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Or your favorite music all your favorite stations all free is Japanese for the future and in the future your commute will be less expensive because now you can get a special lease on a toilet a Mariah powered by hydrogen it emits only water into it it will cover 3 years' worth of your fuel costs up to $15000.00 to get 3 years no cost control maintenance each of the lane access in the be eligible for a $5000.00 state rebate in the future sounds pretty good get your special lease on a ride today San Francisco Toyota or click the banner for details Toyota let's go places the results of the don't always wash down with confidence buggy by the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services adopt us kids and the Ad Council visit adopt us kids dot org This is the Patriot am 1150 and I Heart Radio station. It's one of the worst case scenarios Brady Fox News Hurricane Florence practically parking off the Carolina coast slowing down to 5 miles an hour that means more time with torrential rain and a life threatening storm surge boxes Eben Brown is about 100 miles from the center live in Wilmington Elissa Florence keeps progressing into land over the Carolina coast in the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center says the wind speed continues to lessen though hurricane force winds extend 80 miles from the center and tropical storm force winds extend 195 miles meaning the storm will as expected take a long time to pass dropping enough rain to cause catastrophic flooding however police and emergency managers here are confident that a significant number of people heeded warnings to evacuate Lisa Evans South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster warning any holdouts in evacuation areas again to get out before the tropical storm force winds get there it will be virtually impossible for the rescuers to get into risky so they will be leaving just like the . Dangerous to Beaver schools and businesses shut down as far south as Georgia more than a 1000 flights canceled today alone the white house slamming a statement released by a Democratic senator as an 11th hour attempt to derail the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh top Judiciary Committee Democrat Dianne Feinstein says she has referred a matter concerning the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to federal investigative authorities that matter is not identified in a statement from Feinstein who says only she has received information from an individual who strongly requested confidentiality declined to come forward or press the matter further Fox has yet help on Capitol Hill committee vote on Kavanagh is expected a week from today. Fair and Balanced. Attention men if you're out on a romantic date with that special someone don't let this happen to you let me explain you go out buy your flowers a candlelight dinner maybe even a bottle of wine and after dinner you go back to your place things heat up and when that intimate moment is about to happen you're not able to perform the evening becomes a disaster your and barest and you feel like you let her down don't be that guy millions of men struggle to perform and most never find a solution until now you need to try Knox a trill the powerful male enhancement pill that will jumpstart your performance in the bedroom it's like my agro on steroids so call now and find out how to get a free bottle there's nothing to lose and next time you can skip the fancy dinner and be confident to order to go call now and find out how to get a free bottle of Knox a trail while supplies last call 180-912-9130 free bottles for a limited time so Call now 899291308099 to 9130. A swift water rescue team from l.a. Has arrived on the East Coast to help deal with the hurricane Andrew Mullen back has the story the crew of 16 has posted up in Virginia until the hurricane blows through l.a. Fire spokesman Brian Humphrey says the team could be there for weeks the key elements they have with them are inflatable water craft as well as flat bottomed boats and it's those flat bottomed boats you'll be seeing in the days and weeks ahead helping to shuttle residents from harm's way he says the team drove about 40 hours to get in place the rescuers are staying about 200 miles inland until they're called out Long Beach police say they are trying to ease the minds of certain people with arrest warrants by helping them clear the warrant without going to jail the police department is holding an event this weekend where people with an outstanding traffic or nonviolent misdemeanor warrant can get a new court date their name will also be removed from the warrant system the offer does not extend to people with felony warrants for violent crimes and Caltrans has more than 1000 job openings the agency needs people mainly because of new positions created by. The state's gas tax increase that's the latest on Debra Mark King am $1150.00 conducts various register to win contests on air and online that provides a variety of prizes for listeners to win unless otherwise announced or stated in the official contest rules in general on air and online contest are open to legal residents of the 50 United States or if a local contest within k.t. Ibs d.m.a. 18 years and older winners are selected at random at the end of the registration period which varies for each individual giveaway value of any prize awarded to a winner may be reported for tax purposes as required by law and on average prize values range from 25 dollars to 1004 asked to Pilate in the specific contest rules during the registration period entrants may generally enter once daily before the deadline listen here daily for more information or visit take l.a. For all on air and online contest opportunities and official rules no purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or when a purchase does