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Florida ruling in a prostitution case similar to that of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft bars the use of some video evidence the judge in Martin County said detectives did not follow guidelines that minimized the video gathering that captured activity that was not against the law the case against Robert Kraft is in neighboring Palm Beach County but the Martin County decision comes as crafts attorneys attempt to try to get some of the video evidence against him thrown out Kraft was among about $300.00 men charged back in February for paying for sex at any of the 10 besides parlors from Orlando to Palm Beach crafts lawyers say the sting violated his constitutional rights so far crafters not been disciplined by the n.f.l. For alleged violations of morals clauses Gurnall Scott Fox News a teenager of says with the Columbine school shooting died before authorities launched a manhunt for her the coroner says the girl likely died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on April 15th the same day she's believed to have a ride in Denver from Miami Columbine and other schools tightened security that afternoon cyber criminals are ramping up by using social media in its latest a current state of cyber crime reports a network security company r.s.a. Reveals fraud attacks on social media have increased 43 percent over the last year Facebook Instagram and Snap Chat users is said to be 30 percent more likely to be victims because of increased exposure and data sharing these sites are free and don't require identity authentication making it easier for fraudsters to appear legitimate The firm also reports flagging about 80 rogue apps a day last year calling is a way for criminals to use an organization's brand without consent to tricking folks into giving access to their devices Kristen good when Fox News the birth rate in California is down the country's most populous state had 18000 fewer births compared to last year the slowest growth rate in California the state added nearly 187000 people in 28 I'm Richard Jordan this is Fox News. Hello Bo Deans towing an auto body. What's she been teaching you. Why are you calling right now. 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But how do you do a good evening welcome to the jumbo had a job from Westwood One Radio white 6650 Jimbo our number 186-650-5462 extension 60 I like you'll find it's a jumbo adage Show dot com You can follow me on Twitter at Jim Botox we are into May which means that we are very shortly approaching the battle of the thermostat in many an office and for that matter of sure quite a few homes as well used to do some part time work in the radio at a station in the nation's capital area while I was working full time at this job and they had a wonderful a system of the thermostat every room every studio was separately controlled by a wall thermostat big digital display very easy to change and I would often work adjacent to the one particular woman I won't mention her name. Although her gender is so important to this discussion. A great person great talk show host she was a reptile in fact she may have been an amphibian I think she could probably catch flies with her tongue she would set the thermostat for her studio in the summer time mind you 79 degrees it was like a greenhouse. And whenever I worked before her I would Nol grant you that. I burn a little hotter than that so I had to I often had the thermostat down as low as 69 or 70 why because I was comfortable and I was trying to do a job that I'm not going to sit back and and worry about how green I was being I'm trying to earn a long green and so that's where I set it but if I was preceding hers and I didn't fill in type of thing there if I was preceding her around the last hour I would start moving that thermostat back up so the by the time she showed up it was up to the 79 degree. Of the rain forest of the Amazon basin if I followed her I just had to put the thermostat back to some semi comfortable level for me and just us went through the 1st hour there does seem to be a genuine difference in the way we treat thermostats and I think that it is to a great extent gender in point of fact women do tend to have a lower metabolism in terms of the rate at which that we burn calories. It has a lot to do with how much energy that person needs to expend to stay in a comfortable temperature women as a general rule have lower metabolisms and so they tend to be colder at a temperature that men find comfortable so while I may be complaining about this. As on rain forest women are complaining about whether they could hang meat in the studio and started to do a meat locker it is that as you will battle it doesn't seem to be quite as bad I don't think in the winter but when it gets hot out if you live in a hot climate. The battle gets particularly bad in the summertime. But of course that comes down to an issue of what is in fact the appropriate attire to wear at work I'll grant you that more and more companies are getting into what we consider casual work some law firms even are if they're casual Fridays where granted you know go to court in blue jeans and a t. Shirt but you may show up at the office that way but nonetheless if you are in a place that maintains the old standard let's say of of suit and tie and something comparable for women if you have to go through the day and thank goodness most of my career I have not had to do this I have been a night person for the most part but if you have to go through the day wearing a suit and a tie especially in that type I hate hate hate hate hate that ties because they bottle up the heat in your body and make a bad situation worse. It's you really need a lower thermostat if you're me anyway and I think I speak probably for most guys. But yet there