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This guy Cavanaugh they have turned his life inside out and upside down for how many months now and at the last moment somebody nobody found somebody nobody had any idea existed it has to tone forward to our nominee mostly to tell Dianne Feinstein I wonder if this is somebody in the Trump administration or maybe a journalist or tending to be whatever it is it. It's Thursday September 13th what's new today on the free on her radio. They're still doing this piece of. Video Music Festival and biggest Just listen to radio music the small radio in the air and you're automatically. Packs a car Jochem splits to get all the stadium it comes with one topic don't forget you've always got this station in your pocket streaming 247 on her. All your favorite music all your favorite stations all free. Being that Fema 1st responders and law enforcement are supplied and ready the storms huge bands of wind and rain battering the Carolina coast sleeze here my message we cannot underestimate this storm North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper concerned about complacency now that Florence is a category 2 but it remains a huge storm with life threatening storm surge and rain it's going to sit and spin and like hurricane Harvey last year for southeast Texas the Houston area it wasn't because of the winds it was because the storm stalled and brought epic amounts of moisture rainfall and that's what's going to happen with this storm system as we could see somewhere along the lines of 20 to 40 inches of rain on top of that a storm surge of 12 feet 13 feet Fox meteorologist Janice Dean there's also concern about the potential for widespread a power outages a red flag raised anonymously about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh Fox's Jeff Jarrett helper and is live on Capitol Hill to talk Judiciary Committee Democrat Dianne Feinstein says she has referred a matter concerning the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to federal investigative authorities that matter is not identified in a statement from Feinstein who says only she has received information from an individual who strongly requested confidentiality declined to come forward or press the matter further the vague statement was sent after another contentious Judiciary Committee session over Kavanagh Supreme Court nomination a series of party line votes defeated Democrats attempts to get more documents a committee vote on Kavanagh is set for next week Lisa thanks Charin a rally continues on Wall Street right now the Dow is up 128 points back over 26100 . S. Fair and down. Attention men if you're out on a romantic date with that special someone don't let this happen to you let me explain you go out buy your flowers a candlelight dinner maybe even a bottle of wine and after dinner you go back to your place things heat up and when that intimate moment is about to happen you're not able to perform the evening becomes a disaster your and barest and you feel like you let her down don't be that guy millions of men struggle to perform and most never find a solution until now you need to try Knox a trill the powerful male enhancement pill that will jumpstart your performance in the bedroom it's like I agro on steroids so call now and find out how to get a free bottle there's nothing to lose and next time you can skip the fancy dinner and be confident to order to go call now and find out how to get a free bottle of Knox ritual while supplies last call 180-912-9130 free bottles for a limited time so Call now 899291308099 to 9130. The 1st flight out of l.a. It's to be canceled because of Hurricane Florence had been scheduled to leave for Raleigh North Carolina last night hundreds of flights to the Carolinas have been canceled around the country the storm has been downgraded to a Category 2 but could still cause a lot of flooding Amana Bakersfield shot and killed 6 people including his wife and himself Police say it all started yesterday at a trucking business where the shooter killed his wife and another man the shooter killed another man who showed up then drove to a house and killed 2 people inside Kern County sheriff Donny Youngblood says police need to question dozens of people why this started and wind so many people 3 players involved in the connection because obviously these are not random shootings the killer carjacked a vehicle with a mother and baby inside he later killed himself when confronted by a deputy a gas station in Long Beach as well the Powerball ticket worth $1600000.00 that tickets sold at the Shell station on East to Lamo Boulevard match 5 numbers in last night's drawing but not the Powerball number that full jackpot would have been nearly $132000000.00. And that's the latest I'm Monica Rix is Japanese for the future and in the future your commute will be less expensive because now you can get a special lease on a toilet a moron powered by hydrogen it emits only water into it it will cover 3 years worth of your fuel costs up to $15000.00 to get 3 years no cost Kegel maintenance each of the lane access in the be eligible for a 5000 dollars rebate in the future sounds pretty good get you especially son of today San Francisco Toyota or click of the interview details Toyota let's go places casts now traffic on the Patriot am $1150.00 inch you know on the West 60 and mountain Avenue 3 the right lanes are still taken away because of a lot of debris in the roadway and they're cleaning that up for a while longer looks like the Glendale had an earlier problem of the West 134th San Fernando Road that has cleared the crash in South l.a. On the north 110th of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard that has been