This is teens off topic I'm your host Aaronson and your turn tuned in to Katie r t 95.7 Davis California where the grass roots grow you were just listening to vibrations by Montero and we are joined in the studio today I own a car I don't. And so pop and yeah we have all 4 of us by now so it's been a while but I'm excited for us to be back together again. So see 1st 1st thing on the agenda today this is a little if there are the controversies will all feel like we should still talk about it and the casting of the newest Ariel movie instead of choosing a kind of how you stereo typically think area would look based off of the cartoon they went another direction and they cast in African-American woman instead of someone who's white and a lot of people really mad about it because they're like well that's not what the cartoon is if you will like it doesn't matter it's a fairy tale like why does it matter they're just his name is how hall Balia by the way I don't know if that's how you pronounce about whatever he had a lot of people are taking to Twitter with the hashtag not my aerial there was a there was a really really racist country an image of like iconic picture of Ariel on the rock with the waves behind him but it was like. It was John really insultingly to say that they did not want this woman playing Ariel honestly. Areas race is not related in any way shape or form to her story and I get that it doesn't fit the quote unquote original tale but like what Disney out of Taishan does lately feeding the beast I think she had sisters or something and like Cinderella she she cut off but like people put it kind of. Parts at their feet so like I don't really understand why they just signed they can choose when they use that argument I'm honestly all for this casting I don't know how they're going to pull this off because I think the animation should stay intimation especially when it's underwater but I'm really I'm still going to see I'm very excited. Yeah my only the only party don't like about this is the fact that he is systematically remaking all their animated movies I have always been against this I just think it's kind of. I've the only one that I've seen is I saw the beauty and the Beast remake and I know a lot of people really liked it I personally was not a fan and I think it's just a lot of what they do in the original movies plays off of the fact that it is animated and not in our actual reality so I think that is some of the magic that at least I felt it might also be because of course I was a kid when I watched the movies originally so maybe I have like doesn't capture the same magic but also an adult so. I don't know I think it is pretty ridiculous that people are getting mad about it though I mean I feel like most people think is it somewhere along the lines of Hey this was like a what kind of what you mention this is my childhood I'm like I watch this when I was really young and it seems like they're from their perspective what they're doing is kind of like taking away from the original concept of video even though I don't know how to raise really puts any different into that but like I think from their point of view it was something that was iconic It was like childhood I watched when I was a kid and now it's just they're remaking something completely different. I too like not a huge fan of all the new live action like live action Lion King like all the snow like me live action versions of the animated Disney movies but in the end like with the casting of this actor it's their story like they can do it they will and if you don't want to see it don't pay to watch it only in like Yeah I I really like Point 2 because it's not like everything has to be pandered to certain people like it you're probably not the main demographic anyway so I think that is. Kind of a little bit funny that people are getting so mad over a children's movie it's just that you know what just changing one pretty small aspect and I understand that it might be really important for people to see representation especially in. Children's movies where representation in that regard is often not really shown so I think that personally I'm all for it hopefully it's a good movie yeah like with my experiences watching Disney and pretty much any movie when people are people of color there that for that reason like Milan and Johnson and Pocahontas. And she remains a frog for more than half a movie but their race is a critical part of their character and it's kind of tiring to see that that is not entirely that's not what their character is fully reduced to but it's kind of tiring to see this story of all over around that we'd like to see ourselves as the default just as much as just as much as white people Caucasian people because that is currently seen as the default and I know that right now social justice and the diversity is a cool marketable thing right now so that's. Reason why they are doing it but. I think yeah every child every little girl deserves to see themselves on the big screen here honestly I want to pinion I don't see the big issue with people changing so of the me the thing is if you have a black actress not necessarily that just but the black character and it genuinely detracts from the kind of story then I don't like seeing that made like for me in my opinion I don't care if the person in the movies bought quite all that I can if there's a good story behind it and if the release