Bt may. Please visit our website at p I c f that net to listen to and download messages you may also view our calendar for additional information this is passed to mark a small have a most blessed day. 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Dot com The Bible's most well known verse declares that God so loved the world that he gave his only son now experience that love in a new and powerful way Sunday night at 9 when k.f.c. Explains you so loved featuring the pulpit ministry of Pastor Memphis watches it from Cummings Park Church in Menlo Park pastor Memphis invites you to worship with them Sunday mornings at 11 and be sure to tune in for so love Sunday nights at 9 Iran am 1100 k. Afaics This is John Anderson the executive director of the Bay Area rescue mission with a quick thank you to those wonderful k f a our listeners made a gift to help us provide meals for hungry homeless and needy people during that season and while the holidays are now behind us some of the coldest what it's weather still lies ahead. And that means thousands of Bay Area homeless families are at great risk your gift of $50.00 will provide meals and urgently needed shelter for homeless family here's John Anderson of the Bay Area rescue mission to tell us more John that's right Craig every dollar that's donated today will provide meals for hungry homeless and needy people here in the Bay Area if you haven't had a chance to make that gift yet you can still do so by calling triple 8343 food that's triple 8343 food to make your donation today or go to our website Bay Area Rescue dot o.-r. G. Bay Area Rescue dot au argy fact California spends approximately $8.00 to $10000000000.00 a year on goods and services fact California has a goal to procure business with 25 percent of small businesses and 3 percent of disabled veteran business enterprises the fact California Department of General Services is the leading agency dedicated to promoting small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprises for California state contracts the county procure system is a 7 step user friendly platform to register and certify your business learn more at cow eat for a cure dot ca dot gov sponsored by Tiburon Christian Fellowship on 1100. With a reasonable answer for the hope that lies within us this is contending for the faith with Dr Jerry Buckner we would invite you to join us for the next hour at 888 f. O. r K f a x That's triple 83675329 up to introduce Dr Jerry Buck or Here's Gary Bell Beloved when I gave all villages to write them to you of a common salvation it was needful for me to write and to you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to our Saints. Good evening and welcome to contending for the Faith with a cutting edge Christian apologetic ministry addressing the issues and challenges facing today's church and we are live life in the next hour with your host Beriah pastor lecturer a counselor and expert on the cults Dr Gerald Buckner My name is Gary Bell and we're inviting you to call in with your questions your comments and your concerns our toll free number is 1888 f o r k f x x one triple 836753290 be shot pick up that phone and let us know what's on your mind again the number is 1808 f. O. r K f a x tonight I'm contending for the faith we come to part 7 of our challenging series and titled The And both ways taken from Matthew $713.14 tonight Dr Butterworth talked about 2 ways and 2 roads that lead to 2 different directions 2 roads that you cannot both travel at the same time you have to make up your mind and choose which way you're going to go. So for this and much much more Stay tuned for we are not pretending we are contending for the faith doctor but very tonight brother Gary I'm truly blessed son thank you so much for that beautiful and challenging introduction and we want to thank everybody out there and ready Atlanta joining us for another edition of contending for the faith your host Dr Jerry all Bucknor and we know you're going to be uplifted in the spirit tonight in the Lord we want to call your attention again to our texts which is found in Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7. And I want to read in your hearing versus 13 and 14 Matthew chapter 7 versus 13 and 14 and this is Jesus speaking he says Enter ye in at the strait gate for wide is the gate and Brod is the way that lead it to destruction and many there be which go in there that because straight is to gate and narrow is the way which lead to unto life and few Notice the word few all meditate upon that word few and few there be that find it May the Lord out of blessing to the reading and edification excitation of his holy word Matthew chapter 7 vs $13.14 is an extreme texts this is an extreme warning coming from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's this is an extreme challenge this is a radical wake up call for those who are not saved but is also a wake up call for those who are playing church and pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ this verse has to do with even an extreme decision and no decision is a decision and that decision is to say no no decision is a decision that decision is to say no you must make a decision to follow that narrow path that narrow way so Jesus is calling upon all of us with an extreme call. To make candidates an extreme choice to choose to travel on the right road that leads to eternal life so in traveling this road of life you need to choose right now not tomorrow not the next day you need to troops to travel on this road right now before it's too late while the blood is running fresh in your veins you need to choose to travel this right road this narrow road most of us in our cars have all traveled the wrong way or the wrong road in life as some of us have not only travelled the wrong way and the road wrong road in our cars but we have even done worse we've traveled the wrong way traveling in the