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More phone calls coming up best and worst of the weekend of things over the weekend certainly n.b.a. News ager and Young who's the vertical joined us last hour if you missed that any interview Dan Patrick dot com talked about Celtics trading that pick to the Sixers and what do they do short term long term here got a lot of draft picks got to do something with those draft picks you don't want to keep getting younger. Feels like they're going to load up and go all in on somebody here that's why it's hard to give a grade to this trade I don't know what Foldes is going to be like in 3 years and I don't know what the Celtics will have done if they do anything in those 3 years Paul George tells the Pacers he's gone but timing of the news is interesting as well with Paul George and let's see what else got another stat of the Day coming up . Kept one the u.s. Open mic love and said you know what he can't be a big time star because people mispronounces name I don't know if that's going to hold him back but you kept saying. Copa Yeah all week I'm like wow this Kopko guy won't go away you know I don't I think he was on the right are you know always pick him in our draft I do like him this I didn't figure this time I do like him yes Bolling Spaeth speak at 1st had a top name but he became a star Brooks needs a little bit more a little bored to become a star he's got the hunky good looks oh oh yeah he does we were trying to figure out Paulie said if James Franco and Josh Powell had a kid that it would be Brooks kept I thought John Krasinski from the office a little bit there but he did look like he could have been an a.c.c. Or s.e.c. Quarterback there like a Mitchell true Joe Buck called the action for Fox over the weekend and Joe joins us now how's my around Joe. Good. Happy that a long week of golf is in the books and obviously with your boy Brooks now we all know who he's dating. That's exciting I would end up on that information I got handed a card. By buddy who was the nominal all week and it just it had old info on it you know we got it right before we got off the air but that's not the world we live in these days you have to do the apology tour forgetting the week old girlfriend starry world this is what it sounded like yesterday as Brooks can't go into the u.s. Open here's Joe Buck with the call girl friend he had words on American soccer player and singer state soccer player Joe that's actually a new girlfriend that's Jenna said last night they were all stand together this week. What goes through your mind once you're hearing that Joe that's that's his girlfriend and his new good well what Brad didn't hear is they said he gated there that his girlfriend was. And I was on there also the tell me was you know. Kind of one of those I've done away worst and that's that's the funny thing but it was before the age of Twitter and. Kind of clicked great stuff when I asked Tony Womack at the end of the Division Series game when he was hugging a woman down on the field and I was interviewing him from the food to truth be told I couldn't really see but we had just been talking about how he lost his dad on Father's Day that year and he's hugging this woman and I said Hey Tony I can't imagine that appeals to you are going on there is that your mom and then the whole of the needle came off the record. Now that's my wife just told me. You talk about feeling bad I mean this this is the week old girlfriend I think the world will continue to spin but when I just confused somebodies wife for the guy's mother that that I actually center flowers and went down apologized and he was great about it and so was he but yet that to me is way worse than than anything that happened yesterday and the best part of it was that you know I thought for us at Fox We had a really fun good event that you know we're we're showing that we can do golf and do well despite the whole wag segment at the end did you talk to Caprica and his new girlfriend about what you said you know I got the hell out of. Course to. Put the pedal down on one thing and on I want to be you've been there we've all been there it's you know and it's live t.v. The funny thing is and I get that again it's kind of a show of the world we live in but that was the end of we're doing and I'm personally do in 7 and a half hours of live t.v. a Day and they're going to be mistakes all over the place I mean that's just the nature if you're not making mistakes now this is a different category than you're boring you know you're not trying things you're not trying to do stuff so. Yeah that's just whatever it's not a huge deal and I will I will reach out to Brooks I mean the only person I feel bad for in all situation is actually. She didn't even know I don't know her name I don't know her name I don't know the name of the current girlfriend but we go girlfriend and I probably won't know going forward but good for him and I think the look alike is Brady Quinn by the way I think it looks like Brady Klein and you know not done up to the same guns but yeah I can see that but I would there's some jealousy thing