It is more like a nightmare learn how to better manage your money toward retirement to them to your financial life Saturday mornings at 8 author and retirement planning specialist Pat patootie arbors fresh insight into market trends for one k. And Ira play and interviews with experts on the economy and your financial future your financial life Saturday mornings it is on am 1220 k d o w. J k I'm 1220 with you wherever you go on our smart phone at the moment our tools for Cisco a service of Salem Media Group. From the box business network all Wall Street the major averages are lower in the afternoon trading as investors wait to see whether the Trump administration will announce more tariffs on Chinese goods and t.j. X whose portfolio of jeans includes t.j. Maxx and Marshall's announcing today that its board of directors has approved a 2 for one stock split to be affected in the form of a stock dividend and shares of Canadian cannabis company Aurora up around 17 percent today after reports that Coca-Cola has held talks with the company to make marijuana infused beverages of a partnership between Coke and a war does go through the deal would mark the 1st entry of a major manufacturer of non alcoholic beverages into the cannabis market last month Corona beer maker Constellation Brands announced plans to increase its stake in another Canadian marijuana producer cannot be growth to $10000000.00 But the Fox Business Report on the rebar state. That old expression has never been truer than it is today Time is money Hi this is our little scene managing partner of recent book of also the company at our c.p.a. Firm we see you both whether you're selling a business preparing for an i.p.o. 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We have a record amount of households as a percentage in the highest income bracket in the history of this country we have some amazing upward mobility once you get to the 507-5000 area and then I think it started to be reflected in the economy and. He said We have a great economy once you make more than $5875000.00 I'm going to build gang cause because our country now through our network I only laugh because you know we have 0 or force of $157000000.00 people 78.4 percent of those people make $58000.00 a lash of $78.00 the seat percent of the people in this country who work will not make it they're not going to make it so he's all excited here listen again when he says we have a record amount of households as a percentage in the highest income bracket in the history of this country we have some amazing upward mobility once you get to the $75000.00 area and then I think it started to be reflected in the economy and yes it is a lot of households as a percentage it's called income inequality he said mate we've got huge income inequality one of dope he's their big star income inequality has admitted it emitted it and I get such a kick out of everybody talking about oh the confidence is incredibly have his stork consumer confidence you talk about it every day but wait a minute of course people are confident confidence consumer confidence we must be there you know consumer confidence is it's a perception a person has of the economy it's a person's perception how do you kind of missed the only. And when a person can borrow more money than he thought he could he's really excited that's what his confidence stars What do you not touch. But each pleasantly surprised gee they gave me a loan what do you know now it's wow he's so confident he can't stand it this is crazy the unbelievable how can they not be confident with these guys out there every day the consumer never been better to look at the consumer the consumer is getting a little bit stronger in terms of wage gains economic revival led by the consumer we see the retail numbers people feel very confident about the economy right now that's what they say is amazing and it's not true the market's on fire the economy is booming. You know you 1st of all come on the Big Lie The Big Lie is we had an economic recovery we've experienced an economic recovery Believe me I want an economic recovery I don't like coming out here and tell you this stuff hey I support Trump I support what he's done Obama's a jerk Obama did it nothing at all Obama did more than the I mean Trump did more than Obama and 5 other 10 other persons put you guys did a great job but we did experience an act of that very cover be a lied to by everybody you can say you have an economic recovery whether one be one trillion in national debt what are you nuts he got pain out there cheerleading when there's 21 trillion national debt enviroment tell us how great the economy is or were in a recovery what 21 trillion a national debt that's impossible you didn't have a recovery well as a national debt that is rising 36 percent faster than the u.s. Economy is growing what do you not how can you call that a recovery think about. The national debt is rising 36 percent faster than our economy can grow and are calling a recovery. Republicans those it would be able to articulate the job that we're seeing with this economic boom it is absolutely both a lot of people but. It's but I will there be the Republicans can't articulate poor Pinney can't get out of his mouth because they can't articulate it when they know the truth you can't have your national debt going up 36 percent faster than the u.s. Economy you can't have household debt rising 60 percent faster than people's wages why do you think people are spending more than their income it's unbelievable people are feeling flush of their accounts spending more than our income coming in you know neck reach this is don't believe that's just the stuff they're telling a separate day critic parking space in your head they think you sit on the biggest stupid bench in a one of these people at least I give pain credit least told the truth I'm sure