Be a group Dr j. Vernon McGee is sponsored by through the Bible radio network on am 1100 k. F. a X o o the dish phone usage the. Marriage the bit is it was the quote is what was David's biggest sin Well if he answered his relationship with that Shiva you may be surprised at God's point of view welcome to through the Bible our teacher Dr j. Vernon McGee will be taking us to 1st Chronicles chapters 11 and 12 and tells us that God's view of sin may be very different than ours I'm Steve what's your host welcoming you aboard the Bible bus for another great study in God's word before we jump into our study though I've got a couple of quick letters to share 1st this is an email that we received from Frank in El Paso I was having problems with my cable and called their support line to my surprise the technician on the phone was a young woman from the Philippines during a pause in our conversation about my cable I asked her if she believes in God our Father she replied yes and also Jesus Christ our Savior I was in on when she told me she to listen to through the Bible it brought joy to my heart that people all over the world are hearing God's word I'm on the prayer team and I've been on the Bible bus many years may God continue to bless this ministry Well thanks Frank that's a great letter and way to go in sharing your faith while you're talking to someone for support in the Philippines and by the way add that world protein that he mentioned if you're not already on why don't you go sign up today by going to t.t.p. Dot org forward slash pray and join Frank me and thousands of others who pray daily for the ministry next we got a note from a listener named Amy from Jacksonville Florida my husband. Has the entire set of Dr McGee said it had messages and has gone through them for years now he actually met Dr McGee long ago recently we discovered that we can hear Dr McGee on You Tube on our smart t.v. We love the studies and the Bible by us we listen together every evening after dinner we are senior adults and are truly enjoying our Bible studies we also listen to the Sunday sermons we are so very thankful that Dr McGee is teaching continues to bless people years after his home gone thank you for keeping the Bible bus moving we will continue to pray for the people in all the nations that your message reaches well thanks Amy for your letter and may you and your husband be blessed as you continue to study God's word and serve him on your knees in prayer what about you how's God's word making a difference in your life did you learn something new in Romans are you surprised by something in 1st Chronicles Why don't you tell us what you're learning and together we can make our way through the Bible just email us at Bible bus a t t v dot org or leave a note on our Facebook page let's pray Heavenly Father thank You for the difference that your word is making in lives around the world and help us to understand the message that you have for us today and apply it directly to our lives in Jesus' name we pray Amen Here's through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee. Not a day friends we come to the lab and chop your 1st Chronicles and those of you who are following this study with are not know that now we come to the 3rd major division of this book in the 1st 9 shop we had this remarkable genealogy are I should use the plural geniality Jews and they were indeed remarkable and we have here something that we believe is very important just one chap here on Saul from God's viewpoint he didn't make near the splash that I'm sure that many in that day but he did from God's view point why here is a man that did not impress the lot at all but now beginning here with Chapter 11 where we begin today you will find that we have worse than the 1st 2 chapters your chapters 11 and 12 they would smile to man and we have they and chapters 13 to 16 David and they are and then Chapter 17 David in the temple then we have David's wars chapters 18 to 20 and then we have David Santa numbering the people Chapter 21 and then David's preparation and organization for building the temple chapters 22 through point in time now to reminder this book then is about David's or a new Saul about David. And fact the matter is the genealogy that's given to us is the genealogy that brings us up to David and of course but young David the family of baby that is the one that becomes all important now in this book and we'll see David's family in the next book 2nd Chronicles and we see that the line that is followed that areas of David's life and very little attention given to the Northern Kingdom after they rebelled and withdrew from the reign of David's family now this is a very important section there for and they emphasis now is upon David and have a while to know as we go along the emphasis that God gives shared a certain things and other things in David's life that are played down now you will now decide said David san in chapter 21 but I hadn't anything to do with Bathsheba the number of the people now that is not welcome bond elsewhere and I would say that in God's sight this was the greatest say in and this is the one that he noted by the way I'm of the pinion that the great man info and a great many Christians that can set are certain things. And other things they don't consider science and they're going to get in his presence someday and find out that we're all mixed up and that's going to action that they were not married shares they thought that was what they thought was a great sand may not have been line and what they thought was something that was very slight unimportant God put it down as a saying on David's live everybody could point at Fanger David relative to bad shape and God punished him for it was a terrible sin but God forgave him of that as he came in compassion to the law and God forgave him but that's matter number and the people not that doesn't seem to be a bad say in what we're going to say that it was rather important as far as God is