And remove a president for this Sources tell Fox News the articles of impeachment may come as soon as next month 2 more witnesses testified yesterday at the public impeachment hearings Fiona Hillary former National Security Council expert on Russia and David Holmes a u.s. Diplomat in Ukraine Fox's Mike Emanuel tells us what Holmes said about a phone call that he claims he overheard between President Trump and a bouncer is on law and home spoke about it under questioning by House Intelligence Democratic counsel Daniel Goldman you asked him I think generally what did President Trump Think of Ukraine is that right correct what Ambassador sun would say to you. Easy doesn't really care about Ukraine did he use slightly more colorful language than that he did what did he say that he does care about he said it turns out big stuff Fiona Hill urged Republicans to stop peddling the fictitious all fictitious narrative that Ukraine interfered with us elections rather than the proven culprit Russia who still allowed it right now Russia's security services on their proxies have keyed up to repeat their interference in the 2020 Alexion and 2 Air Force pilots died yesterday in what the military is calling a aircraft mishap that crash happened just after 9 am while 2 aircraft were performing a training mission to airmen aboard one of the 1038 talons were killed their identities have not yet been released to harshly Americans listening to Fox News. Sean Hannity if you're not watching Hannity right now you should be this is a critical moment for the president and for you could meet you know what's really going on to Washington and I will give you a tape you will get nowhere else on the air every week that it's going on the Fox News Channel or celebrating American patriots on Fox they should list streaming service that celebrates America Fox they should dot com celebrate America every day with exclusive shows and documentaries you won't find anywhere else. I'm Maria Bartiromo from Fox Business My parents lived the American dream my father cooked in his restaurant I was the culture girl today I'm still working the hardest I've ever worked giving my viewers every tool I can to help them succeed I'm Stuart Varney from Fox Business my 1st investment traveling the world for about 5 years and right here in America damn good investment actually Fox Business invested in you. Are a part of this. 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The problem is in an impeachment inquiry or that the speaker of the House says it is all about bribery no witness has used the word bribery to describe President Trump's conduct did either of you ever have any evidence of quid pro quo this person and asked about I did not any evidence of bribery remember. Any evidence of treason. No If it's interesting. Minus 348 day presidential. Seal to. Get you on this. Information. For her. For our final round up that information overload after you testified German ship right now and give a press conference and said he gets to impeach the president I'd say it's because of your testimony and if you pull up c n n today right now their banners says someone ties Trump to withholding aid is that your testimony today Mr Blitzer Master Simon that you have evidence that Donald Trump timed the investigation because I don't think you're saying that I've said repeatedly. Grossman I was presuming I also said that President Trump the No one heard you not just the present Giuliani didn't tell you more veiny didn't tell you nobody at the pump ale didn't tell you nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations is that correct I think already testify don't answer the question is it correct no one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigation because if you're insurgent then the chairman's wrong and the headline on c.n.n. Is wrong no one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying to investigations yes or no yes so you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations other than my own presumption which is nothing I mean that's what I've never said Sir you know what hearsay evidence is my ambassador here say is when I testify what someone else told me you know what made up testimony is made up testimony is what I just presume it I mean you're just assuming all of these things and then you're giving them the end evidence that they're running out of doing press conferences and C.N.N.'s Headline is saying that you are saying the president of state should be impeached because he tied aid to investigation and you don't know that correct I never said the president had state should be impeached No but you did you have left people with a confusing impression that you were giving testimony that you did not and you do not have any evidence that the president lied States was tied to withholding aid from Ukraine in exchange for investigations I yield back you said to the president of the United States what do you want from Ukraine the president I want nothing I want no quid pro quo I want Zelinsky to do the right thing I want him to do what he ran on. What he ran on Mr Ambassador silent transparency and dealing with corruption right is to cast to raise another quarter point. Why did you put that statement in your opening statement I think you said you couldn't fit it in as a right. So you might be here for. 46 minutes and it was if I wasn't purposeful trust me and asked her when did it happen when did what happen the announcement when the president's Lewinsky announce that the investigation was going to happen on page 14 you said this was there a quid pro quo today's open your opening statement as I testified previously with regard to a quote requested White