Nationalist movement gained popularity across europe roll. The chunky National Commitee line from mosque and im reading josh welcome to the program. While ryanair is empty of all reportedly holding two policemen hostage earlier on friday an officer was found shot dead in the city center with another in hospital with stab wounds and then the burning barricades protesters and riot police scoured the streets with mold of cocktails and a rubber bullets overnight and a happy day of unrest in sending felt in the countrys eastern his policy or is in finance for us and as you can join us live with the very latest on how is the east of the country. A responding to the right to the capital what was the east and south of this country is a portion of the government and the president on getting the city and it made plans for the better part of the last holiday has been a pro government that is happening to social distance behind me. Ahmadinejad is the various beaches when people had been safely suppo to ln to the copics then he h the truth and justice on inside him that they were mostly been found. Ive been speaking to a number of people to stand up to the emotional woman told me that she came today because this is a fight for the children and grandchildren the accusations may need to have been admitting that it is to think it was at etsy this morning and that they did not represent the country has taken the baby. How is it states. Paying people to come to the streetsour boys because there was another the thav a pce o is that maybe there is a lot of support for present and it calls its existence of this emonrati as of twenty thirty is just a country that will today be holding a government that hes bee talking aboutens of thousands of people who are expected to come to the streets. The name of the eight test wickets as president. Think of a test they did agree to concessions and these include ottawa but timing the hit of the citys administration at the same time we something the cabinet buttoet seems if these seemingly. At st says of compromise on teammates by the opposition is what we know the gift of peace. Eight regions have decayed that they are not going to debate the Central Government as my colleague before the bees are the scenes playing out across western ukraine. One by one thirteen region so far have been overcome by protests were a huge riot or steps toward regional demonstration buildings. He turned violent in some cases as angry crowds clash with the police and for that. If youre into the west of the yuba river which breaks the country into. But on the other side theres hardly any disturbance atld youth will talk in of a people from cellphone and easton cos baby on the eu to put it in any sort of military action in the Southern Region of the crimea authorities have had enough of the National White uprising. They are ready to defend peace and order although they seem confident they wont have to know that malevolent this wave would never reach us but if it does our party is ready to provide help to lawn foresters who was set up roadblocks to not let anyone get inside crying yet. Our party alone is capable of mobilizing up to five thousand people. I begin the new groomer. Were not talking evokes a scene from ukraine yet. Were talkg about restoring constitutional order. But we would never accept any orders from the legitimate parties of power created the mind on storm antagonism between the two sides of the country have great concerns which had previously seemed unthinkable that ukraine grateful yugoslavia scenario and break apart. Lol enforcement detachment have been morphed into ps please control this occasion and thats the regions new paintings very weak these days any sort of faust was an area we share and could happen within the next weeks of these mosman is quiet and its quite possible the coast the government would have enough forces ukraine will miss the people running into pots. Oh we used to be different. On thursday the opposition declared a truce with the government for seventy two hours but with writers and keep began burning tires and hurting burning toward account that the police party anyone in ukraine feels that the crowds are listening to anyone right now. Makes you just eat up the reporting from kiev in ukraine. All the writing of bengal think you can see many western politicians voiced their support with the us also imposing sanctions against ukraines politicians Ukrainian Affairs analyst an abortion law says thats have been aiming for theyre trying to force the issue this isnt your typical extortion tactics of the whole point is to force the government to react the whole point is to force backwoods and another Police Forces to confront the protesters and didnt scream bloody murder oh my god the killing as theyre pressing is please help. Look whats happening help us out for intervention and so and so forth. It is a very basic tactic from the rebellion Playbook Team get implemented throughout the world and in georgia and elsewhere in ukraine in two thousand for top of all things so i think the protesters are trying to make a point that they are the ones to decide what gets it done and we initiate violence that as evidence by mr briscoe statement that out we will hold until this untill the negotiations are over but we have the power to actually did go one striking initiate attack and hes hes wrecked again seeing this point supporters are saying the government is responsible for this. Its not its the protesters. Ukraines ministry of internal affairs has for casters have been hoarding weapons in Kyiv City Administration building meanwhile police say theyve seized a range of weapons when they detained again in the capital. They are still included two assault rifles for pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition Authorities Say they have evidence that the game was involved in kidnappings and supply arms to the protesters now when men following the riots in ukraine since they kicked off last november had