of the person is like detracting from the story itself I'm not a big fan of up. I don't think it was one of those stories where the race of the person matters that much yeah I definitely think that in the end in the original it had literally nothing to do with the plot so I don't see how changing it would be that much. So I think I think we have a trump related topic going up there I don't know a trigger warning if anyone really so I don't think we've ever talked about Sean better on this show at least I don't I feel like he's probably come up once or twice but I feel like we've mentioned his name but we haven't made it like essential discussion Yeah. So anyways this is this is kind of old news so I kind of debated whether we should go this is not but I kind of wanted to talk about because it's interesting and socially because all 4 of us have been together in a room for like our all month or whatever so on July 14th which was what 2 weeks ago or something like that. Trump tweeted out something about the squad quote unquote which is if you didn't know it was a group of former Democratic congresswoman including a home are. People the 2 other congressmen that I can remember the name of Trump tweeted so interesting to see progressive Democrat Congress Congresswoman who originally came from countries who Good whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe the worst most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world now Balbi and viciously telling the people of the us the most probable how our government is to be run why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places of which they came I mean I kind of paraphrase a little bit of that but that was mostly quoted I skipped a little bit but yeah and so after he tweeted this people were obviously. Just basically just standing the thing that react people react to trump like the proton people are like yeah go tell the editor and people like Bob You racist stuff like that so. I wanted to see what you guys thought about this. I thought it was kind of like funny because I think 3 out of the 4 The Congressman Oxley born in the United States Yeah I'm. Talking about unlike the other ones like earn her citizenship so she's like she's a u.s. Citizen so I'll really understand the comment by him like why are you trying to make it seem like these aren't Americans like I don't know. Yeah and I I hate. The fact that it's insinuating that because they're from a different country they have to have had salt issues of that country. Which does not make sense to me that's like saying your ancestors like 100 generations back came from somewhere messed up so why don't you go back there and fix it like. They're trying to fix what's happening now is not something that should be based on whether or not they came from the United States it's really obvious to see that he sees American and synonymous to white to his white people and so when he says this it's really really it's really really obvious that he sees people of color having some natural nature why is tied to their quote unquote origins and I really really sickening because that's such an this is an old fashioned way to think like that's what they thought when they this that's what they thought when there was a Japanese campaigns running through the country that is the same mindset that they had that they have these internal desires to I don't know like these internal desires to their core need of nation and it's just so annoying that's all that's really I mean honestly I don't know why people are so surprised about some tweeting this like he's done stuff like this dozens of times before and basically I think this is part of his campaign strategy honestly but it's kind of a yes. Ok The thing I think Trump is trying to do with this is he's trying to paint the Democratic Party as he's for Congresswoman Congresswoman in just in the house and I think it's working on a sleeve because you can see a lot of the Republicans are saying hey this is what every Democrat is like and this is Trump's kind of I guess rallying call to hey let's defeat another party like he's trying to paint the Democratic caucus the Democratic Party as a whole just on these 4 people and in my opinion it's working. Yeah I mean I think he really is kind of the poster child of no publicity is bad publicity I think he is just so good at getting companies like news to pay attention to him I think it's kind of funny in a way to me because they like even though they're like well look at this terrible thing Trump that no one's that's not going to sway people either way I'd like one more bad thing that he's done is not going to sway things because we've already seen all the stuff that he's done so it's something that's exactly like what he's done before comes out no one's going to be like oh my goodness I was a trump supporter but now no more you know people who support trump support him for his mainly economic policies and some like that they are very aware of stuff he's said in the past and they did and people don't think that matters compared to the stuff he's doing for the country like one more thing like this isn't going to change anybody's opinion of him oh it's going to do is make the people that support him affirm him when the people who don't support him just make it all look there's another one of his tweets Yeah I think it's definitely kind of created and I know this is being said a lot but it's