are a lot of women that go around shivering and shaking and I certainly am not totally insensitive to how other people feel I don't have an answer for all of this by the way unless we just put men and women in different parts of the office. That's kind of radical but I mean in terms of comfort and comfort of course relates directly to your work efficiently I don't know what you do about this I would think there are any pills you could take to alter your metabolism at least not not anything that would be safe and if you are considerably uncomfortable you're not as efficient at work if you are freezing your tail off or if you are boiling up you're just not as good at what you do and as I say I don't have an answer but I'd be curious your thoughts about it both in terms of what might be a possible answer in terms of how you've experienced this both sides of the issue we'll see if they a purely gender thing my experience has been that it has tended to be that women just have a lower metabolism than men and it's reflected in how they prefer the thermostat to be set does this extended our house it does although. For the most part. In a home setting the people involved there have reached some kind of accommodation offered it may be one person is very uncomfortable with any any lock I suppose it can be lowered to the level of each one is slightly uncomfortable 186650 Jimbo is our number 186-650-5462 extension 6 May and the annual battle over the office thermostat and the home thermostat we are blessed I admit to be living in a in an era in which for the most part we can go throughout the day and we can control our environment considerably I have spent considerable time in my life in which that was not available my time in the army was often that way you're in Vietnam certainly was that way the summer I spent stacking 100 pound sacks of sugar in a warehouse was most of phatic leave not that way it was definitely not an air conditioner warehouse. So I I value the fact that we have control over our environment thermostats are a wonderful invention however. A lot of it boils down boil be a good verb Your a lot of it boils down to who has control of the thermostat 186650 Jimbo what 866-505-4626 again I don't want to turn it into a a gender battle but I think it is I think for the most part it is there could be exceptions but the studies of indicated that women as a group do have a lower rate of metabolism than men as the groups that are there is overlap and there are exceptions but as a general rule this is a serious battle and again if you're a manager if you're in charge of the the efficient functioning of an office someplace. This is a tough question you want everybody to be at their peak but if people are all working together in a big open room with cubicles. There's one thermostat for that room and somebody is going to be uncomfortable 186650 jumbo what 866-505-4626 we have Joe call him from Surely New York hello Joe And good evening I don't know how are you doing I'm fine thank you and I might add by the way very comfortable at the moment but then again I'm by myself. I just want to you know I mean you know I know that men and women to different I have different you know metabolism or what have you but at the end of the day if you're cold you can put on more clothes if you're hot you can only think also much or is that appropriate you know I'm saying that's a very important point that Joe makes it is much easier to in a public setting but easier to adjust one way than the other that's certainly true . Trust me ladies you really wouldn't want Joe or me or the rest of us to get comfortable that way you would not want that. I think your point is well taken Joe you can always put on extra clothing that's certainly true. 186650 Jim but there are those I'm sure who would say but should we have to and well if you're working in a typical work environment where there are men and women some accommodation has to be made and again Joe touches on a very important point if in fact people must adjust by virtue of clothing it is a lot easier to put on more clothing than it is to take off more clothing. 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My. Heat wave actually for many people when they fix Biogen bowl it fights to Martha have a bad balance right there it's that time of the year again and it's a problem it certainly is a battle thermostat All right let's go to Bill calls with the light from above Pittsburgh hello Bill welcome Well who are you Mr Bauer I am fine thank you. Good I thought and once my wife went through menopause was her. Temperature. Before she always had to have a little warmer than I would like it but no the temperature. Variation that she's able to put up with BUSY has grown to be much larger. The thing is though that sometimes I'll be just fine and she'll be too hot and 2 hours later she'll be too cold and I don't understand it I just deal with that. They often do have to deal with that maybe maybe we should require that all women employed at obvious is undergo mental pause that was little jokes or. Suggesting that. It's it's just one of those things where they need to bring layers. It would seem easier it would seem easier for the the women to dress. Warmer than for men to dress cooler and I say you just really don't want us guys walking around the office in the Speedo trust me on this ladies you really don't want that so I think Bill has a very good point there is a Harry in Canton Missouri list with a k. r M s 1150 hello Harry I am laughing my butt off. The run off the bat here you're probably going to be well well let me tell you I used to live in Chicago and I used to walk to the train station by half a mile away only when it was between 30 and about high sixty's and my wife you said well what about it you know it's bad out I said listen if it's. Over 70 I