In. Salem Media Group. With us are a new zine Keith Peters in Washington Representative Trent Franks will resign immediately from Congress the announcement from the Arizona Republican Representative cites his wife's admission to a hospital in Washington due to what he called an ongoing ailment the statement does not provide further details but an a.p. Exclusive cites a former aide to Trent Franks who said the congressman repeatedly pressed her to carry his child at one point offering her 5000000 dollars to act as a surrogate Franks originally said he would resign effective January 31st and referenced his discussion of Sarah to sea with 2 previous female subordinates making each feel as he put it uncomfortable Linda Kenny on Capitol Hill on Wall Street that out by $118.00 points 224329 that as that rose $27.00 the s. And p. Closed up 15 points oil at 67 cents to 5736 a barrel this it's s.r.o. News the ex-president I speak life the teaching ministry of Pastor Gary Moore from faith publishing Church in San Leandro weekdays at 11 am as Pastor Gary teaches in a county that it's key to become the following program is sponsored by Abundant Life Christian Fellowship. Pastor Brian the Ritz and the Life Christian Fellowship. Now I'm missing you up I'm messing you up Tim Keller says this When people say I'm looking for son I want some peace I don't have any peace about this that can't be right unless I get peace and I say you have a brain. Make a decision don't sit around trying to guess God's Will you have a brain make a decision to look at me and say I'm trying to be spiritual Here the right answer is No you're looking for technique you're trying to make a decision without having wisdom. Hello and welcome to inspired to live with Brian the Ritz senior pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship in Mountain View California. We are so thankful and so blessed to know that you've chosen to spend time with us today studying God's word and as always we would encourage you to follow along with us in your Bibles or on your devices if you can. On today's broadcast Pastor Brian continues with our What's Next teaching series so if you have your Bibles please turn with us today to The Book of Proverbs Chapter 3. And now here's Pastor Brian with today's study. So Father we thank you for today thank you lord God for seeing us through another week thank you lord God for navigating in ordinary ordering our steps in the name of Jesus. Thank you for your word. Your word is a lamp unto our feet and light and to our paths. We need your word Lord God so I do pray that you would speak to me and through. May your vessel. Me the seed of your word fall on good ground may take root and may it produce great fruit. Make it clear make it potent make it plain make it practical. Put shoe leather on your word Lord God that we might walk in the ways in which you have ordained for us to walk in Jesus name. A name and if you have your devices take them out and click on your bible aps meet me in Proverbs Chapter 3 Proverbs Chapter 3 Proverbs 3 if you grew up in the church like me verses 5 and 6 are really familiar I grew up I grew up in Atlanta Georgia which which is the buckle of the Bible Belt and I went to something every summer called Vacation Bible School in anybody ever go to vacation Bible school and at my vacation bible school we would always have a scripture memory contents contests and I was always the ring leader very I'm a very competitive person very competitive person and I wanted our class to win so I would always take them to the 1st verse we'd always memorize is John 1135 John 1135 I hear a few last they're laughing because John 1135 is the shortest verse in the Bible simply says Jesus wept. And Jesus wept and we get all kinds of points for Jesus wept all right and but no doubt during the course of our time together we would also memorize Proverbs Chapter 3 verses $5.00 and $6.00 so I understand many of your sheer maybe this is your 1st time in a church you witness or call yourself a person of faith but but for those who would call yourself a person of faith this is probably a familiar passage where the the writer says trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not into your own understanding. But in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path I just want to unpack these 2 verses and we can go on with our day I want to unpack them and this is probably the most practical. Equipping message I can give you as we wrap up our series on decision making in the will of God a story is told of 2000000. Who entered into a wood cutting contest. 2 men entered into wood cutting contests in when they got into the wood cutting contest both of these men were each handed an axe the gun sounded in these 2 men in the wood cutting contests who both had an axe they began chopping wood and not long in the chopping wood they both discovered and realized that their axe was Dole. The 1st man figured with his goal x. I'll just swing harder and I'll just exert more inner Gee I'll just exert more effort so away he begin to swing even more hard. The 2nd man took a risk. He decided that he would not only not swing harder but that he would stop swinging at all. And he decided to use his time and sharpening the blade of the axe now you do know what happened as he sharpening the blade the 1st man who swing in harder it his his lead is beginning to widen as you say man is sharpening and sharpening and sharpening and sharpening Well finally when the 2nd man finish sharpening his blade he commits to chopping wood and he was able to chop wood a lot faster and with much more efficiency to the point where he eventually caught up to the 1st man and ultimately surpassed him and won the contest what won the contest that day is a simple word called wisdom. Wisdom won the day. Today we are in our final installment of a 4 part series that we have done just just to equip you on how to make good decisions we simply have called this series next figuring out what God wants for my life next figuring out what God wants for my life but we begin this series and John Chapter 2 in and then John Chapter 10 Jesus makes a profound statement when he says listen my sheep know my voice and that's profound because because the clear implication is invent Jesus actually speaks to us. That Jesus is The Good Shepherd and has the good shepherd he speaks to his sheep. We learned the next week that that Jesus