Very important for both countries and on todays program where delighted and honored to have a truly expert in this area. Dr William Stanton who was at one time that the director of the American Institute in taiwan is here with us and hes of course currently the director of the center for asia policy at the National Team. Our university. Bill will come to provo. Thank you. Its great to be here. Yes first of all i wanna come back to me for being a permanent resident of kabul. Thats my proudest achievement in time id fill you in the distance over a condition for the many contributions they have come to us how one wastes over the years its been an elk was like this said billion now the director of the center for asia policy the National Team on university. Telescope that of other note the center of what kind of research being conducted over. The ok well you know on the center was actually on the brainchild of the president charm of the National Team or university. Okay um i think he heard present lot about the time you is offering the permanent residence here okay make that comment me of that. Perhaps i should be teaching in Taiwan University we decided to take advantage of that. Actually no Tulane University in the United States have a history that goes back to nineteen oh nine except when she in law was established. And i think he saw an opportunity here is a certain symmetry because the university was first established with money the Chinese Government has given to the United States is an indemnity me for the boks were really aches and i think the U S Ambassador to time president john lloyds likes to remind me of the first and lovely and recommended to the Us Government that money be returned. So be used to set up on it and the university for education and so i think as i was in the back of his mind and when he saw that might be an opportunity. Thats how we got started. I sing from the beginning. President ial his vision and that of his Senior Vice President s was although the National Chain one university is very well known for Computers Engineering and Science Technology. This is an opportunity to branch out to the department of International Relations but also to enhance its reputation in his car to the humanities and social sciences movement and um from the beginning division was therefore not only to give to my university. Country singer has an advantage but also to give a stronger voice for taiwan through center. In expressing taiwan views about asia policy. A diary for the long answer no prob. That whole biggest institute now the home video that for example groups for a subdivision to have one that he sent it to me on that specializes in scenario two weeks. Well we know we currently have of three postdoctoral fellows that no one of whom is an expert on south east asia. Another is the greatest turned up on japan and of the third. It is more of a general list on International Relations but will probably of focus on our portfolio of trying to develop relations with india and i a single do a little bit of everything including of course the Cross Strait Relationship. Will everyone anyone is in taiwan has to be focused on that as well yes and well just add that this of course is the time of change in policies in teaching positions for many of the leading countries in the region including the United States. As us continues to heal fine sway in asia pacific where some of the opportunities you see but how one to be the presence of more active role in the regional issues where you dont already taiwan has a role in that sense in. Policy cedar has been rather limited its not undergo commensurate with sent me this great economic strength is its great achievements in technology and um. I sing in the past taiwan is perhaps when someone did inward looking. I only say that taiwanese people among the most self effacing people on earth they dont give themselves enough credit for their own importance in the usa not only economically but also as a model for economic and political development. I always describe taiwan is a miracle because in a matter of few decades has transformed itself from a military dictatorship to Democracy Movement and strong really an impoverished place into a prosperous nation. So i think Taiwan Services model for many developing countries around the world but i think also its experience of taiwan has learned a lot of lessons which i think youd be useful for other countries in the region taiwan is a leader in many areas that people dont think about for example its progress in fighting against trafficking in persons. Its one of i think only two countries in the region are ranked in the first year but the us its been a leader in nonproliferation its been um you know i think of certainly a very forward leaning in trying to develop trade relations with other Countries Movement and this is an area which im quite interested in as well. Ok all i suppose the center will also devote some attention on the Regional Economic future of schooling it is necessary on. I think is as prosperous as taiwan and sweden. I think to some extent a great deal of that prosperity is because of the relationship between the mainland which has been mutually beneficial um taiwan in fact is hoped the great deals from its technological know how its managerial experience in. And its investments which are huge in the mainland to hope. Tell the mainland progress is much easier. Thats what id like to see taiwan reaching out is traditionally done in its free trade agreements with singapore. While with new zealand this and develop more of similar trading