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With us for a news up that because British officials have raised the country's terrorism threat level to critical meaning another attack is expected shortly the threat was raised from a severe to critical its highest possible level about what is underway after an improvised explosive device was detonated on a crowded subway car injuring at least 29 people Britain is pushing back against President transit gesture that London police missed a chance to prevent Friday's terror attack the president said a loser terrorist was behind the attack and tweeted These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard must to be proactive later he told reporters what happened in London was terrible and that the prime minister right now in London prime minister Theresa May reacted to the Scotland Yard comment I never think it's helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation the president's rapid response to the attack differed with what he said after the Charlottesville violence when he said he wanted to ensure he had the facts instead of making a quick statement solderer Megali at the White House would answer News dot com More than 15000000 Americans were victims of id fraud last year that's a record on an annual survey by Javelin Strategy and Research says fraudsters stole about $16000000000.00 experts have warned for years that the widespread use of social security numbers lacks corporate security and even looser individual password practices could lead to an identity theft crisis during the recent Equifax attack the intruders made off with precisely the information needed to pose as ordinary citizens and to fraud them of course but if you're reporting team administrator Brock Long says the focus after Erma shifting from rescuing people to help recover fuel distribution power restoration support even services debris removal 'd and commodity distribution Prouty's for today long added good news is the search and rescue mission is complete it's time to start shifting Infoseek focusing on the breach in the pathways to recover says us for a news. 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Will give you an in-depth understanding of legal documents proceedings and right from the Christian worldview Trinity is known for for more information call 809224748 Again that's 892-4748 Trinity law school be in demand the following sponsored by pathway to victory a ministry of 1st Baptist Church Dallas. Today on the pathway to victory weekend edition with Dr Robert Jeffers. The Treasure of the opportunities God has given us here on earth will determine what responsibility we have in all eternity Yes in heaven will have work to do but is not going to be work all the time there's also going to be some fun and happened while we worship pain will be working but we're going to be having the time of our lives as well welcome to the pathway to victory weekend edition with author and pastor Dr Robert Jeffers when you think about heaven what picture comes to mind maybe you imagine cherubs floating on clouds of harps or angels in white robes singing in a never ending worship service today on the pathway to victory Weekend Edition will set aside Hollywood's bland depictions of heaven to discover what scrip. Says it will really be like now here's our Bible teacher to introduce today's message Dr Jeffress Thanks David and welcome again to pathway to victory I'm convinced that if people truly understood the truth about heaven our country would experience a spiritual revival like we've never experienced before but very few people of obviously studied what the Bible says and doesn't say about our eternal home to them heaven actually sounds well born during the month of September we're conducting an in-depth study on the magnificent place God is preparing for his children and to complement this study I've written a brand new hardcover book that I'm eager to send you today my book is called a place called heaven by reading my book which is more than 250 pages in length you'll discover clear answers to 10 of the most frequently asked questions about heaven all the spell 3 of the popular myths about God in heaven and I'll describe 3 perks of heaven as well when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory I'll make sure you receive a hard band edition of a place called heaven plus when you respond the day I'll also include a helpful brochure designed to be tucked into your copy of my book the title reveals the content it's called what 7 world religions teach about heaven get ready to jot down our contact information at the end of the program so that you can request a copy of my book and the brochure but right now let's address an issue many people have about heaven 90 people think that life in heaven will be an eventful it will be boring so let's answer the honest question what will we do in heaven is heaven going to be a boring place. The people who believe that do so because they have embraced 3 popular myths about God heaven and eternity let's look at those myths for just a moment and see what the Scripture says 1st of all some people believe that God is our cosmic killjoy when they think about God they think about him as being a perennial party pooper and they think of Satan this being the life of the party did you know there's nothing interesting about Satan nothing at all nothing creative about it he never created anything and study