In Florida in March was on auto pilot the driver who was killed I think gauge the semi autonomous system before the Tesla ran into a semi truck sliding underneath a trailer that's similar to a 2016 Tesla crash this is Fox News. Hey guys it's Sue cause or your favorite sexual health expert with another version of ask the pro this month I got a letter from Sandy in Seattle about an explosive bedroom secret she and her husband recently discovered she writes Dear Sue my husband I used to have a great life in the bedroom but in the last few years he has struggled he's tried about everything but nothing has worked then one day he came home and gave me a night I will never forget he told me about the secret formula not the trail that changed our life in the bedroom once and for all while Sandy he'll beat me to it I recommend knocks a trail to every guy that struggles in the bedroom it's the only one not to trail is all natural and works turn crease blood flow fast it's like that little blue pill on steroids knocks a chill has a special free bottle offer sip discretely to your door call now and find out how to get a free bottle of not to throw while supplies last call 180-912-9130 That's 809929130 free bottles for a limited time so Call now 89929130809129130 that misery to the list of states making stricter abortion laws believe it is the will of the people and the people's voices will be for Republican Missouri governor Mike parson would sign the bill the state Senate passed after midnight to ban most abortions after 8 weeks of pregnancy this the day after Alabama border than even stricter law the a.c.l.u. And Planned Parenthood say they intend to file a lawsuit to block Alabama's new abortion law late Wednesday Republican governor k.-i the signed a bill making it a class a felony for doctors to provide abortions except in cases where the mother's life is in danger the new law makes no exceptions for rape or incest and is scheduled to take effect in 6 months the governor explained the bill's sponsors see the law as an opportunity for the u.s. Supreme Court to revisit its $973.00 Roe v Wade decision which made abortion legal the a.c.l.u. Of Alabama issued a statement saying We will not allow that to happen and we will see them in court Jonathan Serrie Fox News we're still waiting for more information out of Wisconsin . After a firefighter was killed and 3 others wounded the firefighter an officer and 2 others were shot to Wednesday night while responding to a call at a map transit center south of Green Bay It's a brotherhood and sisterhood people that understand what you see every day sadly we all understand what they're feeling when you lose somebody in the line of duty Wisconsin firefighter Honor Guard Commander Brian Jones it's still not clear the circumstances surrounding the shooting or a suspect though police in Appleton say there's no threat to the community Jeff Manassero Fox News Jimmy Carter is out of the hospital in Georgia where the former president got a hip replacement surgery after a fall at his home this week his wife experts lady Rosalyn Carter was also discharged the day after she was admitted for feeling faint Jimmy Carter is 94 the oldest president alive he still plans to teach Sunday school this weekend on Wall Street the Dow is up 257 points I'm Dave Anthony this is Fox News. Durango's news talk station the Durango weather for today's weather forecast closely sunny skies are expected to stick around throughout the entire day there is a slight chance of seeing some rain showers mainly in the afternoon and Daytime highs will be in the mid seventy's and then for tonight mostly cloudy skies are expected throughout the night with overnight lows being down around 40 your weather was brought to you by Southwest your 4 corners all season I couldn't superstore online and so I got. On the phone a tractor needs to be as reliable as a fiber good as strong and tough as a barbed wire fence but way more comfortable it needs to effortlessly lift pull. Out here incredibly engineered Kubota am 7 was born before our visit your hometown Kubota do. Shape your world. Southland stag your course an equipment superstore online it's. Check out during the digs every Saturday from 3 to 4 here on Katy Geo 12 40 am and 98.3 f.m. Rock you buy supernova furniture and supernova sleep gallery in downtown Toronto nothing beats a good night's sleep. The fusion of entertainment and right. Is that Glenn Beck program no matter how you get your news today whether it's from a newspaper or cable t.v. Or a Smart Phone there's not a whole lot to be optimistic about most times they can be downright discouraging and I think what we need right now is a little old time country perspective my conversation with Phil Robertson is about his time country gets in one minute. This is the Glenn Beck program I'm holding in my hand right now a piece of American history. For many reasons these are the United States $881.00 Philadelphia minted gold liberty coin there were $5.00 at the time $5.00 of gold this is what you call the gold standard it could mark 5 dollars because it was $5.00 worth of gold and if you took this $5.00 now and you could go whatever you could buy an $881.00 for $5.00 I can guarantee you it's damn close to what you could take one of these coins in 4 and buy it now it's not going to cost you $5.00 you know it might cost you $250.00 but that's inflation gold does not inflate it holds its value this is the coin also that when f.d.r. Took the gold you could still keep this is the gold that I collect they have them right now the $5.00 liberty coins you can get them at really one place and it is Gold Line 866 Gold Line that's 1866 