wrong direction sometimes on a one way road going into the wrong direction of the wrong way traffic and that is very scary that is frightening to be on a runway wrote in a one way road and to travel that way and to find out you've gone in the wrong direction traveling on that road now when we travel in our cars the wrong way we get very frustrated and we get depressed but also when we travel the wrong way in our cars it is a waste of time it is a waste of money it is a waste of energy and it is wise for us to wake up and turn around make a u. Turn and turn around in the right direction. And quickly turn in the right direction so we don't waste time and energy and all that stuff and in life many of us is traveling on the broad road and we're wasting a lot of time a lot of energy. And we can end up straight in hell because we're traveling the wrong road and the wrong way that leads to destruction and when you're travelling the wrong road even in your car and you end up you can end up in a wrong town in a wrong city in the wrong country and even a dead end and when we get back on the right road we are relieved we're glad we're excited and the stress and the frustrates and eventually goes away and the same thing is true when we get on the narrow way lustration the stress the anger all of that seems to go away and God seems to give us that peace that passes all understanding so the same thing is true with Jesus Christ the brought wrote is the wrong road and it brings us stray Sion and Zion t. Fear anger disappointment and eventually eternal destruction listen you will never find true peace until you travel that narrow road that narrow way in life you need to choose the right road the right way that you need to go you need to turn around and repent of that wrong way and get on the right road turn around and get on the right road which is that narrow way that narrow road now if you want to go to hell then keep traveling that bright road because it's going to lead you to one place and that is hell now I know that's not a lot of preaching on the Hill but I'm a preacher tonight that if you keep traveling on that broad road it will lead you to hell one place which is called h e l l. Now if you want to go to hell then you just keep travelling on that road that leads to destruction. But that is not where you want to go now. Particular about where I want to go in life 1st of all I haven't been invited to go to hell and I don't want to go somewhere where I'm not invited nobody has invited me to go to hell you don't see in the Bible where God says I've invited you to go to hail the devil is a liar and the father of lies according to Jesus John 8 and 44. Now I refuse to go to hell because I haven't been invited there but Jesus has invited me to heaven and matter of fact John 14 and one through Jesus go away to prepare a place for you that where you may be also so that place is a parrot place for prepared people and he said Come unto me and Matthew $1120.00 into a not coming to me all you that labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest he's invited you to go to heaven but he has not invited you to go to hell there is no invitation in the Bible for you to go to hell not a fact Matthew 25 Jesus that Hell is was not prepared for man but for the devil and it's an angel. So why do you want to go somewhere that you have not been invited to . The devil is arrogant The devil is so crafty The Double is so deceptive then deceitful The devil is tricky that the devil is leading a lot of people now listen to this the dove will is leading a lot of people in the church an outside the church to heal without even inviting them can you imagine. Jesus is inviting you to go to heaven the devil is not even inviting you to go to he'll but yet you're going to choose to go there anyway is very arrogant and they're a crafting But I want to go where I have been invited Jesus has invited me to come to Heaven to come where he's at Matthew $1128.29 come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and a lot of you are heavy laden tonight you on the broad road your heavy laden and his service I will give you rest Jesus has invited us to come with him to heaven to glory and to share heirs and joint heirs Jesus has invited us to share this together with Him in heaven and that's why I'm excited about taking up that invitation to go to heaven and that's where I want to be because in heaven there will be no more sickness no more does diseases no more sour or no more pain no more death and that is where I want to be that's where I want to go and that's the narrow path that you must enter in and follow that is so narrow that you can't come in let me say this in conclusion. This road is so narrow that Jesus is talking about and teaching on an extreme that you can't come in or enter in with fornication listen to me now you can't enter in this narrow path or in this narrow way with fornication you can't enter in with adult Sharee you can't enter in with homosexuality you can't enter in would prefer not to feed you can't enter in with hypocrisy you can't enter in with being a liar you can't enter in being a murderer either killing people with a gun or killing them with your tongue you can't enter in and by being a drunkard or a drug addict you must leave all that baggage behind like God told lots why leave Sodom and Gomorrah and don't look back you've got to go forward in Jesus and not look back Jesus and no man have been put in hand to the plough and looking back as to what the Kingdom of God You cannot be a part of the Kingdom of God Looking back this narrow road you can enter in with hate. You can't enter in with racism this narrow you cannot enter in being against God and against Trice and against his word and against the church and believers enter into night by the narrow gate and the narrow gate is a holy gate that narrow gate is a pier a gate that narrow gate is a right just gate that narrow gate is a sacrificing gate that you must meet Pitt and receive Jesus tonight and he will forgive you and let you in he that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says into the churches brother Gary. You better check your spiritual g.p.s. To make sure you're headed on the right road well it's time for us to take that commercial break our phone lines are open we want to hear from you that number is 1888. 