pushed over to the right shoulder over to Orange County got to reckon Garden Grove on the west 22 and valley view that's off to the right but things are very heavy and slow as you make your way in from Beach Boulevard and this traffic update is being brought to you by Compassion International for just 5 quarters a day you can sponsor a child through Compassion International it's pocket change to you it's life changing for a child in need be part of the change become a sponsor now a compassion dot com slash radio that's compassion dot com slash radio and you're listening to the Patriot am 1150 this is the Patriot am 1150 and I Heart Radio station. I was right this is it this is the end neither Hill playbook this is a rehash of Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas in the last moment on the eve of the vote. For Brett Kavanaugh. A headline for a story in The Hill dot com Senate Democrats sending secret letter about Kavanaugh to the f.b.i. . Sources told the intercept that the letter was relayed to lawmakers by an individual affiliated with Stanford University some sources told the publication it was about an incident involving Kavanagh and a woman while they were in high school rule high school attorney Deborah Katz is believed to be representing the woman who was the subject of the letter. I. Guess we shouldn't be surprised it's an attempt to get in on the me too movement the me too movement is ended up destroying too many Democrat guys got Moonves is now gone Jeff Fager at 60 Minutes is now gone Weinstein of course is gone as a whole slew of them liberal democrat man who are literally pigs when it comes to treating women. I guess they've got to find a way here to stop Kavanaugh they tried bribing Susan Collins into voting against him she's resisted those efforts so now Dianne Feinstein she has this statement If you're just joining us she issued a statement. Quote I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court that individual strongly requested confidentiality that individual declined to come forward that individual declined to press the matter further and I've honored that decision no you haven't just sent the letter to the f.b.i. I have never referred the matter to federal investigative authorities which would be the f.b.i. And The Hill dot com tourney Deborah Katz believed to be representing the woman who was the subject of the letter and sources told the intercepted the letter was relayed to lawmakers by an individual affiliated with Stanford some sources told the publication it was an incident involving Cavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school. I think it's strange the guy's had his life thoroughly examined for how many months now certainly weeks and they come up with nothing in fact when it comes to women there are liberal women who have said he's a genius would be great on the court there are women who have worked with him throughout his career who have done nothing but say the most amazingly positive things in recommending him but they found somebody from high school or No No I think when they didn't find anybody they were minding their own business and somebody affiliated was stanched Stanford University decided to say you know what they didn't get rid of the guy I got to stop him and so out of the blue Dianne Feinstein gets this this letter it is. Despicable Nama to what I expect to happen a bunch of people on our side of the aisle rather than rejecting this out of hand and characterizing this for what it is start being in their hands get over it Odo and they'll start talking about how an investigation can take place before they vote oh no what do we do and then some voices maybe Trump should withdraw the nom don't be surprised if you hear this maybe some troops will withdraw we can't we can't be tainted by this I can't tell you how many times that this is happening where people on our side don't even question the premise don't even challenge the premise just accept it try to limit the damage so that it. Doesn't affect them. Just got a statement from Grassley on Senator Grassley is aware of Senator Feinstein is referring at this time he has not seen the letter in question and is respecting the request for confidentiality no plan to change the committee's consideration of Judge Kavanagh's nomination so according to Grassley the vote will continue to go and will happen on the 20th which is a week from today for those of you in real and so but of course that's subject to change Grassley I haven't seen it but I'll be glad to respect the confidentiality here but also Gravity also might number 26 breaking news c n n has declared the election winner in November a brand new poll out today as we approach 50 days to the midterm elections to show it is now increasingly likely the Democrats will take control of the house where the numbers to back that up this the 1st time we're using likely voters in our c.n.n. Polling a 10 point advantage for the Democrats when voters are asked which party do you want to run the Congress which party will you vote for come November $52.00 to $42.00 the Democrats with a 10 point edge among likely voters likely voters tend to move Republicans way out in this poll a 10 point edge for the Democrats here if this is the case on Election Day The math tells you Democrats will take back the House there you have it c.n.n. Is declaring the Democrats the winner and the new champions of the House of Representatives in the election coming up the elections coming up in November so it's all over because of a pre-election poll showing the Republicans don't have a chance so for all intents and purposes a Democrats have taken back the House of Representatives and this means that you Democrats