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Ukraines new authorities. It was the head of the tv channel to resign the pooh costume pigeons address the country to stay up he will be the authorities the kids go over there additional old forced into the grand National Guard units of the concerns that raises the eye. Lol. You could do. Each difference day Ukrainian Ministry forces of the countrys naval headquarters in crimea to negotiations with local pub old activist who went to the police and raised russian flags that becomes a day off to the peasants and officially joined russia following the referendum and despite official authorization from kiev for the soldiers to use firearms aunties alexia says he has the details. We know from the town of celestial body in the south of the peninsula south of cranny of that peaceful pro russian protests that have indeed had taken over the Ukrainian Naval base no shots were fired. Only minor verbal scuffle saw report said. Abby also raised a russian flag of the russian navy flag over the place but no biden support that its just about right negotiations at the moment of it all seems to be a rather festive atmosphere here in the crimean capital of central plaza. Last night there were some very worrying developments with that the jury ministry of the peninsula confirming two people wore shorts dads as a result of a sniper fire. One of those. I was a Ukrainian Office a korean servicemen another one is a member of the so called self defense also two people were injured alarming info coming from the Prime Minister are off the peninsula with the wilkinson on the fifth of what the shots were taken from the same spot with the same weapon in two directions. This is the same tactics used only done one single question to both Police Officers and civilians which means this is a provocation. Then several intercepted phone calls but show it was a planned provocation. We got the same situation here. The club for the same time despite still so much uncertainty over this whole incident. Tf is reacting in a very tough way the Defense Ministry of ukraine that has said that the ukrainian troops stationed at the peninsula may use firearms if needed so this is supposed to be of the stated to be read here and in crimea but still its pretty tense. Regarding this leak the story developments well the western media seems you know it to the increasing responsibility for the faith looks like a shooting in crummy on russia. What we live in dallas but too many kisses the full details page to the story. Its clear this is this is a pattern this is a favorite pattern of the U S Special Forces since the romanian nineteen eighty nine in the arab spring in egypt and then cover your square. Snipers were used to create panic and terror that the fed larger demonstrations against the government the evidence is you mentioned earlier than my town square on the twenty second of february. This is what broke the agreement between the opposition and the article which government for election in december and various other compromises that that would include shown a peaceful ways. Hopefully out of the top of the crisis while progress was a good general said the shorts were up half of it but its nice to have a decent tool to what she said about this incident a memo to the cupboard for me there is a high probability that the tac was of the same pattern and the reasoning sniper attacks mind on. Ian its purpose was to provocation of violence between the two sides tend to get to the iraqi to listen to that matter. Well the western media is has been very very rigorous on blocking out anything that calls into question there especially in the Us Government immediately or regime change agenda for ukraine. The captain perception of events in both russia and ukraine as well as roar and im Barefoot Media reports of taking the toll of relations the west in the center has been placed before the way washington seeing things and that joins me now the stars if you went to the lake just a pub and press briefing what was actually said that today i love the idea of a following of nice in this shooting and shooting where one member of the itu creed military and one member self defense squad had died. We are obviously theres been plenty of conflicting reports weve been hearing alot about issues we saw a tweet come out of the Us State Department from the sports first person saying basically backed up its clear that russia fire the first ride and what we did is headed to the state department for press briefing and asked where on what kind of fact this information and the stewie is based on and this is what happens actually youre saying that its clear that it actually fired a shot first and thats a pretty serious allegation so gorgeous. Curio dont feel the need to say we dont see how it is possibly true that the russian claim that i and dave were up there and they were not at that someone else was the aggressor that the ukrainians for the aggressor can possibly be true given they entered the ukrainian bates theyre not saying that theyre saying its a provocation last year saying that its very clear and have said that i love that i think are ready to move on. And to give another topic. Well obviously there is a perfect example of how the sa information war continues surrounding the events in cranial were seeing these very serious accusations coming out of the state department which turn out to be essentially of these lists because when we do after the basis of the statements we dont get any kind of been on the dancers in response which really is up quite a shame also at this press briefing we did hear more about two more sections ball against russia. Ahh it was said that its not a matter of if but when the end of the supreme probably know that. Even though the glass is the kind of grilled your home on the sanctions not being Strong Enough by the