It with him. When they received it they began to grumble against the landowner they're not happy and I can't blame and I wouldn't be happy either. These men who were hired last worked only one hour they said and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day so it's a rough day it's a tough days we're going to say we don't but there are 12 hours and the people many one hour you made them equal to us. This isn't fair but he answered one of them Friend I'm not being unfair to you didn't you agree to work for an area take your pay and go I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you so the last will be 1st and the 1st will be last she says making a point to Peter and the other disciples they've seen this influential man come and try to deal a negotiated with Jesus and then when the sky sions the negotiations broke down he walked away. Following Jesus has nothing to do with the art of careful negotiation but has everything to do with the act of complete surrender and I think we learn from this passage 3 steps to complete surrender to the Lord here's the 1st step give up your impulse to bargain for your best outcome . But one of the main things you have to understand about this parable is this parable is dealing with the grace and generosity of got his goodness to us. You can negotiate and bargain with God your way into heaven or to a right relationship with God Jesus took care that you simply put your faith in Him and believe me I enjoy it when when life is not rugged or rough. But we have to understand that from God's perspective he's using everything in our circumstances the people all the stuff that is broken whirled in the broken people that we deal with he's using all of that to mold us and shape us and make us more like Jesus so that we'll live in love like jesus more so that people will hear and see Christ in us so they'll be drawn to Jesus and they too will find peace and satisfaction and meaning in life. Some of you maybe had a great week this week and God was using great stuff in your life to shape you some of us were having such a great week my week started out sort of off Monday morning on I'm eating some toast and it wasn't hard at all and as I'm eating this toast my tooth that I had a root canal on 2 weeks earlier breaks off. Its jag. And it's cutting my tongue all day while I'm in meetings and thing and it was hurting and I thought well you know I'm going to get to the dentist on Tuesday morning I'll go over there and just say can you help me can you do something this is cutting my eye to so much and I went to bed that one thing Ok 1st thing the morning I got to go to the dentist I got the thing taken care of this is terrible. In the middle and I got sick to my stomach and I was so sick that 12 hours later I was dehydrated and shaky and went to the doctor and a doctor said going to put you into the hospital. Ok I'm going to the hospital and I mean I've been very sick and turns out I picked up a bug in one of my travels and. They gave me some quick and I bought a heavy and within 24 hours the test came back that I was no longer contagious with this bug I no longer had this bug and and that now I needed to recover from the damage the bug had done and so they kept me in the hospital from Tuesday through Friday afternoon so I spent some days in the hospital while I was there said this tooth that I didn't get to get fixed so I'm still got a tooth cut in my tongue and forcing my dentist was nice and he came to the hospital and did a little repair on it to help me and then that fell out yesterday so I'm back to where I was until I see him this week while I'm laying there you have had this bug I've got this tooth thing going on and one of the nurses I think Wednesday or Thursday morning comes through and she says you know you're in good health all the other tests are coming up you're healthy and all you're in good health except for those kidney stones I said well those kidney stones were 8 or 9 years ago and she said well the cat scan you took shows you have a kidney stone and it may not come out for years so we're talking and I said basically have a time bomb in me ready to go at any time and she said well I guess that's how you could put it and so I was being asked by the staff are you going to really preach on Sundays I don't know I gotta wait and see what they say when I get out and when I was released on Friday they told me I could lift and I could drive and I could go back to my regular routine response was I feel really good they kept me in long enough so I don't feel tired or weaker anything feel a lot better than I did earlier in the week and I have a lot of time I'm sitting there studying this passage. And I'm I'm reading this and I realize that what he's talking about when we deal with the stuff of life that we don't have to go sheet is the fact that no matter what our God is good. This owner is saying look I am a good person I'm trying to treat people in a good way and you may not like it all the time. And we may not understand it all the time we may may think well I'm not getting what I think I should get and I should negotiate for the best but I got this to tell you your God has your best interests at heart even when you're going through tough stuff. And so I'm laying there and I realize this one of the points is going to be that you don't bargain with God because you have to trust God to be good. And when I think Ok Lord you are good you are