ruined everything he is a perpetually boring person completely on original Contrast that to God I mean if you want to know how exciting God is just look around you and everything that God has created everything we live in and watch is good beautiful enjoyable refreshing fascinating and exciting because it's are created by someone who is all of those things a 2nd myth people have about Heaven is that heaven will be monotonous you know the fact is no matter how good something is we get bored with it after a while don't we the only reason things say monotonous to us is because we live in bodies that grow tired a 3rd myth people have about heaven and the reason they think it is boring is they believe heaven is going to be one long and an ending church service. I mean let's be honest the idea of heaven being one long church services are you on fast for most of us. But the reason we feel that way is we really have a misunderstanding of what worship is going to be like in heaven worship will be a central activity in heaven but it won't be our only activity in heaven you know the Garden of Eden and it is the template for what the new heaven in the. New Earth is going to be like God placed Adam and Eve in the garden before they sinned and God said you're going to have perfect fellowship with me but you're not going to sit around and worship me all the time I've also given you work to do in fact you said in Genesis 28 in verse 15 you are to cultivate the garden and keep it there were 2 primary activities in heaven worshipping but also working and the same is going to be true for us let's look at each of those 2 activities in depth 1st of all heaven will be a place of the end describable worship if you want to get an idea what that experience is going to be like look at Revelation 5 verses $11.12 where John describes the worship we will experience in heaven he said then I looked and heard the voice of many angles around the throne and the living creatures and the elders this is you and I the elders of the church and the number of them was Marriott's of myriads of people surrounding the throne and notice 1st 12 saying with a loud voice underlined that word last hour that heaven will be a time of indescribable worship but there's a 2nd thing we're going to experience in heaven Heaven will also be a place of enjoyable work and his original form man was created to work now it's true after the sin of Genesis 3 work became harder for a sin became more tedious but work itself has never been a curse it is a privilege God is given as God basically said I'm going to give you this slice of paradise called 18 but you have a responsibility to cultivate it that is your to till the soil you're to plant the seeds and it's the same thing with us you're saying wait a minute after working for an eternity that sounds more like hell than heaven today . The reason our work is high. Art is because we live in a sin infected world but in Revelation 223 it says in the new heaven a new earth the curse of San will be removed what is it that will be doing what will our work in Tale 2 words I want you to write down 1st of all our work of cultivating that is taking what God has created and making it even better but there'll also be a work of creating that is a human being's God has given us the ability to create something out of nothing today we see man's God given creativity at work the invention of the automobile the jet airplane the iphone or all testimonies God given creativity how do we think in heaven that will be present as well in our lives who will use the gifts God has given us now I said that our work in heaven will be an extension possibly of our work here on Earth how do you know what your wife works should be both on Earth and in heaven my friend Bob Beal has a great question you ought to ask and answer for yourself some time Bob says if money and education were not a factor and you could do anything in the world you wanted to do you know when you wouldn't fail. What would you do and not a thought provoking question that goes a good way of a long way in determining what God's life work is for you and by the way it's built on scripture Philippians 213 says God is the one who is at work within you giving you the will and the power to achieve his purpose you know God's will for our vocation is the intersection of our passions and our skills that's what Paul is saying God's work in the end you give in you both will that is the desire and the ability to achieve his purpose what it is that God has created you to do whatever your passion is here on Earth whatever your gifts are here on earth will probably be your same passions and your same gifts in heaven if you don't hear another word I'm saying Remember this when you die you don't become a different person in heaven than you are here on earth your life is a continuum it begins now and it transcends the Great who you are now is who you will be in heaven minus all the flaws you'll know what you're going to do in heaven probably by what you're doing right now yes we'll be worshipping God will be working but there is one other aspect that some people will be doing in heaven and that is ruling and reign with God Some people are created to rule over the new heaven and the new earth that was God's plan for Adam and Eve remember in Genesis 126 he said Let Us make man in our own lightness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and over the cattle and all of the