crt have called for a timeline for the latest updates and fruits from kiev and much more. Eye. Well that meera Police Academy in cairo causing injuries was unconfirmed reports of another explosion in the c series of bomb attacks killed six people in the egyptian capital on friday Al Qaeda Linked Group Operating in egypt rest of sinai region say they carried out those attacks. This is a security footage of the first and most powerful blast outside a Police Headquarters which left four officers dad didnt see it was a car bomb attacks by top hatred of the Muslim Brotherhood to supporters in turn continue to define crowed as bans on friday and say stop against police in various parts of fiji Authorities Say there was our breaks claimed at least fifteen lines focus final term reports from the epicenter of the unrest three zones and the tea thousand of them in tbilisi egy celebrating. Instead the bulldogs will hire a Taunting Police offices. As the country descends into chaos. Gypsies it changes the split in two days he got into a tree and they see support ousted news about the president s muhammad most wealthy people die of aids at the sight of the bumper lost its grip tape and that the sun to heat its main Police Headquarters in cairo and the people see it like many in Government Spending in this above the heads and say this advent attacks on the states auntie allison is that this president to conduct more sea and announcing there is likely to be a hard to crack down on the use of its great. Keep the brotherhood. They are to blame for this to terrorists want to break the country in half. Some are free to leave their homes but most are more determined than ever to go to the streets against the brotherhood for the revolution anniversary in the chain Stores Government accuses the brotherhood of being behind nyc consistency and a spike in terror attacks the media has observed the scheme announced by the brotherhood of the masons approach the one to disable the countrys political roadmap and the state of the referendum on the constitution of the Muslim Brotherhood is just a tool. Our enemies the foreign element that controls the stools all egyptian people know about this. Hundreds of brotherhood supporters are in jail and a city under attack from the power Hungry Ministry this month the majority of the population that creates a new constitution that broadened the honorees. How is it seals and achieve budget cuts. Use the armed forces the right to praise defensemen this is our choice of indians in which the courts would be minute to cool and add the olive scary it is kind of town. A mix of emotions just do that and gets tricky to get position to get used to be teaching again is the anti cool people and we believe that eating meat for three bombing this morning the streets of losers this morning. And them and they are just so i went to have had more in the moments that goes against their elbows nations industry three is on the uprising which sold the country unites against a dictatorship. Egypt is now increasingly defined its rather than celebrating a new democracy and much needed change. Egyptians just eating themselves ahead of more violence. Though to you auntie. Kyra. It was a revelation eventually led to the toppling of longstanding dictator Hosni Mubarak falling more than a year of transition in military ruled that islam is bad leader Muhammad Morrissey was elected president his government tried to push through a constitution criticized for being over in flames by sharia law. Last july he was thrown out of office by the army command after months of popular uprising. This signal the return to the era of crackdowns by the military backed government. The Muslim Brotherhood which choked and the leader and a clear day characterization editor of the Pan African News Wire says agents government is asking for more troubled by completely turning its back on the opposition. We cannot guarantee the security and saturdays as long as theres no political solution to this split that exists between the brotherhood as well as the military handles well and with the Egyptian Military its a very tense atmosphere instead of the country. Many opponents to the military backed regime. There was a significant void the referendum elections to stop. Last week. And i believe that the content of the orange grove. And as long as the Current Interim government remains intransigent. And i was to continue the reflection of the Muslim Brotherhood and the forces inside the country the row. Theres potential for conflict. In the streets as well as the top of the text itself. We are against it. So now the sour and fear of sport on itunes i think fully. And upgrading of the hospital the games. As for me. I think i need a little bit more practice. In the rain i respond tries down the stadium that will post all the ice hockey action at this oh two Winter Olympics next month. Dont miss out this coming up your way here very shortly here in a few national plus. Its the sea cadets guarantee payment am concerned about topical when i speak i think people really know. Yes whats going on the Uk National Health Service ms to meet patients medical records sparking a nationwide privacy debate the eye. I read. All the money with the business of rust. It is. How would you want great deal in haiti. As such. Im not the andromeda is on. I know. He thinks hes pretty academic. When and how long ive forgotten that we all sang night and the traffic light thingy the house you are with them the eye. Eric international thousand rallied in the end against the ball were some of europes leading right wing politicians have gathered for the social event at this point what the reports now on high all the movement the spine to numerous protests is sweeping across the continent. The kids and a couple cool princess and clemson sc everyday because of the names on its deathbed states to come into the ring of fire i can ethical need as come across here that it tasted like austria freedom coliseum for my