good all the time in with all this stuff because what you must be using this in some way to mold me and shape me and make me more like Jesus I hope you people see more of Jesus in me than you did last Sunday. Because he wasn't using a fine chisel he was using a sledgehammer this week. You have to trust God to be good. I love. A quote from John Erickson totter where she says God permits the things he hates to accomplish the things he loves. Sometimes stuff happens to us at work sometimes stuff happens to us with our health sometimes stuff happens in our family. A marriage the bills some goes on we say how could this be a gift from God. Sometimes God uses the stuff we hate to accomplish the stuff he loves in our lives. You get to be willing to surrender your impulse to bargain for what's best and trust God because God is good and he's good all the time. Secondly you have to be willing to surrender in the 2nd step to let go of your right to decide what is fair you've heard about it that's not fair. That's what these folks are saying they say and in verse 12 you've made them equal to us look at these people they're all there disabled they were there all day and you made them equal to us were skilled what you saw in the early in the morning why should hire some pay it's more you made them equal to us that's not fair there are a lot of times in life we look around at what's going on the lives of other people may say God this isn't fair she's got this he's got that look at her job look at his car look at their marriage and we say it's not fair. I heard one pastor talking about this and he referenced a Money magazine article where a psychologist had determined there was a new source of psychological disorder that literally is called this perceived consumption super disparity syndrome. Some of you have come in here this morning and are suffering with P.C.'s s. And you didn't even know it. What is perceived consumptions super disparity syndrome is the idea that there is something different between me and others and and they've got a better than I do in life isn't fair to say idea that if everybody in your neighborhood is driving record and one person comes in with a Lexus you take this approach you say Oh everybody's got a Lexus but me. Or everybody's got a Lexus in your neighborhood and somebody comes in with a brand new and your perception if you've got a perceived consumption super disparity syndrome you say everybody has a new Lexus and we play markets for this but we all have this. We all suffer from this. So matter of fact when I was in the hospital the. First day I was on you know totally clear liquids and then they upgraded me the doctor said Now you go to full liquids and I was so hungry and so ready I was living from meal to meal just looking at the clock when you eat again and I kept trying to sneak popsicles from the nurses when they change shifts and you had one lately Well I've had one today. And then one of my doctors Dr blocks as you know we want you up and Roman around to move in because you're getting healthy again but we got to keep you here to make sure this is the end about it taken root and you're all good and we want you to be hydrated again and he should be up and around and so I started walking around the floor and and I started to notice other trays sitting out getting ready to go to people. And and I said I noticed there trays look like this. And so when I got back to my room the nurse came through I said How come I'm eating this and everybody else has meat and potatoes and gravy and green beans and. She said you know there are only like 2 people who have those meals most of you are on like liquid and and it's just a couple of people you're kind of skewed that's when we think life isn't fair. After His resurrection and John 21 Jesus meets up with the disciples and he calls Peter to the side and remember Peter deny Jesus and Jesus gives Peter an opportunity to be restored in his relationship with him and at the end of it he also predicts that Peter is going to have a rough death but it's going to be used for the Lord's glorious as he serves the Lord and it course jolts Peter and he starts looking around he sees John over with the other disciples and he says that Jesus is what about him what's the end of his life going to be like and Jesus looks directly at him and John 21 he says Man What is that to you how I deal with him. See how God is shaping me. As being in the hospital this week for a few days. Wasn't pleasant. How many of you there were a couple in the last service but how many of you were in the hospital this week. See a couple hands God bless you. But the rest of you weren't in the hospital and I don't think that's fair. If you're going to use that to make me more like Jesus shouldn't you use that to make you more like Jesus and so these people are claiming at the end they're saying look it's not fair that you make them equal to us they only work one hour we work 12 hours that's not fair. But here's the point when you let go of your right to decide what is fair you then have to surrender and choose to step out and trust God to be just. So what's the difference between being fair and being just well that's very important trust God to be just that word that he uses I love in verse 4 when he's talking to the workers the 3rd hour of the 6th hour in the 9th hour he told them you also go work and I've been your day and I will pay you whatever is right that's the