relations with other countries region ultimately and certainly not to seek a line in the Trans Pacific partnership its ppp one couple more about that delayed the europa and the bill between the old soul in addition to being the director of center the old soul holds the universe is your chance our universities. You dont tell chair professor telescope is about that. Whoa thats thats quite interesting i mean it that comes my time in the end thats quite an honor because of course he was the longest serving foreign minister of the republic of china hits you is. Diplomat who signed the new top defence treaty the United States on this years ago. But the interesting symmetry not only in the establishment in line and relationship the United States has. Woods came over the years it has continued. But theres also a symmetry in the fact that up dr yell was reviewing its color of English Literature he went to m her stand out um apparently his poetry was well appreciated by the Great American poet robert frost after years of teaching literature which of course my doctor does anyone in return he became a diplomat. As i did after completing my phd there is no tears. And although i never achieved his heights is a foreign minister and also as the us accused the U S Representative to the United States and could become the U S Representative to taiwan in its stall and later when he retired from the diplomatic career he taught english in chiang mai university. Seoul the fact that when theres certain similarity symmetry in our career paths this and though although i wouldnt compare myself with him. Its engraved on it and he and i think oh. I think it fits her in his loneliness and we like it said that the recognition for many of the wonderful things that you come to the article lists. And also build one that you another question census and is fairly new. You know so we started the laundry europe. And of other people was a gaggle of taiwan has plenty of st Ames Research Centers Disease some of the policies were recommendations domain by the you know research community. Sometimes im not really fully appreciated by Government Agencies go by the corporate sector. And how the theory first let me ask you this first. Do you see dad is a problem in taiwan because we dont have the same kind of legal relationship between the government and the think tanks and can feel between corporate sector and the think tanks from liking the United States and to think this probably means how one and how would you think they kinda makes you feel coming years. That is the situation could be improving and if it doesnt prove how would you think that the euro at the center for asia policy which will play university. Cantu differently than the gifts was very interesting question i think over the years there are many sometimes for example in washington this fall weather and no more liberal side the Brookings Institution or a heritage foundation. On the other hand you up to the right. I think they do play a role in influencing the us congress crap sometimes people demonstration when i sing more and can be done and that reaction. As in one of the reasons is. Theres more of an integration of people at the policy makers and enjoying think tanks and people are paying taxes that go to work with the government. Perhaps that the fact that i have many excellent contacts dont have a lot of friends and the government will help us to make some inroads along those lines. Perhaps when we do have certain views we can convey them very direct and then hopefully helpful fashion constructive fashion his mother will be useful to the government and also to do more to reach out to the. Um i think to some extent many academic institutions around the world tend to be a little bit too inward looking and need to sing more in terms of what are the results my research how can they be shared with the at large. How can we tried to influence the to pay its tenants will be trying to do ok with tc did the likely changes photo taken place with the corporate sector. Oh i hope so. For only one reason we of course so will we know we welcomed owners. Bells helps in its own boat absolutely i think corporations financially viable world is in the overall success of time on it. The great corporations with the tips and cedar pointe high. Um where are you know there are many Great American corporations with america still the number one investor here in taiwan and recording display technologies micron and others along those lines. I think um there and very often they have things they like to see happen and we need to listen to what they have to say when but at the same time we perhaps can make suggestions about how divorce can be when cleaning her good night. We need to take the first break the local entity will be right back fan. Sells. Says the sea well come back to the second segment of todays program key on the town la look on the host. We will. What well continue our conversation with dr William Stanton who was of course a former director of the American Institute in taiwan and curly cat director of the center for asia policy at the National Team are universal. Bill. Talk about new years day nineteen as its director. You would hear from two thousand ninety two thousand paul. Over the three years. Of course. You see tremendous progress in u s highway relations. Would you mind sharing with us. Some of the highlights. Well when i first arrived here and along the agenda and i knew it was much time yes and i knew it probably be my last diplomatic assignment. Ive met with our entire staff of the eighteen which is a lot larger