House Call White House meeting the answer is yes that they need to be a public statement from President Selenski when the chairman asked you about the security assistance dollars you said there needed to be a public announcement from Zelinsky So I'm asking you simple question When did that happen never did never did they got the call July 25th they got the meeting on the White House but in New York on September 25th they got the money on September 11th when the meeting happen again never did you know who was in the meeting which meeting returned the meeting that never happened who was in it but. You know how the people that you knew who was there you know how Zelinsky announced it did he tweeted Did he do a press statement did he do a press conference you know how that happened. I mean you got all 3 of them wrong they get the call they get the meeting they get the money it's not $2.00 plus 2 it's over 3 I mean I've never seen anything like this and you told Mr Caster that the president never told you that the announcement had to happen to get anything in fact he didn't just not tell you that he explicitly said the opposite I finally called the president I believe it was on the 9th of September I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me but I believe I just asked him an open ended question Mr Chairman what do you want from Ukraine I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that what do you want and it was a very short abrupt conversation he was not in a good mood and he just said I want nothing I want nothing I want no quid pro quo tell of Selenski to do the right thing something to that effect President Trump never told me directly. That the aid was conditioned on the meeting the only things we got directly from Giuliani was that the for research in 2016 elections were conditioned on the White House meeting the aide was my own personal . You know guess based again on your analogy 2 plus 2 equals 4 so you didn't talk to President Trump when Ambassador Taylor says that that's what you told him is that your testimony here my testimony as I never heard from President Trump that aid was conditioned on an announcement of elections so you never heard those specific words correct right but never heard those words I gave him set and match right there and today what do we have today Fiona Hill confirming a lack of all 1st hand knowledge can provide 0 1st hand knowledge regarding does the Lewinsky call or withholding of aid Holmes repeatedly relying on other individuals testimonies for his account all day he's going into throughout his deposition relying on the testimony of other witnesses for information and what did I say yesterday up to up till yesterday Beaton Sonly in every single quote witness was either a hearsay non witness witness or an opinion witness they gave their opinion about the transcript that we all have an opportunity to read ourselves Joining us now is the chairman of the house of the Senate Judiciary Committee Senator and I nearly demoted you Senator Lindsey Graham of the great state of South Carolina How are you sir oh I've been called worse than been a House member and they're good thank you for having me. You're following all of this closely one of the questions you were the 1st person to respond to our tweets and I think we like now up to 50 senators but we're going to get back on that and he by the even Mitch McConnell's office got in touch with us today so. Yeah of course the federal rules apply meaning hearsay is not admissible evidence and any trial if it should get to the Senate give me your take I bought yesterday the ended it died it's finished well Ok so let's I think I can give you some context here September the 9th Sunline calls the president and says What do you want what do you want to get out of this was your bottom line and the president says I don't want anything I don't want any quid pro quo I want them to do the right thing and what was the reason I'm confident the president did not want to quit pro quo because he'd be locked into giving in the aid and he didn't want to give $400000000.00 of the Ukraine Ok he didn't want to give money to Lebanon right now so that's been a consistent Trump approach what happened on the 11th when did the aids start when did they when did they when did they turn the a deck on September the 11th 2 days later Ok you with me where they're volunteers really Ok so what happened in those 2 days Ron Johnson calls the president says you know we need to give them money for the next fiscal year Selenski is a good guy I think he's going to live up to his word to fight corruption N.E.'s not on Putin's team Ron Rob Portman calls the president has a Ukrainian constituency mispresent And I think we need to give the a distance guys Ok I called the Pentagon weeks before and said What is it with the 8 in 10 a gun people told me they didn't know the new president so they're very cautious about giving him $400000000.00 Senator Durbin had a minute and the appropriations mark for September the 11th that would turn that would have propre money for the next fiscal year and basically make sure the money flows I call the White House in September the 10th and said I'm going to vote with Senator German Durban and I'm. Bring 2 people with me and you're going to lose and committee midnight September the 10th they agreed to turn the back on for the next fiscal year the only reason the president ever did this is because he was going to lose a vote in the Appropriations Committee I am convinced of that you know it's amazing insight we are bringing here. You know and then Jim he wouldn't call it in real time Sean you can go back to the appropriations committee markup for