1 triple 83675329 Don't be shy pick the phone up give us a call we'll be right back with more of contending for the faith. And welcome to a work with people's intercity status if. I'm past a market small one meet. The work work really meet this network. And he comes. And he makes a request him he didn't come to you they. Made my day with you I don't demand got you. Then approached me in a respectful way. Don't come is the man many people come to gee this and they think the coming g. The bony thing that you come very quickly no that's not what it means we come to g. The confidently because we have a relationship with him though that know him I didn't. Think you might want to take a different approach when you come to the Lord you know he does have all healing power in his hand he can't speak you as my dad says out of the existence so be careful what you come to men because he might if they are with you out of my presence the lover recognizes that he has a need any Well he comes but he comes with an earnest request and he bottles in the very presence of the Almighty God the leper understands that his position which he is one of inferiority theory or when it comes to the Lord you think there are too many people trying to be God they please visit our website at p I c f dot net to listen to and download messages you may also view our calendar for additional information this is passed to mark a small have a most blessed day. I'm a traitor so I spend hours and hours every day sitting in my chair staring at my computer and the reality is by the end of the day I'm pretty much shot I mean my back is killing me my energy is gone it's hard for me to concentrate but then I got this ex chair and the difference has been nothing short of amazing you have the day now instead of feeling you know spent I've got energy I can still be concentrating I mean seriously I look forward to coming into my office now thanks to my ex chair the ex chair is a really really cool to look at and everybody in my office wants one they want to trade in their old chairs for this I never thought a chair would have made that kind of a difference in terms of just how you feel but. You're honest to goodness I will never go back with 21st century design exteriors a symbol of where you're at and where you're going go to own Xterra dot com Now THAT's own the letter x. Chair dot com or call us toll free at 8444 x. Share and use the promo code bonus to receive our free foot rest get your free foot rest by going to own Xterra dot com now or call 8444 x. Chair promo code bonus. You're listening to contending for the faith on am 1100 k. Apax the spirit of the day if you have questions about your faith in Christ theology doctrine or the cults call us now 888 f.-o. R. Cafe x. That's triple 83675329 Welcome back to contending for the faith with your host very passive leisure counseling expert on the cults Dr Jerry l. Buckner I'm Gary Bill once again our phone lines are open we want to hear from you that number is 1888 f. O. r K after a exits one trouble 83675329 Don't be shy pick that phone up and give us a call we want to hear from you tonight if you need prayer we want to pray with you if you have questions or comments for us tonight we want to have plenty of time to entertain those questions or comments again the number is 188 f. O. r K f a Xx. And once again we want to thank everyone who's been faithfully praying for contending for the faith the effectual fervent prayer the right is a veil of much and we also want to thank those who gave over the past week Valerie Diane and Ronald c.r. Charles and James we really appreciate those who faithfully give to this ministry it costs us 400 a week to stay on the air and if you've been blessed by this program please partner with us to keep it going partner with us and prayer partner with us financially here at contending for the faith many of you will get money back when you do your taxes maybe consider giving a donation from that tax return and be a blessing for the listening audience be a blessing for time and eternity you know those are funds that you're sending ahead of you into heaven those are those are funds where the Mothman the thief and and rest can't you can't get to it you'll be surprised when you step into eternity and God says to you look behind you and you see a vast multitude of people you're going to ask God Who are these folks that's going to say to you they're here as a result of your generous giving they're here as a result of that time when you gave to ministries like contending for the faith and others because their lives were impacted by what they heard on that broadcast this is a life changing we never know the impact that this ministry is going to have it's far reaching it touches lives it moves out across the airwaves and it's like a ripple effect because lives are touched and then they share with other lives and you just never know how far reaching. That $5.00 you give the $20.00 you send and whatever you give that's going to use it multiply it to touch lives for eternity so we want to encourage you continue to pray for this ministry one encourage you consider partnering with us financially to keep contending for the faith on the air there's 2 ways you can donate number one write a check or money order to contending for the faith Post Office Box 553 temperance California 94920 that's contending for the faith p. O. Box 553 Tipper and California 94920 The 2nd way is so much easier go online on your