word just you let me worry about what is best for you and I will take care of you. You know when we get in trouble the most in our Christian life is we start looking at other people saying God Why aren't you doing that in my life why am I going through this and she is and why do they get that and the Apostle Paul said it this way when we compare ourselves among ourselves and compare ourselves by ourselves we are not wise. Because God is not only good he is just. Here's the difference I wrote this down this week as I was praying and thinking and but this would help us make this distinction to determine what is fair requires us to make comparisons to others. To determine what is just requires us to look at the character of God. Big difference if my eyes are on you Paul then life isn't fair this week because you are not spittle but if my eyes are on the character my God and know that he is all knowing is all powerful is everywhere present he is a good God He is the sovereign God if I look at him and I have my eyes on him I say Ok you must know what is best so I'm going to trust you to be good and I'm going to trust you to be just. The 3rd step to complete surrender is to turn over your need to be in control of everything and everyone. Turn over your need to be in control of everything and everyone I love how the owner says at the end he says did you agree to work for a then areas take your pay and go I want to give the man who was fired the last the same as I gave you that's my Grace I don't have the right to do what I want with my own money or are you envious because I am generous and gracious. They want to control the owner and whether you are overtly a control freak or not most of us are trying to manipulate the things in our life the people in our life to work out for what we consider to be our best good. And if you're going to stop negotiating with God and start surrendering to God as a day to day surrender to Him as Lord is his child then you're going to have to say I'm going to trust you to be good I'm going to trust you to be just and you don't have to trust God to be sovereign. Which means he's in control of everything. Now he holds me responsible and I have a free will to make decisions but yet he is sovereign in control of everything. How that comes together I'm not quite sure and I know a number of you want to send me a book an article or website to tell me how that works together. That I have freedom to make choices and that God is completely sovereign you don't need to send those to me I've read I've studied and you know what I've concluded is that is a mysterious point in our walk with God where he's in control of everything and yet I have a free will and what I need to do though is continually surrender to the sovereignty of God in my life and that nothing comes into my life that isn't father filtered 1st that is goodness and his chestnuts he knows what I need to be shaped and formed and made more like Jesus. I've got to give up control you know the moment you give up control when you go to the hospital is when the nurse says put on this little guy. Every day of our lives you've got to be willing to say Ok Lord I don't understand this you are good you are just and I'm going to surrender to your sovereignty your control in my life . When most of us want to negotiate. With God. Trust to be sovereign. Some $46.00 tenses to be still and know that I'm God. Thank you every morning this week to take a few moments before you start your day and be still and know that he is God. And as you do that I want encourage you just to pray think 3 things to God before you start your day. Simply look to him and say Lord I don't know what today holds. But I trust you to be good. Lord I don't know what today holds you know what I went through yesterday you know what I'm going to go through this week but I'm a trustee to be just. Lord I don't know what today holds and I'm going to try to manipulate and control things but I'm not I'm going to surrender that right now I'm going to trust you to be sovereign you just take those 3 so it's to those 3 main points and just pray them back to God. I was in a small group when I was in college my junior year we started meeting informally at 1st and then we kind of formalized that 5 or 6 of us and the dorm room on a certain afternoon and we'd talk about things in the Bible and we prayed together encourage each other in our walk with Jesus. Now remember being in there one time and I was talking about something and I was sharing my heart and finally one of my friends I thought of this story this week while I was in the hospital because his mother who had suffered from Alzheimer's stepped in the presence of Jesus this week so I thought of Pat who was best man in our wedding and was a guy in a small group with me and I'm talking and I'm so I'm saying stuff about things and I remember what the subject was but remember Patmos said to me would you shot up. The 1st of the last to tell me to shut up. He said Would you shot up. And said I'm sorry said Well can I tell you something since you're we've gotten close and sharing life together and. He said You've got to stop trying to recalibrate God to your life and start recalibrating your life to God. And on these issues of whether life is good or bad. Whether life is just or fair or life is in control or out of control. Don't try to negotiate with God. Stop trying to adjust him and recalibrate him to you your