doesn't have a speaking problem we tend to have a hearing problem. And so the 2nd installment of our series we just walk through Romans Chapter 12 versus 102 and we just talked about how we can position ourself to hear the voice of our good shepherd and we walk through Romans 12102 when when Paul is really saying when it comes to decision making in the will of God It's not so much of us kind of kind of throwing open the emergency brake everything stops Oh God I got to hear from you as much as Paul is arguing it's progressive it's just me just kind of living the Spirit filled Christian life it's me just walking with God and as I'm walking with God as I'm as I'm presenting my body as a living sacrifice as I'm not conforming to this world but as I'm being transformed by the renewing of my mind he says the venue will be able to discern what the will of the Lord is so as I'm doing this it's progressive last week we were in our 3rd installment where we talked about the peril of impatience and the necessity at times to wait for God to promise to Abraham and Sarah I here's my will for you I'm I will is Isaac and yet they couldn't wait so they decided to help God out and instead of getting Isaac then they got Ishmael. We all know what it's like to have Ishmael's in our life so we brought up the point last week that the only thing worse than waiting on God is wishing that you had. It's rushing it's it's making decisions and moving quicker than what God has ordained us to move at. But now this tell the truth. Most of us if not all of us in this room who would call ourselves Christians. Know what it's like to have to make a critical decision. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. And you were walking with Jesus praying in pray and. Pray and in and nothing. To spiritual over here. And you most of us know if not all of us know what it's like where you just kind of take an inventory you know you know from where is your exists in my life and you take it inventory and man you it feels as if you are you're walking in what God has for you to walk in but you're just not hearing anything even you can get 2 or 3 honest people in the building. Who would say I just need to hear from God I'm praying and I'm seeking and I'm asking and I'm fasting nothing. Nothing now if you hear every single time I need to know what frequency you tuned on I need to know what that what that radio station with that channel is so I can be on that same channel but the reality is we don't know what it's like. To pray and fast and seek in nothing that no no no no the question is what do we do because this series is extremely practical because it touches on something we all wrestle with in our lives we've got decisions that need to be made and we want God to speak into it those of us would call ourselves followers of him and so again it could become people dating in and maybe you're like me I've in 1900 I fell in love with Cory and it me about 90 days into it I'm like man unless she's into killing cats I think she's the one. Down unless she's a serial cat killer you know I think she's the one but the problem is I couldn't find the 1st that says that Al Brian Crawford the rich shelter Mary Corey n. Bit of Vegas I didn't find that verse and I'm praying and I'm praying and I'm praying I didn't get in I want to pull word from him then what. Would we do then others of you have talked to a couple of you. Playing golf not too long ago with with one of the members and this is like the 2nd or 3rd person who's told me this he just said man I I'm in the Bay I enjoy the baby love the baby but the company I'm in they pretty much said to me if I want to move up in the ranks and get a higher position with higher pay I'm going to actually move outside of this place that I love and then I call home within the company or be transferred somewhere else what but that's the tension more more money a better position over here at the same time I'm I'm I feel cold here what do I do . There's no chapter and verse on that one and. Others of you we just prayed over graduates and some of you maybe just graduated from college and here you are graduate forgot maybe you've applied to different grad schools and you've been accepted to do a couple really great ones and it's kind of 6 on one hand half a dozen in the other and and there's not a verse that says that. Showed a stand for that will show to Princeton What what do I do now here's the problem. Hang in there with me the problem is for those of us who've grown up in church many of us have been hard to Wired and we have bought into a complete fallacy I'm issue up. And we've bought into a fallacy that when it comes to the will of God There is only one right answer. I'm messing you up today. My wife ain't here so we just keep this between us. Show me the verse that says there's only one soulmate. And that romantic I know I know I'm going to tell my wife we had technical difficulties posting this message. There if it's romantic but I promise you if I keel over now this is the Ritz is probably going to get remarried. Now she has specific instructions do not spin my life insurance money on the new do all right. I'll come out this bad boy. In the words of Bernie Mac. Good me some furniture moving up in here. All right. You won't find that chapter and verse that says there's only one person for you. All right. Show me the chapter and verse that says there's only one job for you. Now there are times when God speaks and when God speaks he makes it plain but when God doesn't speak. Show me the chapter verse that says there's only one grad school you can go to and if you don't go to vet specific grant grad school you are insane. Sure we never. See what Proverbs 35 and 6 is going to do today it's going to free you and one of the places we need to begin is we have to begin by making up our mind to stop what I call chasing the dot. In the docking is there's only one. So I gotta I got to deconstruct. This whole fallacy that there is only one because some of you have what I call v v paralysis of analysis. You're you're stuck and you can't make the decision you can't pull the trigger because your white man God Wait wait wait on God and God wait no you. Just need to unpack this so I know some of ya'll are real messed up right now so parents to show me this whole notion that there's not a dot to chase here we go. For it for 4 arguments that does not exist one 1st is from scripture. I