So of cryptic tweet see said that his Twitter account had just been liberated that it had been unfairly suspended as Christian Fischer at the White House he is now explicitly blaming the White House he says on Twitter quote since resigning his national security adviser the White House refused to return access to my personal Twitter account out of fear of what I might say to those who speculate I went into hiding I'm sorry to disappoint President Trump denies that the White House froze the accounts police in Los Angeles just confirming that a 13 year old boy is under arrest accused of threatening to shoot fellow students and teachers at his school this just over a week after a deadly school shooting in Southern California America is presenting. 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More than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura Garcia with today in the bay where we investigate the stories that can change or morning whether you need an alternate route to avoid trouble in your commute or you want to Bayer is more accurate weather forecasts will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that. I promise is to make your mornings a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the bag watch on channel 11 or cable 3. This holiday season switch to sprinting in both an unlimited plan and the new Samsung Galaxy s 10 plus included for just $35.00 per month. All you need is a. Police. Visit a spring com or call $801.00 Estan plus $128.00 gigabytes after 2667 months credited to bills or cancel the remaining amounts to unlimited basic After $121.00 paper. Coverage an offer not available it works these taxis are risky mechanisms 30 darkvision being referred to the. 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People had a chance to seal it tasted a little ways that work out of those and we're going to Medicare for all you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations other than my own presumption which is nothing that is the Democrats' pitiful legacy in recent years they. Cut this 347 day series of presidential detail I was serious as. A. The season for. Starters solutions for America. I'm happy Friday what a week this has been and amazing crazy insane times we live in but when something falls apart so spectacularly as it has this week and now we have a date certain we're told certain December the 9th for the Pfizer report. It's amazing how life just ends up working out and things begin over time especially to just reveal themselves and that's really what this week has been about that I mean this all died this this Ukrainian impeachment coup attempt this madness this insanity and all died on Wednesday really and it just got worse for them yesterday with when Sunderland and the strange thing is everybody knew it was coming and you could see what the Democrats were up to they they get Sunderland to give a statement about what he thought perceived you know what he you know put together but didn't know to be true but it was a gas is best gas that is best interpretation but when asked about what is real and what the facts are Remember before signing when you had only hearsay and opinion witnesses all you heard is so and so's uncles brothers great grandfathers cousins nephews 3rd cousins son set and the other part was well no I but I read the transcript like everybody else was sort of talking about the transcript and after I heard the other person talk about the current trip I had a different view on the transcript of tiger etc I mean it's all insane. And then it just it all boils down and there's more I mean there were other great moments and I'm not diminishing on the great moments that we had in all of this there's just what we got here is something much bigger much deeper than anybody knew they hate Donald Trump they hate we the people where the where the smelly Wal-Mart shoppers you know where they irredeemable deplorable is where the ones that cling to our God our guns our Bibles and our religion how horrible we're horrible people we must be horrible people they say were horrible people therefore we must be horrible people. And it didn't work out the way that they want did it didn't turn out that way and they're probably just keep going and do what they're doing which you just fine with me but it all ended with Congressman Turner who said Ok we'll do those what you put together but it is you know of Adam Schiff just ran out because what happened is they had silent just give his opening statement and it bowed his thoughts feelings with no evidence but what actually happened because he was the only one that actually talked to the president about this asked an open ended question of Donald Trump he said he was in a bad mood oh if I had to deal with this crap I think I'd be in an awful lot of bad moods. But anyway so when he finally could then when they come back after the show after Adam you know the compromises congenital liar the corrupt congenital liar the guy that's lied for 3 years the guy that lied about contact with the little blower notice the media never holds him account for his lies Mr ship you've been telling us that 3 years you've got the evidence where is it is the ship you're on tape you know talking to a Russian It sounds like you're colluding and you're looking for comfort amazing minute details about what's the nature of the compromise pictures the