expectations your dreams your fears your doubts your hopes your life your circumstances. And calibrate your mind your heart who you are to who you. Trust him to be good trust him to be just trust him to be soft. Stop negotiating with God. Start surrendering day to day to his lordship. Are you following Jesus. By surrender. Or negotiation. Are you following Jesus. By surrender. Or negotiate. Just got to be good for us to be to trust him to be so. Challenging us to live in complete surrender to God's will for our lives you're listening to Pastor Shawn Thorton here on all things new and today's message is titled The parable of the day workers and you can find it online at Pastor Shawn dot com While you're there take a moment to check out this month's featured resource a best selling book by Randy Al Korn called the treasure principle and scripture Jesus told several stories about a hidden treasure that once discovered would bring life changing joy in the book the treasure principle Randy out corn shows how do on earth this treasure Jesus talked about so that you can experience the fullness of joy in your own life request a copy of the treasure principle today when you give a gift of any amount to all things new just call 84 for all things new or visit pastor shun dot com And when you give a generous donation of $25.00 or more to all things new will also include a. Special resource in addition to the treasure principle a cd copy of one of Sean's most well loved teaching series wounded for good you know we all have painful parts in our past or maybe even our present but when we give these areas of life over to God He can take them and then use them to bring about our good learn more in this impactful series when you support all things new with a gift of 25 dollars or more call 8 for for all things new or make a secure donation online at Pastor Shawn dot com I'm Mark Davis inviting you to join us tomorrow for a message on the importance of basing your identity in Christ that's right here on all things new. A rollover accident in Gilroy this year k f a x traffic report is brought to you by Positive Coaching Alliance one of one northbound just after a highway $25.00 we have an s.u.v. On its roof in the left lane and the center divider northbound 25 is backed up to Polson 101 northbound is backed up to better Bell Road. 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Truth couched in a new commandment Hi there welcome to truth for today with Pastor Phil Howard the ministry of Valley Bible Church here in Hercules We're continuing our survey of John we have one more look at Chapter 13 before we move into Chapter 14 the rest of the week this new commandment that Jesus gives his disciples what is so new about it that's our focus today please join his Pastor Phil Howard with today's podcast. For today he said there's a new measure for life that used to say. Your neighbor as yourself you switched it don't love him as yourself love him even as I have loved you. Let me ask you a question how has God loved you. How do you ever just sit down and I had to do this this morning I had really thought about it I thought if someone asked me. You say Jesus loves you how. And I thought you'd have asked us who wrote of that. I wrote things like this number one he sought me out I would have never known him but he wanted to know me thank whoever takes the initiative impress me. How did you get to know God looked him up no I didn't he looked me up he told them you didn't choose me I chose you. And I've seen a whole lot of believers never chosen. To look at the notes. People aren't always the nicest people in the world. Even after God been working on the not easy. Can take your saints. To shame. He came to where I was I didn't go up to the throne and bring him down he came down to the pit to bring me. When he found me he did the washing but I didn't know the cleanser would be his own lives blood. I didn't know it was that expensive. For me to be clean he had to die he actually bought. Me and redeem me if he bore the complete brat of God It gets me and Isaiah said it this way. You Jesus rode wounded by transgressions you were bruised for my iniquity his face and the beating of the chest tightness of the judgment that brought me peace you bore he reconciled me to God. And then it says I've loved you like the Father's love me he and I got to thinking about that but Jesus you had to be easy to love you did everything the father said you were perfect without sin when you start loving me full of sin full of weakness full of failings it's told me different God loves to perforate you're willing to love me just like your father love chill he says that in chapter 15 now you're going to love somethin imperfect. Big difference. And he said I'll tell you how do it I'll seek you I'll serve you sacrifice for you I'll forgive you. I'll prefer you over myself and I'll make you my own ever the measure. Of how I'm to love you is like Price love me. Thank you ever saying believers has struggled to forgive. I just can't forgive or. I call on the touchy Saints some time touchy. Touchy touchy. They had those 2 people in the flippin churches over the years and soon touchy. Chapter for. Always being offended by something churches are friendly to do and I had one of our elders tell me about a Bible study has the person don't even go to church anymore but came to the study and started telling the group you know like you ought to you don't