take the Genesis Genesis God creates an enemy and he the Bible says He gives them dominion over the garden and he says to them you've only got one prohibition here you can eat freely of every tree in the garden except for that one tree the knowledge of good. Evil which means here it now God said you can eat from every other tree cover that one every other tree which means you're going to pray to me about whether or not you should have a banana for lunch a pear for lunch an apple for lunch a pomegranate for lunch he'd make this season. I've given you all these options oh only thing I'm saying is don't do that one. So here we have another passage sending these Chapter 9 Paul is talking to the Corinthians and he is soliciting a collection that is to be older above and beyond their regular giving and it is a collection that is to go to saints who are experiencing a famine there in need and here he is giving instructions on their giving look at it with me and he says in certain create a new chapter not in verse 7 I love this each one must give here it as he has decided to end here is heart not reluctantly or under compulsion for God gives a cheerful giver of you gotta love the church give you resigning here make the decision what you will give. You make the decision you make the choice. Now when it comes to our regular giving I think God wants us to time once he wants to give systematically generously but when I come to you to project upgrade their over above and beyond pray about it if you don't hear anything from God make the decision. Shows shrimper sure is clear we have been empowered to make a decision argument number 2 that the dot doesn't exist. If the dot existed and there's only one right answer why give us free will. For you will always created pretty fall. Ad even if we're created with free will. So that our free will is given to us to give God glory every time Adam and Eve walked by the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and they chose not to eat of it God was giving glory. To God does not get glory from robots. He gets maximum glory from people who have the capacity to choose and yet make the right decision giving God glory. That's why we have free will you know here's what I actually want to comfort us here God silence should not lead to your frustration it should actually encourage you because it is a wonderful affirmation. God silence should not lead us to frustration it should actually encourage us because it is a wonderful and formation what I mean by that it is a principle of life that a mark of him what tour he is the immature people need to be communicated to frequently and with directives. My kids were younger talking to him all the time take your hand out this kit sit down a chair food take the Lego out your nose these are directives that I'm constantly giving Michael why because they're very mature The older my kids get it the less I have to speak. Why because they are growing and maturing and they have been empowered to make. Decision. God silence to you is not him being angry with you it is as if he is affirming your maturing in Ham It is as if he's saying you know you were you've been filled with the spirit you've been walking with me I don't have to tell you everything. You with me on that make the decision so. Again I can just full with this forever be very careful when you say I've got a piece about this or I don't have a piece about this having a piece about a decision can keep you in the state of indecision while I'm just a few moments we're going to see what the writer says when he says trust in the Lord of all your heart the idea of trust assumes risk. The idea of risk means this may not work out and when I realize it's not may not work out I may never get peace . You want for your man so be careful about minimizing the will of God to how you feel. I'm missing you up a mess and you were Tim Keller says this When people say I'm looking for sound I want some peace I don't have any peace about this there can't be right unless I get peace I say you have a brain make a decision don't sit around trying to guess God's Will you have a brain make a decision to look at me and say I'm trying to be spiritual Here the right answer is No you're looking for a technique you're trying to make a decision without having wisdom. Maybe you don't have wisdom but that's your fault. 3rd reason why we need to get rid of the fallacy of the of the dot. Why did God include in the Bible a whole show. Of literature called wisdom literature. Why did he say in the sovereignty of his will Holy Spirit I want you to move upon some writers to compose some books like proverbs like that please e.s.d. As in others whose whole purpose is to give people wisdom if you only need wisdom really when it comes to decisions. To the whole the very fact that proverbs exists which is a wisdom book it is affirmation of God greenlighting us to make decisions and he's just out fitting us with wisdom principles in how to navigate life skillfully why it exists forth go on for one reason why that that doesn't exist is our own life experience now I want you to raise your hands and remember we are in the presence of the Lord. Who you are prayed about what outfit to wear today. Baby and sister praise the Lord I don't want to minimize that. It's a men it's just women raising their hands I don't see you know. See no brothers who here prayed about what route to take to church today. Who here prayed about whether or not to stop at Starbucks or Peet's. Who have prayed about where you go to lunch. Now that the 1st man there's a man who prayed about food I love it I love it ladies prayed about clothes we prayed about food here's what I'm saying. What you assumed it is make a decision. And that decision is going to have some wisdom I'm. Go tell me but but Castle those are the little things I want to know even if you know there's a dot or there is not. What you did was you implemented the wisdom. In your decision making process. Pastor Brian Ritz with today's inspired to live radio broadcasts. We truly want to thank you for spending time with us today studying God's word if you'd like more information on Pastor Bryant for on Abundant Life Christian Fellowship Here's how you can contact us. Our mailing address is 2440 Leghorn street in Mountain View California 94043. Our information center phone number is area code 650-210-9340 of course you can look us up on the Worldwide Web at a l c f dot net where you'll find multiple links with information about our church and our staff a calendar of upcoming l.c.f. Events and if you're in the Mountain View area on Sunday morning our worship service begins at 10 am and we would love for you to join us again for more information on this and everything else happening here at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship just visit our website at a l c f dot net. Well we hope you'll join us again next time as Pastor Bryant continues to latest on a study of God's word but until then is our hope and prayer from everyone here at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship that the Lord will richly bless you and thanks for listening. Another military movie made possible by 5 a rented space self storage in the Bay Area and Maui Hi this is where it's at a casino have been currently in beautiful Manama Bahrain at n.s.a. 