For a house you're looking for a place for your life to happen in whether buying or renting Zillow makes it easy with smart search features photos and more Zillow find your way home begin the majors that's 4 games after a need to win over the Cardinals the Cubs maintain their 3 game lead over the Brewers in the n.l. Central John Lackey and catcher Wilson Contreras both the Jack did for arguing what they thought should have been a called 3rd strike call in the 5th inning Chris Bryant belted his 27th homer in the when the Brewers kept pace they crushed the Marlins 10 to and the reason the Cubs 4 game winning streak now the longest is because the Indians incredible $22.00 game run has finally come to an end with a $43.00 loss to the royals driver by our start of the game he took the loss and he talked after about the great support the Cleveland Indians fans have shown them just. As for us that history last night was spectacular show tonight after the last stand stuff and I was critical of the 22 straight victories the longest winning streak in a l. History and despite the loss the Indians magic number to win the ale Central is down to 2 games that's goes the twins fell to the Blue Jays 43 The Astros magic number to win the a.l. West also shrunk to 2 after a 52 victory over the Mariners the Yankees won their 3rd straight they took out the Orioles $82.00 d.d. Were goriest with a home run for b. Eyes the Yanks kept pace 3 games behind Boston in the n.l. East the Red Sox needed over 6 hours and 15 innings but they finally got by the rays 13 the 6 The Tigers stopped by the White Sox 3 to the angels that the Rangers 76 and a potential playoff preview the Dodgers took on the Nationals looking for their 3rd straight when Jackson delivers why a ball right center field that's had a kind it is going back in and it's gone Horry Sacre when he has 20 at home run of the season the 2nd home run in the ending the 3rd homerun in the ballgame and the Dodgers are come out firing on all cylinders as Kori Schake hits a 3 run home run as for. Monday Dodgers Radio Network Yasiel Puig also went deep the Dodgers blank the Nats 7 zip Alex Woods 6 shutout innings that the back sniffed the Giants 32 Rockies 6 Padres won the Braves got by the Mets 3 to the Reds doubled up the Pirates 4 to win the a shutout the Phillies 4 zip and f.l. The Bangles fired off into the core nadir Kensi m.p.c. After a No one to start where the team failed to score a touchdown q.b. Coach Jim Lazar takes over the Rams are in Donald expected to get the starts Sunday in week 2 the Patriots will be without linebacker Dante high tower and receiver Danny Amendola for their match up with the Saints Sunday the Vikings reportedly optimistic that quarterback Sam Bradford will start despite concerns over a surgically repaired name and in college football 22nd ranked self Florida defeated Illinois 4723 I'm Darwin is your favorite college team your favorite protein your fantasy football team will convert all Joel 6 tonight Eastern c.b.s. Sports radio. When you want and live up to date sports talk keep it right here on sports radio 12 name be. Each Saturday I go it's our elbows from a. Roll call on you for our almost 2 years years it never been anything like a prairie dog and congratulations here 1st what do you think. We wanted. Except thank you for my He's still. So much for falling down it's loose it's move. On c.b.s. Sports radio. Yes that is the number to call those who are rolling right along 2 hours down 2 to play with a 552 once you for c.b.s. Number to call to get involved in the Live from the O'Reilly auto parts studios O'Reilly auto parts better parts better prices every single day Anthony and Chris across the way Darwin with your updates as we kick off our number 3 and we have to get slimed Bill Emmons a.v. Our board member joins us now good morning Bill how are you good morning how the governor Mohsen going to your belly how well Bill how are the legs feeling sorry Well let's set this up we did a little bit last hour but we'll reintroduce you to the new audience bill and a few others are walking from Binghamton New York to Met Life Stadium in New York City that's 154 miles they're doing it in 8 days which is crazy Bill where are you guys and how you feeling while we're in Milford. I feel parable I like to kill me and my fear were my fears I'm not doing that's fantastic he glad you're going to have to push there with their Your feet are killing you I'm not surprised you need to get those like gel pads that go in the feet anyway the a.v. The a.v. Ariz The Association for vision rehabilitation and employment and so you guys are raising money raising awareness for this nonprofit but Bill tell us why tell us what you guys do right so the association. For the operates out of thing and come to their county area and we realize when we're talking about it but not a lot. Do think about it or even what they do so our 1st mission here is just to raise awareness Well what they do which is service visually impaired people in our area and they also employ about 50 lines. And so that's really where where this came from we were talking about just what we could do as a fundraiser and it was kind