naked to them have been picked to the naked time did Lattimer's see them but a call had led them inside the compromise they met the audio the negative yes diseases it Ok the not colluding they don't want to hear about the dirty Russian Hillary hypocrites they don't care about the obstruction with Hillary's emails they don't care about Ukrainian interference in the election all they want to do is blood and bludgeon Trump dirty up Trump and it blew up in their face again because once we got down to Ok forget your feelings forget your thoughts but get your guesses for get your well hearsay hearsay stuff and want to tell us what from said here's what I that went out I finally called the president I believe it was on the 9th of September I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me but I believe I just asked him an open ended question Mr Chairman what do you want from Ukraine I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that what do you want and it was a very short abrupt conversation he was not in a good mood and he just said I want nothing I want nothing I want no quid pro quo tell of Selenski to do the right thing something to that effect do the right things are my mike went off do the right thing. I don't want anything I want nothing to do the right thing no quid pro quo that's a game set match over because none of the other witnesses ever had any contact with Trump or any contact with Eva Momi any or anybody close to trump none of them at any contact with them so it doesn't matter and you know federal rules of evidence assuming these idiots follow through and you know they will they let Adam Schiff throw this over to Jerry Nadler good luck to him they're going to throw it over to Him Ok Well good luck with that. And then they got to take it took what the Senate we're going to well Federal Rules of Evidence don't allow what they want to do to be done all the hearsay and opinion witnesses it's not admissible doesn't matter what they think of the transcript we can all read on our own that never mentions any aid that did talk about rightly and you don't want to share a lot of consent makes a great point how are all these people that are supposed to be so knowledgeable about Ukraine not know that a Ukrainian court determined Ukraine did interfere in our 2016 election how are they not familiar with the political reporting of such how is that even possible I think we all learned a thing or 2 about these I'm best citizen and a lot of them a kind of full of themselves and they think they know better and they they don't like the policies and others I'm like listening to that I'm thinking Ok Do you support an America 1st policy or Ukrainian 1st policy you know one funny point the president doesn't give a rip about Ukraine and well Ok the president's got to worry about Russia Ukraine all the Middle East China. And and every other country Europe and trade deals and you know getting the stuff building a wall getting rid of burdensome regulation lowering taxes keeping his promises on the judiciary is kind of a busy guy that's actually been doing work because I know the Democrats they haven't done anything else but hate on trump all this time and then I got followed up with and this is great this goes to the heart of the impeachment charge of bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors So Jim Jordan said very cleverly says to someone when did they announce that they were going to do the things that the president was asking them to do when did they announce that there's a great exchange. Ambassador when did it happen. When did what happen the announcement when the president's Lewinsky announce that the investigation was going to happen on page 14 you said this was there a quid pro quo Today's your opening statement as I testified previously with regard to a quote requested White House Call White House meeting the answer is yes that they need to be a public statement from President Selenski when the chairman asked you about the security assistance dollars you said there needed to be a public announcement from Zelinsky So I'm asking you simple question When did that happen never did never did they got the call July 25th they got the meeting on the White House but in New York on September 25th they got the money on September 11th when the meeting happen again never to you know who was in the meeting which meeting are you referring the meeting that never happened who was in it but. You know how the people that you knew who was there you know how Zelinsky announced it did he tweeted to do a press statement did he do a press conference you know how that happened. I mean you got all 3 of them wrong they get the call they get the meeting they get the money it's not $2.00 plus 2 it's over 3. I never seen anything like this and you told Mr Caster that the president never told you that the announcement had to happen to get anything in fact he didn't just not tell you that he explicitly said the opposite. He told you the opposite your own for 3 now to me and I Linda says I do this too much I can't help it he says be just you just got to stop she said this to me you know last week to do what they are now doing to accuse the president of what they are accusing him of when we all have the transcript. And none of the hearsay or opinion witnesses knew anything everyone has an opinion I guess right 8 is never discussed