earth and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth Adam and Eve were created to be with God on planet Earth now because of sin they had to abdicate their. Rule but in the new heaven a new earth you and I will be co-ruler with God Revelation 22 verse 5 says we war reign with Him for ever and ever now that brings up 2 questions 1st of all who exactly will be reigning in with God obviously everybody's not going to be rain or there'd be nobody to reign over so who will be reigning with God to be one of those who rule and reign with Christ involves 3 criteria 1st of all you will need to have the desire to rule only those who have a desire to rule well the rule you know for some of you right now the idea of being in charge of anything makes you break out in a cold sweat if you don't enjoy ruly you're not going to be ruling in heaven Not everybody enjoys that there has to be a desire Secondly there has to be an ability Romans 12 says one of the spiritual gifts is the gift of leadership to be able to organize But thirdly and this is all important faithfulness is a criterion for leadership in God's kingdom you can have the desire and even the ability to rule but you also have to have a track record of faithfulness to God Remember the parable Jesus told about the minus and the point of the parable is how we handle the time the treasure the opportunities God has given us here on earth will determine what responsibility we have in all eternity the 2nd question besides who will reign is what is ruling and reigning involved what does that mean we're going to rule what Christ there are 2 aspects of that 1st of all judging part of ruling and reigning with Christ involves judging and 1st Corinthians 6 Remember the current DNS were fussing and fighting with one another they couldn't come to an agreement and Paul says it shouldn't be this way he says in verse 2 do you not know that the Saints. I will judge the world one day Christians will judge the world that were Judge Crito to render a verdict and while others no evidence that you and I will be judging other people in the new heaven and new earth the Bible is clear we're going to be judging an age old 1st 3 says Do you not know that we shall judge the angels right now Psalm 8 says God has created man lower than the angels but in the New have been in earth that will be reversed and will be judging Angels a 2nd aspect of ruling and reigning is governing governing that is when there will be parts of God's creation that some of us will govern and 2nd Timothy 212 Paul says if we endure with him we show also reign with him you know in the Old Testament we have examples of God's people reigning over certain territory Joseph was prime minister over Egypt Daniel over Babylon Mordecai over Persia we're going to be ruling some people will be ruling over parts of God's creation and while the new heaven and new earth will be the central part of God's creation. Related reigning probably won't be limited that there will still be galaxies far flung throughout the universe over which God's people will rule yes and heaven will have work to do but it's not going to be work all the time there's also going to be some fun and heaven and let me just suggest to you what I call 3 perks of heaven 3 per minute perks so then what we worship pain will be working but we're going to be having the time of our lives as well you know the Bible suggest at least for 3 benefits of being in heaven 1st of all it will be a time of enjoying other believers enjoying other believers do you realize God made us where we need other people to be truly fulfilled. Remember God said to Adam it's not good for you to be alone I've always thought that was interesting Adam wasn't alone he had a perfect relationship with God that had been tainted by sin but God said as good as our relationship is it's not enough. You need somebody else that's why he may be God made us in such a way that we need fellowship with other human beings and in heaven we're going to enjoy that in a way we've never experienced on earth my friend David Jeremiah says because we will be God's people made over we will be perfectly compatible with one another and able for the 1st time ever to enjoy that intimate fellowship that we all longed for in our hearts in heaven gone will be impure motives the suspicions the sins that taint and grew in relationships today and just think about in heaven how fascinating it's going to be not just to talk with the friends we have right now but to said down and talk to your grandparents your great grandparents who are in heaven and or and more about your family or just think what it can be like to sit down and listen to the saints of old and be riveted by their stories Think about sitting down and talking theology with Calvin Herb Martin Luther or talking science with Newton and Pascal or those who wrote our faiths most beloved Charles Wesley. And John Newton Can you imagine sitting down and having a book review with g. K. Chesterton or c.s. Lewis or Jr token Can you imagine what it would be like to sit down and listen to the Moody Billy Graham describe what it was like to preach before thousands made that's what we're going to be doing in heaven and joy in fellowship perfect fellowship with one another Secondly heaven will be a time of learning more about God Yes it's true the prophets have back a promise that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God and have you ever