gold mine read there important information 5 out of gold is right for you at 1866. Goldline. Back before customers at coffee shops got their information from actually talking to a person sitting across the table from them rather than ignoring them while scrolling through their Twitter mentions things were a lot simpler there was wisdom in a good conversation a friend a family member or pastor was usually the 1st to be consulted when advice was needed I thought we needed to get back to a little bit of that my podcast available at Glenn Beck dot com or wherever you get your podcast is a good mixture of modern day technology and old fashioned communication one on one thoughtful and practical application that you can actually use my recent conversation was with Phil Robertson and it goes right to the heart of this concept here's a small portion as things become more and more insane in our world. I thought of the poster that. Churchill put out in 2nd World War Keep Calm and Carry on right now none of us are keeping calm we're all freaking out only to do is keep calm and then do the things that you know are right just pay no attention that just keep calm and carry on your quoting some great scriptures New York urge your brothers and do your God's mercy. Moving so I can process only I'm preaching to God for your body 247 which is your spiritual worship don't conform any longer to the pattern of the world you just mentioned the pattern of we're back and saying if someone had told me that we would end up about 2020 with the mischief and. The murder. To learn how to own children they shoot up churches concert you are for Jesus said the devil is the father of lies just look at the news media and what they keep coming out of their mouth and your like. And the scary party is the bank they put Litella it to and it is not just this justice in the news media it's the you just said the devil is a hand the whole thing here it's advertising Think of the lies of hisself somebody a product I have to tell you you're not complete without this that's the biggest lie there is no it that's why I haven't gotten into the cell phone and computer business and I'm on the I'm on the computer but I never look there's different gifts Here's worship love must be sincere 247. What is evil cling to what's good all the time 247 be devoted to one another and brotherly love all the time honor one another all but have your say Elves. All the time don't be lagging zeal keep your spiritual airburst serving the Lord all the time be joyful and hope patient and affliction my prostate acted up here about 23 weeks ago you say did you go down down on the ground I had asked the Almighty to take it from me it took about a week or 10 days I actually went to see a doctor for the 1st time and it the years. Patient an affliction the last time a bit in the hospital is what Arctic made me and gave me rabbit fever you say you haven't been back to a doctor since but I went the other day because he'll prostate got into your leg Was it rough was it rough So look patient in affliction I waited it a full in prayer shared with God's people who are in need practice hospitality have him over for a meal bless those who persecute you tell Gee I hope you don't curse a glass of bear right bless and don't curse rejoice for those who rejoice mourn those who mourn to live in harmony with one another don't be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position the poor the downtrodden the rednecks whatever don't be conceited don't repay it anyone evil for evil this is worship this is how we worship be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody you know like be careful to do what is right no matter who's looking to do what is right be careful to do what's right he that or not do what's happening for them see that if it's possible which is amazing as far as it depends on you live it peace with everyone I live in a redneck neighborhood and you say it's how to live at peace with them yeah they were stealing them out of the issue. The rednecks back when I was fishing to survive before the dark colored took up a lot of nets in the river what nets kept this go when I'm not a little buffalo you get $0.30 a pound cat piece you get 70 at all these nets out at floats on them you could see you. Ever want to round I knew they were my nets I would notice that out here an outboard when I train myself to get it go down I right quick look into the bushes and I'm looking over there and every once in a while some of these guys will pull up on one of those floats and then start coming up with it they're going to steal my fish but I did it 1st I was young in the faith take a shot gun with buckshot and I tore out there and I would just threaten them scare the daylights out of them what are you doing stealing from me but they kept stealing I'd run that bunch hell and 3 weeks later there's another bunch I read this text that where I'm reading now. Don't take revenge my friends leave room for God's wrath it's written it's mine to advance I will repay says the Lord on the contrary if your enemies hungry fading if he starts to give him something to drink I said young enough and I said That won't work these red necks if I'm good to him if I give him water China still you know your turn and the Lord they will quit Stayman said that will work but it occurred to me back I said how would I know I've never tried it on just drowned us. And these are dangerous people anyway course here in the south you eat Yankees Yeah that was said where. I'm going to try that Lord. I'm going to test you ready on the ice so the next bunch I catch I tear out there with my motor I have my gun just in case