state Department Says that there are actually seeing ah ma much more of a bigger effect on the ground that much. It was that it is this move. He was a western dinner guests for craig becoming part of russia were easy breezy military incursion. Such action is a threat to International Peace and security. Well plenty of themselves celebrate what many of them are calling every time the uh the west is attempting to punish russia after took steps to protect played six matches against twenty one individuals inside the new executive order that expands the scope of our sanctions the true impact of washingtons top and is being questioned by us politicians past and present the sanctions are playing tricks. And you know we sent them to the secretary of state john kerry in london to negotiate with Russian Foreign minister sergei lavrov. Its like sending a cupcake to negotiate with the state of washington is wrapped up in an attempt to teach a crash course on the application of double standards law does mean something. And that there are costs attached to his own short term memory out the window and we need that too. Any day. Our responsibility is as nations to live by these International Laws standards so that we can expect that others will too. Using the shovel and grab the gun points. Russias actions in crimea iran or russia although across all of these fundamental principles and rights of the future all due credit. Warnings and threats steal the show. There will be additional and far reaching consequence is im not sure is flying high seed through the double standards may be hard to do. Judging by what they say a decade ago blues will fold to devise said he had been taking calls about away from it one way the referendum and it is soulful think europe and britain out to try and grab the items that belonged to argentina last American Country by way of a fake id illegal referendum. But when it comes to the cranium is you want to hold a referendum and choose a peaceful future for themselves. They tell that to the guy was of a further cost to come over creamy are reunited with the rest are all the rage as the west continues to pick and choose where on the world map to support and were to reject independence whipping its own principles upon convenience. As this is sure to rt washington dc the signing of a re unification tree she was cheered and celebrated across crime there as well as in moscow uh. Many people what they called the return route alderman said the budget showed that support for this sundays referendum residents are scenes of what festivities the people welcome the return of the region. Once been part of the country lists he said the total exactly has changed for People Living there when the republic of crimea is now officially a poll for the russian federation. Which means the land border between the peasants in ukraine now becomes the russian Ukrainian Border city of sin us to pull with the Russian Black Sea fleet is based is a separate federal subject in the country. The same mistake this is most convincing peters but the local population has already been given russian pole sports they can choose to refuse them to keep a ukrainian papers. But of course divorcee said pensions and salaries will soon be raised to aggression levels. One of the ukrainian capital kiev crime is reunification with russia was not received well and is adaptable coaster that we can speech when he explained in the two ukrainians would go with him at the new authorities are becoming increasingly vocal these repression reports. In an innovation and ease into that ukraines new parliament he and his consent to the countrys information and techniques he learned all this time the resignation until two. He talks to the counter creams National Tv Channel hers. Well now the forward pass. Can you see them sign your resignation shut up and take him and so what. Initial resistance on the rugged amputees to seem tame. Were telling you this is the patron will find yours again. They were told that just because hes handled it comes to russian president s drastic write me and decided few of us caught the eye in the ukrainian. All up. A government or state and is a member of ukraines ultra nationalists the boat epoxy content by the European Parliament back in two thousand and twelve for its racism antisemitism and xenophobia. It goes on from the social National County which has a swastika like logo. The members of the face and all that far right font is full and they take on ukraines new for me to face up in the face of becoming the countrys need the language i was in many countries invitations to business today. You want a blog dont you come here and take it with all joy and freedom. Then just seems to me jump shot with faced with the prospect of Security Forces will coincide with the new authorities get a start folding additional downforce circled National Guard is going to be sixty thousand strong to be independent from the army and police. The peace corps the reports create him about all the great mate will be too helpful for peace. During the greater glory. Nori to the nation. Many new recruits the two points. Responding to keep scored with twenty thousand men who are interested. Perhaps even on the frontline. You can edit it to us. Maybe you will. It seems he is off putting together the National Guard and alternatives to the break in the armed forces. Go to drown out the voices of dissent. There should be merged with mental emotional and he is the battle experience most of them protected the rights and freedom of the citizens of ukraine at the mike and cheryl were aboard the consonants and artificial armed forces and an end and is the voice to the following additional to the station hes beaten me to the approach. James has amassed and the full arsenal of britain is not even the eu advocates worried about the voice of the sixteen is good. Critics say this is