Transcripts For KCSM RTE News Six One 20140201

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lot. the minister for health apologizes to families whose babies died due to failures of portage general hospital the city's uphold the two of the parents and still not been told that their cases are being investigated. two irish students die in the fire in belgium the women was studying in the event as part of the course of the g and high tea. sensibly decided how to balance the release of its day the julius going into the trial of the former chairman of the irish punk and two other former executives. you do. welcome to six long. minister for health james riley has apologized to those families affected by failures in maternity care of the midlands regional hospital port leash. dr body was responding to last month's report by the rt investigations unit into the deaths of four babies over a six year period the program revealed serious failings in their medical care and long delays in informing parents by their babies have died. up to riley is or report from his chief medical officer said he was a poll for two families were still on the way of investigations into their cases. last night's document revealing ortiz investigations unit to date and the serious shortcomings the portuguese hospital's maternity units. choking is disturbing as those findings were. it's now a marriage that midwives at the hospital had expressed concern over working conditions and staffing levels at the hospital. as far back as two thousand and six. prior to the deaths of four babies which were examined in the programme broadcast last night. they had written to the then finance minister brian cullen and then helps them is to marry high knee in september two thousand and six expressing their worries the midwives told how they were finding it more and more difficult to deliver the best practice that mothers and babies were entitled to. he explains how they made their concerns known to management on a number of vocations box that nothing happens. i was a sense that they had a real fear that a mother or baby would die before the issues were addressed. the health service executive responded to that . accepting that the existing maternity department was experiencing significant difficulties in providing proper services he said staffing issues were being addressed. two years into the intensity. we had fourteen the fourteen meetings with them and probably in excess of two three under the manson correspondents like countless phone calls. i'm at every stage. they have been reacting to something we find that never proactive never so to hear the clatter exists. it just doesn't surprise me. reacting to the document read in peace it said it was harrowing for the families and homes. kitty musicians his career. isn't it. in. the and yet the number of babies is so insensitive. for those families i would like to reassure the general and to kick those women who are pregnant inerrant at the moment that the irish tenors services are safe as any maternity service and the worry. patient representatives however calling for an independent inquiry to examine forty maternity care of pork these hospitals. she made housing fourteen years. the cliche that have been calls for help crack the help and information policy of farsi to carry out a new investigation into her circumstances surrounding the death of the babies families and friends of expectant mothers attending the hospital have also called on the health service executive to reassure the safety standards in the hospital. the maternity unit at forty two hospitals provide service to mother's front row count each and significant portions of often eat today or hands north tipperary. more than two thousand infants are delivered here every year. so last night reports on the devastating circumstances surrounding the death of four babies has created huge disquiet is here. especially among those who are depending on the maternity units. that way with the name of evidence that they can think i had him it's big but even in the same position but importantly it does happen it's hardly enough the nurses not to get to see if the contents of her. and this is just what is the bbc study again soon. danny now so he's not like on goal and nineteen she's put me in safer hands because of all the frosting is stunning their reaction when she saw about anything. haaretz and chelsea is nice that he knows the season before but sees a story every time. i have my daughter is cute the baby three weeks four days time and she's both the patients there are groups that they have towards a state that they have a quite smart prevents can turn and twist it suppressed desire to have circled the date that has cost phobic. with the progress there. he said sarah's executive has apologized again today to the four families who lost their babies and set up a new headline for goals with concerns all queries to contacts. but the demand is growing here for further decisive action to be taken so we need an independent report from somebody like speak well. all you do not trust it to see to do any investigation the fact that the batteries the hostages older code if you need more staff the people resources it's absolutely essential that confidence is here stuart and that they did do the short i'd like to see a fuller program. on the part of the hitch is the cost of what they intend doing. this evening has minister james riley expressed his deep regrets about what happened to the baby's photo of the report. one section. i'm on record many times the same repeat the sea. is an acknowledgment that something's gone wrong the policy that overgrown and an assurance that will go wrong again. then from the experience of teens with change she didn't happen here in my view. also prior to kennedy to join church our minister righty then to your report daycare and he also picked up on this issue was that the arc of engagement between the hsc and it's nice to look for families affected by ike cast on to its importation and though we know that one of the mothers and bombs and the mother of a detox diet into pairs and handshakes and she stared to this day unaware that she has been the subject of an investigation. the john doe with two very distinct sections to james wright is responsive afternoon. take em out firstly what every summer apology to the families involved. what did he react to critically towards the head to head service executive director of the hospital parties. he was clearly annoyed at the stated once again a shop that is his is a disappointment to those families who do not know all about the circumstances behind the depth of their babies cost it not been informed me he commended for a