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Moon and the very. Thats right two very active three puppies be that any technical meeting and your soul if i know you they say ok me and looks like a more relaxed yes a surly of credit eu and the other members of the delegation. Because Testing Industry that people like neil who will understand after the first a day you know what our delegation was really get to participate the ipo activities it or not there to give anybody any surprises are we following year and was only one to observe and respect the rules and standards. That was set but the secretary. And though we also understand that it was the deal was that person all at the school. During the Assembly Period in owning two thousand thirty. Because of the all according to newspaper reports say you win youll have to come back to taipei. Full of roughly a biden will more than twenty four hours. Note to you know to preside over your sons wedding. He told is a little bit above that no decision and also the journey they had to take the old traveling from montreal back to town one stained roughly about twenty farms sit still and you know presided over the bpo to the waiting and no one back to finish your you know it your participation and you know of two thousand thirteen simply failed to home i said there is my second son of a city to city if i go. Canberra city who got married so low we live we us so we are parents that were very apparent. Its still as he decided to move to get married sick of the twenty ninth. So youll know im really dont think i can participate iq making him so okay its a pretty nice okay. So finally i cared to read the invitation they dont september eleven so i say all they had maybe i am quite support a prim people and for some countries use if elected and if i knew was that maybe we changed the date its almost impossible. Or is that we have to oh my. Safety fears for fourteen in montreal. All i come back and orange and i didnt go for me stay here if you only took twenty seven because they see the rich at least very easy to cast a day or two weeks. But the finality and sees his time and shell be here for the puppies patient. Then i decided to buy a ticket. And there is today still were born of moon Festival Hall silly story that decided to buy tickets and ten other hand the text of flying from friday evening. And there almost sixty hours totally and i realized that back to montreal on monday morning said oh crap. So in total the us these days is sixty hours sleep. And the hat in taipei. I only use the its about fourteen hours working hours see out of tiny old stevie ray a plan already in the airport in haiti by using pc crazy idea and the utilities tool e vents need me know what i can be released and soulful i am actually a small steel feel exciting. I dont mean say anything because he is mean setup for my next ten years and for my sils my carry on i carefully it took him on it in a campy and cannot be upset. Does anyone own a piano for pretty pitiful. For all the stress of noodles and adults all as the case is still time for myself. Kate snow is very proactive attitude this week who reached his use only serve as a very you know excellent example of somebody whos a working mother trying to balance to your obligations at work and also the responsibilities his family. I think a lot of people look up to the canteen and we need to take another break on the program will be back. Fans. The other welcome back to todays world and feel the calm while those on the coast a week will will continue our discussion with ms changed and acoustic attracted to roll off the symbol they were not its administration of the republic of china in taiwan. Jean will extend this weeks meals disgust at the beginning of the program said the improvement in cross relations with china. You know since two thousand and eight as being a factor in all leading up to the Decision Team by Chinese Taipei as a guest at the thirtieth assembly the fun tale. And that given the fact that he improved to cross revelations was very important in that decisions like pale what was the interaction day you had when the chief of the china delegation. Cooley is steeped in pt director general of the Civil Aviation been fishing in china. Olive mysterious awesome park built what was he. You know atmosphere like that was it a Friendly Exchange or was it you know something that bill business as usual no peace deal with this post helpful and i shared some since wednesday of the country some okay yall know i hear a soul is so Huge Community p ninety one ninety one countries has been the case of both do when something he had to move again. Conference call can call it the once boasted more than once awesome people. And although the non comic held in aviation and even though people so me and this illini distant countries. I never know it the day ended and we have been called into action we dislike the forty five countries. And now a common all the plantation nike see i hung up on. Canceled. Rose is very important to move the meat to mr shot him four and in technician least man than its very nature of the queens peace. Of course the key is to the pc by tests with the iq of so called peaks. I know missed the shot him while forming the use of cars so we have the chance to get that south island the crows free flying. And in some theater piece of news the incorporation of it slowly gets very glad to be made the most feared he might kill. Hes very healthy. But to be costly honestly speak with saving grace going on to the commie leaky all the expert here. And optus for years they had me meet each other. We can cool the other students alike at the family handle almost any event the chili oil company who i was participation. I sing but posts straight in the tcp is one topic. The aso is fixed. Because the ten now looks very act. Dean that company in the assembly and the speed got all the scenes during the day all reading peanuts because sister aviation country in war or so of an icing that because they know Everybody Knows the post re the flying coming flying disc you can carry him through sitemap to meet people and gnome known to so many thoughts