it was not on purpose but English told the truth the very few people are enjoying this economy unless you're making 75 grand a year or more. If I'm sorry if you make it so if I grant you your life you're not participating How could you have recovery when how so death reason should keep rising 50 percent faster than wages which student auto loans are growing twice as fast as wages when consumers are taking out a debt at a faster rate than their incomes and you can say that's called a recovery. If that's called the recovery I hate to see a slowdown but do you not it's they just one day the national debt grew by $73000000000.00 that's larger than the size of most major companies like g.m. For Southwest Airlines. This is crazy this is not corporate debt here we go again how do you say you got a recovery when corporate debt is in a rule record 8 trillion dollars That's a 40 percent increase since 2008 is nuts and corporate debt to g.d.p. Ratio recent hit an all time high of over 45 percent that's more extreme than during the dot com bubble when we were never thing blew up. The unbelievable total debt outstanding in the United States is actually a few trillion over the last 10 years particularly company issued debt now beginning in 2008 just under 13 trillion in corporate debt there's about 12.7 trillion for the 1st quarter of this year guys that number jumped to $15.00 trillion dollars corporate debt as a percentage of g.d.p. Is back to about 45 percent. That means we don't have a recovery that means we're heading towards a recession why do you think to 10 year Treasury yield and into your treasure you know are almost the same now that's a recession that's a recession these people just lines it's crazy but they get away with it. Then I talk about wage growth it was something to see wage growth right oh yeah that's what's driving this confidence right this oh yeah you death which he said to pain received as wage growth and pain shadow yeah that's what we're see why we're seeing all this conference this is driving a car the wage growth was wage growth if you go back to 2008 we had no wage grow wages have gone up Ok yes I understand that but then you got to understand what inflation is so if you take your wages and you take your inflation the inflation Each any gains. Now they tell us inflation is 2.9 percent we know that's a lie but let's use to the user like you point 9 percent and let's say wages are 2.9 percent is still having you still having anything. You can pay attention to the jibber jabber pay attention to me but take a look at some good stocks and we get back. To think past the hour I. Want more information on the show who fills game dog gone or give them a call the 877600 game. With the Bills game Duncombe membership we bring investors right to the floor and to the pits with those daily live in our classroom get inside market guidance on investing strategies find out more deals going dot com or call Exhibits 76 other gang that's 877604264 don't have time to analyze and study stocks at Phil's game dot com We recognize that there are all types of investors and we also recognize that your time is valuable so we offer Avestan programs for all individuals we offer investing programs for long term and short term positions and Phil's game dot com provides quick and easy to understand investing videos that only take a few minutes to watch with the Bills game dot com investing programs you will learn technical stock charting how to execute your trades and most importantly you will gain the confidence to know when to get out of a stock and take profits sign of at Phil's gang dot com that spills game dot com or give them a call 877600 game Bills game dot com is talk thousands of people from all walks of life how to invest make profits in the stock market Bills game dot com can help you generate extra income maximize your retirement financial savings and teach you how to avoid costly investing mistakes with the Phils gang membership you get all the comprehensive stock research and data analysis tools Phil's recommendations. And the professional customer support you need to make smarter more profitable investing decisions still we call the day 87764648776042648776042644 go to Phil's game dot com That's Phil's gang dot com 877604264. You know Phil Gramm he hosts the daily live stock market investing with our class never miss a beat with the market and your investments learn invest in profit with Phil's game dot com Call 877604264 that's 877600 gang. One of learn how to trade and invest in the market and discover how to build a successful trading plan for any time or from current income to retirement security Join us weekdays for our trading grade learn from the professionals how to apply simple rule based strategies do any asset class you'll also get insights of the few common mistakes of a novice investor that may cost you money and how to avoid that Howard Howard great writing a weekday mornings at 5 o'clock at 1 pm Monday through various it on am well 28 yo double Hello real estate owners this is Dr chalk Are you near retirement all set to downsize your home but you can't move ahead with your new life because your property has gone up so much in value that you now have a huge tax liability when you sell my name is Chuck fury and we've been at the cutting edge of really state solutions for nearly 30 years at Stanford property we've seen it all and have solutions for nearly any property challenge you might face whether you're downsizing a need to avoid taxes or want to double the income on your rental property will help you achieve these goals with c.p.a. 