wondered how that knowledge will come I mean when we die is there a sudden information dump and our brains. We know everything about God when we're in heaven. Maybe that happens but I doubt it and here's why I think about your most important relationships here on earth has been part of the enjoyment of that relationship been learning more about that person over a period of time rather than learning everything at once there's a joy in discovery you know I think about the 1st time on Amy we were 12 years old she was sitting in front of me yet math class and only one thing about Amy She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen that's all I knew about her but believe me I wanted to know more and so we started passing notes back and forth in class got in lots of trouble for passing these notes but through those notes we learned more about each other I've spent 50 years getting to know me and guess what I don't know everything about her but there's a lot more to discover and the whole process has been an exhilarating one it's going to be the same way in our relationship with God I think we're going to have all eternity to get to know God and that's how we'll increase in our knowledge of that god will get to know him better and better and better Thirdly in heaven who will be a time of experiencing real rest we've already seen in heaven we're not floating on clouds where God will have his thing gauged and meaningful work but that doesn't mean that's all we're going to do you know when the Israel lights God set aside a day of rest and then he set aside certain weeks and certain months and sometimes there is a year of rest as well I think will experience the same thing in heaven and Revelation 14 verse 13 John was commanded to write these words look at them and I John heard a voice from heaven saying Write this down bless it literally happy are the dead who die in battle. Lord from now on that they may rest from their labors for their deeds follow with them what does he mean Blessed are those who died that they may rest mean to me that sounds so boring restain. I hated it as a kid when my parents would make me take a nap I just hated that is that what heaven is is that what he's talking about resting from our labors do we just go to sleep some eternal nap No The key is understanding that word laborers the word labors cop refers to the persecution of living in this world the people John is talking about are those who were martyred during the tribulation for their faith he said Blessed are those who died for their faith happy are those because in heaven they will be free they will rest from the persecution they've experienced in this world but I think that kind of rescue and I are going to experience goes beyond this is Station of persecution the rest we're going to experience in heaven is that occasional respite we've been experience here on Earth when we've finished a big job have you ever had a big project to finish and once you're finished you say. It's over it's over I finished but what I've done is not just good it's very good to be satisfied with what God has allowed you to accomplish I think that's what it's going to be like in heaven there will be those times that we rest from our labors those times that we're able to have true satisfaction in a job well done and it's that rest the reminds us that as important as our work is here and we'll be in heaven there's more to life than working in heaven will be a time of enjoying perfect fellowship with one another and that perfect relationship with God we've always longed for that's what we will be doing in that place called heaven. Aren't you ready to go I am by God just load up right now what do you say not quite yet. But since God has a great indescribable future planned for those who love him. As a result of the series on a place called heaven we're gaining much clearer picture of our eternal home I'm pleased that you joined us for today's edition of pathway to victory and now I'm inviting you to take your next steps and gaining a deeper understanding of God's Word 1st I want to send you my brand new book designed to help you go deeper into this subject my book is called a place called Heaven and today when you give a generous gift to support the ministry a pathway to victory I'm going to send you this hardcover book and fact when you respond right now I'll also include a companion to all that we've prepared for you it's a convenient brochure that explains what 7 world religions teach about heaven this brochure clearly shows you how the biblical view of heaven is completely different from religions like Mormonism Buddhism and Hinduism Now if your generous gift is $75.00 or more in addition to the book a place called heaven and the brochure or what 7 religions teach about heaven what will also include this entire series and it's an edited form on both C.D.'s and D.V.D.'s Yes Your gift is what's required to receive these helpful materials but the best part is your generous gift is applied to directly reaching men and women around this world who need to know the truth about heaven they need to know the way to heaven which is through faith in Jesus Christ Recently I received an encouraging note from clay he writes Pastor Jeffress I was raised in the church but in my youth drifted away because I felt disconnected not long ago my wife introduced made a pathway to victory. And your teaching has made a huge difference in my spiritual