chat this evening it's open to the director general of his department's instruction book for two days to that service executive to the hospital parties to take steps this very day as is said to assure these parents are told to get this evening about half an hour the service executive have not yet been in a position to confirm whether or not they have identified the parents and actually spoken to them even at this stage. at exactly the continuous cold stretch day for that to hate it seeks command to the shore and reassured that pregnant and women and their animal rights professor michael turner their insurance records but also had the door and say that's the thing last post i still had a tissue and put the. but there are two outstanding issues after last night's an orgy investigations unit report that they're still very much on the table for say the staff room on the dynamo said yet again today that's their concerns that led to this end to the politician six years ago mystical be sent again today as they once again the staffing levels are way under this hospital. this is the concerns of a hat that says take their concerns over a second hospital the midland region to house them all and are for a member of course occurred last night the assaults on other outstanding issues here that the absence of bad blood sampling and machinery which was it's also significant in the investigation. what happens in the misery to house the hill behind may alright so the movers came and we thank you. an investigation is on the way into a fire in the belgian city of movement in which to honor students died early this morning. the two aged nineteen and twenty two were students on school email institute of technology. it's august so the building was a private residence not formally linked with the arch college or with melbourne university. tonight this vibrant belgian university city with its deep historical links to itunes is coming to terms with the loss of two young knights. gosh as reno twenty two in from ca geelong first and sarah again bad though. nineteen and from lauren moore died when a fire broke out in their building early this morning. they were sick and your hotel and catering students who had just begun a six month work this meant the irish college in luton. as flames engulfed the building a number of students alerted neighbors the money to get a ladder to help some of them to skip either sue the wrist or through the window. but sarah and josh are worth one able to skip their bodies later discovered by firefighters using sniffer dogs. who we do know that was a very tragic event the size and it seems this. and ten people in the building two people lost their lives were working with the police to contact some reason i've been working with the harp of foreign affairs and opened to do that. and the people of good moments to come into the building and a consular officer from the mca is now providing cost assistance of them dead at the rolling choke a cos its so called embedded the show mama did and you addicted to all deference rest of the cycle to host a repost of an accountable for them the isd students were then taken to the local hospital here to know anything about their condition. they are ok the i can tell you that if they aren't robot suit for the rest physically they are ok. a few of them built to much smoke but for the rest of the villagers. the irish links to them. these boxes sixteen o seven. the flight of the earls. the franciscan monastery established bike then he bolted to a college and then a fully fledged irish center for students academics historians and cultural ambassadors the irish college in lieu of them has been a beacon of irish culture and education for centuries. the more recent years has provided valuable work this month for hundreds of irish students in the tourism and catering sectors this evening the survivors of the fire were being cared for at the irish college. what should it be in a thrilling six months abroad has and trauma. and in tragedy for the families we said goodbye to their young daughters just a few weeks ago. let's talk to tony who who joins the senate on the issue said a terrible tragedy for these and two to two families before to like to rebuild the police investigation what direction is the taking. paul bryan investigation is already underway it will take a couple of weeks but the police and fire departments have both confirmed to rte news that the building in question which these two young women died had not been formally registered as a student residence of the oven is a major university city with some fifteen thousand students and anyone providing private student accommodation must register the building with the authorities must ensure that the fire certificate in the fire the fire inspection has been carried on to the authorities are quite certain that i was not the kids. for this particular building knowing that that's a bit to the status of the building will be one of the things that investigators will look out over the next couple weeks as well of course. as holly the fire started times that we've been told that the owner of the building was indeed questioned by police this afternoon brian. thanks indeed. tony will staff and students at the goal is to technology. have been the eyes you might imagine come come to terms stay with the death of the two students are gospel the common dr joins them from the goal weigh them. the shocking news to hear first thing this morning for prospective students and to act as she likes the past good news began to filter through from duty this morning brian and as colleges are these works to confirm the news by mid morning it was a palpable sense of grief around campus that she is arena and sarah to the toe had been students at t m i t since september twenty twelve there are both involved in the four year degree program in hotel management. of course the terms of the day and just after christmas to begin a fourteen week placement many of their classmates also involved in placements in different places all over the world and throughout the day college authorities have been working to contact them and break the sad news to them. the two stevenson described as white tongue to john davies made a lasting impression on people came in contact with them. let us remember them all with a barometer for all the right reasons because effectively a significant role in the college of tourism an art as a very large pot add to it than she might see some of us find our own lists remember them. ahmed remember them thus on the course of study but also unlike the spot outside the cottage and the role of the contribution it makes the hotel industry although least you can step up checks