really don't even need to vote now done. C.n.n. With the breaking news this actually happened about an hour ago but we continue to inform people acknowledging the tune in factor here is frequent and large so c.n.n. Has declared the November election for a House of Representatives for the Democrat Party now back to our regularly scheduled programming in addition to the news that we had on Google today and the not surprising news that they are an adjunct of the Democrat Party and again it's a video one hour video of Google high ranking exacts and employees unable to keep it together soon after the election we've posted it to exclusive video sent to Breitbart we've linked to it at Rush Limbaugh dot com and you have time you really should watch it and especially if if it's surprising to you to learn that Google is the Democrat Party if that's kind of surprise you really need to watch this but it doesn't mean that Google is hogging all the news Twitter is in the news today Twitter has announced that they are blocking posts that use the phrase illegal alien as hateful So if you are going to be tweeting today or tonight do not use the phrase illegal alien you will be whatever they do to you you'll be shadow banned deleted or what have you because they at Twitter are now saying that is hateful comment the federal government u.s. Supreme Court lawyers across the country use the word illegal alien to describe immigrants who are he'll illegally but it is illegal to use that term on Twitter now. In fact the Trump administration is reinstituting the phrase in their rules and regulations after the Obama regime had tried to erase it from all federal records Twitter is now blocking posts from promoting any messages with the phrase which its moderators apparently consider hate speech quote Twitter is not allowing us to promote any tweets including the phrase illegal alien sighting of his hateful content said the Center for Immigration Studies Twitter rejected the total of 4 ads from the center but provided only vague reasoning for of the decision so illegal aliens are now a protractor protected group social media has become its own sanctuary city Twitter and Google and Facebook are essentially sanctuary cities so here's what's going to have to happen those of you who want to tweet each other about illegal aliens are going to come up with a code phrase you're going to have to come up with something other than illegal alien to signify that you're talking about illegal aliens or illegal immigrants and it and then the trick here is to fool Twitter so you're going to need a code that all of you understand that Twitter will never find out about Russia aren't you worried they could hear you talk. As you kidding Twitter doesn't know that people like this program exist it's and to the extent that they do they just they discount it is real and tiny and small you might want to consider just using the phrase legal immigrant to signify illegal immigrant Well I mean what you those of you who tweet and you're tweeting amongst yourselves or maybe put your heads together come up with a substitute phrase that will not look at their 2 guys on Fox standing out in the rain right now talking about how it can get really wet. Florence compact strong winds and catastrophic flood waters and these 2 guys are standing right out there on the beach in the midst of the rain and the wind to tell us about it you note the valor the bravery is the media give itself medals Anyway the I just I just saw the 2 o'clock the track of this thing has is changed to good now it's it's. It's just on like it 4 days ago it's nothing like what you thought it was going to be it's still Category 2 claim not a hit land and a category as a Category 2 and it looks like it's. Going to hit just north east of the South Carolina North Carolina. Border the Fox reporters and experts are Atlantic Beach North Carolina. Right now. The winds are $105.00 and gusting to $125.00 if that's true those guys wouldn't be able to stand up like they are all the heavy winds must not have it where those guys. Are such a brief time out my friends will come back and continue your phone calls part of the mix when we get back I get downloaded Rush's radio show app yet we streamlined it made it much more accessible much more pleasing to the eye it looks great we've modernized every Rush's app is free at the Apple store Google Play Now you can use the app to upgrade to a Rush 247 membership and get extras like daily podcast digital cam videos and never miss a nother word from the mayor of Rio Bill you're listening to the eat ice cream in. Your bedroom with blue blue to use the same active ingredients as my agro Cialis in chewable form means better cheaper faster than pills no one person doctor visit no waiting in line. 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Think she's adorable we'll just have a silent because you so true make that half a sound but even if things go smooth on the 1st date think twice before settling down it's been another record summer for hot temperatures and it's only going to get hotter your AC has been running 247 and wait till the bill comes energy prices are only going up with new technology competitive pricing substantial federal tax credits going solar now makes so much sense and that's a decision Marjorie and I made an artist's vision was to choose Son Lux whether you purchase certainly Son Lux will customize a system for you including 0 percent down options bottom line you can save money from day one and you should check out some Lexus online reviews 5 star ratings everywhere the industry's best warranty you can see why this was an easy choice now pound to 50 on your cell say Son Lux residential industrial or commercial