than people realize and then hundred and thirty or forty americans and at that time about three hundred and fifty telling his employees as well. Tyson and i emphasize to them. I saw everyday nation douse themselves in whatever capacity as for whether we had made progress sort of put some of these goals the primary goal i think was to get one into the Visa Waiver Program. And no food or many others and up. I think when i left i had a good sense of accomplishment your accomplishment was no my own along with those of all of our employees americans and enemies alike. He also great cooperation from the government of taiwan who were typically go well with the Foreign Ministry for mr young was great help i sing much credit for the Visa Waiver Program is his. I mean its all for the question when youre a diplomat. You spend as much time trying to venture on government to do the right thing and i as your counterpart spence trying to get his government to the right thing in the case of the Visa Waiver Program that was so much in the interest of both our countries. Yes we made great progress on that in whatever things i was proud to see one of the taiwan government will want to do is to purchase her arms. We have the two largest sales american arms in many single Us Administration met with almost thirteen billion dollars amato and to increase the number of high level visits for twenty some of the people. Mom i asked a visitor people id known before but the deputy secretary of energy and on the undersecretary of commerce and on for International Trade only came a couple of months after that it is the only assistant secretary for commerce. These are very important. Um beyond the arms i think overall or military cooperation increased in terms of up to that of visits to prove or the level of providing information and guidance to one another. I think i was very useful its own. There are many other areas with me and promises well when i arrived and we knew that laurie had a groundbreaking ceremony for the new anti facility which will be here in april. And yet the ground had been broken and i found out we had no permits to proceed. In a matter of six months with me at that time the help of a premier would i need this we managed to get all the permits and permissions we needed we broke ground by the time i left. We finished the first Phase Construction problems of the project. Smaller than what happened probably in the private world of private enterprise by pretty fast for a government building and probably still making progress. Um i think i did what i could as well to wont improve morale the commission s and the viewer numbers symbolic things we did nothing to hope as well. So um. Overall i was very pleased the trade relationship with bounded greatly in two thousand eleven for which our nation won an award for Us Government of we solved a lot of trade disputes including of course the famous beef to speed. And um. I think i was a great breakthrough only in the sense not that it was so important in itself and dollar value but that was such an obstacle to the rest trade relationship and i was so happy that about two weeks before and after a while as we were able to solve its um and every time its taken in our thinking. Of course one of my low points in my tenure with these were all high points the feeling of achievement success of doing things to strengthen the relationship which i believe is so important its because taiwan is not only a Great Success story for the taiwan people can drive these Great Success story in the sense that the United States. Um you know that i won prospered as much isnt it soon became a democracy the problem i had was over the beef issue when i foolishly made a comparison can be tween the number of people died from the u s beef number of people kind of motor scooters. It was very insensitive remark and everybodys the rightly took me to task for it. And though i regret that very much later apologize for. But um overall in three years i think that was the only major. Of major problem that i faced him. In general ive found the taiwan people everywhere it went so welcoming and warm. And of course i think that was a Great Success we are hopeful of outreach to travel all over taiwan and i went to matsui and went into the money they lend to those of the pool. Ill use of means. So overall it was a Great Success visited military facilities all over the island. And we had a number of successful exhibitions trying to emphasize historically home port in the us taiwan relationship has been. And i think all for all in all especially during the three year tenure that you have it the emt. A singled for all people and how long will remember this is the turning point in recent us colorful issues in the sense that i dont think washington any longer. Luke said come on as a trouble maker. L and d is so certain level of consistency and predictability in one the government you would do and thats really is healed beneficial to both sides ol skool to the region at large would you agree with that assertion. I absolutely think theres no question of why i was in washington before it came to know i can. Everybody likes the fact that we can have private conversations the name private anymore up there werent surprises me and their overall i think the states consistently welcomed. The improvement in Cross Strait Relations is as contributing to security and stability in the region. So uppity was probably a turning point and on the mind to go and view of washington who and also the fact that you probably feel led to the mentioned earlier is the fact. On