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Sponsored by online trading Academy Today show is provided for entertainment and general information purposes opinions expressed are those of the presenter only we make no promises or guarantees of investment performance online trading Academy is not a broker dealer or a certified financial planner or registered investment advisor enjoy the show. Welcome to the show with your 1st time listener then we are pleased very pleased to meet you my name is Ranko we're excited to have you with us today joining me as always is my great friend director of instructor development and top instructor here at trading Cademy it's easy to say that he is who ever wants to be like he's the brains of the operation that is for sure his name is the one the only Larry Jacobson Larry welcome out and how on earth are you doing a great run I mean another great show common lot of good information that we're going to have a good time today we've got a lot of a lot of fun filled financially packed hour that we have here for you our financial family out there on these radio airwaves we are excited to be here this week or excuse me the show is always the fastest hour of our week and Larry and I always kind of joke about that but pretty soon we're going to turn around the show is going to be over but we got a lot of great information to get to so make sure you stay tuned and one of my favorite things about this show is we get to talk about money and I don't know if you're like like raising a family like I was but you were told not to talk about money if you talk about money it's it's not polite you know don't don't ever ask somebody how old they are how much they weigh or how much money they have well we're going to talk about money this whole time right we're going to talk about how to make more money and specifically how to generate more to pull streams of income inside the financial markets and one of the things that looking at the other day with a few friends is is the different types of streams of income that you can build and we started finding multipliers of it we're like oh you know you could build 7 different types of active income fairly simply in the market and then there's 3 different directions on top of that you're talking about 21 different streams of active income the very simply could be built outside of these financial markets and then that same type of a conversation could be said for that active you know that passive income side of things now the active income side of the market is. To generate our wealth right to get that up and running and the passive income side of things as once we have that wealth establish that Critical Mass how do we get that money working for us well to have a consistent strategy whether it's passive income or active income it's a 3 part conversation and that's one of the things we always spend a lot of time on on this show that 3 part conversation which is how to make money when the markets are going up how to make money when the markets are going down and how do we make money when the markets are going sideways to have a consistent income we've got to have that strategy that can operate consistently and not be market direction dependent Larry what are some of the few things you and your instructor team are out there kind of showering on the student base right now to really help them generate more consistent income inside of the financial markets you know the big thing that the theme of the week would be time and awareness time in the respect of how much time you have available in your life right now that you can wait and do nothing in awareness about what's going on the markets not watching the markets right now Ryan what's really fascinating is if you're a historian going back about 10 years if Fed has been talking about these increases in interest rates that they're looking to start doing this year well by take you back to 2008 that's exactly what the Fed started to do back in 2007 that caused the correction in 2008 so let's take a snapshot of where we're at right now and this is important to the listeners because if you're not prepared this time you're not aware you're going to get caught again in that unfortunate situation where all that hard money is going to just collapse on you so what's happening right now is the Fed is getting aggressive about raising interest rates economy is good right now but there's signs out there that it could turn for example we have been seeing again the market going higher higher and higher but we know that many years ago we've had unsustainable earnings to keep the market this high but what's been very fascinating is an indicator that Warren Buffett likes to use and all of our audience knows who Warren Buffett is the greatest investor of all time it's only worth about $53000000000.00 why Buffett looks at a specific indicator that is exactly what it was back in 2. $12007.00 before the last correction so everything is leading us to that we are overheated right now and unless our listeners do something to protect their money Ryan they're going to sit back like they did in 2008 watching all that harder money just evaporate again you know as the markets go up and as the markets go down it's kind of you know that normal cycle inside of the markets and just the other day and saw you know one of the famous Warren Buffett quotes about the tide going out to see you know when the tide goes out you find out who's swimming naked and so what they just really mean by that is when the tide goes out if we're losing money then that means we don't have a strategy that can perform any market condition you know and there we are caught with our pants down so to speak so one of the things that happens is we want to make sure that we can make money as the markets are going up and as the markets are going down and as the markets are going sideways generating that consistent income is critical just to keep our accounts heading in the right direction now one of the things about this is as the markets are going down you really want to guess I should say one of our goals out of the HAVE TO CLASS IS is to get you to a point where where you can start identifying these down markets and not just looking at them as bad because the average person looks at a down market as bad or a down day as a bad day did you know that Goldman Sachs back in February made over $200000000.00 in one day and it was a down day they profited off the market going down one of the things we really like to focus on is really helping people start to see down markets as an opportunity for an extra stream of income we know how to make money when the markets are going up but how do we make money when the markets are going down how can we have our portfolio our wealth bucket expand how can we generate retirement income as the markets are going down how can we generate daily income as the markets are going down these are just multiple streams of income that we can drive into our lives and drive into that retirement situation to make us we'd have to spend the golden years at the Golden Arches Now one of the ways where we can help a few people get started with that is bringing out to want to have take classes and really getting you kind of deep dive into how all this stuff works and one of the easy ways to do that is if we give away a few passes to one of our upcoming classes Larry are you ready let's do it all right well right now we've got to have to class. Coming up in your area in the HAVE TO CLASS is where