love me like should do. As I love you. Take the initiative. Serve. Stoop. Humble yourself. And when you're dealing with fellow sinners. Who go to the Body of Christ. You will have to forgive a lot for bear a lot. Bear a lot. Because see God put you in a family is sinners just like you and there are some days you can't hardly stand you. But you want us to stand you. People in the body of Christ believe or this is saying love the world this way if it doesn't start where does is not going to go out to the world the light that shines further is shines bright is that home. I can't stand my wife and I hate my kids but let me tell you about Jesus here he could save you. But you can't stand your wife hate your kids yeah yeah I can't stand people but I love Jesus with all my heart. I know you don't. You're a liar according to 1st John you can't know the son and not love his children. Love that's the new measurement. I think it's a risky thing. I think much of the Christianity I grew up with in my early days of the groups I was with always measured your relationship with God by what you didn't do. You know we used to quote the line I don't smoke I don't chew and I don't go with girls to do. Good good good least your teeth are clean. But it was you don't do this you don't do that you don't do this you don't do that way when I asked you What's the one thing you started doing. And he said if you know me you start loving my children isn't love in my family. Loving one another. They have heard of a church split. Do you think that was in the will of God. Fuss and fight over so many things we've got a Contin for the spirit of loving because one of the great dangers the efficient church bell and and it's a tough balance it's not easy what I'm going to say. He said to them you hate the teachings of the Nicolay of tents which thing i also hate. But your problem is not what your hate is you've quit loving me as their 1st love and I want to. Monitor for schools. But. I wound up going to school in this area that we're. Not an ecumenical would not support Billy Graham I just disagree with the way he did it and I think a many of the issues they were right. They were separate is Baptist strict Baptists God's people wonderful people but strict. Don't want to be part of this and they always had a lists. Who you could. Support and then I went to a seminary stricter than them. There was a Bob Jones of the West Coast I didn't know that strict strict strict. And don't do this can't do that and in their battle and quest for truth as they saw it and for. Issues that many of them I feel they were right on in the middle of it they became known as scrappers critic call. Not attractive because they were not robot they were against and never known for what they were for. Those of folks that don't like John MacArthur You know why you don't have to guess where he is that. And in a day of fluff fluff and I think I have an opinion he gets up that's what it says. Well you could've said it with more love truth is a need love it just need be said. Thank you in love but the truth be for the love. Of Jesus for. Don't tell me a lie in the name of love. You don't love me honey when you lie to me. Love tells the truth. Is too deep for some of you that's Ok if. I want the truth don't lie to me in the name of love. Tell me the truth. And so people will hear him say where's the love was a lot of where's the truth. And we're in the day when we fight error when we want to defend ourselves against false good and bad doctrines and bad teachings and God knows everything is blowing through the church now and some of you don't have enough discernment to know what's right what's wrong well leaders don't have that luxury we have to stand up what is the truth declare with conviction preach the word without apology but it isn't that the battle is what you're telling the truth beloved in the people they love it that balance is a spade a tough balance because you can go either way I've so loving I will never address heart issues I won't ever tell what the I want ever practiced church discipline because we're too loving you're more loving than God got practice it got put in his word Don't tell me you love as much as God your coward to do his word. His word before your sentimentality Oh Ok I ain't afraid I'm preaching I'm not afraid. I feel as bold as a lion when I tell you the truth. 6 because truth is enough for a boat. It is to. Start a local church to be a politician and get along with every person who attends I said I want to get along with God and our preach the spy book and if you show it in the Bible I'm going to preach it and even if they throw me out and we close up so be it I went down preaching the truth on God it's on guy. To own so the measurement is Christ also 2 things we don't have time to develop than. 2 things required to do the new commandment is the new birth 1st John 47311 he said unless you've been born of God You can't love like God loves so we know the new commandment requires a new birth because there's not a man to love. And. We just we have to have a new nature because going to do work in our heart because resell centered and for me by nature but are part of the new nature and the new bird that has Is it makes us love those in the family I'd say the 4 thing they don't have time to develop and it requires a new power the man in the room didn't have the power to obey the command so they had to wait in the upper room until