in co st. Still he fights the express or an experienced head poking out of the team that is the improvements than anybody looks very happy. Heres a list couple bolded above the street lights and this is of course while the biggest accomplishments and the us is present in my angel to color in two thousand and eight and the posse direct flights on the lean times offering convenience. It also makes the interaction of leo in the business sector and old school mon people wanted people of law more convenient allowed the yield on mom or easy. And that given the fact that the kids always get the man. For more to break flights. What does the state of cross strait no flights direct flights every week khomeini flights to we have and though warrant the plans to further expand to frustrate the Aviation Services in the feature. You know of to press them on that because he screams Christmas Eve we can. Oh wait its not that tall cool in spain china and then from nine to co weekend for a child before i think over to daddys good tofu i can sew them up before last week is the sixth country seventy and two. And therefore the peasant to fly and sixty eight frightful couple of gay men that destination to move the other side he couldve maintenance fifty four points with before it looks ok in prayer when we have to pay him destiny to your poll soon and then we are we just have to reach him and daily coffee. So last week o o authentic its just came back and the fly ari the increased expense to the country twenty eight. As they show the murray a snow soft problem for the sums the major sleepy but not so be it but i can shout hi b team all along so. And to which my sunday. The weekend he did not know why because you know home got this may have to be hands free fifty five per week. And it did and a half point for the helpful in forty five points of coleman soloing given the fact that it would have more more you know schedule flights now between the two sides. A lot of people would say it makes the deal the monk dom directed general what is the price of theater tickets come and go down. No whale is still sold did know china has a number of Budget Airline carriers. There are now serving between your shot high and tight hate that of the head and go whoa were likely to seek a Budget Airlines and how long its been some newspaper reports but nothing really concrete yet but you dont even expect that we will happen though the Budget Airline from taiwan. To serve now only the cross strait flights but maybe also to neighboring countries like japan korea and southeast asia. During the stay the proceedings that down there the scenes about low cost carrier ok. If we compare what we call though you almost have the stitching old for him because hes always change your very kind and it has had the old National Carrier is assessing the bus trip that she used to a beanie for the low cost carrier. It did finally. Oh we have the one from four chan station. It had a very disciplined for the chain idea and nine containing did and we dont know this seems for low cost carrier is off costco kudos on the scene with cola open sky. We have and all the freedom to move in you can fly it with some points like to see the poll like the aura chip and cp good piece except go to. Ok and some is tonight. This will stop Robbins Landon which is a jack and a little low cost carrier mean they they have set for this talking of dollars ticket price is ok. The problem for myself. And because they dont know anytime you as a specialty in the spring festival in the area by the right to call home food reviewing and they spend a penny in the business may be made in china. I was going to need me to always come play nice. Thats the hall. Who spent six years. I know it to you in the leaking pipe that what we can test this summer who was full of major kerry you can now the xc to some some some label both for the many cannot carry. We dont have the right to allocate actually speak on the mend and subplots property. So laugh at the age that was the introduction of the windchill be here to see shelly is an on duty in and of course carry on. They have the men. Home based english coppola and distant ill be here is very correct code because they have some slot to it or not many ten s gomez to stop. Then we can do the sums her up time star of the very field of pudong area oh and those lists hell come back to the outfield. No situation in the end of tall conclusion mark on that. And now all we have been invited to attend the assembly and eighty new features like you said you likely would like to participate in the lot of the regional activities and forms with other member state tell the tale. And given the fact that the bill appears to be more participation from taiwan what will be some of you know the concrete achievements full potential there you see that taiwan can be a part of it. Then i eat as healthy and seeing International Aviation security at cooking of the lived experience and it seems that in during assembly this is the cooking of elmo we ban on students and the unknown unknown appropriate and all that for the woeful it in the future plan for the next fifty years ago and have layouts feature premium for a while for local books to a cheaper one. And as they show the iq of the sweeney is very. Anybody his focus to. You are mentally she looks. Ok its only half the soul may need to stashing and iq and crawl past the pilot to them. A market based measures in both games so a boastful a skill which he sings the aisle. But do we know we use to the next three years that i too had some great updates about the itch prison into the job did they say ok is to remind you out or not is that you are safe and a frequent traveler i tend to ask you if he were to be good to you. Ok so on. Are you a million pain went away the shape of these parties is a very famous lake at the number one i sensed as the great nana while working as too old. Or one zero to colic and put an end and that its the substance good until one wind and a tool when two of the enemy too. Because they have been very very spacious of these in the us to it he said the six mm leica in fuel is some lady brain are very and i think all