you'll see exactly what it takes to generate income whether that's passive income or active income and whether the markets are going up down or sideways one of the things about the half day classes is about 3 hours long right call to have to a class but it really is about 3 hours long and you can spend 3 hours of your time golfing you can spend 3 hours of your time at a movie or maybe on social media or maybe watching T.V. But why not invest 3 hours of your time and raise that financial I.Q. And have that paid dividends to you for the rest of your life we all want great rewards but before we can get that great reward we have to make that initial investment in this case your investment is 3 hours of your time now in just a 2nd you have a chance to win a set of passes to one of these have to take classes to get your phones ready if you are driving now is the time to pull over include with your passes are professional insiders kit now this kit is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhancing your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down income generation capital preservation crypto currencies and much much more the professional insider kit makes it so you can get started right now 10 through 20 we need to call now and reserve those seats the number is 877-338-8723 that date 773388723 if you end up being callers 9 or 21 sorry about that hit us up at 3 class dot com and see if you can score some passes there you know one of the things that's critical inside of the financial markets is just to understand the timing of things understand when to buy and when to sell so that we can buy low and sell high and really generating consistent income whether it's passive income or whether it's active income that's a really key topic that's a really key point being able to start and stop at the right time they talk about in the real estate market how it's that the 3 rules to real estate are location location location Well the 3 rules inside of the financial markets are tiny tiny timing buy low sell high and being able to time those wholesale prices and those retail prices are really what help you generate that passive and that active income but Larry what are some of the key points you're really having our students focus on right now to make sure that they can really generate that income that they're after well. Students are actually preparing right now for a decade wide opportunity a windfall so to speak that we haven't really seen since 2008 about every 10 years we have seen statistically that there is going to be a correction so our students are trained by the way you know Ryan we've been doing this for over 20 years we have over a 1000000 students have gone through our academy right now and the beauty of this is they are learning how to take action when this opportunity arises it's very different to most people out there are listeners who are basically poor and what I mean by poor is passing over opportunities repeatedly Right now our students have been waiting Wall Street has been waiting for this decade long windfall the last time we saw a major correction was in 2008 Wall Street made more money in that year than they had in the prior 10 years same thing is going to happen again you're going to see people become very very wealthy simply because they learned how to prepare to take action when the markets go down now we really haven't had that experience at all markets have gone a little sideways the past couple of years mostly up and again I always laugh because everybody knows how to make money in a bull market what they can't do is sustain wealth and make sure that they're preserving this harder and capital when the markets go down and again now what's funny is our students are going to have the best year of their lives once this happens they'll be cheering on Wall Street everybody involved because they know what's coming but they know something that most of our students know and most unfortunately most people out there don't know and it really ends of being whether you have $2.00 or 2 $1000000.00 It doesn't matter we want to have that money consistently growing in that money generating consistent income now if we have $2.00 We're going to be focusing on the active income side of things so we can build up that wealth if we have $2000000.00 maybe we're more focused on the passive income side of things but it's all about generating more income through the financial markets whether the markets are going up down or sideways and the market falls about 3 times faster then it goes up you know they say when you take a long position it's like taking the stairs and when you take a short position it's like jumping out of a window. You know how fast it goes down and so think about that not only is a down market an opportunity to generate income it's an opportunity to generate 3 times as much income roughly in the same amount of time well given example back in February we didn't have anywhere near the correction that we could be having now and in just a 2nd you can have a chance to win a set of passes the one of these have to classes so if you're driving now's a good time to pull over and get that phone out included with your past is our professional insider's kit now this kit is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhanced in your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down income generation capital preservation cryptocurrency and much much more than a professional insider kit makes it so you can get started right now that you're 20 we need to call now and reserve those seats the number is 877-338-8723 dates 773388723 if you had to be callers 9 or 21 sorry about that it is about 348 class dot com and see if you can score some passes there. If you can invest just about 3 hours to open yourself to strategies that could make you financially secure for life would you do it for over 20 years online trading Academy is transformed lives worldwide with their exceptional trading and investing education and they would like to invite you to a free half day investing class near you here's what one recent graduate had to say online trading it can I me it's taught me is that you've got to have a plan and a given bit cool it may be a better trader a better plan or a better father let on line training academy help you pursue your financial goals so you could have more time to focus on what really matters to kids there is static because I'm available now and we can eat together as a family I get my trading done and they're happy are you ready to start living the life you've dreamed of learn more at 3 o t a class dot com That's free ot a class dot com. It may be hard to believe but the average for a one K. Investor misses out on over $5000.00 per year in investment gains what well ports timing and sub par investment choices this is what's the studies show this is the challenge of the typical for a one K. And that's the whole reason for active for a one can and that's why we have active for a one K. It's why we launched the program for listeners and our clients because very difficult to allocate a for a one K. Account these plans have limited choices you've got to make the changes now if you will for a longer count is the program that you should know about it ranks your current options within your current employer's plan and then all you do is log in and make the changes will tell you what to buy what percentages and what funds if you'd like to see more about it just go to invest Talk dot com Invest Talk dot com and click on the