creating I feel like more and more of a divide between the people because a lot of like you said that they grew the economics but also I what I've heard from people who are trying supporters is that they really like the fact that he just says what he thinks like he has no filter he has no he's never tries to be p.c. And this is just reaffirming it like. You know like true I think want to see one of the biggest attractions to trump and like why he would support him is like in general how one politician like he is yeah and like how much he's kind of turning the whole. Well and for Democrats running for president system on a tad like he's doing nothing of the trigger like he's skilled to the bay when he was running for president and people still went out and voted for him but I think the people who like who support him are like. Screw the system or whatever this guy is going against the system that's what I'd like to see. Yeah I think I are now it's it will be I'm very interested to see whether or not he's reelected because obviously I think I honestly think it could go either way I think he could be elected or I think he reelected or I think someone else could take its place I I I'm just interested to hear what you know what happens people keep saying like Oh he's down in the polls been like wasn't here in 2016 and he's still going like I think it's really interesting for sure I'm not sure what's going to happen yet people are always like that with the whole thing is like no trump never going to win like Hillary is going to crush him we've got this and then everyone was like. You know I literally everybody thought even I thought that back in 2016 like how is this dude who was on t.v. Walks and how is she going to be somebody who's been in the political system 2030 years and then he just did it so and then something I also think is really interesting and why Trump Ouch like it has a legitimate chance again in 2020 is because at least this is back in 2016 the Democratic Party is kind of dividing themselves like the my I've talked about this before is that back in 2016 the 2 main candidates that were running were Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and the people who Lake Bernie Sanders do not like Hillary Clinton and face versa so what happens is one of them is elected the people who are supporters of the other person they go want to abstain to vote because they don't like the person. Just vote for Trump which I don't think very many people did and they were the people who wanted to need to be the Democratic National to be the person running for the Democratic Party I think they just abstain to vote which is really I guess not a good shot of against a party who has one main central idea versus a paid discipline. To Yeah I know that I feel like I don't know a ton about politics so forgive me if I'm wrong but I feel like this has been an issue for just a really long time the idea that the fact that you would do this. It is I don't know like I think a lot of people maybe even because they thought the Trump was like never gonna win they're like oh it doesn't matter 5 Yeah so I think I think I'll be interesting to see if the people who didn't vote this last time even if they don't have their number one choice between Trump and this other person if if they will still just be like nope not voting I don't care I'm really worried that too many people are going to just wait for the storm to pass like this like oh if he gets elected another 4 years we handle him for 4 years we can do it again we we barely handle him and he's made it so numb to like the things that he's been accused to doing the things that he is put in his Twitter like his offensive twit is being covered up by his sex trafficking best friend which is covered up by the comments that he made when he was 50 which is covered up by the making fun of a disabled person on live television which is covered up by like his comments on his daughter which is covered by just so much more the list the list goes on and so on his really worried that we have become too passive of the things that he has done I mean you know Trump knows this which is why he I guess. I guess is why he could tweet those in the 1st place because he knows within a day people are going to be focusing on anything else their focus it should be like oh I took whatever like you set the bar so low for him so that like the bad things that he does don't even make much of a spa shinee more because like people expect it from him like imagine if anybody else said the comment about these like Congress people going back to their countries like it was like the asshole countries like comment like imagine anybody else in politics they'd be done. Yeah before we go on to our next topic I'd like to talk a little bit about the city of Davis civic arts the city of Davis civic arts program supports local art and cultural education for current programs events and exhibits access to the Civic arts calendar vs city of Davis dot org slash residents slash arts dash and dash culture Thank you. I know other thing that. I thought was kind of interesting was I don't know how if you guys have been keeping up with this but the whole thing with Asap Rocky in Sweden I just think that's just kind of a crazy thing it's like a weird like parallel universe they feel like I don't know you'd like just like in the news cycle like it oh there's a side proxy also still in the Swedish