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How mainstream encryption is really funny. In the wake of all of the u s a in revelations. Thats all well win todays tie for fourth and in japan the focus amid a cheap power plant continues to leak of radioactive material. Now theres a plan to remove the plants Nuclear Fuel Rods. Although it will be a very risky for the fall out that she not about had a fan. Yes thus the members not to find him in washington dc then you are watching rte well starting off this hour its worthwhile discussion or world leader is one huge leap forward when it comes to ending the Nuclear Standoff between iran and the last p five plus one negotiators from the us iran britain france germany russia and china met in geneva today the first session in a two day meeting. The goal is to come up with framework to deal with the ones Nuclear Program and many countries the ability to create weapons found in this meeting is monumental in importance not only becoz of the Nuclear Applications but also because of the warming relations between dc and ten. Ron what the countrys new leader hassan honey. Not to join earlier by brian becker is the National Color layout ordinator at the cancer coalition. He first asked him what he thinks will come from these negotiations will be in the United States has severe economic sanctions on iran iran is thinking of the system is basically frozen out of the International Economic situation. They can sell its oil and iranian assets are frozen all of the world of the United States may wanna have some progress with the talks but ultimately the United States isnt really worried about Irans Nuclear weapons iran doesnt possess Nuclear Weapons the us doesnt say does possess Nuclear Weapons iran is a member of the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty say unlike israel for instance which does not allow inspectors up what the us really wants is to overthrow the government in iran. Its a long term proposition the sanctions are designed to de stabilize a run in a thinking the us is thinking right now with the new elections that perhaps will miss some vulnerability inside the iranian government that they can exploit i think thats the real strategy to solve one of the things that we have to address here is obviously the Obama Administration is opening itself up to these kinds of talks however is the coolest ones considering the fact that before the president of the meeting discussed the idea of meeting with iranian officials that congress had put on a table another round of possible sanctions. Orion in the congress is demoted to an endless war are not only in the middle east were all around the world i mean its really dominated by the most hyped like figures the most militarized forces are pro military forces. So now we have congress. Im literally trying to put a new economic sanctions even harsher economic sanctions which have already caused a lot of economic suffering for the iranian people. Obama has got that right wing pressure on him. Ah but overall i would say that while there is a right wing pressure in Congress Obama and the rightwing have is a set of general strategic agreement that the real goal is not to stop the so called Nuclear Weapons program in iran but they carry out ultimately that the stabilization of iran and regime change. The other really interesting kind of things all of this is obviously the us has very close ties to saudi arabia and israel which both have a very vested interest in how miss p five plus one negotiations go to lindsay at this point how they are responding to these warming tensions will you do. You can see in the new orientation with the netanyahu government in israel for instance that they are totally opposed any sort of peaceful outcome uncertain negotiated settlement. Why is that because israel really benefits from complete tension in the middle east it says that the United States. Here you have a reliable ally. The partner really a proxy in the middle east in this troubled region were two thirds the worlds oil is and with constant tension and war israel proves to the United States why it should get four billion dollars every year in taxpayers money. So israel as opposed to the negotiations the saudis have also an existential opposition to the iranian government because they know that what happened in iran in nineteen seventy nine when the people rose up and overthrow the king that could happen in saudi arabia to it thats why the saudis are really afraid of iran because they know that there could be revolutions that spread throughout the entire region and the us is only dealing with pressures from saudi arabia and israel from outside the country are also dealing with these pressures from inside a recent usa today article a pac president michael croissants and eight and continues to support congressional action to adopt legislation to further strengthen sanctions and there will absolutely be no cause delay or moratorium in our efforts. Something to look up the bounce in the influence of lobbying group like a pack on decisions that are made in these negotiations and in the future. Well i think a pack is a strong lobby we know that what you know i think their influence is somewhat exaggerated you can see a pact with the mini war against syria but once the American People when gates was the American People made it clear that those across the board opposition to a new war agast syria the influence of a pack so supposedly sober and actually started to be seen in this real perspective. The United States government isnt taking its case that skewers in terms of awe strategy in this strategically and resource rich part of the world from a packed even though yes they dole out millions of dollars every year the congress. Ultimately the us makes its decisions based on its geo strategic interests. As an empire in the area the world as two thirds the worlds oil and how this all plays out in future and how these tensions actually means and relations really build between these two countries were on a new front or not to see how it all happens with us on friday at the dx back the reins really buy that what we do have is israel calling him a wolf in sheeps clothing Brian Becker National party at the insular election to get some lunch. Well americans are heated scenes have been in the spotlight over the past few months but that houses the National Security agency. The National Intelligence agency in the hot seats. Time is passing on to publicly face up to allegations that theyve been over reaching in their surveillance