walk in fact today I'm serving as a deacon and on the board of my local church you see when you give financial aid to this ministry you're making an investment in men and women like clay and God's truth is transforming lives Here's David to tell you more Thanks Dr Jefferson when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory you're invited to request your very own copy of a place called Heaven along with the brochure on what 7 world religions teach about heaven Dr Jefferson's brand new book comes recommended by author and radio host Johnny Erickson tada she wrote I highly recommend a place called heaven for every Christ follower I also recommend that to those who do not yet follow Christ as it will give the skeptical reader solid biblical answers to their toughest questions about the world beyond the grave you can request your copy when you call us toll free 866-999-2965 or visit us online at p t v dot org Now when your gift is 75 dollars or more will also send you in addition to the book all 12 messages from a place called heaven the teaching series on cd and on d.v.d. Now these messages each correspond to a chapter in the book and the going to help you take your understanding of these topics even deeper to request this special package of resources call 866-999-2965 or visit us online at p.t.v. Dot org Or if you prefer write to p.o. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 again that's p.o. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 I'm David j. Mullins join us again next time when Dr Jeffress. Answers the question will we know one another in heaven right here on the pathway to victory Weekend Edition you're Are you ready to lead in your church or ministry consider a degree or diploma program a gateway sim an Aries brand new campus in Fremont whether you want to expand your knowledge of the Bible or pursue a graduate degree there are still time to apply for admission for the fall semester for more information go to the gateway seminary website at w.w.w. Dot g.s. Study vu and quick on the locations link for complete list of programs offered on the San Francisco campus in Fremont that's g.s. Diabetes. Too. Is have been a real place or simply a state of mind that what will we do in heaven will we know one another in heaven will have been be the same for every one Hi I'm Robert Jeffress and in my brand new book a place called heaven I can answer that in most frequently asked questions about the wonderful Eternal Home God is preparing for you get your copy of a place called heaven where ever books are ebooks are sold. 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Pride is it a good thing or a bad thing pride can be displayed in many forms arrogance vanity a superior attitude will praise simply having pride in our children the Bible tells us to be aware of pride so is pride good or bad in today's message Pastor Joel begins a new teaching series on pride pride comes before a fall according to the words so buckle in this Pastor Joel enlightens us on the subject of. Father we thank you right now for all you do force thank you again for the wake up call for the. Just the wisdom Lord to come before you and know that you are God that you are sustain are God's will be with us today as your message goes out in the 1st of this series Lord and let it be done what needs to be done in your people we thank you and we honor you in Jesus' name and we all say Hey man all right so today's message. Is. Pry pry pride comes before the fall where you want to see it Pride goes before the fall prize pride happens before the fall before a fall before we fall. Pride comes before the fall that's the sermon message and obviously pride is a big issue. With all of us human beings pride is an issue even those who are saved . Is still a big issue even if we consider ourselves to be sate pry it finds a way in. Pride is like a cockroach it just seem like you just can't get rid of it. Truth be told pride is at the root of all evil at the root of all evil Now I know we commonly hear the phrase money is the root of all you know you all heard that before anyone heard that phrase woman is root of all evil. I think. The O'Jays my made that point that I don't know they talk about that money is root of all evil and actually is taken from 1st term of the 610 and is actually taken out of context did you know that is actually misquoted all right because 1st him of the 16 actually says for the love. Of money he is a root a root of all kinds of he wouldn't say this that the main supplier of the main proponent of the main Cargan in the wheel of evil that's not what he said that's the 1st half of the scripture verse so money in and of itself is not the root of all evil Ok but loving money of one is not careful can lead to all kinds of evil we know that right money will get you in all kinds of trouble we know that so we can say all right that money is the root of all evil or all sin but we can in fact equally say that pride is you see the difference pride is the root of all evil or all sin and realizing that as human beings we all have inherited a sin nature we've all inherited that sin nature we need to understand how pride lies at the base of sin. Pride is at the base of all sanity just think about that whatever we do that is not in keeping with God pride has a hand in it. Can you imagine that. When you talk back to somebody and you say have no choice words in an argument or when you feel like