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The talks. The possibility of a broad ceasefire and the possibility of stopping the threat of isil. And therefore, thanks to the broader ceasefire, increased humanitarian aid. He said the coming talks will also focus on governance, drafting a constitution, and holding elections. He said hes sending out invitations on tuesday but did not say who would be invited. Media reports say suicide bombers attacked in cameroon. The atark took place near the border. The bombers reportedly set off explosives in several locations, including a busy market. No one has claimed responsibility. Authorities suspect the Islamic Extremist Group boko haram may be involved. Boko haram is based in northeastern nigeria. Its leaders have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group. Theyve carried out multiple attacks and kidnappings in nigeria and other countries. Taiwans Political Landscape is undergoing a shakeup ahe was president elects inauguration. Taiwans outgoing president has promoted vice premier chun to premier. Chun will lead the cabinet that is expected to function in an interim capacity until tsai ingwen takes power. The previous premier retired with the entire cabinet after their party lost elections on january 16th. Tsai brings her Progressive Party back to power after eight years. The party won a majority in the legislature for the first time. Its due to start its new session on monday. Tsai declined to lead the effort to form a new cabinet ahead of her inauguration saying she is not yet legally able. Aung san suu kyi has met with the myanmars top military leader for the second time to discuss forming a new government, and she showed her willingness to cooperate with the military in running it. They met in the capital monday. The military says they exchanged frank opinions on a smooth transition of power and the running of parliament. They also discussed the forming of a new cabinet in the twohour meeting. Myanmars military created the countrys constitution which guarantees it a quarter of parliamentary seats and key cabinet posts. Parliament will convene monday to elect a new president. The constitution bars Aung San Suu Kyi from the role because her sons are british nationals. The new government led by her is to take power in march. Her party won landslide victory in the general election in november. Stock markets in asia are falling after relief rally on monday. Ai uchida joins us from the business desk. What is weighing on investors minds . Oil, again. Wti crude futures did go below 30 a barrel at one stage, and stocks on wall street were heavily sold overnight. That came after the chairman of saudi arabias staterun oil company said if oil and Gas Investments would not be cut. And share prices in tokyo opened sharply lower. The nikkei average fell below 17,000 one day after the index regained it. Investors are selling a wide range of shares. The key index is now lower by just 2 , trading at 16,771. Its erasing all the gains it showed the previous day. Oil developers, banks and Insurance Companies are especially lower. In other markets in the asiapacific region, seouls kospi also opened lower. Its now trading lower by about 1. 3 . Australias markets are closed for a national holiday. Lets see whats happening with currencies. Many traders are buying the yen as a safer asset as they want to avoid risks with the lower prices for oil and stocks. Dollar yen now at 118. 07 to 10. Now, many are watching what the u. S. Federal reserve will say in its statement after the policy meeting on wednesday. Investors are waiting for some hints about the pace of rate hikes amid the market turmoil. Russias economy has shrunk for the first time in six years. The contraction follows the slump in the price of oil, which is the countrys main export product. The National Statistics Service Released preliminary gdp growth figures on monday. They show that the company shrank 3. 7 in 2015, thats from the previous year. This is the first annual decline since 2009, a year after the collapse of lehman brothers. The Statistics Service said exports from january to november declined 32. 1 from the same period in 2014. Retail sales dropped 10 year on year due to a rise in Consumer Prices and other factors. President Vladimir Putin said on monday that the governments First Priority will be to do all it can to maintain peoples standard of living. He made the remark at a meeting of supporters. Putin gained public support by achieving Economic Growth thanks to High Oil Prices during the 2000s. Observers are wondering how the economic downturn will affect his approval rating. Ford Motor Company says it will withdraw from japan and indonesia by the end of the year. In an emailed message to its employees on monday, a spokesman said it will end all operations in the two countries in the latter half of the year, including sales and product development. The message said auto sales in japan are expected to decline in the coming years, according to the japan automobile imports association, nearly 5,000 ford vehicles were sold in japan last year. Ford accounted for only 0. 1 of new car sales and only 1. 5 of imported cars in the country. In indonesia, the firm sold about 6,000 vehicles, taking a 0. 