And there are a low level analyst we need to be looking at their computer and finding out if they are massed their conversation and if they spoke with The New York Times you've got to put those people in jail because you cannot allow this to happen The hearing comes just days after the Republican and Democratic leaders of the committee said they have found no evidence of the wiretapping the White House has not backed down in its claim that that claim will eventually be vindicated this is s r a new. Consult your tax professional before investing let me ask you a question can you keep or for a one k. 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Approved strategies designed to reduce or entirely eliminate your tax bite call me personally and let us help you create the life you were meant to live I'm Dr Chuck thanks for listening call Dr judge directly at Stanford property 188 no taxes easy to remember 188 no taxes and listen to Dr Chuck Saturday afternoons it to here on am 1220 k d o w. 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Good morning I'm John trout and this is America in the morning from Westwood One news see it's Monday March 20th 27 seen coming up on American the morning the Senate Judiciary Committee takes up the Jews nomination to the Supreme Court but that may not be the most important hearing on Capitol Hill today I'm Bob Constantini in Washington I mean 3 Spencers South Korea warns North Korea's latest test showed meaningful progress but that could mean for u.s. Policy rock'n'roll lost one of its pioneers over the weekend I'm Steve casting about Spring is here what's the forecast for air travel this season I'm Tom Busby a major airline is gone economy I'm in caves. They're coming up later on that's all ahead on American Morning. 7 minutes after the hour big day on Capitol Hill as the Senate considers a Supreme Court nominee and a House committee delves further into Russia possibly meddling in the u.s. Presidential election following details of our Bob Constantini He's been briefing House and Senate leaders as they launch their own broad probes into Russia's alleged attempts to meddle in the presidential election now f.b.i. Director James Comey will have to break his public silence even if he doesn't give away much we will be asked about President Trump's 2 week old tweets accusing former President Barack Obama of ordering wiretaps on his campaign Comey will appear before the House Intelligence Committee the top Democrat Adam Schiff reiterated there's no evidence to support Mr Trump's claim that this is just how the president does business. You know maybe this is the way he conducted his real estate business with half truths and sometimes no truths and a lot of bluster that in my opinion is no way to run a business but it's an even worse way to run a country the president did not directly answer a question about his specific charge against his predecessor at Friday's joint news conference with Germany's uncle Merkel the chairs and top Democrats and even Speaker Paul Ryan have declared they've seen no evidence that President Obama ordered wiretaps on the Trump campaign as part of an investigation into whether there were direct contacts between Trump Tower and Russian intelligence operatives but Schiff says as to the broader allegations the committee is studying at the outset of the investigation there is circumstantial evidence of collusion there is direct evidence I think of this section Republicans here Devin Nunes However on Fox News Sunday sees it much differently everything I have up to this morning. No evidence of collusion f.b.i. Director call me has not publicly acknowledged the agency is investigating any alleged Russian ties to the Trump campaign but it's a poorly kept secret in Washington considering Democrats and Republicans have been talking about it a lot Meanwhile there is another major hearing on the Senate side that you just might have forgotten about his nomination has been a bright spot for the Trump White House in that it state largely out of the spotlight and yogurts that she showed some independence last month when he told senators president Trump's criticism of judges holding up his temporary travel ban was not helpful during the campaign to soothe conservatives Mr Trump put out a list of $21.00 judges he would consider for Scully as vacancy including Gorsuch who sits on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver he is probably the top pick by any Republican president on the list that Senator Lindsey Graham often a trump critic very pleased with or such and the White House believes the judge will eventually win some Democratic support Bob custom Teenie Washington 10 after Nel the White House is taking seriously North Korea's goal of perfecting a long range intercontinental ballistic missile Andrew Spencer has that President don't. Directed some of his attention this weekend to the Korean Peninsula meeting the North Koreans acting very badly with the Trump there on Air Force One commenting very briefly on the actions of Kim Jong un and North Korea's latest rocket engine test according to South Korea's defense ministry the test showed quote meaningful progress in engine performance that of course raises further concerns about Kim's stated intent of developing an intercontinental ballistic rocket armed with a nuclear warhead a weapon potentially capable of hitting the United States visiting Seoul over the weekend u.s. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said a military option is on the table as the Trump administration reconsiders u.s. Policy on North Korea I mean international watchers that want a hardline approach could go to Kim into more action and who has the same kind if they were how the preface to North Korea could have been. How do North Korea's increasingly sophisticated missile program are already being felt in Japan where some school children have been involved in drills preparing for a potential missile strike I mean 3 Spencer It's 11 after next they really got going. And hit. The thing. And I will be remembering a rock n roll pioneer when America in the morning returns after these messages. I'm Jay foreigner president of Quicken Loans right now is a great time to buy a home whether you're a 1st time home buyer or an experienced one Quicken Loans has many options that may be right for your unique financial situation we can even show you how to get pre-approved for a mortgage with as little as one percent down that's only $2000.00 down on a $200000.00 more many. S. 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There is hardly a guitarist alive myself included who didn't learn to play that lick soon after picking up the instrument Chuck Berry's hits laid the foundation for hundreds of bands that followed. Chuck Berry was the original rock n roll guitarist he influenced hundreds if not thousands of bands through the decades his poses onstage define what a rocket's harvest should look like before Barry most guitars just stood there and maybe bounced up and down a little many of the people he influenced got to perform with him later on in his career putting members of the Beatles and of course the Rolling Stones probably know by. And was influenced more by Barry then the Stones guitarist Keith Richards wrote on Twitter one of my big lights has gone out I'm Steve casting doubt. It is 18 after the hour in sports Duke's run in the n.c. Double 8 tournaments whose over 7th seeded South Carolina stormed back in the 2nd half to upset the 2nd seeded Blue Devils $8881.00 after the loss we heard from head coach Mike Schiff at the end of the season I want my guys to either be crying because we've lost or crime because we've just won and it shows that if you're not doing one of those that means you never really became a team Duke ends the year 28 and 9 Travel is soaring coming up forecast on the airline industry one America in the morning returns after these messages. Sometimes diabetes can feel more like Don't b.s. Don't do this don't forget that but with a little help from Walgreens diabetes won't slow you down stop by for expert pharmacy care in-store or on line the a pharmacy chatting pick up the medications you rely on and get savings on testing supplies from all major brands like the one touch and Walgreens to metrics Walgreens has just what you need to do more with diabetes well being still at the corner of happy and healthy. A Lucy you're the c.f.o. 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This is I'm a bit measure in university believes that an education unlocks a person's potential if they leave an educated person has a positive impact on his or her community they believe and if you cation is not something to be contained but imparted to the world they believe and you learn more at graduate all of it edu all of it now as a read University where you are to where you will be. 21 after the hour see N.B.C.'s Tom Busby's in with your 1st look at Monday business headlines good morning good morning John on this 1st day of spring Wall Street begins the new trading week with the Nasdaq just 3 points away from a fresh all time high and on Friday the Dow lost 20 points in the Nasdaq was a fraction higher but both averages are up for the week a week that saw the Fed hike interest rates today no economic data just one earnings report of note it's watchmaker Movado but Wall Street will look at shop talk that's a huge retail conference in Las Vegas it kicks off today in the focus this year the power and innovation of e-commerce startups which are killing old time stores 2 hearings in Washington will get Wall Street's attention one on Russia's alleged involvement in last year's elections the other on Supreme Court nominee Neil Gore such Forbes magazine is out with a tan you will list of the world's richest billionaire meantime last year's richest Microsoft founder Bill Gates meets with President Trump of the White House today and a trade group called Airlines for America is out with its spring travel forecast and it looks like more Americans than ever will fly this year how are the airlines doing financially Well just last week we learned from the u.s. Department