pound to 50 on the cell say Sun locks or check them out at Sun locks dot com Now pound to 50 on your cell say Son Lux c s l b license 1008374 hey it's more it's night and check this out if you're out there car shopping you're probably going to hear a lot of terms like immense r.p. List price dealer price but really what is any of that really mean seriously it can all get to be a bit confusing for anyone and who is to be confused when you're out there trying to buy a new car well no more introducing true price from True Car that price you see actually mean something because it's the exact price you'll pay for the car you want so when ready to buy a new or used car this is true car do enjoy a more confident car buying experience am 1152 said It's not the government's job to keep the people in line it's the people's job to keep the government in line praise Donald Trump when he does something right criticize him when he does something wrong to act otherwise is to feed a cult of personality mentality and that's not making America great again but you know what the left you've got a cult of personality as well. Yours is just the media but to sit here and act like Donald Trump hasn't done anything good or worthwhile It's crazy the Glenn Beck program we do morning to 6 on the future I love you 50. 6 is the Patriot am 11 feet long not from God so I have here the latest. From the National Hurricane Center the 2 pm track and man folks this does not look good it's essentially going to stall if they're right here is not it's going to move but get this it is due to make landfall according to this latest forecast at 8 am tomorrow on the southern North Carolina shoreline 12 hours later it still has not made South Carolina according to this the map I have does not have cities on it so I am I have to find a map of cities on a plot this is the National Hurricane Center track map that will put cities on there. Not enough space but I can just tell you that this hits I'm going to guess this is like around Wilmington to Wilmington at 8 am tomorrow and 12 hours later 8 pm Friday it's not even moved enough west to get to the South Carolina border that is not quite stationary but it's close and it remains according to this a category 2 hurricane all that time it will be on land which means it should weaken some but it will it will then and then 8 am Saturday 12 hours after that it finally gets into South Carolina as a tropical storm now as we get closer to the event of course these forecasts become more accurate. And so this is probably probably fairly solid you know in this economic boom that we are experiencing more people are getting the opportunity to work from home some cases. One day a week maybe more some people working every day from home it's almost turned into a job perk with some companies offering working at home as an incentive if you achieve certain goals then or get a particular job well done then they'll reward people by letting them work from home for a day or 2 during the week employees are responding well to this is you go back and forth sometimes working at home people are just productive too many distractions been home is home not work but in an increasing telecommunications society it's much more feasible to work from home and to remain as productive so employers are having to modify their computer systems if they're going to do this if we're going to maintain employee productivity when somebody is not in the office if they're at home then they have to make some adjustments here one software company has introduced a software service that's perfect for this the service is called remote p.c. It's from our buddies at I drive the backup experts remote p.c. It lets you connect to your work p.c. Or mac from anywhere and by the way this is especially timely now because Apple has just cancelled a similar kind of service they used to offer called back to my Mac. They're going to be releasing I o. S. Not I o. S. Mac o.s. Mojave on September 24th and when that comes out back to my mac ns. It's. Not used by that many people but it was a way to share your screen elsewhere so Apple's pulling it out here comes remote p.c. You're not going to lose any ground if you happen to use back to my mac because remote p.c. Lets you connect to your work p.c. Or mac from anywhere and it connects you in just seconds and it's like having your office computer right in front of you on your home computer monitor great tool great tool for working at home what do you get to do it one day a week or more p.c. Magazine recently rated remote p.c. With 4 stars calling the service excellent The trick here is accommodating all kinds of different connection speeds people have some people d.s.l. Some people hotspot some people have really high speed Internet whatever they have to make sure whatever connection you have that you're able to work productively you click the mouse on your home computer and it it happens on your office computer regardless your connection that's that's the trick here and they have mastered it and I drive remote p.c. Makes all of this possible sign up today to access up to 10 computers remotely for one low price and here is that low price prices start at $6.00 plans start at $6.00 a month but if you sign up using my name you're going to get 90 percent off your service cost the 1st year with remote P.C.'s How can they do that well because they want you the 2nd and 3rd year where you're not going to get it but that's introductory they believe in it they want you using it that's how they want to introduce you to 90 percent off the 1st year remote p.c. Dot com That's the website style just like it sounds remote p.c. Dot com use my name and that's how you get the big whopping 90 percent