Senator Durbin says I have this amendment I was told This Morning last night they took to hold all the aid for the next fiscal year I don't need to do the amendment then he talked about why they you know we need to help the Ukraine and I chimed in I said Sir Durban you're a man that made a big difference I was going to vote with you now that's all on a public record September the 11th All right so all of that is on the record the aide was released Jim Jordan establish that there was no announcement of any investigation so there's no quid or pro or quo now there is one with Joe I mean you're not getting the money unless you fire Ukrainian prosecutor who he was told repeatedly and had it wasn't better that writing without On Wed 0 experience 0 none 0 and was making millions of dollars he didn't and you got 6 hours to do it. That that is without question he brags about it on tape on television I told the Sun I'm a bit that if you don't fire the prosecutor you won't get the money and you get 6 hours so here's one that's important 100 Biden said on the board. Breeze right and the prosecutor general on Favre the 2nd rated the president very smart so Checky home and got a lot of damaging information so chickie was the former environmental minister and the Yana Kovacs and ministration. And 2015 September our investor the Ukraine makes a speech urging the prosecutor general to be more aggressive regarding corruption in the Ukraine and the person he mentioned to be the baddest of the bed was the president of Burmese Burmese or whatever you call the company he said Burmese holdings Ok so I find it odd that in 2015 September our investor is urging the prosecutor general to go after the guy that he goes after in Feb Now here's where it gets really weird once he actually goes after the 100 by him kicks in 100 binds on the board of the dirtiest guy in the Ukraine and he contacts the State Department and between February the 4th and the time the gal was fired in March the prosecutor Joe Biden makes 3 phone calls and 4 days to the president of the Ukraine pursue a little 1st at the time had actually goes over in March and meets with the president shortly after the meeting the president fires the prosecutor and 100 Bines company is in the clear also 100 Bines business partner between February the 4th in the firing of the prosecutor met with John Kerry I want to know what he met with John Kerry about and I want to know if any transcripts of the phone calls between Vice President Biden the president of Ukraine percent go between February the 4th and the time the gal was fired indeed he mentioned this investigation of her meaning Now wait a minute do vice president like we now know President have transcripts of calls because you wrote the secretary of state today Mike Pompei Oh and I'll let you explain it in your own words what you're looking to find Ok what I did is I wrote to to Secretary Tom to you I want to know if you have any readouts or transcripts of the conversations between the Vice President Biden and the. In the Ukraine from February the 4th all the way up until the task at hand the guy was fired in March they were 3 phone calls and for 5 days and that was unusual the vice president had the Ukrainian portfolio a couple years before a year or so before and he usually call once a month this is the 1st time he made 3 calls basically back to back and the Biden team between 100 Biden and Joe Biden 100 bides business partner make a full scale assault on the State Department after the raid on the gas companies president's home 400 Biden said as a board member about how the way John Solomon said last night that apparently Hunter Biden might have had a place in Ukraine that was also raided that will be news of true and I've heard now if this is true and I'm trying to find it that they were that that an ally of ours was concerned the moose their Mussa burrow small Ritter Verismo a bald grown it up because Burris may have been used by the Russians to launder money so you've got to remember that the president of this gas company was a den of it in 25th thing by the Obama investor to be one of the most corrupt people in the current country and urged the prosecutor general to hold him accountable for his time as environmental minister in it odd that once a prosecutor general actually went after the guy that he gets fired he should have been rewarded now what happened the difference is that they went after the gas company president and 100 Biden was a board member I am convinced that after the raid of the president's home the Biden whirl kicked in in an unusual fashion regarding the State Department and I just want to know it may be innocent but I sure as hell believe somebody needs to look at it. That is important I hope Secretary Pompei I'll give you. Our response and if that information exists. I believe based on what we already know that that would be very damning will take a quick break Senator Lindsey Graham he is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee he announced on Hannity last night that the Inspector General Michael Horowitz will be releasing his report on December the 9th and be in his committee to testify on December the 11th that's next trate ahead. Stories that. You know u.s. Service members they go without many of life's simple pleasure when they're stationed overseas but guess what a good cup of coffee that doesn't have to be one of them now you can say thank you for your service by buying a bag of premium small batch like rifle coffee company coffee for yourself and by the way Black Rifle coffee company they're going to donate a bag to be shipped to deployed u.s. 