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Thursday could be the day I'm in Carrick Fox News attorneys for Christine blaze the Ford sent a letter to the Senate Saturday saying she will testify before the committee details about if when and how remain unanswered those issues have been at the center. Of negotiations between the judiciary committee and her legal team as the letter stated quote Although many aspects of the proposal you provided are fundamentally inconsistent with the committee's promise of a fair impartial investigation into her allegations and we're disappointed with the leaks in the bullying that have tainted the process we are hopeful that we can reach agreement on details her attorneys then asked to continue the negotiations on those details Fox is Garrett Tenney Ford is accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault Cavanagh denies the allegations farmers in North Carolina are reeling after Hurricane Florence floodwaters devastating hundreds of acres of crops from soybeans to cotton agriculture is North Carolina's top industry farmers say this storm combined with low commodity prices driven down by tariffs has left them on the brink of Farm insurance won't cover all their losses and many can't afford to take out any more loans the rasping for more relief the full extent of the crop loss in North Carolina is still unknown because some fields are cut off by floodwaters more than 5000 people have been rescued and the rivers continue to rise more than a week after Hurricane Florence in New Bern Brian yes Fox News Another storm is causing flooding across parts of Oklahoma and Texas Fox meteorologist Rick Wright month that some spots up to about 15 inches this is from a tropical system that was down across the Sea of Cortez moved across parts of Mexico caused major flooding there heavy rain is expected next across parts of the Tennessee Valley Fox News fair and balanced. Hard time to be stuck in the specials and more plus your favorite Fox News personalities this is now in time and he's going to be our planes funks nation coming soon sign up for updates and be the 1st to know the Box Nation dot com No clocks news rundown is a weekly morning fog just it dives deep into the major introversion stories of the day hosted by the Fox News Radio Subscribe now to hear a perspective of news you won't find anywhere else find it now on Fox news budgets done right there was a watch the news they want someone they can trust our job is to cut through the talking points Martha MacCallum we're going to ask the tough questions because there's a lot of conventional wisdom out there that needs to be challenging in bringing what I'm doing is making sure that whatever is developed through the day people are fully informed from coast to coast we're 247 news but really down to the minute we're going to be fearless we're going to be fair whether it's 4 am on midnight for their trucks news channel real news real honest opinion. Out of the u.n. General Assembly annual session leaders from a rainy and American communities held the 2018 Iran uprising Summit in New York the 2800 uprising summit is the meeting place for one of the largest Iranian opposition groups the National Council of Resistance of Iran they're gathering here in New York taking cues from both President Trump and u.n. Ambassador Nikki Haley and building on a hardline stance against the regime ever since the u.s. Withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal protests have erupted throughout Iran since last December after 4 decades of rule the uprisings against Tehran regime of spread to $142.00 towns and cities and led to the execution of more than 120000 dissidents since December 50 protesters have been killed and more than 8000 people have been detained by regime security forces while President Trump is not outright indoors the opposition u.n. Ambassador Nikki Haley wasted no time condemning Iran again on Thursday at the Security Council Fox's Jackie Heinrich the Trump administration is proposing rules which could deny green car. To immigrants if they use Medicaid food stamps housing vouchers and other forms of public assistance above a certain threshold the proposal is subject to a public comment period before it can take effect and this could be Bill Cosby's last weekend as a free man comedian Bill Cosby used today a sentencing hearing set to start Monday in Montgomery County Pennsylvania currently under house arrest he was convicted in April of 3 counts of aggravated indecent assault for molesting a former Temple University employee inside his home in the Philadelphia suburbs back in 2004 the 81 year old could spend the rest of his life behind bars for the class 2 felonies his attorney say caused b. Is legally blind and they'll ask the judge for leniency state sentencing guidelines say Kaspi could get up to 4 years in prison if the patient. Kerrick Fox News Radio. Is Japanese for the future and in the future your commute will be less expensive because now you can get a special lease on a toilet m or I powered by hydrogen it emits only water into it it will cover 3 years' worth of your fuel costs up to $15000.00 you'll also get 3 years no cost Kegel maintenance each of the lane access in the be eligible for a $5000.00 state rebate in the future sounds pretty good get your special lease on a moran today San Francisco Toyota