because my wife and my daughter were there yesterday it being Father's Day and. My wife at the end of Saturday's like you know I really like that books can be. Ok Michelle why do you feel like you like your short feeling the way . He did you like the way it's a bond to date or is it no I the army is that what it is the arms in the good books bank the not doing a lot of goals and then doing golf you know I know you do a variety of things but the cadence to golf as opposed to baseball or football how big a difference huge I mean if you're doing a football game or a baseball game I'm sitting in the best seat in the house and if you're doing a golf event like in the case of Aaron hills you get $650.00 plus acres and my back is to the one sliver of the 18th hole that I could potentially turn around and look at which I did maybe 3 times in the entire week and so you're basically doing it off t.v. I'm not out at the 4th hole watching Brandt Snedeker putt for birdie So when we go there I have to get the information in my ear Ok Next up is Brandt Snedeker He's at the port hole product for birdie and if if that information is wrong then I'm the one that made the mistake and then that that is the unnerving part and thankfully we have a great producer and you know as I said before the guy handed me that card about books his girlfriend I don't know anybody's girlfriend are they at all and she's brand new they're giving me unbelievable information so I'm not about to complain or cry about it I stole all their stuff all week but yeah it's unnerving because I will if I'm going to make a mistake and I like it to be my mistake not the girl something but if if we are going to a and it's brand Snedeker putting for birdie then that's great if it is but if it isn't then I just said you know we're at the wrong hole and you know that's that's not really something that came out of my mind and that's. In this day and age I know that I know the consequences and I know the spotlight and maybe I know it more than some of the guys I work with because when you do the n.f.l. And you do a Super Bowl in Iran for 120000000 people or a Cubs in a World Series you can make mistakes and that I would love the mistake to be mine and then I would own it a little better you know in the case of the actual golf again not the cult thing do you read Twitter during your broadcast I don't read Twitter period did you you know I really don't I mean if somebody I will tweet things like there was this great piece of them I'll be networked at about my dad and John a Larry which I recommend anybody feeling down about themselves today about what you know what can happen in this world and how somebody can bounce back from a tragedy a near death and make the most of an unbelievable life that's that's worth searching but. As far as you know reading people's reaction to something I say it if I did that and I used to do that years ago you find that it just it almost stops you in your tracks from having any personality having any fun because if you do anything you know you're a funny guy and if you're doing something funny comedy is so subjective or people are going to take it a different way or whatever if it takes the personality out of everybody and that's at least in my opinion if you're worried about the Twitter reaction now I know you have to live in that world a little bit I don't and I let it kind of come and go so whatever anybody saying about me or you soccer you can't do call. It thing you had a famous dad or any of that stuff I mean I've been doing this for over 20 years and I can't worry about that so you got my guy pollies Tex or tweets than that's what you sent a couple those during the broadcast in your anatomy I know you guys will. Say you're good sport we appreciate you calling in and glad you had some fun yeah what you know what not to be corny about it but golf is finally fun for us and for me personally at Fox and it wasn't the 1st year 1st year plus because it was hard work and it's hard to figure out how to do it but you know now it's fun and that's that's a good feeling and I'm proud of what we did all week what size are you if you were the Johnny o. Moment of the week in the in the Johnny clothes that I know he texted me and I was actually wearing Johnny Grant when I said it so I guess it's fitting Oh Ok well then good it did sort of there was some sun a kind of chemistry synchronicity there with you with the Johnny outfit on but congrats for being the 1st person to win Johnny All moment of the week and Colin in the Johnny Oh moment of the week. Yeah I mean I love their stuff and I love Johnny I like his brother better I think. So. Thanks Joe I think that's Joe Buck. I get a text from Johnny Oh he's watching the show and he goes that's the best Johnny O's segment you've ever had I don't realize he's texting Joe Buck to say Dude you're the Johnny Oh moment of the week you know he got a call in sufferance it gets a message from Joe Buck saying you guys want me and I said Yeah long as he's going to talk about the girlfriend there have a great i Phone calls coming up best and worst of the week and we'll get to those 