investment stem from Katie P.T. Financial and it may be just what you need to. Get total freedom in your life safely and quickly build wealth and passive income so you never worry about working until you drop losing your job only toiling in poverty over 28 years ago Walmsley founded lifestyles unlimited Bell has taught over 100000 people just like me you knew the principles of financial freedom for his national radio shows and personal one on one mentoring and lifestyles on the other I'm excited to tell you about the real estate will shop that has changed so many lives this workshop takes you inside what we do and what we believe we'll share with you the 5 ways we make money in real estate and much more just like your personal trainer the lifestyles unlimited team will motivate encourage teaching so you can get in the best financial shape of your life call 866971874 go to 5 Ways to Make Money dot com That's 5 ways we make money dot com to register for the workshop that will change your life that's 5 ways we make money dot com. Welcome back. If you're just tuning in you missed Larry Jacobson director of instructor development and top instructor at on line trading him he's the brains of the operation and if you weren't with us over the last segment let me tell you what he was talking about we were really spending some time really diving deep into how to make money no matter what direction the market goes we're talking about passive income we're talking about active income whether the markets are going up down or sideways and as these markets start to fall it is a powerful it is a is a critical life skill I like to say to be able to generate income as the markets are going down it is very much can be very much of a life changing life changing skill if you look back at the wave of billionaires and when they're created it's incredible to see how many new billionaires are created in these drops in the market and that goes back to what we're talking about just a few minutes ago as far as how fast the market goes down you see their wealth just expands being able to take those positions the profit on the way down and I both touched on in the last segment how Goldman Sachs actually had over a $200000000.00 day all of the market was going down they were positioned to make money if the markets took a big step down they took a big step down and Goldman Sachs is portfolio took a big big big step forward whether you're just tuning in maybe your 1st time listener or maybe you've been with us for the whole show get excited the best is yet to come and Larry a lot of our listeners you know they call and they talk to us a lot about how much they love all the income conversations we have and and some of them are looking to replace their income with trading and investing and a lot are looking to really upgrade their lifestyle with a little bit of additional you know kind of supplemental income and some are just you know really looking to fire their boss remember about a month ago I had a couple students coming in saying their number one goal was to fire their boss and so they're looking more for a primary source of income out of these financial markets but whether it's. Supplemental Income whether it's primary income whether it's passive income whether it's active income what are those key points you're having everybody focus on or one of those those on those touches that you're giving out to the students right now to make sure that they're really heading in that right direction no matter what their income goal is what we teach our students a simple step by step simple investment strategy designed to help them understand where the big banks are buying and where they're selling Once you understand and you're able to understand something as simple as where to be buying a way to be selling you could start to learn how to generate additional income Sadly when I speak to students and it's no fault of their own especially people listening to us right now they've been told their whole lives the only way they can make more money is by getting another job well here's your problem here's the rub most people coming to the academy are wanting to learn how to trade so they can leave a job they don't want they want to learn how to you know preserve capital they work so hard to save maybe spend more time with their family go on vacations there's no way possible that they're going to be able to create that freedom that they're looking for if they're going to work yet another job that's taking them further and further away from freedom so a lot of our students what they're learning right now is how to generate income in the markets United mention this many times Ryan Most millionaires out there have at least 5 streams of income we teach our students that by generating income through the markets they're going to go ahead and learn that simply by learning how to trade they're going to enhance not only their money but also their freedom in life most people are fed up right now they don't want someone else kind of going ahead and defining their worth anymore you know you get a paycheck and someone else is telling you what you're worth while people are fed up with that right now also if the markets are going to react like we said in the 1st segment that a lot of jobs might go away and evaporate like they did in 2008 Yeah absolutely and we always have those kind of classic economic cycles the really lend to that and it's a very natural process otherwise we wouldn't have to 300 years worth of debt even tracking this when you look at in economies around the world and historically you go by. And you see the expansions you see the peaks you see the contractions you see the troughs and and they talk about the cycles that these all go through and that's just because you know you go back to the old the old Alan Greenspan terms of irrational exuberance things just aren't sustaining you can't hold a you can't hold a 45 percent incline of growth consistently It just doesn't work out that things just catch up to you and we've got to strategize we've got to fix we've got to cut costs and this is how businesses work that's how economies work and unfortunately what happens is when we get kind of a little overextended things pull back we pull back on hiring we pull back on salary we pull back on all these different things and and that's one of things that has me really kind of concerned about the situation that we're in right now Warren Buffett has a fun another fun quote We're kind of talking a lot about him on this show but one of the things that I love one of my favorite quotes is when the masses are fearful it's time to be greedy and when the masses are greedy it's time to be fearful and I was just kind of change that over and I go I call that when the masses are buying it's time to be selling and that when the masses are subtle and it's time to be buying and when you think about how our markets work and how our economy works right now we're in a situation where we're at all time highs in these financial markets you know a couple of them are at all time highs right and the other ones are just near as far as our indexes go when you look at that being at these all time highs we literally should have more money in our bank accounts than we have ever had in the history of US right because of where these markets are and that may or may not be the situation that you're sitting in right now but it should be based on market activity but just knowing that we're at these all time highs were revisiting these all