these your meal you know ceases and the nation. Daewoo able to resume peace talks at the end of two thousand poll. Even though you have left office at the time but the only one field would have been possible. With all that you know well where you have they really is and that dastardly is very helpful to taiwan. No need to sew back to triple hs bubble sometimes thats how one making him grow into Regional Economic meaning well you know far as this had the beef issue in itself was just one. Sure other trade disputes in the whole goal of long will it bring in high level economic and commercial visitors from washington and one of the whole goal of outreach to visiting congressional delegations was always to get to that point were we to presume that if the talks its import our relationship economically and worn even keel and now we can make further progress. I really was essential for taiwans future. It developed its trade relations with other countries in the region. And of this is an important step for me and you mentioned earlier above the recent sign the new handles the passage in our legacy the month regarding. The feel free to be packed out with the ceiling and also was single. Though we do think this is ill with meals something of significance in the ice in washington. It has become one making the domestic market while open accessible and making the plainfield more level you know either. Absolutely or your course is not a us decision will allow taiwan to intrigue the Trans Pacific partnership that utp and modernizing the fact that of course singapore already has free trade relationship with the u s status of that new zealand and singapore both of them inspired to how the money to compete in our mind is a very good beginning for taiwan and i hope taiwan will build on the successes and onto the tee pee pee personally i would like to see washington be a little bit more proactive in expressing its support for taiwans entry into the tee pee pee even if its not on the us decision. But im not aware currently of what the negotiations there may be going problems. So there may be some good reasons why thats not happening at this moment on but i think that should certainly be easier than the term goal and Intermediate School football sites noodles. Finally before you in this part of the program. A woman chiefly in the last four plus years no asking can you know pink tile wall. What you think the major problems that have seen in tears come and heal us making our domestic market while open and the government plea leading role in terms of educating the. Specially the corporate sector about the importance of deal making taiwan morning can actually make it to recently connected therefore to enhance off overall compared to its what i think the taiwan government has done a good job of conveying those years of enticing. Im frankly much of the taiwanese korean the market during these very protectionist disorientation and i think this goes along with the many years of diplomatic isolation that outline the sufferings of the fact that i one tends to be very inward looking. It seems that i when media times encourages that. And i think of the taiwan people need to recognize their own importance to be proud of their own achievements and not to be afraid of opening up their country team to trade with others because i think it is the overall benefits and into taiwan will be great. Um i think all free trade agree that free trade agreements including United States me with domestic opposition and thats why many of them are here to phase in periods so that people can adjust the changes that free trade will break him of what it takes time they of course his educational process sometimes it takes more than discourages to do the unpopular thing. We need to take another break the law program will be back. I knew is. Says. Come back to todays program killed while the upbeat post we will will will continue our conversation without the williamstown was of course the former defector of the American Institute in taiwan and currently the chair of the center for a directive to speak director of the center for asia policy at the National Team. I knew the person. Bill was car builders about cross tribulations. Beyonces prison mind goes the election first back in two thousand and eight. The theme rapid progress is still down. No starting with the mainland tourists feel coming to taiwan and also that direct flights and subsequently investments. So truly ill cross rate changes now to wait in nature and the flow of capital personnel have become healed. The more hell open and more frequent than it once before. And what is your view on this deal private capacity as non academic know what issue of view on the current state of costs for the lists. Of course as i earlier indicated i think everyone appreciates the promise is the name because it has contributed greatly to prosperity and peace. The regions stability harbour on my own story about the potential consequences. Um if the drive toward political talks and political unity and out pace of progress on the mainland toward democracy i know that when i was a diplomat years ago when dj name. And subsequently the chinese would only say that the us was the biggest obstacle across to the nations ever believes that was true. You might use the biggest obstacle in Cross Strait Relations has always been china itself. The fact is the chinese still not a democracy. Theres still no rule of law and its still the role of the communist party. So the problem is i think thats the point of great resistance on the part of. Most are one people who