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Report is now locked in that will be released and then the inspector general Horowitz will testify before Senator Graham's Committee on December the 11th a quick break more with Senator Graham on the other side as we continue. More and more people are going to quote on the big areas 247 local news out of wake up. Call to them caught up on the news take above all it have waited Alan what I read there to get their news it only took me a few seconds to sign up. It's very convenient and I'll call very affordable Telecom for a dollar amount on others for saving hundreds of dollars taking effect while Quicken there watching the news the Chron on out of billable now in the App Store. 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Just go to your app store and find a quote on it for the best way to get your local news anytime anywhere on any device 11 feet of beach brim public hearings wrapped up as we learn what may be ahead for lawmakers investigating the president to direct sources of Fox News These are the articles of impeachment that could come up bribery abuse of power contempt of Congress and obstruction of justice Meanwhile the White House maintains the president has nothing wrong saying they're ready for trial in the Senate if it comes to that because it is the only chamber where they can expect fairness it due process Fox's Griff Jenkins in Washington the parents of former hostage Otto warm beer are warning Pyongyang they're hunting for illicit North Korean business assets around the world Sidney warm beer at a North news conference in South Korea I want to look he when the i in the evil and say thing and you know and good people we will win out a worm gear suffered brain damage and died soon after being released by North Korea America's. 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Report on by his abuse coming you said definitively December 9th and that Michael Horowitz will be testifying before your committee December the 11th right so it's going to have that locked in now this is not another so I've been talking to Horowitz about where he's at with there's report there was he trying to get as much of it declassified you have to go to a Department of Justice anybody mention in the report they get a chance to comment to make sure that you know they're they're being mentioned they get tails are sad stories been a pretty long process the problem is a found so many new things every time that pick up a rock to find something under it so I told Horowitz you know this is important for the country for you to get it right timely is better and he told me that he felt like he could have it done December 11th in a professional way and that it would be ready for distribution to the public December the 90 also indicated that almost everything he wanted to declassify has been declassified because he wants you to read it for yourself and not have a lot of black spots on a page so that's what's happening and we'll know December the night what he found and we'll hear from him directly December 11th All right 25 now before the top of the hour we continue Senator Lindsey Graham announcing December 9th is the date the Pfizer report of Inspector General Horowitz's roll. Least Senator Graham announcing December 11th. The inspector general Horowitz will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee Senator there's something called the Grassley Graham memo and in that memo it said that the bulk of information in the Pfizer applications is about Pfizer's abuse that that came from an unverifiable we know now dirty Russian da CIA on Donald j. Trump then candidate that Hillary Clinton paid for with funneled money through a law firm hiring a not research firm hiring a foreign agent by the name of Christopher Steele here's my question we know that the d.o.j. And the f b I will be warned by Kathleen cavaletti Bruce or as many as 5 separate warnings that it's on verified that Steele had a political agenda and Hillary paid for it Steele in an inner raga Tory said he has no idea if any of this is true in Great Britain that means it's a number 5 will document when the f.b.i. Finally got around to doing an a deep dive investigation they disproved over 90 percent of that document my question to you is is there any other possible conclusion than premeditated fraud against the Pfizer court which denied one American citizen quarterback page his constitutional rights but also provided a back door end to all things candidate Trump World transition Trump world and then President Trump world because there were 3 subsequent renewal applications all approved Well Grassley Graham and was myself and chalk going through available documents we had with our staff to paint a picture that the Da Ca was paid for about political party that the person who wrote it down had a well known bias against the president and the substance of it is a bunch of garbage and. Verified to this day why do we have Horowitz coming forward does he agree with what we've found disease if he agrees with what we've found that would be stunning what would it mean it would mean that if I was a court was defrauded rather than the speaking for him you're going to hear from him the same of the 11th and I would be curious as to whether or not he agrees with our research and our analysis in the he doesn't I'd like to know why and that's why he's coming forward I've heard it's over 550 pages now if if to this day anything in the Pfizer report I've learned a lot about Pfizer application on the top of a Pfizer application senator is something the word verified so if the information in the application is an verify a bull and they will warrant it was on verifiable to me that would be a pretty slam