cheer him on somebodys head de suisse sees it this way is does not thank you and lee is meaningful suffer from spatial meaningful name. But apple or who was few months to get enough rain to a young boy elbow and saying that but to me. If you like his sentencing special meaning for you. They cant do that to backing a whole. Youll pay the apple cart. Ive never sewn back on the citys this quiet or skillet its services to the number one position. And the icing to the sky no experience in very human need him to work because i have even more appeal. You may need ample its my it so that they are a nobody like that so frequently in tennessee dab of that. You can heal first its okay cause refers to it i said when i chat with her uni years. We need to take the final break on oprah when it will be back in just a few minutes. I know. Welcome back to the final part of the scroll then hell become one of them on coast to read will will will continue and hopefully wrap up this fascinating conversation with miss jean share an acoustic connected to roll off the symbol they were not its inefficient heating them republic of china. Seeing we talk alot about the right field. This is an old soul all the different you know that Development Scene cost of flights. The final part of the program wouldnt get it down close and personal with the wheel stand that you had been serving at the Civil Aeronautics Administration caa since the nineteen seventy one. He started as a country full of appeal. I mean this said its a fascinating experience to a lot of people myself included we tell this wheel why did you start. In dec appeal capacity and tea to enjoy it because this is a high stress job. Ewing control of a lot of people is security in flight safety. As snotty easy task. And at the time i suppose you a merry having a family. Useful needed to balance your responsibilities at home. Cut into it. And they missed out from class town that can be chilling csa and that the consulate is the you know my father possibly nineties and sixty seven. You still trust you. I chose to work at the Entrance Exam form than investing solely in the forty years site party to more independent and leaving for myself. I must agree to it from the ballistic. I just saw an osprey apparently aid stand the test lacking a set of custom bike. Recruiting players have come to live in basic english test and chinese and after to the cbc easy. Ok so i just checked the past and the same time i get to introduce you to get to forestry is a must read to school and because i must kill myself i can and be a fool of myself today and again. Unfortunately the go so badly. Press dough into a ca to chelsea after the war many years of stay at Cricket Council that. And this is coach of these not because of some phony act isa. Sift the uk always text of java. I can carry in the two in twenty years and married and this so i can take care my family my keys. Day after the cruel up above the senate and the five years old and i finally decided to change that too the biggest pro chair week course of the year ten feet tall automation system. And if it before that i ate chili and stayed pecan system specially installed to come to the center. The laws that to do some skiing for the maintenance men them. I made them and full quota this alteration system and been eyeing feel with the ie its time to name some steam so i chilling. The ctc is protests. Read the full might balance the icing is very hard time through my case where he was so small in and actually take care of money paris he will be added together with the parents he builds his primary happy you still cook or the borough with even took in the uptown said. So chief senate years was sold. So i shoot to kill the man and a full photoshop keen on buying scenes boots that cocaine use that as it is a shorty even doing a weekend we have nobody to help with a mass group. Still i myself feel. This assumes because i say the filipino them. I say. Im guessing that a i seem to if you have to put this has put you in respect of their parents. So finally and my parents he told. The no mean more than vehicles. So i feel fake with whom to two piece missing yes they are christians and the party mentioned that hell miss sharing your wonderful example for many women out there who are trying to balance a career and did you know debt obligations to family and old soul the king and theyll that the deal korea field day you have chosen for himself village only people would think this is the piedmont and still male dominated. You know the industry. Order of business sector. And of how the chick fil a where you able to make. No steady progress. Killing choose healthy owned korea development. Being the meal otherwise receive. As a male dominated industry. And i stink at this moment to see a pile of directors said the act the senator has almost full plan. Im feeling the itch and take it in the life of this moment i dont see that its a big problem is. Fool of myself i seem to purchase an auntie minus the value and use you must be a sushi making. You can tackle the preachers and the uk and piercings. Current price able to prioritize six today and i spilled some scenes that would serve for the female can see is that i can always fight to the mill want to use the real top score in the province. And to go to all of these pillows and i sing all the other way before when we are always came to the sea of people use because the idea always says from la i was still young. In case it is like a whisk and have a court can use your souls. Ok acquired from the other people speak so when i solve the problem i always see. Dont take too long to feed your own position. What seemed about the quantity can not help you quietly his chair. To support or youll be in laws. You elected. You must die to know quest of difficulty. Oh for the people in uk now suppose you and to dance. Token. In the inquisition. Bring your console for corn crop and use my air. Manning. All the cooking core years. I use facial is economic to kill people. You first move the sticking point. You can be going since were on this and think about st seeing other peoples perspectives sony will help. And though we