off Don in Chicago great to have you on the e.i.b. Network. No rush Hey what's happening color and I've been listening since about a month after Barack Obama took over as president well thank you I'm glad you're out there sir but I don't raise and I think the purpose of this Dianne Feinstein issue is not only to delay the Kavanaugh hearings but regardless of how the Republicans react the Democrats want to have it 2 years in a campaign issue 0 obviously I think. You mean a campaign issue above and beyond the Kavanaugh hearings. Exactly that one on it or regardless of how the Republicans if the Republicans hold off they'll say well they've got to hold off and the Republicans don't want to hold up if they go ahead with that they'll say the Republicans want to head and and everybody knew that there was an issue here. You know what there's no stopping it now they've pulled the trigger on this so we have to we have to follow this through and find a way to deal with it I I. You know the Access Hollywood Video didn't work with Trump these people keep going back to the same pages in their playbook I'm telling you this is Clarence Thomas Anita Hill redux it's almost identical This is happening a little later than they found the need to heal and trodden her forward but it's the same premis except this woman is in high school only incident supposedly was in high school she's now at Stanford the reason they tell you that's this they can find her and she wants anonymity so poser. Dianne Feinstein's I'm going to respect the anonymity I'm going to respect the fact she doesn't want to investigate it but I'm going to have it investigated anyway so she's at Stanford so there I guarantee you right now everybody in the drive bys is going through your books Ok high school Stanford she is there now so that who is here with the capital has a Stanford Now now come out with a database of people assert narrowing it down. And it is to provide a cloud over the vote. I think they may have a dream that this would suspend the vote delay the vote it's a serious selling it we're back here you know this is the Moller investigation is this all you know the Clarence Thomas there was never any evidence of an appeal be Karen a Coke can get in that couldn't be proved. So what we have here not the nature of the evidence once again the Democrats are trotting out the seriousness of the charge or mandates that we investigate even though there isn't any of the seriousness of the charge and that's what Muller is relying on to. Duck Schumer is saying what all Democrats are saying the sooner the better that's what they've always wanted it's not working for them but what do we got we got 4000000 new jobs for Americans in less than 2 years we've got 2000000 fewer Americans on food stamps record low unemployment for African-Americans Hispanic Americans Asian Americans women in the workforce all of that comes to us Sean Hannity today at noon on the Patriot am a live in 50. Radio I'm rich Dennis and millions of Americans in the southeast are in the path of Hurricane Florence and despite the storm weakening a bit the visuals are urging residents to prepare for the worst administrator brought along Ocean is going to start rising along the coast in the Back Bay and inland areas in the sound areas within a matter of hours your time to get out of those areas and storm surge inundation is is coming to a close I cannot emphasize that enough North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper says winds in excess of 100 miles per hour and torrential rain aren't the only concerns storm surge and massive flooding. Both are going to be extreme power could be out for days in some areas investigators in Bakersfield California say domestic violence is suspected as the motive in yesterday's deadly rampage by a man who shot and killed 5 people including his wife he then killed himself Fox News reports you decide. Now traffic on the Patriot am $1150.00 going to crash in Alhambra on the 10 west San Bernardino would Atlanta Boulevard in the far left lane and over a clear out of the north $110.00 of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard are brought to you by unbound dot org Right now there are young people across the world facing a tough choice continue their dream of education or drop out to help their family put food on the table you can help change their future in a single moment see how far your support can go on down dot org amount only you listen to the page 3 and I am 1150. I am Ryan Cook with online trading had me in with me is Larry Jacobson director of instructor development at online trading cabby and also one of the top instructors at online trade economy but as far as generating income in the markets and a lot of our listeners are not quite sure about investing time right investing time rather than just spending time if you invest your time wisely you know you can really get a great return on it and once you have the skill to generate this consistent income inside of the market nobody can ever fire you from that that's yours and it's yours to keep but also more importantly it's yours to pass on what are some of the keys or whatever even some of the examples you could share with our listeners on this kind of proactive approach and how how simple and easy it is to really integrate into anybody's lifestyle Well 1st thing I would say is a match of what your life would look like if you could generate the supplemental income you're looking for doesn't mean you have to go out and find other job it means that you can do what you love every single day and a lot of times as you mentioned Ryan they make the trading and investing look so difficult Well most of the students a come through the half day