or click the banner for details Toyota let's go places. As a book I run a small architecture practice called when you run your own business it can be very exhausting for a building to happen is a lot of hard work it takes so many people I've made a lot of connections online mentors builders clients you contribute to one another either by sharing information or thoughts were hoping you try other perfect our craft and I think that's the beauty of it built your professional community on Linked In whatever you're in it for or and it together. This is the Patriot am 1150. And a day. You would be shocked at the number of Americans who drank the Russian Kool-Aid and they actually believe that Donald Trump is under control of a lot of your food this sends a message to anyone who has that Bob process right now anyone who gets indicted by Bob Mueller comes down so far it's pretty much down on an org lactic for it shallow callow showing. For. The revolution. That the. Information. Was cut this. Journey elections Stoke even. Great. Back Glad you're with us our 2 Sean Hannity Show 809 point one Sean toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program Jeff Flake snowflake sorry I can't help myself. It's interesting because he was the 1st Republican on the Judiciary Committee to announce that he couldn't vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh unless Professor Ford an opportunity to testify before the committee but now with Ford seemingly balking at the idea of testifying and refusing to. On to what has been multiple invitations to testify Senator Flake seems to be losing patience and Senator Flake has been undecided said he is insisting on the following Senate rules which means providing a notice of one week quote I don't know how you say you're not going to appear and he said board had the option of a hearing open or closed with or without cameras we want her to appear and she said we made the decision that she wanted to appear it's the system we've got I don't know what else we can do he said I personally think if it's going to happen I think the American people do need to see this and that we it would be good for them to see the naked make a decision as well and the president mentioned that to that he wants everybody to be confident with his decision and he stands by his man Judge Kavanaugh And again I made the point I won't reiterate all of it but I personally believe that everybody should be heard I think the allegation should be taken seriously but also all the $65.00 women that knew him at that period in his life and the women that have come out for him that knew him in college and the people that dated a man high school in college and then when he went to law school and then when he worked in the Bush administration and all the clerks that have worked for him over the years and his fellow employees on the court and I think everybody makes a decision from there I think that I think that's fair and we interesting development odd Joining us now is Carrie Severino She's the chief counsel policy director for the Judicial Crisis Network Meghan McCain is with us we welcome her to the program she went to high school with Brett Kavanaugh they remain good friends to this day somewhat 36 years later more Cain is with us she actually dated Brett Kavanaugh in high school and is friends with him as well thank you all for being with us we appreciate it Carrie welcome back. You know I'm sure this is probably a hard thing for all of you because of the public spotlight and all of the. This. Mora you dated in high school this is around the time that this supposedly happened this allegation is being made what kind of person was Brett Kavanaugh back in the day true yes this is just about the same time as when I started with we started dating in the fall of our senior year of high school where the same age and Brett was a leader in his class a scholar outstanding student captain in the football team stand up guy responsible thoughtful respectful I do not recognize the person that the alleged accuser is talking about when she's talking about Brett in her claims did he drink as much as has been described by Professor Ford Well he did drink we drank beer we were legal you know if back in Washington when I was tending bar when I was 17 I don't get this 21 thing about I don't tell my kids less about this so you know we drank we drank beer but Brett was never one to be out of control to be falling down drunk to be blackout drunk never knew he he just always had a demeanor that was a little bit more responsible than some of the other balls are out there now in other words that he would have been hanging out with my crowd and in the sense that we were a little irresponsible at $1710.00 the bar wasn't the smartest thing I think for a 17 year old to be doing in my day but back to his character you found him to be a I think you use the term a total gentleman. Yes gentlemen I know there was never any issue of him being inappropriate or not respectful when we were dating you know he was wonderful my parents you know liked him and were so happy I was going out with such a nice boy it was it was very nice and when you know his typical high school you know relationships kind of fizzle out we remain friends and you know that doesn't happen that often but he was just that kind of guy you are happy to stay friends and still are friends