of jokingly suggested that we watch Giant Stadium and we ran with it or walked with it. Yeah I mean it's going pretty well we're about 100 miles in right now almost almost 200 miles how did you prepare for it. Well. We got together a few times since April and we want to. Put aside time to walk 22 miles during the day if that's what it averages out to about 20 miles a day. But we just got together as often as we could and we did a little 10 mile stretch is we try to do back to back days when we could just get the feeling for Ok We're going to tell you we're going to be sore we've got to make sure we're getting up open right now early the next morning. That's kind of our approach to it that's fantastic and you guys are on your way now of course we know this is a New York area but we're on coast to coast some people may not know Eli Manning really does a lot for visually impaired people we know he has a connection to guiding eyes for the blinded and he understands what you guys are doing right the Giants are totally aware of what what you guys are are undertaking Right absolutely. I had the good fortune of meeting him a couple months ago and I told him all about it at a guiding eyes for the blind. Fundraiser they had going on and he was excited about it he left. Over. To the director of public relations over the Giants and she's coordinating the effort with us to really roll out the red carpet when he arrives and then just help spread more awareness about what we're doing letting people know where they can donate money where they where we can raise funds and really find out more about what if you. Talk a little bit about you mentioned before you know what Davy already does and what you what what you're going on raising money for Bill. I started to say earlier that they employ over 50 people in the business an area so just to talk about that really quick. There is the manufacturing plant and they produce anything from papers to toothbrushes and a lot of things that are purchased through government contracts. In addition to that they also will come to your house your help you if you're in the surrounding 9 counties and which is a really large large area upstate New York and and 7 northern Pennsylvania. And they'll come to your home and they'll teach you how to. I guess cope or deal with. The loss of vision so when they come to your house they'll teach you little things like the patterning. Cutting boards for example or plates on the counter they want to have a large contrast or having. Touching buttons on the microwave so you know where the timer is and everything is just little things that really you and I would take for granted because we can see they teach people who are recently busily impaired on how to adjust their disability and Bill you know we're talking about this a little bit in the lead up to this interview and you know just sort of what it means for someone who's visually impaired to be able to make their own money you know to to have a life to feel like they are contributing not just you know for towards a business or something but just for themselves I mean what have you seen that do to someone who is visually impaired just the fact that they're able to even have a job and you know and to support themselves Oh absolutely I live the good fortune of serving on board for aviary in Binghamton and a few months ago we had a individual come in and tell us a very heartwarming story about how the through aviary and there was a point there he was able to actually make for the 1st time in his life he bought a present with money they hear and they gave it to his daughter and it was very moving and I just I I think that there's something to be said about empowering people. Allowing not allowing the giving them the opportunity to. Seek out their own employment and really earning their own paycheck yabby listen working always right it gives you like a sense of self-worth and absolutely few goals and I know when the societal push comes when you guys are going to be walking up to Met Life you're going to have some other people with you who are visually impaired I know the head of a v.r.e. Is going to be there too in the what do you think the emotions are going to be when you guys landed at Met Life. Well we had a taste of it on Tuesday one of the employees a.v.r.e. Asked to walk with us and while we were all complaining and talking about how our feet hurt and everything he walking with us didn't didn't complain at all just was cherry and happy and I'm afraid to tell. Tom Adly and he was visually impaired and really it meant a lot to him that we were walking for him and I think we'll just get an overabundance more of that when we walk with 6 or 7 visually impaired people come Monday afternoon you know Bill for what about you and you know personally what does this experience being to you Well I started serving on the board a couple years ago maybe 2 and a half years ago and the way because I get this question a lot is was why why why are we doing this for a b r u y a b r a y y y And I think it really comes down to just the impact that these people have had on my life and seeing the. I don't want to call them a think it's just