approx today began a new chapter in britains investigation into how in the countrys spy agencies are cooperating with foreign intelligence agencies like me once you hear their first joint hearing in the hands of britains three Intelligence Agency is faced with questions from parliament. Ortiz as sarah perth has more. The Second Coming of the census that i will be getting our days intelligence agencies on the back of the egg was laid in revelation is not a full basement spy chiefs being questioned over a broad way that she tended to utep light to the tc to cease all bt faith he cheats at eleven he was not at wyatt was necessary for the majority at that encourages got it at any time to catch the minority the day at getting wrong and he loves it that way. I did not she hates that thing trying to find a needle in a haystack essentially saying that they didnt let that be if in handy if you like it is in the nineteen eighties its great to release all the evidence leads me to love the people with in court and pool. Indeed we think that the beginning of the section of the united said the witnesses on gangs be asked to reveal any secrets and the nations feeling that theyre really going to get at any minute the eleven nations on a summary as spiky thing keeping people in the making hats the questioning to go to bed but that one song that plays police dancing with the race interesting bits in that question and answer session that was when the itc team boss said that much of that success in life things have been on a lack of will they do when francis a bit as a direct consequence of the state imaginations. That cost can be made more difficult as they can listen to the us. She needs it affects of the Media Coverage global Media Coverage. Who made the joke that we have fall off onto the years to come the leaks the film that certain id be very damaging the Court Operations at risk it is clear that i just respond rather than sweet pea to al qaeda is can you top that you have any Additional Information you can share with us as to actual hard evidence that the terrorists or potential terrorists have been looking at these reports are known in his puppet form i had no shoulder pkk but in fact the flight out with the un says that they have faith in the ac hey i think is that. I loaded the questions at the onset given and with a spicy swiss engineer asking the to paint it on trusting that windmills sleep in but for what we do i want to cry saying their lines in it and the country ive probably been the way to get his neighbor matt nations calls the law all that trust has being invaded and say that is whack the difficulty is things like this that made this an interesting bits of information. I am not the gangs be very crazy speeds life that i think that he can feed its debates. Im continuing. That was our chief correspondent sarah first. Well as far as names that means its time for our weekly to report on deck this week part Time Photography goes mainstream. Heres the c i a is in bed with Eighteen Team and its back to the underground illegal websites known as the silk road was on a four week Training Center the fbi shut it down. But despite the one force winds the best efforts to stop the illegal gun and drug trade. The site is up and running again what would be in a tnt an article published today by New York Times reports that the c i a is pain the Telecommunications Giants more than ten Million Dollars a year to assist with the overseas counterterrorism investigations. Essentially Eighteen Team was handing over a treasure trove the phone records to the c i a on a voluntary basis. No subpoena isnt known for diners your data out for sale earlier today i was joined by founder of one of them with our eleven saying he closes in Pension Service down after the fbi forced him to hand over the key which provides access to all of his clients e mails and information. He isnt on the surprise that the caa and Eighteen Teams are in cahoots no it doesnt surprise me all time. The fbi makes a point of recruiting commercial Companies Like lava pit like eighteen t com into a programme of her calling in for guard. On that allows commercial companies to collaborate with long for spring on legitimate investigations. On the fact that some of these investigations have basically gone over the line doesnt surprise me the least. Given my experience. The point that but i found it very interesting about this case is that and this is painting a tnt ten Million Dollars a year is what were hearing and something fierce. However in the army refused to pay you a big charge you they find a five thousand dollars a day. So whats the what do you think about it. I think issue is pretty clear on. I was going to that ending the two thousand dollars to cover the cost of putting the equipment and Development Im actually create the logic mr to log out the information they wanted right. Well the fact that they turn them down to me was a pre clear indication of what they really wanted was more dangerous than a day and age and if they accepted my solution that would get. What they really wanted were those ssl. Because that gave them point to access the entire system. All of the information coming in and out of the network. Also in the intervening yuan you can send in your in the process of trying to release that ssl can actually teaming up with the others tend to kind of relief that said to me other a lot of it Like Companies where are you and that process right now. Why not try to release the essence of tea but i am trying to release the source code that our club a bit in hopes that you know at least. Because lot of it has to remain shut down by the court case works its way through the system which could take years maybe two. I thought the next best thing to having a lot of the doubt there would be a hundred club a bit like services. Im so ive teamed up with a couple other people on their very influential in the e mail security. Outfield and the idea we came up with his hatred to release this code whats in a great support for new protocol that make security a priority so that we can fix this problem at its core ever said Something Like this from happening again. And our hope is to get the code out there in spring so that other people can benefit from security and this is one of the many projects that you are currently working on youre also working on a grander standing teamed up with alan circle punch to create a star with e mailing Christian Services known as dark mail. To ask you because the fbi was able to get its hands on it la but didnt force you