my faith gets a little weak. But it's not in my hands it's in the bottom of the boat I pull out there these guys look around and they're dropping money in the river I feel like they were fish and I said to you has looks lacka you've had trouble catching some fish do you set it to get men in my niche I said Good times have Kermit your way I'm going to give you the fish and they're looking at Mary and the look on their faces they looked at each other I said I'm going to give you what you I want you to have a fish fry and many are coming that they should blow away all our city there was cousin and I said you know you start frantic as people come out the woodwork kinfolks you haven't seen in years I said listen I'm going to get keep it right there are so calm down there I'm not going to hurt you I said I'm going to give you what you were trying to let's see what you have 6 to catch on the pull of the net up at a lot of patience that I put him in my boat put the net back out I said when you go to her native now so we'll just go on that said I'm one of the it was clear to me that they were thinking wait a minute we're stealing from him he's given us what we were trying to steal he's crazy. They keep their boat over and I start though and they show in their boat I said when you think you have enough for their fish fry you can say I say so and they tell me one time when you know I think it to be another restaurant I said Now let me give you 3 more so I threw them some more I said now you have what you wanted to steal I'm giving you what you are trying to steal I said I do this for a living. This is how I make money I said I would appreciate it if you didn't steal from me I said listen. See if I want to hear that house when I hear you let's hit the next time you want to fish fry if you can't catch any fish just come see me and I'll give them to eat all the way up and down the river for years after that they all quit stealing from me what I didn't know was young and the faith. Peeled to their conscience if they had one and I wanted them to say good night they gobble given to us I mean the old guy gave us to face was trying to steal Can he really that wants that goes around in the redneck circles the city we send poodle did that's a good who did God was right all along I just never had I was too weak to see it so I will tell you. I find I read the scriptures and I find answers to everything everything you do just like you did with fish and answers everywhere in it and it's amazing cause every time I try to orcs to. Is there a problem with people of faith in America today because they. They profess they believe it but then they don't do it they you know the the the answer is these are not enemies of yours their enemies of mine and I I have the right for vengeance you don't believe I am commanding you to love them remember we're not wrestling against flesh and blood or direct payments that's not where the battle e.-s. Wrecked but we're wrestling with the rulers of this age the authorities the result of Daraa the preserved art is the narrative for wickedness and her battle is with the Evil One that's why when I wrote that book it says the theft of America so I'm putting it all on the evil one the humans are just caught up in it correct but if you if they're delivered from Satan they're ready to go but he's the problem so where are all the Christians that don't want to. That will say you know what I have plenty of me give you my fish just don't steal from me they would say and I mean this for everybody but I'm hearing it from Christians I'm you know but I know everybody is this way they would say that is weakness that will show weakness if they're going to steal from you a blind if you do that you can't do that you've got to show power and you've got to stand up. Let me show you another thing Oh sure they would do the same thing be angry but to not Ok so someone sins against he and you're angry you're good anger is a healthy emotion. However the engines is not that's right be angry but don't sin in a walk up the Haganah San Well if you lash back out verbal ie they curse shoot you start cursing them and then you have a in escalates so we both are cursing each other you know good you know 2 neighbors one moment a grasp on the other side of the fence and I said no cursing each other you know like you can't last Mack basically you're sinning yet to keep your mouth shut you don't pick up something either and begin to beat him half the death with it or pull out your pistol and shoot them be angry but don't say an Ok they sinned against you you don't retaliate Burgundy you don't retaliate physically you just walk away however a lot of times when you walk away you didn't say and not Jed but you're bitter because they curse you you lack they've still got their their talons on you they steal cause you knew harm they're still controlling you cause you're bitter about taking the curse and for no reason you say well what's the way out of that mess what's strong person to do sense for me give them don't be bitter don't lash out very badly don't lash out physically just forgive them and move all and you say it looks who's a stronger person the one that can take a cursing with that person back that's weak you said pick up something because somebody occurs when you go beat them at the death you say that's weak you're bitter for the next 20 years over what someone you know like they have control journalist for 20 years you're still mad about what they did but I can see it all the time. Are Just to give them a move. And there's a strong person so we just get it out of whack. It says a day of interviews I thought we'd do an interview with