class they realize they've been lied to by but almost everything they're. Women taught in their lives and and it's so sad because most people feel they can't do this they've been led to believe this is really hard the beauty of being able to learn how to trade the right way is that you can fit a particular trading style to your need absolutely and right now we have a half day class coming up in your area and when you register for the have to class you also receive the Wall Street insiders kit that's packed with lessons from some of our top instructors on topics like shorting the markets income generation and much much more one of the most important things about this Wall Street insider kit is it makes it so you can get started right now we're also giving away a tablet when you attend the free have to class register at Trade dot com That's Trade dot com or give us a call at 83368 trade that's 83368 trade many talent offers while supplies last must be 18 years of age or older one talent for household. No man's life liberty or property is safe for the legislature is in session the Patriot am listening to listening to Patriot am 1150. Get an idea here for you people that tweet you know since since and Twitter Nazis have decided to ban anything that reads illegal alien as hate speech or ban isn't 2 words illegal alien I'm not kidding edge if you missed this Twitter has decided that's hate speech and they're not going to let anybody use it if you use it they ban you shadow ban you or whatever they do to you so here's a suggestion just turn it around and make it one word alien illegal and let them be like a code phrase that you use with each other when you because I mean you want to talk about this right when Twitter won't like it are going to ban you or do whatever even though it's nothing. There's nothing morally or politically or anything incorrect about it but Twitter doesn't like it they think it is hate speech so just turn it around alien the illegal use one l. In illegal u. You want to you want to code phrase that's close enough that people will have to get it without needing some translation card sitting. See if that works my guess is they'll pick up on that at some point and will come up with something else that you can use so Clarence Thomas was the victim of a high tech lynching that's what he called it Brett Kavanaugh here apparently is the victim of a low sewer smearing it whatever the Democrats have to do in order to stop his confirmation it appears they're going to do it I don't understand though they've won the House they've already won the House c.n.n. Said today that the Democrats have won the House the election is over based on a poll they've got it's over so why they have to do any of this. Here's where we're going next give me a green dot here next to who's next if not I'm just going to pick one of them another Let's go to line 3 events in Cleveland great to have you on the e.i.b. Network Hello Vincent Cleveland are you there nobody's talking to me so I don't know if this is work or let's try Vince are you there oh yeah I'm here Ok good Vance thank you I just real quick. For you. You had some sort of a climate change you can rule and you will know about this. That's Ok Yes 1st of all it's I was to the hall because. Well looks like we're having all kinds of problems must be a reason why you didn't put a green light next event his name Vince thanks let's see some of them a do did see normally there is a green light where people tell me what they think is next but nothing's what up here so I'm happy to peruse Bobbitt whatever about. Bob in Westchester New York that would be line for Welcome to the program Bob How you doing Thank you Rush I'm doing fine how are you I'm fabulous great to have you here with us thank you for you truth and broadcasting Oh you're the one I want the only way I know how to do it out there Bob The only way I know how to do it the people who work at Google and type of people they are in everything and I have a direct relative who is working at it and basically he was just a gamer as a kid growing up everybody was afraid of them totally into computers on the cost still on the cost well he's gone through it and now he's in his late twenties and. Can you hear me not sure yeah and I'm wondering what would this is about as he's in his late twenty's and can't relate to anybody you know he's sees folk a now he's not being Everybody was afraid of him when he was a kid why why was anybody of the moment Bob Bob Bob Why was anybody afraid to make it. Because he was one of these computer geek kids who he just thought could go and shoot up a school at the time his parents had that were really if you thought he was going to shoot up a school no I didn't say he was going to you thought he could shoot up a school there's not a I see it's a distinction with yeah could I right Ok You know he's that type of kid though you never know about I think as he grew older and got through college and everything got better but he still can't relate to people and that's a lot of the type of people who are working at these big Internet companies that Google and Facebook and other types and I just want to set some light on the type of people who are there so your nephew is a wreck loose can't relate to people because he's been buried in a device screen for all of his life and probably doesn't do well mixing with people and. I know people like that I've seen the profile. Of people like that. And it may be a decent percentage of the people who are in Silicon Valley I don't know what what's what's remarkable about a role is that Google has thousands and thousands and thousands of folks I want you to stop let me put it this way try to explain this imagine yourself