fear that their way of life will be changed. There use to freedom as raucous as difficult as democracy can sometimes be a little slow in the United States. It conveys the feeling that they wont have any choice in the matter when suddenly a new system wheel will take over it. To which theyll have to abide this worries me a great deal an instinctive worries other of the countries in the region. I think thats why you love. You know i know theres been great unhappiness. In beijing about the so called commitment to asia this. I think so that you would nice to be understood is this is not only motivated by anti us designer. This is desire of countries in the region whether of korean origin pastel tones usually in the vietnam other South East Asian countries who fear even though they enjoyed the economic relationship with china um they fear that of the growing strength and power light of the chinese military. Can be used. To revisit the days of chinese dynasties when the surrounding neighbors swirl tributary states. I think they want to avoid that kind of scenario. Hence the battle over the South China Sea and on the territory there the fear that would become a chinese lady and as of twenty god and when one of my lectures we have to remember. On almost all of the energy goes to japan and korea who could take Aggressive Companies comes through this the streets of milan and up to the South China Sea and so there are enormous strategic consequences. Also up for the region and therefore also for the United States since many of these countries are friends or allies um in the idea that there would be unification. Cost re unification before. In Mainland China has the market times has moved to new direction of where theres less concern me about ultimate chinese motifs news and that given the fact that you know theres been progress primarily in the economic area since two thousand and eight. But when looking at no cost or relations in the next two three or five years. It appears that the prospect of crossfit pool for cox increased. And that beijing has made it clear on one of one occasion that the view of the two skies and the long beach ca cup of economics bill political issues would have to come up one time one of. The and also the fact is that that there are some obstacles feel that being healed in place between costs are fallacious their own lessons obstacles tight dress bb not necessarily result when not likely to see major progress in other areas this will kill for example the issue of taiwans participation that the regional and national levels. That continues to be a very ill frustrating point for many of us to come on and do you think you know given the fact that the provinces for being in such a depression. Ill of other people in taiwan will agree with you is never static you know the oh things are changing constantly. And the home can you let me predict. No level one to predict how costs are fallacious we fall in the next meal three to five years. Well its you know its very hard to make such predictions but i think that what we do know is the vast majority of the one people prefer the status quo. It taps into the choices of status quo with eunice and i think we agreed that theres no such thing in time without any old shoes Independence Hall for unification. Sure the heaters in the chamber where these figures it out. Its been so theyd have to realize that perhaps theres something more that needs to be done at home before they began to press. Taiwan too hard on political talks in um the yield may be part of a political option b the question of how quickly time you know the mainland will will move towards democratization but im not very hopeful. We know that last march that was his well publicized in the media there was any instruction from the party. Telling universities that they should not discuss Civil Liberties civil society. Democracy two list of subjects the history of the communist party. I think thats not a good indication of the direction things are going and so the liner notes of taiwan is no democracy. I think that people appreciate that that flourished under it um i think they certainly want to keep a relationship with china economically but until the situation in the mainland or alters politically tickets can be very difficult for the people of scotland to a great soul. I think as much pressure as may be coming down i think theres going to be the taiwan people dragging their feet about going to such talks. Even though the leaders main leadership might feel its necessary to begin some sort of process and its going be very difficult very contentious years and though the size to political and economical means that we have just discussed. Will tony to address the military dimension. Now all of this military commission only in terms of cost regional talent who will if he had the look of Regional Military balance in this situation and the phone especially regarding the disputed scenes you know East China Sea and also in South China Sea. And given the fact that i once long bean be guarded. Now for the unique strategic importance in the asia pacific. How would you know washington for example bill look at the situation in taiwan and costs are fallacious. Im thinking that it hit me of the two sides moving courts eventually theo political costs on high in the future. How would the impact of military to the beach. We have a great impact and think oh no its not talked about greatly know what you find is that strategic thinkers post in china and the United States worry about this a great and feel and the fact is that the postwar of