not increase the odds of winning voided any location where prohibited or restricted by law and chlorine is in the media families of I heart media and contest boxers or their subsidiaries and affiliates are not eligible to participate now traffic on the Patriot am $1150.00 in Hollywood one freeway northbound in Highland Ave there earlier was a car with a flat tire and was all being tended in the left lane looks like that still a situation so one of the northbound approaching Highland traffic is stop and go beginning in about sensible one in Burbank 5 freeway north and all of ave a crash bars right shoulder traffic go stop and go from the 134 freeway interchange on the 134 in Eagle Rock some slow going 134 westbound at the 2 freeway crash there at the start of the transition and traffic is very slow from about Colorado Boulevard supposed to pass 4 or 5 north but in Mulholland to crash middle lane blocked in traffic is heavy to get the Senate right there's a timeshare exit team 74 percent of timeshare contracts are in perpetuity they will be passed on to your kids if they don't. Wanted call time share exit team now for a legal and permanent exit call it 44149 exit or visit time sure existing dot com Richard Turnage 1150 The Patriot. Still proud to be an American the Patriot am $1150.00. Hurricane Florence is fast approaching get out of its way don't play games with 13 different f.b.i. People who were working with one reporter Now that doesn't point to some kind of media strategy leave strategy I don't know what there are dozens of other documents that would support the fact that Peter Struck and Lisa Page had ongoing relationships with multiple reporters most people here are pretty upset because of the. Well. There. Is information. That is $54.00 days. Into this. Jersey elections. Great. Round up and information overload you know space of most people here are. Pretty upset pretty sad her. Because of the election. Was the 1st moment time really felt like we were going to let another massive like kick in we got that we were going to Lance and it was really to be very strong. You know not just you know from a past time point or a p.r. Standpoint but actually working hard behind the scenes on the stand for I think that's what's worth be very vigilant in thinking about all these issues what can we do to leave. Maybe our better halting of governance decision making and so forth is that anything positive you see from this election doesn't. Point out some some really tough on right now right there it is just after the election of Donald Trump there are Google executives and they are just besides them selves that Donald Trump had one and they lost and they can't believe it also allegations that impact in the lead up to the campaign that they were doing their own outreach which could be if under the right circumstances a type of campaign finance violation if they're offering in kind donations for their point of view no there is an argument to be made that anybody should have free speech no matter how powerful their platform happens to be but to the extent that 90 plus percentage of the of the people that run these tech companies slant solidly to the left but that shouldn't surprise anybody Jonathan Gillum is the author of sheep no more Danielle McLaughlin is author constitutional attorney and welcome both of you to the program thank you and so does it matter legally if you have big tech companies that impact hundreds of millions of people's lives every single day with an agenda and they work that agenda through their algorithms and the way they monitor people well so you know I'm not so legally speaking with if it's any election law faction but I do. I think that we all trust the technology companies. That are. You know they have to mean meant you like whole corporation hope that they wouldn't. Get their own biases and there's an adult or anything along those lines the law as a right to the critical executive I mean I just feel them as the spawning as human beings are people who probably did for Clinton who probably disappointed you know I just thought the whole idea that if you go and use google and we've been through this recently and they then make profiles of every single person that uses their services if you think it's a free service it's not a free service and then they end up taking all of your information all the accounts and then they begin to process and start thinking about the type of personality you are the types of things you might look for a search for in the types of things you might want to buy and now all of a sudden all that information keeps flowing into your life in your email and it's not by accident it's because they're selling that information about you just because you use their services Jonathan. You know showing what you just laid out if you add to that instead of saying just selling all that information they're compiling that information. If you listen to that entire. Meeting that they had their t.g.i. Have a meeting that they had and it was the oddest thing that I've heard in a long time of how gut wrenchingly her these people were and how out of touch they were with the message of Donald Trump AIG entire time he was running and in fact one of the women that was there is a huge Hillary Clinton supporter and she's going to actually said it. And it just there has to be a correlation between Twitter between Facebook between Amazon and The Washington Post and The New York Times c.n.n. M.s.n. B. C. And these individuals and the way that they compile their information and then use that information for their political and there's just there's no doubt that it's not just about collecting information and selling it from an investigative standpoint I have to say that people that are this passionate about a political movement and this intertwined I mean we're talking about people who are related who work for the