6 share of the total new car market. An nhk survey has found that Japanese Companies are becoming cautious about investing in equipment. The survey asked 100 major firms about their investment plans for the current fiscal year ending in march. 41 firms said they are boosting investment by 10 or more from a year before. 21 Companies Reported a less than 10 increase. 12 firms said theres no change, and 12 Companies Said they are scaling back. But for the next fiscal year, only 34 firms, thats 1 in 3, are planning an increase. Concerns about chinas economic slowdown and unstable stock markets are thought to be giving managers at japanese firms cold feet. On monday, the chairman encouraged japanese firms to invest. Translator japans actual economy hasnt been harmed. Firms should work on boosting their equipment investment without being misled by shortterm economic movements. They need to create growth opportunities. The survey found that japanese firms are also becoming careful about increasing wages. The government is urging companies to take positive action to keep the economy growing. Outer space was once a frontier for research. But it increasingly provides opportunities for business, too. In the first of our interviews with young entrepreneurs gunning for success in 2016, we talked to a businessman whos making micro satellites by overturning conventional design wisdom to lower costs. Reporter a small building in tokyo. This office is home to axelspace, a company that makes micro satellites. President and ceo nakamura is 36. The satellite was commissioned by a Weather Information company and is due to be launched this spring. Translator it will be used to observe sea ice in the arctic ocean. Reporter the impact of Global Warming is shrinking the arctic ice. That makes these waters a potential new sea route connecting asia and europe. The axelspace satellite will provide the latest information to ships on safe passage through the ice. Price was the key factor in winning the order. Nakamuras product costs less than 5 million. He says thats just 1 the price of a fullsized satellite. Translator id like to create an environment where people can have easy access to data from space via micro satellites. Thats my goal. Reporter nakamura became interested in this technology 15 years ago while at university. He designed and assembled a roughly 10centimeter square satellite. In orbit it successfully communicated with earth. He founded the Company Eight years ago. The secret to keeping costs low is that the Company Employees design and manufacture satellites themselves. This is an optical device called a star tracker. The heart of any satellite. It measures its direction once in orbit. Nakamura made the component for about 67,000, using a commercially made cpu and memory. That shaved tens of thousands of dollars from the cost. Translator it was crucial to lower cost. Without that, nothing could be achieved. Our basic approach was to focus on the whole system and not try to make each part infallible. This allowed us to lower the reliability of some components which in turn enabled us to create a satellite that could realize its mission without aiming for unnecessarily high reliability. Reporter the Company Hopes to build on a test model. The horayoshi 1, which was launched two years ago and is still transmitting images intermittently. Nakamura plans to launch 50 more micro satellites by 2022. The satellites will cover most areas with human activity and transmit images every day. Nakamura says the satellites application can extend beyond shipping. Translator we will be able to judge crop growth from space. And to photo huge farmlands abroad. And decide when to harvest or how much fertilizer to apply. Reporter it may sound like a dream, but nakamura rejects that expression. Translator when people tell me its good to have a dream, it just proves that space isnt used seriously yet. It shows that people think that space has nothing to do with them. Reporter nakamura is part of a business vanguard trying to commercialize space. Time will tell if he succeeds. Tomorrow well bring you part two of our special series on entrepreneurs and meet a young man whos teaming up with other Small Enterprises to create awardwinning products. Thats the latest in Business News for this hour. Ill leave you now with a check on markets. Japans imperial couple is traveling to the philippines this week. Theyll mark 60 years since the normalization of diplomatic ties and pay their respects to war dead. For Emperor Akito and Empress Michiko will leave for a fiveday tour. They last visited the philippines 54 years ago when they were crowned prince and princess. The emperor and empress will attend a welcome ceremony and meet president aquino. Theyll also meet local residents, including members of the japanese community. Translator im happy for their visit. So is my father. Translator i hope relations between the philippines and japan will be even better after their visit. The couple is scheduled to visit a war monument built by the japanese government southeast of the capital. Over 500,000 japanese and 1 million filipinos are estimated to have died in the philippines in world war ii. They say they want to mourn the japanese who lost their lives overseas. They will also visit the tomb of the unknown