8773 d.p. Show to be coming up next 18 after the hour this is that in Patrick Show some people will text they tweeted they sent pictures they got their trigger grow but there's so much more with the trigger grow in fact I've got leftovers from yesterday that my wife said you should put them on the trader grow so we have some pork yesterday from yesterday we had a. Pig on a spit and so we brought in some of the leftover series so we got the trigger grill all fired up now we also have a trigger rubs and sauces that go along with then there's a force in here they've got it all for you mix and match with these rubs sauces they compliment each other they flavor your meat you can't rub your meat that you can't that's what it says here in the confidence that's not here I swear it does pretty don't rub your meat the wrong way season it would traders new line of rubs and sauces. How much time do I have seen. 10 seconds and say head over to your post is Trader dealer and pick up some dinner tonight or head over to Trader grills dot com order online it's trader t r a e g e r trader grills dot com. You're listening to the official dealers in the wild you see right here on sports radio 12. 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Smooth jams baby but seriously by my reservations joy now a Dollar Shave got dot com That's Dollar Shave and now insurance minded speeches from Geico Let's talk about power to illustrate this allow me to tell you a story about how I moved a tow truck 25 months using my index finger I was stranded with a flat tire I opened the guy Cullen then with a few tips of my finger I beckoned emergency roadside assistance and a ton truck to my car I invite you to unleash the full potential if you think it's like oh thank you. Looking for more energy efficiency at home the Home Depot is like. The way with the next generation l.c.d. Bulbs light fixtures and ceiling fans take the new Holly Springs ceiling back with 3 d. Bulbs that can last for more than 10 years it's only 7997 you're already saving switch to more energy efficient l.e.d. Lighting fixtures and ceiling fans at the Home Depot. More doing something. Now. Every car on the road today deserves quality parts of Napa no hell but none more than your dream car especially if you've got a 10 years after it came out boarded your patients pay off because here you are toting your swagger about town like the gentleman motorist you are at a fraction of the cost and with some quality parts and a little nap and know how you can keep your dream car running longer stronger that snap a no no no my. Ticket You're listening to sports radio 12 Monday sports talk and all the while Jets play by play you can handle right here on your home of the well yeah your toilet step like cloud but I think it found the problem surfaces your action figure Yes I sent him in to check out the pipes as a small business owner you've got a nuff to deal with let the experts of progressive insure your business so you can focus on more important things with over 30 commercial on business coverage options will build a plan that's right for you to get something else are these toy cars had to send him back up his a progressive commercial dot com to get started progressive casualty insurance company and affiliates. Phone calls coming up fully I printed something out of Mario can bring out over that be great. Jerry West is on the program I believe tomorrow is that right pretty soon absolutely it's got a new job there I don't know if he was going to come on and talk about that but I got a new job with the Clippers So Jerry West will join us on the program tomorrow. I got to step out of the den. Other stat of the day here see can hit the music for me if you can see. It is a day just ahead of the. New programs that what stat of the. Youngest average age of active rosters in the n.b.a. As of today the 76 ers had 25 years in 85 days followed by the Blazers Suns magic and Celtic. It is the day said of the. Newer programs that what stat of the day. So the Sixers have the youngest roster at just over 25 years who has the oldest roster as of today in the n.b.a. Yes palling 1st name the Popeye his spurs No they're 3rd just under 30 years of age Hawks are 4th Golden State is the 5th oldest team 2nd oldest team Clippers the oldest team average age Cleveland Cavaliers almost 31 years of age that is James Jones is like 57 years in. Continental tire stat of the day brought to you by conveniently enough Continental Tire if you're in need of replacing 2 tires always ensure that the new tires are placed on the rear of the vehicle not the front this helps prevent fishtailing when braking in what condition for consistency it's always best replace all 4 tires at the same time a couple of phone calls and Pauly wants to revisit the 19 Eighty-Four draft there was a special on n.b.a. T.v. Last night so we'll get to that coming up in a moment John in Illinois hi John what do you have for me this morning. Morning in 187. At the u.s. Open this week and on the course get to the 12 fairway Ricky acknowledges my packer buddy sons screaming at him to get a great picture of. My 60 year old brother has been to a strip search to make sure he has a proper part of the golf course I thought it was him take the picture oh I had a good with the boys and seeing a white 60 year old star Mike I had about 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon not pretty Thank you John Yeah great weather there the winds gusted up a little bit on Sunday Tim in Denver hi Jim what do you have for me today. 