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I'm Stephanie Shelton c n b c stock indices remain in the red heading toward the closing bell not helped by top White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow saying President Trump isn't satisfied with the China trade talks and the new tariffs Mr Trump just said in a quick news conference on $200000000000.00 of goods will be announced after the market closes today there are reports now that fitness trackers and Apple watches will not be targeted at the moment the Dow is down $98.00 Nasdaq's down $104.00 and the s. And p. $500.00 off 16 Kudlow also said he doesn't expect Congress will be able to make this year's income tax cut permanent before the mid-term elections Cigna and Express Scripts the health care companies say the Justice Department has signed off on their merger there are still regulatory hurdles but the deal is expected to close by the end of the year I'm Stephanie Shelton see n.b.c. For professional staffing 1220 k d o w. If you're not a regular listener the gang What are you nuts Listen to build reading and check out com Now here's. We have not seen a massive reaction in the stock market to this that some people have been surprised by that have you well you know yes and no the big story here is the change in policies that I mentioned before and economic boom which is emerging I think that's really the big story. Get our book that's emerged for her here let's go back to what what parents said. We have a record amount of households as a percentage in the highest income bracket in the history of this country we have some amazing upward mobility once you get to the 75000 area and then I think it started to be reflected in the economy and Ok once you get through the $5075000.00 area I mean $75000.00 Look what he's saying is 8 percent of the labor force are not doing well but you'll be Ok once you get up through that $75000.00 area how many people make $75000.00 very few people the average income household income 2 people $50000.00 and they're using credit cards to subsidize their income take their tax out pay all their expenses especially a grant for heaven's sakes it's amazing they have nothing left at the end of the at the end of the month it's incredible so you can sit and listen every day how great things are and when you look and see here's the problem people are listening to them Larry Kudlow in then Veyron Ian all these people all these cheerleaders and the problem is these people are believing it then what do they do they go out. They throw caution to the wind because they're saying everything is wonderful just like remember back in 200-200-2200 extension 8 everything was wonderful how the house you would never stop they told people Look go and take the $35000000000.00 out of your how the equity in your home 30 for take it out don't worry about it coast then that you're going to be fine your house is going to that if it recapture that $35.00 like nothing and when you retire you'll get the $35000000000.00 back hush you have Bill get paid pay for the house make so much money go buy your retirement house and and pay it off things are so wonder they're doing the same thing that you know it's same thing right before every crash they do the same thing that some believe a bill when things are doing good is when you go and have to borrow money to go buy something but they took call it great confidence when people have to borrow money to buy something so when you listen to the jibber jabber like pain and virally and Maria and the rest of these people and Bloomberg and all of them they should be saying when the economy is Chair effect when wages are up and people can buy from savings they don't have to go out and get in get that's when things are wonderful until then till that day things really suck and you'd better start saving now here's the problem with the savings being cut down to a 10 year low Our economy can't grow why. Because it's not Apple that makes you kind of the grow it's not Netflix It's not Google it's the small business in your community it's a small business to who hire who have been 25 workers to lash. They're the engine behind our economy it's a start up business the entrepreneur they start to visit go out and hire $1015.00 people that's how our economy grows our common growth in small businesses but we're at a small business to get the capital they can't go to Wall Street not publicly traded companies they have to go to the bank but when it got to the bank there's no money there's no savings the bank so what does that bank do they can have a run on the bank so they raise interest rates so high that you have nobody does his number he can't borrow the money interest rates are too high he can't add answer was business can't add on the other 5 such workers but he they don't want to shoot or know any of this this is a danger to small shavings or a 10 year low you can't grow the economy it's impossible these cheerleaders are unbelievable as I said these conferences reminisces and just before 2000 a crash right let's talk about some stock. Sed the other day I told you why don't you join my gang 3995 for a month and why don't you follow me and just a couple of stocks and that fact bunch you follow me on my video stock. And if you recall I gave you one stock was a gold stock a you as a star watching a you because this gold stock I think is going to pretty good in a you by the way what I love is I buying I love buying stuff for big big deep discounts and the stock dropped over what I think gave you a down something like 25 percent. Because for a you is going up beautifully since it turned green the 1st day where we got our buy signal when it turned green Let me get it right here this is unbelievable to turn the 1st day we turned green was a $7.67 today is $8.35 so that's probably a gain of about. Then there's maybe around 3 percent so on like that but 4 percent 4 percent in a few days. And I said you want your joint just start with this one just try it and what I do is a video 3 times a day explaining what I'm going to talk about a minute the video as upgraded 3 times