the the everyday adaptability of people it is inspiring and it's amazing to look at watch and I really think of all the people aviaries my family and you know I just want to see them succeed well how about it and the ability to to help I mean you know to make people's lives a little bit better. I mean that you know that is and you know that's what I mean about the personal connection there is a is being able to help people that need help. I agree so when Where can people donate where can they find information about you guys sure so I think the easiest way is just to go to our you ask that a large e and you can find a ton of information there about why we're walking who's walking and of course where you can donate one click off of that page but right on that front that means that landing page you'll see a pair of boots on the Met Life Stadium field there Ok so you guys are Milford Pennsylvania what's the next major milestone and you know for people who have been to Met Life Bill it's kind of like on the side of the highway because it's good to be safe I was thinking about that as well not like a Lambo where you walk into downtown Green Bay in the rain for 17 books there's a seat I think they're on 81 though they're going to have those but the they're going to help us with a police escort on the way. That lasts because we're going to be a little bit bigger crowd and I think that they're taking that into consideration yes not the most accessible stadium if you're on foot. How those but go ahead Bill well go ahead know how long the planning of everything you know soup to nuts how long has this been in the you know how long does it take you to plan this kind of venture. Well my 1st suggested it to the board in February as a potential fundraiser and and I explained you know the whole social media aspect and how we're really going to push this through little videos that we're putting out with hashtags and the Group of 7 year olds that were there kind of looked at me like I had 3 had so we went from there to now we have this large fundraising with. A lot of a lot of people behind us. And we. Started out slow but. It's really it's it's got some momentum which is excellent bill we really appreciate it I think about some to watch and some unsolicited advice you want to get Should retching you want to get some water get the plastic gas and build up to you know go go away but really what you're doing is fantastic and as he said a.v.r.e. Us dot org is the best way to get information of course the hash tag a.v.r.e. E.-s. Giant walk hash tag a.v.r.e. Asked giant walk and they're posting videos and stuff there you do a great thing Bill really appreciate you coming on thanks for having me you got to laugh their asses off Billy you got 11 a.v.r.e. Board member give me a little feel it's always great to bring some attention to people that are go doing good things and raising money for those that are in need and helping those lives get a little bit better a little bit easier and certainly a v.r.e. a Bill that they're doing their part so happy that Bill join us this morning great great job by Maggie suggesting it and Bill good luck with you and for everyone on that walk get yourself down to Met Life we're going to go boxing that. Way people gee Canelo Alvarez big match tonight in Las Vegas Nevada. It was a circus a few weeks back tonight the fight I mean tonight is a fight tonight is a world. Class Championship fight you're going to invest in something that I that I will get into that most of Maggie with you c.b.s. Sports Radio you're listening to the moose in Maggie show on c.b.s. Sports radio. We'll arm our houses. 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Ok keep your eyes closed I want to show you my 1st ever painting all right Ok open your eyes that's a look at colors and shapes so be honest when you think well I like how if you switch to Geico you can save hundreds of dollars on car insurance Oh yeah that's true yeah hear why don't I whole your paint brush while you call them Geico because saving 15 percent or more in current surance is always a great answer New York City one like you know for ever like out and about but you get that all the time it's like why are people that Lee was like oh that's so it literally happens I'm not a lot of. What you do and you did such a great job on me with the McGregor that was an I was a huge spot but you totally like rose to the occasion you were awesome I went back and all I want you were great thank you thank you very much yeah you did a fantastic job before we get into tonight's match Bryan you know as if you've got a couple weeks to digest everything and that spectacle that night in-laws Vegas and think you know when they when you think about that fight Think about that night Last Vegas what do you think about most Well you know for me it was just great number one being there and I think number 2 I was mostly happy that you know for the people who paid a 100 bucks to watch that fight they got entertainment and to me that what I was most concerned about because I just didn't want another Mayweather Pacquiao and I remember we talked about this fight last time I remember saying look this