Sanford Clark great to know. Arizona singer from down there Paso area down in Arizona Texas sure good stuff only sevens in Wayland Jennings you tell a great story about that one yeah it was so that was a Record Store Day release from a couple years ago but that was some music that had sat on the shelf since the mid ninety's you know when the 97 is were really started it's just starting out. They backed. On a couple tunes and then we're going to be his backing band for Wayland Jennings final record where you know a record. That I imagine would have probably been followed by a tour right now this is when they were 97 and probably only had 2 records out you know they've got 10 now they way they recorded with Wayland Whalen went on and died and then this was on earth for Record Store Day and it's a it's a very close a great some very cool 7 and a half Yeah yeah excellent and then started that with an old 45 on the m.g.m. Label get off the stool little Marvin rainwater their little country bopper For Yeah yeah well it's 701 am and this is Katy you are Durango 91939 f.m. Also heard Acadia are not origins the final day of the Fall membership drive one last push would love to hear from you this morning as we are up here spinning actual vinyl and this is basically your personal jukebox without you having to get up and walk across the bar and punch numbers and. It's your old school jukebox as well because you boxes now are about a dollar a song and they're all they're all digital they're all tied into some internet connection or something so why don't you take a walk back in time with us and then we'll its Or yeah as we spin 40 five's and entertain you and if you value that that personal touch. Is coming from myself and Michael Davenport let us know by pledging your support this morning at 2477262 just like my. Friend Keenan Kelly did thank you Keenan for your pledge of support this morning and we'd like to get at least 3 or 4 more calls during this hour as we spend 45 so I think we can get there with your help this weekend 247-7262 what is cued up now and well this is an interesting one you know hey community radio here is a 45 I found in a box in during go and these guys are called the Lords of London a local band from Durango as I write in from the sixty's that I went on and had a decent career in l.a. But. 2 of these guys I think still live enduring So it's interesting you know they used to play it I've you know you go on the Internet search and things and these guys were pretty big back in the day in played around Durango in Farmington in the you know northern New Mexico scene and then eventually relocated to l.a. You know it makes me think that we could you know Steven d.s. Who was in the lawn chair kings and papa Otis you know Steve's dad Charlie drummer and played all around here so that's where I would begin to track down the information about the lords of London who will talk about the 2 because I just found a 45 that that Steve me like his dad played on called Jack and j. Ohn away called yes it is so this is what's community radio and how you kind of find these things and how connects everyone sure that's what that's what I value about Katie over here is a band the Lords a London local band from the sixty's 24772622 pledge your support today to it. Live Music there from the rebel set wrapping that set of music up here on the final day of Kato as membership by the rebel set good friends of the radio station played our 40th birthday party at Scott few years ago years back I was a nice party Yeah well what else was in that set Well we had Karen can I can mine little bit local here amazing Larry. Bobby unites there who started this thing off last week when 7 inches which was a great hour set from Bob Yeah it was a good 7 you and John as well that was fun so I threw that in there for local music and then music in there from a great punk band out of Washington d.c. Who are you 4 or 5 years older than all of the hardcore kids in the Minor Threat discord record thing black market baby the great slacken are killing baby. Boy feral vocals there and that was produced by Skip Groff who. Was kind of the mentor of all the death discord kids in d.c. But yeah like market baby rip one of the rowdy are definitely not straight edge bands of Washington d.c. I see as there was a good one in the Lords of London a local band from the sixty's who only played around Durango then and I wasn't around in the 7 I know I was almost 73 kids so I was born in 1969 so things like 6567 probably a little bit a little bit right for our time but nonetheless we can still enjoy the music today absolutely and I wonder if those dudes know that when you say the guy one of the one guy lives up by Miller Middle School in the parent going to another he knows that his music is being played on Katie you are this morning now and that's that's the beauty of community radio you know connect to the community yeah one song at a time you know maybe I could call k s u t n ask them if they know you. Inside just their 970277262. Pledge your support this morning Sabrina is in the phone room you know taking your pledges so we'd love to hear from you plug your support in the name of the the living jukebox that's going on right now exactly Katie our studios here 1000 room drive high atop Durango at Fort Lewis College exactly we've got a good one cued up here speak of the sixty's here is a band that pretty much got rock n roll started you know 165 the Sonics out of Tacoma Washington one of my all time favorite bands you know they put out about 740 five's over the dam they still actually put a new record out last year this year and they're touring 50th anniversary so I thought I read that somewhere they're still going strong so here is shot down. To such. Live. Well the great split lip or a field rapping that's music up that should get you up to great songs about food Jeff Eaton on the gas tank bass hand on the vocals on that one and that's usually when they're