concerned and we'll see why it might be well for many of us to get a different perspective of what saying really is that is saying in the sense of x. Certain things that you do and certain things that we don't believe we saw that especially you will recall in the a pestle to the Romans and the great principle that God puts down that far us now let me begin here in chapter 11 the emphasis here is a pun David's my demand we're going to see you now how I became team leader then all is surreal gathered themselves to David under Heber on saying Behold we are alive bone and I flange now you will recall that back in the other double books when we had this history given to us we were told that for 7 years they would only rightly know with 2 tribes in the south Judah and Benjamin and that he writing then he had grown but now that's Passover why because God looks at family as a nation all 12. And in God's Book the time that he really became king was when he became king a law of 12 tribes and surreal that him they said were blown to your bone where pleasure your flash now verse 2 and roll over in time past even when Sol was king that was he that led a stout and broad Istana surreal and the large die a godsend under the Thou shall lead my people this frail and thou shall be ruler over my people as for now you see there acknowledging the hand of God and He does not become king and tell the people accept him as being God's choice and that began 7 years after he began to rain after the death of saw verse 3 that for came all the elders of s.r.l. To the king to Heber on and David made a covenant with them and he had before the law and they are now in a David King over it's real according to the word of the large by Samuel now he's made king over all 12 tribes and as far as God is concerned that's when he began to rain now we were told a rainbow with to drive 7 years but not here burst forth and David and all its real went to Jerusalem which is Jesus where the genocide so were the inhabitants of the Lion Now David had inspected that lion I think that he had probably been over that lion with a fine tooth comb and knew it better than they do spot as that were sent in by Joshua a new great deal about it and General Salim was the city that he picked become the capital it was to be the place where the temple was to be built David made this city they kept well it was. Is choice and was the large choice great deal is said in the Word of God about the city of Jerusalem now it's not a city of Jerusalem as we see it today there at the place the corner of the temple the wall direct the corner of the temple the pinnacle of the temple is where sight until the lower Jesus and they that's going to say to down there now and I found out that a wall actually and early times when the obvious a direction then away it goes today the city of David was down below and you always looked up to the temple but later on when it was moved that is the walls were put up on Mount Zion and higher up actually you look down at the temple and then that's the way it is today a great deal of the city of Jerusalem is above the temple layer e. And the temple areas mount Mariah on it goes like a ridge right through Jerusalem said into day and over that outside of the wall on that ridge is where God is the place of us go where Jesus was crucified Now this is that place that David picked and David took the castle of Zion that was that ways palace was built Mount Zion was the place that was very precious to date now you'll notice verse 6 and David said Whosoever smart of the Jeb your sites 1st tell be chief and Captain So Joab the son as a ruler went 1st and he was cheap now this man is the number one Mayan in the service of David he was the man that was number one man I think as advisor and number one man that law. They army and he belonged to the mining man of David you'll recall that we're told something about his exploits when he 1st came to David alley lead the army and how you fought for David and this man that for a became the captain he was the one that was in charge of the Pentagon and David's day he had charge of all of the brass they army and the Navy and whatever else they might have around he had charge of it now we're going to be given the last of David's my demand and the x. Flights that they did with say that in just a moment notice verse 7 and they've agreed well in the castle that for they called it the City of David now the city of David actually is the Mount Zion They are David Love that place well apparently it was where his palace was built by Harlem and he built the city round about even from Milo roundabout and Joab repaired the rest of the city and I joined I was not only a soldier but he's a contractor is the one that had charge of the repairing of the city so David Waxman greater and greater wealth a lot of hosts was with him and he brought the kingdom to its zenith actually and it's my feeling that in any study of ancient history when you look at the great nations of the world like Egypt are Babylon are Persia are they hit died nation even before all of these others that you need to remember that David brought these people up to the place where it was a great king and had great influence throughout the world it was the basis on which solemn one was able to bring a witness to the world of that day now we are good. And the less of the catalogue of David's my demand now that seems strange that right here that we have that given Now these are the Mayan who came to David during the time of his rejection and now that he has been elevated to the place of Cain chip these man are elevated also now man I say the corollary here with a large Jesus Christ is something you just can't pass by the large eases Christ today is calling out of people killer's name there is mighty man these are the days of his rejection just as David was rejected he was to be Cain but he hadn't come to the throne yet because Saul was the reigning and God gave solve every opportunity to make