to get up that information what is the difference now between this dark now and love a bit and terms and encryption. Im more the idea behind dark realities that will let me back up a little bit the goal of the love that encryption system was true love a bit from the surveillance equation. By not allowing us time to get access to users information. Well really he realized based on what happened that just because i dont have access doesnt mean the feds can gain access so what we can talk about doing it sounds circle is coming up with the new protocol adapting some of the stuff theyve developed for their other products. And basically rolling in our globally so that everybody can get candy and encryption that is a system where the only computer or device capable of secret team i mean mail message is the users computer itself. So no matter what happens. The service provider. We can give them any information or any other method of accessing that information. And what were trying to do his her trying to push surveillance back down the individual. If you wanna find out what somebody is saying you have to last iq can. Through the service provider. Despite secretly on your behalf so add transparency all way down to the person so that they can yell at exactly was happening with their very private information and defend yourself if you dont know its going on whats going on as a very good question council was really interesting in the wake of all these and Warren Snowdon revelations is that i had a hand in many ways and photography in Christian Service is becoming the main story in the retail outlet. I dont think encryption is becoming mainstream but i think theres a greater realization that it needs to become mainstream. And going back to dark now thats our goal is to integrate encroaching into the protocol so that anybody who can use e mail today we ever be used our mail tomorrow and benefit from its security. And i think what were going to see is a new generation of products and protocols that take that same approach. I think we spent the last thirty years trying to make things with work on me i am probably going to be spending the next ten to twenty years moving from time to make things work to try and make things secure. Our street had a lot of support for the steady enough. Yes im thousands of actors i checked it this morning and we are nearly seventy thousand dollars and wonderful. Our goal was to stop is one more time at meanwhile this underground internet site known as the silk road was discovered by the fbi recently it was shut down for about four weeks but then why is it shut down this message popped up and was sent out to everyone. What is said that he was sent out by trade a favorite. Robertson was as if we have been down so that our new security measures include emergency strategy is to ensure that any event of silk rose to minus one small are going to lose their leaves we have learned hard lessons from the unfortunate events of recent weeks in the man hours that have gone into this new release are phenomenal so heated that up and running now interestingly the website which is notorious for selling illegal but like dr and guns. Apparently also funds tyranny is very uplifting letter it said when youve already committed a large percentage of revenues to good causes charities and organizations who support our cause or have similar interests. So selling guns and drugs to support charity is what you think about the idea that the fbi shut it down like that if you like then the headache that when you cut one off and several others pop up. Can the fbi and other organizations really stop the innovation when it comes to the internet. Its more important innovation in it goes back to the question of freedom and thats the idea behind silk road is that they wanted to create a marketplace. Um where there were no walls. There werent that there was no government to come in and say what you could include you and they were going to let the world decide what the marketplace should look like. And while i can certainly advocate selling. No harmful drugs and weapons on him secretly through this site i can um appreciate the necessity of freedom and the ability to make decisions that others would disagree with and thats exactly what style of silk road and bought us on and i think if we look at history will we see that societys no matter what government does will always tend towards wanting to be free. Wanting to be afraid to make their entrees is whether theyre right or wrong without levinson Owner Operator of love and ill say thank you so much for joining me. Thanks for having me well today republican lawmakers in floridas house of representatives are holding firm on the controversial stand your ground law that has come under fire over the past year the makers are holding a vote today on house bill four zero zero three which would repeal of key provisions in the self defense law and require a bit down to attempt to retreat from a potentially deadly situation before resorting to lethal force that is expected to fail the laws proposed by democratic representative Alan Williams in the wake of the honeybee publicized funding from the scientists in georgia is in a trial this is the one that sends them free after he shot and killed seventeen year old trevor martin. Now naturally resulted in a countrywide protest is an answer to this contentious not. Those who support the senior crown law saying that the feeling its going to fall back into the hands of the criminal now this is the same time at michaels on intends to invoke in his trial. Hes the one man who pulled a gun at seven eleven and fired a round after round into the car next to his filled with teenagers for playing music too loud for his taste that shooting resulted in the death of seventeen year old jordan davis. Now those who closely follow the bill through either Legislature Say that it was doomed to fail from the start in the republican controlled house want to see how that actually plays out. Another bill one that would rework but not me. He held the existing Center Ground law is already moving its way through the state senate and it has a better chance at second. Well still ahead here on our team since two thousand eleven japan to oversee not new and Nuclear Power plant has been unstable leading Nuclear Material the operation will be launched or move the plants Nuclear Fuel Rods more after the break. And. The interior is after a massive earthquake and thoughts is that subsequent tsunami rocket can to its core and or its Nuclear Reactor into a frenzy