computer your laptop your smartphone your tablet and go to contending faith oh argy contending faith dot org and click on the donate button and it's that simple you'll be a blessing for time and eternity Dr Buckner Thank you brother Gary thank you so much for the announcements and we appreciate that and we're looking forward to you all praying for us consistently and supporting us so we can continue to do what we do every Saturday and brother Gary let's get to our callers All right we're going to go to Brad the c.c. From all the way from San Leandro California where the c.d.c. Welcome back. Welcome are you doing this evening that you're going to be. A man a man are you not going to get on here and talk about Mickey Mouse again I. She still mad at. Me Well before you ask your question we also have in studio brother in law yes he's in our ministry and brother Elias you want to say hello to the radio land out there. There you know how I am on I'm on a Mom Hi How you doing their radio land is somebody glad to be here thanks for the gaffe of the opportunity to be in the ministry with Dr but g b got Brother Ben back there brother the thing you advance I mean we deep in the studio man for the law represent and it's a blessing to be praise God Amen thank you brother easy for those encouraging words and we always get blessed with you being here with us as well and he's going to be praying for your needs tonight as you call in and ask for prayer brother he will cover the prayer of the night so. Brother c. See how did you get minister to tonight but only. With the brother in law to help me to look beautiful brother quite sad and I appreciate the wealth that he so. You never. Know if you know that you got a lot of. Praise you guys always good to hear a voice on here for him for the Lord asking questions of man and praying for people in your family he always inspire me likewise I saw appreciate you but I thank you for your faithfulness to the ministry and so knowing I talk about. How it. It really spoke to me because I've been looking over their path at a lot that have been coming at me a lot and. I didn't like how you program but what I wrote you know because without a road you said you can't say you can't. Buy a lot of things that there were actually hold on to it but kind of funny because a lot of us to go and. Ask people what they think they were. Going to heaven if they could actually get into heaven at the what all these different things you know think they say well you know. They think of it they believe they believe they can bring all this in if they'll get into heaven in clearly state and if you can and this is. The work that we're going to seen in even the cries of leave you can thank you for and you can bring your car not opinion but you said homosexuality and racism and I was at a different pain and am going to get a clean bill is like you know Jesus uses a standard high you know I believe it he said and Dante is that when he says I'm the gate for the feet so long waiting to get through he says as if the his way or no way Amen to that brother you're right on cue with. A healthy a man and appreciate the feedback and what you always give to as well so we appreciate that. And what's on your heart tonight in terms of your question I want to ask you a question out in the. First 1000. 100 you read verses 18 and 19 because they go together like a hand in a glove no problem he replied I saw Satan from like lightning from heaven. Michael given you go Archy trample on. Girl become all the power. To me not been well harm you are the reason the word is what if you could. Give me some of it are you gonna Oh thank you that's a very good question. Would like for you to look at 4 perspectives that I believe Jesus is trying to establish. And that's one of the reasons why I want you to read 1st 18. Verse 18 Jesus says and he said to to town I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven now what Jesus is building up on here is a subtle teaching to his disciples that. I believe he's bringing and his pride. Since pride caused him to fall we see this in Isaiah 14 uses the different 5. Will and pride calls just fall and Jesus said I saw him fall in other words Jesus was the one that. Kicked him of heaven because he had authority to do that he had authority to kick him out of heaven and and 1st point I want to kind of bring out is because of the pride that was there and I think Jesus is teaching subtly that we gotta watch out for pride as well in our lives because it can cause us to fall like the enemy because the enemy fell because of pride and we can fall as well because of pride in Jesus is not only talking about Satan that he song Paul but he's trying to bring a lesson to his disciples as well that's why we always got to look at everything in its context and or a Tory was right when he said the text taken of it out of this context becomes a pretext for error and so the 2nd thing that we see is besides the pride is to fall that he fell and pride will always cause you to fall and and then the 3rd thing that we see that Jesus is teaching is authority that he had the authority to. Kick him out and what he's saying to his disciples when He talks about in verse 19 behold I give to you authority to trample on the serpent scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing show. Nothing shall by it. Any Means hurt you so Jesus is saying the authority that I had and I have number 4 I'm giving you that authority as well to trample over the enemy when he comes at you. This appears to be figurative language regarding all of these things he's talking about serpents of and scorpions and all of that and yet is and reference to the Demonio you know the demoniac and so Jesus is saying that I have given you a Thor t. As will to trample over all these things and to cause the enemy to fall just like I caused in the fall so if you go in the door if you get in the door