let me ask Meghan by the way whether you still remain good friends have you remain friends with them all throughout those years yes although all the time and he has a terrific circle of friends his class to prep is really kind of a very close close knit class and I'm friends with many of the other people in that class and you know we just sort of all go continue to grow up together what about you Meghan McCain love thank you for being with us you also went to break out in awe and you remain good friends to this day 30 years later told us about I don't know I agree with more a you know I met Brett when I was a freshman he was a year older than me he always behave honorably treated women well was always in control just a really great guy and that's why I remained friends with them all the way through college till today yeah and it was one of you know describe him back in that time and you know I don't know of any perfect teenage kids I just I met maybe they exist but there were kids that you knew that were really off the deep end everybody knew who they were and then there were kids that you know were just regular normal kids but responsible and didn't want to get in trouble and didn't get in trouble and that was Brett that was but I can tell you I I was one of the people who spearheaded the letter 65 women who signed it and it was simple to do I you know we have so many friends and so many people respected him and. Like Jim. Absolutely like I would love to sign a letter on behalf of protagonist character and these are people that knew him in high school what do you make Kerry you're the chief counsel and policy director for the judicial crisis now what do you make of the fact that there's no answer to the Senate Judiciary Committee even though the attorney for Professor Ford said that she'd be glad to testify what do you think there's been no answer up to this point after paralegal multiple invitations yet it is a real head scratcher I mean her lawyer went on t.v. And several shows I think on Monday just yesterday saying yes she's willing to testify she wants to testify and you had the Democrats I originally Senator Grassley I think was trying to set this up so it would be a little more confidential and private for her sake and have a call that they could they could have confidentially and the Democrats know now we need a public hearing and then they said fine Ok we'll have public hearing we'll give you the week notice as per the rules and suddenly now she doesn't want to testify I don't know if this is moving the goalposts because now they're also saying let's not do it here let's do an f.b.i. Investigation despite the fact the f.b.i. Says you know we were done we've we've looked at that and we don't we don't do you know this kind of further rest of the investigation you're talking about I don't know if that's part of it I'm not sure if she's had cold feet but I do know that what we what you know Meghan and more have described here is what we've seen from people who've known him for his whole career and this is you know it's really remarkable for someone who has been in public life as long as Judge Kavanaugh has 6 different background checks and never a whiff of some kind of misconduct This isn't like you know some of those Me 2 cases where you hear someone and everyone goes oh yeah we kind of that that gets totally with that person you know no this is this is totally out of character and so you have to take that into consideration as you're looking at this so I don't know if we'll get to hear from her on Monday I think Willy's good to hear from Judge Kavanagh but I think those senators are right we if they're going to be if they're going to be able to take this into consideration. They have to be able to to assess her as well and if not I you know I think we've done all we can to look into this invest it and we just have to move forward and take a vote all this just broke on the a.p. That Mitch McConnell is now suggesting that Professor Ford in this particular case testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee and McConnell said she she can testify in private if she prefers and he stressed that Monday is her opportunity you know I got to believe Meghan and more I assume that that you're maybe not as in the political world like I am this is not the 1st time the Democrats have really gone after Supreme Court nominees I don't know how familiar you are with the term borking or the things that then Senator Ted Kennedy had said about Robert Bork that were just outright lies and slander and I don't know both of your where that what happened to Clarence Thomas who I think turned out to be one of our greatest Supreme Court justices in modern time myself what do you make of it more when it came up last hour they had this back in July they did nothing with it what are your thoughts because somebody who dated him and knew him and believe that he's a man of real good character it was it was disappointing I actually went to today's hearing and the fact that they brought this up so late and the game was really unbelievable because if it had been brought up earlier there are so many women who would have been happy to answer to his character and the kind of person he was in that regard with any kind of accusation of that. Out there and that we weren't you know was allowed to do that because it didn't come up it's