you've got to vindicate yourself and the Lord's there is no correct word proceed out your mouth but what is good bad if occasion that it may impart grace to the here and you come back with a snappy response and turn your here and do that next thing I can't do it. My neck like that you'd be willing me out of here. But you know what I'm talking about. So it's amazing to know their pride is at the root of everything we do sinful so that way we ought to investigate that you know I don't know about you but I don't want anything controlling me and never did want anything controlling me that's why I never had a beer that's why I don't want to be in talks of get out of my get hooked my brothers got hooked on alcoholism I didn't take drugs my brothers got hooked on drugs but little did I know that there was something that was going Grammy say because you can't do it by yourself you got the sin nature. And pride will grab you in one way or another. You know be a drug be it out all be a womanizing whatever the case may be all man izing if you're female whatever the case may be will grab us so it's important then that we know that this thing is out there remember when somebody told me that the devil was real. I don't believe in the devil. I watch t.v. And watch Casper the Friendly Ghost and I was the little devil horns or not but it was animated comedy to me when somebody said no the devil makes you do things really bother me it was something I couldn't fight I couldn't shoot him couldn't beat him up you know couldn't challenge him to a fight in front of the projects I couldn't do anything with this this devil. And that's how I feel now I don't want anything controlled in me except Jesus except Jesus let me throw that in his he had a know Jesus at the time so there was nothing that I was going to let control me nothing nobody may as well shoot it out fight it out do get out let's die right now May the best man win have your insurance policy paid we got to go one of us not go make it battles the mindset. But now you know that mindset is still there in me. Maybe it's private. Maybe. But I rather die than not serve God You see what I mean. We've talked about this several times but dying is easy way our way to do it is to stay in the Lord and the only way you can truly follow him is to let him reduce that pride in us because is there so we need to know about pride because it certainly is a detriment to human beings pride and many of us are unaware of the magnitude of destruction that pride in our lives ruins households in ruins relationships it keeps people separate from their family members for years won't even talk to each other because of mis placed pry some people don't even know they're being prideful some people think is their minds out to get me and they get in everybody else because of pride that pride is a very. Clandestine thing in high end on you and we need to know about pride we really do need to know about so let's go to our Bibles Let's begin our journey and we this is the scripture the day Proverbs 16 verse $18.19 is that it goes before destruction and a hardy spirit before a fall better he says is better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly day and to divide the spoil with the proud you know that means. Pride is going to get there and cause you to stumble he says that it was being said here is that. Pride it's it's too much for you to carry whether you know it or not you can't carry a prize going to weigh you down. Pride will weigh you down so it's best that you like your load lighten your load and just drop that pride because really you can't carry. In on the be playing with it says Pride goeth before destruction and a hearty spirit before a fall that means before you hit the ground pride is going to go before you is gone pay the way it's gone provide the avenue for you to crash and burn that's what that that's a powerful message right there the scripture tells us that pride is like gravity. Bound to bring you down. That's right and the Lord told me that Friday morning in the wee hours of the morning he said it is like gravity is. To Bring You Down. And God is serious about this see this is a truth this what I call an axiom is the truth the. Pride pride is like an unwanted on ruly guest at a party. And when he arrives things just go bad. And when we give it a try we allow it to take root in us and it starts to fester in our lives and destruction is sure to follow. And sometimes it's hard to spot is hard to know their pride is in us we all want to believe pride is in us who me I know you tell me. I think I'm talking all of us who think I'm talking everybody know I'm talking to me. To say the Lord is talking to me just in the past 2 weeks and current events I've seen the results of destruction the deadly nature of pride if you've been anywhere around the news media or news of it you've seen some dastardly can't leave the examples of try writing in front of your eyes from reasonable looking people. What. That well spoken intelligent killed how many people. That man right here and now about him back yards drove up to his wife. Ran out of the car. On camera shoes her and they hid it gives back in his car in front in front of 2 children. 