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In cooperation with the Holy Spirit they share the gospel of Jesus Christ with his many people as possible by supporting and defending the God ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truth all over the globe to an increasingly broken world that desperately needs and they do it through radio broadcasts website simulcast conferences interactive forums magazines books counseling and much much more they have a great call in line an 800 line focus on the family equips parents children and spouses not only to survive but to thrive in an ever changing world and we are invited to join in and share the hope that Christ came to give and that's what happens when we give a gift a focus on the family and right now through December 31st says a matching grant that means any amount you give is can have be doubled I love matching grants make a year and give to focus on the family at k f a x dot com click on the focus on the family banner and we've got David Mitchell with us next and some wise words on investing. Welcome to the word on investing brought to you by trade way helping you reach your biggest goals through small steps some way by Cause when I welcome you on the program today we'll be joined with Pastor David Mitchell shortly I also want to remind you that you can find the next trait way event near you by going to trade weight dot com or call 877907 trade 877-507-8723 I trade way is as you see registered investment advisor company and welcome Pastor David Mitchell glad to have you on the program today great to be back with you again Les we're going to have a good show I think we're still talking about what you do on day one of one of the trade way of it so it's a lot of follow what happens at day one of the event the last couple programs we've covered a lot of information and again we're just kind of skimming the surface on what you learn to really get a full understand. And grasp the principles that you are teaching pastor David you need to attend the 1st event again called Step one start your journey so in past programs you know we've kind of covered everything about the now your background in the history we've talked about why the stock market exists what the trade way system actually entails we've kind of dug down into some of the indicators and secondary indicators and a lot of different things that play together to help you learn how to trade in the stock market so let's pick up where we kind of left off Master David up to a term called market tone What is market tone All right Lee Well this has been kind of fun because we've not only been able to enter and use you guys to do what we do at these 2 day events and you can see if we if you've been with us up until now we're already on the 19th thing that's covered in just day one of the today event we're going to have $27.00 points by the time we're done with just what day one looks like so you can see this is not just some little Come on. Seminar like you see some guys give to try to get you to something bigger that's not what this is it's a full blown stock market seminar on it'll actually be your groundwork for everything you ever do in the stock market in my opinion so in other things I hope that what we're doing here is actually giving you some valuable information right now on our show so some of the things that we talk about you can actually use in your investing I mean we're sharing with you some of the great ideas also so we want to give you some value right here and right now now this question on market tone you know if you remember not too many shows Batley we talked about several of the things that our system is built upon and one of those things we called it the 3 legged table and you know you picture your picture your wife puts a little pretty little table with a cloth on there and some some china or something on the sill 3 leg table and what happens if you move just. One leg off of a 3 legged table everything breaks and so that's the picture we want to create here and in our system those 3 legs are number one fundamental analysis which we've talked about already that has to do with knowing how good the company is you know whether its products are great whether it's sales are great whether the profits are great whether they have. Too much debt whether they're using their debt properly those kind of things and secondly technical analysis is the 2nd leg and that is where you can look at the price action and the volume action of the stocks and create a chart course the software does it for you and through looking at the chart you can see the cycle of the life cycle of every little market you know each stock each company and they all have their own little personality because they all have certain human beings that are trading in them and so each one has it does different patterns we teach you how to recognize those patterns and how to draw support resistance lines and know the trends and all that which is very very important so that's the 2nd leg technical analysis in fact that's the most fun part I think really in a lot of day too has to do with exactly how to be very good at technical analysis when you get to the 2nd day so I'd say 2nd 1st days you're learning a lot I mean it fills your head with a lot of the terminology it is designed though for beginners people who know nothing about the stock market we start from ground 0 but the 2nd day is a lot more fun because you're actually learning to draw these support and resistance lines and