called vacuuming kids and the new government is to be incapable of intruding these disparate nations. But he does it use to co manage its a controlled center of cubans this talk of an older city thereve been incidents of mangrove trees off the sweets extortion. So the car control it now and they wont be able to in the future. Its one thing to cook yet. People might like to get one in which the conduct of time before awake and talking to him and production support is needed if the law was amended to get home even as his minions. We received information on holiday to the weapons are being sold one hundred dollars for one cannot recall. So what. Read magazines. We called the National Guard Recruitment Office and canapes and found its pretty easy to sign up. I mean. To a temple. Far northeast. This is the treatment also sick with something just to be sixteen in the connectivity that clung to a story that came. From a man who had been using this tool draw for a long time as you can dislike of course for young soldier who after two weeks to learn how to use the machine guns as well as tactics and discipline. If anything people can oh one to live in peace. So many moms groups and with a seemingly flowing freely. They said that the scene is in sight for even more instability. Portis be on tv debates eastern ukraine. Washington forced damascus to shut its embassy and consulates in a spirit which could and the challenges of a diplomatic solution to serious crisis more on this animal stories. Official parade i know. The e the news a secret laboratory to her he was able to build worlds most sophisticated world. Rachel unfortunately it doesnt get it all done anything since mission to teach creation wanted to care about humans and the us. This is why you should care. I was going on. Auntie dawn tall. Eye. Shes doing the video she is. She used it to be grateful. I do. To access keys off. We do. A series of airstrikes is being carried out boy. Israeli warplanes on several series minute treat this disease. Some of the claims that the attack was in retaliation for the roadside bowling of these troops of these radio keep on top of the dead and hoyts even though the packages of the texas to love and the Defense Ministrys main assets forces. The surreal part of the gutter during his ordeal but on triple j hottest one. So comes as washington ordered the azeri government to suspend have ethical dimensions of the us all bold americans. Google also told me to come the report explains the reasoning behind them the Obama Administration has ordered the steering government to suspend its act diplomatic and Consular Missions in the us and not include saw an embassy in washington d c an honorary consulates in michigan and texas. The white house as that this move comes in response to a decision made by syrian president Bashar Al Assad to suspend Consular Services for syrians living in the us in a statement that us special envoy to syria Daniel Rubenstein said thats how i feel that we have eternity to find acceptable for individuals appointed by the dot regime are free to it as the sa government to conduct diplomatic or consular operations in the united states. Im closing out while on the out washingtons ties with damascus continued infuriated by the us says it will continue assisting the Syrian Opposition seeking to overthrow the Assad Government to look all that complicated endeavor considering that extremists tied to organizations are fighting alongside the opposition in syria. A series of bloody civil war as weve gone for three years in that time. A reported one hundred and forty thousand people have been killed and six million displaced washingtons lead a small compact the Syrian Government has been accelerating in stock chemical weapons disarmament which is expected to be fully completed leader died this year that deals were struck by in cooperation with russia a note telling now how this youre either a is going to react. I see walking back to washingtons latest move and in some of the news in brief smell the clean fresh unrest in bahrain with Security Forces clashed with protesters in civics teacher. Scores of demonstrators attacked a Police Station in retaliation for depth and protested during a rally on monday gunmen reportedly targeted gas inhalation. A large number of operators are being killed injured or jailed since the beginning of the uprising three years ago shares in the office of a touch of Statistics Institute it causes left seven people dead the league is reporting affect employee into the building and killed six of his former club before turning the gun on himself great news im good at being denied severance pay. A summer s to fifty seven greenpeace activists of the need to upload it sometime in the northeast of fronts. The group that rob has successfully bred through two fences before a meal and t u p about as security the countrys oldest car remains a concern. Off to similar incidents in recent years. Not enough. So what topic to sell several of its citizen activist and president of taiwans parliament in protest at the trade pact with china the companys offices reported to school that the demonstrators defied attempts to evict them from the building. It did feel it but taiwans economy and the thousands to the state job something a little so it helps to bring it on one of the country the greek invasion of iraq resort eleven years ago today eventually leading to the complete devastation of the country more than a hundred thousand civilians were killed in the wall for many still continue to die due to the rise of extremist movements in the country almost three billion lost their homes amid the them remain displaced. Even today the bloodshed his heavy on the wants of american taxpayers with washingtons bidding to trim dollars on his campaign. What a legacy of the iraq war is the spotlight today in action protests he showed the