says I am sweating I am so by the time I get to the train station you know and right now you know fortunately you know while on Fortunately I am. Lying here in bed with a ceiling fan going and I am very comfortably at about 65 degrees. Well there you go and I certainly understand that exactly I understand that entirely. But there's only so many layers you can take right well no that's very true and there certainly are only so many layers that trust me that they would want us to take off. So that I may well be the ultimate answer and again if that seems unfair as I say if in fact there was a a way to reach a temperature compromise again you don't want guys walking around the office in a Speedo We Trust me on this you really really do not thank you Harry I spent Chicago by the way wonderful city of temperature extremes you absolutely boiled to death for the summer and of course freeze to death in the winter I remember Chicago vividly Charlie in Manhattan Kansas hello Charlie Well go on Jim Oh well thank you I know it's on your mind. Although it would take for you Ok go ahead. Do you more. I'm sorry that I was going to hard to understand you there can you say that again. I said I've worked outside all my life got you Ok And to me it's more natural than being in signing control Carmen's because you know I work in the swamps of Florida cutting pulp would have worked on kind of a climate rig with trees I mean right and all over United States and trees and to me it's more natural than what you're talking about maybe more natural but I guess we can't really expect offices to set up shop out of you know going away for a dark or anything like that I mean that you're not they're not everyone is natural is good you know polio is natural the polio vaccine isn't that real so the fact that it is natural is not necessarily an argument for something but go ahead well it's a lot it's a lot healthier than we're going out maybe with it I mean again like I said if you're doing office work it's pretty hard to to do that with the wind blowing the papers off your desk you know of course you know I agree with you admitting I'm just saying those are probably people be a lot more healthy you think it works out think that's the way the caveman came we've still got the same stuff the cave men have you know with the lighter fight we've still got that goes back to caveman days to me modern society imposes a different requirements on the sort of what the caveman faced so well that's true that's true but you know I'd really be outside well and good for you that you're not only you would prefer to be outside but you would. You have the opportunity to do so for example I know Manhattan Kansas and I'll guarantee you that that's not a place I would want to be working outside in August or outside in February. I guarantee you Yeah well the matter give it a shot and I've already done that I've worked outdoors and circumstances like that trust me and as I say you're welcome to it Charlie your You're welcome to it all right let's go to Ted to Jamestown New York on the bull headed Show Low tad. High on the question are building still required to maintain the temperature at 2 degrees I'm not sure what the exact status is of that I'm sure there is some such edict but I'm not sure exactly what it is. Ok. I was just wondering if there were a lot more. I don't know what the status is of federal rules I can guarantee you knowing the mentality of the federal government that I'm sure there is some rule that says the thermostat must be set between 71.7 and 73.2 degrees blah blah blah blah that would be so typically federal bureaucratic but I don't know what those numbers are. Not you know not to be political but this. Energy crisis little trick there is that 872 degrees period Ted was referring to Richard Nixon the former president of the United States for those not old enough to recall that particular nickname I think there may have been at one time there may have been such an edict and again I don't know what it is today but of course most of us fortunately don't work for the federal government yet its owner. But. Seriously I was wondering if there were a lot lower Well my guess would be let's like most federal rules that the 1st of all there probably is such a rule and 2nd that compliance varies from office to office and that in more than a few places that concessions are probably made to. A realistic appraisal of what that enables people to get their work done so I don't know how they the feds address it but my guess is you've got a rule and you have considerable exceptions to that rule that would that would be my guess for the feds for the rest of us of course obviously some people have different rules and private enterprise the boss may set a certain rule I've worked at places where the thermostat was only accessible by a key and if you were a management type you had access to the key that would let you adjust the thermostat everybody else lived by how. The key holders adjusted the thermostat which in some instances actually made a lot of sense because you had people going up and down and up and down and up and down all day long and that really didn't accomplish much of anything anyway more to come 186650 Jimbo just occurred to me there were at that time and I still have many memories of the 79 degree talk show host that I do and frankly they are all fond memories even though this person was a good person but that studio as I say was was you could grow to life forms in their back in a moment. You're listening to news time 1240 g.t.o. Durango and 98.3 f.m. K 2 for 90 Durango we have so many options for skin care in our corner of Colorado but you know the difference is heights maybe from 400 to statics in women's health with 16 years of experience treating our clients we do understand the results of Claudius' not expect physicians supervise laser treatments expectations never write even jacked up also designed to treat. 