structure that was established with u s alliances in the region has created instability larger stability in which everyone including being mentioned has prospered since um yes that is upset it if for example taiwan for absent a democratic government and eating. Taiwan were to change its stance. Ideally be of great concern to all countries in the region. Man up and i dont know what the consequences that would be um it would be i think it would be great fear of destabilization. Certainly people are looking at the fact that china inevitably now as an aircraft carriers interest in developing more. As each song range and medium range missiles. Access denial weaponry. These are all important factors in us thinking about what will happen. I say it. Lets go back to history was recently reading about the cairo declaration. In nineteen forty three in one of the reasons president roosevelt on it so important to me. When john kai shek in cairo. What precisely because esau. Trying a gay friendly china has a positive force for stability in the asian region which change color that of course was in the sofa will the civil war years on and such glee because of the civil war because of the nineteen fifty nine soviet Chinese Defence cracked it and then in soviet and Chinese Support for north korean invasion in korea the us Strategic Thinking on the region entirely changed gears and suddenly taiwan became more important it was mostly that was her reaction to him because what the mainland could go on and so i think and china also during needs to seriously consider. On some of the downsides of the potential risk of pushing for unification before the situation is for any further. We need to take the final break on the program to be able to fight back. I know. I do. Six season. Says. The well come back to the final part of todays Program Beyond the town while the on post prequel will continue our conversation the whole sleeve wrap up though with dr William Stanton who was of course the former deflected off the American Institute in taiwan and groom the director of the center for asia policy at the National Team on the first. And of bill frist couple that bought the domain the exhibition is a unit on doing this for years the i t one of which is the american footprint in taiwan from nineteen fifty two to nineteen eighty. Telescope that the bod at thirty two exhibition. Murray began as a project that was going to be just american footsteps and in southern taiwan when and who is starting up thrown in it was such a Great Success that we decided to expand. So where was the tens of thousands of people saw one on course for a timeline you are an attempt to remind taiwan people of the origins of relationship opinion and that ford ever problems that theres been a relationship theres always been a great deal of goodwill. The role that american hospitals medical teachers. In some cases it that the missionaries set up schools here on american need of American Military support from playing in the early years to help taiwan and get on its feet with the same time to remind people that the result was also in the us is only interests. Because by helping taiwan on move toward prosperity and toward democracy it served us interests global interests as well. In the process though i think people and people to people relations ultimately on the basis of many relationships that their shared values. Head over time we did in fact shared and shared experiences. Its one reason that i also worry that the number of them taiwan students of america continues to decline. Perhaps not as Many American study chinese in taiwan they used to. It is now everybody goes directly to me on to the mainland which is what reason i was so happy to get such great support to our own. The anti language institute. Young men shot because american diplomats often the opportunity to come to taiwan for your Language Training before going to the mainland and see an alternative. Mom told me it began with that then we did an exhibition as well of Holland America taiwan scholars to go to the United States and made huge contributions to Science Technology business in the arts. Well we followed that with an exhibition of those with studying United States will return to town and made great contributions to time on it. So i think ago the idea and all of these was to emphasize the more positive aspects of our relationship with taiwan because the newspapers. Often the media understandably will highlight what the conflicts are what the disagreements or and to remind everyone the great vast sea of goodwill the number of countries which one would expect. And in my personal view. I stained the biggest contribution the United States has agreed to come off as close to many of the developing countries after one too. Whats the export of the American Education system. No which is the inclusion of foreign students become one of the places and i agree we view that the number of College Students going over you know to United States has been on the decline in recent years. And i hope the trend was somehow they feel that for awhile and then what have warm or younger students that will be willing and able to go to United States was ecstatic because they not only being trained in specialized fields. Also in turn is often the values of democracy. Dollop the american veto of a new emphasis on freedom on individual to over thirty effaced and that will go much no one long way when the two week check out one after finishing your education murray angrier than um you know we we certainly try to encourage was programs like the Fulbright Program