good and he didn't and so David was in a period of rejection but he gathered is my demand now Christ today is rejected by the world you don't have a label to make that point if you can't see that you can't see anything you and I live in a world where the large Isa's prize is rejected. But during this period he's calling out of people to his name but he's the king one of these days he's coming to the place of rulership now he is a lot and I'm asked us Savior today so we have a white telly comes to the place a kingship then we're told we're to run with him but if he's rejected I don't know why in a world believers want to try to become the most popular person in town you can't be large ease a set up the world hated me they're going to hate you and my friend if you were popular today remember that the late Dr Bob Schuller here in Los Angeles he used to say tell me this on one occasion I've heard him say it publicly he said I judge a man not by the frenzy has but by the enemies he has and if you've got the right kind of enemies you are I I want to make sure always that the devil is crowd doesn't like me but I'm very happy to be able to say today that those that don't live Bible study that was always true in a church those that were against Bible study hated to study of the word now they carried a big Bible and were passed but they really hated the study of the word I'm glad that I was not their friend because I'm Sister don't Bible study you see and you're judged by your enemies who again is today now we're in the period of the rejection of cries but he's calling out his My demand now there are 3 groups share and I'd like to call particular attention to I've mentioned one group before and the ones that we had before are actually the ones 3 of them and they're the ones that brought water from the well it Bethleham to David and this is a tremendous story verse 16 and David was then in the hole and the fella stands Garrison. As then it backed lamb this was the time of his rejection and they've been long been saying all that one would give me drink the water the well i'm back the lamb that is that the gate and the 3 break through the host of the fell it stands Andrew water out of the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate and took it brought it to David but David would not drink of it but poured it out to the lowered and said My God forbid it made that I should do this thing shall I drink the blood of these in my name and it put their lives in jeopardy or with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it there for he would not drink it these things did these 3 mighty Yes Now these man are singled out as being to my ideas and what you have here is a wonderful picture you see David been brought up in battle lamb that was his home town that was a while at the entrance and many a time when he'd been out with his sheep came back thirsty stop at that well to get a drink now there fella stands have him hold out and he can't get to that whale but he said I sure would like to have a drink from that whale and with just a wish not even to come I am and so these 3 man they broke through the lines of the furnace stands got the water and brought it to David but the interesting thing is that David when Except that is he wouldn't drink it except it just poured it out as a grain call from him I want a picture that we have here the water from the well it Beth and I am What's that water from the well it's non other than cry and just think of the exploits of bravery by those down through the centuries who gone after the water take it to their world today I think a man like Henry Martin and David Livingstone had an arm Judson of the past and I think of many wonderful missionaries I've been down in Mexico. Now I've been down in South America and I've been in Africa and I've been in Asia and I've been in Europe and I've seen these people are gone out there left home and everything I tell you they had to go through a barrier and audit to get the word of God out and I think a lot is taken out of them by the way and base 3 my demand they broke through the enemy lines and the wonderful thing that they did and then noticed what David did with the water it was a strange wish was not a command but our law it's given us a command the Gulen take the Gospel but do you notice what he did David was unselfish no wonder that man Levin No wonder they're well and to suffer with him because he was willing to suffer with I am he wouldn't take that great because those men didn't have water any just took his place with him you recognize the bravery of the man remember the largest said on the cross poured out like water that's what Psalm 22 says he took his life and he poured it out like water on the ground and here today took his place down here under glass a child is born and us a son is given and they tell us and World War 2 that they want to get a line through shell had broken this line through and there was not communication between headquarters and they sent a soldier out and then he made the connection and he didn't come back and so after the battle was won they found him he was frozen in death but he was holding those 2 wires together even a con man I say to you the day of the Lord Jesus is the one that it was poured out like water he made this sacrifice and I tell you I will make a sacrifice if. What you that day are to be rewarded of him aside in the day that reward anyone then there's a 3rd incident here and I've always appreciated Desa one it's but not the other son of Johor the son of a valiant man of cabs zeal who had done many acts he salute to Lion Like man of Moab he went down slew a lion in a pit in a snowy day and I love that one this actually is something that is quite interesting because this man salon and you know when he did it he did it on a snowy day I tell you it's wonderful to have officers in a church come out one is soaring in come out on Sunday night in a mid-week service a law it takes note of that and then we have