of Transportation that the largest u.s. Airlines carried 823000000 passengers last year that's the most ever and now with the economy firing on all cylinders and air fares that are actually near historic lows the major carriers may be on track to break last year's record and that starts with a lot more people expected to fly starting this spring now that's good news for the airlines they can expect to be more profitable this year filling more seats on more planes that are going to more places and that will be especially true if the price of crude stays at or under $50.00 a barrel right now it's at $49.00 but for travelers fares may remain reasonable but that means more crowded planes and greater congestion at the airport every time it's down Buzby of c n.b.c. $22.00 after the hour well and Kate. Has discovered cheaper air fare International Airlines Group one of the holding companies of British Airways has introduced a budget edition of their service I agee has named the budget carrier level which offers flights between Europe and California with one way fares as low as $149.00 level is based in Barcelona and will fly to Los Angeles and Oakland plus the Dominican Republic and one else Aries service will start in June according to The Wall Street Journal level offer high speed on board why 5 starting at just under $10.00 premium passengers will have a checked bag food seat selection and movie access included in the price of their tickets and Kate's a space x. Cargo capsules back on Earth the space x. Dragon splash down in the Pacific Sunday morning loaded with thousands of pounds of science samples and other cargo from the International Space Station next on American the morning talking about. The lows of being a high at 24 after We're back after these messages. 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Kronos workforce innovation that works Burger King presents breakfast stories Here's Pete tell me in a 2 for $4.00 sandwich deal the other day Pete and I go to Burger King for Michael Sam which you know they're just 2 for 4 but my favorite of mine was yes so I got to go sandwich and I get one of those guys I'm like Who are you I'm the guy that just paid for your breakfast that's my favorite guy you guys because Sam was used to Bordeaux are now made with 100 percent butter or soft and flaky percent if you do because they were sandwiches now for $4.00 only a Burger King present participation for. If you can't seem to stay ahead of your bills then this message is for you how would you like to have there are a lot of investors out there in today's world that enjoy managing their own money there's nothing wrong with this but maybe you should manage a small portion of your overall portfolio and lot of professional money manager manage your serious money just like you don't learn how to be an accomplished golfer by spending a few hours on the golf course or at the driving range on the weekends it takes years of experience to even begin to understand how the financial markets work and even then it still takes hours and hours every day to stay on top of an ever changing marketplace there are numerous pitfalls that can stand in the way of the part time investor if a constant barrage of contradictory opinions keeps you from being able to make sound decisions if you have a hard time keeping your emotions in check or if you're continually selling at the bottom and buying at the top then maybe it's time to consider a full time professional money manager give the folks at Gunderson Capital Management to call and that Bill Gunderson manage your money you can reach them at 85611 best That's 5611 b. S.-t. Or p. W. Street dot com. Everybody loves a good joke but police in Miramichi New Brunswick Canada weren't that amused when someone drove through a McDonald's drive through lane towing several folks on a couch on casters arrested I described as intoxicated just as I suspected a Happy Meal memo to Brielle marshal of Albuquerque New Mexico it's fine to show the police you weren't drunk driving if you really weren't However next time maybe it'd be best not to punctuate your field sobriety test with cartwheels But then you know that now memo to Charlotte Whitney of all the New York it's fine to ask state troopers to help you change a flat tire However you might want to think twice about that when your blood alcohol level is more than twice the legal limit but then you know that now memo to a Waterbury Connecticut man it's never a good idea to not fasten your seat belt but it's a really bad idea if you're hauling 9 pounds of coke but then you know that now here's a sign of the times in the town of Parachute Colorado you may now get your legal recreational pot at a head shops drive through window open sneer fast food outlets for the inevitable munchies talk about a Happy Meal in Holland talking up in coffee shops has been legal for decades but now finally maybe the parliament is about to Ok the cultivation of pot in Holland recently held in the western part of the us the cannabis wedding Expo which displayed such things as a pot flower