the Spirit came and so you see collations 5 walk in the spirit and the 1st thing we'll see is you will love have joy have peace we are spirit animated people Spirit empowered people and the 1st obvious evidence of that power ought to be the way we love. The way we love. That what gift we have that all the power we claim you need the power of God to love people because they're not lovely all the time. They're not lovely all the time. Even your kids. So Deborah saying I need the love of God just to love my kids but you need the Spirit of God accorded peace just to love your wife and she could be the best woman in town but you problems up with her the problems with you. They say she didn't think to fail you need the spirit to live just to love your wife like Christ loves the church you could smooch on her and tell her to fix your meal but you haven't left her like right shit any pagan likes to kiss. Are you willing to stoop are you willing to serve are you willing to sacrifice the time hey go ahead go Presbyterian because I. Care. A man's get weak because you're going to conviction. 1st 35 By this all men were no you are my disciples because you will be Baptist. So you get to be Presbyterian at least many costal Oh I don't know that they know. You know. It is say. You look for labels so who are you. And he said I'm going to give the world a credential to evaluate every Christian fellowship and it will be their credential of an observable love if they can't find that they have no right to call us Christians that's where Jesus said look but yes all men would know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another now wait a minute. I don't say man blind. When I say not moved by the Gospel absolutely Then I get the truth. That I know if you are a Calvinist or not many and they care last. Then all of you are free trip post trip or mixed up trip. Then you know what your position is. He said I am going to tell you world Jim people and the 1st thing you look for is not where they are theologically and that's what you look for church for you know what I have been was a church is that straight that I want to attend. There's cold as a refrigerator and they're dead right and I don't want to be in a cemetery. I want to be where I can sense like being loved I want to be loved as some of you don't. Get all your needs met just in his sermon and not big as privateers get me I don't. Read. Francis Schaffer wrote a book. The church before the watching world and he had a chapter called The Heart of a Christian and he said 2 things watching were all must see in the church. One is an observation. And 2 the observable purity. That if we don't take doctrine and theology serious we will go into a liberal and some deny the deity of Christ the inspiration of scriptures and they must see that we are contenders for the truth we will not sell out truth we must see purity in the church and that's why they must be disciplined. but 1 they must see and observe a ball. They don't need the Holy Spirit to see this that even need to own a bible they just come and say What makes you guys act this way with one another. So that you do we hear you say you mean we act like we love each other I'm not used to that. I give you a few illustrations I told the story before about a neighbor and who works as a Teamster works for some rough men some rough places and gets around some very rough circumstances I remember one time he came but ever context so was I greeted him hugged him and at 1st in the hug he can a little reserved Mark you know and Children him out and so he just kind of it was a little and it just kind of what Pastor wait that's what's going on. He said You gotta let me transition. I've been with whoremongers. Differs thieves and guys that want to beat me up and down the dark. That's just the environment. And what a job. And then I come in to see you and you put a hug only. I'm not quite ready to receive that. I've been defending myself all day . Of it surviving among alligators all day and now you want to love me you want to hug me there's a difference when I come here nobody wants to hurt me but I come here and accept it when I come here I feel loved There's nothing like that all week on the job. I had a single woman tell me one time she said I did like to go to your church Nobody's trying to hit on me. As it went on me so nobody tried to hit on me are you go off to some church I've been to they try to do that and of course about was out of the singles bar I mean it's a one night stand everybody's now I come here and she said I just feel safe. I feel safe. I told you you are tell the elders if anybody tries to hit on you and we will hit on them. We're here to protect. I mean it. Here womanizer in this flock we're going to find you out and we're going to kick you out unless you repent you cannot be hit you know not women . Without putting up with protests. About having the surgery. Grant you know my bodyguard the 1st services why no one shake hands with me they're afraid of him. But. Every 2 or 3 days come by the house bunny to the traps I want to take my Trask containers to the curb he knew the day the garbage man came he'd come down he said I want to take those out and put them at the curb and he came so much trying to move in. Isn't enough grant a no. Make up he just cerebral. I guess so you my love I could sacrifice I can stoop I can serve up one of our finest he could do anything it takes in this