in chapter 12 and I'm going to left out just one incident there that was some man who belonged to the tribe again and we are told in verse 15 of Chapter 12 these are they that went over Jordan in the 1st month when they did overflow in all his banks and they put to flight all them of the valleys both toward the east and poured the way as and that came of the children of Benjamin and Judah of the hold on to David David went out to meet them and answered said unto them it be become peaceably under me to help me in my own heart shall be a net under you but if you come to betray me to mine enemies saying there is no wrong in my own hands the God or our fathers let their own and rebuke it and the Spirit came up on my son who is cheaper the captains and he said why are we David and on the blind side now son a Jesse peace and peace beyond of the and peace meter than helpers but by God help but the then David received them made and kept and so the band now hear a group of man that came to David. And I have swam the Jordan River flood tag and just about to give out and David goes down he doesn't know where their friend enemy he said Now if you mean to harm me he said I'll destroy you and I said all now David we've come over to be on your side now wonderful this is I don't think this is consecration I think this is service they want to live but David they wanted to be honest and you know the greatest problems are that Christian actually are not servants a great many folk think I just got to be busy but that's not our problem do you want to lay of cries and that's what these men said they did we want to be on your side we want to live for you we want to yield ourselves to you May I say that he brought show over Jordan by his death and resurrection you've been blessed with all spiritual blessings but you have to return to the world to live the Christian life and you know heaven you're going to live a Christian life but he wants to live it right down your now he says I pray not that you should take them out of the world but that you'd keep them from the evil one right here in now and this is the only place you'll ever have an opportunity to live the Christian life friend is right down here today Nessa the other day that a lot of the Christian live as I keep sort of are saying and it's a little mealy mouth type of thing and it's a life of compromise and pussy footing and hypocrisy you're dead wrong my friend you're going to have to swim the water you're going to have to go to David you'll have to go to the one that's greater than David or the large ease a sense rendered to him a lot of joy. And be in his or her. I hope that you'll join us for more great teaching from Dr McKee and 1st Chronicles on this week's Sunday sermon titled When surrender is victory to listen online or see if your station carries the Sunday sermon visit us at t t v dot org If we can help you find a resource to deepen your personal study of God's word please call us at 1865 bible and be sure to join us on Monday as we continue to make our way through the Bible. The. Almost see you. Soon we're so grateful for the baseball and generous support through the Bibles partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole world hi to you here for Reg and privacy dot com imagine a politician saying this today I have wondered at times what the 10 Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the u.s. 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Thru the Bible radio with Dr j. Vernon biggie wrapping up Wanda still bringing you after hours well this weekend it is Dr Martin Luther King Jr weekend and there are all throughout the San Francisco Bay area that will be taking place tomorrow the 34th Annual King celebration presented to you by the bay Baptist ministers fellowship in San Francisco will be kicking off their annual King celebration that day will be filled with raffle prizes live entertainment and just family fun by the way and is free I like this where it's free to find out more about the King celebration go to Cafe x. Dot com. Abounding grace with Gary Wagner's sponsored by reformed heritage church of San Jose on am 1100. Cried one of the chief reasons we need to keep this 6th petition found in the Lord's prayer ever and always in our own prayer life join us in grace with Pastor Gary Wagner's up now. It's at the heart of our sin it's something each and every one of us struggle with and strive against every day of our lives by self centeredness our own ego if you will it survive Jesus tells us we are to die to our flesh daily pick up our cross and follow after him and with that he then gives us a bit of prayer help something to guide our prayer lives daily in this fight against our pride in our flesh and our sin Lead Us Not Into Temptation and Deliver Us From Evil that's what we're looking at today the 6th petition of the Lord's Prayer and this is a bounding grace the ministry of reform heritage church and said. As a Jonas want to teach your pastor now Pastor Gary Wagner with today's broadcast of abounding grace to know yourself then you will know what you can read and what you can read. You're going to know what things you can watch and what things you can't watch you're going to know what people you can run with and those you must avoid. Avoid anyone beloved who does not encourage you to do God's will on this earth as it is in heaven in the hollow God's name. Now that doesn't mean that this person has horns and he hates God It can be your best friend. It can be the sweetest person you have ever known it could be a member of a reformed heritage church or a member of your family you need to avoid that person because every time you're around him or her he or she does not encourage you to do God's will on earth as it isn't heaven and every time you're around that person you wind up doing things you were you gret later there are people it shouldn't allow your children to run around with either. There are places you shouldn't go you say I'm free