62 slowly expanding 200. Worst of it we can agree with. The passing of flounder one of my top 5 movies for sure and the best was Nolan Arnott of my Colorado Rockies completing the cycle with a walk off home run yesterday thank you Jim They beat him up in the celebration you know completing the cycle he's bloody he's bleeding right above his eye they ripped off part of it. There was there was more violence in him hitting for the cycle then there was you know the fight that we had a couple of weeks ago I had for the psycho like these guys should be game winning home runs walk on from runs they beat the hell of them at the home plate. One more phone call here and then we'll get to the 1984 draft Matt in Cincinnati hi Matt what do you have for me. I'm out. Thank you man you too. You know we're ground. 0. Here in front of the ballpark and the work you know we can't win a game marks the series 9 games. We could be down there on the morrow. Thank you Matt. I don't think you're ready for that that deceptive left handed wind up of make love and update the poll results and then we'll go to this 1984 draft special that Paulie watched last night Ok kind of interesting who won the 76 or Celtics trade 6 or Celtics or I'll tell you in 5 years I'll tell you 5 years wins but then the Celtics are a heavy 2nd place way above the Sixers 30 percent to 10 percent Well I think that they give credit to Danny Ainge that he's he has a grand plan here where the Sixers process also you have to factor in that if if Ben Simmons plays this past season enjoy well be Joel Embiid plays these fantasies then they're healthy then they're a playoff team playoff caliber team then they are not even in this position right now so I don't know if you can say that they they had the process they got in June for they can't give him away they also Welsh did they normally still well they had him as well so the process I don't know if it's full proof here McCloughan Daioh sorry I like him I like him why I'd say you're reading that stat and their youngest team in the n.b.a. Makes me think that they're not going to win for a while then B.'s youth is a problem in their marriage so maybe the process will go and what might be 2 years from now when we see what Simmons is if m.b. Can stay healthy and more Cal folds develops into what they think they will but you know they they have a nucleus there but there's their role in the dice that everybody staying healthy would you rather be a Sixers fan or a Celtics fan right now. I'm going to trust what Ainge is doing that he's going to bring in somebody big. I just don't think you can keep getting draft picks and then you don't do anything with it. I like what the Sixers are doing they're interesting for a change they've become interesting and I think potential and the tension was there to do something really fun the 1984 draft and the special and n.b.a. T.v. Last night they recap the entire n.b.a. Draft pick by pick the 104 n.b.a. Draft was not in prime time nobody wanted to televise it that's the state of the n.b.a. At the time Commissioner Stern said they had to pay us a network to produce a draft form and it took place live 2 pm on a Tuesday afternoon some of the players didn't show up you know some did but it was a middle afternoon you know obviously a key moment 1st Sam Kentucky went number to the Portland Trailblazers he had missed 2 seasons of college basketball with lower leg and foot injuries and they still took him because they were they a lot of people thought they would talk people the time that we already got Clyde Drexler Why would you be redundant tad Michael Jordan but didn't he also have Jim Paxon Yes. And then with a 3rd pick Avs who went Michael Jordan Charles Barkley was in showing he was the 5th pick of the draft and a couple months before he was at the USA Basketball tryouts in Indiana with Bob Knight as a coach and Barkley admitted to use the tryouts as a showcase for himself in the n.b.a. So when he would rebound he would dribble the length of the court and try to dunk on everybody instead passing out to the guards and I guess Knight didn't like it that's one of the reasons he kept him off the team but Barkley said I knew what I was doing there he was showcasing was all for the n.b.a. You know what's weird is I covered the 85 draft but I would have been in New York to cover the 84 draft I just don't remember covering it. And the fact that Tuesday it too sounds familiar that we were covering it because when I worked at c.n.n. We were only getting a couple of interviews or you would do maybe a 3 minute story on a couple of these players that would matter the number one overall pick maybe Michael Jordan because he wanted national title trying to think