their live show that usually comes in the I'm queer portion how they said biscuits can you eat this I'm going to wrap up strong song in there that I was saying I know split lip plate here 2 summers ago in 2016 it's when they actually they they were here for a couple days and they finished the recording of their record their latest record in a hotel room at the Spanish Trail So yeah you know they did some I don't know what they did but the only good thing to come out of they recorded some parts in there which And it's nice if you look at their last record it says recorded you know it's like the Spanish trails in Durango Colorado which is great you know good friends of the radio station Split Lip Rayfield That's a nice 7 inch there yeah and then before that was another one from 1958 can imagine hearing that in 1058 Pat Boone from Dot records somehow greenlighted that and gave that to Ronnie Lott and then they came up this persona called the phantom where the picture sleeve has got you know a mascot like Long John Silver. Love me the Phantom. People are so. People are so weird now which I would back then. I was thinking as I was driving in like. I need the time machine I think when I go back and save Abraham Lincoln in or you know stop Hitler in like 1936 like now I'd probably go back and see the Ramones yeah exactly what else was in that. Before that with high school good good selection there and then started things with the Sonics was shot down a good 45 in the etiquette label out of Tacoma like the rushing to the stupid thing about the time machine thing is I saw the Ramones Yeah Weiss but I was in like the eighty's. You know 76 or something and you know I'd have to go back to 1976 or something like that or you know go back and you know be the you know get into the record business the 45 business in the early sixty's Exactly so I could have grown into like one of those fat cats with a cigar and yeah you know payola scandal where would you know you down yes briefcases full of drugs and money yeah yeah hey this is the final day of membership drive 970-247-7262 we can thank the cranky old guy for his Thank you pledge of support and made a request and we'll try to get to that I don't know if we can we will typically try and I do have a few stand 45 that we will definitely bring up here in 2 weeks time so in the meantime though we can play some Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd and just say that it's pass it on. We'd love to hear from you this morning at 970-247-7262 Michael Davenport and I will be here until 8 am spinning vinyl for you it's your own personal jukebox right without having to walk across a crowded bar and you know ask. The bartender for quarters and let us do the work for you yes absolutely hopefully you value the service that we are providing up here playing you vinyl spinning records on actual turntables it's I don't want to say it's a lost art but it's kind of a dying art with regards to radio who is radio stations a lot of a rotter radio stations don't even have cd players let alone 2 turntables and a microphone. That's what we do I've felt like when we've rebuilt I've been part of 2 remodels of this radio station and the whole concept of should we have turntables it's a question it's not even worth asking because the answer is yes absolutely plenty of D.J.'s come up here and spend vinyl and you included Michael's So thank you for that and that's what we're doing up here so you should pledge your support this morning in the name of vinyl right 702477262 here's one from Lee Moses a guy out of Atlanta Georgia who has just the some of the best song that you've ever heard so this is you know 67 or so this thing is awesome before we jump into that I want to thank our good friends at bread with us breakfast sponsors today brought down their. Float Florida road and what is that county road to 50 Thank you bread for being our great breakfast sponsor here this morning and all week as well Jeff in Rob do a great job down there yeah so thank you Brad and thank you for your pledge of support the one you're going to make right now at 970-247-7262. This is chametz near close to the pulse of the planet. Mars the voice of the Durango community and the pulse of the planet is glad to be part of the community if you enjoy programs like pulse of the planet as well as all the great news and using from here on Katie you are right encourage you to pledge your support to the station today in the ecology of public radio you are cannot survive without your help to become a member call 247-7262 right now and pledge your support to Kim do you warm. Just as a photograph to document the way a place looks in a moment in time a soundscape recording is a dynamic reminder of how it sounds I'm Jim Metzner and this is the pulse of the planet while a soundscape recording can be used statically for its beauty or it can be too scientifically for counting the species that are active in that area then Doogan is an inventor and an engineer who's been recording soundscapes for over 20 years you know on the technical nerd and I love equipment and engineering and the nature sound recording combines art science and camping what could be better. But this is one of Dan's recordings of a dawn chorus of birds in Yosemite National Park we're hearing it in stereo but it was recorded in surround sound. Electra's all around so it makes sense to record in least stereo and since we now have a legacy of technology coming from the movies we can record nature in surround sound which is sort of the way nature actually is it's all around. For surround sound would be 4 channels you've got a left front and a right front and a left around and or rights around so you need a 4 channel the quarter. I have more on soundscapes in future programs I'm Jim Clancy and this is the pulse of the planet you can hear this in previous programs on our pod cast. Wackiest pulse the planet I think I've ever. It was great Jim Metzner great program