arrangement edible marijuana treats and custom hemp wedding dresses now that's a sign of the times at least the marijuana part is the wedding dress part maybe not so much in Augusta Maine ham radio operators are reported facing serious interference from the high powered lighting used to grow marijuana that's right. It is giving the having radio operators a serious buzz and since ham operators are involved that's no doubt giving the potheads a serious case of the munchies and how do you fly marijuana into the us well there are various ways but near Douglas Arizona someone has airlifted 47 pounds of pot from Mexico by means of catapult yet another way to get high the off beat Jimbo headed bear a.j. Is higher celebrating birthdays today producer director comedian Carl Reiner 95 actor how Lyndon is 86 this is America in the morning for Monday March 20th 2017 produced by Tom Dulac production assistant Joe Art And I'm John trout and this is Westwood One news. You're listening to America in the morning on the day your business late coming up next our. San Francisco. In the box business network it will be several years before everyone in Flint Michigan has access to drink of unfiltered tap water retired National Guard Brigadier General Michael McDaniel who is heading the pipe replacement program says he hopes all lead piping will be replaced by 2019 officials estimate 20000 old bloodlines need to be replaced with new copper less than 800 homes have had those pipes replaced with more people shopping online j.c. Penney announcing it will shutter $138.00 locations in the coming months to cut costs and improve profits that will mean cutting about $5000.00 jobs once the closures are complete the retailer will have about 900 stores remaining despite a winning week on Wall Street stocks closed mixed on Friday the Dow fell 20 closing at 20114 The Nasdaq gained a fraction with the s. And p. Dropping 3 points with the Fox Business reports I'm Richard Denniss. Shepard Smith reporting is a new way to get the news there breaking news now on Fox News Channel I'm excited about this my role has changed a lot I'm coming back to his quarterback and I just call this job a part of the battle that we're trying to be deep shade we created all of this so that we can get you span accurate fair balance we want to lead the pack more but he thought that line from the Fox News Desk now is the time for Shepard Smith report to be the Shepard Smith report week to Fox News to. His children until gang $173000.00 the Wall Street fat cats made last year 173000 dollars and you know who paid it you did now you know where all those management fees are going to protect you know your wealth and keep your money for yourself join me at 12 noon for Phil Gramm how to do the markets and general Wall Street doesn't want to know kills can't with Mayfield me and me we gaze at noon on the Bay Area business leader am well Connie you it's the place where wise money invests a track record over the last 25 years is better than gold it's real estate Join host Tom Kane Wilson for real estate radio power industry Wednesdays at 2 pm discover how we do stay can be an important brick in your retirement building and learn from the experts how you can succeed in a new state investing with cashflow the translates into financial freedom for you little state radio power investing Wednesdays at 2 pm on the Bay Area's business leaders am 1220 k.t. O.-w. The following is a real life story from Trinity debt management I had a lot of credit card debt there and I couldn't pay my bills so I reached out and contacted Trinity if you're in debt and you need help call trinity at 180-990-6976 extension 0 were able to work with my creditors have been able to pay off $15000.00 in 18 months it's a godsend if your debt has you call Trinity have 180-990-6976. Good morning I'm John trout and this is America and the morning coming up this half hour hearings to begin on alleged Russian election hacking Ryan Knoebels has a preview the House is expected to vote this week on the g.o.p. Health care bill that's coming together beautifully. A group representing half of all American doctors makes a point of saying manmade climate change is Making Us Sicker I'm Scott Card I'm Joe Ramsey the high cost of our daughter's apparently low expectations of the Old West gun fighters still returns to a Colorado town I'm Steffen coffee and in Denver Jimbo him talks with Margolies Shetterly author of Hidden figures the book which led to the Oscar nominated movie sports and a Hollywood minute we're back after these messages. 