to make a contribution. find out wednesday was an audience to support us and others the colors will be a weekly film to beat the system state economy. two noisiest that college has announced plans for a religious service was to be had in the college of hotel management catering next week. the place where the two students an impact on their studies. tonight the families of both parents are traveling to vent and expected to arrive there in the next hour or so that robinson event for the be met by the registrar of g m i t michael hannan also the archer massive losses in mackay and the director of the institute for and in europe. maliki vowed he would meet relatives of both the students there later on this evening. and i'm going to the trial of former tenant until irish bank and two other former executives of the bank could begin next wednesday. sean fitzpatrick of grey stones and county would help to clean out the heineken cup and win in that era for mine showed up and all pleaded not guilty to charges of providing a rule for financial assistance to sixteen people in july of two thousand and eight to buy shares in the bank. she couldn't pleaded not guilty to seven charges of being privy to fortune and the torturing of memphis tennessee i checked in october of two thousand and eight. so on the topic set aside his former colleagues liam at the tear and practically end of the charges were formally put to them in court. each not applied to not get to two to pitch ideas for the process of wearing it into a pecan tree hundred and fifty people arrived at the circuit criminal court after fifteen hundred jury summons percent and fifteen joyce was selected as the first time such a nice jury has been used attains to the legislation last year the tsar to chili's to be selected for lengthy trials joys were told this case could last until the end of may. potential jurors had a list of almost one hundred possible witnesses including sean quinn and members of his comedy as well as employees of the sand to find the time though they were told they should not serve on the jury he knew any of these people judge not to know and also told the jury pad that would be unrealistic to expect them not to affect i'm not irish bank. the city to have such strong views about the fact that they felt they could not deal with these matches ferry and they should not serve on the jury. all thanks to themselves that they expressed strong views publicly present on the kitchen asking to be on facebook and they shouldn't said that they had shares in a what sparked the financial services institution. it still has two hours to select eight men and seven women for the jury the judge warned them not to investigate matches on their own through internet searches to prosecute noise based approach to politics website what the majority said that the detectives and hopes that up sometime in my soaps have yet to find the joy is not to guess who bought this type of activity. it expects the prosecution would open the case on wednesday morning for the dollar or two. he is the dublin circuit criminal court. medical organization has insisted there must be meaningful negotiations with the government of any changes are today. the medical card scheme allowing for free gp care for children onto the age of six pre medical organizations met the minister for primary care on x y today and were given a draft contract to consider the irish medical organization arriving at the department of health today to discuss the government's done for free gp care for children under six. the union has criticized the scheme and is demanding full negotiations before agreeing to any change the indoor negotiation lionel was calling him that the monster of a clear message to us the full and meaningful negotiation with the imo that any changes variations are new complex control system the department of puts the cost of covering four hundred and twenty thousand children a thirty seven million euros this year legislation will also be required. the irish college of g p's and the national association of g p's also met the minister for primary care and his officials today and were given a draft contract for g p's. it's tough to do with money that this is doesn't really matter how much part of fruit at the under sixes is about the ethics quite close to three gp care from the sixties for the walking well when at most probable mistaken the society our context is to be there to help steer the department for consultation. not that location. the competition on the keys are not permitted to negotiate directly on these it will be up to the doctor to decide whether they wish to participate in the youth team tours are expected to be offered similar fees to what the card to get for treating children as medical card patients. i thought was very good at some of these things very constructive but very much in the early stages. i think that doctors the time had to look at the trough context that we presented that we've proposed. i would email them to state that their insights their observations. the scheme is due to operate from each year and the are also being invited to submit views on the time changes. for twelve hours. rte news. baby has been born in the car with tennessee hospital in dublin from today two hundred staff would be an accountant in a manger but the echo gradually over the coming days the canny points than the cost of the cacti sperm count. ingrid money you cannot talk to patients and stop until they are spare and to end the afternoon. ingrid at what's that pres day in the mood to that. when the entity sharon you get an excuse and a maternity hospital because today we had four babies were in a matter of great joy to their parents and families at the hospital that morning and just dance was their own and budget and adopted it was all the pain that came to stop and go to face difficulty today there were emotional scenes to add that day and then karma. a stoppage patients came to terms with the end of an era the fiji team came in to get a joint photo before the group discounts. but despite the apparent high spirits. the reality for stuff is korean she shared among muslims. master he wasn't working. so i need something to replace cuz i have of the thompson campaign by mortgage. from today two hundred stocks would be made redundant in a manger with the deco gradually over the coming days is that in eight points down. meanwhile suppliers were collecting equipment. the case we'd stop to foist their concerns. it's not on the cheek twenty eight shelves is also another fifty foreign top of the gun. some hospital consultants will also face difficulty of some of the floats were dug up posting some of them or to concessions by the