fight can't go past you know 8 rounds Otherwise it's the danger zone for McGregor and it played out just the same way I mean that's basically what Floyd did just waited until he was going to gas out said Ok now I would take it out yeah but at least the people got entertainment and it was an entertaining fight for the length that it lasted to me that's what I felt most. Happy about that lease people got their money's worth Yeah and you know McGregor was definitely overmatched but he didn't embarrass himself I mean those illegal things are a little amateurish rabbit punch is that when he got inside to really know what it was he got in there but I'll say this he did not embarrass himself the Floyd definitely John the deep water and then drowned out let's look at what I had to this fight I mean for the p. a Person out there maybe if you haven't been following Alvarez if you haven't been following triple g. I mean just describe the styles here and sort of why you think this will be a great fight. I think when you look at Mayweather McGregor To me that's going to go down as probably the event of the year. Obviously when you talk about the records and think that nature but if you want to talk about the probably the fight of the year this is really got all of the things that you want if you want to see a fight of the year Canelo is a guy even though he's for the most part a counter-puncher he is a guy Mexican and he does nothing but come forward when he fights he loves that type of style triple g. Is let's face it I know I'm using hyperbole he's a killer I mean at one point he had like 21 or 22 straight knock outs. He does nothing but come forward and throw bombs and there's a reason why you know he'll always say in his broken English fight Mexican style because he doesn't know how to fight on the back foot he doesn't know how to really move he just comes forward and tries to knock you out in every fight that's why I think so many people are salivating for this because they know you want to action that's exactly what you're going to get with these 2 guys you know Brian sometimes you don't get boxing and matches between 2 guys at the right time all I ask is I know triple G's 35 years of age is that the right time is there are both guys in even even with the triple G's age this is. If I come at the right time for both fighters Ok let me give you give you. The boxing politically correct answer 1st and that is well it had to happen this is the right time for this fight to happen because you know even as much as 18 months ago when this fight was supposed to happen you know Canelo wasn't a true middleweight then he needed a couple of fights you know the time to put on some weight to get accustomed to the 160 weight limit so that's why he fought it 153 he fought one fight at 154 so he needed a couple of fights under his belt really to feel comfortable Ok Now let me give you a really really answer is Ok this guy could have happened maybe 2 years ago could have been 18 months ago but you know Canelo is savvy Oscar De La Hoya and golden boy is promoter and they wanted to drag it out as long as they can why they wanted to get triple g. a Little bit older and hopefully that he's gotten some some speed off that fastball and they saw he being with Jacob really took him 12 ing gave him you know some problems before that kill broke even though he stopped dribble to stop kill Brooke Brooke was a welterweight coming up the middleweight but yet really touched up triple g. So you know he is the last couple of fights people like you know. He didn't flow or now now it's time to get him so really I think that's really where it comes boils down to they felt like hey look let's let's drag this out a little bit get him a little bit older Let's see who he fights Oh Ok he's been touched up a couple Ok now the right time yeah we're talking with Brian Cox or Showtime championship boxing host and you know you're right I also think they went for maybe like a little bit of a quick and easy payday that Alvarez fight Julio Cesar Chavez Jr Obviously that's a huge fire battle for Mexico when they knew that Alvarez. It was going to be a lot better I think that was to build up a lot of goodwill with the Mexican audience you know to me and right at the way in our our Alvarez he looked pretty big you know we kind of bulk up a little bit you were talking about him and in terms of putting on weight do you think ultimately that's a smart strategy and do you believe that if he puts on the weight that means that somehow will be able to absorb some of these punches that we know are coming from simple jeans Well you know I think you're right on that mag I think he has to take it that Daniel Jacobs route if you remember when to boogie for Daniel Jacobs who truly had a way Jacobs 1st of all didn't you know they have to weigh ins you weigh in beforehand and then the night of the fight you win as well now some guys not to do it. And depending on who sanctioning the fight whether you have the b.b.c. Think that nature you know some people get on board some people don't depending on who sanctioning the fight Benedick of opted not to reweigh and the night of the fight because he