guessing came near me the pen in france is not too far to need as much as five right wing pundits insist on balance and gemini and if any of several thousands protest as this is history tomorrow is a new bed and pull his parents once and for all its not expensive watching people are in the times of india and i had dancing and everything weve seen that in the stands and not see it as its a closing bridge between our rights extremists. In austria. And its the middle of the society is trying to use that name. Cpf in a statement today. Time passed the half benson said. Caden will tonight face the series silver. Both the writer to be the hearing is taking place in the ccs named names black people with extremists and those amazing views on gathering but every i see is that these right wing rants on dating from the taxi across yet. Its been interesting read. The sad part is growing so much with the crises in europe. This notion is started. I participate in. This is. And along comes the bride the right wing extremist parties in the review its credit the still denies its a far cry from the dead. This is the main thing. Running on hats and tails on the sides and the discipline that they happen. Not saying that if the european comments and actions in a while back inside the comments as the saying is that we tend to be waltzing to the grindstone and excite us proud presenting a this evening is it time and to say that its not happy about that when a boy can all see the end. Fire under it are indeed gaining ground across europe in Austrian Freedom Party made a strong showing in septembers general elections with over twenty percent of the vote the popularity of the dutch party for freedom is currently the same level as staff while the movement for a banner honoring polls at thirteen percent. Meanwhile called on injuries to the countrys third most popular party. The Syrian Government and the opposition half finished thier first half of our joint meeting in geneva this after fridays negotiations almost collapsed in a new tool condemnation before he even began the kids are still not talking to each other directly instead communicating through the un the year like covered the week with a broad political solution now looking to be too far off the sides will spend the next few days focusing on humanitarian issues the syrians to war has killed over one hundred and thirty thousand people in nearly three years. Russias foreign minister thinks there should be any outside interference with a peace process. And it was the last two syrians must decide themselves what to do. There is no other way. Its impossible to introduce a scheme like to join the list of who leaves and who comes in their place. It is impossible. That is social engineering and it never ends well. You earlier mentioned iraq and i can name other examples in the middle east and north africa. If the task is simply the regime change some are trying to do. Syria could plunge into complete chaos to order must be preserved. And theres no other method to do that except to maintain existing institutions. Oh and political analyst bill bennett is skeptical of the meeting will resolve major issues because some of the key players arent even there. I think if the sides sit in the same room even if they dont speak directly to each other. Ironically enough that will be a step forward its critical. All Major Players have said there is no military solution to this crisis i think that the leaders of both sides although its hard you can see both sides given that there are so many signs right now. I think that all sides recognize that to be true that question is how long has it been taken humming more people have to die before a real agreement that would include the arms embargo as well as a temporary ceasefire can come into effect. We cant afford failure. But im afraid that without iran without some of the crucial parts of the opposition. That the ceasefire will only be partial. That the arms embargo which is probably see right now out of reach. And catching up on land that means the franking brings joy instead of anger. Scraps of field gas extraction and conifers inside in southeast england but the difference here is to have nothing to do with the protests that engulfed the area last year find out what we were in front of them. Lots of space caught us scientists have developed a series of mini satellites to control the earths orbit and protect other satellites from collisions with space junk on our website we have got all the details. The ice hockey it theres no other International Competition that can be more exciting than the olympic tournament only the ones every four years. The ferry bass players from both sides of the atlantic the chance to go hand in hand as part of their national teams. Before the superstar blades began carving the ice at the events main remained so cheap i see somebody went to check it out for herself. Bee bee bee the most the answer is that Twelve Thousand Multi Purpose arena. Now this is going to be handed to the most anticipated all the bands of the week the games hockey. Now the site is synonymous with russia and the ways and means thinking lets say philly fed to say that the stadium is the big ice packs. But the live up to its name today is the key to find the black sea coastline necessary to resemble a giant frozen wanted to let us insight into his room bowl shaped sneaking off with some potential plan would place the phone company the ensuing day in the crib so that the screen. Cameron found some insistence that is powerful. The atv and one of the park on the ice. As the anti war also had easy access to many to everyone that the dream team. Jason what to expect. This can be made. The dentist. Drink it felt like he might be the start of the need to pee on you than me. Now i may have ended up Printing Press at the new film but concluded that the book thief taking place across the top while trying to balance and when a sled dog. The team to the professions so im not an olympic hockey