on its expanded somewhat well and is anti director but i would like to see it grow a great deal more swell and um. Blood to all you know of fortune the american universities are getting more expensive this is a problem for American Students move on. I wish it had a magic wand and create more scholarship funds you both for americans for bright young people from other countries. Um idea. All i can due in part of my rolly ching lies to encourage some of the young graduates there mom to get to the United States played a role in the one young graduates from ching wan has now seen internship at the Brookings Institution and the and its the kind of early experience in those kinds of relationships that me off so well. In later years. Um but theres also the competition from other either killed great countries with the uk connor though. Australian and new zealand and many other countries that are inviting taiwan students and who are well respected everywhere. Its the work on friday. So thats a curse when the great joys of teaching. And bill after you finish your tenure in the nt prison in mind youll recognize your contributions to use taiwan relations and gave you the order of the Brilliant Star and the grand court all. At what is the award mean to you. Dax will. It means it is a great deal. Perhaps hes not as much as my faith and rc go pick up the ticket for that which was something that was given to me at the same time exactly um but i firmly and represents. Its not a person with so much is its an award which recognizes the great khan. The great achievements that i think. One in the United States and eat together and in that door as i said in many of our achievements that were so many people and tossed it on both the american had one side. So all i need a cake is a symbol of our youth will our share of success. Because when youre a mother of success is its size its not her own. These are single winner the blues away. They are the many opportunities ahead of where the cricket but a new feature will hopefully get back on the program you can bring them up into the wee few years. The bill on the stand that youll also receive a phd in English Literature at university of North Carolina and then you have subsequently you know became of him though diplomats the Us Government for thirty forty years. And now you backing the academics and the two vb series tales from teaching at the National Team the university. Which world do you like that. As a diplomat and mistreated or as a researcher and the content well you know there are many ways to look at it from the academic point of view currently has more freedom of speech. Of course is that when i was so beautiful the menacing representing U S Government views. What i raise the young man when i finish my daughter and i wanted to do something new is more to get out in the world and now that im older and phenomena feel as something that im retired i felt i had still a lot to offer younger people and things that ive learned and practical experience in such a dovetail nicely i think a different point in your life and i think there is no problem all for academics moving into government moving back into academics. Yes i think it would be also useful in taiwan to see more business and go into government didnt go back into business excited the more we understand the particular difficulties and challenges. No one another face of different bottom line its different goals. I think thats thats going to get that Healthy People in the middle so the senses that ilk they are some of course opportunities and limitations. When each of the roles that you mention when hearing the corporate sector ruling government. But you know without realizing what those limitations are you cannot appreciate the low understand why this critical policy is taking place now. Now what was already in prices can have on my thesis for example. And that given the fact that you have vast experience is in many parts of the world including asia. How would you you know you know personal observation. How would you know observed that the opponents can come on. In recent years bill for example some of the economic achievement back in the sixties seventies had been walled up in. And so was the democratic transformation back in the eighties and ninety. And now were getting to the twenty first entry and how one is now moving to become more active on Regional Affairs and also trying to resolve the differences though with china and the power to think that you know this path of development over the years your personal views has changed some of these have stayed to see. He was in taiwan needs no new policies for new each day. And i undo some of them weve already referred to as the taiwan needs to find ways to liberalize its economy to overcome protectionism and to become more integrated up in the rest of asia and the rest of the world economically um i think sometimes too much effort is expended on getting into one new land agency or another. Um i think its much more meaningful. For example taiwan can attract new investments brought in by one share of Foreign Direct Investment in egypt has dropped radically in recent years. Seventy percent of taiwans route to Foreign Investment goes to trial. And all. In ranks fourteenth and fifteenth in asia and in acquiring direct investment is if you look in a country like singapore which has attracted so much International Investment is to think id like to see taiwan move in that direction i think also of taiwan should be more interested in raps in getting into more and she knows this and you know developing links