an actual thief I just you're naming it. You know he's like get out of here you know but you are a thief. One of the 1st. Place that I always make sure you put it right right Secondarily I want to make sure that they don't know about it because I got to simply say. Is I was the cops it came from the cops or they were I don't know what you talked about but I do know that they had several delicious berry to you from anywhere up in the Northeast Are you Ok because it really doesn't sound like simply safe has a massive deal that will keep you guys that are your cheese it's like this guy simply safe back dot com You're going to get a free home security camera when you order your security system no long term contracts you're not locked in 1499 for monitoring it's simply safe back dot com get the free home security camera 100 dollar value now simply say Beck dot com. Thank you. I'm talking to Phil Robertson the granddaddy of dynasty will break sister says only feels good. So I think I think forgiveness is the. That's the 1st step I think the deeper step of it is profound empathy. I know I've been in situations where I've had to forgive and I could forgive and then I've been in situations that I've prayed a lot about and I knew I was going to have problems with Yep and my whole heart song felt their pain and all of a sudden no matter what they said to me I could just feel how much pain they were in and it. Brings you to tears in your end that is that's even more when you when you can to say I forgive you and mean it is hard to feel the very difficult other pain the and so very difficult for human beings to get that that's one of the greatest commands of the Bible love God and love your neighbor you say and spite of the mistakes how many times the Lord said we've forgiven 7 he said 70 times $770.00 times 7 They lack of any time 7 it going on back and fail Robertson added up every violation where they broke God's one of his last so if we added them all up you say there would be probably thousands that's why Jesus said You be forgiven to them 70 times 7 a ready to forgive the came and his sins up forgiven of you so if you look at it like that you say whoa what's serious leave no debt remain outstanding let no debt remain outstanding pay your bills except one day we'll. The continuing debt to love one another. For he who loves his fellow man watch how this works has for filled the law with all the don't do this don't do that don't at all still don't care don't yell Act How do you how do you feel that love your neighbor watch the command much do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal you do not have it and what ever the commandment there may be are summed up in this one rule love your neighbor as yourself love does no harm to its neighbor yeah like I don't get up in the morning and say I gotta make sure that I don't steal somebody's you know money other bill photo ops I gotta make sure that you know that that I don't have any evil thoughts and I gotta make sure that you know I don't lash out at that just love them just love them if you love them you're so that go shoot them if you love them you say you're not going to be unkind to if you love them you're not going to mess with their woman you love them too much she's your sister sees a fellow human being you say love would take you have a bit of that. But boy is that a hard lesson are going to get every episode of The Glenn Beck pod cast just subscribe on itunes Google Play or where ever you download your podcast. You're looking at a glass box. I was so excited last week to announce our 1st ever cruise through history and I can't tell you how many people have already purchased their tickets were so thrilled that you're going to come with us it's happening next spring I want you to bring you know the loved ones of your life if you can bring your family is an opportunity to share your values your beliefs on the things you hold dearly our republic our freedom our faith we're going to go to Venice and then we're sailing the eastern Mediterranean we're going to go to Croatia Greece Athens and Israel to be a credible trip Bill O'Reilly is going to join me stews going to join me David Barton Rabbi Lapin I mean we're going to teach history and we're going to have a great time doing it the ship of the crew they are amazing. They will be well rested because this is a brand new ship you're going to love this experience cruise through history just go to Come Sail Away dot com to learn more and get it happens next spring join me Bill O'Reilly and the whole gang. Come Sail Away dot com grab your tickets while they are available Come Sail Away dot com Get all the details and bring your family . 'd blaze t.v. Dot com slash Glenn to join please t.v. Would love to have you if you use the promo code Glenn here to save 10 bucks. Polish a surprise from New Mexico governor I'm to promote you reporting from the Katie newsroom Colorado governor Jared Polis is not happy with New Mexico governor Michel who hung Gresham for sending migrants on buses to Denver without making Colorado aware that $55.00 Central American emigrants would be arriving in the state Lou and Gresham reportedly paid $4000.00 to transport the migrants who are set to stay at a nonprofit organization known as Annunciation house Pulis says he supports efforts to provide housing for. Migrants but would have liked to have known they were coming to his state the April death of a man who had been. Has been ruled accidental 31 year old David was found dead on April 26th in his car that had gone off the side of smelter mountain County Coroner's Office reports that died from injuries in the crash electric