Nuclear Engineers are answering perhaps the most dangerous stage of containment of the petition and any cheap your plans this week. Teams are preparing to move the highly sensitive uranium and plutonium from the fuel rods from the facility. Experts at the Tokyo Electric Power agency or telco say that it is an extremely tricky process not a necessary step in rtd commission the plant after the worst timing accident in a generation art easel x eight euro cents. He is in tokyo and talks about how dangerous the session ends. Back in the book from the pool has a really hard tough because each one of them go of ways of more than three hundred kilograms and they cannot even keep each other thats because that our new kitchen reactions on the only schools are crippled but the machinery the automated machinery doesnt work as well so everyone has to be extracted from the pool manually the Typical Company are running the push of a clear approach to santa japanese government are now in a vicious cycle situation because on the one hand the need to remove the fuel rods they are contaminating the water as has been reported in the waters of the cushion when you clip art on and on the other hand of course this is the very risky venture because they have to lead to extract every drop and as more than a thousand of them and each one has to be extracted manually. We also managed to pee and take a peek inside the no go zone in other areas. You know what i want to show me the most to surprise me the most and im im saying that by my experiences of traveling to the School Exclusion zone in chamomile that in the full pushing the area of the towns which are just close to the station ten fifteen km away from the station they have been reopened for residents with each piece all people are rebuilding their houses in this area. If anything happens. These people would have to be revoke evacuated again and go putting themselves on the very serious risk. One fact in the petition region itself that several n g o scored in all believe the government and the topic organization in their measurements for the radiation levels the one which struck me the most and we talked about with them yesterday. Either the movement called the mothers of pushing the bezel ordinary women who are afraid for the safety and health of their children they bought radiation meters which the cheapest of them cost around two thousand us dollars and theyre just patrolling the area staking their old measurements and sending them to the government but the government as they say is doing nothing. It is not considering the radiation measurements as if theyre trying to play down the scale of the things happening even in tokyo in front of the Industrial Ministry there is a peek at them as a protest happening for a g eight country days with the people there protesting against Nuclear Energy and the actions of the government and the tackle. So you can see how serious the right to call the Anti Nuclear Movement is now in japan even though they say that their voices being often silenced by those in power. That was artsy corresponding alexei in your steps in. Now i have seen a penny on endless love or his run for office this arnolds for mayor Jesse Ventura how frank and Fred Thompson and the sonny bono they present a salon to act a bit new to its potential run for office. I knew. Im happy. Let me say up front and the final. I am being very theory as to what i say that i should consider gotta love the outspoken black moment and try new things for its next president. I had cut his hair was immediate speculation that it was his play at gearing up to red rock. When someone asked him if he ran for president he said sure why not. Thats not why he cut his hair the writing process is alive didntaveo pve tt arehe eected. Myirst amendnt rights like my hero or the parks refused to sit back and laugh when they know not why is it. Hes also the guy that black americans should be profiled the same way different breeds of dogs are considered dangerous. That is the domination of inviting the children in the neighborhood. The black and white dot. He also said he wouldnt mind a shooting residence of the alley in South Central neighborhood when a machine gun from a helicopter. The Supreme Court ruling that obamacare in and it is that withouthould have won the civil war he put together his new immigration plan which aows inow at man immrantto bome citens. After serving five years of indentured servitude went to work to build a border fence. He had a great thing our government does is to produce literature in spanish. I told an audience that entering the patient Top Democrats had any election back in twenty twelve and the food and at the victorian jail. If obama got reelected thats going to meetings known as the fixins. Now if he and casey had running for president. I say awesome bring it a bit. Eighteen what you actually believe i made. I know and ill leave you all walking caricature of what led to the rest of the things of americans. When the book for anyone who is just really think our country when you really believe weeks however im scary controversial that might be i am being very serious about it tonight the saga that backed by foreign and finance investment. While theres no use crying over spilled now my you can photograph the only thing keeping them on to one london based photography buisness are my studio is making a splash with its new campaign and in these photos are an artistic as they are unbelievable. Now they look like your typical nineteen fifties chaos only what that was on the models outfits are made of milk and yes that is really no means the non real models not paint in photoshop now the picture is my child will be using a calendar that is set to debut so are a far cry from the photographers and normal galleries which are serious in nature are no less they are definitely a unique art form which inevitably leads to the question did not know but i can get an outline in the panacea back here at eight pm. I knew he was due you try to stray cats was a great day. Cos breaking news or what. So much the eagles to play. Stocks. Wa. Gordon use you will will will will will will. Altheyve got to happy with the addition of these line its a friday november eight. Im counting comane and tokyo negotiators from kiran and six world powers have reopened times on irans Nuclear Program which both sides expressing their optimism. Delegates from the us as say their side would consider relaxing some sanctions in exchange they want the ira

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