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It is 25 before the hour while I will be planting my potatoes later this week we're saying goodbye to winter but hello to meteorologist Heather there from Accu Weather dot com It is going to be rather spring like across mainly the middle part of the country temperatures will be at least fairly seasonable across most of the southeast and the Mid Atlantic we do have a storm system which is working its way through the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes right now that has rain and thunder with it it's going to continue to push eastward for today spreading rain into most of the Mid Atlantic for the overnight hours although for the most part it's going to be fairly light more like scattered showers no frozen precipitation is really expected to anywhere along the path of this as it moves eastward today and into tonight we are looking for another storm system to bring some wet weather around or again and Idaho today and a little into surrounding states will see that expanding to cover most of the West Coast as we go into tonight for the most part though snow elevations are pretty high it's only going to be tonight in parts of California that we do pick up some snow so a very spring like storm there is well the warmest part of the country will be the south central part of the country there could be places in Oklahoma and Texas and back into parts of eastern New Mexico that get above 90 degrees and we're also looking for just a general pleasant weather across the northern plains although it is going to be a little cloudy or that's the nation's weather weather dot com meteorologist tethers air Chelsea Clinton is joining Expedia as Board of Directors non-employee Board of Director members reportedly earn $45000.00 retainer and more than 2 $150000.00 in stocks each year she's also on the board for interactive Corps and the School of American Ballet. This is America in the morning 23 before the hour I'm John trout sports with Robert workmen's coming up Russia's suspected election meddling will take center stage on Capitol Hill today Ryan Knoebels has a look just 22 days before Tom took office President Obama impose new sanctions on the Russian government on that same day incoming national security advisor Michael Flynn spoke on the phone with Russian ambassador surrogate kids Lee hack it was later revealed he also texted the Embassador and met with him in person at Trump Tower and administration official has told c.n.n. Trump associates including Vice President Mike Pence called the meetings introductory they did not discuss anything having to do with the United States' decision to expel diplomats or or impose a censure against Russia but that turned out not to be true Flynn specifically spoke about the sanctions but Flynn wasn't the only wise of Trump associates also held meetings with the ambassador at the Republican National Convention but insist they were only introductory gatherings attendee j.d. Gordon told c.n.n. Then Senator Jeff Sessions was one of them but appearing before a Senate hearing on his confirmation he said this when asked about possible contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials not have communications with the Russians. And I'm unable to comment on it but after taking office sessions now attorney general admitted that he too as a senator met with his lay at twice during the campaign but he said it was in his capacity as a senator not a member of the trunk campaign sessions decided to recuse himself from any investigation related to the campaign amidst all this the president himself took to Twitter making this shocking claim quote how low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during this very sacred election process this is Nixon slash Watergate bad or sick guy he accused. Was made without any evidence to back it up but led the White House to ask Congress to add this wrinkle to their broad investigation into Russia's role in the election but at this point even Republicans contend the evidence just isn't there. 21 till President Trump holds a campaign style rally in Kentucky tonight Terry Moore has a preview Republican leaders are confident they have the votes needed to pass the bill which aims to repeal and replace Obamacare President Trump has been talking with some reluctant Republicans in claims he is helping to convert no votes into yes votes we are doing some incredible thing I want everyone to know I'm 100 percent in a White House photo op chewed on the news media I want everybody to know that the press has not been speaking properly about how great this is going to be the press is but as you know in many cases I caught the fake news in a later news conference the president predicted victory it's all coming together when I have great health care it's going to be passed I believe I think substantially pretty quickly it's coming together beautifully Democrats point to the report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that the g.o.p. Bill will cause more than $20000000.00 Americans to lose their health insurance coverage over the next 10 years Democrats also claim the Republican bill gives a big tax break to the wealthy I'm Terry Moore in Washington 28 still we shift gears as we welcome in Jimbo Hannan we hope that you have all seen the motion picture hidden figures which of course receive some acknowledgement of the Academy Awards I would equally hope that you will read the book behind it all hidden figures published by William Morrow and written by Margot Lee's Shetterly who for those who actually have not