Association's new chief executive officer Jessica Matlock will receive an annual salary of $285000.00 which the cooperative says is in line with other co-ops and public utility companies. Her position on July 22nd comes to Durango from the county Public Utility District where she is the assistant general manager overseeing customer and Energy Services and external government affairs. Electric board meeting was Wednesday and officers were elected Blanche will serve as board president. Was reelected as vice president was re-elected as treasurer and Unger was elected as the new secretary for make up the board's executive committee while Kristen skin was reelected to represent. On the tri state generation and transmission Association board Jack Turner will serve as the delegate to the Colorado electric association or McGuinness will be the Western United representative new directors Holly Metzler and. Will sit on the LP round up Foundation board the Dolores Chamber of Commerce and Visitor's Center has a new director. Has been active with the Chamber has been hired to fill the director's position chamber directors role will include promoting business and tourism. And. All Time Low self. No 6751 in s. Are 500 heavy duty. Truck This is easily a gave me a call at 505-947-1545 only one left in Russian high contributor to c 4 is simply g 26363 a plus detailed and transfers a trip. Back in the thirty's people just called us for cleaning drains but as time went on they started calling us to make all kinds of plumbing troubles go away from leaky pipes broken water heaters I don't believe it. My savings are cool and there goes your trade No they're good they're gone it's gone Ok think about it where did you how no more I remember I was home when I cook them and then I spent them on that vacation to a room book then I bought this miniature suit of armor I saw in the in-flight magazine and that's the last you saw of your savings yes this is so we know right now we're not really not saving now means no money. You'd be surprised how quickly a little money from every paycheck can really add up to put away a few bucks to feel like a 1000000 bucks for free ideas and easy ways to save go to seed to peek dot org That's dot org The armor is cool though. I think a broken skull would you broke my favorite part This message brought to you by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the. Obama admin Welcome to today's lottery drawing good luck. And here's today's whinnying numbers 1st one up it's not your 2nd was module words and another number that's not you'll say Ok this is one number that yours it's a 5 but you don't get any money for that at most final number is not yours Yep so chances are you're not going to hit the lottery anytime soon don't get us wrong the lottery can be fun every now and then just please don't rely on it for your future savings how about this brew your own coffee at home instead of buying that latte every day brown bag it to work instead of ordering in your bike instead of buying all the gas these changes alone can save you thousands a year thousands small changes today big bucks tomorrow that piggy bank to feed the pigs or for more free ideas on how to save. This message brought to you by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the. Missing the Mark Levin from 4 to 7 pm Monday through Friday under wrangles news talk station 1240 k.v. Geo a 98.3 f.m. . Her parents dropped out of school at a young age. She lives in absolute poverty with no electricity and no running water but Carol Swain refuse to be defined by all of that I sat down with care a little while ago for a podcast it's available at Glenn Beck dot com a revery get your podcast and I was blown away by her story former professor at Vanderbilt her work has now been cited by 2 Supreme Court justices but here's the part of the conversation on race and immigration that was fascinating look at how long the government was shut down and didn't seem to be a problem with most people. There is a there's a contempt I mean this border wall thing I think the average American on the border wall says look I just want to know who's here I want to make sure m. S. And m. Is 13 is not in my neighborhood I want to make sure that bad guys aren't here I want to make sure the good people that just want to make us better and want to become American can come through the front door make that easier I'm fine with that but I just don't want people here the reason why they're demanding a wall is because they don't trust government they say I want something permanent because you'll pass it you don't build it and if you do build it you'll stop you'll stop doing whatever it was you said you were going to do the minute we turn around that's why people want to wall so we're we're we're looking at this this time where I think somebody like Donald Trump could say you know what you know why this border wall. Is in the mess that it is because nobody in the Republican Party actually mean it when they tell you border wall nobody in the Democratic Party actually mean it they were fighting for it 10 years ago now it's immoral. And I think she could make the case to both sides can this has to stop. My latest most recent academic book is is an edited debating immigration and in it was released August of last year giving a lot of thought to immigration immigration has not been reformed since 1906 and we have done piecemeal and there's no incentive by either political party to make the reforms that we need and so we talk on border wall when immigration itself the whole thing needs to be was formed and the wall I believe is needed because I mean there's another caravan coming