campaigns or work for Obama and they also work in the media or in these different industries I have no doubt that if if we had ability to look at what they're doing with this information it's not just selling they're compiling it and using it for political maneuvering to the point extent that conservatives could never do because they don't have a handle on these large tech and media companies I don't know I mean dead you know where's the civil libertarian side of your party I mean because I would think is that the party that's supposed to believe in personal privacy rights but yet they without your knowledge and consent take all your information and then start hitting you with an ad. As to to I guess you know look I guess no services for free but I don't remember ever signing up and saying Ok yeah please send me all these ads please create some type of a profile of me and I want you to figure out what time the type of car I'd like what type of food I'd like consider right I think that's the real problem for civil libertarians of both tribes so on the one hand we all want privacy right level of experience or want small government they don't want a lot of regulation. Your point about nothing being free aside sure you think about Twitter you think about Google they're collecting information on. Every time you know every single keystroke they had being sort of considerations that maybe we should treat Facebook and Twitter like a publisher which would mean for example election ads they would have to demonstrate by law who would hang for those ads. But even if they would publish is because we don't have a required neutrality net which is why we have you know innocent d.c. On one and Fox News on the other they wouldn't be required I don't think under any kind of publishing will to head any kind of an on bias or to be required to get rid of it if I have security problem my biggest worry is the fact that they're clicking the confirmation and there's not much we can do about it let me ask this is what you believe as the Washington Post stated that Donald Trump that the quote another hurricane is about to batter our coast and that Donald Trump is complicit a damning Washington Post editorial is calling President Trump quote complicit in this storm not for failing to prepare but for failing to address climate change senior political analyst John Avlon has more for us what he said John that's right Alex and in 2012 North Carolina lawmakers passed a bill explicitly ignoring climate science. And the With no I don't believe there article goes on to say when it comes to extreme weather Mr Trump is complicit he plays down humans roles and. Increasing the risks and he continues to dismantle efforts to address these real risks so he's complicit the hurricane the dog bites the bee stings you feeling sad it's all trumps fall Well I think. Right I know that there's a very strong debate going on about the cause of quote the one we have seen the ocean temperatures rise over la 100 the astounding light 19th century which probably Time magazine said in the Save 7 days that we were having a new ice age coming here and things like that linear right so you see up and down the general 20 that's what it is that we have a global warming global cooling or a new ice age or maybe you guys don't know but for political reasons there's a an economic agenda behind it I well I still I think it's an economic agenda against denying climate change especially if you're an oil company or a cult company or some kind of a company you know under name a time when the climate hasn't changed the climate has never been one static temperature anywhere has it what do know is that some summers hotter than others some are cool that others right some winters are more brains of beer than others but the trend is upwards and I think that's where we get caught between what are and the train that inquired that and there's no question that when you're warm war hurricanes are more and. What happened in 24 you saying that Trump is complicit with Hurricane Florence. You know I'm not I'm not going to go with the a because I think that's ridiculous and quit trying to have a reasonable conversation about this complicit in the hurricane is how do you have a reasonable conversation if The Washington Post starts out with Trump is complicit . Well you and I seem to be having everything will come to hash and and I'm going to disavow them saying that the 1st time I think you've ever said that Jonathan. I'm impressed and I listened here and she was right about one thing we are having a good conversation that's what we do here every Thursday we come on here with you we have a good conversation. And I have to go back to what I was saying a 2nd ago Sean because it doesn't matter if we're talking about climate change we're talking about whether or not play can trump is doing the right thing or not. Or regular talking about election results the last and I'm talking about the far left you know I'm not talking about Danielle's in the recovers are liberal I'm talking about the far left people who are radicals in this country that are running companies you know they can put out stories and they will coordinate these stories across these lines and then they can March of this there is one of the things that one of the executives and that that Google Video continued to say was how closely they monitor the information that's coming in and they and he started talking about how people that were depressed were responsible for Nazis and fascism and all these things but he looks at. The information coming in and they can tell if a story is making a difference upon their voters and the people that click and watch these things that to me is horrifying because I want to stay focused on the Democrats and very specifically I want to know if their rhetoric goes over the top I mean you had this Republican candidate that was