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Every day I wake up at 5 am to give dad his medicine at 6 am I make his breakfast at 7 am I shower I start laundry and 8 at 10 we go for a walk. Every day I wake up at 5 am for those dealing with the daily struggles of caring for a loved one we hear you and that's why a.a.r.p. Created a community with experts and other caregivers for advice tips and support together let's hope each other better care for ourselves and the ones we love isn't the God or slash caregiver a public service announcement brought to you by a r p and the odd Council. 50 feet. After a few drinks take it slow. What. Point one miles getting pulled over for a bus driving could cost you around $10000.00 in fines legal fees increased insurance rates Nothing kills a buzz like getting pulled over for driving because bus driving is drunk driving by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the council. You're listening to Jimbo Hanna under wrangles news talk station 1240 k. Didio in 98.3 f.m. . M 013689 now for your free author submission kit that's 805-013-6894 your free author submission kit again 805013689. Oh of the problems of life 186650 Jimbo number 1866 bible 54626 I'd read be curious if any of you have either been boiled alive or frozen to death by office coworkers and how you have coped with the the battle of the thermostat in your various settings. Let's go to leave who calls in from Garner North Carolina Hello Lee She's still oh so good to hear you tonight you're going to die you know with every summer I'm one of those that I met at those people that I can tolerate being a little too close and much better than I can probably think you are. And I'm really active like this if I like here and as a participant of the senior center that has been a kept period everything and garnered and it seems like people who are always too cold fit into the band in the summer and they don't want the pants on because they're older and I just got really really tired of that about a year ago and talk to the person in charge can't we do anything can we ask them to move no we can't do that so one day I decided to wear one of my 2 piece from suit them to the outfit that I was wearing on the top and I said I can't stand it he can lower it with really torque curable can't we turn on the band a little no no no no no I think taking my clothes off. What was the reaction well it's worth it quite startled until they realize I was making. Well once they made that realization Yes I guess that might change a bit but still just out of curiosity how revealing was this to peace with. It was appropriate you know it wasn't any form of a state oh it was a 2 piece it covered all the creases and crevices and all that good stuff. But but nonetheless you made your point now they did a good point did they did they they take the point though or did they just simply say Oh well thanks for the nice view there were a few people then we never spoke to me again because they thought it was crazy but I don't think really mind that. The people who ran the space were still 3 d. Would make the people sick or too cold all the time but they didn't do that the idea of moving somewhere else that was underneath the damn thing and in there only there was 3 rows of whatever's tables lined up about oh those table to have it whatever long tables and it would have been so easy to have the cold people move away from and so we could put the pans on that was just the only thing we asked I don't understand why you couldn't move them what is your simply say you're too cold so we're going to move the fan or we're going to move you I mean I don't understand why they they had. Permitted squatter's rights to sitting under that fan Well they really didn't but if they got there 1st that was where they got to sit So there began to be a disgrace to be the 1st one there to sit there to sit and the fans were ceiling fans so you couldn't move them anywhere and I got a really long $100.00 foot extension cord and so I could have a fan under my cables they said no you can't do that people might trip over the cord Well I knew that would be a problem but I said Yeah but nobody will be too cold I'll have a you know we can have some kind of we're here go to breeze nothing you know I was nice about it I figured you were might help me get something it really didn't. I mean I just couldn't understand like you like everyone I said you can put on a whole lot more to take off when you're working in public. You really can't and that is probably the the ultimate solution to the whole thing I would have to agree although I must confess I find your your 2 piece bathing suit notion certainly interesting course the problem is with with most with most people that it's the the man who would wind up going to the Skippy swimsuit your metabolism sounds like it it differs from for many women. I probably don't tolerate cold but it's men but I am one of the women many many women like me you may not come across too many but there are a lot of us who just suffered through that you know looking pretty at work I'm retired now I don't have to worry with that but still I'm in a been a hierarchy of people read it all but he's 99 years old and he's called out to be really cold he turned they don't look he's already worried Yeah well what I'm going to do I think that. Points well taken all right leave that that's good to appreciate your innovative solution to the problem 186650 Jimbo 186-650-5462 extension 6 here is Bob in Pittsburgh Hi Bob. I had gone Mr Brown thank you for your well I'm sorry didn't mean to interrupt Oh go ahead thanks for taking my call you'll be mildly entertained I was and I still do but back in the seventy's especially I managed