district is getting them. those sessions and the old westerns the seventy two pregnant women some quite toasted delivering have had to change the current arrangements liquidate a special hotline has received seven hundred and twenty costs and cut the cost to the station something to do that and karma are desperately trying to re allocate them the proud grandparents of baby owen on the hospital's last c section delivery voiced strong support for stuff. these babies will only make the pace will watch him crying and holding each other penny to go yes you will get a job. i hope that the cost but with no sign of any last minute reprieve. the shops were close to the ticking off for words. but for action. as you know this man meant i could eat it seemed trapped as the time to catch embargo and a staff of tiny and cute permanent posts. i think it'll be the next week that it was a really pleasing that's it so well especially the deep the end of the road transport men to come over to administer shots or on radio and hear expressed the hope that the tennessee might be that back up and running sometime in the future is there any hope of rescue at this point but certainly there's no sign of ecommerce a buyer but the commission buyer were and there it would make someone commits a sense for that person or party to wait until it's been liquidated because at that stage they will carry no responsibility for and i didn't eat the stuff no doubt who was going to that effect tensions are anything like that it's not a pleasant reality but that is the reality in terms of the state. the agency has made it clear as has the department of health that this technique does not fit in with their overall plan for the tennessee care which relies on code location of hospitals. so at the moment there is sadly no sign of oak white knight the only glimmer of hope is that and i hate to see are saying that there is some scope to some limited improvement in the of the hospital's the debt we have to wait and see how that materializes dollar rising good spanking. two hundred more jobs are the creations in court this brings to just hundred thousand the number of new jobs announced for the region in the past week that the company announced the extension plants by two companies by and visit the city today to encourage people to his old ceo tan kok there is plenty of fair in karting teach my kid to grab the keys to the right to the main pc pda and one to be savored. his announcement of more jobs if they see a person that over the company was going to deal with the support and prayers. i meant to fix more than double the one points to take on another fifty people at the right to support center st john and his wife anita he came to the car company i saw in the us on the business paper were in the going mobile phones. so i applied for last. i could see that it was an opportunity that made sense we can do this. and the date they said why not start off the phone and then to the growing photo in an announcement to take some. it's a very anxious to get free motion. american hedge fund administrator is what you serve currently employ fifty people at their offices in manhattan. but with the support of ita and those numbers are set to swell to two hundred. that said phone administration. so we worked largely with us and uk based fund managers providing services to them from middle and back office services. a lot of professionals we will be hiring accountants and business and finance graduates. today's jobs bringing to nine hundred and seventy bills announced to the cc since last friday including five hundred new jobs at tyco. when in court that the ship also made without the ceo tim cook and disgust corporation tax. this unusual and that can cool cash. the suppressed corporation tax is concerned the roses of the untouched as such the biggest reason for going out for santa can continue. gerry o'sullivan ite news corps the minister for communications has said people and institutions commentator on all contributing to surveys have to appreciate it can be robust asian press alliance sometimes even hostile. this travesty in the wake of an apology issued by archie following an edition of the saturday night show minister said he would not interfere with our t's management of litigation claims against us but said he expected the broadcaster to remain fully committed to the full and free exchange of information. i knew according to team that participation in charleston technology has tens of thousands of jobs race going on that note if the number of women entering the second percent increase nanny got to tackle the scourge don't think science related subjects because they were caught in the sports book for boys it's time for science center to be in the second reason to go through but not everyone is taking part in the fifth year student who stayed away from subjects like physics and chemistry and instead opted for older leaving cert subjects. well i think of subjects eg that i can eat career at everything comes with the engineering pretend like destiny would think of is being a more employee kindness. but jobs out of it seems it's a common perception a new report from its interim solution republican found that forty four percent of second pre school girls pink scientific subjects are more suitable for boys is the sense to me there will be difficult. not cool to do all the students to get higher level physics who needs her last year was twenty six percent of them were female. the report orders to sentinel take a break could have serious consequences with the prospect of jobs going on film. it's called toby forty four the house has a job openings in irish cookies over the next six years for graduates with information and communication technology skills that we don't doubt that percentage we're not be able to fill the tooth to meet the demand for the knowledge based and seasoned salt for future by and the challenge for teachers like going towards is to dispel the myth that signs of the boys only cold we have to bring you when men in stem careers past pupils who are active in stem careers to their students get to see past that our people that the mil and i can identify with. went on to these type of present and it's good. for those who do science subjects. the message is clear. i'd say if you like it if you feel like you're gonna die for. simple advice from goals in the no condiments or tv news. and this friday six one years for the home team. it's a joyous but for now. i knew. ch ch the event. yours. you lied about it until you hear all the top story the tracking for you on friday that infest of deadwood. this started when the tories under threat

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