time highs P. E. Ratios are higher than they were back in 2007 they're almost in some sectors they're almost as high as they were back in 2000 which is just on heard of a we get to those points of sustainability the natural correction processes for prices to come back down to earth come back down to the mean come back down to the average as prices are falling the average individual is losing money but somebody with the appropriate skills is generating a great stream of passive agreed. Stream of supplemental or maybe even a great stream of primary income off of these dropping markets off of this contraction inside of the economy so you go back to 2007 you go back into that 2 $1007.00 ERA 2008 we had the market's falling and you can go see Paulson you can go see his hedge fund making billions of dollars as the markets was coming down you're breaking records left and right because there's a great opportunity to generate income as the markets are going down the 1st thing we have to do is we've got to know how to do it and a great place to learn how to learn to see exactly what it takes to generate income in a falling market is out one of our have to take classes Larry how to get away let's do it right now we've got to have to a class coming up in your area and they have to classes where you'll see exactly what it takes really generate that income whether it's primary or supplemental whether it's active or passive whether the markets are going down or sideways it doesn't matter if you have $2.00 or $2000000.00 you can see exactly what it takes to get your money generating that in community service and get you to that ultimate point of financial freedom now in just a 2nd you can have a chance to win a set of passes to one of these half day classes so if you're driving pull over and get that phone out included with your past is a professional insider's kit now this kit is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhancing your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down income generation capital preservation crypto currencies and much much more the professional insider kit makes it so you can get started right away 10 through 20 we need you to call now and reserve those seats the number is 87733887238773388723 if you had to be in colors 9 or 21 sorry about that hit us up at 3 class dot com and see if you can score some passes there Larry as far as the supplemental income side of things any even the primary income side of things you know the supplemental income love so much that conversation because it really does lend itself to multiple streams of income right when you're talking about supplemental income it could be multiple streams of supplemental income a little bit from currency a little bit from commodities maybe we also have our job you know one of the reasons job that acronym J. A.O.B. Stance for just over broke is because the average individual only has job as a source of income and if it goes away we're in that quote unquote broke situation you know where we have more money going out that we have coming in multiple streams of income it is the thing that I get so excited about when we say supplemental because now we have like I say income from for X. We have some some some passive income some from some derivatives or some 4 or from some dividends and now the sun there's 4 X. There's commodities there's stocks there's derivatives and maybe there's job now the average individual who has the the kind of aspiration of reaching that that financial freedom level they can see very very quickly very very simply how they can build out those 4567 different streams of passive or active income somebody who already has maybe a 1000000 dollars 2000000 dollars 3000000 dollars they can see very quickly how they can generate those 5 different streams of passive income right so there's that pathway for everybody but the term supplemental income I just love because it really lends itself to multiple streams of income but look it comes down to one thing really successful trading is the transfer of money from people who don't know what they're doing to people who do know what they're doing and it comes down to what we've been talking about on the show our theme of time and awareness from the standpoint of awareness it's not most people's fault that they're not making money in the markets right now they've been very emotional and trained intentionally that way by the markets I mean let's think about it every time the market goes up people get very very greedy This is a good thing when the markets go down they start to freak out and the immediately go into emotional mode and start losing money we're professionals they're trained like our students you can make money when the market goes up you make more money when the markets go down but most importantly we teach our students how to manage risk Well right now you've got to have to a class coming up in your area and they have to take classes where you'll see exactly what it takes to really get that money at work generate that passive income generate that active income whether it is primary income or supplemental Let's get those multiple streams of income going whether you got $2.00 or $2000000.00 you can be able to see exactly what it takes to get your money working for you and get to that point of what I like. Financial Freedom Now just a 2nd going to have a chance to win a set of passes to one of these have to take classes so get your phones ready and if you are driving now is a great time to pull over include with your passes is the professional insider's kit now this kit is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhancing your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down income generation capital preservation crypto currencies and much much more the professional insider kit makes it so you can get started right now college center 20 we need you to call now and reserve those seats the number is 877-338-8723 that's 877-338-8723 if you had to be callers 9 or $21.00 sorry about that hit us up at free class dot com and see if you can score some passes there coming up after the break we will join business and tech reporter Jason Middleton who will talk with training academies Lance Strauss about what's happening here in the Bay Area and how you can register for an upcoming class that's coming up next on our trading radio. Ad online trading Academy our mission is to offer exceptional financial education so you could live the life you've always wanted maybe it's just having that peace of mind so you don't have to worry so much about the bills or even just having the luxury of not working so hard she with more time to spend with the family graduates of online training academy share with us all kinds of stories here's what one recent graduate had to say I partied at a casino basically they're open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and so I hadn't had a Christmas often maybe 8 years and I hadn't seen my mom for Christmas and she had probably passed away and that's when I you know I knew I needed to do something different I needed my time I needed my life and. The student says Barr is actually super and happy career and training with something that I had always wanted to do and so it's either die a slow death at a cubicle or start to change my life learn more visit us online ad free O.T. A class dot com That's free ot a class dot com. This week here all of the action from the Aug 25th call for code hackathon in Fremont Silicon Valley insider host Keith Q. Interviews