came in at like 17 almost 180 you know he was big I was there you know what your book and he was why because exactly what you sit still and he felt like if I put on more weight in rehydrate bigger I can I can absorb his punches and they won't be as full to me Now keep in mind triple g. Dropped him in the 2nd round and you know Daniel still got up and then realized Ok You know what a case like it out with this guy I'm still going to just box and you know what it was a close fight very close fight I think that's exactly what Canelo is doing he bolt a lot and I think he's going to rehydrate and he'll probably come in at about $175.00 I would probably think for this fight I don't know if that's to ban it I think it's that damage that he is the smaller guy and you know what box and move Canelo don't stand in front of this guy I wouldn't want to stand in front of triple box to move a little bit and a counterpoint to be who you are but give him. Some movement because you know Canelo can move some you see that in flight you've seen that against Floyd. I think that should be his strategy I hope for Canelo say he doesn't say Ok I'm just going to bulk up and now going to go toe to toe with triple g. It's great for us to watch it but it would be detrimental to Canelo what's on a broadcaster does a fantastic job Showtime boxing champion Showtime championship boxing host and breaking down tonight's fight between triple j. And kiddo Alvarez brought on a few for both guys 2 part question what would a victory mean for triple g one a victory tonight mean for Canelo Alvarez Well I think for triple g. It would be cementing his legacy on that pound for pound less a lot of people have had kind of taken him off because they look at the past couple of fights in life and maybe get a little bit too old maybe the skills really aren't there anymore but. The guy still on the and I think you know you defeat Canelo Alvarez and you can stay claiming you know right up there with the Andre wards of the world that hey look I mean that at least top 5 pound for pound best fighter in the world for Canelo Boy I tell you he is he is the only problem with Canelo is he has not made the concerted effort to speak English whereas triple g. Has and I think Canelo is such a huge star is especially with the Latino and Mexican fans if he would make the effort to speak English Oh my gosh he could be one of the boxers that could cross over into the mainstream but he hasn't but a win for him I tell you a lot of people be like that's probably the biggest star without question the biggest draw in boxing not to be a hater so it's a lot but those to cost a commercial stop we don't need to learn English you know we can get. We need a better it's just awful to watch they are just terrible but it's funny Alvarez definitely understands English the last time I interviewed him goes with De La Hoya and so Dale oil was kind of translating for me which is kind of weird because you're interviewing the both at the same time but I was talking in an Alvarez would listen to me in English and then answer me in Spanish Meanwhile glove skin the 1st time I interviewed him was like 3 years ago and I I did appreciate Brian that he tried to speak in quiet he tries cause at least some of his personality does come across even when you are trying you know now he makes his home in California and I think he's going back to cause extent any time soon of before we let you go we've got Darwin here for the bottom of the hour update but 1st of all who do you think is going to win and then I have a real insider a boxer question for you about chuckle with Tito and just what happened against him against running the side gets knocked out in the 4th round and this is a guy who is on many pound for pound lists is just seems like his career is over but Brian start with Who do you think's going to win the fight. One I like the guy who has the most power and I just think that listen it's really interesting that when the fight was 1st made a lot of people said and that's triple j. But lately now a lot of folk are going with Canelo and I can see why I mean they they believe that he's got the goods they believe that he has learned from that one last. But he's added more movement into his game and they think he's got the power by bulking up I just think naturally powerful I think triple G.'s got it and I think all he has to do is move his head a little bit because once he connects it could be lights out and I think if you look at Kanellos resume who has he beaten that's been elite and you know you got to sit there and you got to kind of like Who has he beaten it's been rather elite and you've got to really think about that which ripple Geodon me Jayco if you can just go off and read all the names after name a middleweight that he's knocked out so I'm going to go with triple g. On this one Ok and then the chocolatey tail really fast I mean I know this is an insider thing but Chuck Gonzales is you know one of the great boxers and I saw him get stopped at the garden it was a controversial decision at the time and then he just I mean he got a flat out beat you know. I think when you have the little guys like that they just