We're on the patio open Thursday through Sunday and located at 27 to 60 Highway 128 winters information that. They may. Expect. A. Repeat. A. Slow season. And they say well it's a. Good if. You can. Seat. A. Serious. Let. Me. Say what a me. 'd to. Say. A. Oh yeah John Sebastian and. Jay band Tell me about how it sounds so sweet it's such a treat to be listening to jug band music right here on k d r t Davis's low power community radio station broadcasts and that should 95.7 f.m. On your radio dial thank t.v. Dot org no matter where you are when you are remember kid your t. Dot org It's where all the information is it's where all the shows are but if you're in Davis. Turn your radio to 95.7. You'll hear all the good stuff that is right here. Community radio you can't beat it you can't beat that at all but I'm sure you don't want to continue to mention. Do you not to hearing so much from us about our fund raising anymore but it still is an ongoing project and if you are listening to us and if you have not donated anything yet please go ahead to k d o t dot org click on the donate button we're just come down here to 1623 5th Street and and hand in a check or cash or whatever I mean that we're were happy and we'll give you a receipt and it's all tax deductible so support. An important community resource. And so on all that people know that we. Since we are an independent. Media outlet and community radio. We offer a platform for content viewpoints that are kind of overlooked by commercial media so you could add your voice to the keytar community behind the micro behind the scenes if you reach out to info it k d t dot org. And as a matter of fact tonight I have here in the studio. Kevin Lowe Hello. I hope you all can hear Kevin Ok. Yeah. Who is the shadowing me this is the 1st time I've had somebody decide that they wanted to shadow. Sound so sweet since I'm live Friday night at 9 o'clock most people have something better to do. Case with me. So watch it tell us about the this related interesting new show coming up that Kevin is going to be. Thrown at you guys yes oh so I'm k.b. Z. Fish easy that's going to be my name online on on the air here and my show is called rap snacks and what raps next is the whole hip hop source samples and other tasty audible delights for your soul in your ear holes and what it is it's going to be songs that popular hip hop songs came from a lot of stuff you heard a lot of stuff you probably haven't heard so there's a little bit of an educational component to it. This is my 3rd time shadowing. Yeah I'm really excited so you'll be hearing a lot of soul a lot of classic. Funk a lot of r. And b. Stuff from the seventy's stuff you could probably break dance to stuff you could probably I don't know do agree to if you want to something like that you know so just a lot of stuff a lot of different genres and types of music and also going to blend in a little bit of hip hop here and there stuff that's playable on the radio so yeah just a little little variety of stuff here so it will be fun Friday night I do sound so sweet which is dedicated to jug band music and and then I also have a how to style which I do kind of or I feel like whatever out of style mood I happen to be in which the night is going to be kind of country blues stuff. So what that wasn't what inspired you to go ahead and say Hey Wayne I want to I want to shadow you you know I just fact that it's late for. At one you had nothing else to do it wasn't just that I believe learning comes in all forms and you know I checked out when stuff and it's different you know it's not what I would normally play but you know I do love the blues I have quite a few blues records myself and you know my the whole point of my show is to show how connected music is you know and Heckman the stories that are told in blues or some of the best stories made in music in my opinion and that's all hip hop really is too is you know it's a storytelling to a beat so. Yeah I wanted to just come down and I want to observe as many deejays as possible in sort of formulate my own style from that so yeah I really like when you know that you know. And I think I think it's appropriate to jug band music one of the things that I emphasize when I talk about the history of jug band music is that it grew out of music being played in in Louisville in Memphis in Kansas City and Birmingham. It was. Black urban music in the twenty's and people kind of get this idea of hayseeds in. Their bit of overalls. And and you know the. That's not always the case and jug band music didn't limit itself to just. 2 blues and if we were going to take a look at sample in the show goes back to a lot of minstrel show stuff you should get your tin pan alley stuff you get your novelty tune stuff you get just of wide range of musical styles that were actually popular back in the day and. Presented. Through the filter of of a jug band so it's really like I got a kiss for not too far off on my own if you look at it look beneath anything you're going to see connections I believe from my personal humble opinion you know. You know well let's let's let's kick off with some of the older stuff then and of well go ahead start off with a temper read and as hokum jugband Ok. Because . I saw. A sucker. For. A full. Size. Enjoy coming. On By. A game. Ain't. The deep. Yes it's. A I'm sorry I don't sound it was. Well. That. Was. What you. Well. I know. From. Now on my way. More. Than more. All. No. I. Was. Oh yeah. There we are there we go. Over that's like when was that recorded in a. It's might have to take of a look here but it looks to me like. Oh that was recorded 1930 here I'm told in 1920 Model A's were already on the road oh yeah yeah. The horse and buggy for a good way and we're good. It's really neither that that would certainly McCoy whose is just such outstanding mental employer probably both Carter playing guitar with them on that one. But it was off of a. I think is my favorite. Christmas present terms of all the all the records and