ground this is america full this is the sixty pj crowley. Is it the white house all the british people that control foreign policy. This killers identity reports from the chill called inquiry into britains invasion of iraq so we asked president obama is former assistant secretary of state about his view of the so called special relationship the uk is perceived to be home the kids to become europes largest economy in the next fifteen years but it also has a growing divide between the haves and the capital spite of its wealthiest families. The cardi which has been told to twenty percent of population. As though he discovered the countrys banks beginning and the bbqs the ay ay ay ay ay ay sixteen days. Thats my main hall to install. If im not that btk it this week thanks kate and twice a week is just one of more than full hunted the banks across the uk run by that russell trust charity the better off who. If on the missouri and florida. My son if he had intended kaylee to post and grandson despite waking fresh hip replacement. She was recently teamed with black shes appealing that decision. That takes time. With little money coming in. Shes ended up here. My program its astrological events the affordable price. My take on the stump of the capital to the vet decided that i could put my mind. He seemed to ease into it and sending them to. Costas relying on the dates have often being payments without an income but the high cost of living and gardening changes to welfare. That meant that most any of the numbers of people are using the banks increase saying that the chemical that is changing team. Now the majority of people planning to eat thanks for waking each party. His smile until recently the government tracy claim that the riots in the nineteenth it was not linked to government policy with some np for even suggesting that the alliance has teach increased numbers of the banks of a nipple. A government report that hates the dots making aka the big banks which of them like a month and no spine supply because the wealth that one expects it to the government wants the t three t sync with the receipts that i do. How far off place. That is a tough question. I think we have a nanny that there isnt much more because people up to eighteen at the edge. What for. This one. On the east london. Handling fee and another piece the puzzle all the missing malaysian and i was playing a joke. Things are actual twelve for that one of which youd like to grow control. And i didnt make it better than some of the biggest ever searches for missing from the deck off all balled up tea cocoa the space that is on bail to face recognition system the table top and bottom uses even without information the short which had a mortal woman fails a new history could soon make a reappearance on the will to people in the province of the new code have until the twenty first of march to cost them votes on whether to break away from it to me these are the biggest commit to watch push people that the sikhs over. They do not uphold ago. The most important reason is that you know me. The next two as region since twenty between your restaurant for their needs. But he pretends that it would have sold our problems we have to see it the idf and cut into pieces independence has been around for years. Italys recent economic woes have said that it was just an emotion. That could mean the region is some twenty billion dollars better off with outstanding natural but its not just about the money theres also the issue of the identity of the people in the band itself over the proponents of the venetian are frantically have enough press for more than a hundred years and now i have this chance to regain their sovereignty to a strong but the social unity to the most about it the giggle that we want to secede from rome because its too far from us and is clueless about our problems. Its not something that we came up with recently been building for more than a hundred and fifty years. Theyll match the thief they take on mining give nothing back. We want freedom from a Mental Health resources discontented all i did via phone but polling stations had been set out throughout the region. If one chooses to vote in person the referendum holds only one question with a better deal should secede from rome recent polls show out of nearly four million eligible voters. More than sixty percent are pretty table gets but the referendum isnt considered legitimate by officials in either wrong or brussels. Perhaps because it shows a worrying trend that people have had enough of what the season called to politicians. And because it deals a blow to the idea of european unity. It is your new site content is also testimony and moving ahead with its independence process this person in front. Its tough to pick up the veteran tennis teacher tells him to his opening white wheels you for stopping some contamination which can be realized in National Polls and the un charter. Some legitimacy hardly moves the voters and then they tell their friends and they say is that first bite for us to retain their independence. It didnt have the chance to read. Go school arts the situation is up for discussion or with peace in the melbourne his guests in the gospel of the more news on tv the uh. The you do too in it. He was. I am the route the bath. I choose. There are he is in. Ruth the eye. Eye you see it live. Indeed at the atlanta times theyre killing kids. And heres whats coming up in jail since reaching a high point as russian soldiers in ukraines main headquarters in the crimean port of a muscle pull. Washington post reports that the Us National Security agency ten record one of a foreign countrys call. The search goes on investigators looking into the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight three thousand people treated to a meeting in the indian

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