you know it's like the little guy is like rock em sock em robot put him right in there and he will do just go right and just punch them punch the punch inputs and chocolate has got a lot of miles on it as young as he is he's got a lot of miles on him and I think he is gone up against a guy who was hungry and he felt he felt that hunger and how this guy and he you know the guy he fought felt this missed by the boxing public when he got the 1st victory even those controversial he felt this respect they felt like he won that fight and did it easily. And I think he showed that by flattened and laying him out and yeah I'm with you I think chocolatey they certainly is pound for pound but his days in the ring I mean he's just going to be the important thing now is he's just going to be a poet now which is sad but that's what the great thing about this Maggie is what a year it's been for Fox and try to talk about Boxing Day but to look at 27. This is probably the best year boxing is had in years Brian 30 seconds here tonight could be a great fight it will it will be a great fight and I'm a tell you something I wouldn't doubt it would be so good that they'll probably want to do it again Brian Custer Showtime championship boxing host does a fantastic job friend of the show because Thank you for taking the time out this want to we really appreciate give us your perspective your great do a fantastic job enjoy the rest of the weekend thank you man love you too man you got I have forgot about Anthony Joshua knocking out Lattimer Klitschko which was back in April it seems like a long time ago and that was fight of the year their fight of the year we're going to do what we've got coming up next right college yeah college selections where you need to rebound after well it was really not a great week to last Saturday with rising Auburn Yeah we'll try to bounce back up the time has gone. To explain All right guys most of baseball's division race is pretty locked up but the elites battle between the Red Sox and Yankees seems to be going down to the wire Boston maintain their 3 game lead over the Yanks after a 6 hour affair with the Rays but they are pitch why how high shot this 2nd part of that goes behind the 2nd baseman to the center. Jacking to score over to 3rd goal guys the right side played at 76 jokes the glioma Red Sox radio network the Sox scored 7 times in the 15th inning to beat the Rays 13 the 6 The Yankees handle business one for the 5th time in 6 games the feeding the Orioles a to the east Severino 8 innings 2 runs allowed as for that whole Red Sox Yankee stealing signs fiasco Boston ended up being fined an undisclosed amount for using an Apple Watch to steal signs and the Yankees find a lesser amount for improper use of a dugout phone in the previous season the Indian stunning 22 game winning streak has finally come to an end the 2nd longest winning streak in big league history. Halted by the royals for the 3 Cleveland magic number of those still down to 2 to win the Central That's because the 2nd place twins fell to the Blue Jays 43 The Astros magic number to win the a.f.c. West is also down to 2 after a $52.00 victory over the Mariners the angels that the Rangers $76.00 the Tigers the feet of the White Sox $32.00 and the n.l. The Cubs won their 4th in a row taking care of the Cardinals 8 to the Brewers 3 back of the Cubs in the n.l. Central after hammering the Marlins 10 to the Dodgers blank the national 7 zip Corey Seeger a 3 run homer that he'd be back by the Giants 3 to Rockies 6 Padres won the Braves over the Mets 3 to the Reds doubled up the Pirates $42.00 in the Phillies blank by the A's for nothing and a foul Ravens running back Kenneth Dixon suspension has been increased the 6 games from 4 for violating the league's substance abuse policy Dixon already out for the year with a knee injury but he now loses 6 games worth of pay the Bengals fired off as a coordinator can can Xampp easy after a No one to start q.b. Coach Jim Lazar takes over the Rams are in Donald expected to get the start Sunday in week 2 and college football 31 penalties were called us 22nd rank cell Florida defeated Illinois 4723 I'm Darwin's UK fantasy football today Sunday mornings at 11 Eastern on c.b.s. Sports radio. C. You're listening to the official home of the Euro Zone a while jets right here on sports radio 1290. When you live to tackle extreme terrain this. Is music to your years. Like now you can and yellow take sales you can save on select $27000.00 cam off road vehicles to the tune of $2000.00. An ounce and save to get this if your local can enter the yellow tank sales offer in 6 directions a place if you were to. 