just not fair that this one alleged incident is getting so much attention and not the hundreds of people who would you know facts for his character integrity and respect and it's completely imbalanced and what's your take on that. Agone I agree I was at the hearings as well and you know he answered so many questions and they were so for a while and so respectful and then he responded to questions in writing and and I felt like they had the opportunity to bring it up and they did not and they knew the information and it wasn't fair to him and it also wasn't fair to the person who alleged it so I don't know I think Susan Collins I'm more conservative than Senator Collins but I really thought she captured it perfectly when she said that this is not fair to both sides if they had the sense John Ryan did nothing with the Senate this comes up you know just 2 days 3 days before the vote is scheduled and then everything gets put into chaos said you know we also saw the way the Democrats were acting during those hearings were both there what did you think Mara it was tough to watch I have to say. It Democrats were not not impartial and not not following the rules of order. It was it was just appointing to watch that show you know I believe very very deeply Kerry in the presumption of innocence and I know that we often forget that I often talk about a rush to judgment I was very critical of Barack Obama on the Michael Brown case and what happened in that particular instance or what happened in Ferguson and what happened with Trayvon Martin and and Trayvon and George Zimmerman and Trayvon could be my son and then what happened with Freddie Gray and meanwhile everybody silent there's so many thousands of shootings and people dying in Chicago and we don't know those names and I feel like they were being politicized I think this happens with Supreme Court nominees in every instance at such an important job but you know think about this if Judge Kavanaugh is innocent all I saw those those 2 young girls having to be walked out of the hearing room and now they're going to know that this was said about their father if it wasn't true it's you know but on the other hand I buy I think this woman has ever. Right to make your case yeah absolutely I do wish it could have been dealt with in the proper order which would have meant they could have addressed it when away that would have protected Ms Ford's confidentiality and Judge Kavanagh's reputation because you can't unring that bell I mean now this is something that unfortunately is going to be out there on his record even if it turns out to be completely on the fan She doesn't matter I think that's part of the endgame I think the Democrats have said from the beginning will do everything it takes to block this confirmation but I think they realize that they couldn't block it then delay and if they can't delay then at least the legitimize and I think that that is part of that strategy and it's not good for our process Justice Ginsburg said last week and this is before this all broke how broken our confirmation process has become and she was harking back to when she was confirmed she was no he's not ready for what she got 93 votes in the affirmative if I remember correctly last last question Meghan Moore and I know you're both not public figures you've got to imagine people like me are insane to ever want to be in the public says this is what this is what happens I mean you know my kids Google my name is going to come up Hannity is Satan 1st 1st thing mostly. I'll just say that you know I am happy to speak out on behalf of because I believe in him and I knew him back then and I you know he was a gentlemen he deserves to be confirmed that said a lot of our friends that are the $65.00 are you know not political at all and don't want it don't don't want to come on t.v. Or be quoted and I understand that too it's it's quite a circus you know it was a much more a Meghan That said I'm sorry I was mag I'm a maggot I'm sorry Mara last word Yeah my our you know our thoughts we are think you know Brett We are completely supporting Bret in this I you know I feel terrible that he and his family are having to go through such scrutiny and it's tainting his you know his perfectly off occasions for the Supreme Court it's I'm so disappointed . Here are supporting Bret and we now let's let's right and that he can harm without any kind of thinking his character I will say this I couldn't get that many people speaking out my favor so. I think it's very honorable that you guys as friends feel the a sense of duty to go into the public eye it's not easy because the media is so corrupt in this country to be honest but that's my own personal views thank you for sharing thank you Macon Thank you Kerry thank you. Ready to get out of the media spin. This is the. Issue. 