a day if you don't you want to listen to the view that's fine just wait for my alert want to sell it but each dark age you which Are you want to buy at. We tell you during the process as it's going up we take Zachary what's going on you can when you should add to your position when you should add to your position but we always put a stop and we always make sure we have an insurance policy that we always try to make sure that we never lose more than 2 to 3 percent of stocks that we purchase to make a 10 percent upside so a you is one of them you're still not too late join my gang 877600 gang. And they're waiting for your call and just help St Jude if you make some money we'll be right back 20 past the hour. Want more information on this show who fills game dog dog or give them a call at 877600. If you're behind and you know you're behind in your savings you know your behind for retirement if you haven't got enough retirement money you're getting worried and nobody helped you today they would help you today were you able to go to your mall device today and say what should I do it as the stock did anybody do a video for you today did your planner to Germany manager the guy that run your Poland k. Did he do a video for you today 3 times during the day take Zachary what to do with the stock sure in no now when you join a gang you can decide what you want to participate in you can have the full schooling we come to our class on a daily basis that's an over the Internet of course or if you're a person says I just want you to make money for me because I don't have time to learn and I have a program for that and that's called my video stock program so when the market goes up you're going to make money when the market goes down you're going to make money for more information go to Phil's game dot com or give us a call at 877600 that's 877-6464. When the markets open we watch the market all day long and when we see there's an opportunity for stock and stock that we've been following There's a lot of stuff to put on our watch list and it has to hit a certain criteria and then when it does we'll worry you you mediately get in the lurch it's as we've bought this stock x. Dock at $30.00 so you get you know a letter immediately what's better than that I mean nobody does that for you but the most important thing though say Ok here's why we're getting out now or here's why we're taking profits I think it's going to go down look the most important thing is that I want you to be prepared for when the market does tank or rally that you're with us fills gang 877600 gang join my gang right now Phil's gang 877600 gangs in you'll be in position the asleep at night you don't have to worry find out more. Or call 877600 game that's 877-6464 that's 877604264 short Have you ever wondered of a banks make all their money and want to be on the banks side of the deal at Pacific private money their clients do just that for almost a decade clients of Pacific private money of consistently earned high yields on their investments earning returns of 7 and a half percent or more secured primarily by California real estate at conservative values as most baby boomers know it's important to earn consistent above market returns on their savings and retirement accounts high yield alternative investment strategies like Pacific private money's mortgage backed investments might be just the thing you need to boost your income join the thousands of California residents who have learned one of the best kept secrets in investing for more information call Pacific private money at 415832150 that's 415832150 or visit their website at Pacific private money dot com All investments have inherent risk to the market fluctuation and your individual results may vary based on the investment the station does not guarantee or indorse any investments or in. 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And they keep my business cooking. Barrage of bad word play was most unpleasant whereas commercial out of one business insurance through progressive is anything but music progressive commercial dot com today insurance provided in service by progressive. But you took you to 1220 k d o w. Welcome back or you ready to make profits in the stock market why not go Bills game dot com or give us a call at 877604264 years Phil. For it's pretty much been an intergalactic. Substantial amount of evidence or a substantial one confirmation for the ongoing investigation and some cracks have been favored for some time to win control of the house we're confident now look confident confident that we can run the tables in the Senate he's going to say things in favor of the guy who's being nailed to the wall and our goal act for this president has displayed the most despicable behavior. You are and get. Back to Phil's can't you know I love the come on here and talk an hour about these shows. And talk about how they're all for hot air oh I'd love to do that believe me talk about it all the time but it's more important that I visually you each day. Income because you're going to be facing a disaster especially when it comes to Social Security you already facing a disaster because you don't have pensions anymore you're in a how wages are going up don't believe it they're out so sourcing even more now than they were now Trump has done a great job but he was sold a bill of goods by Larry Kudlow what ends up happening is a very few people has benefited from all his. Regulations cuts everything he's done. The how the very top 10 percent top they have done sure if it now that's not the way Trump wanted to be but he listened to these people and he got duped and we got duped. But then the say there you should have great confidence when there's 364000000 open credit card accounts were banks are charging 15 to 18 percent when they send out a 175000000 approved credit card solicitations a