nearly stabbed to death over the weekend in San Francisco why because he is a Republican you got that rip Democrats blaming Trump for the hurricane the blue barrel media is blaming him only he's complicit in the hurricane you got some crazy Trump painting Professor shooting himself to protest the president you look at the names in the things that are being said by the Democrats what do they want what are they are. Running on their running on hating Trump impeaching Trump taking taxes raising them getting their crumbs back eliminating ice open borders keeping Obama care none of which has worked the reason things have turned around for the economy so dramatically is because of the policies of Donald Trump because conservative policies tax cuts deregulation works every time it's been tried it's proven to be successful why do we always go backwards Well we've got 2 parties so this is a pendulum as for the rhetoric there is no question that this is something that both sides to I mean even today the president was blaming Democrats for the numbers of doing that these numbers in Puerto Rico I mean sure the Washington Post when is it crazy would risk playing Trump for the Harkin quote of complicit but the idea that somehow Democrats which is applying for the tea hole and Puerto Rico it's not since it's totally numb since I don't knows placement Democrats it was a terrible tragedy in Puerto Rico Oh and I tried to like many Americans my buddy Geraldo had a fund we tried to help people out billions and billions of dollars will respect it I mean you had 0 infrastructure it was all knocked down and at that point it's a natural disaster and you do everything you can do to help you know your fellow citizens out your fellow you know people that are in need and we stepped up with billions and billions of dollars we've rebuilt the entire electrical grid we've spent billions of dollars rebuilding homes you can't bring back human life in the loss of human life it is a tragedy. And it's not about numbers a lot of people died and and I think we've done a pretty good job of showing the people of Puerto Rico that we mean business by life sending all that money over there and all those resources over there you know I gree that once and that is a waste and critical to see regardless of state local federal government response is what ordinary Americans do for one another and John and I don't you disagree with that I. Agrees All right we've got to take a break you've got to protect your good name your reputation your finances Yeah these cyber criminals are everywhere the f.b.i. Along with other international law enforcement agencies now they recently arrested 74 cyber criminals for schemes designed to intercept and hijack wire transfers for businesses and individuals now the agency's utilized intelligence gathered by Symantec which is the world's largest cyber security company and how these schemes work by luring victims into phishing sites via e-mail and presenting a believable page that mimics another site or so many threats and today's connected world all it takes is one weak link in those criminals get in now thank goodness for the All New Life Lock identity theft protection with the added power of Norton security that helps protect you against threats to your identity and your devices that you can't see or fix on your own that you would otherwise miss Now Life Lock with new more Norton security just go to Life Lock dot com Call 1800 Life Lock and if you use the promo code Hannity you'll get 10 percent off your 1st year and we're limited time only you'll get an additional $25.00 Amazon gift card just for your annual Rollman now is the time to sign up Life Lock dot com $1800.00 Life Lock promo code Hannity We'll take a quick break we'll come back we'll continue. The . Way this is a show on the show. President Trump and Congressman Kevin McCarthy are working together to keep the Republican majority in Congress together we must protect the house that is giving you back your money with historic tax cuts fewer jobs with stronger trade deals and your security with tough border enforcement the Republican Congress is taking power and money from Washington and giving it back to you but Democrats think your money belongs to government they want to raise taxes protect criminals with sanctuary cities and reverse the 26000 election with impeachment that's the Democratic agenda the only way to keep d.c. 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New and soon to be released inmates had Georges Gwinnett County jail over on Amazon Prime Fred Armisen in my Rudolph star in a new comedy series called Forever where a stale suburban couple trying to shake things up also this week on prime checkout flicks like from Paris with love stronger baby mama I am wrath and the Good Shepherd and later this month prime will release the original series King Lear starring Anthony Hopkins Plus the latest in the Saw franchise jigsaw and much more some titles coming Hulu in the next couple weeks include b.b. King on the road a new documentary recounting 65 years of the blues masters touring while rarely taking breaks as told by musicians like Eric Clapton Bono and Joe Bonamassa American Horror Story cults will be available along with this is home a refugee story which follows 4 Syrian families trying to find their way in America look for those and more on Hulu and that's new if you're streaming edition and I Heart Radio this is the Patriot am 1150. Pound of the hour Joe Concha is going to weigh in on the Democratic Party and their repeated meltdowns the anger and fits that they throw in every day of a final thoughts as we continue with Danielle McLaughlin and Jonathan Gillen Jonathan I think now as we head into this election you've got 54 days I think that what we discuss with our pollster friends is dead on accurate Republicans have got a promise specific things they're