opening a business picked a business it doesn't matter what but it's something you love and so you care enough you're going to open a business and you're hell bent on everybody that you hire at at 1st thinking like you do because you think it's crucial for the business to succeed. So you have your small business going and you have obviously created a culture the culture is based on your values and your desires your business expectations now imagine growing at an exponential rate to the tune of thousands of people how do you maintain your culture as you keep before you even get to 1000 employees you've got 200 or even one how do you make sure that every one of them is a mini you every want to when it comes to politics thinks exactly like you do so much like you you don't have to tell them what to think so much like you you don't have to give all memos on how to vote how to think on this issue or bet and now you've got $500.00 and that $500.00 becomes a 1000 and then eventually you're looking at 10 in the case of Apple hundreds of thousands of employees Google is the same how do you establish this is one of the most amazing things how do 2 guys 30 Brin and Larry Page maybe throw Eric Schmidt in there became c.e.o. How do you do that how do you establish a culture that is exclusively what you are throughout thousands and thousands of people you might have a role now and then like Google did the guy wrote about the bias that exists there but look what happened to it go on humiliated remember the guy at Mazola. They do the Firefox browser it was discovered this guy had donated some money to Proposition 8 California that was against gay marriage I think or something like that Ray publicly humiliated him and got rid of him and he to this day doesn't want to talk about it. Stop think about how hard that is stop and think and look at a news network how many people you have to hire the news network not just the journalists that are on the air you've got the editors you've got the producers you've got the assignment editors you have the current staff cameramen sound stage managers and all this you've got makeup and hair how do you make sure that your political culture which is Ober radical leftist featuring hatred and ignorance of conservatives how do you do that and that's what Google has done interesting you know if I may take this is that further of this is exactly and do not doubt me on this this is exactly why the left hates Fox and this is exactly why the left hated Roger Ailes because he was able to do it on the conservatives I stop to think that Fox News one guy who was not ever on the air was able to establish a culture that was totally at odds with anything else in the media Fox News as conservative when it started a lot of people think it's not that anymore I don't want to get an argument about that I'm just saying you know how hard that is in the media universe you know how hard it is to do that that everybody you hire to put on the air now granted with Fox they branched out now they've got analysts and commentators for balance that come from the left and so forth but the still the overall identity of Fox is conservative This is why they hated Ailes they despise Dale's because he was able to do that and he was able to do it with the force of his personality and his passion he represented a huge threat that's why all of us in conservatism who are. With large groups of people in the audience or employees is why they're feared and hated and despised. Your random individual conservative nobody cares in any big deal but you get a whole organization of I'm looking to even Obama to run around everybody we've got to put Fox News out with business we're going to shut Fox News down why 095 percent of the media I'm telling you that's what scares them and but that's how they do it not only do they do it how they do it but the fact that they have established this dominant radical leftist culture Hollywood Silicon Valley basically all of pop culture and then once it's established it quickly becomes learned and discovered by people that if you want to succeed there you've got to be what they are. Can't go in there and go rogue only a very few are able to get away with that back after this quickly Don't go away for that use to get only to put it off. Thanks to Russian. Myth work. President Trump and Congressman Kevin McCarthy are working together to keep the Republican majority in Congress together we must protect the house that is giving you back your money with historic tax cuts fewer jobs with stronger trade deals and your security with tough border enforcement the Republican Congress is taking power and money from Washington and giving it back to you but Democrats think your money belongs to government they want to raise taxes protect criminals with sanctuary cities and reverse the 26000 election with impeachment that's the Democratic agenda the only way to keep d.c. 