I think it's by then one of the more under told stories in this is the president saying to the Linsky while he's congratulating him in a nice way you seem to be surrounding yourself with some of the same bad people you need to not do that because the president knew personally everybody knew everyone knowledged even that everything that goes on in Ukraine seems to be pretty screwed up messed up and corrupt and nothing is more but to get to where they are and Rev themselves up the way they've done this they also have to do the bifurcation thing I've been telling you about the compartmentalizing thing I've been telling you about they've got to be willing to to deny all of ject of truth and intellectual honesty and reason and common sense and applying the same standards to the president and this that this whole breathtaking new level of hypocrisy and this is where Linda gets mad at me because we do have a quit in a pro-ana quo we got a former vice president bragging about when he was vice president that he said to Ukraine in what sounds like a shakedown to me what sounds like a quid in a prone to quote bribery quid pro quo I think you know I'd like to see this brought up criminally in see if that applies we read you the statutes but you're not getting the 1000000000 dollars unless you fire the prosecutor now backstory we know that he knew from the New York Times and others that the prosecutor was investigating his 0 experience son Hunter you're not getting a 1000000000 unless you fire the guy. And you got 6 hours if you fire the guy you'll get the suit you know get the bill you know and son of a b. They they fired him and we got the dumbest interview I've ever seen in my life to back it up 100 Biden g.m.a. Do you do you have any experience in Ukraine no energy no gas no oil no why do you think you're getting paid millions and millions of dollars from whom do you think maybe it's because your father the vice president of the United States in charge Ukraine you think it's connected to that you know what yeah probably probably that's why and then what did they get for because he didn't have any experience with then because they are corrupt company cording to everybody pretty much the end of at least according to everyone Ukraine the remit investigating him again now and they seize the guy's assets also what do we know but they did use Hunter's name with the Obama State Department if you're a Democrat you have to ignore all that this is this is a really this is a stark it should be a shocking alarming awakening to how corrupt this democratic radical socialist party is and how corrupt the mob in the media is because we all know if it was Vice President Trump and Don Jr everything would be different wouldn't it. 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Limited time only a participating McDonald's cannot be combined with any other offer or combo meal morning to more than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura Garcia with today and that will reinvestigate the stories that can change your morning with the you need an alternate route to avoid trouble on your commute or you want to Bayer is more accurate weather forecasts will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that won't waste your time I promise this to make your morning a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the bag lunch on channel 11 or cable free just in time for sizzling spring week now for Sunday November 17th get a free $49.00 inch l.g. 4 k. T.v. When you least the next think you plus for just $15.00 per month that's right a free t.v. 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There was great danger during this whole Russia Russia Russia yet every force in the deep state every member of the mob in the media and I won't play a montage you have to the bottom of the hour we have are we played you know the time line you hear the ticking sound 2016 impeached 2017 impeach impeach a peach peach peach 2018 and peach a peach of peach peach peach 21000 and peach impeach peach peach peach the mob is always a part there is a real danger here there was a danger to that a real special counsel led by oh now we know the corrupt and your wife but I warned you about him warned everybody because Sidney Powell she chronicled Andrew Weissman he was Muller's pit bull they still couldn't pull it off for investigations but if you don't think that that was a clear and present political danger to Donald Trump you're mistaken it was everything they got to take out the president that we the people voted for and they fixed they failed spectacularly the people that couldn't get over the election results in 2016 talked about impeachment from day one everything's a bombshell bombshell bombshell bombshell Michelle Bombshell But we've heard that for all these years to a huge bombshell that a game changer impeachable and here and for 3 years so they don't get the f.b.i. Investigation to give them anything there's no there there says Peter Struck after 9 months we had nothing Lisa Page says that 9 month investigation the f.b.i. On the House Intel investigation that went on forever they found nothing on the bipartisan Senate investigation found nothing but they put all their hopes and Muller and they found nothing. So then they are right they obviously something nefarious happened with the non whistle blower whistle blower the hearsay