prison like. Yeah for those of you who don't know and correct me if I'm wrong understanding of the story was that he was in Sweden just walking around and these guys come up and I'm like hey and kind of keep harassing him and his bodyguard and then in a sense like stop following us stop like being around that please leave and then they don't and it ends up getting physical they end up either punching or doing something to the bodyguard which ends up in a fight I feel like this to me this seems like a pretty cut and clear case maybe I'm not getting on every single aspect of this but I feel like he's just not in the wrong Yeah it seemed I mean I did see both sides because there were numerous videos circulating there's a like the video where Asap Rocky is like look at these guys like they're just following us and then in to leave us alone like we're not doing anything and it's like he definitely knows something's about to happen because he is taking a video trying to make it seem like he's not like a part of this and then there's the other video where you see a Brocky pick the guy up oh Molly ground and continued to kick him while he's on the ground so I think that there's like multiple sides to this and it's kind of 5050 in my opinion like these guys are definitely following him they're harassing him they even take their head phones or something in their head in the body on the head and then the bodyguard starts like choking him or pushing him or something so like they're definitely both to blame and I think it's kind of interesting how I don't think the guy is even in jail. Like the guy who is he would tax a sop Aki or was harassed I don't know if he's even like in custody by Swedish officials who threw the 1st part which I think well I feel like we're at least now I know I'm taking him back I think. I thought it was the kind of guys they're falling in but maybe maybe there's like a lot of different things happening here. I guess that that does make sense and I actually did not think about that very pointed out the fact that he knew something was wrong like if you're recording something you know like at that point you know something's wrong so. Yeah I think it will be interesting the last I heard he was released on bond I think or he was released from prison and then they're still waiting to see what's happening really I didn't even know that they had a ball and in Sweden because there's a huge deal with like even Trump was like tweeting out like free rocky for Iraq you . See those 2 he did not the right people are saying oh like he's just trying to build like credibility with African-Americans and the United States and China and like make it seem like he actually cares about you know. I don't know maybe I am might be missing out but I know he's not in jail anymore but he still like awaiting sentencing which is just it's so weird to me that like he's in this foreign country I don't know why but it's just you never I feel you never hear about like stories like this and also the fact that he's being held at least semi responsible for what's happening I feel like celebrities usually don't get to this level like there's some buzz they're arrested whatever they have to pay some money but I feel like it's never to this extent Sweden cracks down. Does anyone know why he was in Sweden as a show I don't know I think he might have just been in Sweden take a show because he's from the videos he wasn't with a bunch of people he was with one other person or you know I think you know he had like his entourage Well yards and friends and so yeah but. It's an interesting situation I've never seen anything like a celebrity just in prison in a foreign country and it feels very and I really like free him yeah like a moment. Oh my gosh I it's like I keep seeing it I'll watch like a little clip the news and it's always in the news it's like Ok I feel like this is been going on for like a surprising amount of time I don't know why it's like it's every time like I refresh and I go small update in the case I mean it does make sense like regardless of if he's guilty or not I think Sweden needs to like. They go through their justice system. In America we would put them through a trial we'd have a jury you can't just like say oh no he's free if you guys want to be free like oh sign this petition and if and off people like sign it then we'll just let him out no you have you actually like to see if he's guilty and link. Yeah I definitely I mean I feel like this is something I didn't think about as much and I feel like a lot other people don't think about the fact that different countries have different justice systems it's very like I feel like I'm like oh my gosh I'm living in such above one not thinking about this but it's very strange just like think about the fact that there's like very different things that could still be considered just but are just not the way that. We do you know you kind of think Bill like living in America you think that like our way of justice is like universal but yeah I guess as we had to think about well then you guys for joining me today and how see next week. California. Hi and welcome to the indivisible yellow podcast for members of indivisible yellow today we're here with who is the chair of the let's do. I'm Elizabeth that of Us Vs and today we're here with Emmy Clayton who is the chair of the yellow progressive I mean thank you for joining us today oh I'm glad