going to do that will advance the Trump agenda further and stop the democratic agenda of impeachment and Obamacare and open borders and higher taxes. Yeah and I would even press people that are Center to the left to realize what's going on with the with the misinformation and all the stuff going on I rushed on him it's in d.c. Outfit and channel yesterday I got to see Ben Sassi on with Jake Tapper yesterday that was a joke I watch him as an n.b.c. For a little while they can't go more than 10 seconds without Sam the word strong and they talk about and they use words and these are news programs where they're using terms like he's insane about a White House that's in shambles and that none of that is true it's just that's the reporting that's a misinformation and it's. People have to realize there are statistics they can look at and follow what the president has done and they can also look at the statistics of what the Democrat Party has gone and realize that there are socialists that are getting or what did they are people that are backed by communist parties that are elected right now in the Democrat Party and that should scare people I don't care if you're liberal or conservative should scare you in any party that's involved in that you should flee from it and maybe you know you're liberal and you don't like some of the things that the Republican Party does I don't either but I don't see the communists and socialists fleeing to the Republican Party maybe we were trying to fix Republican Party I get I think Americans have that that's a choice election you just gotta make sure the American people know what the choices are and that's what we should be debating for 54 days thank you both for being with us when we come back who is anonymous and how dangerous is it and what does it mean well when he leaves one way or another was that an implicit threat of some kind Joe Concha joins us and your calls 809 for one Shauna's our number will continue. Nancy on Facebook are reverse mortgages ever a good thing knew what is the principle here let's say we work our home life and any finally get completely out of debt house and everything in them one of they do a washed up actor is on an infomercial and tells them to get a new debt now that they worked their whole life to get out of that dumb idea on every possible from the table Ramsey Show today at 3 on the Patriots am 1150. The radio I'm rich Dennis and Hurricane Florence is approaching the Carolinas its outer bands already hitting the coast with heavy rain strong winds and storm surges South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster warning those who aren't evacuating once these winds start blowing at that tropical storm right it would be virtually impossible for the rescuers to get in to rescue the National Weather Service meteorologist John choir Rollo's says despite Florence being downgraded to a Category 2 storm it still deadly impacts of damaging winds and torrential rainfall for a couple of days all I potentially significant river flooding officials say millions in the southeast could be without power for days or even weeks target will hire more than 120000 people for the holiday shopping season Fed Ex says it will hire 55000 seasonal workers both numbers up from last year Fox news we report you decide. Now traffic on the Patriot am 1150 supposed to pass for a 5 freeway northbound before Mulholland a collision now clearing stages and thanks is pulled up the road a little bit ago tragic though remains a little bit extra heavy and jam beginning in spots at about Santa Monica Boulevard if you do see extra traffic piled up there might want to consider taking simple as an alternate in Eagle Rock $134.00 freeway one of the 2 freeway interchange crashed near the start of the connector for a 5 freeway South man before Sherman way an accident 2 left lanes are blocked there traffic remains heavy from about Roscoe Boulevard near l.a.x. 4 or 5 northbound at La terrible that are just getting word of a stall in the 2nd lane from the Senate divider up the budget by customers bank make the move to grow your money faster with the new customers bank to send money market savings account it has one of the highest yields currently available in a rate that's guaranteed through June of 2019 to a great rate of customers bank dot com slash radio I'm Richard Turnage You're listening to any. 1150 The Patriot. I am Ryan Cook with online trading had me and with me is Larry Jacobson director of instructor development at online trading cabby and also one of the top instructors at on line trading me and Larry a lot of our listeners like we're talking about are looking to replace their incomes with trading and investing and some are looking to upgrade their lifestyles the supplemental side of things you know a little additional income but what are some of the other things that the that you could share with this experience as the student had well 1st and foremost it's a 21st century world so you can take your laptop anywhere you can trade from anywhere right now it's quite amazing so I find a lot of our students really coming back and asking questions such as you know will this fit into my personal goals will I be able to play these particular trades out in an different time frames and the idea is yes but more importantly the thing that really pulls at my heart right is when they say you know I want to send my kids to school I want them to have a better life I don't want them to have any more student debt nobody cares more about your money than you know he has to live off of that account except you so even if you're coming out to one of these have to classes just so you can ask better questions and make sure that it's being managed the right way then my hat goes off to you that is a great investment of your time rather than just spending your time somewhere else we talk about that a lot right now