from Honduras on its way to the u.s. And you know if they do get across the fence and you may have seen the photograph of someone they know how to drive cars. They have tracks where they can go here yeah drive a car over the over the fence which means we need to make up instance better but we definitely need something so that you just came have you know the people that just walk across the border or rush the border or they are in one group where you're focused on the 2 fails then when the 200 you know mile day I'm walking across the border. I think the border wall I'm all about change in his own that when it should be on comprehensive immigration reform and by comprehensive I don't mean you know amnesty as a code word I mean comprehensive in that you look at the whole picture of legal as well as illegal immigration and it is impacting American citizens in adverse way in adverse ways and the ones that are coming here are being released in Texas and cities. They have to be housed somewhere that's housing that American citizens are not going to get because they tend to. In some cases have more benefits able to get more benefits from certain pots than American citizens that are struggling I find it. I find it insulting that the country that was built by immigrants we are all immigrants one way or another most of us are all immigrants one way or another at some point we saw the the racism Chinese black skins the Irish white black didn't matter if you were different you were bad right but we saw the America that it built and built a country because those people came here wanting a promise the Americans would be Americans I don't know and I'm sure there are tons of them I should say times maybe 5 percent of the American population is somebody so I don't want any of these foreigners here maybe there are these 10 percent I don't know but 90 percent are like that right if you come here and say I can make you better it's 2 to accuse conservatives or to confuse people who say look I need people to watch this border because there's bad things happening right to say that they are racist somehow or Zina phobic when when you're when you're talking to a group of people who say books and people are the same I want diversity I want a diversity of ideas that's more important than skin color I know I have people coming in right makes us better I know but as long as epithets can be used to intimidate people and silence them then they'll be hurled and I think that in some cases the reaction should be to embrace the effort that just laugh at it and keep going with the conversation. I thought I saw and I saw somebody I won't dress who the 2 candidates are. But I saw somebody. They had such a natural sense of humor just they were just natural and a really natural almost infectious laugh and somebody who didn't write and one person is looking and saying it they're saying all that person's going to that person will do well against Donald Trump because they'll bash him the other person is they're not talking about and I thought if the other person runs against Donald Trump and Donald Trump does what Donald Trump does and he you know he makes up a name for everybody and everything else if they are honest if it's not if it's their personality you are a kind gentle thoughtful woman you there's no way you can't see that in you. If this is the kind of person they are and they laugh they go ah ha that's me it could defuse it and that could when that is a problem that we're all taking things. So seriously and we're getting so mad and stop calling me that it doesn't matter what they say doesn't matter doesn't it not to me me not to me I refuse to be silenced because America means a lot to me and I think about my children my grandchildren and when I say my children I'm not thinking just about my biological children I'm thinking about all of those thousands of students that I've taught over the years and it troubles me what I see taken place and it troubles me when I see racism against white people the argument is that you know that white people can be victims of racism because racism only applies to people that don't have power and all whites have privilege Well that is really. Honestly how wash because I don't want to label other words I think that we need to stayin core principles and at the principle is nondiscrimination on the basis of race gender national origin then it includes everybody nondiscrimination has to be against every group and so it came be one group that is safe to discriminate against you know that they have less rights I think that is. This what King really was talking about I think so I think so and we have lost this message I mean. Now days and people would prefer to embrace of the leaders that are more divisive and if we don't start to turn things around in America I think that we will see our nation fall and maybe in our lifetimes. If I had to ask you what the. Thing that keeps you up at night because we started with urgency you had a sense of purpose and a sense of urgency. So if I said to you Carol you're here last week and this your last interview and. You have a chance to talk to Americans and they're actually here you. What would your message be my message would be that we need to return tad Judeo Christian values and principles I think that a lot of the confusion that we have in America a lot of the violence and the hopelessness has come as we have become increasingly secular I think that America is a nation that was planted on Judeo Christian Bagge use and principles we had the civic religion you know that many people they were not necessarily deeply religious but there were certain values and principles that