everything I got is so complete $928932.00 recordings in chronological order Charlie McCoy a beautiful beautiful record and we started out there with the like I said Temple red in the hokum boys. Which included Georgetown Dorsey So in that stuff I thought of it where are they selling way. You know it could have been most anything when we start talking about hope from we're talking about. Double entendres stuff that we didn't we didn't get the pleasure of haven't. Anybody singing those and the lyrics to that on just a nice little good instrumental and then then the Memphis jug band gave us stingy Woman Blues off of. Of a cd go hold the state of Tennessee blues it's from the Memphis archives. A lot of a lot of good Memphis Jug Band stuff on that one I don't think I'm funny played on very much at all and then. Now the Dixieland jug blowers from Louisville level a little move though. I know I'm a northerner and. The way north grew up in Montana so I know how to talk any of that stuff though correct you know. Little I called it a Louisville and promptly corrected me to do it was all over Yeah I know about normal ins but. Yeah. So. But that was off of the Clifford Hayes and the move will judge bands. Artists he or cd set the. Disco that I never did want you. And then. And then Kansans jug stompers and again from from Memphis to heartbreak and blues for the complete works and the as a thing and then as I said Charlie McCoy they're always in love with you beautiful song. Great record by the normally talented individual. I'm speaking of enormously talented No I'm joking here I've. Most hate it when I end up having to plug my own show and you know that I do do a show after them live on Fridays and it has its own replay times because it's a half hour show. So I don't get a whole lot done but I have fun with it and it's called out of style has a lot of Friday evenings $10.00 to $1030.00 and. If you want to find out the replay times you can go to key to your t.v. Org Click schedule tab and you'll find it. Because it's somewhere it'll be playing in there for years so. It's. Man you like all that honestly for real. I'm not jiving your man I like it I can dig it Wayne Yeah I know this is even coming. Goes way back. The stocks I'm starting off with. You know where do I get these ideas of what am I going to play what kind of a mix some are going to do turned out to be this Full Face Book good discussion about about how it Armstrong Louis bluey and. Who he had played with and actually was a fiddle player went all the way back to like 19282930 had a band called the Tennessee Chocolate Drops. And the forces Chris is. For the Carolina Chocolate Drops to. Go way back. No no I'm only going back and 15 years of killing a child to drop serve at the Tennessee job or drops for were recording in the thirty's so we're at the half hour so I have got to tell you that you are listening to k d t Davis's will power community radio station right here and 95.7 f.m. On your radio k.d. Or t. Dot org where ever else you live with whatever other device you may have that you want to listen to us on we're on the World Wide Web We're 3 where. Say hello to Duncan over there in England to Tony over there an Australian and some of the other people out there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start out here with with those some Tennessee Chocolate Drops and we're also going to check out the the members of the band to include girl Martin Ted bogan. And Howard Armstrong and I have a little fun here Ok. You know. I don't think a push the right buttons. Well I didn't push the button that I should've but I'm going to improvise improvise adapt overcome that's what I do enough that I don't want a moment rather pay. Off. But push the book push. Those problems and you know these things happen as something like ever learning when you're when you're doing this Kevin Mincey gonna learn the presser right but that's right right time to tickle. Community radio it's so much fun Where'd. Anyway. Let's call it. Oh that may. Be really. Early on May. Be right you're very. Right to bring that seem. To me if. I've been there for you from shore. I've been here for. You from this show. You know I'm down. I've been going for. General. I've been in for. Jenny. I'm going to. Join. Me now as it may. Seem. To. Be. Overloading me. When you come in. Early May. Very. Early Mary. When you come in. I don't know. I've been in. General. Even if. You really believe. I'm going to. Engender. Well let's try this song. Good song. But that's not something that I meant to play or mean to play because. After we had the Tennessee Chocolate Drops they're. Going all the way back to the 1930 with a vine she read that Carl Martin. Do and every day I have the blues and Ted Bogan doing Mary had run to the window. And now take a look at Martin Bogan in Armstrong off of the city called that the whole gang of mine and the song is that old gang of mine so you know I'm trying to do a theme here Ok. Here we go. Again. God cure of the war. To see. Mom. Ah parents during that whole. Lot of good ol boy. Good body. Gal God can. You. See that. Odd. Names night just greet them. They stood. On the same corner bank in that old neighborhood. And I. Gazed at the houses until the use. In my group came along and Ma's deal with you see. I looked at the lamp hooves. The pup on the stoop. And again I could picture us kids in a group. That was Saudi and yellow and skinny and Mike. And the whiz kid who had both bands games down the pike. And down near the school. To see the big bowl. So we used to go just bogied a man lol. And the cabbie old Jonathan. Chased us so we. Say what would not give you time just to see him today. And then came the pauses and basis that's why. We didn't know lose. The use going by. And a pleasant thing we knew. We wold point one. Foot against it together in bike and in front. And they came to watch the crowds in the street. The blast of the beauty. The tramp of the beat. And again. I don't know mine. Was the 1st that cute