key people involved with the hackathon focused on relief from wildfires is been a key part of the hackathon event this week's interviews cover senior executives from participating companies to teams of coders designers and developers submitting their ideas results ideally better management of wildfires Silicon Valley insider this week Silicon Valley insider Friday at 1 pm on AM 1220. Hello IMO And sorry host of market president of Compaq Asset Management what a difference a day makes in these markets be on the right side one day to the next market volatility is the time when you need to remain the most rational investment decisions yet it is the time when investors become the most emotional and often make devastating choices so if you need some help. On a cell phone use the keyword talk to Mo and ask for your free report on coping with market volatility you can also make an appointment to meet with me for free for. Again. Talk to Mo and get your free. Market Volatility ask for your free. Content Management is a registered investment advisor to study in fidelity institutional services member FINRA S.I.P.C. . From the director of gods not Dan. That your husband. She lost her husband to say come home to you too much she lost her way on September 7th comes an inspiring story about the power of friends think I'm getting a car. Pool so that nothing is impossible God bless the broken. Gods just only in theaters. Hi everybody my name is. Jason Middleton I cover business and finance during the week and I'm on the line with me I have Lance Strauss he's a workshop instructor at online trading Academy Lance thanks again for joining us my pleasure I kind of to jump in and add a $30000.00 foot level mask you like a macro kind of question when you're taking the classes with online training academies an education system but what is the motivation for people to come in I mean what seems to be driving people's interest in online trading everybody no matter what their age are of them they're looking for financial security and financial security is it's if you can get it it is far superior to have than job security and what people don't realize is that all the sudden I wake up and I look in the mirror and I say Who's that old person sometimes if you like Carol their pages are flipping in the seasons are changing and all the sudden you're basically running out of time so a lot of times people think they have a secure career and all of a sudden they go into work one day and they say you know what Thanks for all your help over the last 20 years but we found somebody younger than you and better looking and they're going to work for less money than all the sudden days they find themselves without a source of income so what or shoppers really all about if you really feel bad it is going to cover how do you get a job free income how do we find a source of income that does not depend upon you showing up to work does not depend upon you. Have a job that doesn't depend upon what the condom ears what's gone on ever you know in Korea or didn't see and that's what everybody needs no matter what they're doing 2nd revenue stream without a 2nd job I hear what you're saying there and your example is great it's happened to me more than a couple of times when I have been let go radio is a very volatile industry as you can probably imagine correct there was part of that answer there as you mentioned no matter what the economy is doing can you tease that out for some mean do you mean that you can make money when things are not necessarily going up like an escalator where it doesn't really matter so long as the markets are there the cool thing about it the way I look at BUY THE worried about getting started at just the stock market's never going. Are you going to be there and so long as long as the terrorist don't blow up Wall Street you know you can make money in up down and sideways markets So markets are buying knows how to do it down markets is something called shorting which all explain in my class and in sideways markets are handled with what's called something called options which are different things in trade stocks are Explain that to let's talk a little bit more about what happens in the class land I've taken a class with you I know what I took out of it as well I did what I took out of it was I had less emotional I guess worry I came out of it with a little less where I had a little better grip on what we were going to be doing moving forward what do you what are you offering in that 1st 3 class Yeah well let me only 1st explain it is a totally non pressure environment we're not going to lock him in a room and trying to sell him a condo and now we're something it's it's basically about 2 hours and 45 minutes where they can and it's kind of like we've got to figure out whether we're a good fit for them and they've got to figure out if we have what they're looking for and then think of it like an open house or the college you go to Berkeley and York around and you meet people that are instructors you say is it something I want to do or not that's you know nobody likes being under pressure we certainly don't pressure to do anything actually true and that was my experience no pressure whatsoever actually and I noticed that I was in there because I was concerned about my retirement planning other people were in there because they had something happen within their life and they had to respond quickly and they looked a little bit freaked out and would you mean you probably see them more than a few times oh all the time there are people who come near the nose suddenly realize that their retirement account is vulnerable to market volatility up and down. I mean what happens I mean I don't know what's going to create But what happens if that crazy guy in Korea or that crazy guy in Wash D.C. Starts watching missiles at each other all the sudden you wake up one day and your retirement account is half of what you thought it was going to be and it's too late to do anything about it all right let's talk about where and when these classes happen they're free Don't forget the fleet get it free we don't charge anything that's basically. I don't know what open house are we hold them throughout the Bay Area or our campus headquarters and they're seen as a for 10 years is represented as a airport and we also have excel or a walk on the campus because a really we utilize you know hotel location is to make it easy for people we have those in Pleasanton Foster City and Oakland I want to open is new isn't it yes we added Oakland because a lot of people you know we just try to make it convenient we found out I saw a case in that one that's right on the entrance to the Oakland airport can be easy to find or I would speak with Lance trails his workshop instructor at online training academy Lance how do we get people involved and in rolled in that 1st class real simple if they have access to their phone and they're not driving they can text K. As in can be as in dog oh look at our whiskey K.T.O. W 879-7979 that's K D O W The 797979 that will take them to a link that will be free ot a class dot com which if you're on your computer as you're listening to this you can just go right on your computer to Freo to crash dot com and they get right to the link where you'll be able to pick a time to make the. Entry all you have to do something like text. 797900. 