Suddenly it's Christmas but I don't see it. Yes they're working overtime sounds a little runts Christmas comes but once a year and goes on for too much. Christmas Carol as an December. November to it's no wonder we are depressed when the old saying it's. Finally January let's say golden eggs but here comes another heart shaped like the balance on. Sunday it's Christmas on ghost was the season is upon us box but. 7 it's a season it's a marathon retail eternity and it's not over till it's over and you throw away the tree no it's not over till it's all over and you draw the way that tree did still not the older you saw the train. Well. In December. And didn't wait until after Thanksgiving so here we go yes indeed it is Christmas and here on the style we have. Kind of a special way he was celebrating Christmas. And you'll pick up on the does we go along here. There's a variety of great Christmas songs out there I don't see Christmas carols I mean you'll hear a few what we call Christmas carols. But there's just a whole lot of good Christmas music out there and so. We're going to we're going to start out with. With something very interesting but 1st you need to know that you're listening to out of style on k d r t Davis is a low powered community radio station or broadcast into you at $95.00 f.m. On your radio dial if you live in an Davis However if you're living in England or Australia or woodland. You're going to want to go to Key dealer t. Dot org click on Programs scroll down down to style and there we are or if you're doing it right now 4 o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon. There we are if you click on t.v. Dot org There we are streaming So while you can get so much out of Kedar when you go to keep your daughter org So even if you listen to us of a lot on. Your f.m. Radio in Davis you should still go there casually check out what's happening did you know that kid dirt is now 15 years old yesterday we showed up. At the city council meeting where we were given an award commemorating 15 years of being divas community radio you think that's pretty important it was cool. And I want to thank the city council members for doing that. There was a good picture of a standin up there. And we all really enjoyed ourselves so let's see it's out of style and it's that kind of style Christmas and. About my favorite. Christmas music is something called American folk songs for Christmas it's by Mike Peggy and Penny Seeger and members of their families I think Pete's even somewhere in there it seems their mother was a musicologist and all of the things she clucked and was music for children this is folk songs for Christmas a lot of them for children so I'm just going to get going with the 1st few. Songs here I'm going to start out with. Yeah something quite different and a little lame right the 3rd and suddenly it's Christmas. We're going to start out with the Stars and I haven't 0. Stuck. In the number one. Number 3. My. Whole lot of the stuff. There. Was still. There Ron. Oh there's. The setting of a. Whole Lot just. See how the. Whole lot. See. See. All the stuff. That was set a. Goal was just. The heart of the. Great big stuff. Great big stuff. Great big stuff it's way beyond the little souls going to show and show. Them a little still gonna show. Around haven't done a show and show. Around the haven't done a show. Stuff in the 20. Or. Me East where. My little soul is going to show and show. My little souls gonna show and show and around the heaven run a show and show. Around I haven't done a show. And. Shohreh To Lords the sky see the doves in the air flow through the dark and through the Oh. Oh oh oh. Oh. Oh. Oh oh oh oh. Oh. Oh oh oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh oh. Oh. Oh. Oh oh oh. The be. The be the big. Bold. Above. The boat . But. I thought it and he said up with a. Well before one name stuff too we started out there with that Mike Piggy and Penny Seeger American folk songs for Christmas with stars in the heaven and then watch the stars and great big stars and shine like a star in the morning on that cd has a progression to it and it starts them with the star. In the heaven and it goes all the way down. Through past the birth. Of Jesus. And then we. Continued our star theme there with a little instrumental tune Star of Bethlehem that's on a cd by Norm and Nancy Blake primarily although that's for Clements and Jr and. Only McCoury and James my own. Ponson. Instrumentals on that one. It's a great little Christmas. Great christmas cd. Like a whole lot and then of course it was church couple Maku. You know that wasn't either. And because I didn't play what I had written down I was going to play it was I was a good Tony doing General Bill rock off of a dancing can't see the Hawaiian slack key Christmas. And you are indeed listening to t.v. Her t. Davis is community radio station and part of Davis' community is the city of Davis senior center there's a monthly support groups for mature adults and their families that are facing the challenges of Alzheimer's Parkinson's peripheral neuropathy hearing loss and the gentle transitions that come with aging In addition there's an informal men support group that in shared meets monthly to share snaps and stories and all groups gather at the Davis senior center that sits near downtown at the corner 7th and 8th street for more information contact the biggest senior center 530-757-5696 or through the city of Davis dot org slosh residents slash senior deaf services. Maybe might just want to go down there to the corner 7th an a