we have to class coming up in your area and I have to classes where you'll see exactly what it takes to really get that lifestyle on track and have that financial freedom to do the things that you want to do including your past this is our professional insider's kit that is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhancing your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down capital preservation crypto currencies and much much more the professional insider kit makes it so you can get started right away we are also giving away a tablet when you attend the free have to class register at Trade dot com That's Trade dot com or give us a call at 83368 trade that's 83368 trade many talent offers while supplies last must be 18 years of age or older one tablet for household it's Thursday Sept. 13 what's new today on the free car radio. They're still doing this piece of. Music Festival in Vegas just listen to Radio Music Festival radio and you're automatically calls back our job jams list to get all the stadium emblems with one tap and don't forget you've always got this station in your pocket streaming 247 on her. All your favorite music all your favorite stations all free this is the Patriot am 1150 You're listening to Patriot am 1150. This is. Show. I 25 now until the top of the hour 80941 Sean toll free telephone number a buddy Joe Concha has a piece in The Hill today and the headline is c.n.n. Avlon on trying complicity for Florence policies tearing down our defenses to climate change is President Trump complicit in this storm and he quotes a c.n.n. Fake news anchor introducing a segment while citing a Washington Post story that I had mentioned earlier in the program today actually said in The Washington Post another hurricane is about to batter our coast and Trump is complicit when it comes to extreme weather Mr Trump is complicity he plays down humans role in increasing the risk sea continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks you know state what it means to be complicit in a hurricane be informed off the Atlantic and this is how off the rails and on him some of these people on the left to become anyway then the anchor gets an answer his policies have been tearing down. Defenses to climate change which is often a blamed for extreme weather anyway and on the same day that Trump was disclosed discussing Florence's e.p.a. Proposed rolling back restrictions on the missions of methane that's just the latest environmental policy targeted by the trumpet ministration and they cite 2 Harvard scientists that claim that 80000 on net the necessary deaths could take place every decade a damning Washington Post editorial is calling President Trump quote complicit in this storm not for failing to prepare for failing to address climate change sustain your political analyst John Avlon has more for us when you say John is right Alex the President Trump has been reaching for storm superlatives as he is want to do the biggest the worst the most dangerous and who can forget tremendously wet but well President Trump has been talking up are prepared as his policies have been tearing down our defenses to climate change which is often to blame for extreme weather in fact on the very same day Trump was discussing Florence from the Oval Office his Eve p.a.a. Propose rolling back restrictions on emissions of methane. Joe Concha is Donald Trump complicit. The hurricane because we've had hardly seen it go back you know hundreds of years yeah you know if if President Trump them pull out of the Paris climate accord and the e.p.a. Was rolling back these restrictions Here's the only question you have to ask if you want to make a pragmatic argument not a partisan argument would this hurricane still be hitting the Carolinas right now in other words Avalon John Avalon who I've written columns for before when I was back at The Daily Beast know John I've done segments with him before he says his policies have been tearing down our defenses to climate change this isn't the 85 Bears where you put up a defense and you could stop a storm from coming right so I just don't understand how we had no I understand actually I'm not going to black like I'm going to play dumb here but when the Washington Post writer writes a kind skull I'm right that's not I came from some guy who wrote a column it was their editorial board who made the argument that President Trump is complicit How could you make that argument possibly when as you said hurricanes been happening for hundreds of years and even if you don't roll back these e.p.a. Regulations and even if president talks about climate change these people in the Carolinas are going to suffer regardless of what happens it is the most irresponsible thing I've seen written in I don't know at least 24 hours Sean least 24 hours that's a pretty long period of time you know it just so happens the American Enterprise Institute a dot org They pointed out in President Trump's 1st year in office the u.s. Reduce c o 2 emissions more than any other country in the world I don't think they're right well look I mean every election year every 2 years every 4 years and I've got all the tapes I play them often Democrats have one playbook and they never deviate at all all the same thing and that's they'll roll out one of these and you know crazy conspiracy theories a day in saying that the president's complicit with the formation of Hurricane Florence pretty much takes the cake but the narrative goes like this that. Republicans are racist that Republicans are sexist massage honest Republicans are Xeno phobic they're homophobic they're Islamophobia as a relates to the environment they want dirty air and water the same water the others drink the same air the people breathe that they want children to die and they want to throw granny over the cliff because they don't want to increase the projected increases in Medicare