if there's anybody else I mean we didn't know we knew Barkley but when when you're doing sports for an hour news network c.n.n. You have to do something that your mom is going to understand so I don't know if there's anybody else that we would have done anything on but for some reason I remember the 85 drafts so vividly but I don't remember the 84 draft John Stockton not again was drafted 16 by June and he didn't even was even invited to the draft to the home with his family and out shooting baskets and he got drafted earlier than he thought but when you look at this draft as a fan I'm watching and you're going on came alive show him he's going to be a star all Sambhu he's going to be a star Michael Jordan Well he might be Sam Perkins all he'll be a star Charles Barkley the round mound of rebound probably not too big Mel Turpin's a 7 footer he'll be a star Alvin Robertson I don't know he might be too small Lancaster Gordon played at low level he'll be a star like you're going down this list as a fan and then you realize how flawed it is the fact that Sam Bowie missed 2 seasons at Kentucky and Portland still takes him. And I remember watching Sam and his legs were so so thin you know to be a 7 footer running you had no base to him and it's all about that bass no trouble for Tse Jordan we wondered about his jumper and Sam Perkins way played it you know he was the one of the stars there North Carolina Oh and just kind of strange when you look and you go oh that guy can't miss if you look at this draft right now there's probably 8 or 9 players where you go Oh he's going to go Oh he's going to be good because we see these highlights and until you look at these games through the eyes of a scout and you watch them play an entire game and you get to work them out and see what they do you know that that's where that's the difference you watch these highlights you know go by and I guys awesome and then you watch. Monk from Kentucky is a classic example I could put together a highlight reel where you go to him that guy's great there are so many times he disappeared you can't disappear if you're going to be that great he disappeared like where is Monk Yes Michael about Fulton who when you know he's a veteran that's a knock I have a concern about a guy who won 9 games the best player in the country won 9 games have we ever had the best player in the country talent wise when 9 games you know point does it bother you when someone like Mark healthful to go to a non basketball school for one year what's your goal there because I mean you you go to Washington no offense they're not going anywhere basketball I don't know what he's promised. You know because he wasn't necessarily a big star Where'd he go to do math or so he's out of Baltimore I heard someone say that d.c. You know Washington had Chris had marquees Chris at the time they were loaded and their guys all left too early so he was they heard when the horse was home and saying they were supposed to be a good team and then the program though the bottom fell out right before he got out if you're a player going to a team that's got a good player nobody staying and how you could think well we will get folds with this guy and then we're going to be really good they don't stay you're not you're not building a team where you're going to Can't wait til next year not with these kids but for us I think was on the junior varsity his soft more year in high school now I've heard this Yeah but Michael Jordan got cut from his junior high team j.v. Team. Not ready to put Marco full story in there with Michael Jordan but you know I do have a problem with a guy who won 9 games I do have a problem with Ben Simmons you know that team quit all that talent may quit maybe even make the n.c.a.a. Tournament it's hard to not make the tournaments when you have the number one player in the country talent wise or at least you know one of the top 3 you know 3 or 4 and I put that on these star players because you're going to going to the league and you're going to start losing. And then you're going to go this isn't any fun you know these guys are used to when the guys at Duke they would lose like 3 games in a year you're losing 3 games in a week when 4 went to Philadelphia and then after a while you go we're just losers you know this whole process thing starts to weigh on you know yeah I am looking at this 84 draft the poll I put out when the Sixers took Leon wood at 10 stock and they're at 16 Looking back on that would you want that that you would you would you want to change that I think so I think starting would have been a better fit with Barkley Joxer j. Malone that's a hard take their. Play that gave who we should've taken well you're Q You're saying you imagine if you're g.m. And you look at these things and you go think I took Milton turban is when your nickname is dinner bell Mel. That's his nickname you know point they showed a little bit of each player's rookie year like Eamon Charles Barkley and Jordan and so Charles Barkley's 20 games in his rookie career he's got Moses' Dr j. Legends and they have a team meeting as I think the last 4 in a row and