seen it are not aware of this this is a century the story of 3 African-American women mathematicians and the disrespect growing into some respect that they got from NASA back at the beginning of the space race war about. The story is actually there are 3 women featured in the movie and there's a 4th woman in the book who was just in college when those 3 ladies were doing their excellent work in the early sixty's but you know it's an amazing adventure story and it happened to take place in the town where I grew up Hampton Virginia and that your mother is I guess a key inspirational figure in all of this too Yeah well actually my father was the one who really he worked at NASA and so I grew up knowing Catherine Johnson and Mary Jackson and Dorothy didn't know Dorothy fun but Christine Darden as a consequence of working at NASA and I you know really looked to these women as as wonderful people in our community but it wasn't until I started writing this book that I really understood the full import of of their service to to our country and to science that if you've not seen the movie or if you have there's a portion of it in which they are referred to as human computers let's hear that what's the status of that computer is at the times in the Sahara. Desert and all analytic geometry. Absolutely and. Gets back to. Which one. I think you can find me the from a frame for this data using the grams. Over Euclidean going. And so it went that was one of the more dignified moments of the stories told in the book and the movie hadn't figures of course some of the treatment portrayed in the movie just for example the use of bathrooms in which we had had a woman who had to go running from building to building to find. A colored woman's bathroom it seems awfully archaic by today's standards but tell us more about that the treatment that these women had. To be subject to do yeah well you know the fact is this story you know the book starts in 1940 s. During World War 2 when it goes up I'm actually to the 1970 s. But you know one of the things that is true both the book and the movie is that it you know all of this stuff took place during the time of Jim Crow segregation and Virginia what that meant was colored bathrooms colored cafeteria you know it meant that even as these women were doing some of the most cutting agile aeronautical research in the world they were still subject to these these humiliating laws that that legally made them 2nd class citizens so so yeah this is you know the scenes that you see and what you read about the the women having to negotiate these these details like the bathrooms This is very much a part of the story it occurs to me that the story in hidden figures is very much a product of that time if you were to go back earlier before there was a space program set of the thirty's or the twenty's Well people would evolve Of course they can't possibly do this or they're not only black but they're they're women and they would even have been considered today of course they would be judged I would hope completely on their ability but in that era you had both the segregation that was at that time beginning to be challenged in the courts and in the laws but you also somewhere somebody came up with the recognition wow these women are really smart that I found a fascinating interplay because it had to Kurt of people every day you know if they're so smart why are we treating them like this you know and really the answer that our one you know kind of the keys to that mystery of how did they start saying that part of that was World War 2 you know World War 2 changed so many things in our society essentially the demand for labor really forced the hand of a lot of people and they said well you know we just need to get people in here it's their woman if they're black if they're black Everybody has their Glock u.k. But you know my job real life man. Every Tuesday night at 6 pm I discuss what's new and true and more financing and what's happening in your local real estate market after 20 plus years in the business I call it like I see it learn what it takes to get back in the game of homeownership listen to a candid perspective about new loan programs and changing guidelines whether you're 1st time homebuyer or spears investor call and today I took your questions to real life money real life when Tuesdays at 6 pm on am 1220 k.t.o. Doubly. 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Burger King presents breakfast stories Here's Pete tell me in a 2 for $4.00 sandwich deal the other day Pete and I go to Burger King for my course and lunch you know they're just 2 for 4 but it's my favorite I want to so I got 2 percent when I get one of those guys I'm like Who are you I'm the guy that just paid for your breakfast that's my favorite guy you guys because there was deals to put $4.00 now made with 100 percent better worse off than flaky percent get 2 percent with sandwiches now for $4.00 only a Burger King present participation for. 