made us Americans we have lost that and if we don't regain after putting you know spiritually. And which ties in to truth and knowledge then I think we're doomed. I want to talk to you about getting a v.p.n. a Lot of people don't know what a v.p.n. Is if you say it to them but a v.p.n. You've seen it in every movie you know spy or you know somebody is like trying to avoid you know the f.b.i. Or whatever they're like a creature called they can't keep jumping around over the map here all over the map that's what a v.p.n. Does and it stops and you know you know have to be a criminal have it factor you know you really want it to stop things from like Google or Facebook public life I mean I mean I've been terrible with that in the past and I've had my information stolen recently where the you know they didn't have my credit card in their hands but somehow they were charging stuff you know almost $10000.00 worth of stuff they ran up on my card but that could be because you are at some public was by and you were just accessing your bank or somebody that's been a while since I was that much of a moron but it can happen and it can happen very easily it happens all over the country you just don't even think about it you really don't think about it I'm just here and here's the thing this is really easy to use you just. 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Have a dirty dog on your hands company Courtney n m r e at da gun gorgeous they offer flexible scheduling by appointment Monday through Saturday and can have most dogs done within 2 hours so you don't have to leave your bass buddy at the grooming shop all day now accepting all breeds of dogs 90 pounds and under so bring your furry loved ones to the most gentle grooming shop in town doggone gorgeous Don't worry it's a bit early appointments are filling up fast to schedule an appointment call Courtney at 259-2949. What are you doing just sending a gift to Dave 2037 who mean the future I save a little money from every paycheck as a gift to Dave 2037 so you can spend it on things like into gravity or a hologram government of the cool like that I think Dave 2037 deserves it he worked hard What are you getting Steve 2037 I guess I was thinking Steve 2037 would just fend for himself well all right but don't expect me buying one antigravity. You want to have money in your future you gotta start saving now putting some money from every paycheck until a savings account or contributing to your 4 a one k. Can make a big difference later put away a few bucks feel like a $1000000.00 for free ideas and easy ways to save go to feed the pig or. Org Hey let's just hope Steve 2037 doesn't get his hands on a cold time machine because he is going to come back here and knock some sense into you this message brought to you by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the council. Chris can you put the video game controller down for a 2nd I can talk and play I'm totally annihilating this punk kid Nebraska I just feel like you're not acting like a grown up in our relationship into him to well you now you still ride your skateboard to work there is the comic book collection and the race card look I'm young at heart but I put money to my 41 k. Every paycheck I picked up a few savings tips that feed the pig dot org I have control of my financial life now and that feels pretty grown up put away a few bucks feel like a 1000000 bucks putting some money in from every paycheck until a savings account or contributing to your 401 k. Can make a big difference later for free ideas and easy tips on ways to save going to feel. So I better look like a grownup So you know well except for the 40 pajamas I had after Gray This message brought to you by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the council now it's Glenn Beck make sure you listen to the Glenn Beck program every weekday morning from 7 till 10 only on Durango's news talk station 1240 k. D. Geo. I'm talking to Carol Swain one of the top academic minds today analyzing race and immigration Here's another part of the conversation from the Glenn Beck podcast where we talk about slavery and Christianity so let me play let me just push back when you have a devil's are right play the average person that is that hears that and they're like God who's well those Christian values they don't know what you think you know you did slavery those studio Christian values were on display with with fire hoses and dogs those judeo christian values of slaughtered people all over the world. I would say that that is I can I mean I can find the word ladylike word to say what my reaction would normally be there were always Christians that Ford Appalachian bad protected the slaves and helped them you know get to freedom that educate set up universities back in the 18 hundreds and if you look at all of the b. And so dollars the philanthropy that has come from white people throughout the ages specifically Americans like some talk about Americans I'm talking about Americans you know there's been universities going back to the 18th hundreds there were educating blacks and there were universities in New England that may have a discriminated and they were educating blacks and so a lot of the positive things that have taken place in America we have always been a nation that we eventually acknowledged our wrongs but even when those wrongs where they are there were always Christian people who were fighting for what's right and they and so for me I'm glad the nominal American. And and I'm a descendant of slaves own at least one side of my family how much descendant of slaves and when I look at divine providence you know we don't know why things