this is another play Leon would tell the story they went around the room and I said everyone say something about the state of the team and lately I was like I'm not saying I'm a rookie I shut my mouth they got a Barkley Barkley that I got some to say we should be getting the ball to me more and he said that to Dr j. . As a rookie more of your phone calls coming up here on the Dan Patrick Show. You're only seconds away from more great sports judge you're on your home of the Wildcats sports radio 1290. And now insurance minded speeches from Geico Let's talk about power to illustrate this allow me to tell you a story about how I moved a tow truck 25 miles using only my index finger I was stranded with a flat tire I opened the guy collapse then with a few taps of my finger I beckoned emergency roadside assistance and a ton truck to my car I invite you to unleash the full potential of your fingertips with the Geico Thank you. So mother has a certain hue the kind of vibrancy you can feel and almost hear and Sam Adams summer ale with 3 new colors was one great taste captures the colors of summer perfectly there's the yellow of the rising day the orange of the heat right in the afternoon and the blue of long coming. 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A little nap and know how you can keep your road warrior running longer stronger for many more vacations to come that snap and no I don't know how. 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End with Super Lotto Plus from the California Lottery now until June 30th by 5 players get one free please pay responsibly must be 18 years or older to play visit see a lottery dot com for official rules to report on the Mothership the Lakers trying to pick up another 1st round pick for Thursday's draft Dave engage at least 2 teams in the lottery as they search for players to improve their outside shooting and perimeter defense they are to have the 2nd in 20 picks in the draft. Feels like they're locked in on Lonzo ball there Adrian while generosity from Yahoo is the vertical was on and he said something interesting right at the very end of the interview he said he feels like the Lakers are maybe trying to put the ball family in their place where Don't come in thinking you're running the organization hey we weren't completely sold on you Hey Magic really love Markel folds hey they brought in Josh Jackson for a 2nd interview almost as if to say slow your roll here a little bit when you come in. Now whether that going to slow their roll or not I don't know but it feels like that this is Magic's way of saying I'm running this show and here but they look like they're trying to I'm Julius Randle is somebody who could be traded you know there's been talk about that but. And then what do you do if you're the Pacers or the Lakers who acts 1st and if the Pacers want to trade Paul George the Lakers delayed years just want to wait to see if he'll be there in free agency that he wants to come there what can you get now that you can't get when the season starts ample and that is a big dilemma for them because if they like a Paul George he they know he publicly basically said I want to come there in a year but you roll a dice and hopefully he doesn't find a situation it's better if you're the Pacers do you want Paul George in uniform this upcoming season knowing everybody knows he doesn't want to be there that it's not going to stop him from putting up big numbers there but. Could be a little dicey there but what are you going to get now and can you get more when the season starts or did you say the Lakers he wants to go there were willing to do it you know what about that 1st 2nd or 3rd team all I mean he stays in in the end gets possibly $50.00 to $70000000.00 more what about keeping him there maybe changes mind for the money and that's what I didn't understand here with the max deal because he didn't get on the 1st 2nd or 3rd team he didn't get a max deal but if he gets 1st 2nd 3rd team all n.b.a. Then he gets a max deal this next season or they can sign him to a max deal even though he's going to be a free agent check that that's a good question I don't know because then if that's the case he would want to get the max money and then do a sign and trade somehow with. The Lakers I'm going to guess a signing trade with the Pacers to the Lakers they want their money but how do you sign in trade at that he's a 200000000 are player will never work out Kapil and I don't. You got Lou Al I hear luau Dang is I know he's gone and gone you know those guys are gone you know that that they were they I think they were brought in to be expendable. Expendable 3 new movie. Got some e-mail people think that Brooks kept looks like Anthony Kiedis the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers he'd have to have a bad hair cut to look like Anthony Kiedis though like you go in and just say here's more from the 3 Stooges can I get this because we've all taken the picture into saying can I get this haircut like what do you think and when you go in and say that's the haircut I want to keep this yes you can point blank memory shot himself in the