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College football these unpredictable but moves in Maggie Lake take on the jelly Here are their kicks for this week's major college football contest Ah yes Maggie so we try and ball found that yes I'm sub par week 2 and I was with Week 3 games. And we need to you have to be like performance in the bow say yeah good slay the game's over there's an interesting interesting certainly clumsy Louisville later on tonight is going to highlight and let's start with one of the early games we're going to select 330 kickoff down in Gainesville and that is the 2 top 25 teams to s.c.c. Schools as Florida entertains the volunteers of 10 days see the gators a 4 point favorite Maggie who do you like and what would it take Tennessee and. Given the points you know it's just more about Florida I think the Tennessee is scrappy team I think they're able to keep it close I understand the home field advantage and Florida obviously you know back at full strength full compliment I get you know maybe a little bit of a boost I think the entire state of Florida gets one just because of what they've had to deal with I don't discount any of that stuff I'm just not really big believer in Florida's office at all we looked up a stat yesterday at us I which is that Florida hasn't scored an office of touchdowns since the Obama administration happier times and you know I just I don't believe in that office and I think that if you are able to score and you know I just think the Tennessee is going to be able to hang around so give me Tennessee give me the points that's pick number one for me I'll take the gators Ok to bounce back. They have had a little bit of time following their Michigan laws they've gotten players back from suspension a little bit healthier and the full complement of players volunteers coming to town and all that it's a great Tennessee team they struggled opening week miraculous win against Georgia Tech bounced back with a nice victory week 2. But I think I do think with what the quarterbacks are there are not great down in Florida or frying simple but I think they'll be able run it on Tennessee I think they'll do a better job of thrown it they are whole Tennessee I loved last year's a dish of the volunteers not so much this year I'll take the Gators I don't think Florida is going to fall into. You on the season give me Florida bounce back with a win all of the 4 at home against Tennessee Ok want to go pick number 2 you want to go west coast shore Ok we got a little the 1st time these 2 teams have met since the 2006 national championship game it's a u.s.c. And Texas what do you see a line for this one this is going to have 5050 and a half 50 and have you know this is tough because who knows what this Longhorns team is you know that embarrassing loss at home against Maryland where they were just totally thoroughly embarrassed they lost 5141 and actually I don't even think it was that close even the score made it out to be and then they have this whopping just all over arching win over you know San Jose State University they win 56 nothing Who is this Texas team I don't know but u.s.c. Showed me a little something you know in the balance back when darn old real deal in my opinion I'm going to take u.s.c. And I'm going to lay the 15 here I don't think we're going to get an epic you know a rematch like we had in 06 comes down to the 4th and 2 Lendl white can't get it and ultimately we know what happens it's been so young in Texas and they go on to win and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat there so I'm going to take u.s.c. Always the 15 and I think us is going to keep rolling I'm going to take a louis us to lay the 50 and a half a season take the trash forget about well. Texas once again in a reboot now with Tom Herman as their head coach there for the Longhorns and they've got a ways to go u.s.c. With expectations of not just win a packed well but potentially win a championship Sandon a look at the stamp himself and have one of those kind of highs been moments it's a fox game later on tonight so it'll be able to take it in we'll be able go on the road and light up the Texas Longhorns and I think we'll just do just that. I like them a week you going in Stanford Stanford's better then Texas now they go on the road they take on Texas lay the 50 they have give me the Trojans. And all they think is 3 or 4 touchdowns and I makes a couple of jaw dropping throws give me the Trojans on the roof Ok so we agree and then final one this is the big one it's a little Clemson coming to town and they'll say this you know this is actually turned into a really nice rivalry you know it was a close game a year ago obviously Lamar Jackson goes on to win the Heisman but Clemson goes on to win the national championship lot on the line here I think whoever wins this game is probably the favorite in the a.c.c. Because of the quarterback issues of Florida state so there's a lot happening both teams come into a know and I believe close it is a 3 point favorite reported 3 point favorite on the road on the road so I'm going to take Louvel at home take the points you know I understand that this defense for Clemson is just awesome and lines travel well and you have Austin Brian and you have Christian Wilkins and you have Dexter Lawrence and I get how good they are I just think Jackson is an otherworldly kind of talent and I really do. That level all law and not as bad a thing people are saying you know I think that Jackson can make up for a lot of ills there they're going to not stop them they're just going to try clubs is going to try to slow him down but I see a big performance here coming from Lamar Jackson and maybe