church to make it happen anything to dirty that he too bad I do it oh oh don't wait for him to hug you. Can be a long way to any of us but his stoop of no other we got a sister down here. Dealing with sickness Oh I didn't with a difficult of saying it this type and I just was out for you in the 1st service and. Catherine was there she starts telling me all about a sister and to boy all the sisters are trying to help me we want to bring meals we want to call we want to do this when we want to do that and they get out talking to me is a survivor of a breast cancer. That's barely survived lost their breasts fought cancer for years she's in the 1st service chippy out there serving your coffee. Putting the don't to tell and try to help somebody and tell you how wonderful the God that came and rescued her evil of cancer is. We have no right. Now to be showing each other the law. You know right. I don't matter what your color your social step your gender this out to be the safest place in town where you feel the love of God we would say we would help well yesterday in our elders meeting in the tickets a report was given to us. Money being distributed so far this year and what was our total. So far we've given up $42000.00 and went out but at least our people had a place to go when they could pay the rent when they could pay to your to letters but they could buy the food you people helped. But people just put there if you want to help let me ask your question. Are you good advertisement for Jesus. Can they see the love of God coming through you it costs to be with people. What dare want to say I feel in a slump and I actually thought I could feel the love of God If I get with you. Mike here for being and has never been to judge you on whether you're loving me it always comes back are you loving them. God has commanded you to be. Commanded to love. And this is true for today with Pastor Phil Howard the ministry of Valley Bible Church here in Hercules as we conclude our time together today we would invite you to contact us if you have questions comments about the broadcast maybe you have a question about your own walk in relationship with the Lord we're pretty request we'd love to hear from you please get in touch with us today we have a couple of ways to do so these iest might be simply visiting our website truth for today. Radio dot org You can drop us an email we have other means of contact the chill find there at truth for today radio dot au argy we also have a lot of resource materials available for your growth and relationship with Christ our design and desire is to see that you growing Christ grow according to his knowledge and grace any way we can help all that's why we're here so stop by truth for today radio dot o.-r. G. Or simply give us a call 855-833-9864 again you can reach us at 855-833-9864 Please bear in mind as you contact us that this is a listener supported ministry as you link arms with us financially we're able to continue the ministry here on this radio station prayerfully consider how you might get involved in the Ministry of Truth for today want 285-583-3986 extension 4 or write to us Our address is 1511 m Sycamore Avenue Suite 278 Turkey lease California the zip code is 94547 that website once again truth for today radio dot org It is a pleasure spending time with you in God's word trust We'll see you next time we get together for another broadcast of truth for today with Pastor Phil Howard. No more traffic trouble in Gilroy this x. Traffic report brought to you by the t.j. More till foundation one northbound after Highway 25 an s.u.v. On its roof in the left lane stopped traffic back to bed road also northbound 25 backed up to shore now another accident being reported this is the same location except it's before Bloomfield ave no details on that Morgan Hill one a one northbound between 10 and Avenue and Cochran road is already stop and go join the t.j. Martell Foundation in the fight against leukemia cancer and 8 your support helps facilitate cutting edge research that will lead to more effective treatments and save more lives visit t.j. Martell daughter ward to learn more Baker That's traffic gong am 1100 to get. Welcome to guy goes motorcycle meanderings man this is great Sure seems a lot of money by switching to Geico score some big savings and now I can use their mobile app 247 for all sorts of stuff like just make sense now. It doesn't make sense if we call bicycles bikes and Tresco strikes should we call motorcycles Mike's. 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Lose mentally fat gain energy and feel 20 years younger like Richard try Andrew 400 the safe natural and affordable way to boost your testosterone go to Andrew 400 dot com or call 808-400-0435 that's 888-400-0435 Charlottesville Ferguson Stanford we know the places and events but do we really understand what drives racism in America today and can we stop it join lifelines Craig Roberts and for Bay Area pastor is for a frank discussion on race relations from a biblical perspective to look at the church its historical role in racial reconciliation and what God is calling the church today be a part of our lives studio audience and faith Fellowship Church San Leandro Thursday November 16th 5 pm on k. Afaics. 