it happens every 2 and 4 years in some form and end reality is where 54 days out of an election the other thing that I see that's actually you Mrs You know there's people talking about this being Katrina and nothing's happened yet the hurricane it hasn't even hit landfall now from every source I have the government of Donald Trump has been in complete contact with every governor every local mayor they have pre-positioned food water medicine supplies baby formula blankets and cots and and all the necessary items that they think they're going to need and they're ready to roll that roll those those trucks into those towns that most need it and then I'm sure the government's going to come in and declare it a disaster area and then people are going to get monies either loans or grants and they going to rebuild their homes and I'm going to talk about very much on right Texas and Florida the big hurricanes that hit Houston and Florida last year right and the response was It was great I mean it really is as good as it gets Raymond Brock longer runs Fema did a phenomenal job that people point to Puerto Rico and I think of Puerto Rico and the present exactly right about this when you're on an island and you have no access by road and the electric grid was already shot I don't know what president what Fema what government could have done any better than Then what are our government did now I don't know a lot about you know hurricane recovery and everything like that but I'm just using logic here pragmatism again how do we do such a perfect job or great job in Houston and the parts of Texas there along the Gulf. Host and then Florida and everybody says even though they don't want to that the president came into the great job and something Puerto Rico everybody forgot how to do their job no it was a very unique situation a situation like we've never seen it was hard it was then it got hit by 2 hurricanes Irma and Maria the electric grid was already the lappet dated outdated and shot and literally nobody had power immediately there was 0 those no electricity no water no telecommunications 0 transportation I don't know how many people died but way too many it was a horrible convergence of circumstances but with that said today electricity is flowing the water systems are operating traffic is now moving airports seaports are back up and you know permanent reconstruction has already begun the amount of money that is spent is extraordinarily high of money means anything but you know 1390000000 federal grants to homeowners 1800000000 low interest loans for small businesses 21000000 a National Flood Insurance Program claims 7900000 for survivors that lost work in the process of all of this 100000000 for more than $7000.00 households for transitional sheltering assistance and I can go on about the millions and billions of dollars but the amount of money was staggering and I know that the that doesn't the can stop a hurricane with money but with least for showing that we care enough to rebuild and done so in many ways successfully but you would think that it was the worst response ever and that nobody cared that's not true right and look you know I don't think the president should be approaching you know to question the death toll whether it was is lower or higher depending on who was killed by the hurricane it was killed by natural causes I think you just get in the weeds are saying one is too many That's so I right exactly you know that that that's what I would have done and look we could criticize this president right like I mean I'm sure you don't agree with everything he's done maybe you don't like what he's done with tariffs. Maybe you don't like what he's done in terms of foreign policy or maybe tax cuts haven't gone far enough whatever that's all that's all fair game I have no problem with that but when we go down this road when we start blaming him for hurricanes that's when people look at the media and say I'm not only do I not trust them I don't think I'm ever going to trust them again and by the way the Paris climate accord the people say well we just stated it that maybe we can prevent these things from happening in the future people forget if China and India are not on board they are now for 37 percent of the world's population if only we're going all in and we're paying for it we only count for 15 percent the population it's not going to make a look at difference anyway so until you get a fair agreement we had every right to pull out so that's that's what's driving me crazy or so I mean we were mediocre is always overplayed What about every time everyone but me but I don't have a poll that came out this week that shows that 90 percent of Republicans don't trust the media and I don't buy the ever been cheated on relationship before but once you lose that trust it's hard to put that toothpaste back in the tube those people aren't coming back ordered forever going to be well chronicled once they learn how to beat the cold because I'm just Joe Concha was those that I mean a new girlfriend every week was amazing though I didn't know why so I do have had a little skin problem way back when that's not entirely made up with my twenty's but you know. So you got the Washington Post but it goes further than that you got you heard about this case out in San Francisco where this Trump a a Republican hater you know attempted in assassination with a switchblade a Republican congressional candidate you've got another trump hater shooting himself to protest the president I mean I don't think you can get any dumber than that but that's going on. You know. Listen Breitbart a while ago put up 564 reports and threats against Trump supporters just for wearing like Trump tats. And it's gotten really really violent in the rhetoric we watch what happened with Sarah Huckabee Sanders we watched what happened with Secretary Nielsen and we watched what