understand that you have two masters degree. No one in forestry and one he does his administration. And how geeky i know thats right it really has helped the interests of managing your responsibilities. Ica four for the agm was prepared to kill you it does mean is there though the first time ive tried to convince the kids are at pains to a bus to School Hockey eight campaign according to a school kid for myself in bed and then left high and iodine to know more seams Tamaki College of pain and after that will mean eu says. And c c a i think ive finally moved management is the most important scenes take the omaha spend its use to be the Crescent Moon and the channel to a picket i went to spokane and mentally picturing something we at aix the queue for that the best of management and so on. Id just a few speed the pro one for those signs in paper money to manage and cope going to see you on the street. Then finally a test pots. At the gazette and took care of business demonstration he really is very helpful for myself because that. I do not seems like a two loop at the joel played moon names i know i can read the affected children post here and the ik milk was the man isnt a very over its life cycle cost their specialty and know the importance of management uk. And we have a bottom in the last email program eighteen if people ask you what were some of the biggest changes and developments there you have seen income ones Aviation Security and industry. What was at the hem line. Have i mentioned Street Scenes clips of increasing his staff wrote. Alliance if you break it open in twenty years ago the recruit of flight safety. Its very cool to me because taking. All thist and then the week concluding that so i can so we need to use bacteria from principle of creation consumption for the maintenance. Dana. If i recruited the small old malts sydney has hers international standard. He has taken things i have been very good chance to participate in the attacking cocoa nations system is the mosque named him by his viola molly twitchy chain stores should know mom. And the conduit has so many as fifty years from now the other from all of our country from whom i stay the does to an end a system into the anime of the whoops excuses tonight. It has become told me to system has an great because its the peak road jack and anne hull could deal with people how to give chris a dose of cold called to appear so many scenes and dan. It was coming crisis that has example was when i married twice. I have but not a cool well of course the publication in the case in the surveillance of air Traffic Management system is also an iq of st the crest and cold to coax him into the sky in a whole the word though they said an ngo forum in nineteen ninety one. I know the uk news we achieve that. And because of that superman the iq Crispy Chicken was seen leaving the Teaching Service called imagination. What a neighboring country. Its like a scene couple. Make philippines and hong kong. We just have created new system will be still could come to taiwan and is tied to an end more scenes. And oh theres the present case you to students at st. Hes the type you like a a a desert highway was closed for us to know where you can find good ones please find me. Do you like talking about some technical he she was leased by the beast the war like that but it is oh my its aching this same scene so its time we can use the meeting him speak and speak the vehicle and go straight so i picked it up so you know kristy reloading their foi is to use them for a fifteen k in nineteen eighteen the two local aid it was awesome. It is doing all we almost cried because we have direct in the morning sometimes mile off my city most respectful i coast of maine. The week course. So this is the soul in the polling data culled from the point made and no airplanes piracy. Morning yes camp on the air that we have to say he did so good and it recreates the couple that can help each other this will cost money directly to show how i could sit at my own soaps had been defeated since it is this it seems that its compelling manner. But we pulled into tears. And notice would be possible without the dedication of people like you what king ncaa pool for forty years. The silly being oppressive listened to heavy on the program the suspension is today. I wanna wish you all the best deal personal and professional endeavors in the future. Thank you very much. Thank you and miss the train when corps was me and every month to care that currency or one hour with no signs he had penned in pilots doing it he she has fun. Oh thank you for watching oprah been to the aoc next time on my coffee color the news. In the name. I think. Thing. And go thus. It seems. Ice. All spent a long haul. First two two explosions at its peak it didnt i believe it to a good visit with him two things first. It will increase its role in human rights issues especially that quake going now with a new and console and human rights second thing it wouldnt have to wait several more in the region for more democracy and freedom and want a speech on the question of energy ocean air. Utility of the time of reform. It is actually very very critical one of the problems very often when Reform Movement gets a head of steam and molds. It is then implementing a revolution or an uprising is just an event what happens as to which that makes all the difference and if there is not a sentence civil rights civil government institutions to work with. Very often the good news now. People get the solution then you have a counter revolution. So perfected and ceos are multiplying in this region and some of them getting extremely upbeat and strong including the center that we are today. Its all good because the road ahead of modernizing economically and politically. Twenty long years to enhance and setbacks corn and some unexpected turns of the road. So the stronger the fabric and in the Political Leadership in this region. More likelihood is that there will be a promising outcome to be invited to the center is being extremely important to me and to see the time and pioneering. Say something caught in the state to try to either aix is stupid people