whistle blower's lawyer 10 days after Trump's inaugurated talking about a coup a coup is begun that sounds worse than the insurance policy and then the mob and the media go along and they put even though the compromised corrupt congenital liar in charge scary times. A week. This year and get it he celebrates 30 years and 30 winters with exceptional offers on all infinity she lacks 52 x. 60 and Q x 80 s t V's this is your bay area and you can tell it's day for the Infinity winter sales of that because luxury city legend. Morning to more than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura Garcia with today in the bay where we investigate the stories that can change your morning with the you need an alternate route to avoid trouble in your commute or you want to Bayer is more accurate weather forecasts will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that won't waste your time I promise is to make your mornings a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the back watch on channel 11 or cable 3. News on bridge Dennis and President Trump expressing optimism over trade talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and we have a deal of potentially very close he wants to make it much more than I want to make it I'm not anxious to make it and the president calling into Fox and Friends also blasting the House impeachment inquiry several witnesses at this week's impeachment hearings saying aid to Ukraine was withheld to pressure its new leader to investigate president trumps political rivals California investigators say a 16 year old who shot and killed 2 fellow students and himself last week in Saugus High School in Santa Clarita used an untraceable gun was not register to anybody we don't know the origins of the firearm and that is a very big concern a threat to public safety Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Wellen the way of us says the so-called ghost handgun was built from parts and did not have a serial number America is listening to Fox News. Sales or our. Data centers. 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Reversal agent find out how to get a lock so directly from your pharmacy no prescription required learn more at opioid Safety Plan dot com. You know or hear the mainstream press about this stuff Sean Hannity is on the radio making a bombshell today is a turning point today was historically bad for president today was a turning point turning point we're turning point here the beginning of the end for the Trump president we have another bombshell might have to assume the office of the presidency the word impeachment. Of a bombshell I believe this is the beginning of the end it's really the beginning of maybe feeling the walls closing in on all the walls closing in on him the walls closing in on him breaking news a new bombshell. Says This means the beginning of the end for President Donald Trump will resign from his going to resign is this the tipping point I know we've said it Boehner and over and you think this is a tipping point and over and over this is a tipping point and over and over. There's a beginning of the day the beginning of the end breaking news tonight new bombshell this is the beginning of the beginning of the end build walls are closing in the walls closing in the closing it breaking overnight bombshell there's a very dramatic day and I think it might be near a tipping point do you think this is a tipping point for 2017 you can mark it down this is the day that everything changed the beginning of the end beginning. The beginning of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the We begin tonight with a bombshell with a lot of trouble president will resign there hour another bombshell this is a tipping point Trump's going down this president could be impeached resignation resignation I don't think this president is going to serve out his term Mr Trump will not serve out his term he will not serve out his term no way no breaking news Absolutely. It's over it's over the walls closing and the walls closing in and this is going to be the Achilles Hill breaking news tonight I expect to depart this week will be the watershed we. Have trouble it's a side of the terrify the man who feels the walls closing and the walls are increasingly closing in on him tonight the walls are closing and today changed everything this was the beginning and this day to take a tipping point for the top ministers one historic day the bombshells he's underwater he feels the walls closing at earning point we may be at a tipping point it's the beginning of the year and the beginning of the end of another bombshell on the. Show this is a bombshell it is what you can't see and that was a great be a news put the 1st one out there are no ever there's a 1000000 versions saw my want to give out her view should we've done our own versions as well on different things but. It's not who gets credit I would but we like to give out your views from what we can but they did it 1st to my correct Raby and yeah yeah Ok. That's over what you're not seeing are the dates when you look at a visually will put it up on Hannity dot com It is 201720172028889099 I mean it's like they finish each other's sentences you begin to put it all together and you're like man this is a mob mentality this is what I've been trying to say by the way the d.n.c. $7000000.00 in debt Meanwhile Donald Trump Republicans well they raised 25300000 in October. 