soldier to pay tribute to the philippine war dead. Eight employees of the Egyptian Museum in cairo will face a Disciplinary Court for damage to king tuts mask. Theyre accused of gross negligence and breaching regulations. Local media say prosecutors blame the museums former head and seven other workers for scratching the mask. Authorities accuse the workers of accidently knocking off the masks beard in august 2014 while fixing the display. They say the employees then put it back on with an adhesive. The coverup emerged in january last year after the clue became visible. They were accused of trying to hide it by scraping off the adhesive which left scratches. German specialists helped to repair it. A lost passport or a minor Traffic Accident can ruin a holiday. The people in our next story have the job of sorting these problems out. Theyre policemen in the japanese ski resort of niseko in hokkaido. Reporter the big attraction of niseko is the quality of its snow. Last winter the town hosted more than 100,000 visitors from abroad. Absolutely amazing. Look at this. Champagne powder. Reporter maintaining order in the crowded resort is the job of this police box which operates for only three months a year. Last ski season the station handled around 1,000 appeals for help. More than 70 from foreign visitors. Many come to ask for directions or report lost property. Only 100 australian. Very good english. So this was very good. I think Australian Police are not very friendly. Reporter the officers are on the front line of tourism and thats reflected in their training. Oh, really, i didnt know that. Do you speak english . Reporter sergeant kobayashi has been on the force for eight years, but this is his first posting to this Frontline Police box. Translator i didnt think id have to study after joining the police. Reporter the Hokkaido Police have put together a textbook. After some hard study, kobayashi is now able to respond to common inquiries. But some of his duties are more serious. Reports of Traffic Accidents come in one after another, especially after dark. Accidents involving tourists from abroad have doubled over the past year. Many visitors are unaccustomed to driving on snowy roads. This person didnt have the International License required to drive in japan. Every country i go, i use one card. Japanese rule, no, no. Reporter a major issue for the police now is people skiing down the street. This violates traffic laws but many visitors dont know that. The police are working with a local patrol group putting up warning signs. Translator if your lodge is down the hill, we understand you might want to ski down there. But its very dangerous with all the cars driving by. Translator as people are coming to the police box to ask for help, i want to develop skills i need so i can respond to them. Reporter the influx of visitors from other countries has led to a new set of challenges. For the police, winter has become their busiest season. In singapore, foreign Domestic Workers are common in many households, doing housework or caring for children. But with a rapidly aging population in singapore, theres now a growing demand for those who can also care for the elderly. Heres the report. Reporter this is a private Training Center for overseas maids. The main focus used to be on basic housework and child care. But now it is nursing care. One, two, three reporter trainees learn how to put people to bed. About half their training hours are devoted to practical skills. Because about half the trainees here are eventually placed into families with elderly members. The government began promoting Training Programs for caretakers by subsidizing instruction costs. It also cut employment tax to a quarter of the previous figure when maids are hired to care for the aged. More and more are from an agency in singapore, and is also combating the effort, diverting all the resources into training of elderly. Reporter other companies try to directly hire overseas nursing care experts. The Staffing Agency finds positions for licensed nurses and care staff from neighboring countries with singaporean clients. Demand is high. Monthly salaries average between 500 and 900, almost double what regular maids receive. But only about half the cost of a nursing care facility. So far, the agency has placed more than 300 such caregivers. We can also help the patient with tube feeding. So theres a number of technical things that they can do that a maid would not be able to do. We will provide the same level of care as the elderly would get in a nursing home, but they dont have to move away. Reporter this woman, who is suffering from dementia, lives alone. Jhona mai lorenzo from the philippines became her livein caregiver last year. As well as basic daily care, lorenzo gives her exercises designed to slow the progress of her disease. The patient cant roll over, so lorenzo sleeps in the same room and changes her position every two hours. The patients daughter says she hired lorenzo because looking after her grandchildren and doing housework make it impossible for her to take care of her mother. One very good point that shes very softspoken to my mother, to anybody, okay. Shes very smiling, very ready to smile, which is very good. Reporter six months after lorenzo began working