player. But one thing thats okay is that this venue. This lake. And its radiance of the heart queen the games. As for me. I think i need a little bit more practice. In the rain some might say. Inside of the ball solid ice day and in solitude. Ive seen the national law reports drama where the outlets will be going for gold has gone way to share with you in iran after the opening of the game to thirteen the best place to gear up for your Winter Olympics tell the stories down britains National Health service has announced that patients medical records will share it with a reserve for Research Purposes despite promises of anonymity for those whose illnesses are exposed and that has sparked furious debate as to pursuing our reports. Some twenty six million households in england over the sea beneath us like this one from the National Health service or the nhs explaining all medical records is a confidential information may be shared with third parties which they say is in order to improve patient care in all of this will be kept under the new giant database called karen thought data and everyones nhs information will be included amongst People Choose to opt out by the family doctor. The Mental Health illness is dead since the seasons and even smoking and drinking habits will be made available to researchers fox also ensures that private medical companies and Pharmaceutical Company is now the nhs is said that they too have measures in place to make sure that identities are kept private box at the date has been beaten on tidbits week at the kent said the benefits of such a database and privacy campaigners. We spoke with jordan and from twenty twenty help an independent think tank on the issue is the First Time Ever brings together an attack states affirmed by the hospital sector. Gk and community sites. So thats whats with the preparation it takes a look and sound of outs in the state confidentiality being maintained consent topical and thats because people really know yet whats going on. Also the three c the popcorn ceiling outlined a resigned to having access to information has been able to unfold and clinical but such thoughts you might be very concerned that private information is publicly available. Were a fedex shipping opt in system. And so the debate continues a massive drive for patient care improvement for the gross violation of peace and privacy of the nhs constitution does set out that individuals have the right to object to disclosures of the personal confidential data and appeals to have the right that these injections to be respected the sir silly rt monday its a good time stories from around the world. Iraqi authorities a series of bombings in and forth on the capital have killed twelve people the deadliest last two lines of a soldier his wife and four children as a slap destroying your mouse in the process. Other explosions happened on a busy street and an outdoor market killing six sectarian tension is running high in the country in which almost eight thousand civilians and over a thousand Security Forces were killed last year the afghan president has reiterated he will not sign a security pact so when the last until p stocks resumed with a pakistani columbine high karzai has repeatedly refused him a deal which would allow american troops to stay against him the ons twenty fourteen the agreement could also give us soldiers are right to read peoples homes as well as immunity from prosecution four members of stamp from the diction embassy in delhi be in capital tripoli had been kidnapped in quelling the colts her touching. This comes after a spokesman for its Foreign Ministry was adopted on friday by unknown gunmen. Kidnappings are common in the vienna which has been in turmoil since twenty eleven and where rachael brigade told much of the power classics over the countrys Prime Minister was kidnapped and held for several hours. Canada police and firefighters have suspended their search for the victims of a massive fire that destroyed a nursing home authorities confirmed eight people died in a blaze in a small town in quebec province most of the residence were over semi fine dear sil thirty people are still missing with raspy efforts being hampered by sub zero temperatures. The argument of why closing day never comes to town today and preakness i knew. Ay ay ay ay. I am the whistleblowers facing a lot of heat including a wave of Death Threats. What did she discover some sort of dark secret c i a plant or some other plot for a new war of luxury nosh expose something far more dangerous and important to the zombies on their couches the university of North Carolina athletes are mentally unfit for college Even High School mary willing to blow the whistle on the fact that between the ten percent of the schools football and basketball players rated the fourth grade level and many others are some college level. She also claims that the students were allowed into the universe be based on screen process done by the university. Ikea implying that the open sea knew exactly who they were letting in to the university remember College Football makes a lot of money. I always have a feeling that Something Like this was going on. I mean it when usa today many College Athletes claimed that during the season they put in more than double the amount of hours of Sports Apparel out thats fifty to sixty hours a week. How can they possibly learn anything. Maybe it isnt so sad that the schools often a reflection of economics. What is sad is that the whistleblower is getting Death Threats just for saying that it is going on by those stupid hardcore fans but thats just my opinion. I am. I am new. And one the eye. And. When the war. To relax i liked it and use their homes. We saw the effects that it means that besides the deck. I mean silly thing thats all thats on its last week. I met Allison Sophie at one time great design with a non citizens all know we can design it done and get back the north

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