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Promising to sell your taxes for pennies on the dollar but those cases are rare call them and you will probably speak to some stranger in another state we have been right here in Southern California says 1989 and you can meet with my partner Mike Montana or me personally we will analyze your financial situation and do whatever it takes to resolve your toughest tax problems once and for all you've heard me on the radio for years Call us today for your free consultation call 80899104808991040 that's 808991040 Ronnie is Japanese for the future and in the future your commute will be less expensive because now you can get a special lease on a toilet a Mariah powered by hydrogen it emits only water into it or will cover 3 years worth of your fuel costs up to $15000.00 to get 3 years no cost Kegel maintenance of the lane access in a be eligible for a $5000.00 state rebate the future sounds pretty good get your special lease on America today San Francisco Toyota or click the banner for details let's go places hysteria that would be good to go to with the tax and charters right in those days I would definitely hurt yes kids. And there are those it is not explicitly to the public to be out even possibly longer to win because there's yet gave us a less for the what are you honestly on with the bills and. The grabbers the bent forward for your. Fantasy Sports Radio Network the word fantasy on your i Heart Radio app this is the Patriot am 1150. And welcome back my friends Rush Limbaugh a household name and all 4 corners of the world you know some crimes committed are right out there for everybody to see a witness you see the crime you know it's happening right when it's happening and then there's something I refer to as silent crime you don't know when it's happening to you when you may not know for weeks or months it's identity theft and it's when somebody online grabs hold of your personal information in an attempt to make money using it online cyber thieves are clever with the keyboard and the good ones are able to break into a database and get ahold of a massive amount of data including yours it's it's never personal by the way very rarely I mean people hack hacking into databases and getting your information probably have no idea who you are are not targeting you you just happen to be in the database they're just grabbing all the data they can and they starting to make a fast buck off of it by selling it by ransom wearing you or by using it themselves so how do you protect yourself against this kind of crime it's very simple life lock that's how you do it life locks identity theft protection is all inclusive they scan. For illegal activity online every minute of the day they're looking for irregularities in all of their customers online activity and they can do it and when they spot an irregularity they alert the customer and they tell a customer we just spotted somebody here buying a series 3 Beamer over here and that is Ed you. Know if it is everything goes away and fine if you're not buying a v.m. Or when they call and tell you that somebody is trying to with your information and that's when they get into gear and start tracking it down finding out who's doing it at trying even at the time to shut it down failing that they don't stop until everything is repaired or put back together you're made whole and you are who you are once again they have a us based restoration team does all that now remember no one in a one company can prevent all identity theft but there is nobody in life locks league nobody comes close to being able to do what they do as well as they do it sign up today lifelike dot com or call them at 804404833 use my name either way and you'll get 10 percent off your 1st years membership am a 25 dollars Amazon gift card when you know that's life like dot com 804404833 here's Derren in. Frankenstein Missouri great to have you on the program today high . 5000 francs what. Bike and the ferry Sikeston Why is it yeah I got here I know there's no Frankenstein Missouri site and that's 33 miles south of where I grew up or yeah where I'm sorry Derren it's our bad we got people that paid attention today my fault not going what what I really wasn't trying to insult Sikeston I mean I literally says Frankenstein misery up there. No it's Ok it might be to connect and I don't know. Do You Hear Me Ok yeah I hear you fine. And Ok so here's my thing so I have it is amazing what our world is coming to and one thing I have I found there who come by like a pity I'm like that though Twitter thing is humor and I have. A great sense of humor so here's why I love your idea like a hash like reversal thing but I'm thinking something a little fruity or like this you're going to work like pineapple or something something that you know when I just say it wait wait just I get here I of course thought of something like that that way that I find out if they're going to find out we're going to have to change the code when they find out that you're calling illegal aliens pineapples the next thing you're going to think is you're making fun of people that have acne and then they're going to start banning people to make fun of have people the Acme or Zips or whatever. You know man well Noriega his nickname was was grapefruit face some people call him pineapple face when I get the idea here but you've got to come up with a name that these goofballs that Twitter are not going to think is insulting to illegal aliens and I guarantee you might think pineapples is innocent. Crime happened here I can't think of anything negative to say about crime apper to you it's great for your it's not what you don't know if it's not it's not it's what pineapples look like Remember these are identity based people used aren't saying illegal immigrants look like pineapples because that's why you would have chosen the word you're calling it now mama that's why alien illegal with one l. In their work amongst your so folks maybe you'll come but do not pick a name. Unless you want to. Blow it up and if it do not pick a name that they will then come back and say that's what you're secretly think they look like or call it or insulting them or whatever it's going to be very tight because that's what Twitter is going to think he's still in on Stumble rush home he eyed her slowly. Veterans active duty military military spouses if you are in search of new home financing I want to tell you about American financings v.a. 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