the maintenance and attend story office building with electric heat collectors Eric and your total electric and I want to tell you it was it was the Battle of the thermostats because back in those days the men all wore coach shirts and prized and literally there would be verbal altercation the boss says the Navy got to do something about this I figured you build the building but I got to take take care of it so what I did was I took the firmest that add my I took those are missteps off the wall I put them up in the ceiling and I put it grates on the ceiling so the air would start to later on that I could gummy thermostat on the wall and I took paperclip and I would. That jam the thermostat so that it didn't matter which way they turned it in red 72 so I damn. I jammed. And you want to know something there was no more articulate. As long as they thought they had adjusted the service to head it was Ok. To tell you. That it was a very funny wrist and that there was a side doctors and that filling up probably and she was one of the biggest complainer and after I did that I never heard another word out of her and now one thing real quick I'll let you go my mother was like in the millions she just in the summer time. For anyone or time or other should have that thermostat at home set them on the issues and then I would come home and 45 and I would step down to Antarctica. So basically what we did was the it was it was an agreement. That I'll turn the air conditioning on and say Ok And when I'm not home I don't care what you do before I get on. That conquered by my own mother who drove me crazy would it. All and holding me. Here's all of my going to get it. And I still have my little game I love that I love that that you did with the thermostat and moving it up to the ceiling and put a dummy thermostats where the old was a bit I think that is brilliant because you proved probably the best the best psychiatry just in that building you prove that that people how they feel about the temperature is in part a question of whether they think that it's been made more to their liking you know your body doesn't actually have to feel warmer or cooler as long as you think you've made the adjustment that's really brilliant Bob. I meant commander of the window sometimes you know what yeah I did that and. The complaint well went down the door and there you're right what is said I still don't like that. I don't know any that that is just beautiful I think that frankly Bob in Pittsburgh should be put up for the Nobel Peace Prize. Mordecai 186650 Jimbo when 866-505-4626 But battle of the thermostat back in a moment attention on thirst page publishing is looking for authors have you written a book and want to get it published page publishing will get your book into bookstores and for sale online at Amazon Apple i Tunes and other outlets they handle all aspects of the publishing process for you printing cover art publicity copyright and editing call 805013689 now for your free author's submission kit that's 805-013-6894 your free author submission kit again 805013689 when tracking the domestic dust bunny you come to find them hiding on the war groups next to the last song. He will scurry off the fascinating about the dust bunny is that although they are not actually sentient. 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American general medio to 5 am on the regular news talk station 1240 k d g o n 98.3 f.m. . Yeah I feel like it's like 66 Bible jugglers are number 1866 bible 5462 2nd this is the Beach South Carolina hi Ed how are you Jimbo I am well thank you and comfortable to well my a little story. I don't expect to be a hero or anything but I live a division of General Motors think you quite cool or close. Back in 72 when we had the gas shortage a new oil shortage at that time I was a mechanical technician in our laboratories and I are. Fresh as forced to wear white shirts with neckties to work covered by a smudge he plea and I read somewhere in the paper that without a tie I would be 10 degrees cooler Oh I'm sure easily Yeah and I thought this is crazy and that sort of money I am way yet when wages so I promptly took that tie off. A couple people looked at me and didn't say anything and pretty soon all the people around me had gotten rid of their tie. And within 2 years the whole division was in much easier clothes even the receptionist out in the hallway was wearing a suit I mean that's almost a whole different topic how many feel about ties I have a slew of ties many of them gifts and some that I I bought because I have occasions when Like most people I need to wear a tie I can assure you right now folks as I broadcast across this grand land of ours I am not wearing a necktie I cannot remember the last time I wore a tie to do the show I hate that ties passionately and and has outlined why because it turns your your shirt into a blast furnace right yeah so i the end had a very smart idea to be committed for that I wish more offices would would go along with that approach honestly because regrettably far too few do this is Sandy in Pittsburgh Jimbo had a show Hello Sandy or put it another way Hello Sandy in Pittsburgh. Hi I know you're on the radio go right ahead All right thanks to my labor and delivery nurse here in Pittsburgh so I've taken care of you know you glorious I'm really concerned about keeping them warm the most but I've gone all the way from babies all the way up to geriatric there were the past 20 years that I've been a nurse and it's just so funny how I see how I've seen over the years how it's just very you know due to body mass hormones you know that as treason and for just a right it's pretty powerful saying look at me if you're a quick little old ladies I'll ask you real quick we were talking about the gender difference what is the age difference and terms of temperature