7979 or on line 3 class dot com Lance Strauss workshop instructor an online training academy Thanks again you're welcome. If you could invest just about 3 hours to open yourself to strategies that could make you financially secure for life would you do it for over 20 years online trading Academy's transformed lives worldwide with their exceptional trading and investing education and they would like to invite you to a free half day investing class near you here's what one recent graduate had to say online trading it can a me and taught me is that you got to have a plan and he gave me the tool is maybe a better trader a better plan or a better father let online training academy help. You pursue your financial goals so you could have more time to focus on what really matters the kids there is static because I'm available now and we can eat together as a family I get my trading done and are happy are you ready to start living the life you dreamed of learn more at 3 o t a class dot com That's free ot a class dot com. Welcome back if you're just tuning in you missed Larry Jacobson director of instructor development and top instructor at online trading get me these are shedding some light on how to generate more income we're talking about passive income we're talking about active income we were even specifically really talking about primary income versus supplemental income and one of the things I was mentioning I love so much about just talking about supplemental income is it really does start to emphasize more than one piece of income right we talk about supplemental it supplements for this and supplements for that we start to have are we still have our job we still have some income now from the currency markets and comes from some derivatives you know whatever that ends up being but as we start approaching things supplemental we say OK a little bit here from this a little bit from this and it really does start to really push towards that multiple streams of income which when you go back to the average millionaire there's I think it's that they average 5 different streams of income and so being able to have that that consistent flow a little bit from here a little bit from there is what takes that financial pressure off and makes it so easy for somebody to really operate in that space which is known as financial freedom Well whether you're just tuning in maybe your 1st time listener or maybe you've been with us for the whole show get excited the best is yet to come in Larry a lot of our listeners are new to the markets they're just looking at start off on the right foot and some have been investing for a while and not quite really reaching their goals and one of the things that we hear a lot from the individuals out there is is that they are some of them are don't have enough money right and the ones that do have enough money are saying hey I'm not quite sure how to even safely invest this what or what are some of the golden nuggets what some of the guidance you in the instructor team are really kind of laying on for the students right now. Now who maybe fall into maybe maybe both of those categories or if you want to start from want to go to the other you know how they generate more money or how do they safely invest really what they have let me keep to our theme of time and awareness today and if we take a look at time the biggest question that you have to ask yourself is when do you want to retire and do you have enough money right now to do so most people don't realize if you look back in 2008 we go back to 2000 the tech bubble it takes about on average now 5 years for the markets to recover just to break even of where prices were before a correction Well here we are now way beyond the normal cycle where much higher than we were in 200-2008 so some people out there are predicting it could be a 60 percent correction right now how many years you think that's going to take to get your money back and we can't afford it because all of a sudden if you were thinking about retiring and you thought maybe you had money that you had to keep in mind is the price of everything that you're buying right now is going to go up just think back to your childhood nothing is worth the same as it was back then and if we're going into the future prices of things we consume gas food energy everything will keep going higher and higher as far as awareness right now the biggest thing our students get an aha moment from is realizing that everything they've been told about how they're planning for retirement is wrong we have an example Ryan some of our students come in thinking that by listening to their 41 K. Administrator of their benefits office all you have to do is this let me tell you those words are the most dangerous words you're ever going to hear when it comes to friend financial planning because the bottom line is when I talk to students and they start talking about how much money they're actually generating every single year in the markets it's nowhere near what they want because unlike dieting a one size fits all does not work in terms of how much money you're going to have to make are you going to be aggressive are you going to be conservative and sadly all you need to do is this puts everybody in the similar bucket. And they find out by time of retirement they are grossly underfunded and what they're going to need to live on and this is why sadly so many Americans now find themselves having to go back to work years after they retire because they just outlive their money right now we've got a half day class coming up in your area and they have to take classes where you'll see exactly what it takes to really generate that retirement income that consistent retirement income whether the markets are going up whether the markets are going down whether the markets are going sideways whether you got $2.00 in your retirement account or $2000000.00 in your retirement account you're going to see exactly what it takes to really get that money working for you and get you on track or even get you to a higher level of that financial freedom that you're after Now in just a 2nd you can have a chance to win a set of passes to one of these half day classes so get your phones ready and if you're driving now is a great time to pull over and include with your past is our professional insider's kit now this kit is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhancing your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down income generation capital preservation crypto currencies and much much more the professional insider kit makes it so you get started right now because 10 through 20 we need you to call now and reserve those seats the number is 877-338-8723 that date 773388723 if you end up being callers 9 or 21 sorry about that hit us up at free class dot com and see if you can score some passes there 877-338-8723 that's 877-338-8723 we're going to play a little game a peek a boo and look into the lifestyle of a trader when we come back Ryan and Larry stated. Geopolitics and tough trade talk have not rattled the markets much this year but the Fed raising interest rates well that could move a needle or 2 I am Jason Middleton and I cover business and finance markets have been almost impervious to tear ups and tough tweets but volatility will no doubt return and with it a possible opportunity you could benefit in choppy markets if you have the right skills online trading Academy has a patented education system that helps would be investors learn to watch for market opportunities the Academy has a free introductory class that introduces ways to navigate the markets and meet your financial goals which could be retirement college