to be here to start off who are the yellow progressives and what defines a progressive Well I'll start with what defines a progressive that is someone or an organization who works for the people and the planet without taking any money from any corporations or businesses and the yellow progresses started in June of 2016 we had a lot of energy many of us had worked for the Bernie Sanders campaign and we decided we would harness our energy and focus on helping people in Yolo County in what we do is work for the vulnerable and Oprah's sed people in the county we advocate for mental health we advocate for health care for people who don't have it. In the spring of 2017 least started a poor people's campaign in our 1st endeavor was to lobby in the Sacramento capital for health care for all so that the people in Yolo County would be covered so currently we're. Tabling in the farmer's market and we present move to amend which is a 28th amendment to the us constitution to overturn Citizens United and get to money out of politics recently you all hosted a green new deal town hall event on campus what was the gist of that event and how did it go well it was strikingly successful and what we did we signed up for the sunrise movement town hall and they provide has provided us with some materials about the Green New Deal in about how to cope with people who don't understand it so. I think with the sign up sheets we had we had a lot of success so here in Davis as part of Yolo County Congressman Gary many represents us and he recently hosted his own town hall style meeting How did that go well we coordinated our effort ahead of time and had several people speaking mothers with children elders young people middle aged people our group covered the spectrum and. As it turned out Garamendi spent about 40 minutes promoting the. Historic work that he had done and he was opposed to the group. New deal at the time as people were questioning him and he was off putting answers directly to them they got more and more excited and Garamendi tried to leave and he was walking away and he was being booed for days later he did a turn around and he said he would support the Green New Deal I don't know if he is back walk back yet but he's not doing anything to advocate it but good to know what campaigns are they yellow progressives currently working on aside from pushing for the great new deal well we're. Supporting Dillon Horton to run for city council and. Our campaigns aren't. Targeted Individuals all the time we're trying to garner a green new deal that will help people locally and we're having a meeting on that so we do whatever come to us that will help the people of Yolo County now I know some people in your county are working to combat white supremacy and there is an upcoming event about that could you speak on that oh that's right thank you. Tim why is appearing at the Senior Center at 630 I think the doors open and he starts speaking at 7 he's a white man and he has written on being white in racist and being a white and for white supremacist he understands the dealings of it and he is author and speaker. And what is the date of that Tim Wise event the 26th I think great so again that is Tim Wise knows that and he raised the speaker that's going to be presenting at the Davis senior center on Friday July 26th at 7 pm So recently I mean you mentioned the move to amend Yes Yeah I was in Sacramento at a meeting of progressives there and a woman had the pamphlet of move to amend in I said well which constitution and she said the u.s. Constitution and what this is about how do they have just gotten started there are 60 chapters in one is in Sacramento across the nation so far and it is to be the 28th amendment to the us constitution to overturn Citizens United and to get money out of politics why is it important to get money out of politics well. I think that all people deserve the right to be represented and to speak up and using your money not everybody has money that they can. Use so I don't think it's appropriate that money to people get to speak. More than non many people do corporations have as much power as the people. Well now with Citizens United in all of the monies that corporations make because they pay so little to their workers. They have a lot of power and they're global and we go to war to get them cheap labor get the markets it's just a corporate driven economy globally now and. That is not right the people around the world should have their say with their government and in the United States the people should be represented and as it is now the. Quote I like to say. Is the one from Jim Hightower that. I'm not waiting for a 3rd party I'm waiting for a 2nd party put on because both the Democrats and Republicans take money from corporations and do their bidding now it seems. We talked a little bit about the green new deal now Los Angeles and New York City recently declared a climate emergency what does that mean and why is it important for us to take that into consideration here in yellow County Well scientists are understanding that we need to get to 0 emissions as soon as possible and by 2025 would be a good target date and many of the states that have. Made initiatives about climate change like California have put it off into the distance like 2040 or 2045. That is not going to help the insects that are disappearing 80 percent of the bio mass of insects have disappeared in the last 20 