2 baby boys say a mommy wake up shaken their mother. Now I don't know what happened in the relationship. I don't know what went on in their lives I don't know what happened I don't really care about that what I care about is that pride moved this man to the point where nothing else mattered except how he felt to till this moment in front of our children. Pride goes before destruction and a hearty spirit before far he was gone far all the hardy spirit had gone in before him said the Shias come on in and waved him over in his car the hearty spirit was there not to move that man to abject range and insanity. But I don't know. That's pride it will move you to do something like that. And I know how the Spirit came in before him I know it did because when they caught him. And they walked down to. Did you see. And they were of German handcuffs you know what he said. Did you read his lips did you hear em he said. He said they were me. I got your own camera. When this is not only in California but probably all over the nation and probably in some foreign countries have seen this video because it's news it's happening now yet he says it wasn't him he said they got the right man that's what he said. Got the Romania. Right Man wrong spirit right man wrong spirit the spirits now are laying low are they going to jump off his back see what to me Pride goes before destruction and a hearty spirit before a fall. Now I have to use that example because this is what's happening in people's lives not only one. It's not only one there was another one I can't place it right now because I'm just doing the trying to get these in my head but we know that we know who is at the root of it who's at the root of the devil right right. Yeah yeah. Somebody else there was another man that shot his wife and and shot a baby Ray his wife to school teacher right here that was not what will make you do it. What will make you do it. Something angered you so much that you say Oh nobody's going to read to me. No book. I'm going to do some about this I'm going to she got to go there's no way I'm the judge jury and executioner because I might try to. Act to kill if she got to die that day anybody in here that but they go to him So what I can't help it it's going on. I go before destruction Ahadi spirit gold before the fall. Pry. Thinking I'm thinking there was somebody else the whole the other man the other man that took a selfie of himself driving down the road. That killed 13 people. I killed another one I'm about to kill another one and he went and shot a 74 year old grandfather for no reason executed him. And then when he called I would be executed himself. Try. Goes before destruction and a hearty spirit before a fall well the Bible tells us and 1st Peter Fyvie be sober vigilant because your adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and if he's a 612 tells us they wrestle not against person but against Prince of ballet these powers against the rules of the darkness of this Age Against the spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places and they work with pride in our lives. Yes they do. Now I don't want to talk about the spirits today because we're going to break away make our way through this but I just want you to see what goes on in our society and in our lives these are true life situations that is happening right in front of us of we don't have any of anything else we know that pride is alive and well in the lives of people now those are extreme circumstances but are they. Are they how many men be women because of pride where she just got out of line no you were never said no no no by considered doctor to make your own career. I might have been Rome but are you here here here where a roar setter sort of whatever the case may be. If we don't have Jesus will fall of pride. Will Follow right I can't even give an example today I'm going blank I'm looking in this these situations to get my mind so stayed on on the gravity of these acts that we're seeing in the in the news now in society now. That it. That it pales makes the smaller things pale in comparison but the truth is no pride is good no pride. So many different things. In our lives that are going on in our households. Hardening of hearts I'm not going to speak to her because they won't call me and I'm not calling them in your relatives. And nobody will come through and break the barrier so there's a poll or is a polarizing effect in families no wonder Gang members of killing each other and they really related. No one to after generations of generations but have we seen this throughout the Bible we're studying the Bible haven't we seen it with Israel and 6 people and and now and society and we got a gang members and killing each other in Italian Mafia we start out wall Italians and and try and and get back in stuff and money be a root of all kinds of evil then Satan uses that money to get you to come against somebody this is all profit at the root of it you see to me and that's what the Bible is telling us right now that's why the pride stinks and the nostrils of God That's exactly why we look at Proverbs $1618.00 and we were just talking about the Scripture there that we know their pride took the lead it takes the lead in destruction right and obviously what happened in these people's lives was a culmination of a failed relationship somehow but pride was left to tick away like a time bomb but kill it explodes and that's how it is in our lives of we don't get out handle of it you know. Not that you're going to do that now it may not move that way in your lives but in one way or another pride will bring down. I know in my life. You. Mean. Yeah well I'm very serious she's right