month to some prime people and put it in English they're saying let's take the people barely make who needs the credit card who really needs a credit card to subsidize their lost income because they're spending more than they're taking home now they're spending more than their income so let's send them a pre-approved card even if half will go bad if we charge him 22 percent we make a fortune so our own are the one percent the one percent of the one percent. Thank you to fortune taken taken these people and given them credit cards they should have an appeaser Oh look at that confidence they had because you could I says they're right it gets in the mail a pretty approved credit card and it can't pay them $5.00 he has he can't pay the easy way out all $5.00 he takes from $1.00 to pay another and he gets a new one in the mail no wonder if confidence is high but his conference would be should only be high if you could pay for something out of cash pay for something out of savings for Troy in credit card debt we never had for true credit card nevermind auto and student loans forget all that crap just credit card debt because they're using credit card to subsidize their loss of income we have the highest delinquency rate ever with credit cards. Again no question Trump has done a great job he cut all of these regulations he got the pipeline going again I could go on and on the wonderful thing he did but it didn't benefit the 70 percent of people or 80 percent of people who are in the United States workforce and the labor force they don't see it see they're not getting part of that cash that they're not getting that promised $4000.00 pump in their paycheck they didn't get that they were excluded so what do they do to make them happy they keep it standing credit for them they keep extending the credit. Number 70 poor want to just double check 70 point one percent of our workforce make $50000.00 a year last year not participating in the 13 trillion increase in stock value Trump has driven the stock market up 13 percent more 13 trillion more from the day he was elected it's gone up 13 true but these people make 50000 are participating if they're in a forward k. They're really not participating because they're for. Because of all the hidden fees they're not participating in any wage increases they're not getting wage increases they're not getting bonuses because they're not management the only people getting wage increases the bonuses are the management people make 100 grand or more they're not participating in a tax savings in an annualized basis their wages are being eaten up by inflation if you believe inflation is 2.9 percent you're nuts real inflation in this country real inflation in this country is 8 percent go to the movies so what do you do you've got to focus on your income you got to focus on retirement you're never going to you can be like everybody else very few people can retire most of the people that are easier to 10 years away from retiring have a $1000.00 set aside thats it. And the government no better they suck too the government still pours 40 percent of the money it spends there just like the conservative think of or think you want to follow we're doing look at us Congress we know what we're doing we for 40 percent of the money we spent so why did you do the same thing why don't you borrow any percent the money you spend the government spends 10000000000 a day or 121000 dollars a 2nd and after all the expense at the end of the year like a business you take a huge risk what you've got left they've got a net loss of $1.00 trillion they're broke they have to borrow and borrow and borrow every day 10000000000 a day so they have a negative net worth you know she's got our country it's negative for 20.4 could you think I like pointing at I don't know I'd like to be doing the same thing all the cheerleader all that it is this is great going fills get you going to be a millionaire you could be a millionaire now not to say that but here's I'm going to tell you if you joined me here we should go in early last week when I said join me and follow my video stack you have got to do a thing you don't do nothing the video tells you when to buy so you want to get out tell you once and so a you is already up for pushed 4 percent richer but here's the keys not how much we're up if you're not going to lose that 4 percent because we have we buy an insurance policy so that nobody will move and that stock will put an insurance policy call a stop signal of any more and 2 to 3 percent. Of your money we just started International Paper Here's when you join a joint tonight 877600 gang 877600 gang How about joining in following us with international paper and put it up Oh believe me I'd rather be talking about Meet the Press then do a nest sure I would be more fun for me but in the end of day it is really matter what the dopes on Meet the Press say what really matters. Is you work your whole life and you can't retire. You outlive your money why because you're following k. Nobody cares about you is no for you sure relationship responsibility begins and ends with our partners and our shareholders and that sift through that's it that's it nobody cares about you you've got to you've got to care about you so here so we got International Paper that dropped 25 percent what a great opportunity by International Paper so the video 3 times a day something like for a minute very short take Zach we want to do on your lunch break or whatever your mobile device just click it open to look at a firm in and you know exactly what to do we send you the Yod the alert we got another one now a car she a are that drop 42 percent that's going to be another great nother great discount a stock between a u. I p. Ca our look at we are you know we picked up 30 percent of Budweiser dollar true picked up 11 percent Caterpillar 7 percent now when I see