking about a particular person in history who lived at a specific time who was born of a virgin who lived a perfect life who died a horrific death on the cross for our sands and most importantly who was raised again on the 3rd day unlike any other proud they are any other deity that has been known to man. And that's why the apostle Peter said without hesitation in Acts 412 for there is salvation no one else for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among man by which we my speech saved no one is saved apart from the name of Jesus Christ and that's why ladies and gentleman we ought to be sharing that message with people we share that message not because we hate people of other religions because we love them we don't want them to miss heaven. This is a message please hear me not only to be shared with others but this is also a message we must embrace for ourselves you know in 1st John 513 the Apostles Jesus loved wrote these words these things have I written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God day you may know you have eternal life do you know ladies and gentlemen if you wait until you die and pass from this life into the next life to discover whether you are saved you've waited too long. Your eternal destiny is too important to be unsure about it's not supposed to be a mystery God wants us to be absolutely certain that we're going to escape the wrath of God and the only way to escape that wrath is by the levy trusting in claim to the name of Jesus Christ everyone is guilty before God every one of us here today. And no one is saved. From Jesus Christ. The Bible is crystal clear on this issue none of us escapes the wrath of God apart from faith in Jesus Christ and at the same time every one of us is invited to accept God's gift of salvation I have the privilege of reading your letters and e-mails and recently a listener named Jerry wrote to us and said I'm so thankful for the clear teaching and the encouragement I receive from listening to pathway to victory listening each day provides the opportunity for me to grow spiritually and learn what God wants for me and for me as a result I am able to be an effective witness for the ward we're all called to bring glory and honor to God in all we do and I'm full of thankfulness for pathway to victory for helping me answer that call what Thank you Jerry for those very kind words and if you're among those who gifted this ministry this note of gratitude really is addressed to you when you partner financially with pathway to victory God is using your investment to reach friends like the one we heard from today and many others as well God has given us a platform on radio television and the Internet and we're seizing that opportunity to pierce the darkness with the light of God's word one of the most effective ways you can invest in this ministry is by becoming a pathway partner. Our pathway partners have agreed to give a gift each month and the amount of their choosing their consistent giving provides a foundation that we need in order to make this ministry expand even further and in return they're entitled to receive a number of exclusive benefits and resources to become a pathway partner right now or simply to learn more go to p.t.v. Dot org Davis thanks Dr Jefferson when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory or when you sign up to become a pathway partner you're invited to request a copy of Dr Jeffress his bestselling book Not all roads lead to heaven whether your the one with the unanswered questions or you simply have a heart for unbelievers this book will equip you with a clear understanding of the exclusive claim of Jesus to eternal life Plus you'll also receive the exclusive pathway to encouragement verse a week chart with 52 inspiring Bible verses for each week of the year to request these resources call 866-999-2965 or go online to p t v dot org And when your gift is $75.00 or more will also send you the complete unedited series on d.v.d. That comes along with an in-depth study guide to request your copy call 866-999-2965 or go online to p t v dot org You can also send your request to us by mail just write to p.o. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 again that's p.o. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 I'm David j. Mullins for Dr Robert Jeffress our study continues next one. When Dr Jeffress returns with part 2 of his message called What about those who have never heard about Jesus that's Monday here on pathway to victory. Pastor Dr Robert Jeffress wrapping up pathway to victory heard weekdays here at 6 am experience Israel 2018 with back to Tony Evans and his lovely wife Lois Evans and musical guests well their son Anthony Evans It's a family affair and Meredith Andrews to find out how you can experience Israel 2018 to book your seat find out more go to Cafe x. Dot com. Christian schools has a legacy for providing the education you trust with the children you love transitional kindergarten through 12th grade but if you really want to know who we are take it from these r.c.s. Students where spiritually strong where the future about to question dear athletes where the courageous Disciples of Christ their leaders we are family all rule here brothers and sisters in Christ we are created by God we are love we are critical and creative thinkers had it too how we are determined to do as that clear academic excellence My name is out here and on the Superintendent of redwood Christian schools and I'd like to personally invite you to come and see who we are in action and explore r.c.s. Our students from transitional kindergarten through 12th grade will be putting on an academic display of what they have learned of this year January 29th at 6 pm Community Church I. Are more information about explore r.c.s. Visitor Center website r.c.s. Dot edu forever my girl is a modern day prodigal son story Country music star Liam page never gone over Josie he's one true love he left at the altar but when he returns to his hometown years later he's faced with the consequences of all he left behind why should we. Go. Sticky thang. Find your way back home in the film n.b.c. Race will make you laugh cry and fall in love forever my girl reading parental guidance suggested and now play. We're very excited to announce a new program airing Sundays at 10 am here on K.F.C.'s grace to live is the radio teaching ministry of Pastor Keith Crosby senior pastor of hillside even Joel Free Church in San Jose tune in Sunday at 10 am for great expositional preaching from the Bible if you miss a Sunday simply go to k. Afaics dot com and download the grace to live podcast and learn more about the ministry of hillside Church in San Jose by visiting their website at Hillside dot org. 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You Christians are confused by the idea of receiving a reward or for following Jesus since we aren't saved by our own effort why should we be rewarded for what the Holy Spirit has already accomplished Alister bad answers that question today on truth for life as he explains the future that awaits believers in heaven. It's. Very good to turn again to 2 Timothy 42 words that are increasingly familiar to us some of us I think of almost learned these 8 verses off by heart by now that wouldn't be a bad thing to Timothy 4 and verse one. I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the Word be ready in season and out of season reprove rebuke and exhort with complete patience and teaching for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but having ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into meths As for you always be sober minded endure suffering do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry for I am already being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure has come I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid out for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the right just judge will award to me on that day and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing thanks be to God for His word father now.

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