learn how to see the patterns and you can see how you have the potential to make money when you start to see those patterns and what these stocks do and how often they do repeat what they did in the past and course you can't predict the future we don't claim to teach you how to do that too bad we can't teach you that one but you know you can make what we call an educated risk or take an educated risk like in science Leigh. Everything you have from riding on the airplane you just flew on to the medicines you take all of that is based on a hypothesis and science and a hypothesis is an educated guess that's kind of frightening when you think about it but that is how the Lord made the world and and so there is a risk in everything and business I call it an educated risk it's we don't know the future but we can use probability math to get a closer idea of the future then your neighbor can get who doesn't know the skill set says the idea and that's why Wall Street makes so much money because they use the probability math and we teach you how to do that in the trade way events that you come to so so your 1st leg is fundamental analysis your 2nd leg is this technical analysis where you learn how to visualize the cycle of the stocks the 3rd leg is market tone and that's what you were asking me about earlier what is that well to me out of the 3 legs this is the most important one and the least understood out there in the world and you know what kind of look at some of the other folks that are out there teaching these. Events on the stock market and I don't see very many of them understanding this component that many of them don't teach it a lot of times all they teach is technical analysis and I'll tell you this Leigh business school professors have written who knows how many articles where they have mathematically proven that you cannot predict the future based on just a chart and the problem is that's kind of a straw man argument and it's a fallacy because none of us who know what we're doing ever base a trade just on technical analysis and so the whole study is rendered useless because nobody trades the way that they you know have their presuppositions in their studies you have to have at least these 3 legs you have to have fundamental Nalla sis and technical analysis and now market tone which is the one that I think most people really do leave off and that's why. They're not that successful I don't believe you can trade successfully without it and what it is it is a mix of 2 things really the 1st is you have to get really good at charting the s. And p. 500 chart that's an index and there are 500 stocks and that index of all different kinds of industry groups and sectors and different kinds of company so it's a good representative of what the whole market is doing and how the hell healthy an uptrend is for example when the up trend is over you can see that when you're moving into a down trend so that's important in the 2nd component of market tone is actually the world news now that could be economic news it could be financial news or it could just be world news it could be terrorist attacks and things like that so that component the world news is really important and I would say Lee I mean you can correct me if I'm wrong because you are one of our students but to me that's the most difficult thing to learn for a new student is market tone because how do you know which articles of news are important and you don't for many years and the good thing is our company kind of holds your hand on that and we help you with market tone Absolutely you do and I can attest to that because the the alerts and the the news information that you help us understand that you teach in the event one and it starts right there and event one step one start your journey that you'll start to understand what market Tony is and what is real news and that whole situation of do I buy on the emotion off a news story or not and you really help define what that is and how best we can use that information that is out there what is what is real news that will affect the market and what isn't and you also point out what news stories or things that have happened that the stock market has already kind of built into it so there's lots of information to learn there and very very helpful I know from a market tone with some. Thing I didn't know a lot about but I definitely have learned a lot and you will learn a lot when you attend trade ways 1st event it's called Step one start your journey now would be a great time to go to trade way dot com You can learn more information you can call 187-7907 trade 877-907-8723 you can find out where the next event is near you and get started on this journey and again we're just covering what happens at day one of this 2 day event and we're talking about the key component of market tone and David it was something for me to kind of get past that emotion and understand all here's a big news story this eye is going to dictate what I should do but that's not always the case and that's why market tone is so important well that's true in the recess a little bit difficult when you're starting out is because you like you said there are different kinds of news and you have to know the difference and new traders unbearably don't know the difference now the another type of news could be from a research company that makes its money by providing information to these big boys now those articles are the most accurate you can find because they make their living by being accurate So those are better articles and then you have government information that comes out all the time and you have to know which ones of those are important which ones aren't and then you have to know how does the Fed you know the size of the central bank of the United States and the other countries in the world. How do they affect what the stock market does well usually if the Fed does something to drive interest rates down our Maybe to print money then that makes the stock market go up because the market loves it it's like candy to the stock market and if they come out and announce they're going to raise interest rates or or make it harder for banks to make loans then the stock market hates that it'll go down so just learning things like that really that 3rd branch is probably the most important because you should always do a trade that is in the same direction as the market tone in other words if you're going