I'm very serious and very serious because that was I was taught pry. 8 pride us. Jobs package and Tibet would go to bat with guns around me. Really shoot on the water. Tell you to. Yes. Ready to go if you got shot keep going have in your mind if you don't keep going at least to get to the person who shot you and your last steps take his eyeball out with your pump take his throat out get to him going take you down he will suffer going down which. I did. And to be a protector but still try. Do you know what the Lord has had to do to get that out of me. I have to pass your daily. Now fighting and shooting tests. Just taken orders test. You can pass a small test you don't pass a big test. Well or once told me I'll be transparent all over the passes do it I you know hey I'm in this with the Lord I tell it like it is if you can't. If a woman upset you so much. That you go off verbal e. . Or you just grit your teeth to the you know do you feel dust if. If somebody makes you that angry how can you teach anybody to be an example to anybody. Now wasn't to that point but I was one me me man because of society and because of what I learned and because I wasn't going to take it now I don't know about you but I'm sure there are some people I know Michael Musto mangling of my mess of him. I don't know about you but isn't people as they were going to school long enough I should have a job like that I need this job I need to do that. I hate what I did the work I did this I did that. We have to be careful because pride comes in then pretty soon Can't nobody tell you nothing. But so you the hardest person to get along with. Everybody else is wrong only we're only one as are I. Personally by looking at you like you crazy. Because pride goes before destruction and a hearty spirit before a fall and that's why God hates pride bobbers $813.00 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance Ok and the evil way the evil way and the perverse mouth the words that I hate that. So even if you apply for where you're trying to get back at somebody else somebody rubs you the wrong way and you really read back in their face. The law says binges and. You know if they take your coat given your cloak. I'm telling you that's not normal learned behavior. No. You got to learn it where you learned it you can go to school for get you can you send off for it on Amazon no you've got to go to the Lord to get it right you gotta go you got to get it from the spirit you can get it down the on Earth right that's that's why it's so important to to look at this word if it's something God Hates I can't stress this enough if God hates it we gotta abated right if God hates it we have to get rid of it. You've got to learn you gotta learn to like what your father likes if you don't live in his house. So I was raised. My dad he would go let me live in his house unless we obeyed him I don't learn to like what my father likes Yeah I can question because when you get to like and what you like and you go against the rules of the house it's time to get your own house. And we were Christ followers I don't know of any other house that we can live in beside the house where the Holy Spirit lives which is the temple of God I think so so we don't have an option the way I see it. We gotta learn to like what God likes. And we have to learn the less something go we've got to stop this line we've got to stop playing with this thing I'm aware God knows how you know why this why he knew were you before the foundation why put this Bible together the folks like you. And me now when I say you you know I'm talking about me to 1st he said I start at the top Joel Joel's leadership down. So I don't know and you know what I'm glad. Because I don't want to be in this business if I'm not right I dare not get in front of a pulpit of people found not right if I'm not striving to do what the take me down now. That I fell out you all run about it with. I would too if I were in the breach of. Golf. But I doubt. If God hates it we need to get rid of it I think it's time for our pride. What Sure level of pride you've been listening to the miracles of God with Pastor Joel Jones sponsored in part by Spirit of Truth church worldwide in Krakow California to listen to today's message in its entirety just log on to Spirit of Truth church worldwide. This is a listener supported program if you're being blessed by this program well we'd love to hear from you please take a minute to log on to Spirit of Truth church worldwide. Right now and share how God is using this ministry to bless you if God leads you consider partnering with us in sharing God's heart through our weekly broadcasts your purse and ports and tax deductible contribution in any amount is always appreciated it will be used to further this ministry program and if you're ever in the crocodile Please join us for a weekly worship service Sunday morning at 11 Thanks for tuning in today and don't forget to tune in next week for miracles of God with pastors Joel and Lisa Jones until next time. What if job searching could be easy like what if you could search for a job research the company and apply all in the same site you can do that on Glassdoor want to know what a job pays before you apply want to job a shorter commute you can find out on glass door what about insider info from actual employees you can find out on Glassdoor 2 plus interview questions c.e.o. 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