years and insects are involved in our food systems all of our systems so. We are. At a crossroads where we need to do everything in our community that we can to stop using fossil fuel. Well speaking of fossil fuels it is plastic for you to lie how do you personally work to reduce your plastic use and why is it so important that we combat plastic pollution Well there was a sperm whale who was a dyed in on the beach and that whale had 115 plastic cups and lodged in its stomach and some couple of dozen plastic bags lodged in his and its stomach the plastic that we use one use and any even recyclable plastic is getting into our waterways getting into the ocean there is such a. A worldwide spread of plastic since 1980 plastic to use has grown a 1000 percent I personally don't buy any food in plastic if they're in clamshell plastics or trays of plastic I just buy something else. Well hopefully our listeners will also be inclined to refuse plastic waste most important part of refusing reducing reusing recycling and another now we the people want to hold companies accountable how are they you know a progressive working to do that. Well on this coming Wednesday in Stockton California there will be a California Public Utilities Commission meeting about. Rate hikes in bailouts in everything else on the wish list of p.g. Any and it's a corporation that puts that may very well put. Profits ahead of public safety if you look at the record anyway the meeting is Wednesday the 17th and it starts at 1 o'clock for about an hour so. I'm part of the yellow group yellow progressive group who's with the Green New Deal coalition in California District 3 and dove Sal cough was privy to some of this information in he. Let us know about it and we were ready to go. The talking points list that he provided were very educational about how the last bailout has not been paid off by p.g. And e. How a lot of things that they've done has taken money from ratepayers what our aim is to make the company. Give the rate payers shares for their their increase in rates so it will be owned by the rate payers and the other aspect is it could be owned by the state of California and then the other upcoming events that the yellow progressives are hosting the summer or attending the summer. None that I can think of now we are. Heavy on the climate action and I'm trying to get a meeting with Don sailor about it. Don't sailor He's a county supervisor of the district I live in District 2 in the county now what can folks do if they just don't have the time. To combat climate change what can folks do from home well the citizens climate lobby has a call on Wednesday at 5 o'clock and if you're busy at that time like I am doing tabling at the farmer's market in Davis. You have the option to get a transcript of the call or listen to a podcast of it so you can listen to it later and that is where I heard as a silk speak he's the founder of the climate mobilization and now he were true the last 2 years with the groups that were promoting climate mobilization for the climate emergency in Los Angeles. What is the citizens' climate lobby it's a group of people who are working on lobbying legislators to take mobilization steps on the climate and. With. The move of Los Angeles it was a vote of 13 to 0 to 2 on their city council that established a department of with a director for climate mobilization and his staff and also a climate mobilization commission that would do assembly outreach to train all members of communities who are impacted by climate. Poverty should and the oppressed communities as well as anybody who lives near a day or oil drilling because that is so harsh on your health what are the repercussions of living near an oil refinery on human health it is just horrendous it affects all senses eyes ears nose your breathing respiratory problems headaches Naivasha it's it's just a nightmare for the people who live within. Proximity to where oil is being drilled refined or Frakt are those frontline communities yes I would identify those as frontline communities usually there are people of color or people without money who don't who aren't organized that sounds a lot like environmental racism Well I think you've nailed it on the head there. The corporations are taking an exploitive stance at every vulnerable community they find. And they are not considering their workers or their can still they are neighbors so I mean yes some of my listeners are working on building up their social justice vocabulary I've heard the word eco socialism go around what does that mean and could you speak a little bit about what you thought socialism is well eco socialism is a strategy to sustain. Just economy not in your capitalism because that is a competitive structure that drives blindly Lentulus growth it consumes and destroys the bias here its competitive to internal structure breeds wars for resources markets cheap labor and geo political military advantages social ownership of key industries like energy nationalize big oil that is eco socialism How are they yellow progressives working to hold other progressive groups in the county accountable Well I have a. Resolution. To call of the d n c 4 heralding a presidential candidates climate debate that I'm going to present at the Yolo County Democrat Party next Monday I could read it it has 3 where a Says into their force sounds good where is the United States in the human species are facing