this puts him in the front burner of the front of her husband for the 2nd time and we have a lot of season left to go but one that the remarkable it's only been done once by Archie Griffin so I like Louvel give me the points here at home obviously Clemson in Death Valley if it was the other way around I'd take clubs and but I like the home field I think it will account for Psalm so I will I'll take the points and I'll roll the former Jets yeah maybe I get burned here last year like Louisville on the road in Clemson clubs to win for games now yeah close game but still but that doesn't mean much when the old money for. That is close game but yeah I mean. I'm going to just go with the defense I am and I'm going to go with Clemson and I think they're just a better defense they're not as good as. Or talented often simply they lost a lot from me or go. Into show Watson Mike Williams. There was a lot to replace the tight end who's now a New York Jets lock to replace often sadly the fences legit and defense does travel and now they go on the road and I just have fears and nightmares of watching that Louisville team going up against really good defenses and Madaline get laid off and that just and that and Lamar Jackson look a little bit more pedestrian and they all offense looked a little bit more pedestrian and not as explosive maybe I get burned you know I went with the road team last year I got burned maybe I got burned again go with the road team this year they are a 3 point on the road in Louisville for a reason give me the better defense team defensive team give me a better coach stop us with these better coaches Well I'll take the Tigers over what is probably the best player on the field in Lamar Jackson but give me Clemson I lay the 3 on the road in Louisville that's pick them or 3 Ok so you and I only agree on one pick this week where both play in the 15 and a half with u.s.c. But when it comes to Florida and Tennessee I'm going to take Tennessee plus the 4 and a half year taking Florida minus the 4 and a half I'm taking Louisville plus 3 you're going to play the 3 with clubs correct there and I will agree on u.s.c. Leymah 15 that. Maggie week 3 n.f.l. We 3 college football selections and it's interesting you mention the 06 championship was one of the great individual performances you'll ever see I mean the Vince Young Rose Bowl. I don't know if you could see a greater Rose Bowl championship game performance than what Vince Young did that night in turning to being a great n.f.l. Player waste a lot of money you know whatever it is I mean now where his life is but that night he was Superman I mean that night he was absolute Superman and I love that Texas team I was telling everybody in their mother they were going to beat u.s.c. That night so I was happy as a thing. But you look at game the cavalcade of stars that were on the 2 feel bad line or Reggie Bush lead to why Vince Young Jamaal Charles Ross was. 2 years Earl Thomas was on the field I believe that night as well was hearing about allude to. The linebacker for us Ryan Cushing was on there and you know someone leaving yet another suspension for the wrong guy so embarrassing frosty rocker but a long time in the n.f.l. As defensive end on the team Steve Smith the Giants' Steve Smith obviously on the field for that one and then you know the coaches which was Pete Carroll who then goes on to win a Super Bowl Lane Kiffin which you know is always just an interesting topic and you know enough itself Steve Sarkeesian now the new Office of cornier for the Atlanta Falcons I mean just a lot of talent on that list right and that was on isn't that game you know it's just curious about like who went on to have the great career like who was so much star power on the field it's like when you move the next I think you almost have to . Play back these I mean Carol want to see if he did right but if you get a look at the players on the field. It was rookie of the year yeah he was like No but he's about to leave the number one overall pick write his career turned out to be a disaster I mean. I would probably tell you I'm trying to think I mean just ultra . Jamaal Charles was great. It's a sad I saw led White just gave an interview recently just how bad things had gotten for him at some point you know dealt with pain pills is now treating of self with you know medicinal marijuana which has really helped a lot of people or maybe somebody living in Colorado now so you can just get it but you know he came in one time we were interviewing Chris Johnson often lead to White walks in with him we weren't expecting it and said Linda what you doing here said Well I came to visit my friend Chris Johnson for the weekend said Wednesday what week it it's what he was such a nice vaca it's a long weekend our old Thomas was not on the team he joined Texas in 2007 I don't know maybe I mean I would say young I mean Reggie Bush and I said if oh Greer didn't live up to expectations vocally about us I would maybe play Matthew let us know what you think we're going to talk to Houston not Next we will do that with you c.b.s. Sports radio. We'll arm our houses. 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