61000000 cash on hand that's not good consumer confidence. It just hit a 2 decade high University of Michigan's consumer com fit in in the x. For November edged up to 96.8 points far exceeding the consensus the prediction of 95.7 according to the chief economist November marked the 30th out of the last 35 months that the headline confidence measure had come in at or above $95.00 points a streak 2nd only to the $34.00 out of 36 months of readings above 100 record between January of 98 and December of 2000 long time ago while nuking Rich was speaker 96. So that's what you've got and this this this now it whatever madness comes on the White House been very clear fine if they want to be nuts in the house we absolutely want to trial in the Senate we want the trial and once the Federal Rules of admissibility of evidence kick in then that's going to be a big huge problem for the Democrats because they're not going to be able to bring these people in the opinion witnesses in the hearsay witnesses said g.o.p. Donors another piece that was in the Examiner they're now doubling down to back Trump in the impeachment fight Ronna McDaniel said impeachment fund raising that bump has been bigger than one has seen during the bit of some bitter partisan pite over Justice Cavanaugh that's another thing look at how they treated Kavanagh I believe verse everywhere anything doesn't matter Michael have a not a Julie sweat Nick how salacious how you know something we can't confirm. We got a new poll shows that Donald Trump is pulled the Had a Biden as this hoax wolves on upsy Daisy Yeah that was the Emerson College poll Yannis edging out Bernie Sanders too. And then you got Alicia bit more and then you got everybody freaking out over the this this radical leftist group of and by the way you know Biden is not the moderate either he's bought into the new Green Deal madness you know he just wants to double down on the failure of Obamacare out of which I might think is even worse. But this is the so this is what is the Play This is why elections matter this is why your involvement matters this is why you know what happens in 347 days is going to impact this country in ways that are probably at this point even a measurable because we don't know how that you know we don't know where this is all going to go I think the biggest thing to come out and again I want to go back to this whole issue of this story that broke just as we were going on the air last night of an f.b.i. Official under criminal investigation for altering a document related to the 2016 surveillance of the Trump campaign adviser Carter page the only reason this is coming out because look you got to say this about Michael Horowitz and the 5 or 600 people that work for the guy is they haven't had a single leak the entire time but now they're showing people whose names are mentioned in the report we're told about 550 pages that. They're getting to see it and they're trying to get out news wise very common strategy to try to get ahead of it and they're trying to get to the you know get to it 1st so it doesn't seem all that shocking when it finally does come out on December the 9th but this is all coming out and I will tell you that this new story is is pretty damning. And none of it is good for any of the Democratic presidential candidates this is trouble for everybody I mean I'm watching all of this unfold that this is a scary point for the country by the way the Bidens also have their problem because now all this publicity Well now the prosecutor general is now open an investigation John Solomon gave us a nugget the other day he said yeah 100 Biden had a place in Ukraine that was apparently Yeah they checked it out. Ok what they find they have other new records in the Washington Examiner that a Hunter Biden link they have that Rosemont capital Senator group remember we talked a lot about them when we talked about 10 days after Hunter went on a trip with Vice President Biden to Asia stopping in China and then the 0 experience Hunter you know ends up getting a $1000000000.00 deal from the Bank of China that then became a $1000000005.00 I haven't gotten a penny from China you know his lawyer said no way he hasn't cashed out yet Yeah you know his shares even get a share yet so no he has a received a penny yet but he's got the shares and I doubt he's given that money back and again another deal that a I'm sure is 0 experienced people in this country would never get. 59 percent fear 80 Trumper his will turn violent if Trump wins a 2nd term Rasmussen poll 59 percent likely by voters concerned people that oppose President Trump policies will resort to violence if he's reelected that's pretty scary I thought we had a thought we prided ourselves in the peaceful transition of power get this. 0 had had a pretty good analysis here you know talking points for rational people and they go through this whole effort but. Oh we have one other thing senators Johnson and Grassley see court records of Obama White House meetings with Ukrainian officials all that's all on top of what Lindsey Graham is now requesting from Secretary of State Pompei Oh we told you about that letter yesterday and we broke that story on Wednesday night's Hannity show yeah that letter means oh do we have any transcripts of any calls at the time in question apparently there