costs just more monthly revenue to get registered for the free online trading academy class is easy text K D O W 279-7979 K D O W texted 797979 or you can register online at O.T. 8 class dot com And when you attend that 1st class you do get an investor's kit as well just text K D O W 2797979. Percent. Because I wrote this next on 3 counts are saying I should never have told progress this collision insurance covers injured dogs and cats she said if they could let her put as much as she did so good I. Could this next. Person. Rather. Than my own. The cat. Out of that because he turns coming affiliate coverage not to have a New Hampshire North Carolina results may vary not a solicitation for legal services if you owe the I.R.S. Back taxes payroll taxes or have not filed your returns the I.R.S. Will get you they can take your property take you to court even put you in jail with one call to wall you'll never need to talk to the I.R.S. Again our average client settles for about 10 percent of what is owed We offer free face to face consultations in your local area call 807270433 that's 807270433. Welcome back if you're just tuning. You missed Larry Jacobson director of instructor development and top instructor and on line trading has me really shed some light on income at retirement we're talking about those retirement accounts how to get that money really working one of the things we touched on is it doesn't matter if you have $2.00 or $2000000.00 in that retirement account it's really critical that we understand how to get that money working for us and have that consistent growth whether the markets are going down or sideways we don't want to just have income as the markets are going higher won't have income as the markets are going lower and that that generally is what separates the pros from everybody else is that consistent stream of income whether you're just tuning in maybe your 1st time listener or maybe you've been with us for the whole show get excited the best is yet to come and Larry a lot of our listeners are not quite sure they have enough time to add investing into their life you know after all there's only 24 hours a day in our life right now and right now we're using all of them and let's face it Hollywood makes proactive investing they make that look like a very stressful occupation you know there's always the the shot of the the trader the investor with 18 monitors they're sweating profusely they just took their hypertension medication you know they're getting yelled at by somebody and it's just it just looks crazy and one of the things I always find comical about that is it's pretty much the exact opposite you know and I'd love to hear kind of your point of view on this but when you're proactively investing when you're when you're generating income on a proactive stance meaning you're making decisions before things happen so there's a difference between being proactive and being reactive reactive is when something happens and we react to it we don't know and things get all crazy we get all emotional and that maybe starts to sound like those crazy movies right when you're being proactive you're calmly identifying a wholesale price to buy and then a retail price where you can sell and now you're just operating like a professional buying it whole sell selling it retail generating income if the markets are going down or if the markets are going sideways What are some of the key points or what are some of the key insights you can give us into the lifestyle of a trader into what people are focusing on or how it's even impacting their life and giving them that that level of finance. So freedom and security that they're after well there's a difference between procrastination and intention most of our students right now are learning how to intentionally free up their time so that they can do things they're really looking to do as I mentioned in the 1st segment Ryan a lot of our students think they're coming here to learn how to make a lot of money that is true but more importantly they're learning how to make up time because every day let's just pretend that if I said to people listening out there depending upon your age every year of your life going forward represents one more opportunity so if you have 10 years left that's what you think you have you have 10 more opportunities to spend more time with your family go out and change careers do something you've always wanted to do it's very simple because that's what professionals do they go out and they learn how to create the life that they want and they work backwards to learn how to invest to a trading plan which we go over in teach our students how to do is how to live the life intentionally that you're looking for so many people out there right now believe this is hard and Wall Street done that to you intentionally they've told you this is hard they said you can't do this because if you learn this simple skill and you can learn how to trade like a professional does where to be buying where to be selling then there's no way they can make those commissions and fees off of you but so many of our students come in they're excited to say wow once I can do this I can start actually trading on vacations actually take vacations and we tell them of course there's not a lot of stress to this you can put in a small amount of time in fact we teach our students something called the 3 hour trading day most of our students are making money in the 1st 3 hours of the market opening think about that so you're not sitting in front of your computer aimlessly staring at it all day long no you're giving yourself an opportunity to generate income sure the short term in the long term and you're buying yourself back time because that's the one thing we can never get back right. And so many students come in and now the fact that we have the opportunity through technology to trade anywhere in the world any time because we're really now in a 24 hour market depending upon what you're trading you can learn how to make money and some of our students have done very very well I have a student named June in fact she jokes all the time and she's going to start sending us postcards while she's golfing in Coasta Rica Now it's funny because she says I am going to trade before after she goes after so I think the morning and play a round of golf and come back and trade but this is not opening the door it is so many people who are just miserable in their current situation and it really starts with getting yourself educated because it's Zig Ziglar once said you don't have to be great to start but you've got to start to be great yeah you might be in a situation where things aren't that bad but you want to be better or you might be in a situation where where maybe you do feel like you just need to make some changes to be a little happier and have a little more financial freedom and and Larry was talking a little bit about the money side of it earlier but then my favorite part about what he was just saying was what that money can do for you it's really all about spending more time doing those things you love whether it's out golfing whether it's been in time with the kids you know met no matter what it is that's really that point is that financial freedom side of things getting that point of financial freedom means we get to do the things that we want to do rather than the things that somebody is telling us to do and one of the 1st steps in reaching that financial freedom one of the 1st things about kind of upgrading that lifestyle