to do an up play like buy a stock market. All option then you want the market tone to be happy and oh everything was great in the whole world today it's just awesome and then when you're going to buy a put or short a stock where you make money when the market's going down you want to make sure the market tone is gloomy and dark and sad and nobody's ever going to buy an automobile again and by just looks terrible and so you get you know you learn to get better and better at that but while you're learning we have many things that help I mean we don't just bring you to this event and dump you we we have a great back up system with coaches we have an article that I write every week called the zoo article that teaches you about the market tone and then we have if you become an insider We have e-mail alerts that come in we call the market alerts come in several times a day telling me right exactly what the market tone is doing and how to use it and that's a great point I love the insider reports so I get those in my inbox I just about every day like you mentioned a couple of times a day to really help you understand that market tone and that's something that you're going to learn at trade ways 1st event it's called Step one start your journey that's exactly what you're doing you're starting that journey to learn the ins and outs of what you can do and what you can learn to trade in the stock market to hopefully better provide for you for your family maybe for a ministry or something else you have going but it's a wonderful opportunity to get involved and learn how to trade in the stock market and really take control of your own finances go to trade way dot com or call 877907 trade that's 877-907-8723 you'll find the next trade way event near you it's called Step one start your journey and get yourself registered it's just 9995 but that ticket is good for you your entire household if you've got kids over the age of 12 I believe my daughter was about 12 or 13 when she came along and that 1st time bring them along to it something that that knowledge can be passed down to your children you also get a bonus ticket to invite a friend a neighbor a coworker. Even your pastor bring them along to the event as well there's a money back guarantee and I know you won't be disappointed you will learn a lot so again of some of the things we cover in the program it seems a boy I don't know if I understand that it's all made clear at the event it's a 2 day event and you can find the next one near you got a trade way dot com or call 877907 trade 877-907-8723 when we get back from the break we're going to kind of pick up on some of the other things you were going to learn just at day one at the trade way event called Step one start your journey . When you hear someone say investment advisory firm you might think of stuffy men in suits asking you lots of questions about your personal finances or maybe you think of skyscrapers filled with hundreds of cubicles and not one person that knows you want a 1st name basis but trade way isn't typical we're one big family we keep it personal simple and always fun we break down the confusing world of finance so that you can understand it at our live 2 day events you'll learn how to cut out the middleman and manage your own money we teach you how to know when to be in the market and when to stay in cash whether you're interested in short term trading long term investing over investing in precious metals we've got you covered only 9995 for your household plus get a 2nd ticket free phone money back guarantee to register call 877907 trade that's 877907 trade or visit trade way dot com. Welcome back to the word on investing brought to you by trade way only Michael's And I'm joined with Pastor David Mitchell and we've been covering in the past few programs are what you will experience when you attend trade ways 1st event it's called Step one start your journey I know it's a lot of information we've been covering but I guarantee you they go in depth and you really get a great handle on all this information at that event again go to trade way dot com . Recall 877907 trade 877-907-8723 so passer David before the break we talked a lot about market tone and how key that is but also there's a lot of other things to get to on the program today one of them being you know their portfolio you know we've talked a lot about how to make a trade what those trades entail and again we're not talking about day trading and there's a difference between that and people have an idea of what long term and short term trading actually is and how to structure their portfolio so how do you teach that a trade way great question Lee and I thought I'd want to say kind of follow up on what you said when when we use the expression short term trades we're not talking about day trading I don't believe that that's the best philosophical way to trade because it had to for one thing you're competing with the floor traders which are the smartest people in the world at this you're not going to beat him over time you're not going to beat them so I know what constitutes a day trade for people that don't know what day trading is but they've heard the term Well good point day to day trade literally they have the philosophy that you get into the play and you get out of it in the same business day and that's considered by Wall Street to be a day trader and. I don't really know the origin of it but it's just not a good thing to do and you'll find seminars all over the country on how to day trade but. I don't think you will make money over the long term because you're trading against people who are so professional and have so many other avenues to do they get they get the news way before you do too so it makes it very difficult to beat them and we don't teach that I don't think it's great for retail investors to even attempt it when we say short term Lee we mean something that could last a day now some of the trades do last a day but usually the average would be about 3 weeks 2 weeks 3 weeks all the way up . 