Bluebirds western would pee wee's juncos and more it's an easy 3 mile round trip hike learn more and register at Wilderness workshop dot org slash hikes and here's a fun fact I actually lead those hikes so. I'd love to see it tomorrow morning don't forget to register so we know you're coming and. It's going to be a great great way to get out and see some birds early in the morning on Saturday if you don't stay up too late tonight so please join us. We've got banjo Steve that in here man just see how I feel and I'm feeling like a banjo and ready to go. That's what I like to hear All right so we're going to switch gears from the jazz take into the realm of some bluegrass but actually going to see we're going to see what the song going to be a little nice song by Bela Fleck and Chick Corea 1st and then we're going to jump jump right into it so here's a song called The climb by Bela Fleck and Chick are you. The book by. the the the The the the the. The the. the 'd of. The Dead. 6 load. All right I will seldom seen bluegrass here on Kadian k d breakfast Thanks for tuning in at the little Friday night anthem for y'all get pumped up for the for the evenin Well you bet but you know there's always a Sunday morning and Bill Monroe was the father of bluegrass he'd picked is a mandolin in a way that brought mandolin to the forefront as a lead instrument right out of Kentucky and so here's a Sunday morning song that called crying holy unto the Lord All right thanks for tuning in the back this up next in just a couple minutes we're going to play you the much awaited and anticipated community calendar so you'll know all the fun things it's like 2 and a half minutes long because there's so much to do tonight. So I'm sure glad my family is here to enjoy 1st Friday with me and I can't wait to see all your listeners out on the town tonight in Carbondale Here's Bill Monroe cry and holy unto the Lord. And. You know all I'm just. Saying. And I. Was thinking. Goldfinger rocks. No. Old. Look good for me but you know it's all of them oh it's just good. News. To me. To be. Born in the center of. Good Los Polo to. The strong a word but no he knows it's. Not . The stranger you. Don't know change you know. The Sun. No stranger. To. Poll. Bowling our good. Works there are no. Where close to just. Here is your community calendar for Friday 1st Friday July 7th underwritten by the Mt soapers Rotary Club meeting every Thursday at noon and meet you seated in Carbondale info at Mt soapers Rotary Club dot com rotary service above self from Steve Cole. Haag of the showcases at the Katy in k. Open house from 3 to 7 this afternoon the rifle farmer's market is from 4 to 8 and Heinz park the 17th Annual amounts Oprah's music fest begins at 5 in the 4th street Plaza in Carbondale featuring Lookout Mountain showdown the davenport sleepy justice and whiskey stop painters stage performs at the Glenwood caverns Adventure Park at by Carmen Dale's 1st Friday Marc farmer's market is from 515 the 730 true nature hosts a drum circle of 545 followed by a performance by Sol Theatre Company at 630. The launchpad hosts an opening reception for Rudy's at 6 the Clay Center hosts a block party in partnership with Marvin Del marble the billing with an opening reception for points of Cape Spike college Spears and music by sneaky pete and the secret weapons beginning up by the way of compassion dharma center screens cedar Sings the Blues an animated retelling of the Indian epic the Rama Yana at $630.00 the beguiled opens at the Crystal theatre at $730.00 and what perform at roaring for beer companies a new venue batch at 8 sex with strangers is opens at the Hearst theater in Aspen at 8 bicycle any blazed at Carbondale bare works and Lord Nelson is at the black nugget around 9 and evening with Butch performs at belly up Aspen at 10 looking ahead. Bicycle crews meets up in Cypress Park tomorrow night at 9 and Katie and papers in some of the live broadcasts from the summer music series and sober spark from 4 to 7 featuring let them roar and danger more often presented by the pound Carbondale and Steve's guitars you can submit your calendar items on our website or by emailing calendar Acadian k. Dot org And be safe. Respect women. 6 and have some fun. That's right lots to do not to say hey it's Friday night in America we're going to play a song that says so here is New Grass Revival. Enjoy. A good show so you. Can get sold in. The market week your soul. Just leave it. With a long. Weekend. The smaller the moment. The mother. Let. Let. Long It's. Going to come up in the labor. Camp. All the way down to. The bridge you how long. Because the day. a little weak and. Some You can see. The future of the final on the street. Well. The big. Thing. Where. A. Lot of. Time on. The phone. Come. It's a. Pain. But it came. Out as. Well. You. Know where to. Look. Like you're. Not. With the sound of the. Band a Rolo. On the road I'll be home soon. my mom for the highway call spent most of it between you 2. And I didn't wind up. Change my mind. And live 30 days on the road baby I'll be home soon. My grandpa 30 days on the road but he'll be home soon. Carbondale things between noon and breakfast I'm under bunny and Mr banjo got banjo Steve in here all the way from which talking and sis and