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Welcome back to America and the morning 13 before the hour well some top u.s. Doctors say manmade climate change is making us sick or Scott Karr has more a group that represents more than half of all u.s. Physicians has issued a report that says the health effects of climate change are already being felt he is significant because currently it's the leading cause of mortality from extreme weather good medical society consortium report emphatically states the reality of human caused climate change is no longer a matter of debate we need policy change group director Professor Mona Serfaty says the burning of carbon based fuels is causing the planet to warm resulting in severe smog the spread of diseases like Zico through insects contaminated food and water as well as injuries and deaths due to increasingly violent weather we need to decrease burning of fossil fuels increase renewables the World Health Organization estimates climate change will be responsible for about $240000.00 deaths per year by 2030 I'm Scott car it's 12 till now a pro golfer wins a tournaments and immediately cancels his honeymoon Joe Ramsay has the story 29 year old Canadian golfer Adam had won one last week's ball sports championship his 1st one on the p.g.a. Tour the way to get someone to invite the next month's famous Masters Tournament in Augusta Georgia but had one already had something on his calendar his honeymoon trip that he had when he was scheduled to get married a week before the Masters and will no longer make that journey to the South Pacific he did buy refundable airfare but he says the likely lose a huge deposit of the 4 Seasons is tournaments winnings will likely make up for that but what kind of pro golfer books a trip the same week as the Masters. It's 11 before the hour Robert workman is here with the winners and losers from college hoops over the weekend and see double a tournament 2nd round action on Sunday in Indianapolis Michigan upset to see Louisville 7369 move Wagner at a career high 26 points Wolverines raised a 9 point deficit to win their 7th straight game that was followed by Kentucky hold . Off Wichita State 6562 bam out of bio had a double double and swatted away the saw Shuckers final shot to clinch the win Intelsat Kansas clobbered Michigan State 90 to 70 just Jackson had 23 points and Baylor turnback u.s.c. 8278 Jonathan motley 19 points and 10 rebounds in Greenville South Carolina North Carolina got passed Arkansas 7265 despite blowing a 17 point lead and trailing by 5 with 3 minutes to play they finished the game on a 120 run that helped and then South Carolina upset Duke 8880 once in Derry a storm well scored 24 as the game Cox put up 65 in the 2nd half that's the most ever given up in any have by a much a chef he coached team in Sacramento last night Oregon rallied to beat Rhode Island 7572 ducks out scoring the Rams 15 to 6 over the final 6 minutes and u.c.l.a. Slam Cincinnati in the last game of the night 7967 Lorenzo ball had 19 points and 9 assists all of those helpers in the 2nd half on Saturday in Buffalo West Virginia overpowered Notre Dame and overall number one seed Villanova saw its repeat hopes dashed by was constant in Orlando Florida flummox Virginia Xavier's at Florida State in the walky Butler follow Middle Tennessee and Purdue top Iowa State and in Salt Lake City and at Northwestern While Arizona sank St Mary's of the Sweet 16 will begin Thursday in the West and Midwest regionals 12 of the top 16 seeds advanced including all of the 4 seeds this year it's always a dollars day in San Jose the West will have top seed Gonzaga and 4 seed West Virginia followed by to see their Was own against the 11 seed Xavier in Kansas City Midwest 3 seed Oregon faces 7 seed Michigan and number one seed Kansas takes on 4 seed produce those winners of those games will meet on Saturday Friday will feature the east and south regionals in New York the east will have 4 c. Florida and 8 seed Wisconsin followed by 3 seed Baylor versus 7 seed South Carolina and in the south regional in Memphis it's the only one that's all chalk 123 and 4 North Carolina and Butler in the 14 matchup Kentucky and u.c.l.a. In the 234 victors of those games go out on Sunday to complete the final 4 in i.t. Over the weekend led to. Just one of their top 4 original seeds Syracuse was upset at home on Saturday by Mississippi and last night top seed Iowa lost in overtime to t. See you for more 2nd round games tonight c.b.i. Has its quarterfinal action tonight in the c.i.t. Play 2nd round games women's and he double a tournament 2nd round action wraps up tonight top seeds Connecticut South Carolina Baylor and Notre Dame all still alive and if you haven't seen it make sure today you googled the shot by Marilyn freshman destiny Slocum from Saturday a 75 foot swish at the end of the 1st half like a soccer throw at best shot of the weekend best shot of either term of that you'd see in the n.b.a. The Cavaliers put the Lakers won 252120464 Kyrie Irving 34 and for Le Bron James they needed every bit of the Angelo Russell had 44 l.a. Rap tours Mavericks 76 and pistons were winners pelicans and Spurs also won and