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The mission question kids devotional usually devotional gives kids an in-depth weekly Bible lesson that teaches a spiritual truth scripture to remember and an activity to put what they've learned into action mission quest is available now as airship Genesis dot com slash mission but. The truth and nothing but the truth. Must. Be on the Love $106.00 have you. Seen. The San Francisco shared vision of. The following sponsored by pathway to victory a ministry of 1st Baptist Church Dallas today on pathway to victory Dr Robert Jeffress brings a serious warning from Luke chapter for Satan very cleverly raps the destructive power of sand in a healing temptation that Satan custom designed to meet our particular verse. How do we resist the appealing temptations of Satan that he brings into our life and that's what we're going to talk about this morning welcome to pathway to victory with author and pastor Dr Robert Jeffers most people never realize it but we're all in gauged in a cosmic battle with a powerful adversary named Satan and if we're not careful we could become his next casualty today on pathway to victory Dr Robert Jeffress shares how Jesus successfully defeated Satan's plan to destroy him now here's our Bible teacher to introduce today's message Dr Jeffress Thanks David and welcome to this Monday edition a pathway to victory over the years and me and I have discovered that if we don't block out our vacation time months in advance we'll miss out. On the best opportunities and for that reason we're urging you to reserve your spot right now on the pathway to victory journeys of Paul Mediterranean cruise the date surgeon 8 to 18th next summer 28 tain our primary purpose is to trace the steps of the Apostle Paul on his 2nd missionary journey while visiting sites like the ancient city of Corinth and Mars Hill in Athens where Paul preached his famous sermon along the way will have plenty of time for sunshine refreshment music worship and making new friends Reggie and lady love Smith and pianist Gordon moat and comedian Denis Swan Burke will be with us to inspire great worship and lots of laughter and I'll be teaching regularly from God's word now spots for the cruise are going fast so but now to get the very best cabin that you want you can do so by going online to p.t.v. Dot org And me and I hope you'll join us this coming summer for the trip of a lifetime on our pathway to victory journeys of Paul Mediterranean cruise just before we begin today's message let me remind you that I've written a brand new book that compliments our current series and the book is called a day in the life of Jesus and this book I've given us snapshot of a typical day for the Savior from sun up to sundown by observing his actions and by watching his encounters we discover what it truly means to be one of Jesus' disciples a copy of my new book is yours when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory. Well we've come to one of the most unusual passages in the New Testament in our study of Luke turn in your Bible to Luke Chapter 4 where we find a show. Strange encounter between the God of the universe and his arch enemy I toddled Today's message when the devil rings the doorbell one of the strongest evidences for the reality of Satan is the way that he has cleverly cause society to mock him. Rather than fear him. Images of a little guy in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork running around poking people in the back side or that brings a smile of our face or even Christians regularly joke about sin and temptation and the devil made me do it. But as one whose vocation requires him to spend a lot of time in the spiritual emergency room let me assure you there is nothing humorous about Satan and his attacks. Addictions the destruction of families even death are all by products of Satan and sin. I read one time about how an Eskimo kills a wolf a wolf is threatening the Eskimo in his family that's what will take a knife or the. Blade and he will take that blade and will dip it in animal blood wait for it to dry and then he'll dip it in a 2nd coat and a 3rd coat and a Forth code into that blade is completely concealed and then he takes the knife and sticks it up right in the frozen snow the wolf attracted to the smell the blood comes to the knife and begins licking the knife and is the blood starts to satisfy its 3rd state starts to lick faster and faster and faster not noticing the sting on its tongue of the sharp knife and not noticing the moment that the wolf begins to be satisfied by his own warm blood until the morning dawn finds the wolf dead in the snow. Make no mistake about it ladies and gentlemen sin never satisfy us sin only causes us to crave more and more and more until we are completely destroyed by our own lusts but the destructive power. Of sand like that knife blade is often concealed where we can't see it safe in very cleverly wraps the destructive power of sand in an appealing temptation that Satan custom designed to meet our particular thirst how do we resist the appealing temptations of safe in that he brings into our life and that's what we're going to talk about this morning today we're going to discover from the life of Jesus Christ what to do when the devil rings the doorbell if you have your Bibles turned to Luke Chapter 4 we're in a verse by verse study of this account of the life of Jesus and we've come now to Luke Chapter 4 now I'd like to begin by sharing a very deep theological insight with you I want you to remember this always ready.

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