it will cause Satan to fall at the floor so we are always have to look at the teachings of what Jesus is trying to say from days 4 perspectives of this context and I believe that he's given us that authority and we know that from John one in 12 he talks about as many as received Him to them gave he the Torah the power to become the sons of men of God Even those who believe on his name and then also acts one and ate the Holy Spirit came up on them which is the Greek word doing them us and the Greek word for John one in 12 is ecstasy which is referring to authority so he's given us just a thorough as will to trample on the enemy the enemy should not be trampling on us but we should be trampling on him and that's why the Jesus said to the Apostle John and 1st John for one for your of God Little children and have overcome down because Greater is He that is in you than he that it's in the world we have a power that is greater in us than he. As in the world meaning the flesh the war all and Satan Satan the world in the flesh and so they should be trample on us look at so many Christians today being trampled on by the enemy is travelling on them day in and out with so many problems so many addictions so many issues so many personal problems the enemy is travelling on people but Jesus has given us the authority to trample on him so why is the tables being reversed why is the thing being reversed the enemy is chomping on us he got told split old strongholds that the Lord has made us free from all of that so we've given us the authority to continue in that authority to bring Satan down not from heaven but down from any attack that he tries to bring up on our lives this is a good exit Jesus of this passage that I have done and hopefully the 4 points that I brought out has been a blessing to you yes thank you thank you. Better not appreciated Amen amen and what's on your heart is for as your prayer requests I would I think that me and my family mother wrote them and on the record my family. The right. One and more so. Credit. Where Credit would ever quell the liberty to. Protect. Ok Very good very good all right we'll have a brother he too looked up these prayer requests that you get them all buddy Yes got. Your family see see Morris Chestnut take days and Tom Cruise. Yeah that me and yourself a man a man plays a lawyer said Don't leave me out of a man I don't want her. Around we just come before you are we just thank you for the opportunity to become to come before your grace of your throne of grace with a bonus which is pray for our brother c.c. Right now we thank you for his faithfulness to you in his calls and we know so many people who are listening give blessed by the questions in the Scriptures and he brings up in and the teachings on these are just actually and we know that you have everything to do with everything that's going on here that's a blessing and everyone that's listening so we thank you for Brother c.c. And what he brings to the table when he cause we pray for his family. Your sons and daughters Lord God continue to protect them you said you cover the live lilies in the field and the birds in the nest Lord God So how much more you take care of us Lord God So pray for peace and his lives of his family that there be anxious for nothing but I give thanks in all things Lord to you we pray for the celebrities that he mentioned. Morse chestnut days and Tom Cruise and all those who are in the entertainment business just pray that their blessings don't distract them from the Bless Our which is you Lord God and we pray that we keep everything prioritising in order with you at the head of everything or God So we pray for their salvation we pray that they realize the source of the. Blessing and we pray Lord that they would find and follow the now road before it's too late so we just lift up all those in the entertainment business and those who have a hear to hear that are listening right now so here we are still for your will to be done this prayer Jesus you know my name the asking price claim and thank you brother the end thank you c.c. For your call and God bless you and keep it here and strengthen you Robert to guard thank you ready God bless our young turned it over the brother Gary ready to go to commercial break Well it's time to take that break phone lines are open we want to hear from you it's. We've got plenty of time left in the broadcast or 10 your questions or comments but you'd need to call right now that number is 1888 f. O. r K every exec 183-675-3290 besides grab the phone give us a call right back with more of contending for the faith. 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Of the spirit of the day if you have questions about your faith in Christ theology doctrine or the cults call us now 888 f o r k f a x That's triple 83675329 Welcome back to contending for the vase with your hose Varia past electric counsellor an expert on the cold stuck to Jerry Orbach or I'm Gary Bauer once again our phone lines are open and we still have plenty of time left in the broadcast to entertain your questions or comments if you need prayer or we're here to pray with you and you know our response should always be prayer should be our 1st response not our last resort so if you have an issue and you need prayer don't hesitate to call that number again is 1888 f o r k f a x that's one triple 83675. 