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Well it's in our phones here we have a need an Oklahoma need a hi how are you and we're glad you're you call what's going on. Thank you it's so good to talk to you what's going on well I wanted to give you a victim's point of view I was almost right where they are 53 inches and 3 seconds and it would have been all over and I was almost right oh my gosh they are freshmen in college and I can tell you I remember the night I remember the places I remember the times I wasn't until 7th grade that I realized what I was remembering when I come from day 15 years old but it just hit me like a ton of bricks that was going to be all right and I didn't know anything about it of course back then so it's so sad by the way because this is happiness so many different women and there are predators out there it scares any father it scares anybody that has women in their life that they love or any of it just this evil to me and evil exist I ate I did scary how many evil people are out there that is I don't you know that's why I've been you know people said to me oh God And some people are surprised I set up I think this woman has a right to be heard and I think so do all the other people in the entirety of his career. 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On the District of Columbia Court of Appeals he wrote more than $300.00 opinions reflect a strong record of support for limited government religious liberty and our 2nd Amendment he's a conservative who will interpret the Constitution as written and his record and career deserves the respect of every member of the United States that Vice President Mike Pence in Washington Saturday evening Kavanagh denies the charges both sides say there are details to be worked out Fox News we were poor to decide. This Saturday September 22nd what's new today on the free are radio Radio Hour 28 c. The radio music is here let's get it started and whether you're in Vegas or not the best way to listen to all the action is on the I heard Radio Music Festival channel on the radio last year exclusive taxis interviews performances live from the stage at the most amazing lineup don't miss a listen to the radio music. 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Listen to what they are talking about number one why did they why did they wait so long the attorney for this woman Christine Ford is a pretty hardcore left wing activist and didn't believe Paula Jones and she didn't thing out Frank it really did anything wrong so she seemed political in a lot of ways but well here's what they both had to say Senator Feinstein received a letter transmitted through another member of Congress and immediately the next day took it seriously and called Dr Ford and Dr Ford made it clear she wanted this to remain confidential she was not ready to go public with it so Senator Feinstein was in a dilemma here's an important allegation which may or may not be true and a complaining per. And who is not doesn't want to be publicly identified so she is trying to respect this this woman who may or may not have been victimized and to do it in the 4th way she struggled with this for weeks to try to figure out how to get to the bottom of it talk to Dr Ford into her border and even contemplate the possibility of an outside investigation looking into it the decision was foreign to me just a week ago when all the members said Let's turn everything over to the f.b.i. And it was redacted turned over to them and then it was progress it was doctor for who chose to come forward is just weak It wasn't until Dr Ford chose to go forward that her name was not made public that's exactly right and and Senator Feinstein was respectful of the fact that she if it is the allegations are true that she was victimized and not one of them disclosed will your client Christian Ford be willing to testify in public to the Judiciary Committee the answer is yes she is willing to do it has she been asked by any of the lawmakers to do that that's interesting the answer is no. She's not been asked but she is now willing to do so is she in conversations with people have people have the lawmakers reached out and tried to talk to her via phone with her from no one we've seen various statements made on television but in statements that are being bandied about for a political reason but no one's asked her you know there was a great deal of. Ambivalence and about whether she wanted to be publicly associated with these allegations and essentially the choice was made by her to remain confidential she asked Senator Feinstein to keep her letter and her allegations confidential and Feinstein agreeing to do that and that decision was essentially taken away from her as those allegations were leaked and it resulted in a great deal of pressure from members of the media who knew she could. She was who then started really invading her privacy showing up at Stanford where she teaches and leaving her notes e-mailing her and calling her and she knew that she was going to be her allegations were going to be outed and that in fact is what occurred and as a result she decided to take control of this and tell this in her own voice it took her a while to use the term attempted rape it took her years she was that but she stands by this account that I just read she does and just to be clear the reason she felt that he might inadvertently kill her is he had his hand over his mouth and she was having a difficult time breathing and larger and he was pressing his weight against her and so in neighboring And he was ignoring the fact that she was attempting to scream and having a difficult time breathing and she believes that fight for his and the British and and his inability to take her clothes off he would have raped her by Joining us now is Monaco mass dole here to talk about she's had a friendship with Judge Kavanaugh she's known him since she is 12 years old one of 