are there really young or the really old both need of being warmer. Yeah I I I wish that there was an age I could tell you about it's just I really feel that you know during that you know big big man a pause time of course you're going to get the hot flashes but after that I saw you know when things kind of settled down I think metabolism does you know definitely have a big you know makes a big difference because these little old ladies you know are and 80 degree heat they're saying where's my shawl where's my little Afghan on my legs they always had to be super warm I know my mom always brings a sweater wherever she goes and I recently in the past 3 years lost a 100 pounds so during that time and I've seen after I have always colds so I think you know I've course I have less insulation but I think you know kind of me to metabolism has a part in it for my own so you know these poor pregnant women I have their rooms down to 60 degrees in the dad's around the corner up to go get him a blanket out of the warmer. And Super want to it's definitely gender and you know I I really have a strong belief and you know. Stress hormones if you're really stressed out you know that's going to cause you know some days or dilation with your blood vessels and get the blood flow and you get all hot and bothered so it has a lot to do with that your activity I try to keep myself moving during my shift if I ever sit down for a long period of time I'm freezing I'm grabbing a blanket out of that warmers but there are so many factors to it but yeah my my sweet little old ladies I miss them but they always had to be bottled and of course I'm more concerned about keeping my babies more and we do skin to skin contact with those mamas when they stay warm because those moms and it's so really neat how they say biologically when you put a baby on a mom's chest if the baby's too cold to her actual biology will increase her body. They were. That sort that she wore then she will drop just intrinsically inside her body will the rising temperature to accommodate with that baby it's really neat how I've learned about you know temperature and you know how it all pans fans out over the life time I had no I had no idea all of this this is a mother child bonding in terms of the words moms are a natural thermostat who knew what 86650 Jimbo will be back in just a moment we get older cost get higher but some cost can be streamlined is real life insurance premium payment becoming too expensive are you forced to choose between that payment and things like medical needs Here's an option sell your life insurance policy for cash if you don't need it why keep it called my friends at Magna life settlements thousands of seniors of use Magna life settlements to get access to millions and badly needed cash how much Here's an example a 73 year old with less than perfect health was able to cash in his $500000.00 policy for a payout of 125000 dollars what would that kind of money mean to you to find out how much you might be able to get for your Universal Life policy go to my Magna estimate dot com That's my m a g n a estimate dot com or call 866-228-0861 stop paying life insurance premiums for a policy you don't longer want and get the cash you need go to my Magna estimate dot com my Magna estimate dot com or call 866-228-0861 attention on thirst page publishing is looking for authors have you written a book and want to get it published page publishing will get your book into bookstores and for sale online at Amazon Apple i Tunes and other outlets they handle all aspects of the publishing process for you printing cover art publicity copyright and editing go 805013689 now for your free author submission kit that's 805-013-6894 your free. 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Riley peg olds with the Internet business firm clutch dot com we found that 88 percent of people say that they prefer peeking through a live customer service each and that of a phone menu Well newsflash imagine that you'll meet Mr. Here is that 12 percent don't mind that mindless digital phone maze Now we all have our little tricks for fooling the robots 70 percent have tried pressing 055 percent have tried saying words such as operator and we've also found that people try such things as just staying silent or even think or for it's these phone menus often have vocal prompts they're called a.f.r. Systems automated speech recognition systems that just allow you to speak something into the phone and it'll kind of try and read the keywords and kind of get you the answer you want from there but obviously they are not foolproof they can cause issues and almost more frustration for people who may not be able to enunciate correctly or are just not being the correct words to get them to answer that they want I am of the aid for a living these digital created still can't figure out what I want although of course we get options boy do we get options so if you're a business setting up a phone menu you may think about oh if I add 10 different options that that'll be more personalized that means my phone menu can answer more people questions but in actuality you're probably just going to be frustrating your customers because that will be 9 answers that they have to sit and listen through before they find the one that works for them if you'd like to tear your hair out please press 5 repeatedly and yet what do the experts recommend we found that 3 options and assign menu is sort of what the experts recommended for designing a well know idiots listen carefully and I'll try not to use any big words yes we know you don't give a hoot about us but you're supposed to care about making money so here's what you do hire people to answer the phones and charge us the extra 10th of a penny for your product that it'll take to pay them charges the whole penny and make