little spawn hinted birdlime. But that was over. And lace night because I stood. On the same corner back in their neighborhood. I could hear. The tune from my. One new. A lot of space in the crowds that went by. Don't bother other bells but I lose. A trace all signs. Of the big a honest to goodness violence. That I coach I don't. Mind . This bra. Good Body horrible going through the hard gal. But not here. To see. Mom. Eat. Eat eat. Eat eat eat. Eat eat. Eat eat. Eat. Eat eat. Eat eat. Eat. Eat eat. Eat. Eat eat. The counting gravy. The only way I want to. Wrap your trouble and really. Cream my God the way to lose weight well that's done making. Them out of the limo. Rapid fire will 3. Miles down the way. That played out there all. Right but ready and waiting. To Come on you. When you are right A there now you. Can down the sunshine. No way. The rain. Let out of the rubble and green. Green Arrow crawled away never paid. To. You. Know let me. Down and break. Down a great job at the moment. You write me a felt very narrow our. Frame all your fault. Now you wait but that was done for you your. Man John and you know. You're not going absolutely. Crazy you know you only. Well so they're going to tumble and that made out the wrong. Liability by me down to sleep and no need of them now I'm just going to walk. Now when you get more than a minute wait here yet. Yeah for me on my job. I'll play. Around. And. I'll. Feel. Like that. Oh yeah. There we have. A wonderful world how do Armstrong and his buddies going all the way back to 1930 with the Tennessee childhood drop since by St dragon for Louis Bluey Cole Martin there every day I have the blues off of. The court record I got called mandolin blues playing. Mandolin blues and Chicago and include Karl Marx and it also includes told Bogun doing Mary run to the window. And then the because that old gang of mine Martin Bogan Armstrong. Because great great cd and so many fun songs on that and wrap your troubles in or e-mail us what a great philosopher what a 3 way to be you know we blew our Armstrong was was a mental then and. Fiddle player of great skill through your list. And Tories would go off the movie about him called Louis Bluey Oh yeah because that was that was his name so it's something that you might want to look up the alternative you know look at that movie about. About how Howard Armstrong would do the movie come out only. So when he said he's. Just run about I should be able to know look and not go but you know he's right and you know I live in the you know. It's the record is who we record and so on so so we. Can thank he'd been again to remind everybody that he's got Kevin here who's new Shadowman me and. Picking up whatever tips he can get off of off of me and that's. Probably not a whole lot of stuff but. How we move we will check out his show as we go on I you know I need to tell you about some things happening in Davis and the something that just really caught my eye here is a p for parents friends of families who would be instigated whose mission is to promote the health of Mo being of gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered people on with families and friends p 5 works to fulfill its mission of offering support helping people cope with adversity encouraging community involvement to build understanding educating the public to dispel stereotypes and advocating to end discrimination and ensure equality p. Flag's goal is to foster a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity so for more information on p. Flag and Davis and you will county go ahead and visit. D.c. Had no roups dot d.c.m. Dot org backslash p. Flag the reason that it kind of caught my attention is that I actually went to the state capitol on Tuesday and testified. On behalf of my grand daughter who was the 1st. First monitor to actually gain. Non-binary status through the court system and so there's a there's a bill windedness way through the legislature to make it easier for people to identify as non-binary on the birth certificates on their driver's licenses. So. That was so if there was something I felt like I had to had to speak up to here. I know next week you will probably be hearing some entertaining. Replay them all as we call them here. Turned into a program because I am more than likely going to be down and also so said the central coast. Folk Festival because I'm talking to some people who I'm hoping will show up to my jug band festival and that's you know pissy jugband so I thought I'd play a little bit of the open sea for you here and and maybe. That you know they're back in their cereal but we'll see how much time we have so. Let's start off with if you're Pitzi. If. Oh I also ended up with a so cradle cd that I didn't know I started reading through it actually includes. Sopra janitor of your pissy jug band includes Dana Richardson and this was the knucklehead Jug Band from back in the mid seventies. a cold. So will I will. Come in the city but why not call it Jug Band I'm not feeling next week but sounds a little be out there and I'll be back in a couple weeks Ok I'm still enjoying. Don't go way out of style with Wayne Hagan is coming up next this hour of Katie or t.v. Programming is underwritten by the wardrobe a West Coast style meets euro chic boutique for women offering timeless r. Couture and featuring California designers and personalize styling the word is located in the heart of downtown Davis a 206 Eastern 8 and online at the Wardrobe dot com. T.v. r t Is people power radio and we're looking for someone and it just might be you we welcome volunteers ranging from radio experts to brand new explorers to the medium whether you want to sit behind the mike or volunteer behind the scenes we want to hear from you we also offer no cost training via internships across departments including music acquisitions publicity and social media and audio production sound interesting shoot us a line today at info at k d e r t o r g. I. Was. That. I. Was there was there. Was. I. Was I. I.