National Science Foundation thank you for just all that you do very cool yeah I do remember the one time was a whole week on a horseshoe crabs that live. In the Delaware Bay Ok. Where my parents live now like on the coast of the shores of the Delaware Bay They do it so near Smith Island it's a nice big island is way in southern down in southern Maryland Ok yeah the couple hours away oh far Smith Island island filled with weirdos just like the state of Delaware and some some pie or something only do some Smith Island pirates and they probably do some They've got their own language down there yeah and. It was actually when I was back there this summer. The trump that new to me and went to visit Smith Island because the island is sink it's disappearing but none of them. None of them believe in global warming I think what I know you are is a crock so they don't think that global warming but they want some help right they just don't want to listen to why their island is disappearing they they. They don't want to believe the facts quadrillion gallons of water yes it's it's a beautiful part of the World Pulse of the planet great great program hey we also want to thank all of the local businesses that support us year round and we do encourage you the listener to support the businesses that support us year round and that includes the community concert hall appeared Fort Lewis College nature's Oasis good friends of the program great supporters think you nature so Adams plastic surgery great supporters of this radio station and Alpine eye clinic with Dr John Petit So thank you all for supporting Katie you are we've only got a few minutes left as we near 8 am in the b.b.c. And I would love to hear from you a couple more calls this morning 970-247-7262 when we have. Mentioned your Friday the 13th yes. On the roulette label Here's a great little dancer from Candy Man in the candy bars called voodoo man you're not going to hear this anywhere else because there's probably only a couple has $45.00 foot around out there so here you go. Very nice. Thank you dear some southern fusion with the Dixie Dregs wrapping that set of music up there you know what else was in there the stand else know it all yeah the Hangman which is like the stand a band out of the Baltimore d.c. Said $67.00 or so. Face Ok cool Pink Floyd in there with Lucifer Sam started things with Candy Man in the candy bars voodoo man we are quickly running out of time I do want to throw out a big thank you to Cindy Hoagland for pledging her support this morning thank you very much Sandy and yeah you got a couple more minutes to make your donation in the name of the show 170-247-7262 we've got the b.b.c. Coming up in about what 9 minutes time minutes so we can sneak in a couple more songs let's do that while you're pledging your support of 247762 here's a good Detroit rocker from Nathan Nathaniel Mayer Naida hold. Live . They wrapping things up this morning with Mae West and its great sacked by the great Jennifer garage band somebody has children yeah covering the Beatles which I'll give you if you ever see a 45 in children spelled with a y. Like this one is just buy it you know buy it if that anything is done with like 2 Z's or 2 was misspelled by the 45 and you'll be happy yeah absolutely that we also can think Stephanie Davenport for her eyes I think you this morning thank you and thanks everybody for pledging their support tuning in this morning as we spun vinyl music or listening morning music or listening to right now is the soundtrack from the very short lived television show the girl from uncle not the man not the man this is the girl from Uncle which starred Stefanie Powers. I don't know what Stephanie she had heart to heart that's And since sounds familiar I think she wanted me in heart to heart but I'm not positive hall this music is arranged by Terry Randazzo Oh yeah very cool very Canadian on track. Yeah that'll get us up to the b.b.c. We bring you the b.b.c. Monday through Friday from $8.00 to 9 am and each b.b.c. News hour episode cost about $37.00 so your $37.00 pledge right now and we will well you will have paid for one day's worth of the b.b.c. So make it happen 970-247-7262. This is Katie you are 1.93.9 f.m. Heard on translator k 230 seesawing all of a plot of county and this was fun Michael we did it a lot of fun this is we haven't done this in a little while it's been a couple years after years of taking a little bit of time off but I'm so happy to be back on the radio because it's a great outlet for myself and I just love spinning music for people and they kind of you know. I probably have a have a condition to but when I buy 40 five's you know I get always stop at a thrift store wherever I'm driving through to see what's in there my wife hates it but drive your children they do you know they're wanted to have a twin girls one will kind of go with me sometimes and look for some stuff but we're always looking out there and this is it's a sick habit but I'm allowed to to do it on about almost a weekly basis here every 6 to 8 am you know so it's fun and I do appreciate the listeners and just sharing this music yeah with with people we appreciate you doing as well it's great to have you alternating with Kareena you know every other Friday she does a great show as well you know a great mix music Friday and I've heard from several people out there way to get your Fridays going. With her it is nice to have music in the morning when you get up and I know some people might you know opt to turn the television on might opt to have like news going or something like that but but if you're me. And you you want to be me you know. You want to have music you like Bryant keep your plane all morning long absolutely 970-247-7262 we don't on time we're going about 20 seconds left so we'll just have this music bed playing underneath us and bring you up to the b.b.c. . World news coming up right like now.

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