here, the woman began extending her arms to ask lorenzo for a massage before going to sleep. I try to treat her like my mother. So you can do the best that you can give care. Reporter as the aging population grows, foreign maids are playing an indispensable new role in singaporean society. Nhk world, singapore. People who were stranded at airports along the u. S. East coast are finally getting to their destinations after a severe blizzard over the weekend forced airlines to cancel flights. Meteorologist robert speta tells us more. Yes, High Pressure is finally setting in. The airports ready to open up in washington, toward philadelphia and to new york. Hopefully people are now getting on their flights, getting where they need to go. But really, this is going to go down as a recordbreaking storm system. We do want to note that the low that did bring all that snowfall, that is out to sea. Impacting bermuda now, pushing over towards europe. But in its wake, not only the snowfall needs to melt off, but it has to drain out. Video coming out of new jersey, this shows you one of the other effects of the storm thats not being shown so much. Look at that, the severe coastal flooding. Because when this local pushed by, it not only dropped snow, but it pushed these very intense winds onshore, kind of a storm surge effect impacting the coastlines here. More than 20,000 people lost power. And as you can see there, a second ago, people kayaking around. Damage inside some of these buildings. And this storm system definitely had a lot of impacts on travelers, on residents. And still for some time to come. Youre going to get some more snow. Freezing in the overnight hours. Black ice coming out of this. This low right here going to bring in a few more centimeters. The worst will be back to the north, across the great lakes region, 15 to 17 centimeters is possible. Combining freezing rain in there, so that could cause some power outages, something to keep in mind. Meanwhile, back to the west, we have a low pushing onshore there. Pacific northwest, rain showers out there for you. If we look down to california, los angeles with a high of 23. Actually above average out there on your tuesday. Lets look at europe now. Talking about some windy weather. How about here in the british isles. One low moving away. Another one coming in from the southwest. This ones going to bring fairly gusty winds, especially along the western sea boards of ireland out there. About 100 kilometers per hour. Not to mention the rain with this, about 30 to 50 millimeters. This is all riding along the jet stream. Its ridging way back off to the north. So we have mild, warm air coming in out of the mediterranean. Big issue for those across the alps. This is going to be causing the snow pack, which you remember last week we had a heavy snowfall in a lot of these areas, starting to melt and increase that threat of avalanche out there for you. Something to keep in mind if you are traveling across the mountains there. Take a look at the temperature, though. Paris with a high of 10 on here on your tuesday. Athens getting back up to 11. Things stay chilly over there toward Western Areas of russia. Talk about chilly weather, how about this temperature. There in northeastern china, minus 42 recorded for your morning low. This is just the catalyst of all the recordbreaking lows we have seen out here across much of northeastern asia in the last 48 hours. Northern vietnam got near the freezing point, about 2 degrees. Hong kong saw frost. First snow reported in recent history there over towards okinawa as well. There is a change in the forecast. We have a new storm developing. Big thing with this, though, its going to come in from the southwest and bring in warmer weather. For example, naha, a record low on sunday. We could see a record high by friday. All right. Ill leave you now with your extended outlook. One more story for you. Tourists to japans highest waterfall have enjoyed an unexpected treat. They were able to see the falls in the western prefecture of wakayama freeze ahead of schedule. The site is one 133 meters high. A shinto shrine was built nearby to honor the flowing water as a deity. They say the temperature around the waterfall dropped to minus 5 degrees celsius in the morning. A priest at the shrine discovered early monday that the basin had frozen over. Translator usually it freezes around the end of february. I think its the first time its gotten like this in january. Translator i was lucky to be able to see it, so im happy. The waterfall is part of the sacred sites and pilgrimage groups in the key Mountain Range designated a unesco World Heritage site. That wraps up this edition of newsline. Im Catherine Kobayashi in tokyo. Thanks for joining us. Xxxx x0 welcome to our first highlights show of 2016 coming to you from our studio right by the Brandenburg Gate in the centre of berlin. Before we get the ball rolling lets take a quick look at some of the reports coming up on the programme today. We meet italian street artist alice pasquini, a german author, and her search for happiness wood plays an Important Role in modern architecture. Walls on the street might be what many artists see as their canvas, but it was an art form

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