3 months or maybe 6 months and those are shorter term trades and you have to let the cycle of the particular stock that you're in to tell you how long you're going to be in the trade that's how it works and that's why. This very 1st event start your journey is so important because it's the groundwork of everything you'll ever do on the 2nd day then you learn how to do that the technical analysis that's how you can visualize the cycle of your stock and that's what tells you how long to be in the short term trite So that's kind of what we're talking about when we say short term so when you're talking about building your portfolio obviously it is a mix of of all different kinds of investments and I think what we sort of the 1st day we start talking about this concept of what we call 80 percent and 20 percent money but it doesn't mean that we lock it into that because each of you have to decide how to do that you might divide your money into 10 percent of it and 90 percent and the 90 percent would be the long term buy and hold say for investments in the 10 percent would be the shorter term trades or you might do 80 percent of your life savings would go into the long term safer and 20 percent would go into. A little riskier but shorter term trades that by definition have potential of higher returns and he really what you have to do is you base that on your age to a great extent I would say to some extent I guess most of it's really your risk tolerance and then your goals rather you want this long term money to be sort of slow growth and really really safe are medium growth and somewhat safer faster growth and not as safe are ready to go all the way to the far end of the spectrum and you say speculative which I would never recommend that for your 80 percent long term money but probably some of your short term trades could be at that end of the spectrum. So we discuss all of that I mean it's hard to believe we discuss all these things in 2 days isn't it but but we do and we teach you what you need to know to know how to allocate your own money in the market and become good at that because most people don't have these skill sets Lee And that's why they have to rely upon a financial advisor but if you get good at this and we don't think you can be good enough in just 2 days but you can take retakes and we have people that retake this course many times and then you can go on through our system and do event number 2 of in number 3 of a number 4 and graduate from that and by the time we do that quite a few of our people do feel that they're capable of managing all of their entire portfolio and they know what they're doing at that time so retakes are great and if you're a top gun they're free but if you're not a top gun yet then there's a small fee but it's still great you certainly don't you certainly don't pay the full fee again to come and do a retake and they're really good because it really helps all this terminology be in the soak in yeah I've taken advantage of those retakes as a Top Gun I can even tell you how many of these Step one start your journey events I've been to and every time I go even still at this point it's just another piece that helps hone understand the terminology and hopefully makes me a better trader and again you can attend the next event it's called Step one start your journey just go to trade way dot com Call 877907 trade 877-907-8723 again your ticket price for this event 9995 but that ticket good for you your entire household I don't know anybody else who does a ticket for an event the let's your entire household and so you and your spouse so you can even bring your children but above that you get a bonus ticket to bring a friend along which is really unheard of and on top of that there's a money back guarantee so that. The 2 days you just decide Boy this really isn't for me the big lad to refund your 9995 but I think if you're like me you come in maybe you have a little skepticism like a lot of us do but I know you're going to learn a lot and you've you've seen in the last few programs covering just what you're going to learn at day one we haven't even got to day 2 yet David and now there's a lot of information there were going to get to so we've been talking a little bit about building that portfolio what do you do with your portfolio in long term and short term which kind of leads us to that the whole money management and how you build that wealth and build that legacy for you for your children for your grandchildren and possibly even your great grandchildren David yes money management sort of is a part of this for sure. We probably won't get into that till the next show but we always need something for you guys come back in here next time so that'll be an exciting but when you're when you're looking at this and you're dividing it into say 80 percent 20 or 9010 whichever you choose to do the longer term safer or 80 percent money you're going to allocate that into 7 different aspects our system is actually based on a biblical system and the reason I think that's important is the Bible is the oldest book in the world that has financial information and it's authoritative I mean God wrote it so it's our our long term system is based upon information from that book and we're going to tend to divide it into things such as us securities which those would even be divided into a couple of different types such as value stocks which would be more like blue chip stocks and then growth stocks which are few no newer companies that are growing faster and then you'll have some foreign stocks if the time is right in the economy and then you'll have some long term bonds and some short term bonds and some gold and silver and cash and so you you know we teach you how to do. That in really the our guys can even help you with that because they're all the registered investment advisor reps and then the 20 percent money we've talked a lot about that that's the money you would use for shorter term trades It's great information that you're going to get at the next trade way event again it's called Step one start your journey and it starts with you right now at trade way dot com You can find the next event near you or call 877907 trade 877-907-8723 you give them a call saying I'm interested in step one start your journey find out where it sat get yourself registered it's just 9995 that ticket good for you your entire household plus a bonus ticket to invite a friend it's a wonderful opportunity to come and really get in depth on what we've been talking about here in these last few programs we've been talking about what you experience it just day one come join us for trade ways event step one start your journey again but a trade way dot com a call 877 I know 7 trade that's 877-907-8723 get your ticket 9995 good for you your entire household a