a climate catastrophe and possible extinction caused by historic and current emissions of greenhouse gases and where is the 46th president of the United States will be the last one to have the opportunity to lead our nation in meeting the vital emissions reductions targets that science shows we must achieve in the next decade to avert the worst consequences of the climate crisis and whereas the Democrat Party has led the nation on climate and our national party platform states quote climate change poses an urgent and severe threat to our national security we are committed to a gnash national mobilization and to leading a global effort to mobilize Nations to address the Surete on a scale not seen since World War 2 end quote. Therefore let it be resolved that the Democrat Party of Yolo County joins former Vice President Al Gore California state party chair rusty Hicks the majority of Californians. D. And c. Members and the majority a Democrat presidential candidates and calling on the National Democratic Committee to hold a public televised presidential primary debate on solutions to the climate crisis and therefore be further resolved that upon adoption copies of this resolution shall be transmitted to the chair and executive director of the California Democratic Party all members of the California delegation to the Del Democrat National Committee all members of the Democratic National Committee's resolution Committee and the chair of the Democratic National Committee that will require a 2 thirds vote from the members present to pass and I got this through email it was passed. Verbatim of what I just read by the Contra Costa County Democrat Party and hopefully Oh yes now I me since climate change is not just at the forefront but the biggest priority for the yellow progress those how do you personally stay so hopeful as we continue the same fight and as the situation becomes more and more more dire how do you continue this work every day well I talk to people and occasionally I get to chance to talk to some scientists and when I was tabling last week I met a scientist I had made a sign that said. Humanity is on a suicide watch that I lifted from an article. On how dire the climate crisis has become and that person said to me that they themselves were on a suicide watch because when a scientist goes a biologist who this was goes into the field they can see how terribly bad it is and he. Connected with the humanity being on a suicide watch. When I table for the Green New Deal a lot of people don't have the time they don't have the interest they don't have the knowledge and this is because the oh let's talk about the report that the inner panel Climate Commission at the un released in 2018 we have 50 huge newspapers in the United States $22.00 of them mentioned it that's not even half of the papers it's not covered anywhere and people are just not understanding that it is such an urgent thing I think now that. Los Angeles and New York City have identified it as a climate emergency I think that chatter will carry on but I have friends who tell me try humor because the good one I. Did hear the one about the last family that was. Exploring caves came out and found no one. Think you know. It sounds like empowered people in power people thought oh I hope people are feeling inspired How can folks learn more of get involved with the yellow progressives Well we meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month and the last Sunday the month and we're meeting at my home. But I. Want to say that we have an e-mail list of almost 190 members and I've been in touch with them they say they want to be kept updated but they are not. Finding time in their schedule with the kids and graduate studies and all the things that they're into their jobs and such that they can attend meetings we have a core group of almost 10 people is there a Facebook or website the folks can reach out to yes you can sign up with us on. Facebook it will be the yellow progressives and we have the website the yellow Progressive's dot com I think great and do you have any final thoughts for our listeners well. What I think is that joking about the crisis is going to lighten it up but it is a very difficult concept to understand that humanity is has done such terrible things to the planet that the planet will no longer sustain us unless we do something immediately that's a hard hard thing to talk about very well I mean thank you so much for joining us today. I'm very happy to be here thank you we just spoke to I mean latest chair of the yellow progressives if you're interested in joining any of indivisible yellow's actions for this week you're welcome to join us on Tuesdays at 10 30 am fraction coffee a easel cafe Davis Thursday from 6 to 7 pm for beer nights at super our old brewery at the Westlake Plaza Davis and Sunday for Sunday morning from 10 30 am to noon and that location does change you're welcome to check out our Facebook which is Facebook dot com forward slash in the visible yellow again that is Facebook dot com forward slash in the visible yellow for that specific location as well as to stay updated on any of our vets if you're unable to join us for any of the events this week or if you just like to put in that extra social justice work and get. Your activism hours then you're welcome to use this fabulous mobile application we have called amplify developed by our neighbors an indivisible San