and highs in that manner is on but its also important that i won remain at the cutting edge of technology and science. Palm because theres nothing like success is to breed admirers them and to bring visitors of course and bills are we being a wonderful experience to happy on the program today of one wish you all the best you personal and professional endeavors in the future thank you very much like her much has been a great pleasure. Thank you very much watching oprah led to the aussie next time all mccabe told each thing the increase in the name. I think. Thing. Go the to do the un. Im signing of a hike in with another edition of destination was the be all the time ago that in our refrigerators in japan thats what they invented something called cc. Most people dont know about this new theory must be ncc. So i had sticky rice to find out one morning when i order sushi. Im here with bryant was a sushi roll here at skippy right mind what kinds of sushi are the two that looked different. For defenders out there is not the woods is brought up that seem seaweed nori and out of their sauces that she knew it was pretty much just lays eggs in his place in a number of ways. I then theres the year with his eyes as he slid over to us that was all wrong or is this. Its all probably gotten a lot of it yet. Theres also a lot of things lead me that i didnt hear voices heard in her heart was boiled with smoked salmon. So lets make some sushi body is starting to get this at home yet we can go and get started i would like surprise surprise they wanted to start with maki which is like most typical one or more of that one of the unit. Its literal in jeopardy is how did they prepare their mission to the us uncertain process that no one and two. Its pretty much a form of preservation they put on race and he was in a good fist of fun in and out. To preserve and make it so they keep the agreement anytime anywhere you know what it was done they would take it in the rice was discarded and run away and eventually certified been adding vinegar to it not been kind of attitude is everything its so. That was the devils tool and the kind of treated to a new and interesting talk to you. Fake street food in me. It was nice to garnish it with the cc when we ordered it. We had a softening which is what i saw it as a little bit of time. Good good potato that is either very refreshing since then the about the clintons. With this as acts as a helpless. What about the sushi that looks like just a place with a piece of fish on top once that ball that is called the eerie calm. Id say the arena. So here is our second only to kick the person who suffers. You laid across. Molded into bed sheet. We all know what you know for what sells to shoot anybody is that the way it looks so is the extravagant living in us a lot of fun and made them. And that is the new. Any other shades or visitation styles that we should know about seizing on behalf of their stuff. See when we meet in assessing its three pieces one. Fun things to do here so take it. To me the states to pull things out of the consoling pistol a song like they are. I was rainfall and so it should be a lot of fun. So youre actually be condemned to making it in presenting its almost like you wanna make art you make it so people most of what he did a mix between now and thats thats kind of how i avoided it for fifteen from the suspect was the main and only ways that have happened actually. So theres some real eggs and property into a kind of yourself. They tell you that was three hours of collapse hey that looks good enough what a blast. When you use issues in one bite and when you read here. Your soy sauce based site down. Also no not until mixture was a hobby or soy sauce. That you know what youre eating really tasty next time and destinaon usy. Im sy the rou. An. Ill stay in the morning raids aimed at tightening charity. And when i became a comedian i never became a comedian because i was like i would have preferred the world that arabs are terrorists the world that disabled people can do it. What i realize that the comedian was not. I had no choice but to carry this subject because as an arab muslim woman. Quite often my comings as a mom means they have mammograms ive never spoken to and from. Ive never met. I now nowow they think they hear an hour and i was lucky to have the kind of facial hair and one c in the world can feel. I was selected to represent the great city of new jersey at the Democratic National convention. Yes i was so excited i feel. Lately a history making and on the she called and said oh my god may soon we are so excited to have you you actually kill every single quota. Might there not with them. As a myth. Someone was coming out saying like a listen. We are from the fabric of the american side unlike any other ethnicity reading it. Instead we met in the upcoming different states. It was really hot seat. Wh you look at a standstill. With the disabled community on its been an incredible journey. Right now with a disability is very tall and one the first things i think a lotbout it. And theres nothing wrong. A lot of people think that she disabled isnt bad. Its not its not bad thing you wanna know why because i get handicapped parking. You know you have been in the brain driving around looking for parking. Can you see that handicap space and consist of went to sleep. Embracing the favored side of my personality and seeing the reaction i get from the community has been incredibly impressed with how i want to be there for this generation of young

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