foot one thing yes he or child was he wore child or was that the other guy has the other guy on the back up or child. Let's see this from Ben I saw Anthony Davis yesterday coming down the exit walkway to get out of the Indiana Jones ride Disneyland possible trade to the Lakers question. Ben are inside source on this says Anthony Davis to the Lakers question mark Garrett says he agrees with Seton cannot see Le Bron James leaving Cleveland again as concerned as he seems to be with his legacy combined with the outside pressure put on him constant Jordan comparisons he's already seen as a bad guy hated player for the past decisions I think Cleveland would cement that status but if it meant winning more titles that's that's what you have to factor in here you may not like it if Le Bron says hey I'm going to leave Cleveland he's going to leave Cleveland because I can I win another title or 2 and I can go to Los Angeles had that ever happens he's going to say this is for business reasons you know I gave you a title in Cleveland I don't see can happen. Because you can yes point is Anthony Davis as attractive as we think he is as a free agent or a trade bait because he doesn't shoot the 3 and so he's worked on it but he does have a great he's great form he's a he's got a great looking shot and they've been working with him to give him 3 point range but I don't know if I want him shooting 3 s. I love the fact that he can run the floor he'll dominate all offensive Lee inside defensively inside not everybody has to shoot the 3 If you surround him with enough guys who can shoot the 3 Just that fact that he's going to room where he wants to roam would be enticing injuries worry about worry me about Anthony Davis though I'm concerned about that. Is from David Dan in the Dan that's what's up with the trophy presentation after the u.s. Open why was it done away from the fans with so little ceremony I only heard about 3 people clap when they gave the trophy to kept felt sorry for the guy David St Louis. To be honest I didn't even notice I wasn't listening for applause I was still trying to figure out who he was dating. From j.r. Reno please comment on Aaron Hill's look like a billiard table with a few when you lation is all that beautiful countryside doing goals persion up strip mining land you see Homer I didn't read into it that much but it looked pretty and so I look pretty. She wants to we have here another chapter in the Earnhardt legacy comes to a close Dale Jr on the track a Daytona that will be one last time Saturday July 1st only on n.b.c. The now Clipper executive Jerry West on the program tomorrow your phone calls coming up next will close up shop after this when you want to live up to date sports to keep it right here on sports radio 1290. 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Yeah your toilet step like Clyde but I think I found the problem sir this is your action figure Yes I sent him in to check out the pipes as a small business owner you've got to know how to deal with well the experts of progressive insure your business so you can focus on more important things with over 30 commercial on business coverage options will build a plan that's right for you I got something else or these toy cars had to send him back up his a progressive commercial dot com to get started progressive casualty insurance co. And affiliates when you watch. Sports Talk keep it right here on sports radio. Leave that one alone. Takes the crap out of any other line this is Fox Sports Radio . And was doing some research there. L.a. Office has been telling me no super max for George it's only right now that is it created you can only get the max because he did not make the one of the 3 all n.b.a. Teams which would have given about $50.00 to $70000000.00 extra in the super max contract system so he could assign one in the off season therefore they would have voided this last year or he would have yet it would be extension the Super Max I guess is supposed to be more of an extension to help small markets but yeah and because of that now it's going to hurt the Pacers because he's not going to get that super max deal and now more well he says he was going to leave but we thought that as soon as he didn't make the 3rd team and Gordon Hayward same one. You know. There was a report out there that the Jimmy bottlers he's getting floated around for the Sixers could have maybe had Butler number 3 Yeah I think Stephen a smith had with the number 3 pick for Jimmy bottler Why would the Sixers won a veteran like that I was as a Sixers fan that seems like anti-process doesn't feel like it is the same deal there for the Celtics that is on $61.00 Jimmy Butler and I can give up the 3 pick Do I want Jimmy bottler Jimmy Butler is going to help me now and I have to decide in my only in now or do I think I'm 2 years away and if I'm 2 years away that Isaiah Thomas is what 31 and I giving him a max deal that's what I don't understand the timing of what Danny was doing this butler fit the kind of player you were saying that you need to compete with the Warriors Yes I want somebody both ends but you know the human Paul George that's what's available Gordon Hayward as well and you've got you've got to have those guys who can run on the perimeter. Let's see Jake in South Carolina hi Jake would you have for me today. 