in Christ to go wherever I want to go and I know both but if you know your own heart you will avoid places where you are tempted. We must never use Christian liberty to justify going to certain places running with certain people watching certain movies and programs . We know when our heart of hearts because of our God given conscience but these things are not helping us it is satisfying the lost and desires of our hearts while we pretend that it is Christian liberty. But about music. For those of you who know me know I like Ike all kinds of music. They were come into my office while I'm studying and intensely and you knock on the door you'll probably you scare the dickens out of me. Because I've got music going on in the office to crowd out all the other noise and actually silence sometimes drives me crazy. And sometimes I'll be listening to oldies sometimes country sometimes big band sometimes classical music there are a few genres I made condemn but I do not blatantly condemn most kinds of music. But I've watched people young and old listen to music all day that this tends to is sinful lyrical nuances and connotations and some just flat out wicked and the music that has as its purpose to stir up the heart gets pumped into that heart and into that person's mind and I actually love to be stirred up by music but if you're not careful with the words you listen to end that music it can destroy you. I actually saw friends of mine when I was much younger. Whose lives were destroyed to listen to music that promoted the use of drugs and promiscuous sex. In our movies and television I've loved movies all my life starting with westerns when I was just a little kid. My parents actually used to own a cafe bakery that was right next to a movie theater and I would take what few dollars I made after working on a Saturday at the bakery and I'd watch Double mat name movies next door now I certainly don't go to every movie and I've walked out of many and I know my own heart and there are movies that I know are not safe for me. And I'm not simply talking about movies that show skin my kids will tell you I cannot handle movies without language nor will I watch anything with a bad guy as somewhat of a hero but I love movies where the bad guy gets as much deserve bloody Endace Besley crooked politicians where the good guys are really good guys. I do draw a line in movies though when justice is not what is sought but revenge is what controls the plot I cannot watch a flick that flaunts bitterness and anger those kinds of movies and t.v. Programs fanned the flames that are all ready there just like promiscuous music. But you read. You adults do you read books like mystery novels which in and of themselves are Ok but many of them today promote avarice and sleeping around in blatant Thurman ism and I am absolutely enraged at some of the novels that homeschooling parents have their children read today. Beloved if you are going to get victory over sin in your life you've got to resist says scripture resist say 10 and carefully keep out of his way and the way of temptation of voiding every thing you can possibly avoid that makes it easier than usual for you to sin we must not even allow ourselves to begin to think about these temptations that involve the denial of the truth than then the elect of duty in the commission of any 7 Romans 813 says if you are living according to the flesh you must die but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body I wonder will live a true Christian is concerned the. Not with just avoiding sin but when temptation comes to into his heart he doesn't want to even think about it for a little while he wants to fling it a midi it really as soon as it raises its ugly head you must run from it even if you have to run from it 100 times before you are totally turned in the other direction you must learn what self-discipline is and be able to resist even yourself in the sinful desires that remain in your heart you must control the thoughts that enter your mind or even entice your mind you must not control than by enjoying them a little and then casting them out you must put them to death as soon as you see them. Next. If you're going to get victory over sin in your life you must attack Satan not just resist him but attack him Have you ever noticed what part of the body has no Christian armor covering it in a fish and 6 you have a helmet for the head a breast plate shin guards choose a shield. There is no armor for the back. Because God is saying you are always to be on the offense you are always to be moving forward resistance to Satan involves not only say no to temptation not only involves standing firm and refusing to get in to it but resisting Satan also includes that we take the offensive by taking the battle to him We have attack him God's word tells us to resist him so he will flee from OS that he implies more than a defensive posture beloved It involves taking the battle to Satan. Now how do you take the offensive every time he comes after you so that he talks tail and runs rather than you. Whenever he terms you make those temptations an opportunity for your spiritual growth and holiness of life do the exact opposite of what he wants you to do by temptation for example. When Satan tempt you to fret and worry because life just isn't what you would like it to be or you're not what you would like to be or you have all kinds of afflictions and headaches and and heart aches and you're growing anxious take the battle to Satan as one old Puritan said glorify God in the fire when you are tempted patiently trust in the Lord say Lord I know you're going to see me through this temptation I know you're going to see me through this fire in my life you haven't forgotten me you haven't left me a long you're not sending me more than I can bear and I thank you that when I get through this trial as I am faithful to you you are going to make me even more faithful on the other side than I am now so in 10 Satan time shoot to