happened with Pam Bondi we've heard the vitriol directed at the 1st lady repeatedly and even attacks against a 12 year old kid the president's son. I don't think that a conservative whatever get away with the type of personal attacks against women and the family the way the mainstream media does now on a regular basis this is a.b.c. News this is the view doing it this is you know cable television I don't think there is any such thing as unbiased cable television anymore they all have an opinion oh god yeah because I think they're I have a theory on this so I want to get your opinion on it I think a lot of hosts checked there and I've seen this because I've been on like every Sat on a on every cable network that will check their twitter feed the minute of segments over so they can gauge reaction because they there's a lot of people in this business are very insecure and they need to get confirmation that yeah I did a good job and if they go against the grain of what their audience doesn't want to hear then they get it they get hit pretty good on Twitter like immediately they're getting in on you know be proud and I know I don't have Twitter on my phone anymore I don't use it I just buy a set uses a for me don't don't don't you in a style resort or fight so I had some classics you yeah you got all you got involved with some things that I think probably took up a lot of your time and work or took away too much of my time and that's the RINGBACK thing I began to realize this is a this is a job now. And I do enjoy it on a lot of people I mean. And I felt like I was good at it Steve the one of the differences between me and some of my cohorts in this business is that I'm a talk show host I admit who I am they're not honest about who they are they claim to be fair and balanced and being a talk show host includes a variety of different jobs including under one banner some nights some an objective journalist some nights some doing straight news when I do hurricane coverage it's going to be straight news coverage not going to be politicizing the hurricane just given information and facts hopefully that is helpful to people that are viewing other nights I give strong opinion other nights to let other people debate it's all part of being a talk show host we do investigative reporting I think we've broken more news on Hannity in the last 2 years than all the other cable channels combined so we're like a newspaper basically you know you know where the whole newspaper there is opposed to the just the news part we do news we do opinion we do editorials we do we even do sports call in Caprona Yeah the cultural stuff anyway right so it's always you admit that some people will accept it that's fine but you know if you go to c.n.n. Right and Don Lemon is still called an anchor and Anderson Cooper still called Necker Chris Cuomo still call my anchor now that your host you're giving opinions it's Ok for the part I'm thinking to hold her hand when you're going around the house though Joe you can you can break news object only break news as a host I use sources I break news I give the news straight up to people other times I'm getting opinions it's unfair how many bankers are still being called anchors they're not that Eggers that different maybe no one cares about the title anymore but I still do and I think if you're an anchor therefore you make a big deal when I say Hannity is not a reporter and I say I'm not a reporter but I am a talk show host and part of being on talk shows that being a reporter. And you do a lot of it don't have 4 hours and I never get tired I mean by that's that's no I don't it's big. I don't you take the as a 5 hour Energy go to Red Bull I don't know what the 6 or 9 do about an hour and a half for the ninja every day that keeps me alive Good Lord I can't I'm going to means that and I'm stuck so I gotta say I just gotta bring in minority weapons you know what we do a lot of the training weapons training we do blade stick firearm training we do it all so come by one day work out with us hey you think speaking of blades by the way that's what's played attack that happened against the person running against centralism in California you know a.b.c. C.b.s. And n.b.c. Did not cover it one bit and all I ask for your audience to imagine is what if I were Trump reporter or I'm sorry trump support her he said went after a Democrat running for office wearing a red Make America Great Again had and I'm going to work out well played wall to wall coverage so I just don't get it I mean what that's a story don't worry about whether it's Republican or Democrat that somebody attacks a candidate's a story how do you not cover that on the wall so all right Joe Concha with the Hill thank you sir 809 for one Sean toll free telephone number of full coverage of the hurricane and all the breaking news as well 9 Eastern on Fox folks I know you know that I am a proud member of the u.s. C.c.a. 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Right Hannity tonight 9 Eastern on Fox obviously we'll be covering all of the latest developments surrounding Hurricane Florence and hitting the Carolinas and we have reporters on the ground and we'll bring you all the events as they happen we also have a job starting we do have news with Gregg and Sarah and Joe Di Genova and Tom Fitton will get all that in as well throughout the full hour it's a breaking news hour tonight Hannity 9 Eastern on Fox News we've got it all covered we'll see it tonight at 9 back here tomorrow thanks for being with us. Strike Force energy I know you've heard about it now it's time to see what all the buzz is about veteran owned an American made Strikeforce energy beverage an answer taking the market by storm to 0 sugar 0 calories priced at less than a dollar Strikeforce energy has just the right amount of caffeine taurine and b. 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