or continuing that lifestyle without any stress is really getting educated and really understanding how to make this all happen and no better place to do that or to get that ball rolling that out of one of our half day classes Larry are you ready for a giveaway let's do it right now I've got a half day class coming up in your area that day classes where you're going to see exactly what it takes to really be that proactive investor and keep that money growing whether the markets are going up down or sideways generate that income no matter what whether you got $2000000.00 or maybe $2.00 it doesn't matter you're going to see exactly what it takes to get that money Jenner. Adding that consistent income and get you to that point of financial freedom that you're after and in just a 2nd you're going to have a chance to win a set of passes to one of these have to take classes to get your phones ready and if you're driving now is a great time to pull over include with your passes our professional insider's kit now this kit is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhancing your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down income generation capital preservation crypto currencies and much much more the professional insider kit makes it so you can get started right now or send through 28 we need you to call now and reserve those seats the number is 87733887238773388723 if you want to be in colors 9 or 21 sorry about that hit us up at 3 class dot com and see if you can score some passes there and Larry whenever I'm looking at. You know that lifestyle side of things whenever I'm looking at how do we fit this into our life the thing that I at the point I would like to make with everybody is this is not about creating another full time job but we talk a lot about that on this show you know anybody can go out and get another full time job but that really takes away usually from the financial freedom the financial freedom conversation is 2 parts it's financial and it's freedom right going and getting another job adds to the financial but it doesn't add to the freedom right learning how to trade learning how to invest appropriately learning how to generate that passive income and that active income inside of the market is how you get that kind of win win scenario where you get that financial aid and it also comes along with the freedom side of things what are some of the key points you guys are helping the students with as far as kind of bridging that gap between financial and freedom and making sure that they have both of those working seamlessly Let's talk about realistic expectations Ryan I always asked students would you guys be OK with an extra $100.00 a week that's almost $500.00 more a month so it's not about killing it and breaking the bank on day one of give you an example about how this could change your life we had a single mom you know her Gabrielle up and she came to us because she wanted to put her 2 kids through college she was really nervous and as a result not only was she able to learn this skill put her kids through college but she wound up buying yourself her dream car a Mercedes that's all she wanted and what's fascinating to me is that people are now starting to realize that by simply taking the time to get themselves educated understanding that by learning how to trade like the professionals do they can find freedom in their lives that's more than any amount of money can be put into words and on top of that raw and imagine this is a skill you can pass down to your kids to your grandkids there's an opportunity here to change everything you've been talking about for years Absolutely and now setting those goals of financial goals at the beginning of the year I want to make X. I want to spend more time doing this but now you can actually build out that blueprint of exactly how to get there and that's one of my favorite things to do. With new students as they come out they say this is my goal my goal is I want to spend more time doing this OK Will what's it going to take to get you there will I need to spend less time at work OK or how much less time and how much how much money do you need to offset that now you can reverse engineer things it's actually a very simple process to go in and figure out how much money we need in order to do the things that we want to do and then figure out what we need to do in the markets to be able to generate that money and maybe like you're saying realistic expectations maybe it's not something we can do overnight because it's usually not right learning to trade learning to invest learning to generate income in the markets is a process not an event it's not like you just throw a switch and here we are right but at the same time we can reverse engineer that and set a pathway to success and build that path where that blueprint to Financial Freedom and one of the key points in being able to really generate that income is to have the knowledge and have the skill right the knowledge the endor standing and then the skill to go in and apply implement the strategies inside of the financial markets and there's no better place to get started building that knowledge building that that roadmap and even building that skill than inside one of our half day classes and we've got some have take classes coming up but before we do a quick little giveaway I got to get the permission from Larry Jacobs and Larry are you ready for a little giveaway let's shoot some people's bucket lists into bucket lives there we go right now we've got a half day class coming up in your area and they have to take classes where you're going to see exactly what it takes to generate that consistent income whether the markets are going up with the markets are going down whether the markets are going sideways and whether you have $2.00 or $2000000.00 you're going to able to see exactly what it takes to get your money generating the in community service and get you closer to financial freedom in just a 2nd we're going to have a chance to win a set of passes to one of these have to take classes so get your phones ready and if you're driving now is a great time to pull over and included with your passes is our professional insider's kit now this kit is packed with lessons from some of our top instructors lessons on topics like enhancing your retirement strategy how to make money when the market goes down income generation capital preservation crypto currencies and much much more. Professional insider kit makes it so you can get started right now collars 10 through 20 we need to call now and reserve those seats the number is 87733887238773388723 if you want to be in colors 9 or 21 sorry about that hit us up at free class dot com and see if you can score some passes there we are at the end of the show and I said it once and I'll say the 1000 times this is the fastest hour of the week Larry thanks for hanging out it's always great here you know it's always important that we get our students educated they learn the right way to make money in the markets and so I would like to say Ryan you know education appreciates possessions depreciate and to you our radio financial family out there thanks for hanging out with us today and we will be back next week between now and then May all your trades be green. The preceding program was provided for entertainment and general information purposes opinions expressed are those of the presenter only we make no promises or guarantees of investment performance online trading Academy is not a broker dealer.