and that's it every gay member picked up a 7 percent loved. When I'm Sankyo that's when the stock turned green that's when you got your buy signal you've got to make that signal when you want to buy it I can't force you to start tonight 8776 in the gang 876 are getting in start with International Paper. Want more information on this show who fills Again dog dog or give them a call at 877600. Like great thousands of dollars for a weekend seminar one for only 3995 a month pills game dot com provides all the daily market investing information you need to make profits in the stock market with over 40 years of investing experience only filled Grandy in the Bills game dot com team provide daily live infesting women our stuff to the minute market updates all the investing educational videos you can imagine don't hesitate to learn invested make profits go to Phil's game dot com or call 877600 gang 877604264 short on time but want to invest in the stock market let Phil's game you for only 30 done $95.00 a month you get complete access to all of Bill's powerful investing programs videos and resources that works for me in watch the videos and make profits find out more at Phil's game dot com or call 877600 gang that's 877604264 pills gang dot com. Friday evenings on am 1220 k d o w Margaret Jackson is your host for business on the edge what separates the success stories from the failures join us every Friday as I help guide you down the path to success whether you are already established or just starting out I discuss the latest I'm trippin or trends marketing strategies Financial Solutions and more it's all about giving you the ecu need to succeed this is on the edge with Margaret Jackson Friday at 6 pm Here I am 1220 k.t.o. Delhi. If you don't want to do the trip to currencies join us every Thursday at 2 pm for the crypto shows digital cash evolution and be sure to go to the crypto Show dot com follow all of our social media platforms for the latest in crypto currency trends and information with over 400 Park episode Don't forget to like follow and subscribe on all of our platforms at the Krypto Show dot com on the crypto show Thursdays at 2 am 1220 k. 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Welcome back to the Phils gang radio show want to know more about Phil's gang go to Phil's game dot com or give us a call at 87764264 No here's fill. It up with John King out in the shot. Almost well. Maybe you know you know if I'm already asleep by more of the pop he would buy more now listen to this welcome to Phil's gate Zacky what I tell you not to do. They don't get you out he was up this guy was about what 2530 percent. And I'm I envy to color coded chart it identified for us if he had it he if he had my chart he was a gang member. He would have been out in time he was saved all that money there now he's lose there and lose money he's there and lose money big time and he does Kramer say 5 more of it but more of it he is just to show us the big banks the hedge funds the insurance companies are pulling money out that stock left and right all he had to do is the 1st day it turned red he would have got out and he would kept as my Esther beautiful thing about the empty 2 color coded chart the algorithms I put in push was to identify when to go anybody can anybody can make money going up that's not the arch hell a you were up 4 percent Starbucks 8 percent certain time it turned green caterpillar 7 percent here's one t n b m is. There's a health care stock were up our medical device that it was up 120 percent and it turned red it told us the institutions report out we got the signal from my algorithm there pull your cash out it drops 70 percent and we were out before that happened we were out before that happened same thing with us that here's part to tell him the stay end is criminal and institutions are pull the money out look the most important part of your investment is they have a business plan when you get in and you treat each stock like a business you get in say Ok whether I'm trying to my goal is a 10 percent return 1520 percent before you start we always plug in insurance policies say this is the maximum percentage we will lose will lose 2 percent 3 percent. And we're going to try to make a return of at least 10 percent if we make more that's terrific but the key is not making a 10 percent 1520 or even like our one stock 120 percent that's not that that's not where it sat it's focusing on not losing the money I have customers stay with me gang member stay with me for years they don't lose money yes they want to make money but all focus has to be. When do I get out and every day we say to our gang members especially the people in the video who use the m b 2 rather So if you're not making money for some reason you use of my envy to chart and you're not making money something is wrong you're reading the chart wrong you're tripping something wrong context support will work with you until you're making my kid you're doing something wrong because you can't possibly lose money when the signal tells you to get out just like this guy is losing money because there were he didn't have my chart and told them when it turned red when the money was coming out by the institution got an idiot like Cramer to I asked a it by more clarity with a look at the chart because you know what he's talking about why because he has no producer away ship of the sky nobody does you have it with yourself with my car if you put your shop in like we train you and then we you watch the video 3 of them we up they each journey day 3 of them you just follow that there are only a minute by minute hand. That's it you'll do fine you'll know one of the ways the important thing right now is everybody can say how wonderful this economy is that's fine and it's booming and everybody's getting rich but didn't they say that their new dot com. Didn't