329 Don't be shy give us a call right now also we want to thank everyone once again has been praying for contending for the faith we thank you so much for your prayers we know many of you are always holding us up and keeping us going by the power of your prayers and we thank you for that and we thank you for your faithfulness in prayer we also ask that you would consider partnering with us financially I know many of you have been listening to the broadcast for numerous years and maybe you've never ever given and God is speaking to your heart right now and say it's time it's past time you know this ministry has been going on you've been blessed by it and but you've never called or you've never written a note and you've certainly never partnered with them financially it's time to step up it's time to move forward it's time to grow up and take that step of faith and consider partnering with us financially here at contending for the faith that causes 400 a week to stay on the air and God has blessed us over the years to be able to to do this to keep this ministry going because of your generosity for because of your prayers you know there was at one point when Dr Buckner and I know we had a one donor that was covering the cost and that person disappeared and we had to make some choices to either believe God or not and we stepped out on faith knowing that God is able and through your generous giving has kept this show going now for over 12 years and so we know God is able but he works through you he wants to work through you he wants to partner through you so that you can be a blessing through through this ministry for time and eternity there's 2 ways to give one is simply write a check or money order to contending for the faith peel box 553 timber on California 9 for 9 to 0 that's contending for the faith Post Office Box 553 to run . California 94920 and the 2nd is so much simpler go on to your laptop Europe your smartphone your tablet and go to contending faith dot org contending faith that all argee and click on the donate button it's that simple and you will be a blessing for time and eternity your monies will go straight into this ministry Dr Buckner and I do not get paid. Through this ministry you know we have been giving of our time talent and treasure just like we want to encourage you to do so but everything goes back into the ministry to support the cost of the broadcasts so we swim encourage you to be a blessing Dr Parker thank you brother Gary for those encouraging words and it's always a blessing really Kerry when we can get letters from people not only with their donations but through Pay Pal we trust people will step out on faith tonight and say you know this ministry has been a blessing to me let me be a blessing to it as well and it's always a blessing when we get encouraging letters we really get that encourage and blessed and touched by that and motivated just have you sent us a letter and she and sharing the about this series and other teachings it's been a real blessing to you as always a blessing to us to get those encouraging words and let me give another caller coming through pretty soon but what we're going to do while we're waiting for the call are we going to have brother he and brother Gary to share. This message tonight as minister to them and maybe they have a word to say to you tonight from what they got out of this and so we're going to give a brother an opportunity 1st share how he was minister to the night and how this Bless his heart. Hey man to man appreciate that doc if you know. I have my Bible open here and. As I look to the page that right. You know that I also was reading about the parable of the 2 builders and they kind of relate a little bit you know as far as the no role in the broader road and then you have Jesus talking about you know one of the house the man who built his house on rock and the other built his house on sand and you know when the storm came that house that was built on sand you know diminished and and there was destruction and I same type of destruction kind of makes me think about that brought you know road as well you know the 2 you know aren't on solid roads you know you could be hunted to a destructive road it's not you know it's not a smooth ride there as funny as it may look you know but you know when that judgment hits or when those trials comes or you know whatever comes you know it's best to stand on the word you know and and have pricing I life and stand on that. Because you'll be able to stand rather than than follow so. You know just reading the passages let me to read to that pastors as well you know so that's how that encourages me. Amen but a good word a always love a story about the what the people building a life and lot of people do build it on the sand and not the rock and Jesus that rock and if you don't build on him in the end you're gonna regret it and so get word reshape that brother. And brother Gary how did this minister to you and metaphysic you've been with us on this whole series so when we talk about Matthew 71314 How is this minister to you and maybe you have a word of encouragement to say to some people out there this listening tonight well you know Dr Buckner the scary thing about this passage you know and Jesus and masterful about. Sharing stories and and every time he spoke at college it up images you know we talk about a road a broad road we talk about a narrow road and all of us are quite familiar with being on the freeway and being on roads and streets and driving and you know the thing that comes to my mind is is that a lot of folks don't realize what road they're on they're just driving and you know they're and they're stepping on the gas and they're speeding down life's road this broad road and every so often Jesus is standing there and he's trying to flag them down and sometimes I say well who is that guy standing on the side road there and they just keep going and that way down the road miles and miles maybe lifetime down the road the bridge is out and they're heading toward They don't see it yet but they're heading toward destruction. And then a few more miles they see Jesus again the Think how did this guy get down the road it would be just down here a little while ago she might have passed this guy 2 or 3 times just right this time he told a bigger sign. And they can't quite get it you know they just keep ignoring it and we have to be careful to check what our g.p.s. Is saying where are