it's a beautiful day for bluegrass and Carbondale So we're trying to get you warmed up for some of the great music you can hear this weekend. Hey support comes from Fred Pulver of advanced systems carbon to accomplish the clean home concept Fred offers a variety of vacuums. Carpet cleaners both common and uncommon Fred provide service and parts for all might make some types of cleaners and home demonstrations and information at 963-0229 or Fred Pulver at hotmail dot com. Stay tuned for express yourself for this afternoon learn about the mount so prissy music festival the 2nd Sunday concert series the jam band danger muffin and the 4 part harmonies of the cowboy corral at 4 o'clock today express yourself with Luke Nestle. About the name Danger muffin that sounds pretty good with a thunderbolt on it does it does it sound like something I'd have to eat breakfast Yeah we would need to put a banjo with. I don't know if there's a banjo in danger muffin I guess we could find out for that kind of like their great jam band I bet they will see and see what they sound like I'm looking forward to seeing them live it's got to be a new experience for me all right but you've been you've been listening to deep breakfast as I mentioned a few times and we heard yonder with Ramblers anthem rare earth wagging the dog seldom seen with maybe New Grass Revival with Friday Night in America Bill Monroe and his Bluegrass Boys with cry and holy unto the Lord for that seldom seen again Roland and Tumblin Fleck and Jerry Douglas with another mornin and I hear we got the Earl's Leicester. With a good tune. That's cause. You can feel it in your soul. And you b.s. body you can feed. So the. I need these are going to be told strings are going to be strong when. You are going to be turning playing golf learning when. The Baggies time. No more tears are going to be. Open. And members of you're going to leave bowling basically going to be growing when. The signs are. Always above is going to be tall and going to be warm when. They go slings are going to be swinging in the water spraying going to be a spring in one of. These I'm thinking. No more tears are going to be falling. Omit. Rivers are going to be blowing basically a colleague only when. I'm in. These times of. That's Lost and Found in a switch gears to a little bit more of the. Harmonious and gentle bluegrass you got paper paired up next with The Lost Boys from their album when the river took flight and this Colorado band comes up here to the valley fairly regularly and we enjoy them very much. And you'll find them. On their website. Coming to Dinner against 27th and Fort Collins August 12th All right so we can look forward to seeing paper bird this is a lost boys that see if this works here we go. God I. See you. I. See. You. I. See. The. Same. But you. Know we get almost every night and night just be trying to learn from. Him but James Dean and the mole. Believe. That if. They don't follow me and buying a t.v. They. Keep me. Maybe but it ain't me I'm told I. Can See My everybody you love based service just by the sight everybody's dancing and their life was born in that fight against a man trying to get through the natural goal of life. By James Dean and most of my. Life everybody keep talking my mates are killed by natural cycle everybody's dancing. Everybody. Else. If you don't. Buy into. The movie I. Was. Such a. Everybody. In the. Last week. It's. Just sad and sick I. Was. Under a mountain stream and on Kadian k. That's off the new album. And. It's $145.00. And you're listening to d breakfast on Kadian Kay algorithm free since 1983 tune in Sunday July 9th from 4 to 7 pm for another live broadcast of the 2nd Sunday summer music series from Soper spark this month let them or in danger muffin perform in the park presented by the town of Carbondale and Steve's guitar as that should be a really good time and excited to see all there here's another Bela Fleck too with Sam Bush off the album Double time thanks to banjo Steve and. Get Well if you're traveling through the nose country fair. Where the. Movie on the boat. Who lives there. She wants more goods. If you go with stolen. Over the river. In the suburbs. Yes you could East River. So. Soon floats all over the bridge just. For her. Lol. That's the way. Didn't. Come through 1st. To hey. Be to the one. She won't solo's. Push. On Cave Yeah Ok. Don't touch that dial because we have to be gearing up in the studio he's going to take the mike here in a couple of minutes I got one more song for you I believe before. I hit the road with the fam Thanks for tuning in to breakfast and. Hopefully we'll see you next week the week after that and lots of consecutive following weeks it's been a lot of fun here's a fruition with the meaning. Enjoy. The . Big Sky as I was watching. You previous was listening to us to take the sun stayed up just long enough to make it clear just but we are not doing me. I was by love you. I will die go back to style after. I'm known the bad be here. Is that life fall other the fan. I received in salvation. Not to the bad damnation. I got a little expectation. And then some Chinese in the land that. I live with it wont to do. Its been close to. Cover say both the. Good.

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