65 people signing up a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in the beans both Senators Grassley and Feinstein thank you monica for being on the program are you good John thanks for having me you know just give you a little background of how I know my actually my sister's both attended high school with and were very good friends with them so I knew of him while he was in high school. But then I did my daughter's was on his that's 14 for 2 years and so I testified to. My opinion in that regard for him last week and from the Senate Judiciary Committee so you knew him at and around the age that this woman is making this accusation Well I would say I was probably about 12 so I didn't know him exactly at that time my siblings did my 2 sisters one was in his was just a year behind. And so they knew him very well at that time and they both signed this letter agreeing you know how honorably and respectfully he's always treated women and you know wholeheartedly support him I know you're not a public figure and I know that the 65 women aren't public figures and here it is the talking about something 36 years ago it's been brought up in the last minute parents Dianne Feinstein had this in the early summer and I know people want to be fair in case somebody acted horribly when they were in their teenage years and it's such an important position but he served on the 2nd biggest court in the country for all of these years everybody from the people that he's known when he was young up until everybody that's worked with him over the years they all paint a picture of a very different man than this one woman Christine Ford paints How do you think people should sort through all that well the majority of the people whether you're male or female have wholeheartedly supported him whether they were in the White House with them knew him personally high school years. It just is overwhelmingly in his favor it's what people think as his character and integrity I don't want to discount this person individually I don't know her but. The vast majority feels the exact opposite I mean did you feel so strongly like your family that knows them feel strongly that this is a good man and a good person and is entire adult life does not reflect the character that Ms Ford is describing 100 percent and whether. I didn't testify in a political position with him more as a parental and personal friend but there are plenty of people who testified him who were from both sides of the fence. You know whether they were partners in law firms or you know. Other attorneys in other ways that have appeared before Judge Kavanagh just either side male or female have just attested to his integrity and how honorable he is in treating everyone you know there are certain things that if you accuse people of them and you know one of the things I'm always suspicious only because well the political timing of it is horrible and this is not my 1st rodeo in following the Supreme Court nominations and I guess I'm revealing my age here as well but I remember the horrific things that Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy said about Robert Bork I remember the last minute allegations against Clarence Thomas and I've watched this entire process with Judge Kavanaugh don't fall into a circus so I mean it doesn't mean that something horrible couldn't have happened when he was a teenager but I also know that Democrats play politics and there is no level to which they won't sink I'll give you an example by playing you the 2 people that I just mentioned and that would be Well 1st I'll play Ted Kennedy make an accusation against Robert Bork and then Judge Thomas Justice Thomas having to defend himself against the Navy Robert Bork's America is a land in which women put a force in the back out the abortions blacks would say that segregated lunch counters broken least break down citizen stores and midnight breaks and school children could not be taught about evolution right is an artist could be censured at the whim of government this is a circus it's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint as a black American as far as I'm concerned it is a high tech lynching for opposite blacks. Who in any way deign to think for themselves. To do for themselves to have different ideas and it is a message that unless you count town so I don't want to. This is what will happen to you he will be lynched destroyed caricature were. By a committee of the Us Us Senate rather than hung from a tree when you hear those 2 things is I do what is it what goes through your mind as I know it goes for mine. Well I just believe that you know knowing Brett personally that it is being made a circus but as you through for 12 years he decides everything every case on the merits as it should be and it's not political when you're in the courtroom. It's about the merits of the case and he's proven as a federal circuit court judge already that that's how he sees thing and that's why he's highly respected by everyone in the legal community you know it's look it's it's very interesting that it always comes down to what I take from Ted Kennedy in particular and that listen the courts have an impact for generations on the country there's no doubt about it and it's a very as part of our checks and balances co-equal branches of government as it is a very important leg of of power and I just have