we going what's your destination do you really know are you just content with whatever the world sent your way as you go down this road in life this broad road and you run into all these distractions and you run into all of these different road houses shall we say right you get off for off the road for a minute and the next thing you know you're involved in this and you go for another 100 miles and next thing you know you get off the road and there's this and the next thing you know you go another 100 miles and now you're 45 years old and you're wondering why my life is isn't right and as you drive down the road you see that familiar face again areas again if Jesus is still trying to get your attention and so we need to really wake up because there are some some definite road signs that Jesus is putting in front of us and this is one of them this ministry this message tonight the series we've been talking about you know it's it's like a big neon sign you know once upon a time you know we used to see the billboards on the highway they were they were paper you know how they look right now days we have the electronic signs and they'd flash and light up and they change colors and you know not Jesus is gone on to the electronic sign and he's trying to say the roads out wake up this mystery is like that bright sign. Every week we're on we're trying to get people's attention say the road out you need to get off this road there's a better way there's a safe way there's a way that leads to life and hope. And every time we talk about these these roads you know I get that image in my mind that Jesus is trying to get everybody's attention he's trying to get your attention week after week trying to get your attention in church he's trying to get your attention this ministry that you need to be on the narrow road and not the world for. A man good word brother carrying and thank you so much. You said enough to save the world if they were the lesson and I'm blessed by that and plus but that is well and thank you again brother Gary and piggybacking off something that brother he had said in Matthew chapter 7 talking about the 2 builders in Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 and therefore whosoever hear these sayings of mine and does likened him to a wise man and then it talks about in verse 26 but everyone who hears the sayings of mine and does not do them likened him to a foolish man who built his house on the sand and our lives are either built up on the rock or the sand and I really do believe and that Jesus is not to home none here. Saying you need to not only hear my word but you need to do it and that's what James is saying to write in James right Faith without works is dead and that's why Jesus says Up here in verse 21. A matter of Chapter 7 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven Ok so these are words that people are using Oh I call a Jew Lord all I told you Lord in church I called you Lord during the week Sunday through Sunday I always called you Lord but the bottom line of it of with Jesus is this is an extreme savior extreme word says while we sit that we're with a stream and radical words of conviction is trying to draw out of us 1st these 3 C's conviction Ok it was to bring out of us conviction and then he was to draw out of us commitment and then he was to draw out of us try so we got those 3 Cs You know and he want us to be convicted and committed to Christ those 3 Cs in doing what he said yes that's why I says therefore who whosoever hears these sayings of mine and does them you know you are ready to enter to the kingdom of God but he died does not just said it is a foolish man and now we are tempted very day we go to trials and tribulations and something is always trying to get us to be disobedient disobedient to the things of gun. Disobedient and reading our Bibles disobedient and crying disobedient and fasting disobedient towards being committed disobedient as all these things put on the armor of God as all way something trying to get us to be disobedient to God and you cannot enter into the kingdom of God being disobedient my friend that's a bottom line to it all they killed Jesus because he challenge the people to be obedient they killed the prophets and the Old Testament because he day challenge them to be obedient Sol got mad with Samuel because he see challenge him as a king to be obedient obedience is better than sacrifice you have to be obedient and Jesus said no man can serve 2 masters either you will hate the one and love the other that's in a stream teaching as an extreme challenge I am going to be committed to being obedient to my savior that's why I says many do well go on that Broadway wrote but very few will enter into the kingdom of God there if you dare be why because they heard it but they didn't do it you got to hear it and do it better Gary a man well. We've had an amazing time tonight I don't usually get this much time in the broadcast so this is different. But I do want to remind everyone that daylight saving size begins tonight so don't forget to set your clock Ed So it's spring forward in because you don't want to be late for church tomorrow. So we lose that hour so make sure you set your clocks ahead by one hour tonight again daylight savings time so you want to be wandering into church an hour late wondering what's happening in. Point Yes well we've come to the end of tonight's exciting broadcast and we'd like to thank Vince our engineer then you know rather Benjamin brother Elias. And you are listening audience for being with us tonight it's important for us to hear from you as Dr Buckner mentioned your letters and cards are an incursion into us so please drop us a note let us know how the program is blessed you you can reach us at contending for the faith Post Office Box 5532 are on California 94920 You can also reach Dr Buckner.

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