were a flurry of calls write it in around the time the Joe Biden found out that his don't experience 0 experience paid millions of dollars sun was being a target of an investigation by the prosecutor general who we eventually got fired son of a baby because he leverage the 1000000000 taxpayer dollars. This is all this is all fascinating stuff what are we going to have been going to be in the middle of a waste of time impeachment trial and I get the White House's position on this that they you know if they just dismiss it everyone's going to say the fix is it Ok and now we're going to have a trial but all the witnesses that we now have heard from can come in but it does open the door although if I'm going to I want to go out on a limb here and venture a guess my guess is that all of this is going to end up being investigated with Hunter and which shifts office and chef and the whistleblower and the whistleblower will be investigated Hunter will be investigated Joe will be investing I think this is going to go on for a lot longer than we think I would venture a guess that they're probably going to let the Democrats make their weak case once they get rid of the hearsay and opinion witnesses and once you get to the actual language of Sunland that it's it's game over and they're going to not put on a defense that they're going to say let's vote. I'm going to guess that's the case remove that from the table but then the fallout of it is going to be tremendous and ongoing that I believe. Things got so bad for sleepy creepy crazy Uncle Joe He was encouraging voters who don't like Barack Obama's immigration record go vote to reelect Trump who has frustrated if eyes to protest a vote for Trump. Good advice I think there's a one time I'll agree with Biden and the poll keep these polls keep showing that the Trump presidency is on the ascendancy they managed to do something pretty amazing because Donald Trump is not a victim I don't Trump's a fighter one thing that defines him is that this guy is on 247 for like is that it's like this force of nature that doesn't stop I mean that's how he's been able to keep his agenda promises on judges the biggest tax cuts and then the bureaucracy you know Ok I can't get the wall money this Rahm going this way and a son of a b. He got it to quote Joe Biden that of course we've got beyond that you know then the trade deals with Japan and Mexico and Canada and our Western European allies getting NATO to pay more it's all stuff getting the half a China deal done that's pretty important stuff to do and you see it with the money coming in and you see it in the polls because people after 3 years a doing nothing they didn't do a thing well now Trump gets to compare and contrast weld Obama Biden they put 13000000 more Americans on food stamps than 8000000 more in poverty will now we have 7000000 fewer Americans on food stamps 7000000 new jobs created we have manufacturing jobs back at a record pace jobs Obama and Biden told us are never coming back. Then you got the millions out of poverty then you start doing analysis a little bit differently than the mob in the meeting and say Ok to Donald Trump is he losing any of his base that went out into the ass to clean knew they were voting for a disruptive iconoclast that's going to drain the swamp up by the way this was draining the swamp looks like I don't think he's lost anybody the only guy that I know without a guitar that can't saying least no it's not that I know of I can pack arena after arena after arena and have just the biggest crowd outside wanting to be in the arena so I don't know if he didn't lose those voters are they motivated to go out and vote for him Well what about the record low unemployment the best employment since 1969 record low unemployment for African-Americans Hispanic Americans Asian Americans women in the workplace youth unemployment as they have a shot at getting those voters I think the answer the question is yeah I do I absolutely do and oh. Apparently they're pushed to impeach Trump has now come now that's unraveled they're talking about moving past the Ukraine hopes and they're refocusing on we've got to go back to the Muller report. What did they have to run on even when they supported securing the borders and Obama's 2nd per That's gone now it's a manufactured crisis or that's ridiculous manufactured crisis by the way look at the president's done for the military look what he did for Eddie Gallagher and Clint Lorenz look what he did look what he's done you know for you know Alice very Johnson prison reform every press present what he's done for Israel now recognizing goal line as Israeli territory and settlements and Jerusalem as its rightful capital. Look what he's done to beat the caliphate. Baghdadi dead the Caliphate died they bombed the crap out of it once he removed the handcuffs and the rules of engagement of the Obama era Oh yeah well $7000000.00 new jobs in Baghdad is an ISIS are dead wow pretty good accomplishments a lot to think about the next 347 days that they want to destroy this guy I'll tell you right now this is who they are you put them in power you get the government you deserve 347 days you know I suffer from insomnia but you know that well for me the life never been better thanks to my pillow dot com There are better Mike my pillows that my pillow. 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