fret and worry glorify God and patiently trust him. Some of you fret and worry constantly that you're not really a Christian Satan is constantly telling you that with your sins you can't possibly be God's child. You are so sure that your sins are so much bigger than everyone else so you worry when you grow anxious that you can't possibly be loved by God let me tell you right now that if you have asked God indeed your heart he is there right now and he is a rarity and that willing to forgive you your problem is that your faith is too small and you are not patiently trusting in God's promises for your life. Paul considered himself the chief of sinners but he didn't sit around the Friday in the because of his sand he could couldn't possibly be a believer and thus become paralyzed and well doing no he knew that he worshipped a great dog who so sad his love on him that he continued to cover Paul Sand where there's blood. Because you're see fretting and worry is retreat is not taking the battle to Satan and glorifying God. Keep in mind Christians do mourn over their sand. He hates his sin but that morning is short lived because he knows dog is quick to forgive when we take this send always cross. Remember a nonbeliever is only concerned with history and when it gets into trouble not so the Christian he always frets to a small degree over his sin and then he goes on worshipping God stop fretting and start glorifying God. Now when you're outnumbered and you're tempted to be ashamed of Christ and his cause and everyone is making fun of the Christian faith in the making fun of Christ particularly making fun of our brand of Christianity as if. Only a fool would believe what we believe and satan is trying to make you ashamed in silence you've sees the moment and set your fears aside saying God forgive that I should glory save in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and then see what that does with your conversation with the unbeliever to exactly the opposite of what Satan wants you to do. And when you are tempted to laziness carelessness or mediocrity and slaw leaving aside those things you know you should say God have mercy on me and I will do exactly what in the flesh I do not want to do I will be vigilant and diligent and I will work hard at what you want me to do and tell I enjoy doing it again take the attack to Satan. Also. We must resist Satan's attacks on the cause of Christ one of my talking about I'm talking about how Christ helps us restrain Satan in our lives as we take the offense to him as we depend upon him and resist Satan attacks in the cause of Christ now beloved Don't be naive about this Satan is always trying to corrupt the truth of Scripture he's always trying to introduce and maintain and extend error false doctrine heresy superstition atheism idolatry disorder and moral impurity Satan is always trying to oppose our efforts at spreading the knowledge and influence of grace and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ's don't be naive about it it must be on God he's using everything to to try to make what we believe as reconstructionist look foolish to discredit the Christian faith so that he can spread heresy and schism and moral in purity Sometimes he uses things inside the church sometimes he uses things outside the church sometimes in the church there are wolves in sheep's clothing. Then he uses things outside the church to blur our vision extend error false doctrine and to oppose the spread of the 4 the gospel of Christ. And beloved that's what he did on September 11th 2001. I'm hoping as I was hoping as well as I'm sure most of you that in the aftermath of that Americans would turn to the Lord because they were so shaken by the event they would put aside their desire for religious pluralism they would put aside the idea in postmodernism that there is no such thing as truth and that they would turn to the Lord and repent. That they would see it for what it was an act of God's judgment on us. And that our only hope is to turn back to Him and His word and do a Christian way of life. But what did they do. That by the president the United States George w. Bush they said that the God of Christianity and the God of Islam are the same God the Muslims worship the same God the Christians worship. A syndicated columnist wrote an article entitled The American Taliban which stated that the real terrorists of the 21st century who must be silenced by the full force of the law are people who believe that their religion is the only true religion and that's you and I. So now we live in a situation that's much worse since then. State News $911.00 to discredit the absolute nature of Christianity. So what did God have to do to try and wake us up again. Raised up something called Katrina that wiped out 90000 square miles and I don't know how many thousands of lives but again America slumbers and nor New Orleans can still use to celebrate prosit believe the most decorated event in America called the Mardi Gras. Satan will use these events to draw a wedge between the pagan and Christian world and it is obvious that Americans are not going to automatically fall back into the arms of the Lord but you know what maybe some of you saw this on the news channels there was an 87 year old black woman at the Astrodome during Katrina. Who had the whole situation in hand well millions were fretting and worrying about their future and crying out to the government to Bell them out this little old lady lost everything she had no idea what had happened to several members of her family the living conditions at the Astrodome as you know were miserable. But she sat there in peace saying The Lord is solvent. And he has even this under his control Satan was restrained in her life because of her faith most everyone else was mad at God for causing such devastation and yes God did cause all that to happen not the Muslims not the liberals God Why I doubt 90000 square miles of the Gulf Coast. Satan has used that to lead people