money on the deal will flock to you to pay it it's cheaper than an ulcer or a heart attack the offbeat Jimbo had Don't get me started but anyway back to our subject had there was Tanya in Summerland a vat of Hello Tonya. Jimbo Hi Hi I'm so excited to talk to you I was in fear of an eye on your soul mate so I just when I heard your topic I thought I would call and tell you a little story. So my husband and I 1st got married we were dating and it was starting to get serious so and I'm the type of person that I cannot stand to be caught so I I just asked him point blank I said Are you surprised a person that turns their condition likes to have the air conditioner on are you always turn it off and you know here's my boyfriend at the time but my soon to be husband he said I stay true to them and it was just so funny because I think he was just saying that because it's want to get married. Or not but you know I suspect you touched on something that's very important here namely that that more than a few relationships have foundered on this thermostat issue I think that's a great story that the tada tells the deals not only with the workplace but also with the home place a great point Steven adjure North Carolina hello Steve hey I don't have much time so I'll just go to my stock answer. Is what I said all all of my life. I'm going to work a lot of work I see oh yeah yeah that's running the every every questionable thing about the firms that and. So I'm going to my stock answer. It's not the tipsters think humanity. You know I've heard that so often but do you actually dealt in this so you tell me is that really true I mean people have told me no Phoenix is not so hot because it's a dry heat I've been there it's hot it is absolutely true it's own house not it's to work but it's your house to be ever noticed a drain pipe sticking out of the side of your foundation. Or somewhere that's running in water out there that I have noticed that yeah yeah that's even. Oh Ok so that's where that is I went to a doobie dehumidifier works it never occurred to me where it goes that it gets drained out sad. As well as cool if that's true that is what makes all right that I had to even thought about that but but you're right I have seen those pipes All right our producer webmaster Kathy Johnson jet boat had a show dot com Alex that are engineer this is Westwood One this is a guided meditation on parenting. Begin by finding a comfortable with my next position let out whatever stress is in your body it could be from the time you left your daughter's blouse in the dryer too long and it shrunk for sizes or when you donated her private diary to the public library or when you thought chaperoning the school dance meant actually dancing in the school dance whatever it is let it go the fire you started with that experimental dinner and I think the time you drove away from the gas pump with the gas pump and let it go 3 very relaxed to there you go one you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent there are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection they need you for more information on how you can adopt visit adopt us kids dot org a public service announcement from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services adopt us kids and the Ad Council today you hit the snooze bar you checked your email you checked your fantasy football team you rejected an insulting trade offer. You ate your lunch you did all the things that one normally does the day before a 175 mile per hour hurricane blows through your city leaving it in a state whether it's a natural disaster or terrorist attack you can't control what happens but you can be prepared is it w w w got ready dot gov today. Refusing to appear I'm Richard Jordan Fox News Attorney General William Barr will not testify before the House Judiciary Committee scheduled after Democrats insisted on questioning by committee staffers Wednesday he defended his handling of Special Counsel Robert Muller's report in another hearing Senate committee Democrats pressed Attorney General William Barr on this March 27th letter from Special Counsel Robert Mueller the letter said Barres bottom line conclusions for Congress provided days earlier that quote context and Miller urged part to release the reports executive summaries which a part rejected as piecemeal in a subsequent phone call the attorney general said mother was frustrated with resulting media coverage but did not challenge the accuracy of Boris letter which Muller declined to review in early April Barr also took questions on the Mall report as part of routine budget hearings Democrats said Barr should have volunteered the March letter from Muller as well as their phone call Fox's Catherine Herridge in Washington then as well in opposition leader one why Doe's says the country is going to change the streets were packed with why do supporters Wednesday security forces used tear gas on demonstrators why don't want a mass military defection against embattled President Nicolas Maduro but that has not happened as clashes continue between protesters and troops loyal to Madeira 0 president but the National Day of Prayer dinner calling for an end to violence motivated by religious hatred the president citing attacks reaching from a shooting at a California synagogue to terrorist bombings at Christian churches in Sri Lanka we're proudly joined by leaders representing many of the world's great faiths Christian. Jews sakes Hindus and I will break bread. Together united by our love of God and we knew our resolve to protect the sacred freedom of religion the president and 1st lady hosted about 100 feet leaders at the White House stocks ending the day in the red the Dow finishing down at 26430 this is Fox News. This is not his day standing on some.

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