and walk through the door and talk with wonderful people that are there because you will find better people in the world than the people who are working at the Senior Center appreciate them every time I go in there. Well I'm going to make sure I'm getting the right one here I'm going to switch gears a little bit and I'm going to go back to some. Oldie but goodie stuff I've got a few document c D's called blues blues Christmas and the treasure trove of stuff so let's get started and find out what all they got for us Ok. You've. Got. To say. I'm still young with the. With. The Santa Clause. Sin. No money. Was the richness. That can be. Flogged. To. Yeah. Except. For. Woman. Christmas tree. Me Yet. C live. When it's Christmas time. And I'm even on. Jerez 'd. Than I've been on our own Larry. And I. Got high and I got. I don't. Know I thought I recognized you. I. Not. Well Doug. Well yes well. Yes well. Look you joke and all. I didn't get. Any of that. I know. That. You were. Oh yeah we go we got some Christmas time blues going on some serious stuff we started there with John Lee Hooker. Blues for Christmas Paul Wilson and Terry Christmas darlin Jimmy McCracken Christmas time part one I haven't heard part 2. B.b. King even comes in there and the 1960 version a Christmas celebration Roy Milton and his solid senders both of them me. In a solid sunders Christmas time blues. And little T.-Bone Christmas time as I said all those are from that those compilations blues blues Christmas some of those are from Volume 3 and some of them are from Volume 4 wonderful collection there. You know something that's wonderful is. You out there your listeners. Got to thank you for you know lending us yours and paying attention to the station and especially for donating and helping us to reach our goals. In that last donation cycle we really appreciate it and. But. Maybe you didn't get a chance to donate or maybe add being the end of the month it was kind of a tough time for you. You know you can still click on the donate button and don't need and I can't promise you you'll get any of the guess but. Hopefully you can and even if you can't. The gift that you get is the gift of that good feeling was supporting an important part of Davis' community and that's catered where the grass roots grow. There's a lot of different ways of donating. And. Another way that. You know we're happy to accept cash and check for you. But another way is going to the Center for car donations go to Kedar dot org slash support and find some more information about card of Nations had a neighbor who. Had they moved out she's up by their old car they're cleaned out and said What's going on and she said Oh I have one had donated the car to somebody and I said Did you don't need to cart to she told me and I said Did you know you could have donated it the key dirt. Is just the kind of support that we need so if you've got an old junker sitting around there that you need to get rid of that's certainly one way of doing it thank you however you contribute to k.b.r. T. For your support. That supports people like you Michael. We don't get paid here we're volunteers but we're volunteers who absolutely love what we do and you know one of those has been around for a long time is Rodriguez who hosts in silver 9 volt hard on Thursdays from 5 to 7 pm it's a wonderful wonderful show you never know exactly what he's going to play but you know it's going to be really good music because that's all that rod really is new to do so you got to know me and check out silver 9 volt heart on Thursdays or you know check out replay times well just go to Peter dot org And scroll down and. Be a part of the part of this wonderful radio station. Listen to whatever it is there that you really really like. And if you don't like Christmas music Well you know you can go someplace else on. Keeper dot org find all kinds of wonderful stuff. I think I'm going to finish out here. Limited up with this. Blind Boys of Alabama and Taj Mahal. Cd topped and Christmas and so I thought I'd go ahead and share it with you in will go on out with. Blind Boys of Alabama and Taj Mahal would we just start with your work do you hear what I hear. That's the. Good news. Was the sound was cars. And. Calmly. Good news. I was coming What I saw was there. Was. Alcohol. Come to the phone. 5 song was saying. Those. 3 while I'm a young. Dog. Slow but. I think I was. Told one group among. The most. Song was saying. That song. Was no longer she's just. Saying. She's. Come. A long. Long. Song. My own. Song was. Sung. By. Someone saying. Oh you. Know my. Mum was home. Oh sorry crazy. Someone saying oh I wrote and close some. Poems. She's. The one thing you know. I'm not. Trying to write a song I was. Talking about she. Was. Coming you. Know. I. And it's. Not about. Oh. Yeah see you. Post. Some. Truth. Some. You know. As you. Look. Back. Close. Talking not just young Yeah talking about the you know what Shall to go out there and make it the merriest Christmas or souls the or whatever holidays you've got here. Make it is there in happy as you can and keep it tuned to the keyboard how to sell be back next week thank you much this is Katie. Community radio for Davis California. Safe Harbor hours the term safe harbor refers to the hours during which broadcasters may transmit material deemed indecent for children this safe harbor enforced by the Federal Communications Commission extends legally from 10 pm to 6 and it was established by the u.s. Supreme Court case f.c.c. Versus Pacifica listening to discretion is advised. To. Do.