6.185. I got you work for the weekend with the upcoming n.h.l. Expansion draft and law say this number one the n.h.l. Released at 1030 on a Sunday morning same to us it generated this little. Number theory they reported on and. Twitter handle what you're going to remain a warning for forward I mean obviously you don't want to add their most you are going up I don't history. There's more than mere stopper to. Me I'll get to that thought you were. My feel your pain there make some valid points Sam in Oregon hi Sam when you have. I've been 118. Weeks and got my 1st Father's Day with my 7 month old son Parker worst of the weekend my father Dave standing by my brother in law for my wife come out we're halfway she doesn't like it looks. But did you do a test sample Sam I did and all fairness that the stand I was going there to do that my brother in law meant that. We did a test and realized. It looks good and we do we finish part of a can and he's like I just don't like it let's read. And. And I think that's great but we're going to you know. What a way to spend your Father's Day Thank you and no give no gives give backs I mean no do overs there I mean that's it sorry you picked that out and in Kentucky and what am I. Best of the weekend scooter. It is next. After is big game. In their infinite wisdom have kept him off the field most of the time ever since this big game we don't want that on the field for home runs and worse than I have to disagree with Callie that golf course was. Literally a cow pasture All right well there you go Ed what do you think then you're a golf course and I like them look to have I like that they look different I don't like cookie cutter golf courses and I like the fact that if you can use the land that you're building on you know the seaside courses whatever whatever it is that they offer and you bring that to make that part of the golf course I like that. But I like the fairways narrowed Yes yes I would. You know what happens is these golfers will tell you what you want to hear it's when you talk to them privately and then they'll tell you like this is ridiculous I remember they played the Barclays in New Jersey a few years ago and the players said we're not coming back to this this is ridiculous they change the entire course to make it more fair so let me see what they really say once you get some truth serum in there what you learned in a frenzy you think abroad would be able to leave Cleveland twice without a drastic Leah crushing his reputation think Polly. I learned a very emotional Roski Thanks everyone is insured Paul George he gave us 6 different teams different than the clown loaches the Celtics are sort of hoarding assets in case the Bron gets available down the road it's not happening. At that he Davis to yeah that could be happening scene O'Connor Joe Buck good sport Yeah he was it was nice he called in for it see what I learned you aren't even working the rescue of Yahoo the vertical says several n.b.a. Teams are concerned Marco folds was not a winner in college what we learned by Dollar Shave Club new members get their 1st month of the executive raise or a tube of Dr carvers shea butter only $5.00 free shipping after that the razors a couple of bucks a month and no commitments no contracts to sign can write your doorstep $15.00 value for only $5.00 if there's a Dollar Shave Club dot com Slate Patrick thanks for the phone calls emails tweets all around support the logo Jerry West on the program tomorrow receiving Paul e. Phrygian make love in yours truly this is been the damn Patrick Show people. I'm not normally an advocate of messing with perfection but when you end up with something even better I'm going to allow a trader just did this recently with their sauces and rubs and I got to say I'm impressed and Paulie knows all about sauces and rubs they revitalized their entire line with new and improved formulas custom created by barbecue pit masters and Colin airy chefs man they spare no expense I don't know about you guys but I'd say that they know what they're doing the experts did all the hard work for you all you have to do is throw it on your food before hitting the trigger they have all your proteins inside covered pork and poultry chicken beef rub a few new ones as well they have a coffee rub that works on beef and veggies plus their rubs specifically designed to compliment their sauces so you can mix and match and create Trager perfection mouthwatering right now isn't head over to your closest Trager dealer pick up some in time for dinner tonight or head over to trigger grills dot com and order online you can get the new rubs a new sauces at Trader grills dot com introducing new Dannon light and fit Greek not that yogurt with 0 artificial sweeteners we kicked out artificial sweeteners added real fruit and made it 90 calories new delicious down and light and fit with 0 artificial sweeteners you won't just say you'll say wow now I know.