not to give these television network. And to try to read this post where we had in the internet will we have in cyberspace to television. I sink is going to be a challenging of ansett and the challenging accomplishment and that perhaps he will be step sons might be the next least two people to present their views about what i am not going to rush back to drop the safeguarding of the money is auctioned on the go to sheffield moments in football who wrote a book reading and comprehending the overhang of the blue from the Program Offers to people for years but reported. When you open the dumped awesome print it on the beach the name and the us. Hes the ideal concept was simple and yet hopeful when the snow religious discourse yen on me the challenge of no school privilege and put them on an easel. And i think this is exactly what that was it like melanie said such a sense that an incentive to mention that because right now and will lie in bed. Change is taking place and that we dont have institutions that many are on the exchange of money to change and media precise the mega center and to add this to allah to manage this change. No youtube of them are the most or all the keepers of the kind of mom prescient when youve lost a huge amount of butter or jesus or the gumption to whats in store them for me in them the commission made the awful want you all know that it might impress anyone up for the disco obama feels kinda difficult for one moment in the digital switch to the orchards and myself and i am patient and i gotta say institute we have been involved in that promoting these gals are and he is now that we dont have any yet we dont meet with and people individually in groups of people with students and blotted we do not have such an impact. It means yet became involved in that said that the impact will team up with the montreal to wear it to disintegrate initiative Michael Wright true to myself and the two of them and the leaves. From the fortune to be here participating in this bout of local tv stations battle for democracy and freedom. I think is keen to keep the show worldwide because we see the democracy in the nourishing made more good news to be taken care of all their wines. We get reversed. When the wet conditions with this new thing i hope the group three year by year of giving the world the gift of democracy and freedom im a new zealand. Im also a Vice President of the entrance and we shared a common experience of having to leave its league isnt democracy. Here we have more in the role of trusted leaders. We understand that finds its wheels understand the course of freedom that we seeing around the world today and the new media platform and that the shake is starting to unlock we people can have a voice is of great interest to the madrid. What we want to do is helping the police into a new dialogue. We knew solutions on sheets i use the site for defects can be the outcome the column and read it wants a sheet societies and shed world that cites a defence based on democratic principles. And we understand that the new media is going to be a very important concepts so do we. Im very interested in the shake and his mission. We understand the importance of the middle east and the new conversations where im sitting here. And so the problem and it tries to bring the moment. And our experience of individually and in some of whom the resolution reads some of whom imports. Indigenous peoples rule all women through the societys new ones. And by allowing the tunnel to it and we think we can be agents for change even though we no longer in office. I think its been a very important to the conversations weve heard the voice of africa the voice of the middle east weve heard some of the old voice soft america and europe and we have diplomas of discussion around the new the new voices in age. These people in these new society is sent this normal people who are unable to call telephones the arctic seas to be intimate and they want the police to keep it. I think that lead is he an hour of understanding that maybe tomorrow therell also be followers. And this is the new paradigm shift so that shank convening this conversation in the middle east in this months when signing the important things happening. Its one of those tipping points in history and that government is pleased to be part of it. These conversations here and when optional but the games pointers. At the stake through his leadership of opening up new media to many new people who have not had access to it. Up until now we think it will help define the future shape of this region. The day defeat to france. He said. Hosts. It is he said. Leave. Its so. We suggest you. That means i dont want to do. We in the global trade in total market. We can see we are told to. Because we are out youve experienced. All costs. Its brand new stones new song new pdf for two years. Gutierrez. When you live tv experience political motives. Cornes was acquitted ill change it takes you to send the guy the center for more. Donald he sure and so on you betcha what tradition you will. Whats the worlds biggest story each day exclusive amy g networks. To top story line is todays most intriguing topic as told by nhc premier global content partners back to back in english. Its what they mean washington six am i going to have party backing your story continues here. Seventeen with me. Thanks to aunt dani aspect that i conveyed that stealing checks to new and it makes the networks gotta work on in the sea dance on tv will continue to share with your friends on facebook and twitter. The top story on the m a c networks. Windmill eye. The new year. Each its interim government has announced that the president ial election has been made towards enter impressed and canceling mansell announced a decision in a televised speech saying it is being taken out to todd oak with Natural Forces of representatives the berries grapes. This means parliamentary polls will happen like that and not so fast as the recently deceased by them and treat us with ortiz right map to democracy the election has to take place nine lights at them the eighteenth

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