to hate God and bring about more government intervention and dependence instead of America dropping to its knees in humility and worship of an all powerful god they shook their puny fist in his face instead of restraining Satan in their lives they gave him full reign to destroy them John Brown says again the Christian is to fight against say to not only in his own heart but in the charge and in the lower. And the law of the I'm afraid that many of our reform demand not counting the event jellyfish in our churches are powerless in resisting the great adversary because not only are they not working to increase their understanding of the Word of God Many have not even started we read everything else we read all kinds of blogs and Internet sites we read our favorite novelist we watch all kinds of t.v. Programs and man I am talking particularly to you Are you having family problems and business problems and personal problems and health problems is your life counting for anything at all. Are you standing firm against Satan's assaults upon your family your children and your grandchildren or are you leaving your wife and your children at risk to Satan's invasions and assaults because you are not being harm and steadfast in the faith by increasing your knowledge of the Word of God and your ability to apply it in your life when one was the last time you really studied good books about God's word when was the last time you set your face to us to study diligently the Word of God all the way through and to truly try to understand it so you can apply it. How faithful are you minute seeking to understand God and yourself according to his Revealed Word. I'm afraid brethren that there is an increasing number of families and individuals here who are at risk because our men are not diligently striving to be the men of God whom he has called to be and will not be able to stand firm and steadfast against Satan's assaults I hear many of you fearful of the future and what's coming out of Washington let me tell you as reconstruction is dominion or you oriented post millennialist you should be the most hopeful people on earth Satan are using all of this to create fear in the Christian instead of sending far and being steadfast most Christians are cowering in the corner waiting and hoping to be raptured soon. All the more reason why we must stop moaning and groaning and show the church and the world that we will stand the farm and steadfast and March fearlessly against the gates of hell with that one weapon that God has given us that is more powerful been any other weapon man or Satan can create the sword of the Spirit the Word of God but man you've got to know what. You say well I just don't have time to read. I just only have so much time you see I've got repairs to make on my house so I gotta work in the garden I got to make money to care for my family. Beloved you better find time if you expect your family do escape the assaults of Satan. And ladies your husband shouldn't have to come home. Night after night and do the dishes and clean the house and make dinner once in a while so fine for them to help unless of course your husband is lazy and he comes home and he sits in front of the t.v. Screen or the computer that is just simply slothful. But you must be diligent at your duties so he has the time to study. Because you see if you want to god the leader. And you want to be protected from the onslaught of Satan you must allow your min time to study. And you don't waste your time on the computer on Facebook or Twitter or the t.v. Either we must all be diligent at our duties and prioritize our time and by the way if you're. Ladies if your husbands are slothful and wasting their time we need to talk. And I'm sorry beloved if it seems I'm being harsh on you but you see. I don't want you to come to me in 5 or 10 years and. Tell me your family is falling apart but my wife just can't get a handle on her despair and my children are running with the wrong people and are not keeping a watch on their heart. You must work at protecting your family from the assaults of Satan. So my good friends pray. Lord Lead Us Not Into Temptation. But deliver us. Well this is been abounding grace with Pastor Gary Wagner from reform terrets Church in San Jose as we have closed out our time together today I would remind you that now our desires to know how this program encourages you in Christ now there are a couple of 3 ways that you can contact us to provide us with this information and again it would really encourage is a great deal if you take a moment and a lot of us know how the program is encouraging you in your walk and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ Here's how to contact this phone number is 408-866-5607 that's 408-866-5607 our website where you can drop us an email and even learn a bit more about us is reformed heritage dot org And then of course you can write to us at p m b stands for post mailbox number 402. 1484 Pollard road Los Gatos California has it goes 95032 now there is another way you can contact us and this would be the best of all if specially if you're not involved in a church at this time plan on visiting. Fellowship face to face is where we meet at Lone Hill Church 2 in the afternoon on Sundays at 5055 lone Hill Road in Los Gatos directions can be found at our website reform Tara to work or by calling 408-866-5607 extension 5 the way copies of the broadcast for just 5 dollars mention today's date when you contact us and we'll get a cd out to you right away thank you for joining us today until next come plus. Abounding grace wrapping up the past again Wagner if you would like to find out more about plastic Gary or to visit his church all you have to do is go to Cafe x. Dot com shape up or ship out I'm trying to shape up right now like effects that kind there's a chance for you to win 4000 dollars and cash or exercise equipment to find out how you can win go to Cafe x. 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