they say that during a housing finance con This is called the Q e con. The stock market is going up almost 300 percent because of why because they interfered with the stock market they financially engineer it so that the big boys when a market crashed in 2008 that they would get their money back 1st and quickly. They read the market they front loaded the markets and they made a tree didn't think what they did they were able to move up the value of stocks 13 trillion dollars and mostly if you got in your lucky you'll give it all back if you're not going to want to get out so join my gang All Eyez you start making some money please remember St Jude we're doing this for 20 years supporting St Jude So start with just one stock want to start with International Paper or do International Paper and Avis International Paper down by 25 percent Avis is down 42 percent that's what you buy and sell and then follow me on the video what I tell you to buy and when I tell you the error when I tell you to get out you'll be fine at the end of the month judge me on my performance in the charts performance it takes hardly no time at all. For people who say you know what I don't want to learn anything I just want to make money Ok so again we got again 87777600 gang of 877600 gang. Join my gang tonight and just start with one of the 3 that's all Ok so. They're telling us at least Cain Payne admitted that very few people are doing well he says you got to get above that 5875000 well that's impossible to get above that the you can get above it somebody's going to write him a check when the government boring 40 percent of the money it spends how they're going to have it with that kind of debt. The government's got too much debt the economy is growing too slow why do you think the economy has 2008 hasn't hit an annual g.d.p. Of 3 percent too much debt. Corporate debt Ok as 8 trillion dollars They're starting to raise rates on them before their money was free was 0 no more no more the things are so good then why do we go from a budget deficit a $650000000000.00 under Obama to one trillion under trim one trillion now that would be Ok but our economy is growing so much slower than our debt pending home sales are down 77 months in a row home pricing has been signaling the weakest gain since 2007 Kimber because ignoring at their home prices are down their single They're weak nobody cares this is crazy so we got so much debt it's just you can't grow when you have this kind of debt it's just it's impossible you can't again now when a national debt rising 36 percent faster than our economy you can't do well you're not going to are you not going to retire you're not going to make it a b. On that 58275000 now when your government is working against you you're never going to have the upper mobility you're not going to get there how about when household debt is rising 60 percent faster than wages tell me he says Oh you'll get there you'll finally break through that magical $75000.00 you get up and through that 7 you become now a millionaire if he's got to tell you through the truth you can have household debt rising 60 percent faster than your wages if your debts going up 60 percent faster your wages and the government is even worse. One But there was a month ago we had one day I get one of $75000000000.00 and $1.00 day so you know it's if you've got the national debt rising 63 percent faster the u.s. Economy got house without raising 60 percent faster than wages you have student loans auto loans are growing twice as fast as wages why do you think your outs or even somebody is going to raise your wage for you of course now. Look at mortgage debt mortgage debt is incredible now corporate debt credible the consequences of debt is incredible look what happened when we when we when the stock crashed in 2008 we lost 12 almost 13 trillion. 13 trillion dollars Jesson and equity of homes gone wiped out. We lost another what 7 trillion and it is stock. Market dropped 11 trillion all you got to know is when you get out before that happens and that's what you get for me a 77600 getting Joy Thank Gang tonight. You have been listening to Phil's game with your host Bill Randy on the Off The Wall Street Radio netball The Wall Street Radio Network limited to visit kills website it still is Game dot com That's still game dot com book called The Office state 77604264 that's 100-776-0426 extension 4. This story is called The Ugly Truth About Time Share if you think you've done your family favor about buying a timeshare you name my hello hello I'm Chuck McDowell c.e.o. And founder of Wesley Financial Group 10 years ago I started helping folks cancel their timeshare contracts and in the process started what's now called the Tom Sure cancellation industry Hampshire's The only thing that you can buy that you can't tell me how much it's going to cost or when it's going to end when you've bought timeshare you give them a blank check to fill out any amount they want for annual maintenance and assessment phase sound crazy the crazy thing is this never ends even when you die your families now going to be stuck with this burden stop the insanity to day calm office and I guarantee if we can't cancel your timeshare contract you'll pay nothing for your free information kid 876-9300 that's 876-930-8769 extension 300. You'll tap the whole deal heavily Hello Bill San Jose San Francisco Perry as business leader a circus. On the Box business now work all Wall Street the major averages are lower and afternoon trading as trade between the u.s. And China are fueling caution among investors and salaries on Wall Street Rising last year to their highest level since the financial crisis the numbers coming from a report by New York's come troll or salary in New York City securities industry in 2017 increasing by 13 percent to over 422000 dollars. 2008 and the 3rd highest on record.