Francisco it makes calling your representative super easy one of the reasons that I personally use the sort of other calling apps is because it's specifically tailored to contact our local and state representatives for Yolo County. So making calls to amplify makes the most impact in moving our representatives on issues that we care about. If you would like to get the app it's fairly easy you are welcome to go to the App Store or the Google Play store and download it to your phone then create an account using an e-mail and a password you'll need a team code to get in on the individual yellow actions and our team code is doing 13849971 again that is 393849971 that will get you on our indivisible yellow team once you're on the team it's just a couple of clicks to call your representatives and once you've made your calls you can leave feedback about whether or not you've talked to a staffer or have had to leave a voicemail and that helps us out divisible yellow because when we speak to our representatives at other meetings we can ask them things like hey why aren't you answering your phone calls why are calls going to voicemail or congratulate them and thank them for actually listening to their constituents and amplified You can also write a post about why you called which is one of my favorite parts because you can thank and cheer other people on for speaking to their local representatives you also receive little notifications and someone thanks you for your actions and you can write comments and even inspire other people it is a wonderful app for community building and to get it again you just go to the App Store it will play store and you search amplify from civic tools. If you'd like to give us feedback or suggest a topic or guest for a future episode feel free to send us an e-mail in the visible yellow podcast The g. Mail dot com That is the name of this podcast again that is in the visible yellow podcast at g. Mail dot com And as a reminder you can also find us on Facebook at facebook dot com forward slash in the visible yolo again that is Facebook dot com forward slash in the visible yellow if you'd like to join us for meetings in the visible yellow will be hosting a general meeting Monday July 29th at 7 pm at the rail East and woodland that will about do it for us thanks for listening. Close your eyes open your ears and relax your mind well we're Rick's is coming up next. My memory. You. Are a moron Obama. Are you my beat 3 brothers for this hour of programming is underwritten by the Davis start a monthly events calendar listing music arts and community activities for the city of Davis Davis is available around town at local cafes restaurants and retail locations or on line at David Sterritt dot com. Following program is from the k d r t archives. Such Oh no not such. A country I'm proud to come. And live. In. And I'm a. Good leader. And the rain comes down on the soup that. Simply stands around. When the lying in the water share the same sky. And the saint my. Fire. It's the sun shone. I didn't lose gold did the sun sun. The Jews love my friend do you do. When you're home sorrow arise in through the hole in the. Doing. There the 2nd thing. And the 2nd goal once you find. In a move in the week. And loose a good news gone without your consent. And you find yourself explaining only things that you mean. You repent. Try to pay them with. But the Jews will folding down. Only big. When Reagan bit and beat shit the same. In the same. Ship. I'm going to get I don't know. It's a side show. Out in. The Sun. I am so sorry for the beginning of that that was completely Jeannie come pleat Lee operator Err I was laughing back at it I was hitting the wrong button and. Were can I say I pushed the wrong button that was Glen Campbell singing sun shower in his Sessions album where. You can hear people talk in the background as he's singing in that he's trying it again so but what a beautiful voice and what a talent we lost this past week actually lost them quite a bit ago but his body just passed away yes yes so has Jeannie doing today very well good you're listening to listening lyrics right here on k d r t 95.7 in Davis California and next week we don't have a guest this week sold today worse I would say this is the height of the summer would you agree. Summer's weening the summer is waning but we're still writing a middle of it yes sir we're going to play some summer songs I've got some fun ones in there I've got some classics I've got some. People you know and people you don't know in a few in a couple of I think 2 comedy skits about summer so this is another Peter Pastore eclectic You got it you got it and next week you are going to have on the show next week go t. a Goatee a is from friends I forget the little town he's from but I do know his mother makes awesome his grandmother makes awesome omelets in the distant threat the best in France and he's invited me there but I doubt if I'll ever be able to go to visit just to get an omelet but he's a violin player but he's here in Davis at u.c. Davis for 23 months but he didn't bring his violin so he is going to share with us some of his classical music that he loves and also we're going to talk about popular music in France and maybe sort of what they have like the we have like an Americana I doubt if they call it that but I'd be kind of interested to know what of an old tradition.

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