dunk case and we do have the infamous words of the deputy f.b.i. Director that would be answered McCabe when he said you know Dusty a no fison warrant so let's just unpack that right without the dot ca the cases or the no warrant issued against quarter page if in fact that's true and the Da ca isn't CA's unverified to this day then the Pfizer court should feel betrayed Now here's the question when did they try to verify that it's my belief that they made no serious effort to verified until after they had gotten a warrant multiple times Well Senator let me ask you if I presented information in any court even if it was for a traffic ticket and I was the information I was presenting to the court I swore and verified it was true and I had no idea if it was true or if I was warned of not true and it wasn't verifiable and not true in the end why do I think that somebody like Sean Hannity would probably a never be listening to their show would probably find themselves arrested and likely facing a prison term Well if you're a cop and you go get a warrant for a judge and you give him. Actually garbage you're in trouble so there's 2 outcomes here if it is clear that these people knew that the information they were providing to the court or should have known was unreliable and false and they could be charged with basically violating the oath to the court the other outcome is they made no effort at all they were sloppy they were negligent there when different they were careless that should at least invoke a reprimand So what we'll hear from Horowitz is that the information provided to the court was such that you can prove that they intentionally misled the court which would be a crime at a minimum I think you're going to find that they did a terrible job a lousy job and I hope this never happens again and I hope the Pfizer court would discipline the people who basically misled it did you senator have an opportunity to hear the attorney general of the United States Bill Barr in a party who gave over the weekend would you like me to play a portion of it because I thought sir I thought this was a powerful speech that would never be given unless the attorney general had good reason to give it I'll play some for you unfortunately just in the past few years we have seen this convience conflicts take on an entirely new character immediately after President Trump want to election opponents inaugurated what they called the resistance and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch and his administration not resistance as the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power this is a very dangerous and indeed Cindy every notion to be poured into the politics of a democratic republic the fact of the. Matter is that in waging a scorched earth no holds barred more resistance against this administration it is the left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and undermining the rule of law Sen That to me means that the attorney general by believe everything he said is true and accurate and we have proven to look at the Russia which are now look at the Ukraine impeachment coup attempt witch hunt I believe all of that is accurate and I believe for an attorney general to say that means he knows a lot more than Little all talk show host Sean Hannity Well it was a bold statement and I think the fact that interns justify the statement real quickly Mahler was allowed to do its job without political interference $25000000.60 a the agency issued a very hundreds of pages and he decided not to recommend any action against the president I thought it would be over now you've got an impeachment inquiry led by Adam Schiff the most partisan guy in the House has been known to get trumped since day one making up an allegation that doesn't hold water this is to 1st time the president's ever been teach by a partisan rather than outside counsel so it just explains to me that they will never accept being the legitimate president did the institutions of the Department of Justice and f.b.i. At the top engage in similar conduct but trying to get a warrant improperly may be easily gally against a trump campaign did they open up a counterintelligence operation against a trump campaign validating every norm of the intelligence community I mean by the way all this together is there are systems you can have a counterintelligence a best a gaijin senator without the signing off of the Oval Office that well President Obama don't believe is possible for the our government to investigate the nominee of the Republican Party without. Going always at the top and he should have some rules about how our government can investigate the nominee of any major party there are no rules and look what happened after he won the surveiled his transition to be surveilled Michael flan you know this is the president to be what are they doing surveilling his team you hadn't. Done legit effort to wire somebody to invoke the 25th Amendment if this doesn't scare you then you've lost all sense of what it's like to be an American because you hate chump so much Listen I know I'm keeping a much longer than I than than you planned if you have to go I understand I just have a lot of questions for you you know Senator I'm I don't think we've lived in a time like this that we're supposed to care about foreign Russian foreign interference on our elections but you have a media mob and I had one party that will ignore a dirty bought and paid for Russian dot ca. If you're a Democrat you have to be and I believe her but you won't nobody I believe when the significant serious charges of rape and violence sexual assault are made against Will 10 and governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia No but nope not a peep out of the I believe years to be you know you have to ignore a Ukrainian court that said they did interfere in the $26.00 Tina elections you have to ignore the d.n.c. Operative by the name show lupa as chronicled in Politico on on January 11th 2017 literally coordinated with Ukrainians to get dirt on Trump and man a fort another trump campaign associates to help Hillary Clinton win 2016 and you have to be against a quid pro quo but ignore Joe who says fire the prosecutor who's paying my son's millions with 0 experience and you get a 1000000000 but if you don't fire him you don't get the 1000000000 and you've got 6 hour. Or is that the side you have that's how you up to bifurcate your brain senator Well what you're doing is trying to get an outcome you won't president from the be removed from office or big damage to the point that he can't get reelected you want to keep the seat open so that a Democrat can fill Cavanagh's seat not Cavanagh no rules are going to get your way in terms of an outcome the presumption of innocence doesn't apply to Cavanagh does it gets in the way so the bottom line years or seeking an outcome in the rules be damned peers will be interesting for me I supported Mahler being able to do its job without interference because I very well you know I thought somebody needed to look at all these allegations that could not be done through the political process because everybody's so in their camps and I trusted Miller to be fair and whether you believe he was fair or not it's now history he found nothing to charge the president with and his report found no collusion and no actual struction of Justice here's what I wonder about Democrats if Horowitz comes out and says the 1000 court was defrauded the Fossa court was misled the canner Taylor Jets investigation was a sham Will they care or if they used they outsourced spying to Allied fill in the blanks will they stay there and I don't ask them to do what I was willing to do Senator we are no the answer they won't care it's never been this bad has it will it they won't care about this that means getting trauma is the goal and it's Ok if long as you're out to get Trump there's no rules when it comes to getting trumped the ends justify the means and if that becomes the the way we look at everything done to President Trump is Ok as long as they wanted to get him then this is really scary I mean I'm trying to tell my Democratic colleagues look what they're doing to the president in the House they're having behind closed doors depositions or selective leaking information the Pres. This counsel is excluded from cross-examining witnesses to present the Republicans call a witness until the 3rd day of hearings how would you like this to be done to a Democratic president you're putting the entire presidency at risk I know you don't like Trump but let's don't destroy everything that makes America rule of law nation just because you don't like trauma center you have been and have emerged as a real leader in the Senate you and I have had our disagreements over the years and they're long forgotten Amen to that and thank you for the important work you're doing for the country your voice your strength your your you know what you're doing is important here when you know what you're doing you're not talking about you know my or logical difference with Democrats you're actually exploring the fact that aren't and of all the researchers on cable television I watch your show because usually I learned something I would have known otherwise and John Solomon should be getting prizes for his reporting he's being condemned Senator thank you are you've been very generous with your time today we'll look forward to December 9th and December 11th and I have to Thanksgiving after Thanksgiving as well 80941 Sean toll free telephone number you want to be a part of this extravaganza right we all have cell phones but I guarantee you're paying too much maybe you haven't made the switch yet but now is the time the switch to pure talk now may be thinking Well hang on they may not they may not have the same coverage as the big carriers well wrong that they covered 99 percent of all Americans now pure talk has been in business since 2005 every single plan they offer which gets you up to 50 percent off your cell phone bill that's a lot of money every month anyway all their plans include unlimited talks text data is no contract to sign you can even try it risk free for a month their c.e.o. 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All right that's going to wrap things up for today we are loaded up tonight I mean loaded 0 break out Congresswoman Elise is going to do our show tonight Congressman when stropped rock star today he's on the show the great one Mark Levin to night we've got Dan Bongino Geraldo Whitaker David Limbaugh we don't load it up we've got montage that will blow you away you're going to want to record the 9 Eastern tonight Hannity on Fox ia then back here tomorrow thanks for being with us. 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What's next I'm Dave Anthony Fox News that's the big question after 5 days of public hearings and 12 witnesses in the house and peach win in Cory we aren't finished yet and you never know what testimony of one person may lead to the need for testimony of another house speaker and Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Democrats allege bribery or extortion president trying trying to get Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's son in the 216 election he insists he did nothing wrong Republican Congressman Jim Jordan 11 months before the next election based on the anonymous whistle.