the Blazers got 49 from Damian Lillard to beat the Heat 115 to one over 4 n.h.l. Blue Jackets down the Devils 4 to one they clinched a playoff spot for just the 3rd time in franchise history penguins got a hat trick from Sidney Crosby they set up the Panthers for nothing Blackhawks clinched a playoff berth with a 63 win over the avalanche and the u.s. Made the semifinals of the World Baseball Classic by beating the Dominican Republic on Saturday night they'll play Japan if you're suffering from hemorrhoids you know how miserable they can be and the last thing you want to do is supplies a messy cream I mean why can't somebody just invent a pill for this already well we have introducing rectify the clinically proven prescription for a dietary supplement good delivers quick and powerful relief for those nagging him or Oit's used in Europe for over 30 years rectify addresses the problem at the source delivering proven relief and it goes to work in as little as one hour so if you're tired of the aging and discomfort and you want more than just temporary relief we're going to rush you a free bottle of rectified or try for yourself pages $4.95 for shipping and claim your free bottle today got him Royds rectify it. With clinically proven rectify for your free bottle call now 18036064871803606487 that's 180-360-6487 doors phone system now. 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If you can't seem to stay ahead of your bills then this message is for you how would you like to have a large portion of your credit card debt medical bills and department store debt forgiven national credit card relief would like to give you free information on a proven debt forgiveness program this program has been used by thousands to legally forgive millions an unsecured debt it's not bankruptcy it's not consolidation this special program actually wipes clean a portion of your debt that is forgiven from what you owe your creditors call for free information and get all your questions answered in the 1st free call the more you owe the more you can say if you have at least $10000.00 or more in credit card bills this debt forgiveness program can be very effective call for free information and find out more now 802916670 there is no cost or obligation for the information don't wait to call 802916670 That's 802916670 get your debt problem solved call 802916670 today not available in North Dakota. 5 before the hour now on American the morning movies and more on the Hollywood minute with David Daniel. So what is it you did. In the drive South by Southwest loves baby driver the musical romance heist flick won the headliners audience award at the annual festival in Austin Texas among the other audience faves Mr Roosevelt written directed by and starring former s.m.l. Cast member Noel wells which received the narrative spotlight prize Sweeney and. Was close to. Beauty And The Beast did more than break domestic box office records in its opening weekend the Disney fairy tale made an estimated $180000000.00 internationally giving it a worldwide debut of 350000000 and delivered the best ever domestic and global openings for a p.g. Movie in the Imax format. Who else but a Weird Al Yankovic would promote a new LP by going back to 8 bit graphics to promote medium rarities a collection of unreleased and not album tracks harkening back to his early days media rarities as part of Squeezebox a career spanning 15 disc set available in November in Hollywood I'm David Daniel was there a doubt Beauty And The Beast who would be number one well in 2nd place this weekend at the box office Kong and in 3rd Logan it's 3 till correspondent Stephan Kaufman is staring down the barrel of a famous sidearm a pistol that once belonged to old Wes legend John Khalid a that's known for teaming up with the others in Arizona it's going fight at the Ok corral has been purchased by the Glenwood Springs Colorado Historical Society for $84000.00 from a Canadian collector and for the tombstone shoot out how they travel they're going whisper. In an attempt to cure is to break it always has but died a short time later in 1907 Marion for Julie with a local resort Association says the pistol helped pay for the gun slingers funeral it was not only owned by Doc but it was in the room with him when he died at least one of the pew possessions that were left in the hotel room for Julie says the pistol is stunning looks like a mother of pearl handles and a silver gun and it's a small derringer very small gun the gun is in great to dock from Kate holidays common law wife and I'm Gary in prostitute big nose Kate was at her husband's side when he died how that is buried in the town's Pioneer Cemetery Stephan Kaufman Denver there's been another span of the revolving door of the president Jeff Jones has resigned after 6 months over isn't saying why John says his values didn't match up with goobers This is America in the morning from Monday March 20th 27 seen produced by Tom Dulac senior producer Kevin Delaney I'm John trout and this is Westwood One news. 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