happen the way they do but I'm glad that my ancestors made it to America because I believe America is the greatest country in the world blacks in America whether they know what not a better off than blacks anywhere Ethen the world it's a blessing to be an American and so if I look at white people I see people that have always tried to improve the lot of people around the world and they send missionaries I go to a church where wealthy white people work in inner city ghetto that they spend that time and their resources work in Amman. In neighborhoods where I would I am uncomfortable to go at times but they are not and so. I just think that when you have secularism and the devaluation of human life that we see in abortion. The fact that we don't value as Americans life in any stage we don't develop we don't value the life of the unborn or the lives of the elderly or the lives of people that a bone you know with some type of handicap I mean that makes us we're no better than. The people doing you know Hitler you know in the Nazis because a lot of what we do is very similar. If you haven't got into the pod cast yet I highly recommend that you start with a return to the lost art of informative conversation something that social media and click bait media has slowly sinking away from us you can start by going to Glenn Beck dot com i Tunes Google Play there's no short. Where you can find the Glenn Beck podcast what you heard today was just a very small sampling but you can already see the variety of discussion I've talked to intellectual dark wet members leaders in the high tech industry cultural icons and even the man who helped capture Che Guevara some of my guests are not always guess that would agree with me I've not always agreed with them but we're doing something different something that is almost lost now respectfully listening and learning from one another we've got to get back to that if we're going to survive. Thanks for listening and see on the podcast. 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Bell South Beach south highway for 91 tortillas can turn all your scrap in the gas not working vehicle over why it was gas fired a little brats they would steal any scrap metal ring a bell salvaged Cortez top dollar of the 4 corners for anything made of metal call for a date or service build build 5 building material do it use the only good structural steel build salvage south highway $41.00 court is called once about 065-3050 got a Durango to 5304 visit which got. Do you know where to find your vehicles recommended tire pressure on the tire Sorry think again the best place to find the recommended tire pressure is on a sticker usually located inside the driver's door or check the owner's manual driving on under-inflated tires can cause excess heat buildup and that can cause tire damage and even tire failure make sure you check your tire pressure at least once a month and before long trips it will save you money at the gas pump and keep you safe passage from the rubber Manufacturers Association. You're listening to news to 1240. Durango and 98.3 f.m. To 490 Durango. New immigration plan I'm rich Dennison Fox News President Trump just a couple hours away from unveiling his plan for migrants to legally enter the country Fox's John Decker's live at the White House the president's plan would not change the overall number of immigrants allowed in the u.s. Legally instead the proposal would eliminate the visa lottery program and reduce the number of immigration routes for extended family members White House spokeswoman sirrah Sanders said the proposal intentionally does not talk about so-called dreamers it's a serious program it's not included every single time. That we have put forward or anyone else has put forward any type of immigration plan that's included DACA it's failed aggression all Democrats have dismissed previous proposals from President Trump seeking to pair a back family based immigration rich John Democratic lawmakers taking part in a marathon of sorts boxes Jerde Helprin's live on Capitol Hill about 2 dozen House Democrats are expected to take part in a several hours worth reading of the special counsel's Russia report out loud in a committee room is White House officials refuse cooperation with several subpoenas and request for documents and testimony to tell me outrageous letter says the puppet president is above the law and Congress has. No right to investigate any of the actions of the president House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reaction to a letter from the White House counsel to the House Judiciary Committee chairman said in Congress there's no right for records and testimony from current and former White House staff in arguing top Democrats are simply requesting a do over on the Russia investigation rich juror the number of Democrats making a White House run grows by one New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio today entering the race saying he can stand up to President Trump the president calling De Blasio a joke in a tweet saying he's hated by New York City this year's Fox News. Hey guys it's soo cars are your favorite sexual health expert with another version of ask the probe this month I got a letter from Sandy in Seattle about an explosive bedroom secret she and her husband recently discovered she writes Dear Sue my husband I used to have a great life in the bedroom but in the last few years he has struggled he's tried about everything but nothing has worked then one day he came home and gave me a night I will never forget he told me about the secret formula knocks a trail that changed our life in the bedroom once and for all while.