what we've witnessed in the past especially by Democrats is so cross lines of what is real and what is not what what was said about Robert Bork was a lie and it was said by a guy that left a woman at the bottom of a river after he drove his car over a bridge and he went home he didn't do anything tell anybody that this woman was still in the car and of course she becomes the respected senator from Massachusetts so I really don't like it lectured by Ted Kennedy and how do I don't want to drag you too much into the politics side of it but I do appreciate your point of view I think that the judge Judge Kavanaugh deserves to people that knew him at the time that want to speak out in his behalf to be heard also this woman wants to testify will follow it like everybody else and we thank you for being with us thanks for having me 809 point one Sean toll free telephone number w o Ai San Antonio Chuck is on the Sean Hannity Show high. Thank you very very much I don't know if you remember me from years back when I was in the depended and I came over to your side and thank you for opening the welcome back Chuck I'm glad if I changed much over the years not really no no no no not at all not at all. But not trust me you've been the same unbiased person all this time you're not changed well my political views and principles of not change then that's who I am and some people say all the time oh You're changing I'm not changing they're changing exactly I want to comment on this cabin all thing I think when this is all said and done Senator Feinstein needs to I don't know what the process is I don't know if it's called each man on the Senate side but she needs to be removed from the Senate wouldn't you agree listen it's never going to happen and you know I had it so poorly mishandled by her but you've got to understand because this is a position of the Supreme Court the left is lauding her now for finally doing this they were excoriating Chuck Schumer and her and others for not fighting hard enough and not smearing judge comment on the off and that's what those of the hardcore left wing in the country wants I mean the allegations are serious you got to take them seriously the timing of it she had it in July I don't know why she would have held on to this not answered questions of Kavanaugh related to it when she met privately with them why she didn't ask them when they had public hearings on it why she held it to the last minute there's got to be some reason has said I mean I have my own suspicions I'll keep them to myself but I think if she wants to test the buy in the next day or 2 and go to Washington she does have a very left wing lawyer that didn't believe Paula Jones and supported Al Franken which tells me that at least a lawyer is very political I don't know about the scrub of social media whether or not that has occurred I haven't got a full answer and I keep reading it but I haven't seen it and I think. I think the American people have to decide for themselves but there's been now a lot of people 65 women in particular and every adult that apparently this man Kavanagh has come into contact with as an entire life just says just the opposite of him and it does doesn't you know she accused him of groping her quote over her clothes grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one piece bathing suit and the clothing that she wore over the bathing suit and you know I thought he might inadvertently kill me he was trying to tack me and remove my clothing that's what she says he says another person was in the room that person doesn't recall it at all and then the 1st thing people say well he had a drinking problem so I don't know I mean I don't know what to think but I am very suspicious in light of past behavior when it comes to Supreme Court nominees and I think everybody has a right to the assumption presumption of innocence until proven guilty and if this is a political attack it is of the worst nature and reminiscent to me of what I told you would probably happen they're going to try and Bork this guy they're going to I brought up Clarence Thomas and Judge Bork numerous times because of the past history of Democrats so if the woman wants to come testify I think they should give her an opportunity and I think the vote should then occur after that you know I actually I always say I suffer from insomnia but I used to suffer from insomnia and one thing is changed my life it's called the pillow my pillow dot com promo code Hannity Anyway we'll take a quick break we'll come back we'll continue. 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I this is a breaking the White House. This is huge the White House has announced they will unredacted that means the applications the 30 Tuesday have been talking about 50000 page struck text messages and e-mails and other information that I've been told repeatedly are going to be massive when it gets revealed now is it happening tonight I don't know but we'll know more when we get on Hannity tonight by 9 o'clock of the latest on Cavanaugh as well we've got a big show tonight say d.v.r. Hannity 9 Eastern on the Fox News Channel thanks for being with us see it tonight at 9 am back here tomorrow this is the best of the Sean Hannity Show Don't forget stay tuned for more right after the latest news right here on this radio station. 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