bonus ticket for a friend and they also have a money back guarantee so I hope you come and learn more you will learn a lot whether you know anything about the stock market you know a lot about the stock market a lot of great useful information at that event again called Step one start your journey and again trade way is an s.e.c. Registered investment advisory company and all the coaches and teachers at the events are s.c.c. Investment advisor reps they've all been registered through that as well so you're going to learn a lot and you're going to have a little bit of fun as well so come join us again straight way dot com or 877907 trade 877-907-8723 so that's all the time we have on the program today only Michael's on behalf of Pastor David Mitchell I want to thank you for joining us I hope you come back and join us next time as we can. When you look at what you'll you'll learn at day one of trade ways event step one start your journey leave you with 1st 517 pray without ceasing I hope you have a wonderful day God bless you all and God bless America. I'm pastor David Mitchell founder and c.e.o. Of trade way I'd like to share with you my thoughts on the importance of the family business you know these days people send their children to college to learn a trade that no one in the family has done before they move away they work for someone who doesn't love them and then they trade their infinitely valuable time for a little bit of someone else's money the old plan was to get a job but lay aside each month and later start a family business as the older you leverage the time of others and earn off hundreds of man hours per day it's called financial leverage the added benefit is that each generation teaches the next and builds on these skill sets and your children have the competitive advantage of experience that's a great plan for potentially creating generational wealth trade way offers you the vehicle to start such a family business by teaching you how to trade in the stock market perhaps you're intimidated or confused by the world of investing bitrate ways here to help you break down that confusing world of finance so that you can understand it we're not your typical big Wall Street investment firm we keep it fun simple and personal from day one we offer our students a powerful education on how to trade in the u.s. Stock of options market couple with sound investment advice and all from our family business we're here to help you reach your biggest goals through taking small steps join us and bring your family only $9995.00 plus get a 2nd ticket free money back guarantee to register call 87790738779078723 or is a trait weight dot com. Friday phrase of praise he. Want to remind you you have 10 more days to enter to win a home for the holiday sweepstakes if you could use a little more. Cash over the holidays in fact $4000.00 more Enter to win fans home for the holiday sweepstakes. Dot com I'm Jordan Happy Friday afternoon pattern of polling and then coming up next from the well Christian Community Church I live in Mar wait times affray pressing Are you a writer who's devoted your time to writing a book with Christian morals behind it but need help to get it published maybe wrote a children's book your memoirs a devotional or a mystery with strong moral values at its core Covenant books is help based authors published edit and sell their books through Christian bookstores and major online book retailers plus call now an 80580838 where offering a free author's information kit to help you through the publishing process are experienced and dedicated staff will review and no teacher manuscript with an editor's eye then our page designers will format your book to create the appropriate experience for your readers and if needed Covenant's talented illustrators will bring your book to life most importantly come in and books will help tell your story by printing marketing and distributing your book through specialty Christian bookstores and major online book retailers like Amazon Apple and many others Covenant books let us help tell your story for your free author's information packet call 80580838 that's 8058083880580838. Francisco to visit Salem media group sponsored by the well Christian community of Livermore So which are you a masterpiece or a blob who to talk about that next on times over Russia. Take a bunch of paint and a canvas slap them together and you've got. A mess but if you take an artist a master with his paintbrush allow him to make use of that paint Well you've got a masterpiece So the question is as a few bottles of paint How have you been used has there been a transformation Hi and welcome this is times of refreshing with Pastor Napoleon Kaufman today we return to 2nd Corinthians 3 and we take a look at transformation what it should look like if indeed you claim the name of Christ but today's edition of times of refreshing pastern of all in common. In our quest for knowledge we go after things that in some cases can poisonous remember that what he wanted was the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the enemy tested him and told you that God knows the day of you eat of this tree you're going to be like Him knowing good oh I see what I want I desire to know and this is same thing what happens when what people there's nothing wrong with acquiring knowledge we should do this but when we should long to do this but saints when our desire to acquire knowledge. Lifts us up with pride to the point that we think we know more than God we just overstepped our boundaries in our quest and in fact any knowledge that we should do get it should always be filtered through prayer with God's assistance so that we're getting what he's longing for us to have so in the end of the day we would be foolish we would be truly wise. It's a what happens is this Was happens for most people it doesn't make it it doesn't it isn't making he says this complex enough and we're here this is not deep enough. Sometimes even in church you know you I got a good idea to go somewhere where he has got to be deep some people some people are so deep in and drowned already. You only you know the beginning I mean you're trying to hey listen. Do me a favor start off in the book of John don't start with the Book of Revelation people want to just now and I got this is because knowledge puffs up knowledge pops up God takes us on.

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